THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Wednesday:, March 4, 1936 ,.v- • t: « LOCAL DISTRICT NEWS CEYLON Mrs. W. White and Mrs. M. Pat- tison are about to enjoy the hydro. Mrs. Knox was a recent visitor at Proton. Miss Bessie Cairns has returned to her position at Markdale. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Sinclair spent Sunday in Owen Sound. A number of the members of the Women's Institute have beon busy working on the Dresden Plate (juilt for which tickets will shortly be of- fered for sale. Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Corbett were Miss Cora Poy, Dundalk, Mr. Jack McCan- nel and Mr. Eldon Blackburn, Proton, Mr. and Mrs. Haustrawaer, Mr. and Mrs. Fernall and children. Mr. Dave Adams had a chilling experience Saturday when tlje ice grave way at the mill pond of Mr. Earl McLeod, where ice cutting was in progress and Mr. Adams went under. Mr. McLeodi assisted Mr. Adams in getting out. A dip in the swimming hole at this time of the year is not just so attractive. The Ladies Aid held a very enjoy- able meeting Wednesday afternoon at Mrs. Earl McLeod's home, when tiULti ivliLLb (Intended for last week) The thaw on Monday was very wel- come as the water was low in many places. Mr. D. E. Ritchie was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. James Mussell on Mon- day evening. iMiss Audrey McCracken of Flesher- ton spent the week end with her aunt, \r!-« T^-Tik Betts. A large number from here attended the ski meet at Eugenia on Sunday Mr. Cyril Proctor of Owen Sound is a visitor at the home of Mr. Dick Clark. Mr. Ned Croft has finished his con- tract cutting logs for the Durham Furniture Co. for this winter. SWINTON PARK EUGENIA PRICEVILLE the mining district of New Ontario, i attenders could hear the message. He immediately started by train to '^•- ." " "^ --,- ;., "ridviesA A radio was installed in the church I We at least absented ourselves for on Sunday to "listen in" while King i the 15 minutes from the church and Edward VIII, delivered a message to honored our earthly King by liaten- the people of the British Empire. I ing to his address in which he re- .After the radfio broadoaat of the ferred touchingly to the broadcast Kings address, Rev. Mr. Bushell de- made by his late father, and the kind The thanks e:;pressions received from home and ! congregation that could spare a lond The personal devotion "^ cut wood for the Presbyterian Loyalty (Intended for last week) Mr. Neil Phillips of Boothville, lastjlivered a fine sermon, week received by telegram the sad are due to Mr. Ernie Proctor, who so ! the colonies, news of the death of his sister up in kindly loaned his radio so the church \ and loss to us all was felt Mrs. Jack Nichol, (Jordon and Har- old visited Sunday with her mother, Mrs. GUchriat in Flesherton, who wma unfortunate to break a rib. Miss Dorothy Ayr, Toronto cam* up Saturday to visit her parents. At a recent meeting of the man- agers it was decided, all those of ths Mr. and Mrs. Frank Betts enter- tained a few of the neighbors on Wednesday night to a progressive crokinole party, three tables y^ere. in play. Mr. and Mrs. Laurie Betts won the high prize, while the low prize went to Mrs. H. Wilson. The hostess served a dainty lunch and the remainder of the evening was spent in music and singing. Altogether a very jolly time was spent by all present. Miss Deloras Betts spent a few evening of last week, owing to the nasty weather there wa.s a small attendance. Miss .