'.> iWodncsday. October U). V\^S THE FLESIIERTON ADVANCE THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE I Poblisked on CoUin^wood street, 1 Fleshert«n, Wednesday of eacn ( week. CircuUtion over 1000, I Price in Canada |2.00 per year. I when paid in advance $1.50. In ; U. S. A. %?-hO per year, when paid in advance |2.00. Hr. H. THURSTON, - - Editor r. J. THURSTON, SCHOOL REPORTS PUBLIC SCHOOL Absoe. EditOT Miss Marion Muir was also a viaitoi from her school in Simcoe, to give a deserved vote to our lady member. The Anniversary Services of .St. Coluniba will be held on Sunday the j pi.iisnKRTON 27lh of October. Rev. Mr. Mercer of ' ' ' llolstein will conduct the service *..!«„„ T,.vi„r T..ri Me. niorninE and evening. K.e choir Sr. ind - Arlene luyor Ted Mc- has something good in view, so come. 1 Craken. Carman Loucks, Kulh Lcavell, No fowl sui)per this year, to save Flarle Thurston, Elhol Taylor, Evison work, worry and waste, especially the latter, the monetary end is being met oyaily otherwise. ROCK MILLS PRICEVILLE -Mr. and Mrs. Fred Graham and 1 dauL'hter -Loreen of Walkerton spent u day last week with Mr. and Mi-s- Laurie Bett.<?. There passed away in Sunnidale, Mr. Dan Ritchie attended the teach- .Thursday morning, Victoria Schell, i ers' convention hold in Hanover, beloved wife of Ale.x McUod. Aftei I Thursday and Friday, a long illne.<<s and much suffering, ' ,.,^J% •^""^n'^ Belts spent a day m She /as called home at the age or ^^^^J" ^""nd recently 66 years. i5he was of a cheeffui .Misses Marjorie and Florence New and loving disposition and wa.^ held in the hip'hest of esteem by her many friends. The funeral was held Sat- urday afternoon at her late residence and the house was filled to ovet- flowing which showed the high es- Uxm in whjth the deceased was held. She leaves to mourn hfr loss, one sister, Alice, Mrs. Jim Giffin, Min- nising and two brothers, Harry Schell Stayner. and . Ed. Alliston, her hus- band, one .son and daughter, Nelson and Marjorie. The pallbearers were: Norman McLeod. Norman Oliver. Newman Giffin, Harry Giffin, Newton Schell, Dr. C. C. Brown. Rev. Mr. Coutts preached a very comforting and helpful sermon to the bereaved ones. The Hymns sung were, "Jesus Lover of my .Soul" and "A Sleep in Jesus." Deceased was born in Sunnidale and w'as married 36 years ago. Friends from a distance who at- tended the funeral were: Dr. C. C. and Mrs. Brown, Miss Irene Speedy, Wiss Christie, Mr. and Mrs. M. ("ur- ell spent a few days with their uncle and Aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. New- ell. We are glad to learn that Mrs. John Robertson who underwent an ooeration in Toronto General Hospital for goitre is doing nicely now, we trust she will continue to improve and soon be able to return home. Mr. T. Betts and daughters. Edith and Mable spent Friday with friends in Markdale. Mrs. Art Porteuos underwent an operation for goitre in Markdale Hosnital last week and we are glad to report her doing as well as can be expected. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Boyce and family jf New Liskeard arrived here last week and are visiting with re- latiYes in the vicinity. Mr. Dan Ritchie was the guest of Mr. .and Mrs. Sam Phillips Tuesday evening. Ml', and Mrs. E. Binnington and Mr and Mrs. Levi Duckett and family of Maxwell were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Joyce Porteous. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Shaw and family Wilson. Jr. 2nd â€" Elfer Clarke. Munroe Scott, Ken Henry, Margaret Turney, Stanley McLean, Edna lliompson. 