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Flesherton Advance, 22 May 1935, p. 8

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AVc<liu-sclav, Mav 22. 10.^^ TIIK FLESIIERTON ADVANCK j posals aiv wionn and a direct coiitra- I diction of the platform on which the i tjrovornnient appealed to the people. I .More easy statrc.s of squaring accounts Taxes And More Taxes ''"'"' "nuisomcnt i'.\ce.ssive, by forcing |)lea.Hure seekers to go where charges The Hepburn jfovoniment it> nut all j are unknown â€" to the ot>en .spacefl â€" wrong. It is doing many thing.s that , a^j there will be no income, hence no are good and needed doing. At the j ^^^3 „„ ,„i„i„,j^ t^ ^„^^t ^^ some tunc it is making mistakes. One ' is its departure from the much her- alded pro-election policy that taxes would not be increased, but lowered. Are they? How about the amusement , , ,, , , , ^ .... , , .„„ , „.. .V , . . , jshoulil be taken. The deiicit of the tax, and now the proposed income tax 7 I ^ , , T , „„ A .„ 4U„ <•„ ~ •.. • L- A 1 11 » ' i>ast was not create<l in a day. Why As to the former, it is estimated that i !, , ... . , it will bring some millions to the ''^'r'^":'" '"""* '^ ^' "" â-  '" ^""'^ " treasury which the latter will go even ''*'''^' " P''^<^'I"ta^'>'fr. " Vave.l pas- better and extract from the taxpayers [^^^'^ ^ P'*''^'^'*' "«"''*'^^» "» ^he a.m. twenty million. Balancing the budget 'â-  is a fine idea, hut ju.«t what .should,^ .. be atuined in the fii-st year after '"'®*^- years of extravagance is difficult to understand. Diy up the source of in- ! A new system of tran.sniission e- come by making movie adnii.xslon too I liniinates static and tube noises from high, by making entrance to games, the radio. And crooners re depriv- race coui-ces and other places of out- , ed of tlieir last alibi. Soft Bacon Marketed increased taxation is one of the best to pursue.â€" Bulletin Enter- •:~:"r«">«i»*»!"t««:">«» Seasonable Hardware GARDEN TOOLS SHOVELS HOES RAKES SPADES CULTIVATORS FISHING TACKLE HOOKS SINKERS FLIES RODS REELS BAMBOO POLES SCRKEX DOORS v^CKia-.x wiRF. ror i-j".xci': ];.\Ki;\\ WIXDOW SCUKl'.XS I.TKV XI'.TTlXC, WIRl' \<\\ ST.M'I.I-:.^ I'.R.ACl' WIRl I'.I.ACK and O \IA'AXI/i:i) WIRIC I i I I y y y I I y y I I The t'uuher expansion of our bacon trade with Great Britain depends to a; large extent upon quality impi"ove- inent. Recent advices from the Uiitish market criticize our supplies on the scDie of undeifinish in a large percentage of bacon sides, as indicated by Hoftness and flabbiness. This soft flabby bacon is most likely the liroduct of underfinishe<l hogs, of which there are con-siderable numbers being marketed at yards and plants in Canada at the present time. The lemedy lies with the producer in hold- ing back unfinished hogs. In most cases, another week or so on feed would' put on the finish so necessary for the making of firm bacon. All hogs of bac-on and select weights should be properly finished at their weights. Underfinish is a.s detri- mental as overfinish, and in this case is a very serious obstacle to et-'orts being made to popularize ("anadiin bacon with the British consumer. Kveiy hog raiser i.< asked to co-oper- ate to the bedt of his ability. Mr. Itoy McCauley was a visitor in town last week after returning from a business trip to England. Mr. and M'l's. E. A. Preston of Ham- 1 ilton were the guests of Dr. and Mrs. J. E. Milne over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Roydeii McDonald visited with Mr. and Mrs. Glen Mc- Donald of Chatsworth on Sunday. Mr. Peter Dow- of Hamilton is vis- iting in town with his mother and sister. Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Brady of near Berkeley were week end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John McMillan. Mr. Thos. E. Little of N'oranda, spent the week end with his parents, Dr. and Mrs. A. E. Little. Live Stock Report Two grades of hogs registered 15c advances on the Toronto market on Tuesday, while the late .sales on the weighty steers were down 15c to 25c. Other grades of cattle, in slow trading that left approximately 900 head un- sold, were generally unchanged. The calf, sheep and lamb divisions were firm. Choice weighty steers, with a los.s of 15c to 2.5c, showed a top of 57.50, with I mediums between $6 and $0.50. But- I cher cattle sold in the main around ^.50 and $0.50, with a few ch'oice at $6.75 cwt. Good cows were firm at $4.50 to $4.75 with a few at $5. Plain cows ranged down to $2.75 Butcher bulls sold at $4 to $4.50, with bologna.s around $-'!.75. Choice fed calves wei-g steady at $7.25 to $7.75, and one sold at $8. Some medium to good stock- ers brought $4.50 to $5.75. Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Johnston ol .>helburne were visitors in town on f.VIcnday. Mva. Harriet A Lawton of Detroit is vi.siting at the home of her brother R( V. W. J. Scott, a^ the Parsonage. Mr. and Mrs. J. SEED TIME And Then The Harvest When you plant, you want the great- est yield from the -seed used, and when you sell your CATTLE, CALVES, HOGS and SHEEP you want the very best possible returns for your live stock. Your Full Harvest Is Assured if you will see to it that your ship- ments are consigned to DUNN & LEVACK LIMITED Canada'.s Leading Livestock Salesmen Established IS'.I.S UNION STOCK YARDSâ€" TORONTO Patronize the truckers who are anx- ious to give you every protection and Calves were firm at $7 to $7.50 fori '^^ ^^^^ °^ service by consigning your Hog Grading Figures For the 18 weeks ending May 2nu,| the total number of hogs graded ln\ Canada â€" graded alive at stock I children of Hanover visited on Sunday i qri,.i.,n. IowK .* i i-i. , , yards â- .mfiM; alive at nacking plants with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Potter. beUvl fi T^, 2 -n 'T "^ '' -^M. r-oc â-  . â- .>, /-o . . il between $7 and $8.o0, with common.s 701), i26, and by caix-ass 21.052, a total ,,. „ ^,, _ .^ , », . H.^.i-r,„-o,.,i t« «i » .r Miss Kathleen Bennett of .Toronto i downward to !M. A few choice, with six top.s selling at $7.75. Common to medium calves went fox $3.50 to $5.50. Hogs, unsettled until late trading, showed gain..^ on two grades. F.o.b. bacon hoffs sold at $8.65 and truck I hogs at «9, both un 10c to 15c. Off- Speisz and two I ,„,. bacons unchanged at $9.25. of 1.115, 042. For the corresponding weeks of lii'M, the nunil)er was 1,100^23. Geo. McMaster of near Sarnia. It used to be hands across the .sea, visited his mother and sister ovar the now it seems to be arms across the sea. visited with .Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Bennett over the week end. Mr. This is a good time to PAINT UP and CLEAN UP. We have everything in â€" Paint, Varnish or Enamel. Brushes, Oil and Turpentine. I'RICI'.S TO SL'IT lAJ'RVIionV Massey-Harris Impilements and Repairs ("live lis a call. \\ c will do (Hir bc-sl tn plcast.- yoii. FRANK W. DUNCAN 'Phone 54 -:- FLESHERTON, Ont. <~:~M"X~:~:~:~:~:~:"M~:~!~:~:~:~:~>.:":~M..:~:..;~:..>.:.o.:.oocKK~:~;~.