i^htratic^. Vol 54; No. 50 WEDNESDAY, .\L\Y 22, 1935 W. H. Thurston & Son, Proprietors X^ Wm. J. Dinwoodie Mrs. T. S. Sproule William John Dinwoodie was born of Irish Meth<Wist parents. Nov. 6th 1860, at the little toWn of Fleshei-ton, Ontario, Canada. He and his brother, J. H. Dinwoodie worked together on the fai-m until he was 26 years of age when he decided tj study for the Ministry after which he joined the Methodist Conference. He preached for five years in Can- ada, then went to Michigan where he remained four years, filling some of the most prominent pulpits in the Conference. He then decided to come to California where he has preached ever since excepting seven yeai-s during and after the world war when he returned to Canada to help fill some of the pulpits left va- cant on account of the war. He then returned to California and after receiving his loc£^tion papers from the Methodist Conference took up his residence in Willits, California, where he has i-emained ever since filling the pulpits of different de- nominations he thought he could do the most good and has now been call- ed to his reward in the Great Beyond. Those who mourn his passing are his sister, Mary Sloan of Ladner B.C. and his brother, J. H. Dinwoodie of Tulare, Califoi-nia, and a number of nephew and nieces. Interment was in ^e I. 0. O. F. cen»citery, Willits, California, April 17, 1935, Rev. H. S. Cattarall offic- iating, Methodist Minister in charge. â€" Cont. Awarded King's Medal Express Satisfaction At Sale of Bond Issue Among those who have been pres- ented with the King's Jubilee medal we notice the nam(e of Mi-s. T. S. Sproule of Niagara-on-the-Lake, ont of the earliest residents, and daughter o. the late Mr. and Mrs. Flesher, foi nders of the village of Flesherton. Mn . Sproule has been very active all her life in various social problems and her receipt of the King's medal is a fitting tribute to her work and person- ality. The letter accompanying the decoration reads: "By command of His Majesty the King the accompany- ing medal is forwarded to Mrs. T. S. Sproule, to be worn in commemoration ,)f Their Majesties Silver Jubilee, May 6th, 193.5." The Advance, who has known ;Mrs. Sproule for many years, and her many friends in this locality, congratulate her on the honor that | connection" with the battle for votes has been conferred upon her. Satisfaction was expressed by Hon. E. N. Rhodes, minister of finance, at the good reception by the public of the government's $60,000,000 domesfic loan over-subscribed on Wednesday, last. The sU'bscriptions have been par- ed dowTx to bring the total within the $60,000,000. The bonds were on the market for two hours only when they were oversubscribed. With demand greater than the sup- ply, a strong after market in antici- pated by the officials of the Bank of Canada. Osprey Conservaties Ready For Campaign The first skirmish of the big fight +o be engaged in in the near future in Historic Fires In Canadian Forests Mapie Leafs Have Morning And Afternoon Games 24th Reducing Justice Cost More deadly even than the Wood- woodman's axe and saw is his care- lessness with fires. In fact Canadian Forest service records show that 60 per cent of the original timber has been burned while only 13 per cent! 't^'ests Ontario will have a charu'i' to view! The action of Grey County cfiuncil the Maple Leafs in action on Victoria 'and its committee investigating the Day, which falls on Friday, -May 24, i eosus of administration of justice, in this year. General Manager Arthur! prot^stins against what they conaia- H. Leman has set a^ide this day as ' ered excessive costs, has borne fruit, the only morning and afternoon holi-jas .