1st â€" Jack McDonald; Marjorie Brackcnbury, Jean McCracken, Mary Banks, Genevieve Milne, Gordon Dun- gey, Helen Brown, Rob. Meggitt. Sr. Pr â€" Norman Dungey, George Potter, Edmund Thompson, George Meggitt. Jr. Pr. â€" Teddy Banks, Evelyn Mc- Tavish. Elma Talbot, Janet Neilson, Billie Solomon, Bob Turney, Eileen McClean, Gordon Miller, Margaret Meggitt. EUGENIA SCHOOL REPORT rie. Miss Beatty, Mr. Nelson McLeod, of Clarksburg visited recently with Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Neil McMillan and .son, Carlyle. Mr. .Neil McLeod ami son, Carlyle. Mr. Niel McLeod and Miss Annetta McLean, Swintoii Park. Mr. and .Mrs. Wm. J. Hincks, Mr. Wm. McLeml, .Mrs. Henrv Tucker and .Mrs. A. L. llmcks of Priceville, also a iiuinl)er of friends from Bramp- ton and Wasaga Beach. Interment was muck- in Swinloti Cemetery. The casket was covered With beautiful floral tributes, which bore silent messages of love. Mr. ami Mrs. Geo. Hincks and Mr. anrl Mrs. Jack Hincks Egremont vis- ited last week at .Mr. Sam. McDer- mids. friends here. Mrs. Dick Clark spent a few days in Fleshetron with Mrs. Robt. Clarke who has been quite ill. Jack Canuck's world series will be staged Oct. 14. We predict that the vast majority of the runners will be left stranded on the bases, 4th â€" Evelyn Campbell 82, Doris Fawcett 81, Mabel Duckett 81, Elward Campbell 79^ Carmelle Martin 77] Reg. Fawcett 76, Winnetta Martin 74, Jean Proctor and Jean Tudor 73. Jr. 3rd â€" Dorothy Falconer 83, Margaret McMillan 80, Arlene Benson 7!i, Glady.=; Duckett 66, Arthur Proctor ()1, Dorland Campbell 58, (Murray Williams and Jim Traynor) 52, Nora Turner 52, Blanche Williams (absent for exams). ....2nd â€" Ruth Graham, Burton Camp- bell, Selena Duckett. Sr. 1st â€" Ella Kellar. Jr. 1st â€" Douiglas Falconer, Margi. Martin, Lois Williams, Alice Tudor, Joyce Genoe. Pr. â€" Lylo .STTort^ No. on roll 29. Average atten»- ance 28. (Numbers indicate per. cent) â€" Irene E. Dinsmore. Teacher PRICEVILLE SCHOOL REPORT Auction Sale F.\RM SI'OCK & IMIM.KMKNTS Will be held on [93S conyen- family. Misses Anna McEachern. Elda *r.M,k. f leaiior Mather and Johnnie WcKec'knie attended teacher's tin in Hanover last week. Mr. Donald Stewart returned home jS"" ^'^J*-'nEr friends at Paislev Mrs. Meu.ser of Owen Sound spent last week with h ' lArchie MacCuaig, ner dau;,'-hcr. .Mrs. Mi.ss MacPhail's public meeting was largely attended by some 82 jieople all ratepayers but 2. Fine speeches were given, excellent music was heard instrumentally by the Sharpe Bros, from Doriiock, their mother accomp- anying on the piano, vocally by Miss ^ultal,. a radio star, in a fine clear voice, what the theme was it is be- yond our power to describe, her ac- companist wa., a treat in selections Kiven. a pretty dapper little Miss from somewhere. Mrs. S. H. Pearce from Owen Sound gave a fine address gf.""«f, forth the fine qualities of Miss MacPhail. qualities, 1/y the way, We were familiar with. A Mr Pal- mer of Dundalk, a rising young man Cave a fine speech. Mr. R. G. Turner acted as chairman, Mr- F. Oliver gave the closing speech brimful of facts in a satisfactory vein. visitors over the week end were Mrs. Malthy at her mother's. Mrs. M. J. Buckham. Mr. and Mrs. John «cl;arlanc and Mr Innis McLean at their parents' home. Mr and Mrs. Colin A. McLean. on Saturday. (Jclober 26th the following, namely: HORSES â€" Heavy .Marc, 4 years old. eliu^ible for retristratioii; Heavy .\irc<l ,Maie; Span of Marcs 8 and '.< vears old. well matched drivers, raised .