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Flesherton Advance, 1 May 1935, p. 5

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THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Wednesday, \fay 1, 1935 LOCAL DISTRICT NEWS KIMBERLEY PORTLAW PRICEVILJLE Another "fine btff dance" was held, -we are told, in ti\i Agricultural Hall under the auspicies of that body. Thti best of order and managment pre- vailed with Mr. W. G. McBride floor manager in charge. The Nite Owl Orchestra of Mildmay did the "Hoo- Hooing" necessary for the light fan- tastic. On Friday evening following a farewell appreciation showtr was given to Mr. and Mrs. Allen Mclnnls at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mal- colm Mclnnis, where they had been spending their Eatser holidays. The Address of appreciation good vvill and best wishes was read by Mrs. Wil- fred Watson, and spoken to by Messrs "^^^ ^^^^^^ »«ws from Mrs. John Robt. Parslow, H. B. McLean, Henry Badgerow. w^ho is In a Toronto hos- LOSfT TWO FINGEBS â-  Mr. S. J. Amott, Centre Line, met with at" very distressing accident on Thursday of last week. He waa assisting to operate a buzzing outfit when fa)« right hand came in contact with the' si^w;^ 'tfith'th^ result that hi.' .third and fourth fingers were com- pletely severed and the second finger badly injured. Much Sympathy is expressed for Mr. Amott in his misfortvme. We .extend our sympathy to Mrs. Cecil Meldrum and the Pedlar family in the passing of their father, Mr. VVm. T. Pedlar.* Beaton, Arch McCuaig, D. L. Mc- Arthur, Rev. J. W. J6hnston while Chas. Kennedy acted as chairman.. Had we been there, (the walking distance was to great from my office) I would have enjoyed adding my quota to the pleasure of his agreeable pres- ence. His valuable assistance and ' ^'"â- "'" '"^P**"^''" ^'°'"*^ offerings from ^uick ready improvement ma* in i ^^e family and sympathizing friends, reading of the notes -with the choir ^^'''"^^' » ^P'"«i' ^'*°'" ^^'^ ^^- 2'*'" pital, is that she is somewhat The family of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Jamiespn have all been quite ill with the flu, but now are improving. The following, in connection with the death of Mrs. J. J. Little, came to hand too late to be included in the in St. Columba, I, as leader, have often remarked upon this ready ac- complishment. Our very beat wishes to a young married couple go with them to Palgrave, where he teaches. The junior farmers club, formed at the recent Agricultural courses will be held at the home of Jean Mc Ar- thur, (Reeve McRrthur's home), on Wednesday evening May 1st, Mr. T. Stewart Cooper will be present. On May 2nd the Womens' Institute formed at the same time as above will meet in the basement of St. Col- umba Church on Thursday. On Friday evening llie Y. P. S., under the leadership of ifiss EditTi James, will hold their regular weekly meeting on Friday evenrng at which the Rev. W. J. Scott of Plesherton will give an address, relating to Sum- mer Schools and their advantages. TORONTO LINE NORTH Ladies' Association and a spray from the Portlaw Public School. The flower bearers were members of the Mt. Zion Ladies' Aid. The pallbear- ers wei-e: Messrs John McKee, Albert Blackburn, Laurie Pedlar, Jim Pedlar, Harry Fisher and Cecil Meldrum. Friends from a distance who at- tended the funeral were: Miss Minnie Cullen of Toronto, Mr. Thos. CuUen of Toronto, M*- and Mrs. F. A. Walker of Chesley, Mr. and Mrs. J. Beaton of Markdale, Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Gaudin and Stanley of Toronto Mr. and Mrs. T. Little of Walkerton and Mrs. A. Brett and Milton of Orangeville. FEVERSHAM Miss (oia Graham, teaching near Singhampton, ana Miss Be:>sie Staf- ford, teaching near Barrie, spent their holidays at their parental homes here. Miss G, Currie of Kimberley school went to her home in Thornbury for the Easter holidays. Mrs. A. E. Myles and Ted visited the week end with Toronto friends. Mr. Harold Thompson visited a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Bur- ritt. Mr D. L. Weber is in Toronto for i[p«q OS ;oJ8 aq }oo; siq uo }uaui)BOj-) crushed over a year ago. Mr. John Haynes, who has been in poor health all winter, went to To- ronto to the hospital Monday morn- ing. He was accompanie<i by Mrs. Haynes. Mr. Will Hammond and son Paul spent the holidays making improve- ments on his lot in the vilia;;e. Mr. Geo. Hutchinscn visited a few days with his son, Uaddon. A number of our young people put on an excellent play on Thur.s<lay night, "Let us all get married" It was very humerous and v.