\nnieta Turner, attend the funeral. He got back home on Sunday. Quite a number of our young people journeyed to Eugenia on Sunday to|''terary convenor, presided. Scrip- witness the skiing performance, which ] ^"''e passages wore read by_ Miss no doubt was very interesting but somewhat out of place, being held on Sunday. So many people out of work all week, yet have to take Sunday as the chief day of sport. On Saturday last a friendly game of hockey on Black's Rink, between the Bfeck^ Hawk Juniiors and| th^e Saugeen Rustics was much enjoyed. The score was in favour of the Jun- iors. We are sorry to hear that Mrs. D. Reddick (nee Mildred Porter) hag been very sick over the week end ; also that Mrs. George A. Black is not en- joying good health at present. We hope that soon both of these ladies will be better. Carmelle "Martin and Miss Evelyn Campbell. The worship period was •â- a'^en by Mrs. C. Martin and the dis- cussion "What Now" was taken by Miss Annieta Turner. The minutes of the meeting were read by Miss Ida Benson and approved. Miss Winneta Martin, who is assis- tant secretary, acted in the absence of the secretary, Miss Mariorie Ben- son. Mr. Ross Smith was appointed citizenship convenor in the stead of Mr. Fred Winfield who has returned to his home in Gait. The meeting closed by the Mizpah benediction. The Woman's .\s»sociation of the United Church met at the home of Mrs. G. C. Graham on Thursday after- noon, February 27th with 15 in at- reigned in the hearts of his people and he would endeavour to promote the well being of his people, were some of his remarks. Blocked roads, deep .snow, high banks, is the all absorbing thought of those who have to travel. Skating rink again covered with a I'beral coating of snow, enough to break the hearts of devotees. We are heartily in accord with the sentiments expres.'-.ed in The Advance, •lauphtcr. fhurch would be greatly appreciated. Holdfast W. O. Club will hold their next meeting on, Wednesday, March U , at the home of Mrs. Donald Camp- bell, instead of at the home of Mrs. James StuiTock. Mrs. Stevenson of Markdale is vis- iting at the home of her daughter, Mrs Win Hinck.'!. A moccasin dance will be held on the Priceville rink, Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. David Nichol and Margaret, visited at Mr. by Rev. Oldham of Tara, and the cor- respondent of Swinton Park, re the skiing party at Eugenia, reprehensible on a Sunday. McCuaig's. Mrs. George Udell presided for the ^ days with her aunt. Mrs. Stanley business part of the meeting. The roll call was answered by a descrip- tion of "my first Beau," Mrs. J. Mc- Mullen read a chapter of "Flowers for the Living." The program Com- mittee composed of Mrs. Gibson, Mrs. Sinclair and Mrs. Genoe had a very interesting geopraphy match, read- ings and contest. The social com- mittee served lunch at the close of the meeting and a pleasant hour was spent in social chat and in admiring Mrs. McLeod's new home. Mrs. Carman King of Markdale. â-¼isited last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. .\rchie Stewart. When Niagara falls therell be mighty roar. SPECIALS FOR THE WEEK Campbell, Eugenia On Wednesday evening, while Mr. and Mrs. Alex. English were visiting at a neighbor's house, their home caught fire and considerable damage was done to the inside of the house. It was fortunate that Mr. and Mrs. English returned home at the time they did or the house would have been totally destroyed. Mr. Henry Smith was the only person in the house and was in bed when it happened. It is not known how the fire started. Mrs. Thos. Monaghan is visiting with her sister. Mrs. Ned Croft. Mr. Harry Badergow, 4th line vis- ited rpTontlv with friends here. A goodly number attended Sunday 1 School and Church service, sabbath afternoon. Rev. Wolstencroft has been able to reach this appointment every Sunday during the winter, al- though the weather was very cold and sfnrmV onfj t->io cnoi^c >ipow for travelling at times. The imstor has been very faithful in performing his duties. Lemons per doz 21c Wash Cloth free with everv 5 bars Palm Tree Soap .... '23c Princess Soap Flakes, lar^e pkff 15c Rice, Tec Drip Japan. 