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Flesherton Advance, 16 Oct 1935, p. 8

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AVcdncsday, October lo, 1935 ^^ THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Miss Kate McMillan of Toronto PDcnt the wwk end at her home here. Miss Nellie Thistlcthwaite was home from Oraneeville businesii col- lesrc over the week end. Mr. Peter Dow of Hamilton spent the week end with his mother and sis- ter in town. m Mr. and .Mrs. O. W. Phillips accom- panied liv Ml. \Vm. Gibson of Ceylon were in Toronto over the week end. Ml Richard Porteou.'! is in the O^en ^ound hospital where is condition is â- â- omewhat improved the past few days. Mrs. Robt. Clark and Mr. Andrew Miarp are also serously ill at present. Mr. Sam McDonald and Miss Mai- jory Davis of Toronto spent the week end at the former's home on the 8th Line. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Davidson, Hujfh DavidRon and Guy Kaittini; of Fcv- ersham were the jfuests of Mr. and Mis. Wni. KaittinR on .Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bank.s and Mrs. G. B. Welton attended the funeral of the late Mr. Cecil Alton of Markdale on Friday afternoon. Messi-s. Robt., Wilfred and George McMaster of near Forest spent the week end at their home here. Geortre remained for a week or so. Mr. F. Lavel] returned with them to work. Mr. and Mrs. Lawson Whitehead and two dauphters, Dorothy and .Mary accompanied by Mr. .J. .1. and .Mrs. Thompson visited with the lat- I ter,; sister, Mrs. Vowers at Alliston on .Sunday. ~>«x~><K»«j~>«;~;">x*':";~><"M~x*«X"t»<»«M"X*«M"X'<"X"> DANCE I'lidcr tlu' ;ius)iifi'-, ,.t" ilic Hall Cdmiiiincc- will be held in the FRATERNAL HALL FLESHERTON I Friday, October 25, 1935 Music by the Parker â€" St.John Orchertra i OF OWEN SOUND ^t l)anciii,u coiiiiiU'iK-cs at '' % ADMISSION:- 35c LUNCH EXTRA. <.«^x~>-x~x~:- Mr. Chan. McLean was in Toronto a couple of days underKoiiiK treatment of a wound received in the Great War. Trc annual convention of the West Simcoe. Grey and Dufferin (in Part) Teacher's Institute will be held in the CoUeKiate auditorium at CollinffWood on Thursday and Friday of this week. The W. M. .S. of St. John's United Church wijl hold the Autumn thank- offerincr meeting on Thursday at 3 p.m. in the school room. An iiiter- estinK Pasroant is beiiiK prepared. Kiivclopes have ben distributed, kind- ,lv briiiir them to the nieetintr. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Meldrum and Mr. and Mrs. Slanlev Gamoy of Tor- onto Kj)ent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Meldrum and Mrs. Harry Melclium celebrated their joint birth- days on Saturday, when a jolly time was experienced. Mrs. A If. Thistlcthwaite of Van- couver. B. C. is visitintc her son, Mr. John Thistlelbwaite anjl family at present. On Sunday Mrs. Thistie- thwaite celebrated the 78th annivers- arv of her birthday and congratula- tions and best wishes are extended to her by her friends here. .She expects to leave this week for her home in Vancouver. Dr. J. O. Moore of Wil.son, N.V., died suddenly at Somor.let, N. Y. where -he had erone on a professional • all. from a heart attack. The late M". Moore was brother of the Jate Mr. Wni. Moore of Flesherton and had been a visitor with Mrs. Moore in town during the Duiham old home week celebrations. He