-hown in the auditor's report of (lav nrogram in answer to many re-! the accounts of the County of Grey fi-om baseball fans through- iov the year 1934, which reveal that Bisons ' the net cost to the county was only has been cut for use. This relentless | ""^ the province. Buffalo «,,„„„, ,„„ ,,..uk destruction of Canada's gr.ate.stnatur with thoir .^reatly improved club ^n\,ff^-^t^>^, y^^i" as compaie<l ^v,th al re.source has been going on for! be the Maple Leaf opponents in both | 51«.20,.o.. m^the previous jear, a re- more thn a hundred years. Here are' morning and afbe;noon holiday games, a few of the outstanding historical j The mornintr game will start at 10.30 disasters. I a.m., while the afternoon contest is The -Miramichi fire in 1825 burned I elated to get under way at 3 p.m. along the valley of the Miramichi | river in New Brunswick and on a belt, 80 miles long and 25 miles wide almost every living thing was killed. One hundred and sixty people perished, i 1,000 head of stock were killed and a T'.umber of towns, including New- castle, f'hatham and Dnuirlastown were destroyed. The damage to the forest was not even estimated. Dam- Few At Ball Meeting Cora Hind Receives Doctor of Laws Degree i for the candidate in the Federal elec- jion as it affects Osprey to«nu=hip, j j,^^, ^^ ^^^er property was placed at j took place in the Orange Hall, Max- 1 g;j(j(^ qqq^ jwell, on Friday evening, May 17th, j ^^out 1S45 vast areas wer,. burned' when a well-attended organization over west of Lake Superior, many of ducton of 50 per cent. Rebates of $5,600 in over chai-ges help to reduce the net cost. Large expenditures over a period of years caused the county council to study the matte;- and a committee appointed by them laid the charges before the .\ttoraey- (leneral's Department. They claime^i , the crown attorney had been over- The first meeting of the Centre charging the county in his fees and Grey Baseball League was held in : ;is a result this officiai offered to Flesherton on Friday night last when ' rebate the overcharges to the county Mr. M. Dillon of Thornbury. Mr. Vic- and the province did likewise. Not tor Ellis of Owen Sound, the secretary o„iy this, but a 20 per cent, reduction and a i enn-sentative from Flesherton i„ all fees was effected by the attor- were the only ones at the meetiiig. .\s ney-General. .Mr. Ellis has moved into Owen Sound he handed in the books with his best meeting was held in the interests of : tii^ni still remain bare of tree growth. wishes for the success of the League. While the attendance was light it is Awarded Damages Miss E. Cora Hind, veteran agri- '^"^ Liberal-Conservative Association, g.-^e years later a very extensive, f i i m t '-â- ultura and commercial editor of the Jas. Jackson, president of the North fi^^. burned alontr the heijrht-of-land *'-''l'«f'^^'' ""^"^ f"'' League will opei Winnepeg Free Press, who received' ^'^^^ -A^siK-iation, was in the chair] f,.oni Lake Timiskaming to Michipi- iho honoray degree of doctor of lan»| ""'I tellintr addres,= es were delivered ^.„ten, a,,(| j,, 1871 another large fire â- 'I at the University of Manitoba con-; '^^ Victor Porteous, M.P. for North swept over an area ot m.ire than 000 square miles along- the north shore r-.» - 'ocation on Monday, was presented ^'''-'>'. Edgar Jamieson. ex-M.P.P., ot 'vith the scarlet and white academic ^'"^-'e. .Alderman Stewart of Owen ,.f Lake Superior from Lake Nipiss i m • v, .obes, which she wore at convocation, Sound and prominent local Conserva- ing to Port .-Vrthur. completing a chain '" "^a.