|)an of colts which will be sold day of sale: Driving Colt, gelding, one year. CA'ITLE â€" Jersey Cow, 4 years i)ld, fresh two week's; Dry Cow, 3 years old; Heifer 2 years old in calf; Yearling .Steer; 4 choice Oxford Kwos also Oxford Ram 2 years old: Brood Viiikshivc S<iw; 8 irood Store Pig?, about 3 months old; 25 good I'lTraoulh Rock hen.s. IMPLEMENTS. P:TC.â€" M.-H. Bin- der. 7 foot cut, new, just cut one crop; McCormack-Dcering Mower, good as new; Adams Wagon, grade 3. good as new; set of Heavy Log Sleighs in irood shape: Good Cutter; Good Rub- ber Tire Buggy; McCormack-Deering Single Plow, (food as new; heavy set (.f Harness, with breeching; good set of Plow Harness; set of good Double Driving Harness in good repair. GRAIN. ETC.â€" 100" bu. Oats; 200 bu. Fall Wheat, this grain is nice and clean: about 6000 feet of spruce inch lumber: about 2000 feet of iiuh cwlar lumber: 2000 feet of 2x4 .Scantling: large quantity of Cedar .Shingles first and second class; Logging Chains, Patent Binders, and many other aii- (â- U. too numerous to mention. TERMS â€" Cash; no reserve as the owner is e-iving up farming. Sale at 1 o'clock p.m. sharp. â€" W. KAITTI.MG. Auctioneer Forn 2 â€" Jamie Sutherland 86; Tom .Aldcorn 73; Evelyn McDermid 7.3; Marie McLauchlan 70; Jack Mc- .^rthur 56. Form 1 â€" Archie Sturrock, 42. Sr. 4th â€" Laurie Sutherland 90; Gwyniieth McLean 80; Tommy Mather T'.i; Emerson Watson 79; Bill Mc- liiide 78; Winnifred McConkey 77; Garfield Toetcr 77; Donald Nichol 6.T Jr 4th â€" Dorothy Watson 86; Ber- niee Carson 79; Ross Conkey 74; Bob- liie O'Dell 73; Doreen Teeter 70; Kenneth Nichol (5.5; Douglas Weir fili. â€" Elda B. Frook, Teachei Seasonable Offerings Ladies Knitted Suits vSiiiarl three )>ifcc styles in new fall shades. .Ml wool. - Specially priced. 1.75 $6. All Wool Jersey Frocks Individual style.s in navy, brown, ^aeen and wine shades. Specially priced. $3.39 SMART FALL MILLINERY New season's selections $1.95 to $2.98 STANFIELD'S UNSHRINKABLE UNDERWEAR Gold Label, each ." $1.45 J^ed Label, each $1.85 Blue Label, ..each $2.25 Hatchway Buttonless Combinations. Stanfield's Buttonless Combinations. Merino Combinations, shirts and drawers. Fleeoe Lined Combinations, Shirts and Drawers. New Leather Coats. New Wind Breakers. New Coat Sweaters. New Pullover Sweaters. All Reasonably Priced. This Week's Grocery Specials Shredded Wheat 2 pkgfs. 23c Granulated Sugar 10 lbs. 50c Magic Baking PowdcT lb. tin 29c Rinse 3 pkgs. 27c I'eas, Cron, Tomatoes ....tin each 25c Crosse & Blackwell Soup. 2 tins of tomato. 1 asparagus 3 for 17c; F. H. W. HICKLING Flesherton, Ont. OR.VNGE VALLEY SCHOOL TO THE ELECTORS: Markdale. Ontario fhtdlicr l.\ 193.=;. I II my host (if friends and supporters in Grc) i'lruce \ hasten to express iny a])- lireeiatioii of yoin- kindly cndeavotu-s in my behalf. To those who assisted .-it the polls, and in getting out the voters, 1 .-im particularly thankful. ( )ur cause has suffered ihroughoni the Doininif)n. I,et us bear that reverse as cheerfully ;is we may. We can at least cherish the hope I hat the new Government, alive to its responsibilities, will preserve and carry to full fruition the program of its predecessors for the welfare of the Dominion. ^ Yours sincerely, Lewis G. Campbell S. S. NO. 17 .ARTEMESIA .'^r. 4th â€" Fred Betts. •Ir. 4th â€" Hazel Wilkinson, Laura Pedlar', Loreen Kiijrlish*, Ted Croft, Oi-val Russell. .Sr. 3rd â€" Laura Porteous, Eleanor Russell, Harold Clark. Arthur Betts*, Be.ssie Russell, Phyllis Partridge*. Jr. rird â€" Hilda Betts*, Edna Croft, Chester .Shier,* Edna Partridpre, Man- sell Atkinson*. .Sr. 2nd â€" Evelyn Phillips. Amanda Fisher, (Jean Phillii)s, Lillian Fisher) * equal, Harry Fisher, Helen Betts', Jack Porteous, Harold Betts*. Vernon Atkinson.