5tb.. 25c Keta Salmon 1 lb. tin 9c 4 stringy brooms each 27c Baby Beef Short Rib and Blade Roast, per lb 12c Rib Roil, per lb 10c Round Steak, per lb 15c PATTISON'S General Store CEYLON The weather is much milder these i tendance. Mter the singing of a days than for the past month, yet we j hymn and the repeating of the Lord's in the Park have had no reason to prayer in unison, the roll call was complain. We have not more than ' answered by a Valentine verse. The our usual supply of snow, roads never minutes of the last meeting were good, yet never blocked. Our first ji'ead and approved. Business, re thaw of the winter started Monday. ( finances, caretaking, etc. was dis- Soft water has been scarce and melt- cussed. Letters of appreciation for ing snow has been the order of the day 'tetters of sympathy sent by the W. A. .\nother month of just such weather were read from Mns. Calvin Boyce would be beneficial to the country,] and Mrs. Badgerow. .\ letter from keeping the ground well covered up. i ^^'*- Fred Legard. re information in Snow plows are not bothering tis. I the Presbytery organization was read. Mr. W. O. Dingwall, teacher in the , '^^'^ captains of each unit are to give Park, intends going to Toronto on ^ report of the three months work at Mr. and Mrs. W. Bi-own and Marj- orie visite<i Sunday at Mr. Henry Tucker's. Miss Jean Haw spent the week end at her home near .Salem. Mr. Dick CJarson returned home Saturday, after spending over two weeks in Toronto visiting his sisters. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Tucker and family visited on Saturday with friends at Top Cliffe. PRICEVILLE IRISH SLT»PER The Woman's .Association of Price- ^•ille United Church will hold, on St. Patrick's night. March 17th. an Irish supper and pictures on Ireland and good entertainment. (3ome and enjoy « cnnH Tiish evening. .\dmission: â€" 25c and 15c VICTORIA CORNERS It is SO long since we have been ii.. iii.aC\-/U uaig sold out to hisi ''"^^^ >'°" ^''^ ^« thinking we have brother. Mr. Archie MacCuaig. i ^'^*'" ''""^'^ '" ^ ^"""^ '^"^- ^^** Mr, Stuart Carson is working ^t i ''â- ^">'- ^"*^ *\« ^^"''^ »^« ^° '^'^^ '^ Mr. Jack Lane's. Swinton Park 1 *=*"""* ^^ "^^^^ °"'' neighbors are Mr. George Campbell spent a coupler'"'"^ ^ *^" y""' ^"'^ *^« ^''^, '^ of days in Toronto last week. | P'^°"«^ '"''^''^ "^'^^ ^"*^- ^''^'» ' M- Rm r=,v.„K.n ».„j ^..„ „:„ • Bannon has had his connected up Thursday and Friday of this week to write exams. His pupils will have a the next meeting. It wa.* decided to hold the next meeting at the home of long week-end. but will make up for ^''"*- ^^'' Graham and the roll call 't at a later date. Mervin McCannel is at present Pamnlv"" haH the mis- j fortune to lose a valuable horse, years old, last week. Mr. and Mrs. Colin bi-at«d their 38th wedding anniversary! on Sunday, Feb. 23r(i. Mis.s Monica Lambert of Toronto' .spent the week end at Rev. A. Suther- land's. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hill of Fergus agam. We were rather amused last week to «, J. . j see in the Flesherton Advance, two items side by side. East Back Line and Swinton Park. The former spoke of blizzards and big snow falls, the latter of beautiful winter weather, no extreems in storms. They tell us Sunday at Mr. Hector Mc- visited Lean's. -A shed meeting wil^l be held Wednes&y evening, March 4th. the home of Mr. Thomas Nichol. Prayer meeting will be held HOLDFAST U. F. W. O. The February meeting of Holdfast U. F. W. 0. met at the home of Mrs. P. Muir, with the Vice-President. Mrs. John Nichol in the chair. Mrs, Cam- eron Smellie gave an excellent talk, on "Current events." Mrs. McKenzie ! !]