is survived l)V one son and one daughter, besides his wife, all of Wil.son N. Y. A fowl_ supper is being: held in St. John's United "Chui-ch on Tuesc'viy evening of next week, October 22nd. The Maxwell Dramatic Club will pres- ent their new nlay "Where is Grand- nia," which should be a prreat drawinir card as this trroup is well known for the excellence of their plavs. There will be plenty of fowl for everyone who attends the supper, so be on hand f( r youi- vhare. THE STORE WITH SERVICE F. T. HILL&CO.,Ltd CHAIN 8T0RB8 Markdale, Ontario OUR BUYING POWER SAVES YOU A LOT OF MONEY i I HilPs Big Display of Women's New Fall Coats and Dresses Every Garment a Masterpiece of Style & Workmanship Season's Smartest Coats at $18.50-$22.50 Here is a Ct)at made by the hesi Can- adian niakcr.s; chamois hiied with licnvy fur collois. .Special ....$18.50 and $22.50 Lot 2 â€" 2S oidy, La<h'es' Ilipli drade coals in heavy tvvccd.s and i)Ianket cloths; a coat tnade to sell lor nuich more than \vc are askinjr. I'.xlra value at $12.95 and $14.95 LADIES' RABBIT HAIR DRESSES .\ smart dress for fall wear, different Cf)lors from which to choose. I'.xHm Special, each $4.95 Women's SMART CREPE DRESSES In llie best fall shades; all dresses made from excellent (|ualil\- crepes. A variety of styles from which to choose. .Ml are exceijtional values....... $2.95, $3.95, $4.95 MILLINERY! MILLINERY! .\ larj>e ranj-e of the newest in fur felt and velvet hats in a ran^jfe of i)rices to suit every pocket. .See these before you biiv elsewhere. Special at $1.69, $1.95, $2.45, $2..95, $3.50 EXTRA SPECIAL IN WOMEN'S AND CHILDREN'S HOSIERY Women's Hosiery â€" LOT 1 â€" A lar^^e table of Ladies' llosicrw silk .-uid wool, also Rayon and wool; (A) dozen in tin- lot. \'alues U]) to a dollar a i)air. While they last, per pair 25c Children's Hosiery â€" T<ot 2 â€" 50 dozen Children's 1 lose in pure cashmere; a hose m.-ide lo sell for 29c and 4')c: .all the want- eil shades and sizes. Speccal, pair 2Sc 24 in. Cretonne at 5c per yard 5,0(K) yards of hancy Cretonne, .some slij^htly water stained. A variety of pat- terns from which to choose. Extra Si), ])er yard 5c 24 in. Wool Jerseys at 33c yard 500 yards pure wool Jersey Cloths, just the thin>4: for children's clothing-; many shades fioni which to Special I)er yanl 33c GROCERY SPECIALS Kose liakiu};- I'owder, 1 lb. size 15c Lifebuoy Soap 3 for 23c liananas doz. 15c J)ates .S lbs. for 25c Japan Rice .S lbs. 25c Ulack Tea in bulk |)ound 35c White Beans 7 lbs. 25c C^aii Peas, Corn, Tomatoes lOr 25c Crosse & I'lackweil Soup 3 for 19c Canada Matches 3 for 23c Honey, .S lb. pail 39c Jfoney, 10 1b. pail 75c Artemesia School Fair Prize Winners H.P. Rock, Cockerel â€" Iva Brown, Donald Nichol, Mary Whitehead, Lome McArthur. B. I'. R. I'ullett â€" Iva Brown, Helen Brown, Lome McArthur. Cockerel, any other variety â€" Levi .