* Jr. 2ml â€" Rus»«]l Shier, Edpar Betts*. 1st. â€" Marie Phillips, Betty White', Mabel Chard. Sr. Pr. â€" Billy Smith, Viva Atkin- son. Jr. Pr. â€" Billy Clark, Harvey At- kinson. Frank Enpflish. ' denote..? present every day. -DANIEL E. RITTCHTE, Teacher .Sr. 4th â€" Muriel Teeter*, Minerva Stafford, Clifford Littlejohns*, Har- vey Hill, Elmer Russell, Don Russell. {Jerald Hill. .Sr. ;!rd â€" Verna Russell*, Mary Whitehead*. Jr. Srd â€" Paujlna Stephenson*. Levi .Stafford, Annie Stephenson. Jr. 2nd â€" Muriel Gilchrist*. Ernie Russell*. Jr. 1st â€" Jack Gilchri.'<t*, Burton Russell. Sr. Pr. â€" Eileen Stafford*, Oscar DANCE ROUND AND SQUARE at the H.A.LL MAXWELL ON WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 30. 1935 Good callers and (food music supplied. Added attraction, Miss Irla Lors Smith in popular songs and danciiiR. Admission: â€" 25c. dIur tax Brown*. Fred Gilchrist*, Nina Teeter* Oscar Irving. Jr. Pr. â€" Ivan Russell, Gerald Staf ford. Dorothy Brovvn,* Melville Ir- ving, Emerson Brown. ' Denotes perfect attendance. No. on roll 26. Average attend- ance 24.6. â€" A. I. Martin, Teacher WM. KAITTING Licensed Auctioneer for the county of Grey. All sales conducted on Business principals, all parties requiring work done on the above lines will do well to call at the Advance Office or write Wm. Kait- ting. Eugenia, 'Phone 43 â€" 11 n FOWL SUPPER will be held at ROCK MILLS Baotist Church Tuesday, Oct. 29, 1935 The play "Plain SisteiT' will be presented, Music supplied by orchestra between acts. Admission Aduhs 40c Children under 12 20c y t 5! We Have a Large Stock of Fall Hardware cow TIES, ROPE TIES,, STALL FIXTURES, y t y ? HALTERS, ROOFING, GALVANIZED IRON l I ROOFING I I L.VNTERNS, FL.ISHIJGHTS & BAT'UERIES, I J; COLEMAN LAMPS & LANTERNS. I I Axes,Saws, Files, Rat & Mouse Uraps, Shovels, Wash- ^: I ing Machines, Hammers, Glass & Putty, Stove Pipes, | Dampers, y BRIGHTEN UP AT LOW COST. FRANK W. DUNCAN 'Phone 54 -:- FLESHERTON, Ont. â- ^â- ^<^*^<^^<^><^><'<r<'<rt'<-'>'>^><'>>^:^>^^^ S. S. NO. 5 OSPREY llh class â€" Margaret Courvoiser*, Rernice Wright*, Patrick Haley, Mur- iel Cameron, Loreen Tempest*, Vin- cent Somers, Voletta Sayers*. Fran- ces Roberts*, Dolly Ottewell*. Jr. 3rd â€" Phyllis Roberts*, Kath- leen Somers, Francis Haley, Grace Poole* and Anthony Haley e(iual. Sr. 1st -â€" Edith Sayers. Jr. 1st â€" Jean Ottewell*, Wesley I.awler, equal, Stanley Lawler, Thelma Roberts*, Ruth Poole. Sr. Pr. â€" Nicholas Haley. Jr. Pr. â€" Wilda Sayers. * Denotes present every day. â€" BETH HINCKS, Teacher A SELECT LIST OF QUALITY FOODS AND HOUSEHOLD PRODUCTS AT i- |REAL MONEY SAVING PRICES, YOU CAN DEPEND UPON THE SUPERIOR f I STORES FOR QUALITY, SERVICE AND ECONOMY. , < *' IN MEMORIAM CAMERONâ€" In loving memory of Muriel Edith Cameron, who entered into Eternal Life, Monday, October 13. 10.30. God's plans like lilies pure and white, unfold. We must not tear the close-shut leav- es apart; Time will unfold the calyxes of gold. â€" Father Mother and Brothers. •)[ I Vanilla Extract We rend it is going to be a hard •? winter because squirrels are laying! ^. Good Ouality .... 5c nwny large quantities of nuts, buti % njrain that may mean only that there; ;|; has been a good viop of nut.« I Jelly Powders assorted X 6 for 25c \ LA^RGE TXNS y. '^ Pork & Beans I <H;**>*>*'t*<****'***><**>^C*<**>C****<' AA^.A J» A •*• •*• »?# Ai Ycs we have a fine as.sortuietit of Men's Overalls, Smocks, Sweat- ers, Windbreakers, Shirts, iu fact everything for the welt dressed . i man. G. J. KENNEDY A- 'Phone 37 V2tb. .31c, Itb. .61c Raspberry or Strawberry X JAM I Large jar 31c '( > '^#^ i i â-