?'l ^•"*'" '1'''''^'^' T*^'."^ bis soup said, had the topic. "Should farm prices be based on costs of production, in- cluding wages for the farmer?" Mrs. John Nichol put on a contest. Lunch . , , _ r> i was served. ^ • There is a Doctor in our town 1 is to be answered by an Irish saying or joke, etc. A presentation of ten working for John McMillan, Con. 141 ''""^rs was made to Miss Muriel Car- John Lane has Stewart Carson of "'t^''" ^'"' ^''^ efficient work as or- Priceville assisting him in the bushr^"'^'' '" ^^^ ''^'^''^- '^^ meeting at present. closed with prayer by Mrs. L. Genoe „r , , ,, , , ... ^^h" acted as president during the We do not often leave home bat onl u„„__ » « r- x »c . ... i â- one occasion, not very lonf ago. ^^tZJf\Z'"^':„''^'^^''^'^^ ^'""^ McEachem. were having dinner in a certafn eat- i l^/r! ,'"^,^,^0? r*"â„¢? Tf ' ' ^'''"''' ^'"'^ "*'" ^^ "^ ''^" ing place. A number of people were | ^v Mis^^ Smt^Tn^rSsTa^: ! T ""^^ "" H VZ. '^"f',;^ ''' at dinner, and as we ate we listened p,,,. ,,,, „„ ^er violin accompan- 1 ,''.^l".^!'j-^l:"rl_^".'!^:,! '.'T to the others talk. We gathered that ; . k,. m-, n n n \ i.u a certain gentleman had died verv ,1.^' A ;nnf. T 'M T" *'!" j ''"^ while skating ami break her leg • lo.gan. A contest on 'places in Ont- | m^,. McMeokin spent last week with â„¢P'-"^"P -.u-w by Mi-s, John Campbell was Her daughter. Mrs. Bradev Irwin. ' ' " Miss .Alma Hooper had her tonsils removed on Wednesdav in Durham what this winter is like. Much worse some places than others. We have suddenly from heart trouble. Those people were wandering what was the cause of so many sudden deaths and so much heart trouble. Many theories 1 were advanced as to the cause of it. I .All at once an old gentleman, who BORN .Tohnson â€" .At Mrs. Nuhn'g Nur- sing home. Flesherton, on Sunday. .March 1st, 19.36 to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Johnson, a son. DIED JOHNSON â€" At Mrs. Nuhn's N'ursing Home, Flesherton, on Sun- iday, March 1st, 1936, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Will. Johnson. ♦^>.>.>.;„>.x~x-:~:"X~>'X~:-:~:"X-x-:~>':~> •***l**l»***^***»*l*^**y****^y**'^^^**^^*^^y*^ i V i Flesherton is a Village of Renown ; WITH A STORE THA T OFFERS THE PUBLIC Renown Flour RENOWN FLOUR is put up in clean 49 lb. paper | baks and needs no recommend because you "knead" it i â€" into fine, light bread. Special price ♦ 98 lbs. for $2.69 ^ Ladies' Superior Quality Hose, Rayon plated. Special | price, pair 29c ? "Pick 'Em Out" Sale " I 9c S Bushels of articles that people use every day, reg- x ularly priced from 25c down to 10c. Pick out what | you want at, each 9c ? Terms: â€" Cash i Osprey & Artemesia Co-operative Co., Ltd. | FLESHERTON^ | Mrs. G. C. Graham on the! I coni Mi-s. I won by Mrs. Lewis Genoe and Mrs. \('. Martin, who each received a dainty I I'lize. Lunch wa.« then served. I Mrs. John J. Benson of Western j Canada is risiting relatives in this community at present. "I know a man who has no heart, and We are pleased to report Mrs. Gar- he is living and getting along fine.-'i.^.t Magee aWe to be out again after An old lady answered him, "No one|i,er illness and Mrs. Larimer can live without a heart." "Yes." he! ,„„^n^ ^ ,ittte in her condition. I , , , I Selina McDonald was home who has no heart at all. They say [ over the week end from Markd.ile. , ho has an extra big gall and he is doing fine." .As we ate we thought if there is a Doctor without a heart in 19.36 living and doing a large prac- tice, how many people may there be in 1946 living without a heart? Mr. Editor, can you figure it out? ' Editor's Note â€" We know a Dr. who has "no heart" to press people