«-:^^ FOR SALE Several bushels of seed buckwheat. â€" Thomas Beatty, 7eversham, phone 2 R. 2 TEACHER WANTED Experienced lady teacher for junior room of FIcsherton iniblic school State salary and experience. â€" W. J. Bellamy, secretary, Flesherton. X Xi .'. (a'vI >n G< HOUSR FOR SALE ize roomed frame house in hard and soft water with pumps, half acre of land with small fruits, also apple trees, bearing, and a small stable fit for car; very desir- able house; will sell at a bargain. â€" J. C- Fletcher, Ceylon. THE STORE WITH SERVICE F. T. HILL&CO.,Ltd. CHAIN STORES Markdale, Ontario OUR BUYING i'OWER SAVES YOU A LOT OF MONEY Special May Sale LADIES' READY-TO-WEAR MILLINERY, MEN'S Vv^EAR AND BOOTS AND SHOES. â€" SPECIAL REDUCTIONS FOR THE NEXT TEN DAYS. LADIES' SMART SPRING COATS 23 only, l.adii'-,' Sprinj.;' Cnai^ in llif newest (lesi};ns. ni;iii\ <lifl"ei-eiil eintlis from which toclKfose; \aliies I'ldiu .SI2.0.S to SI7..^0. SiK-eial C'lcai.-mcr ..,, $10.95 SHOE DEPARTMENT SPECIALS LADIES' COATS l.adio.^' Small ."^iniii.^ Coats ill ^ iUoiily tile iieuost tweeds. Kej^-. .^8.9.t {o $1().- 95. SiK'cial May Clearance $7.95 LADIES' SWAGGER SUITS lUoiii). Ladies' vSiihiit Swaj^i^er vStiils in tweed effec^ts, rej^-. \ allies up to .$!(). 9.S. Sl>ecial .\lav Cle;iraiicc $10.95 LADIES' SMART CREPE DRESSES J.T Hilly. Smart Crepe l)resses in hhie, sand, hrou n and hlack, rej;-. i^2})5 \;ihie. vSi)ecial .\la\ Clearance $2.45 BEST QUALITY CREPE DRESSES .^11 hre.s-^es to choose from, holh lon^' and short sleeves, all in (he newest de- sijJTiis and .shades, rej>-. values up to .^.S.Q.S. t?|)ccial Mav Clearance $3.95. LADIES' HOUSE DRESSES 20 do/., only, in linens an<l hroadcloths. real smart styles, sizes 14 20 and .U-d-l : a dress made to sell at $1.95. Si)eci;tl Extra values $1.49. MEN'S FELT HATS 10 doz. (jnly, .\Iei/s Wool i'"elt Hats in all the iiewe'st sh;ide.s, snai) brims; sold everywhere for IfU 95. May >Sale $1.39 MEN'S FINE SHIRTS 10 doz. Mens I'ine Shirts in hri^ad- clotUs and percales real j^ood pallerns; a shirt made to sell for $1.39. Special May Sale 98c ( )iUin.L;' Shoes I'oi- Mimi, WOiiicn rind Chil- dren: Compare our prices with what \ oil iiay else w licit'. Children's T strap .SaiulaU 59c .Misses' T-strap Sandals 75c \\'omen's < )titin;.^' Shoes .... 99c and $1.25 Men's ()iitin^' Shoes 95c Uo\ s' ()iiliiiL;' Shoes 85c ^'olUlls' Uiiiin^- Shoes 75c MEN'S WORK SHOES Special Clearance of Men's 1 leav\- Work Shoes. 50 pairs only, odd lines; sizes 0-10; values in the lot to ^2.73. \ Special .^Iav Clearance $1.89 GROCERY SPECIALS C.&li. Soiii)s, chicken, (oniato, etc. 3 â€" 23 JJananaSi Fri. and Sat. only, doz 19c Palmolive Soap 3 for 10c jMacaroni 5 lbs. for 25c Raspberry and Strawberry Jam 29c Weston'.s Sweet Biscuits .... 2 lbs. for 19c Dutch Sett Onions Ih. lie; 2 ths. 21c Anf.;ler Salmon I's tin lie Slicecl I'ineapple 2's 2 for 19c C.inned Corn 2's 2 for 15c V.^O. Soap, White Naphtha. 10 for 35c I'ork eS: llean.s, 28 oz. size IQc Canncfl I'eas. No. 4 size 2 for 23c Meafoi'd Creen Strin^i' l)eans 10c Oat Puffs lOo week end. The Thursday half holiday will not be okserved in Flesherton on - May 2;5rd a.s Friday, May 24th is a legal holiday and will be observed by all. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Morgan and family of Moorofield spent the week end with .Mrs. Morgan's parents, Mr. •uid M''s, Jpeob Lever. An auction sale of household furni- ture will be held in Fle.sherton on Saturday, May 25th, the property of W. J. Meads. â€" W. Kaitting auctioneer. Mr. John Nuhn and .Mr. Peter Dow left on Menday to spend a few days on the Manitoulin Island on a business trip. Mr. and Mrs. Laurie Smith and little daughter, Toronto Ontario, are spending a couple of weeks with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. L Smith, l»r. Casewell Bruiitoii and Or. A. BiLiiiton of Hamilton visited over Sun- day with theii- uncle and aunt, Mr. iiiid Mis. Win. (^iswell. Russell Londry's garage in Meaford wa.s burglarized late Friday night and the burglars escaped with $10 in silver that was in the till. No arrests have l^'en made in the robery of McTavish's garage in Flesherton, which occurred on the night of May the Dth. Miss .Myrtle Thurston and neices, •Mrs. KDbert Wylde and Miss Hjdiiiie Thurston, of Chicago, called on the r>>rmer's brother, Mr. W. II. Thurston, and family on their way home after attending the funeral of the late Mrs. A. I). Thurston of Montreal. Mrs. Jas Rutherford of Owen Sound lia.s lieen elected president of the Orey Woman's Mis.sionary Society of the Grey Prcsbyterial of the United ('hurch. Mrs. K. C. .Murray of Flesh- erton has been the president of the society foi' the past three years. 'ihe nurse'.-; Alumnae of the Owen Sound Hospital last week i>resented a bronze plaiiue to the hospital in memory of the from the hos- pital wlu) had offered their live.s in the Great War. Miss Mary Paton iif F'lesherten, vice-president of the Alumnae, made the presentation to the hospital. Th(> names of the from the ho.spital who served arc: Kva Hambley, .lean Sword, Kate Wil- son, Delle Carson, Myrtle Brown, Mary Pallock, Beatrice Kilbourne, Emily Cumc and Olivia Arlidge. lambs went for $8.2.5 cwt. were firm at $1 to $3.50 cwt. feed-lot Sheep shipments to us to be sold in compe- tition on the Open Market. Our Special Service to Truckmen keeps them fully posted on market conditions daily in order that they may also intelligently advise you about your live stock. CONSmx THEM TO US â€" YOUK FULL HARVEST KS ASSURED.... -HAVE YOU RENEWED? All men make fools of themselves at times. Isn't it queer the way they object when others take the sam« privilege. Small Advts. FOR SALE Ra.spberry plantings "Cuthbei-ts' $2.50 per 100.â€" J. F. Collinson, Ceylon. FOR SALE Purebred Durham Bull two years old.-D. Campbell, Ceylon, phone 22r31. SEED POTATOES FOR SALE 50 bags choice Dooley Potatoes grown from certified seed. â€" AUie Muir, Ceylon, phone 49rl4. THE HAY MARKET There is a poor demand for hay generally. A large number of farmers who ai-e out of hay are feeding straw and other roughage due to lack of fund.s to purchase hay. There is still a fairly large supply of hay unsold in the Ottawa valley a. id northern Ontario. It i.s selling at prices as low as $7 per ton delivered to the car iit Ottawa valley point*. There is also a fair quantity of good hay a- vailable in the Bruce peninsula. In most other localities of the province there is either a shortage or barely sufficient for local needs, but deliver- ed jirices are regarded as too high to entice farmers to buy. Churent prices ex-tract Toronto are: for iW 2 Timothy and mixtui<es $14.- 50 to $15.60; No. 2 SI2 ti $13; wheat straw $10; oat straw $8.50 to $9.50 DAHLIA ROOTS FOR SALE Dahlia roots, named varieties, 20^- each or 6 for $1.00.â€" Fred Karstedt Priceville. I.OtJGLVG CHAIN FOUND Logging chain found. Owner prove property and pay cxpences. â€" Robert Sheardown, R. R. 1, Maxwell. BARGAIN FOR QUICK f^ALE Uxbridge Organ, 6 octave, H stops. Piano case in good condition. â€" Apply at brick house next hydro dam, Eu- genia. FOR SALE Grey County Egg Grading Station, als() lots ad>oiniiig the same, will sacrifice for cash. â€" Thomas Owler 40 Doel Ave. Toronto. PLANTS FOR SALE Vegetables and flowering Annuals of all kinds, will resistant asters, etc. .