^^u-balll in th May 15th. Miss Hind is a distinguished! ^'^^s. The prevailing feeling was a ,,f desolation across the northern part -;'•'' <•' ''i ^'•'"''s >ween me country anu ex-Grey county residents her earh-: "o'e of satisfaction at being included of the province. About the same "aseball has been m the background. heme having been near Flesherton. " j in North Grey for the first time and, time the gi-eatest part of the Saguen- ^â- 'â- ^'' warmer weather the boys will The presentation of the honorary! a firm determinatijn to poll their old; ay and Lake St. John district in Que-I '''^^'y ^'^on^e enthused with the ba^ie- degree was made by J. W. Dafoe, time majority for the cause. Confi-I bee was swept by one of the most ''*" '"""'" "'"' commence to talk and J editor-in-chief of the Free Press, on dence was expressed over the hard-; destructive fiivs on record. Two P'^^'^'tiec baseball. behalf of Miss Hind's colleagues, as-: working fanner-member, Mr. Por- other fires in 1891 and \9d(i devast- ' Friday evening Ja-t P •' â- a -thu •' '^'^'^'^''^^ ^"*^' °^*'"'® "*''''" ^*'^^ ''^'^'"â- i 'â- *""^' ^"'' ^^^ '"^"'^ °^ ^^''' ^" H. ated 2,000 sniiare miles of country * ' j In doing so he said it was one of the! Stevens was received with applause.' in the southern .\lgoma district. In happiest he had ever been called upon; The election of the township ex- Quebec again, the country along the to make. Deep appreciation of the ecutivc resulted in Mr. Jas. Fawcett line of the Quebec and Lake St. John honor was expressed- by Miss Hind. ' of Fevershani being again electe-'. laiiway also suffered by a number of The widow and children of Melville ate again this year with Thornbury. -•^- -^Heock who picked up a "radio Kimberley. Flesherton and Durham «""" at a midway show booth and the probable entrants. Another meet-' received a fatal electric shock from ing will be held shortly to organize, the device, were awarded .$5,650 in an The weather has not been conducive out-of-court settlement of a $20,000 district this vear damage suit. Court action was taken Hosts To Hiram Lodg Lodge iNo. 333, A.F. & A.M. was host to Hiram Lodge. No. 400, Markdale, and a pleasant evening was spent. Wor. Bro. W. J. Messenger, W. M. of Hiram Lodge, and his officers con- ferred the first degree on a candidate, while the oficers of Prince Arthur Lodge conferred the degree on two other candidates. Singhampton W. I. Th;' Women's Institute met on Thursday last at the home of M!rs. „^ j,^^., president, with Mr. Herman Long- j disastrous fnest fires, whde millions x. Taylor for their annual business' 'hiiJ.-o,,' following .\llcock's death at Colling- wood, .September 27. rj3o. Defendants- were Conklin and Garrett, Limited, midway operators, the Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario, the Col- lingwood and Nottawasaga Agricult- ural Society and Collingwood Public Utilities Commission. Mr. Justice Kingstone directed that of the amount of settlement, the widow. Mrs. Myrtle X. AlkHK-k of Thornbury .should re- ceive 2,150, with the remaining $3,- 5(X) divided equally among the four Potatoes In Simcoe County ; '^^'^f' "^'''^'nghampton a.s vice-president, i i;!' dollars worth of timber in the I Mr. C. N. Long of Fevcrsham was' Ottawa cou-ntry al.so fell a prey to the What Happened Long Ago To A Horseshoe s:iven to the crop. meeting. Eelction cf officers result-' cd as follows: â€" Pres.. .Mrs. Taylor:' Gradir« regu!il,tion^ and modern! ^PP*''"*^'^'^ .secretary of the .-V-Ssocia-, devouring i.!einent. Vice-Pres,. Mrs. Crevier: ,Sec.-Treas.. marketing conditions have done much'''""- j r)"!"iP ni...re recent times, a series ^,l,.^ j, <; Zeggil; District Director.; in recent years to improve potato' ^he eonvcntirjn to nominate a can-' <f disa.strous fires swept over North- jn^^; <i^^^â- ,^, Ejwards; Pianist. Mrs.| growing. Standard varieties are be-i *'''latc will be held in Owen Sound on' l'"" Ontario. .V number of isolated; j;-^,,,,!