for his pay; has "no heart" to lie in his I'omfortable bed, when called out at 2 a.m., oven if he knows the pat- ient is more scared than ill; no heart to give disagreeable medicine to little children, and so makes it as pleasant as possible for them; no heart to be anything but a considerate, kindly Hospital, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Whyte are mov- ing next week to the farm of Mr, Allie McLean, and will run the farm for a time. Mr. and Mr^, McLean and on intend taking a rest, owinj to ill I lots of snow in the fields and we were ' told below Ptmdalk there is not so much in the fields. The papers tell us of much worse storms further south. We are not jealous of those people. We have plenty. ' No 5<'hooI on Friday as Miss Hend- I erson was ti-ying exams in Toronto. I Mr. Ernie Stinson and .Ann and Mrs. ] Albert Stinson were in Toronto a ' few ilavs last week. I Our sick are al>out the same, or Mr. Thos. Bannon is better. Mr. Best quite a bit better than he was for awhile: Mrs. Best alxiut the same: George Ludlow able to be at his chores after ciuit* a .-spell of tonsilitis. and Will Moore >lit! at his daughter's. Mrs. Bert Hodgins. is improving. The last meeting of the W. A. was .â- it the home Mrs. Wm, Talbot. â„¢- health. We T I gentleman. t LADY BANK .Vlarch came in like a lamb, hope it dies in the same moo<l. Mrs. Joe Sewell of Proton visited a few days recently with old neigh- I'ni sc here, Mrs. Wm. Semple returned to her home here, after spending the past two weeks with her son, Ernie and wife and babe at Eugenia. ."Mrs. Willard Benson is the guest iif her sister. Proton. Mrs, Parson has recently undergone an operation for goitre in Dr. Oarefoofs Hospital, Markdale. We wi.5h Mi-s. Parson, (nee Verna Rob- ei'ts> formerly of this neighbor- hood a speeily recovery. ! The Ladies .Aid meeting here was of last week was very j postponed last month on account of EAST MOUNTAIN Credit Auction Sale Farm Stock. Implemenl-><. Etc. ELI ROBINSON & SON Lots 11-12, Con. 10, Osprey 1^. (Two miles north-west of Feversham) Will sell by public auction on Thursday, March 5th, 1936 at 12 o'clock, the following: HORSK.« â€" Black Gelding. years "l(i: Black Mare i' years old: Grey Mare S years, supposed in foal; Grey Horse, aged: Grey Fillv rising 1 vear; Mrs. Ted Parson of Bay Mare 12 years: Grey Filly rising The thaw acceptable as most people were scarce of water. Mr. Harvey Croft spent the week end at home, near Flesherton. Mrs. Ernie Thompson is able to be up again after a very serious illness. Mrs. Clarence Smart is improving af- ter an attack of quinsy. Mr, Kidder Mclnnis and Pat Black spent the week end at their homes at Markdale and Priceville and are help- ing to load a ear of square timber at Flesherton Station. Mis.s. Bernice Harbottle of Flesher- ton H. S. spent the week end at her home here. Miss Millie Welsh is assisting Mrs. Ernie Thompson with her household duties. stormy weather, but if health and weather permits, the Aid will be held at the home of Mrs. Alex, Maxwell on the 11th of this month. The principal part of the work will be the quilting of a quilt for the hostess. Mr. Geo. McConnel of Kiinh •' is the guest of hi.* daughter, Mrs. Percy Semple at present. We are sorry to learn that Mrs. Walter Wilson is not enjoying the best of health at present, but hope she will in the near future be much improved. SECRET OF SPEED The secret of how Germany trained her new force of air pilots has just leaked out. .Several months ago. all available pilots and skilled mechanics who had experience in the war were Mrs. Roy Wood of Markdale and a.sked to come forward. Then a new Mrs. Charles Gilchrist, Orange Valley , method of training pilots was Instit- Credit Auction Sale Farm .'