\lso perennials and Rock plants, glad- ioli.â€" Mrs. Earl McLcod, Ceylon. FOR SALE Clydesdale horse, 5 years old, also good sow and part of litter of young pigs. â€" Bert Magce, Eugenia, phone Feversham 5 r 11. FOR SALE Male calf, one week McLeod, Ceylon. old. K FOR SALE A l.iniited number of BarrecT Rock chicki, of May the 28th hatch price 9c.â€" MrsL Edgai- Patterson, Priceville, phone 22 r 14. PASTURE FARM FOR SALE OR RENT Lot 132, S. W., .^rtemesia, 50 acres, good never failing spring, about 20 acres of land under cutivation.â€" Ap- ply to Thos. Hughes, Markdale, R. R. 1, phone 132 R. 4. FOR SALE 111 Flesherton, 7 room, sided house, goixl woodshed, cistern, drilled well and garage, also two good garden lots for further particulars apply to, â€" Mrs. George White, R. R. 3 Proton, Ontario. HOG FOR SERVICE Registered Berkshire hog, govern- ment inspected. Terms $1.00 if paid within 2 months, over that time $2.00. â€" Laurie Pedlar. HOUSE FOR SALE One solid brick house in good condi- tion; hardwood floors throughout; good garage and drilled well. For ful) particulars see W. G. Kennedy. HOG FOR SERVICE Young Yorkshire hog, purebred and government inspected; terms: cask 75c.; charged $1.00. -,WES. SMITH, Rock Mills. Husbands who i-cbel at the price of W^omen's hats fail to consider their entertaimetit value. PROPERTY FOR SALE In Flesherton 6 room house, brick veneer, hard and soft water; about two acre.i of land on which is a large- barn with cement stabling and garage Apply to W. J. Meads; R. R. 3, Priceville. HOUSE FOR SALE OR RENT Good seven roomed house with sep- arate garage, all modern conveniences, special wiring for electric stove. Further information from C. J. Cros- sley, 55 Scarlett Rd. Toronto or R. J. Boyd, Flesherton. REWARD OFFERED The sum of $25.00 is offered for in- formation leading the arrest and conviction of the person or persons responsible for the burning of the fisherman's cabin on the property of .Alex C-ameron, 8th line, on Friday, April 26th. The name of the person giving such information will be con fidential. Notify Wm. Kriwe, of Gait, or Dr. Barrett, Preston, Ont. FOR SALE Barred Rock hatching eggs, from culled breeders that have been blood tested and approved by Government inspectors from the O.A.C., Guelph. â€" J. F. Collinson, Ceylon, phone 21 r 3. FOR RENT Brick farm house with land iindat orchard â€" being a part of Lot IL', 2n(J Con. S. D. R. . Privelege of cutting fuel in bush for own use. â€" Apply to Mary F. Paton, 956â€" 4th Ave. West Owen Sound. BOAR FOR SERVICE Registered Yorkshire Boar for set- vice by Flesherton Bacon Hog Club, the property of the Ontario Depart ment of Agriculture. â€" C. STEWART. Caretaker. FARM FOR SALE Lots, 36 and 37, south of the Dur- ham Road, Artemesia, containing one hundred and 34 acres, some 65 acrc.i cleared, balance wooded and pasture land, comfortable house, and smal' barn; Two mile from the Highway, '.iKise to railway, daily mail delivery, must be sold to wind up estate, apply, HERB CORBETT, Proton. BUSINESS CARDS DR. R. W. LINDSAY Feversham - 'Phone 17 r 3 Office 10-12 a-m. 7-8 p.m. DR. A. E. LITTLE DENTIST Office at residence in Flesherton. Extraction and plate work. Prince Arthur Lod?e No. 333, A.F &A.M., meets in the Fraternal Hall Flesher'ton, every Friday on or before the full moon. W- M., R. W. Piper, Secretary, H. A. UcCauley.

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