Wcdnesdav. Octi.hcr. 23. 1935 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE [S THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE I PiabliAked on CoUinirwood street, 1 Flesherton, Wednesday of eacn I week. Cux:uUtion over 1000, 1 Price in Canada 12.00 per year, I when paid in advance |1.50. In ; y. S. A. I2.B0 per year, when ' paid in advance |2.00. What The School (Conlinutd From I'aiit- 1) EUGENIA SCHOOL REPORTS I â- a^ eubjecta on our course of study, English should be int-ntioned m par- ticular. If a teacher uses a few siang t words or poor English out.side of the Bchool. her lessons are lost iiuside of the .school. If she takes part in some vounir people's associations, the Suu- dav School or assi»l in community activities children will take more int- erest. This cannot be accomplished by the "suit case" teachers. They arrive at their place of employment a lew minutes of nine o'clock in the mominfir. and shortly after four, they are ini.ssing ironi wnat .should t>e their school section, until they are oblisred to nut in an appearance at their place of employment again. U is in cases like this that the children and section in jreneral fail to have the support and assistance of their teach- a social and influential leader, Hev. Mr. Poi>e, a former minister here, will preach aniiiveisaiy sei-vices on Sunday, October 27th at 11 am. and "..'iO p.m., in the United Church. Mr. Chas. Doupc of .Saugeen Jet. has been threshing in this vicinity during the past week. Mr. John Dunlop and Mr. and Mrs Marsh Abercrombie and cliildren of .Meaford visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Len Latimer and Mr. Robt. riantt. Mr. J. Magce and friend, also Mrs. C. Martin and Miss Irene Dinsmore attended the revival meeting. Sunday evening at the Gospel Holiness Work- ers' Church. Markdale. Mr. and Mrs. Jack McCowell and Mr. Harry LycGard of Toronto and Mr. Harry LeGard Sr. of Flesherton visited on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Magee and family. Mr. George Akitt and .sister, Miss Ruby, and her girl friends. Miss Betty Murray and Miss Marion Miller, of Flesherton were visitors with the for- mer's cousin, Mr. Billie Hanley. Mr. and Mrs. Wilcox and daughter. Miss Doris, also their son, George, and lady friend, of Mimico and Mrs. Russell Linton and Peggy of Victoria Corners visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Fenwick and family. Mr. Fred Winfield has returned after spending a while at his parental homo at Gait. Mrs. Traynor spent the jjast week S. S. NO. fi OSPREY 4th â€" Lola Thomson, Alan Tup- ling, Mae Maxwell, Norma Long, Bruce Douglas, Neil McKcnzie, Mina Douglas*. 4 Sr. 3rd â€" Eleanor McKenzie*, Norma Miixwell*. Jr. "Ard â€" Blanche Long, Albert OtteweJl*. Jr. Ist â€" Leona Short, Shirlej' Maxwell, Jean Cox, lone McKenzie, Ruby Dobson, Donald Wilson. Jr. Pr. â€" Eunice Dobson, Kenneth Long, Douglas Davidson*, Beverley McKenzie. * Denotes perfect attendance for September. â€" N. SHORT Teacher in the community. The children keep | ^ 'il'_>â„¢*i^':l':'y__ ^'•l?"'^^- their eye on the teacher, and the teacher's influence is as great, if not ereatcr. than that of the parents. To teach successfully, the teacher should be one of the pupils. She should know the pupils, and to know the pupils she must know the parents, and to know the parents she must be one of the community. .