4 4 % ♦ T ir ^â- \ t. 'V '*4 * * lis. 1 ' \ THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Wednesday. Sept. 25, 1935 LOCAL DISTRICT NEWS VICTORIA CORNERS PRICEVILLE Kingslcy Gallagher accompanied a few friends to North Bay district for a duck hunt. Mrs. Wm. Ludlow mDtored with her brether, Mr. Thos. Ludlow and daugh- ter, Lillian, to New Liskeard to visit their brother, Mr. Allan Ludlow, who has been very ill. The Misses Winters and Carson of Maple Grove visited their teacher, Miss Sylvia Acheson, over the week end. Don't forget Inistioge anniversary on Sunday, September 29th. Services at 10.30 a.m., 2.30 and 7.30 p.m. Rev. Petrie in the morning and evening and Mrs. Petrie will preach in the afternoon. , (Last Week's Items) On Sept. 7th, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Nicol and Bobby attended the reunion of ex-pupils and old friends of Miss ] â- '^ngus and John. Mr. Whitehouse of Detroit visited last week at the home of Hector McLean. Mrs. Eliza Burt is a patient in the Markdale hospital. Mr. Alex. Carson attended the fun- eral of his brother-iu-law, Mr. Sam Gilbert, at Vandeleur on Friday. Miss Jean Hincks left on Saturday to commence her third year at the University of Toronto. Mrs. Parker and Mrs. Wm. Caswell of F'esherton, with Mrs. Bill Hill of Markdale visited on Wednesday with Mrs. Wm. J. Hincks. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Harrisoji cele- brated their golden wedding Saturday evening at their home, when their family of sons and daughters were present for the occasion. Mr. D. D. McLachlan of Ceylon is quite ill at the home of his brothers, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Samuel Gilbert Passes VANDELEUR Ward. Mrs. Nichol's first teacher, i McLachlan and babe of Toronto visit- at Maple Valley School, Melancthon. i ed with them the first of the week. T>iere were about sixty present. Keenj Mrs. Alex. Carson spent the week enjoyment was felt over the remin- , end at Swinton Park, iscences. Many a laught was is-] Mr. and Mrs. Alex. McEachem and dulged in over what hadj been real \ family of Toronto were recent visitors tragedies in those, younger daj's. Miss ^'ith friends here. Ward is still teaching. Mrs. Chesney (nee Maggie Arm- strong) and her two sons, Tfed Wurts and Lawson Chesney and Mrs. Wurts of Bramtpor. visited the Stevens and Gallagher fami'ies. , Mr. and Mrs. Wifred Gallagher, Miss Florence McEachem left for Toronto, where she has secured a position. Mr. Neilbert McKenzie spent a few days visiting friends in Toronto dur- ; ing the past week. '' Mr. and Mrs. Harold Thompson spent the week end at Orangeville. Mr. Geo. Buchanan and son, Mel- ville, Mr. Frank Davis, Miss Florence Davis, Mr?. Lundy Johnston and Mrs. Will Johnston visited the former's wife and daughter in Owen Sound on Sunday. Death entered this community on Wednesday of last week and removed one who for many years has been in- timately connected with the commun- ity life of Vandeleur in the pei-son of Mr. Samuel Gilbert, who passed peace' fully away about two o'clock, Wed- nesday afternoon, Sept. 18th afteJ about three weeks' illness. Deceased, who was in his 73rd year was a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Gilbert, two of the early pion- eers of this community, and was born and spent his entire life in this district. For many years he was postmaster at Vandeleur and carried the mails. He also conducted a store in connection with the post office and fanned on the old Gilbert homestead. Deceased had considerable musical ability. He was a fine violinist and for many years, as a member of the Vandeleur string band, he contributed generously to the musical life of the community. He was also fond of spyort, and in his younger days was a prominent member of the old Vande- leur baseball team. In those days, too, he was an expert shot and there was nothing he liked better than a good fox hunt. He was a good friend, a kind and obliging neighbor, and will be much missed in the com- munity. Besides his sorrowing wife, whose maiden name was Miss Annie White. and to whom he was married 49 years ago on August 25th, he leav 5 to mourn his passing two daughters: CEYLON spent the week end at Archie Mc-i Priceville fall fair came off very Taggart's, Swinton Park. ; successfully with a good day. rain Mr. and Mrs. J. T^ Milsap and j y^^jUj^g off until lifting time, fine ex- family and Miss Henderson of Cree-; ^;y,if^ ^^^ a large crowd. The more visited at .A.rt Jackson's. concert was said to be fine, and many Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Batchelor, 111113-^^,^^.