â- Stafford. Harvey Hill, Margaret Mc- Millan, Jim Traynor Carfield Teeter. I'ulkt any other variety â€" Mari;- iirct McMillan, Jim Traynor, Harvoy Hill, Garfield Teeter. Wheat, 1 pt. â€" Miiry Whitehead. Whoal, sheaf â€" Mary Whitehead, Jim Maireo. Barley, 1 qt. â€" Nelson Fitz,sim- moii.s, Muriel Teeter, Hughie Wyville, Gerald Hill, Iva Brown, Delbert Magce. Barley, sheaf â€" Nelson Fitzsim- niun!:, Kmerson Meads. Oats, 1 (|t. â€" Ralph Fitzsimnions, Helen Wyville. Oats, sheaf â€" Ralph Fitzsimnions, W.illace Meads. I'eas. 1 qt. â€" Hughie Wyville. Emeison Beaton, Fred Conkinp, Lu- cille (ioetz Kathleen McArthur, Har- vey HII, John Fitzsimmons. Sweet Corn â€" Eunice Allen, Dor- othy Patton, Pauline Hutchinson, Muriel Corbett, Lorene Johnston, Virjjinia Wilson. Beets â€" Jim Traynor, Evelyn Lep- nell, Art Proctor, John MacMillan, Marjorie Newell, James Corbett. Carrots â€" Winneta Martin, Ruth Tuirney, C. Littlejohns, Arlene Taylor, Bdbby Corbett, Lloyd Allen. Parsnips â€" Muriel Corbett, Marj- orie Newell, Margaret JohHston. Aprnes MacMillan, Janet Cameron Iva BrowTi. Onions â€" Sarah McMillan, Melville; Buchanan, Jean Carpoe, Margaret! McMillan, Angus McMillan, Johnnie' Mather. Field Corn â€" Ruth Blackburn. .Vlancels â€" Mary Whiteside, Em- ei-son Beaton. .Teaii Smith. Muriel Teeter, Emerson Meads, Fred Ban- non. Turnips â€" Bruce Beard. Fred Ban- non. Iva Brown, Hazel Majree. Half bus. Barley â€" Gerald Hill. Half bus. Wheal â€" Fisher. Half bus. Potatoes â€" Emerson Meads. I'otaKx-s 12 â€" Wallace Meadg, Muriel Tpeter, Lloyd Allen, Gladys Duekolt, John MacKinnon, Bryce Ilanley. Asters â€" Margaret Turney, Emer- s(.n Beaton, Florence Newell, Fred Fisher, Jean McTavish, Bruce Beard. Sweet Peas â€" Jane Karstedt, Mel- ville Buchanan, Betty Wat.son, C. Littlejohns, Isobel Weber, Arlene ^Taylor. '-â- ' â-  • ~ â-  - Zinnia â€" Winnifred MeConkey, Billie Johnston, Fred Boland, Bobbie Sutherland. Caillardia â€" John Fitzsimnions. Phlox â€" Ben Bellamy, Doris Taylor Dorothy Johnston. Verbena â€" Isobel Karstedt, Win- nettii Martin, Janet Cameron. Snapdragon â€" Allan Cameron, Ross MeConkey, Lucille Goetz, Eunice Allen, Harvey Hill, John McMillan. â€" Leone Johnson. Ralph Fitzsimnions. Helichrysum â€" Lorene Johnson, Jean Proctor, Uuth Leonoll, Margaret McMillan. Petunia â€" Margaret Turney. .\rt Proctor, Don McMillan, Ralph Fitz- simnions, Geiald Hill, Pat Weber. I>ahlia.s â€" Jan»? Kai-sti-dt, ,Win- iiifred MeConkey, Fred Conking Gerald Hill, Julia Ransonie. Gladioli â€" Jane Karstedt. Ben Bellamy, Winnifrcd MeConkey, George Patton, Beth Warling, Arlene Taylor. Living room Bouquet â€" Jane Kar- stedt, Winnifre<l MeConkey, Marjorte Brackenbury, MeConkey, Dor- othy Patton. Collection of Apple.s â€" Selena Duckett, Ralph Fitzsimnions, Gladys Duckett, Harvey Hill. Plate of Spies â€" Leone Duckett. White Eggs â€" Marjorie Thistle- thwaite, Margaret McMillan, Muriel Teeter, Frank Warling, Mabel Duck- ett, Mabel Weber. Brown Kggs â€" Donald McMillan, Iva Brown, McClenn, Jim Tray- nor, Jean Smith, Marjorie Bracken- bury. Teddy Bear â€" Helen Wyville, Nel- .son Fitzsimmons, R. J. Cargoe, Ray niond Warling, Ronnie Brett, Marie Johnston. Health Poster â€" Frances Buchanan Kathleen Ratcliffc, Betty Baker, Muriel MeGee, Eunice Allen, Elmer Clark. Map of Grey County â€" Ethel Tay- lor. Grace Parker, liinna Gold.sbor- ough, Verda Cargoe, Edna Doupe, Aleda Ratcliffe. Canadian Camping S<»ng â€" Lorene Johnson, Florence Newell, Thelnia Miller, Eileen Pattison, Mac Ratcliffe, Lloyd Allen. In Camp â€" Winnifrcd Pattison, Irene Poupe Hughie Wyville. Anna Me\'ienr, Harvey Hill, Ren Bellamy. Writing, Primer â€" Cecil Barker, Margaret Mills, Helen Wyville, Gen- evieve Milne. Burton RusSoll, Marjorie Bvnckenhury. Writing, ..First ..ClasH â€" Audrey Cole, Frances Buchanan, Mary