^^!! Branch direitors. Mrs. ing planted and better care is being -^""^ ""' and .while the nomination of files around the ;iining camp of Por- si,yj,,.j_ ^j,,,. \y ^^ Edwards. Mrs. St. John's United Churcti FLESHERTON 10.30 Jesus. " In Simcoe County! ^r. Porteous seems assured, a large '"l''"'^ culminat> ', on July 11. l'.Ul, in Lougheed; .A.u.litor. Mrs. Sheard; Con- this service A.M. â€" "The Radiance of ?uiulay school following While endeavouring to split a block i^^''^^ ^he object of improving quality 1 of elm wood, which h-' had purchased -^'"^' >â- •''' ""•>' ^^^^^ =>hipments have to in a load from J. M. Hicks, George ; ^'^faJ'^'!- Stewart L. Page district H. Kembar, Creemore, found a heavy | â- '^P'^e-'^entative of the Department of] the Dooley Dotato ha.s been adopteil ''''•••'i^ation from Osprey will attend, i a conflagration which resulted in the venei-s; HeaJt.h and Child Welfar loss of 72 lives and proiierty damage •e. ; :.00 P. M. Church Service at WE SELL PUBLICiTT There are a fev- i)eopIe in every ,. , , . «., n,,rt-„m r io,c *â- • •^I'--'- <-'»ld--^'"ith. Home economics, .Mrs. Ceylon. Sunday school at 2 P.M. •^-imated at $.3,000,000. In 191b. tires j g^j,. Education. Mi-s. .Jewitt. As :i the same genera! region were re - i.uitu,.^, 1^,.^ ponsil.ile for death of at least Vgn- .•\. Buie, Relief and Con- horseshoe imbedded in the block, j -â- ^&-''.i<-""lture at Barrie, states that j^,(jmnu!nitv who ha .; the wrong slant which was about 14 inches in dia-j fi-o"' 1(^.000 to 14.000 acres are under; o„ the missions of a newspaper. Thev f:..e i,verimr meter. In cutting off the block,, the ' P^t^atoes in Simcoe County, a much • - . .. . o) j. Note that the evening service is .,,,, â€" -â- • â- ! withdrawn owing to the annnivei-sai-ji- â€" munity activities, Mrs. W. r. Kdwarus. services in the Baptist Church, people, the exact number never having Hi-stovii-nl Ko<..nr,.i, vf..- qi-q.,,. i ^ ii j â- i. i. i- d o -n '"stoni.ai ^ce^earcn, Mrs. blieani.i On Monday night the i. P 1^5. will been determined. During 1!>22, a iniru r„,,„.i:.,„ i„. I,,,.,,.;, . -ir; c r- i... 1 , .. .1 11. . ^ t.ana»lian liulustnos. .Miss S. Edwards, hold a rally to conclude the season s. third saw had missed the iron by not more huger acreage than in any county in than an inch. A close examination! 'he province. The price this year is revealed the fact .that while the elm I »'> 'ow that it scairely pays to haul tree was growing in the bush many ^ them to market, even if there were a years ago the hoi-seshoc had been ' niarket for half the quantity now hung on the small projecting limb, stored in the cellars of those who The tree had gradually grown around: Produced larger than usual, owin.g to the horse.«hco. and the limb had later' ^o much wheat and clover being win- ter killed a year ago, and the land thus made available sown with potat- oes. There was good weather for potato growing, aiKl the ci-op was a large one. - ._ „ in part the area.< burned, r „„.:^|.,.:,.„ -it,, [do not realize that its a business prop-| ,,,, bv the previous fires, destroved' "^"^ '•'â- "'"""• '"' position, just the same as any other | tj,e town of Hailevburv and other industry in a community, even though j ,.^.„t,.es and caused 40 .leaths. In Its stock in trade is publicity. For in- ,,,o8. a fire originating in the forest stance, the Chronicle has housed un-l^.-ound Fernic-. Briti.sh Columbia, des-! der Its roof a plant that cost approxi-i .^,„ve,, t^e citv, caused 25 deaths ren-| been removed. If the tree had been taken to a saw mill to be cut into lumber, the hoiiseshoe undoubtedly would have had disastrous results on the saw. â€" Barrie Examiner. According to the Ir.test statistics, P. Neff. Miss Math-j meetings. The social convener will er gave a paper on -Clothing Pioject;" have charge of the programme, vocal duel by Mrs. Crevier and daugh- Rev. F. B. Allnuit. B. D. District sec'y ter Norma: paner by Mrs. Goldsmith, of Upper Canada Bible society will ad- â- •Du.