^ outside with their hands in their j (Rosie) Mrs. Amos Smith of Meaford burg, Mr. and Mrs. Max Voltman and : p^j,jjgj,g holding their money for the ^ and (Eva) Mrs. Harrj' Garner of family, Buffalo, visited at Jas. Batch- 1 (jance which followed, to the detriment 1 Toronto. Two sons passed away in elors. j of the concert attendance. However, | iivfancy. Jno. TVlbot left Monday for Tor-ijj funds came either way it was j jhe funeral took place on Friday Mr and Mrs. Wm. onto Normal i alright. afternoon and was largely attended. Service was held in Vandeleur church Talbot, and Winnifred and Chas.! ji,.. and Mrs. H. B. McLean, and the Mooer motored down with him and' jitter's sisters, the Misses James, paid' and the pastsor. Rev. H. S. Warren. spent the day in Ifcronto. j ^ ^.-^^^^ to their sister, Mrs. Wm. . delivered a comforting message, after Myrtle and Helen Moore and Gord- Bov^es. near Markdale. on Sunday , ^\{^^\ the remains were laid to rest in on Ward of Tlpronto, spent Sunday | j^^j^^. church service. j the family plot in Vandeleur cenie- under the parental roof. j jg^ McDou'gall visited friends in j tg,.y TTie ladies of the W. A. held their To,.j,„to for several days last week. 1 -fhe pallbearers were: Messi-s. Thos. Sept. meeting at the home of Mrs.| ,,gturning on Saturday. 'shannon. Will Hutchinson. Fred aiid Art. Jackson. The special feature | jj,. puncan McRae arrived last of the meeting was that the "^vaist | ^^^.p^. ^^^^ Owen Sound on a visit to line of each lady was measured and^j^j^. rnother here. He has made sev- ber collection was for 1 cent each inch ' gj.ai important improvements to his which caused much merriment. Funds. )^-,j^^p j^ere. were being raised to get new lamps for the chui-.h. SHOWER FOR BRIDE & GROOM Card of Thanks Frank Davis and Charles Boland Will Ratcliffe. The floral tributes were numerous I and beautiful and bore silent testi- mony as to the worth of the departed. Friends from a distance who at- Mrs. .Arthur Struthers of North Bay and Mr. and Mrs. John Zapfe of Clinton were visitors the first of the week with Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Collin- son and family. Mr. Gordon Jackson of Dundas was a recent visitor with Mr. and Mrs. Donald McLeod. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Huston and family of Osha-wa were " week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Muir. Mr. Walter Murdock and Mr. Adam Murdock of Caledon visited over tht week end with Mr. and Mrs. .\lex. MacFadyen. They were accompan- ied home by their mother, who has been on an extended visit here. Mr. and Mrs. John TCyle and three child- ren and Mr. Hatten Testen, also Mrs. Mary Irwin of Durham and M • nd Mrs. Will Burnett of Flesherton were also Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. MacFadyen. Mrs. G^. Cairns and Mrs. Wilcock. accompanied Mrs. Harvey Griffen of Toronto to Niagara-on-the-Lake, last week end. Miss Margueritta Nuttal of Toronto Mrs. Gladys Cornfield Howey of Owen Sound and Mrs. Anna Sissons of Tb- ronto were guests last week of Miss .A.gnes Macphail and assisted her at several of her meetings, held especial- ly for women. Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Stewart on Sunday were. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Colquette of Owen | Sound and Mr. and Mrs. Bob. Col- j quette of Feversham. Mr. and Mrs. 1 Bob. Colquette remained for a short j visit. I Mr. Donald McLeod is on a visit 1 with his family in Toronto and Madoc Mr. D. D. McLachlan is quite ill at the home of his brother, Mr. .