Banks, Kathleen Ratcliffe, Marvelle White, Jack /McDonald. Writing, Second Class, .."Indian Summer" â€" Fred Batchelor, Jean Mc- Tavish, Bob Banks, Arlene Taylor, Doris Loueks, Angus MacVicar. Writing. Third Class, "The Brook"â€" Allan Chappie, Isobel Weber, Dor- othy Welton Jacqueline Sims, Mel- ville Buchanan, Joyce McGee. Writing, Fourth Class, "The private of the Buffs" â€" -Mae Corbett, Hilda Sims, Evelyn McGee, Oly McDonald, Arelene Whyte, Laurene Baker. Doll's Blanket â€" Agn&s MacMillan, Jean McTavish, Jean Duncan, Isobel Weir, Diana Gold.sborough, Isobel Karstedt. Print Apron â€" Mary Whitehead, Bernice Leavell, Florence Newell, Margaret .McMillan. Pillow Case â€" Minerva Stafford, Muriel Teeter, Aileen Hopkins, Anna MacVicar. Tea Biscuit.s â€" Isobel Karstedt, Diana Goldsborough, Verda Cargoe, Margaret Johnston, Christina Duncan, Viola McDermid. Butter Tarts â€" Dorothy Patton, Iva Brown, Alma Atkinson, Jean Me- Taviish, Margaret MieMSllanf, Joyce McGee. Light Cake -â€" Lucille Goetz, Hazel Magee, Ida Benson, Anna MacVica's, Oly McDonald, Carniel Martin. Apple Pie â€" Margaret McMillan, Mary WTiitehead, Hazel Magee, Janet Cameron, Arleen Benson, Isobel Wcbev. Weed Collection â€" Isobello ICar- stedt, Ethel Taylor, Agnes MacMillan, Jean Duncan, Selene Duckett, Ralph Fitzsimmons. Collection Maple Leaves â€" Ruth Blackburn. Alan Chappie, Jack Hop- kins, Mary Whitehead, Florence New- ell, Gladys Duckett. Collection of Pictures â€" Harvey Hill, Winnetta Martin. Mabel Duck- ett, Winnefred MeConkey. Woven Matt â€" Earle Thurston, Bob Banks, Genevieve Milne, Mary Banks, Jean Duncan, Jean Loueks. Tea Pot Stand â€" Jos. Banks, Jack Hopkins, Emerson Meads, Levi Staf- ford Fred Bannon, Bobbie Sutherland. Cutlery Box â€" C. Littlejohns, Har- vey Hill, Ben Bellamy, Jack Bannon, Hughie Wyville, Lauiie Sutherland. School Chorus â€" Flesherton, No. 13. Chorus of 7 â€" No. 12, Flesherton, Flesherton. Boys' Solo â€" Burton Campbell, Ken Nichol. Girl's Solo â€" Margaret McMillan, Julia Ransome, Jean Duncan, Dorothy Falconer, Nora Turner, Dorothy Wel- ton. Girl's Speaking â€" Lucille Goetz, Anna iMacVicar^ Iva. Brown, Juiift Ransome. Boy's Speaking â€" Bobby Odell/ Impromptu Speech â€" Pat Weber, Julia Ransonie, Lsobel Wober. Button Hole â€" Mabel Duckett, Hazel Magee, Anna MacVicar, Miner- va Stafford, Carmel Martin. Spelling Match â€" Laurie Suther- land. Exercises â€" No. 15, Flesherton, No. 4, No. 11, No. 12. PORTLAW .SCHOOL Sr. 4th â€" Mabel Blakey and Alice Shier, efiual, Harry Badgerow (abs.), Jr. 4th â€" Bernice Plantt (abs.) Sr. 3rd â€" Robert Nicholls, Elda Pedlar, Harold Phillips. Jr. 3rd â€" Mary ;Fisher^ Mabel Blackburn, George Boyce, Stanley Taylor, Louisa Boyce (abs.) Sr. 2nd â€" Bob. Blakey, Jimmey Nicholls, Fred Shier. Jr. 2nd â€" Gladys Janiieson, Marj- ory Jameison, Chester White, Donald Sheardown. Donald Meldrum. 1st â€" Evelyn Shier, Gordon Nich- olls, Kathleen Croft. Sr. Pr. â€" Herb Shier. Jr. Pr. â€" Doris Shier and D. A. Fisher equal. â€"J. M. LITTLE Teacher NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE MATTER of the estate of Mary Jane Rutledge, late of the Vill- age of Ceylon in the County of Grey, widow, deceased. TAKE NOTICE that all those hav- ing claims or accounts against the above noted deceased are required to -send full particulars thereof to the undersigned solicitor to the .Adminis- trator on or before the Nineteenth day of October. 