-^L will keep but violets won't." dress the Union meeting on Thursday The roll call was answei-ed by my night at 8 o'clock in the Sunday school and (leijjti (i,()00 peojjle homeless and dam-' mately twenty thousand dullar the staff that operate it are paid 1 aged properly to the estimated extent! wages that will compare favourably I .f ^,5,000,000. ' with those of any other manufactur-j fhe most di..asti-.us vear in mod-! ing industry. There are three strings! ^.,„ days was 1023 when the total lossi t^ our bow, and no one or two of , i, -luding the value of the timber! them would be adequate to keep th.' ' j,,,ti-oyed and the fire-fighting costs! i'avorite flower and it's culture. The of this chiiix'h. Don't miss this. hostesses, Mrs. Taylor. Mrs. Hill and Mrs. McLean served a daiiitv lunch. Hear Torcnlo's Mayor Kemeber the Tenth .Anniversary ot I'liioii to he observed on June t^th at 2 P. .M. See poster . HAPIIST CHIRCH FLESHERTON If the chain letter could be used Canadians consumed 30.92 pounds of in such a way that it would cause butter; 3.64 pounds of cheese, and (i.2S people to pay their bills we can see pounds of concentrated milk products where it might become an imple- iper head of population during 1934. I ment to considerable merit. amounted to the $10,000,000.00. staggering : Truly, fir; <><MJM.;M,x•<.<><«^,^<^<.<~J«}M.><..>.>^MJ^:»,;M^x~x~x~>•M"t•<•<"^•>♦*••^^ I I ? 1 I I ! t I Hear lames Simpson, Mayor of uni of Toronto at the third annua! mass '* a; meeting of Badges os Citizens Forum great servant but terrible ma,ster. .^t Maole Vallev Presbvterian Hall, Statistics collected by the dU'feren; Wednesday, Mav 22nd at 8.30 P.M. government bureaus show that over^ jj,.. Simpsons subject will be. -"nie I 'â- ' '"^'' '^'-'"'' "'^ the fires of kiuwn or-i buildino- of a Nnti.-v.> " ';,»o,.ial on in cdher words to p.-o-luce pub- i-,;,, are due to human carelessness ,„t t bv Dundalk S Chora an Lcity. No other business gives so and therefore prevenfaole Camwrs r r Dundalk Male Choiu^s anl mu.h gratis to its community as the .ettlers and "-ailwayr^re "resp'Sk;! ^^ """""^ press. There are some who annar-i f,,,- mnsf nf th., f !:-.,„ ,vi, business a going concern â€" it takes the combined eartiings of all three branches â€" subscriptions, advertising and job printing. Th© most expen- sive end of the business is that which is operated to produce the newspaper .Vnniversary Services will be held in tlie Baptist Church, on Sunday, May 2l)th; in the morning at 11 o'- clock: Evening at 7. Special music by the choir. The Rev. .\. Homer, of Mulock, Ontario, -ill preach at both services. To Those in Arrears With Subscriptions Time Extended to May 23, 1935 Duriui;' iht- past coiipk- of weeks many oi vuv subscribers in arrears for The .Advance have re- sponded to the reciuest for the payment of their accounts, but only a small portion of the total num- ber have responded and to them we wish to convey our thanks. In order to allow the remainder to pay arrears on their paper we are extending- the date to May 23rd. after which our subscription list will be handed over to the Federal Surety Co. for collection. ,- . :-v ;^- It is impos.siblc to run a business without ready cash, and as we have paid out a lari;e sum of money to supply The .Advance to our subscribers in arrears, we think it only ri,s;-ht that they should .ackntnvled^e the confidence iilaced in them dur- iiifi' the past few years, when they allowed their subscriptions to remain in arrears. We would thank you for the payment of your subscription before May 23rd, if ic is in arrears. Yt)U can find that out by rcadin<^ the label on your paper. â€" W. H. Thurston & Son. There are some who ajipar-i fur most of the fires whose origin is .