\'o teacher can have an influence on the life of the pupils who does not live in the school section and enter into the com- munity life. By w'orking with people we learn to know them. This is why the schoolmaster in Germany and Denmark have so much influence on the national life S)i their country. Character-buildin" is a great factor in our child life. Fifty per cent of our children do not eo to Sunday School and gel practically no religious training. Those who do go to Sun- day School iret only one half hour per week, given by one, who ha.s, perhaps Mrs. C. Martin attended an execu- tive meeting of the South Grey YJ. S. on F'rjday evening ot la.st week at the homS«*Rev. ,Scott at Flesherton. A Y.P.S. rally was proposed for the Societies of South Grey to be held on Tuesday evening, November 5th, at Flesherton. There were 17 in attendance at the Y.P.S. on Wednesday evening of last week. Rev. Bushell iiresided and took the worship period. Scripture passages were read by Mr. Fred Winfield and Miss Annieta 'Turner. Mr. Willie Fenwick, citizenship con- venor, took the discussion topic on "Thinking Straight," and Mr. Norval Betts sang "When its Lamp Lighting Time in the Valley," Rev. Bushell ac- company him at the organ. After a game the meeting closed in the usual way. L. P. S. will not be held this week. Miss Dorothy Falconer has return S. S. NO. 3 ARTEMESIA Sr. 4th â€" Roy Best 80, Lloyd Allen 70, Eileen Pattison 73, Loreen Johnson 62. Keith Parker (absent). Sr. 3rd -^ Bruce Beard 57. Jr. 3rd â€" Edna Doupe 68, Grace Parker 63, Leone Johnson 62, Ruth Blackburn 58. Sr. 2nd â€" Elgin Waller 64. Sr. Ist â€" Eunice Allen 71, Allister Pattison 66, Bernice Johnson 66, Shirley Hindle 58, Gordon Waller 50. Jr. 1st â€" Shirley Marriot 68. Primer â€" Eva Doupe, Elmer Best, Ruth Marriot. Jean Hindle. â€"I. BROWN, Teacher no training in teaching. Faithful uil home after spcntiing the past they may be, and all honor is due to | week with relatives near Durham. their efforts, yet, when we compare M''- and Mrs. Calvin Boyce and one half hour per week in religious ' family of New- Liskeard have moved instruction, as compared to perhaps l'^ their home across from the school. two and one half, or three, hours in' Mr. and Mrs. Harold Falconer and arithmetic or Latin â€" the two are not { '"''-nii'.v. who Jiave l>pf:n le.siding in well balanced. If the teacher spends I ti"' Bcyce residence for the past few the .Sabbath in sport, or does not at- tend, or take pjirt in some other Sun- day School, the local community, or section, has lost a great source of help in character building. The Sunday School needs every teacher possible, not only for her influence exerted, but for the benefit of their trained asistance. What a help a teacher training class! How her influence would permeate every class in the Sunday School! All communities need [lis, have moved into the house of the late Cvorgv Park. The Kighlh Line unit Sf the Wo- 'â- lan's Association is preparing for n Hallowe'en social on October 31st. Mr. and .Mrs. G. l.awlor and son spent Sun(lay with Mr. and Mrs. Hill 'jf Orange Valley. PROTON U. S. S. NO. 15 Sr. 4th â€" Verna Baker*, Harold Sims*, Hilda Sims, Joe Stainsby. Mae Barker, Theodore Cole. Ernie Barker. Jr. 4th â€" Clarence White, Vern Corbett, Marjorie Shrubb, Marjorie Bates. Sr. 3rd â€" Dorothy Cole, Jacquline Sims, Laurie Sims.. Sr. 2nd â€" Helen Pevey, Irene White, Fred Batchelor, Jack Barker, Zella Lyons. Jr. 2nd â€" Audrey Cole, Marvelle White, Ken Bates. Jr. 1st â€" Margaret Mills*, Molleanj McXalty', Henrietta Sims, Cecil! Barker, Velma Sewell, Bc-t Badgerow. j Sr. Primer â€" Paul C'ole, June Mc- .Valty*,' Evl-rette LockiTiart, Marion Baker. .Maiion Lyons. Beginner â€" Kuth Lyons.