1935. After >hat date the estate will be distributed amongst those entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice at that time shall have been received. D.ATED this Thirtieth day of Sep- tember, 1935, C- C. MIDDLEBRO' ' Barrister & C, ' ^i" OWEN SOUND. Ontario. I Small Advts. FOR SALE i) young pigs ready to wean. â€" Elhvood Stevens. Flesherton, R. R. 3. FOR SALE 1 yearling driving colt, sired by W. W. Belwin.â€" Everett Blackburn. FOR SALE 18 young Yorkshire pigs, 5 weeks old.â€" Wni. McConuick, R.R. 1, Proton. FOR SALE House and stable for sale in Ceylon with two acres nf land, reasonable; enquire from J. I). McLcod, Ceylon. SHEEP WANTED Wanted at once about 12 breeding Oxford Down owes. â€" John Williamson. R. R. No. 3, Priceville. FOR SALE Fresh lime for sale. 50 bus and over. HOcents, under that amount, 35 cents. â€" Phone 4 R 24, Levi Duck- ett, Maxwell. RADIO REPAIRS John E. Bushell, Maxwell will be in Flesherton on each Wednes- day, Phone 9 W. FOR SALE Hog chop, $19.00 pet ton, sacka included. SpeoW allowance for grain in exchtDgW. One ton or more delivered fra*. Phone 38 r. 3. â€" A\ O. Huir, Ceylon. HUNTING LICENSES Get your gun licenses, trappers, deer, and special camp an dog lic- ense for your trip north this fall from. â€" Fred Brown, Feversham, Ont. FOR SALE Rubber tired buggy, and cutter, both in good repair, also two hay forks and one manure fork. â€" Mrs. R. Stew* art, Flesherton, Ontario. HOG FOR SERVICE Repstered Berkshire hog, govero- ment inspected. Teums $1.00 if paid within 2 months, over that time |2.00. â€"Laurie Pedlar. FOR SALE Grey County Egg Grading Station, also lots adjoining the same, will .sacrifice for cash. â€" Thomas Owler 40 Doel Ave. Toronto. PROPERTY FOR SALE In Flesherton 6 room house, brick veneer, hard and soft water; about two acres of land on which is a largt barn with cement stabling and garage. Apply to W. J. Meads; R. R. 3, Priceville. FARM FOR SALE OR RENT Two hundred acres, good soil, good buildings, cement stabling, steel staun- ehioivt, windmill, water in pasture, 170 afres under cultivation, on the Fourth Line of Osprey, one mile ea,st of Mc- Intyi-e.â€" Apply, K. Rinn, Singhampton P.O.. R. R. No. 1. HOG FOR SERVICE Young Yorkshire hog, purebred and government inspected; terms: c»A 75c.; charged fl.OO. -.WES. SMITH, Rock Milto. BUSINESS CARDS COOD FARM FOR SALE One hundred acres of good soil, good buildings, cement stabling, windmill, never failing well, 80 acres under cultivation balance hardwood. Lot 87 con. 4 Artemesia. apply to Albert Blackburn, R. R. No. 1, Max- well P.O., Ontario. , ^,i - DR. A. E. LITTLE DENTIST OFFICEâ€" Dr. Bryce's Old Stand. Telephone 69 DR. E. C. MURRAY L.D.S. Honour graduate of Torono Uni- versity and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Office entrance at northwest side of residence, Tloponto Street, Flesh- erton. Telephone, 20W. F. M. EAGLESON ONTARIO & DOMINION LAND SURVEYOR Registered. Professional Engineer, Surveys, Reports, Estimates. Plans. Telephone, 31, ORANGEVILLE, Ont. Prince Arthur Lodge No. '333, A.F. &A.M., meets in the Fraternal Hall, Flesherton. the second Tuesday in each month. W.M., Alex. Cameron; Secretary, H. A. McCauley, *^ â- V 1

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