^:enty think the columns of the paper Lletermined. Other causes, including I- should he open to free space in boost- lumboring jperatioii and incendiarism. mg specific events or attractions, accou-nt for a small prooortiun, The hard and fast rule of all news- | c;-.ly papers is that publicity for attra I HERE IS A TOUGH CASE anoi light-! ....... a few are attributed to light-! What could be more tragic than the .. - ^ --. ^ j ning. • i fate of a fat millionaire who goe^ •,;; tions out of which money is to be| The experienced woodsman clears' ^^^^^ ^ ''ave just heard about this .^[ made, directly or indirectly, by an j the ground carefully. b-aild.s a httle^ '^'*®'' *"^ '' ^'^'â- ''^*''' ""^ «* being a truly 1 1 admission charge or collection, must â- fi-p that he can control easily and see?i P't^'^"! situation. -•'be paid for. Committees might .iust (hat the last lingering soark is out "« weighs ;!20 pounds. For years hi> as well! walk into a factory, a gro- lefore he moves on. Such care on' •^^'^•'y service has been performed by, eery store, a dry goods store ,or ajthe nai t of all those who enter the! ^''*'^*^''' ''"tiers, fcotmen. Now he ^m^<^><>>>«>.>.^<><m^<»>^':«<h^m>^«^X><m;~;«,;,<,<h;m^<m;.{m;«;m;,^<.<^^m^,^,^ rents furnishing store and ask for two or three dollars v.-orth of goods off the shelves â€" as ask a news- paper for free publicity that costs several hundred dollars each week t!> inxiduce. We would remind the pub- lic besides the wage bill, there enters into the cost of producti-on of even a humble weekly newspaper, the cost of the plant, light, heat, power, tele- l>hone, telephone, governmental -and civic taxes, repairs, maintananc'\ of- fice expenses, and a hundred others. Perhaps this angle hasn't been con- sidered by those who sometimes look ailmost astonished when the editor, who with his staff pay their obliga- tions the same as other citizens, ask payment for what he has invested so much money to be in a po.sjtion to sell. â€" Dtinnville Chronkle. iie isj forests would prevent most of thei ''''^'^*'- ^'-' <^annot afford to keep a fires. However, outd-iod experts are ^ *^"*?'<-' servitor. He has lost his entire now advocating that open camp f fl-es ^ '""''^""p 'Jjwn to the last dime. But hej be abolished and are urging campers. I l^asn't lost a pound of his fat. Not an tourist.s and woodsmen to use the all- ' ""^"ce! And he is absolutely helpless! I metal camp stoves. These stoves ^'•' ^an't even bend over far enough to j tie his o'-n sh-ies. This is a real trag- edy. I cannot imagine any poverty worse than that of an obese million- aire who suddenly finds himself a roly-poly pauper. have metal legs that hold them up off the ground. They light instantly like a city gas range and when you are through cooking you turn off and .Hit goes the fire. No ashes, no ling- ering sparks to flare up. There's no wood to cut either and they do a cook- ing job that rivals your kitchen rango at home. They fold up for carrying like a small suitcase. ^!ajiy a man has lost a friend by attempting to be funny at his ex- pense. YOUR Meat Shop Highest Quality of Fresh «uid Cured Meats AWays on Hand All orders filled and delivered with dispatch JAS. E. WILSON Phone 47w Flesherton The burning question of the day is: WTien.can we let the furnace fire go out and stay out. .\ successful trader tells us he Pon't laugh at those old pictures of i would rather trust a hoi-se's teeth to I ♦ the royal faanily. Look in your own tell its age than used car's speed- X family album. ometer to do the same. Bates & Maddocks Burial Co. l-'ornuTix Bates Burial Co. 124 Avenue Rd., Toronto DIS.TINCTIVE FUNERAL SERVICE XT MODER.\TE COST PHONES: Night or Day â€" Klngsdale 4344â€"3456 Funeral Chapel J. W. Bates Fred Maddocks, Assoc. Richard Maddocks, Manager Formerly of Flesherton <..;«;..:^>.:k'':«^.^.mk'^^'><"?*<»<-k«*«ms«*<«<"><-s«**>;s»^ rtiiajtL^j^ii^^ilk'ES