\ngus 1 McLachlan. Mr. J. C. McLachlan oi ; Toronto visited his father over the ! week end. Mrs. J. Knox is visiting at Salem | and Swinton Park. Mr. and Mr=. Luther Duckett and family visited Stayner friends the , first of the week. "YouTl Take Two Crates?" Hundreds of farmers now dispose of thdr produce by telephone. They make a practice of railing a selected list of customers as the various farm products are ready for market. They ore able to obtain the best prices and dispose of their produce quickly. Being able to reach your market is only one of the many advaiuages of having a telephone. E<jually important is the fact chat the outside world can readi you. Many buyers make most of their purchases by telephone. Vi'ithout telephone ser- vile on your farm, you ore cut off from thex many oppommides. -^.U. INSTALL A TELEPHONE â€" ITS A PROFITABLf INVESTMENT! •V; rsk • '- r**'?''*^''*'' ^t»s^i»tM JiiSSrh^ -, this was the first meeting after the -Mr. and Mrs. .\!ex. Stewart. Misses' short course class, plans were laid for Elia. Elma and Olga of Owen Sound { the arranging of the program for the .-^pent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. 1 .vear. The October meeting will be j .Archie Sinclair Mrs. Snell returned on Mondav from he it tended the funeral were: Mr. H.; London, where she attended the ses- -ttendance. Garner and dau.chter. Irene, Mr. and; ^ at the home of Mrs. Knox. IS hoped there will be a when large j his wife and little son, David, were callers in this community last Satur- |ilay His mother and sister of To- I ronto also accompanied them. Mr I Vose is now stationed at Whsaton, 11 ons of the' Grand Chapter of the M:'. Frank VanDusen of Toronto Order of the Eastern Star. ' was a visitor at the home of Mr. and i .. , .Gilbert and Mr. and Mrs. John' An„,vor.:nv,. A shower was given in honor of 1 wish to thank the many friends and j. Toronto I •â- ^"""^'^'â- •^'> ' acts of^"°"^ '*"" ^^. ^°'^°"^''- 1 afternoon and evening will be in Mrs. BeUa Thibaucieau. son Tht family of the late Diana Long, and .\ tax of about ten cents a gaJt . is levied on beer in England. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Thompson at the neighbors for their n»any home of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Thomp- son, East Back Lino .â- \rtemesia, Thur. evening, .\bout -35 friends and neigh- bors gathered together and spent an enjoyable evening in music and danc- ing. .After lunch an address was read by Miss Violet Fitzsimmons and a basketful of useful gift^s was pres- kindness during the^ illness of then mother and for sympathy extended to them in their bereavement. Card of Thanks Mr. .Amos Smith and son. Clare, of Meaford, Mrs. Sid Gilbert. Mrs. Rutherfoitl, Mr. Norman Gilbert. Mr. Duke and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gilbert and family of Wiarton, Mr. Herb Gil- bert of Purple Valley, Mrs. Thos. I Randle of Orangeville, Mrs. McNally Mr. Donald MacMillan and family (and Mrs. Tinimins of Traverston. Mr. wish to express their sincere apprec-jand Mrs. Roy Richardson and Mr. ented to the bride and groom; Mr. and ! jation to their neighbors and friends | and Mrs. Will Richardson of Chats- Mrs. Thompson replied in a fitting jfoi- the many kind expressions of 1 worth, Mr. and Mrs. Art' Richardson manner. All joined in singing "ForL,y^pathy in their recent sad bereave- 1 of Swinton Park, Mrs. .Alex. Carson they are jolly good fellows". I ment. of Priceville. Mr. and â- Mrs. Will Walker. Messrs. John and Jake Will- iams and Mr. and Mrs. H. Tudor of Eugenia. |M>«a»**.: •»•>•:••>•:••:••>•>•:•>>•:• 1 \ % Fall Sheep Dipping Cooper's Dipping Powder has stood the test since 1843. It was the first, and is still the best. Small package • 75c. Large p;achage $2.50 For the Pullets r.iii 50 to mix with your «nvn jjfain inakitig- ;i balanced ration. I cwt. iiu.xed .with 700 lbs of o-rain tiiakc.^ the Idoal I.aying- mash. Price per. cwt $4.00 For the Hogs Shur Cain Hoy Con.