^t()ck. Implements. Hou8''hold Furniture. Etc. JOS. FERRIS will sell by public auction on Lot t>. Con. 2. S. n. R.. .A.rtemesia on Monday, March 16, 1936 The following articles, namely: HORSES â€" Heavy Horse 11 years old; Sorrel Horse 8 years old; Grey .Mare in foal, 8 years old; Brown Pcrehoron Mare, 4 years old. Black Genei-al Purpose Horse, aged: Brown IVrcheron Colt, rising 2 years. CATTLE â€" Hereford Cow. 4 years old: Hereford Cow. 5 years old; Grey Cow, 8 years old; Blue Cow. aged; Hoifer. rising 2 years old; 4 Steers, rising 2 years old; Bull, rising 2 years old; 3 Yearlings: 2 Baby Beefs. Pigsi HJens â€" Brood Sow, due Mairh 27th; Brood Sow. due May .")tb: .-, Store Pigs: 20 PI\nnout.h Rock Hens. IMPLEMENTS â€" Peering Binder in good order. 6 ft. cut; McCormick Mower, good repair. .5 ft,; Sulky Rake 10 ft; Seed Drill; Set of Sloop Sleighs; Cutter, Buggy and Buggy Pole; Dem- ocrat Wagon: Root Scuffler: Fleury Plow No. 21 : Two-Furrow Gang Plow; Chatham Fanning Mill and Bagger; Set of Scales, capacity 1,200 lbs.; Root Pulper; Grind Stone; Gal- loway Cream Separator; Set of Light Driving Harness: Over-draw Check; Light Martingale; Pig Crate; Chicken TORONTO LINE NORTH! spent Sunday at Mrs^ Thos Lever's. Mr. and Mrs. J. Pedlar and family and Mr. and Mrs. S. Patton of Max- well visited with Mr. and Mrs. Emer- lon Wickens. Mr. Henry Carvell. from near Cey- lon visited his old friends on this linA Mr. Harold Lever spent a day In Owen Sound recentlv. uted. Each in.<<truetor devoted his n.>t;vo fi^e tj (52„ p„pj] ,j„j.j, gy^j, time as that pupil was considered fully capableâ€" usually after 100 hours in the air. The instructor then went on to another pupil, while the last pupil now started as an instructor himself. â€"HAVE YOU RENEWED? years: Driving Fillv rising 2 vears. (\ATTLE â€" \r, nilrham and Here- ford Cows, supposed in calf: 2 Black Cows, supposed in calf; -5 Herefords rising 3 years, supposed in calf: Here- ford Bull .3 years: 2 .<5teers rising .3 years: fi Cattle rising 2 yeai-s; 14 Yearlings; 6 Young Calve-;. SHEEP an.l SWINE â€" .•?:! Breed- ing Ewes, some with lambs and rest supposed in lamb; 20 Younir Lambs; 1 tl;un; 8 chunks of Pigs. DMPLEMENTS. ETC. â€" Frost and Wood Binder: Frost :inil Wocd Mower. nearly new; Massey-Marris Hay Rake. nearly new: Side-Delivery Hay Rake: Massey - Harris Manure Spreader; Ideal Manure Spreader; Cutter; 2 Wagons, one nearly new; 2 Sets Sloop Sleighs, nearly new: Set Disc Har- rows. 12-plate: Set Pise Harrows, 14- plate: 2 Walking Plows; Steel Land Roller; Deeritig Seed Drill: Set 2000 lb. Scales: Ha.v I-X>a(ler: Hay Rack; Racing Sulky; Set Team Harness. iniC''ate: S«t ot Cane Tops; Bag Holder, good shape; Set Team Harness; Set | Quantity of Hay. Single Harness: Number of Horse I FURNI'^URE â€" Extension Table; Collars; Wheelbarrow: Buggy: Set {Hanging Lamp: Some Pictures and of Harrows; Fanning Mill; 10-Hoe | Frames; White Iron Bed. Numerous Drill; Scuffler 13-Tooth cultivator: i Other Articles. Wood Rack: Stock Rack: Pig Crate; Set Plow Harness: 4 Sets Doubletrees; Quantity of Hay: Skidding Tongs; Chains. Forks, Shovels, other articles too numerous to mention, TERMS OF SALE - All sums of ?1.'5 and under, cash; over that amount months credit w11 he given by fur- nishing .foint notes bearing S''''- inter- est and approved by the Bank of Tor- onto. Feversham. CFORCF F nr\'r\N. Auctioneer. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock p. m. sharp. No reserve; everything must be sold. TERMS OF SALE - Horses, Mgs, Baby Beefs and Hay and all sums of SlO.Ofl and under, cash; 6 months' credit will be given on cattle and im- plements on bankable notes bearlnir interest at six (6) per cent per annum. RKO. nrNCNN, Auctioneer. ITERB CORBETT. Clerk.