* * Denotes perfect attendance. â€" G. B. LimLEJOHNS, Teacher Seas onable Offe rings OVERCOATS Our New Fall selections are expected this week. Come in and look them over. If you are looking for a smart Overcoat at a reasonable pricfe, you will find it heire. SMART FALL MILUNERY New season's selections $1.95 to $2.98 STANFIELD'S UNSHRINKABLE UNDERWEAR Gold Label, each $1.45 Red Label, each $L85 Blue Label. ..each $2.25 Hatchway Buttonless Combinations. Stanfield's Buttonless Combinations. Merino Combinations, shirts and drawers. Fleede Lined Combinations, Shirts and Dravers. New Leather Coats. New Wind Breakers. New Coat Sweaters. New Pullover Sweaters. All Reasonably Priced. This Week's Grocery Specials -Maxwell House Coffee', good to the Kellogg's Bran Flakes, 2 for 23c last drop lbs 45c Good Black Tea lb. 35c Maj2:ic P>aking Powder lb. tin 29c Crosse & Blackwell Soup, 2 tins of Teas, Croii, Tomatoes .... tin each 25c tomato. 1 asparagus 3 for 17c F. H. W. HICKLING Flesherton, Ont. ^Vii (Intended for Last Week) Hev. .Mr. Wellerman of Holland 'â- ''â- '^• MAXWELL leiider.ship, and who should l>e more '•''"â- ''^" ^^'^'^ the inmister here :oi qualified, mentaly, morally and phy- ' •''""^''V and <lelivered a fine sermon. sically, (after the medical reiiuirc- We expend our svmnathv to the ments now required hy the Depart-;'''"'"* family of Kimberlev in their ment), than the teacher? .recent .sad bereavement. .The section should expect the teach- 1 , "^^^^ ^--P' ''^- "'••â- eting on Wedncs- ^r.tobe a leader in Britrsh sportsman-'.''"*:, «v"..ng was quite nite.estmg. ship on the Playground. There, hon- 1 "?' ''v^!:^/'i:''..^!}^'^'^^'"i^. ... ^^1^: esty, co-operation, self control, honor, 1 BusWI uiresidcd. AJSter the resoect, and obedience, can be taught I ;;r?,;^\l,^ V^;;-?;! ^l^fsi^^lii^- ture nassages were read bv Leone Duckett, Doris Fawcett, Winneta Martin and Evelvn Cpmnbcll. Rev. Mr. Bushell took the worship and business 'periods. iljhe remairtine- part of the profirram was in charire of Mrs. C. Martin, the mi.ssionary convenor. She srave a short talk aa well, if not better than in the school. PlayiiiK th<i came should be taoxht. If any dishonesty or char- acter attributes, are violated the game should be stopped, no matter how im- portant, and a lesson taught. Impartiality, should ever be a watchword of the teacher. Thi.s not The Shantyman's Supper and play under the auspices of the \\..\. of the I'nited Church, was quite a siic- The Bad.ieros dramatic club only has a discouraKinp effect to the Ion "Bible andMissions" after which .^lijrhted child, but it may also create .she introduced to the societv. Mrs. in the youngr nfiind a prejudice against Oemmel of Markdale who gave a fine the pupil receiving s-iecial attention, talk on the Mission sunnlv Hou.se." Jt ntay not only have this effect, but Mrs. Gemmel also rendered a vocal may also inculcate in that young selection "Jesus Lover of .Mv Soul". mind a prejudicial tendency in after Miss I. Dinsmore plaviiHK thj ac- vears. caused by this action of their comnanienient on the oreran. Two teacher. Remember tfie child com- splendid readings were given by .Miss int; from the home of a school trustee ' ''"^le Dinsmore and) the 'other b'y is only one of the children of the Mrs. C. Martiii.. Reci-eation con- » ectiori. A teacher •t.Kroujth this vartialitv mav to a certain extent, he reanonsible for the oriirin of friction in the school section. The teacher :'t the end of the term, may be re- 'ievedl from this environment, but this doe? not apply to the establi.sh- • len*. but this does nnnlv to the o^- labli.shed ratepayer. We trust the day may speedily come ^vhcn examinations are not the .stand sisited of a "Kx" contest by Mr Bushell after which the meeting dosed in the usiinl way. Miss An- nieta Turner was secretarv and her lister Hazel organist as usual, for the meeting. Miss Bessie Lavify and son. Bill of Toronto visited with friends hero one (lav recentlv. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Oraham and lughter of Walkcrton visited friends preseiilted tl*o [ilay tThe Oolonel's Daughter." which was very much enjoyed by everyone. Miss Mary Finley of Toronto visit- ed lier aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. .S. .Mc.\rthur, over the week end. Miss Irene Pallister is visiting in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. .S. E. Eakins and daughter, Mary, of Millbrook visited with Mrs. Eakins' sisters, Mrs. J. Black and Mrs. Geo. Ross. "na hearts of the boys and girls, s', (),,,„, at nresenl occupie *hat thev mav live useful, industrious. ««•' i-. n â- ,, r r, • •â- > '-'^' ""<' familv. vention on Thursday and Fridav of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Pui-vis and children of Toronto snent the week end with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Purvis. Miss Christina Magee of Stones Line and Miss Rowena Magee of Kim- berley spent the week end at their parental home. Mi'ss Irene Dinsmore spent the week end at her home near Clarks- burg. Mr. Ray Genoe was home from Walkerton over the week end. Miss Donalda Sloan was home from near Ayton over the week end. Mis.s Dinsmore and Mrs. C. Martin attended the Y. P. S. meeting in the United church Flesherton on Tuesday evening of last week. Miss Din- smore took the di.scusaion tonic, "How .lesu.s reveals God." Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hoops have moved to Collingwood for the winter. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Boyco and family of new Liskeard visited friends here the jtast week, Mr. and I to move to their village here which is d hv Mr. II. Falcon- Fine Fowl Supper The people of .St. John's United Church enjoyed a real treat on Sun- day last when the fhanksgiving services were held. At the morning service. Rev. W. Howey of First United Church. Owen Sound, oc- cupied the pulpit. At the evening service. Rev. Jewitt of Division St. United Church, Owen Sound, was the speaker . The services wore well attended. The choral singing under the leadei>hip of Mrs. Blackburn was esjiecially good and was much enjoyed by the large audiences. The pastor of this church took Mr. Howey 's work in Owen Sound. On Tuesday evening, the annual fowl supper and concert was given in the church, which was crowded to the doors. The ladies had provided a most bountiful sup|ier. It is usuai to state in such cases that the tables- groaned under the load of good thing.s ])rovided. In this case judging by our observations the "gi-oaning" was done by the feasters after they had retired to their homes and beds. No personal remarks, please. The concert was provided by the clever troupe of Maxwell young FOWL SUPPER will be held at ROCK MILLS Baptist Church Tuesday, Oct. 29, 1935 The play "Plain Sisters" will be presented. Music supplie<l by orchestra between acts. Admission AduUfi 35c Children under 12 20c people who gave their play," Where is Grandma?" This was a delightful production and did credit to all the players. 'The proceeds amounted to $110.00. Arsenic has long Ijeen regai'ded as an effective agent for getting un- wanted husbands out of the way. Most of the bagpioes which enter Canada came from t'^" United States and what's more thev are classed as musical instruments. ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. John Nichol, Price- ville, announce the engagment of their onlv daughter, Jessie Margaret, to Mr. John .\Iex. MacCuaig, Price- ville, the marriage to take place the end of October. The provoked attack bv Italy on Ethiopia demonstrates that the world is still in the Cain and Able period. i We Have a Large Stock of Fall Hardware I cow TIES, ROPE TIES,, STALL FIXTURES, HALTERS, ROOFING, GALVANIZED IRON ROOFING I L.XXTKRNS. FLASHIJGIITS & BATTIERIES. ^ COLEMAN LAMPS & LANTERNS. X Axes,Saws, Files, Rat & Mouse Traps, Shovels, Wash- I ing Madiines, Hammers, Glass & Putty, Stove Pipes, I Dampers, 'i STOVES, RANGES & HEATERS, SOVE BOARDS. I See us before you Buy I PAINT PRICES SLASHED, A GOOD TIME TO I BRIGHTEN UP AT LOW COST. I FRANK W. DUNCAN |. 'Phone 54 -j- FLESHERTON, Ont. | <• <> trious, â- ronorable lives. r<!cogni7.ing that -ehool is a preparation for life and *hat life Is not made up of material ' lings alone. /By Herbert Corbett, at the Teachers' Convention at Hanover) Miss Frances Reillv of Priceville spent the week eiu' with her friends Miss Lillian Magee and Doris Magee. ".'i»s Irene Dinsmore and Miss f Christina Magee accompanied Miss Irene Martin, who motored to Han- over and attended the teachers con- -*•♦<-x•♦<~^^>4"^•^♦•:•<••X"X•♦<•v•^•x••:••>•x••^•^•^•x••!••^•x••^•x••:••x•.^.^♦.:~x•♦•>••• DANCE <• % I I 'i L'lultT tlic .•ms])icc-s nf the I f;ill eoniiuittee will be held in the FRATERNAL HALL FLESHERTON _ Friday, October 25, 1935 Music by the , ;^,. Parker â€" St.John Orchertra OF OWEN SOUND Dancinpf conmicnces at 9 p. in. ADMISSION:â€" 35c LUNCH EXTRA. ^^^^♦<..>'X**<'**>'>'C>*W"X»<".**>*''<"!">*J*<"><"**^X'< ••^•^<~^♦•^•;♦•x••:••^•^•X' Mr. Rov MacMillan has gone to work on some road construction work ••ear Owen .Sound. Mr. Ken Ilawkenis has -^vtiirned from Markdale Hospital to his par- ental home, 8th line. Soma few weeks ago Ken suffered a broken leg but at time of writing is progressing favourably. We wish him a sneedv recovery. Mr. and Mrs. F. Jamieson and Mr. Fenwick and Miss Muriel spent a diiv in Owen Sound last week. Mr. Ronald Parson spent a day in Owen Sound last week. Mr. Elgin Graham lias returned home from Hamilton much improved in health. Mrs. TVavnor and son Jimmie â- â- 'lent the week end with friends in Kim- berlev. Mi.ss Poris Fawcett and brother Master Reggie spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. T. Hazzard. Stones Line. Mrs. H. Poerster spent a day in Owen Sound Inst week. Congratulations to Miss Aene" Macphail who was again re-ele;ted *o the Dominion Parliament having sofured a nunioritv over Dr. Hall and Dr. Caninl>ell In the eWtion contest on Monday. Card of Thanks Mr. and Mr.'*. Geo. Snell wish to tlwnk their neign)or' for their ex- pressions of syisips^l^-- durin T their recent sad bei-eavc •'â- '•.. A SELECT LIST OF QUALITY FOODS AND HOUSEHOLD PRODUCTS AT |REAL MONEY SAVING PRICES, YOU CAN DEPEND UPON THE SUPERIOR ^ I STORES FOR QUALITY, SERVICE AND ECONOMY. . . ^ I Toilet Paper | jtoikI value ^ I CHIPSO \ 1 large pkg 22c -\ 1 liar of Calav Soap I FREE BROOM \ Kc^iil.ir 49c SUGAR Real ^oocl vaUies in men's Under- wear, Shirts, Sweaters, Wind- breakers, it will pay yon to look these over. The best prices on FRESH and CURED MEATS G. J. KENNEDY 'Phone 37 J 10 lbs 49c \ will' »)i(liT ot" $1 or i over •><^^•>♦•^•^•:•c^^•:••x••>•^â- >♦^v^•;•^^^^•^•:K••^♦•>•>•x•♦^XKv•i♦<~x••x~>•x^•^•^•>^ 8 rolls 25c P.RUNSWICK I SARDINaS I COOKING ONIONS while they last 18 lbs. 25c • ;. t ! . > I dk