-^entratc, the cost is tritliiii:. the results are. shorter fecdinj;- period, rcducied feed bills and more' selects. Price per. cwt $2.75 Bull's Cod Liver oil. Why feed cripples Price per gal •• •• $1.00 For the Cattle Bone meal and Cattle mineral. Better than Boards and Bones. For the Whole Family CLEAN FRESH GROCERIES Osprey & Arlemesia Co-operative Co., Ltd. FLESHERTON Mrs. White and Mrs. Geo. Bowles of the west backline were recent vis- itors with Mrs. J. Holley. Mr. and Mrs. Hodgins of Toronto were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Hutchinson recently. Mi-s. H. I. Graham spent a couple of days last week in Owen Sound with whc is ill. er\-ices next Sunday Mrs. John Stewart last week. I and i "I wtin't a cigar for my husband,- harure of Rev. Jewett of Owen Sound. I daughter. Gordon and Edna of Toi'-jsaid the customer to the assistantlgp It is hoped that there will be a large onto were visitors on Sunday with] the tobacconist's, attendance at each service. I Mrs. .\ndrew Gilchrist. | "A fairly strong one. madam?" ask- The Women's Institute met at Mrs Rev. S. W. Vose, a former Baptist [ed the man behind the counter. Collinson's home Tliursday of last [ minister of the Flesherton. Rock Mills | "Yes ; the last one broke in his pock- week with a fair attendance. Since and Ceylon circuit, accompanied by|et," V ' her friend. Miss Ruth Bellamy X I Congatulations to Mr. Gordon 1^ •!M^♦♦<«M•<>^^«^<>♦<«"8K•<^♦♦<•♦*<^â- ^•♦♦«â-ºâ™¦Â«^♦♦<^♦•^♦<^«^♦«♦'><^♦<^^ Wyville. who was married recently to Mis.s Fawcett of Wodehouse. j Mr. Halstead of Toronto was the guest of Mr. and Mj-s. W. .1. Hutch- j inson and Mr. and Mrs. Lundy John- son for a few days. Frances, the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Buihanan, was taken to Owen Sound hospital by her par- ents on Friday morainit last and underwent a mastoid operation. Mrs. H. I. Graham accompanied them in the capacity of nurse. Frimces is doing as well as can be expected and her many friends hope soon to see her restored to health and strength. ; Dr. and Mrs. Shepherd of Toronto spent the week end with the latter's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wright, j Mr. Lucas of Toi-onto is visiting as the Bowles homes in the valley. | Mrs. Stewart and daughter, Sylvia. I of Shrigley visited at the home of Mr. | and Mrs. H. L Graham recently. The Ladies' .\id held their Septem- 1 ber meeting at the h»me of Mrs. Sam Fitzsimmons. The meeting wa< largey attended and a fine program i was provided. X >^ ' Quite a number from here attended the anniversary services in Ebenezer c4iurch on Sunday afternoon and evening and also at New England I church the Sunday prex'lous. Anni-! ersary sei'vices will be held in the! dejieur church on Sunday, Oct. 13. i I j chur * vers i Va« Personal Message From The Hon. W. L M. King (Copy of Lettergram to Dr. W. A. Hall, Liberal Candidate) To The Electors of Grey-Bruce: I have bsen informed that my inability thus far to arrange for a meeting in Grey-Bruce is due to the fact that I Km. not desirous of having Miss Mac- phail too strenuously opposed by the Liberals. This is not so. We, as Lib- erals, intend to use every legitimate means to elect our candidate. Dr. HaJl. Doubtless this assumption arises from the consideration shown Miss Mac- phail from time to time by myself and other Liberds, including yourself when you were member for Bruce South and she was member for South-east Grey. Now that these constituencies have bean combined, the situation and the at- titude towards her by the LiberzJs, including myself, have necessarily com- pletely changec It must never be forgotten that those who are not for us are against us. Since your election in 1925 our Party has had no more steadfast upholder of its principles and policies in Parliament than yourself, nor have 1 had a more loyal and devoted supporter. In the circumstances, I cannot urge tcD strongly that all electors in Grey-Bruce constituency who desire to see the return of the Liberal administration to power and Liberal principles and policies prevail in Canada in the next five years, should give their support to you, as Candidate of the Libc!rai Party in the present election. Shoulc" the Liberal Federatio^n find it possible to arramge a meeting in the con- stituency of Grey-Bruce, I shall be glad and shall make this statement pub- licly at the time. Meanwhile if any canvass is b«ing made against you on this score mentioned, you have my authority to give to this message what- ever publicitv you think advisable. W. L. Mackenzie King J