-c. icred, | every part was well given. They { are to be congratulated, also those i who aedid so willingly to arrange] latter's farm near Salem. Thirteen i the stage furnishings. The young years ago they left the farm and con- 1 people have been invited to give it on ducted the general store at Ceylon, j Friday night May 3rd. Proceeds in letiring only last spring to the farm. ; aid of church. $34.20 was taken in. Mrs. Haw possessed a keen sense i We are glad to report Caby Ful- Mrs. Albert E. Haw Bied Very Suddenly CEYLON Death came with tragic suddienness early Sunday morning when Margaret Knox, wife of Mr. Albert E. Haw of Salem, formerly of Ceylon, passed away at her home, the result of a .stroke. Mrs. Haw had been about her home as usual on Saturday and during the day had assisted her boyg in planting their school garden. She retired about U p.m. and \va.s sud- denly seized with a severe pain in her head and although medical aid arrived she passed away two hours later. The late Mrs. Haw was the daugh- ter of the late James Knox and Mrs. Jane Richardson Knox and was born 45 years ago on the 8th concession ot Proton. After attending the Ottawa Normal School she joined the Edmon- ton, Alta., public school teaching staff and remained there until her marriage to Mr. Haw when they settled on th< PROTON STATION Farmers were all busy on the land ladt week. The first real spring rain of the season interrupted the operations, but the rain was very welcome. We trust we may not get too much of a good thing, as the land! was in such good working condition. Easter holidays are again past and schools are re-opened. Mr. Little- johnij of Markdale has returned to hi.^ duties hede and the local visiting teachers have gone to their schools el-sewhere. Mr. L. N'icholls of St. Thomas, Dr. and Mrs. Bryce and little son, Bobby, of Flesherton were visitors at thelili**- home of R. G. Acheson. Miss Hazel Hodgin has made taken possession of a field on Mr. Joe Parks' farm and everyone is wonder- ing what they intend doing next. The roads in this locality have been remarkably good thi« spring. The large road grader, which has been •v»r them, made a great improvement. VICTORIA CORNERS Donald R«bin.son and Doris Bannon of Toronto spent the holidays at Mil- ton Bannon's. Mrs. Bannon accom- panied them to Toronto for a few days, on their return. â- Mr. and Mrs. Arthur McKnought of Shelbourne visted the Bannon fam- I Mrs. Russel Patterson and Amis a Jimmie and Paul .spent a few days splendid recovery from an operation with the former's parents, Mr. and for appendicitis. Mrs. Wm. Acheson. Miss Verlet .MIcN'aty, who was ill Miss Sylvia .A.cheson spent a few I for weeks in Toronto, is still in poor days at Eugenia. ' health. ^- J^"°- Duncan attended the O. E. A large flock of wild geese have -A. at Toronto last week. /z of humor and was a devoted mother. Her executive ability and leadership were marked in the activities of the church and community and her un- timelf death has cast a deep shadow on the hearts of her many friends. Besides her grief-stricken husband she is survived by a family of five children, Mable 15, a student at the Dundalk high school, .\llan IS, Gordon 8, Eric 6 and Billy 4. She also leaves her mother, Mrs. Jas. Knox of Ceylon, and three sisters: Mabel (Mrs. W, |Mc- Cormack) of Salem, Vina (Mrs. How- let) Carvel, Alta., and Marion (Mrs. Gillespie) of Hopeville, and three Miss Annie Richardson of Toronto is spending a while with her brother Robt. Richardson, and family. Mr. .Albert Stewart was a recent I at Dundalk. visitor in Owen Sound. i ^iss Edith Heitman has returned to Mr. and Mts. Harold Richardson Toâ„¢"^^ n«""al school after spending and children were recent visitors with ^^« holidays at her home here Barrhead friends. Miss Marion Beecroft of Owen brothers, Robert in the States, Will- Miss Grace Wright has resumed j^^ ^^ Bowmanville and Alex, of Toronto. - â-  * The funeral of the late Mrs. Haw was largely attended, this afternoon. There was a short service at tJie house and then they .nroceeded to the church where Rev. Johnston as- sisted by Rev. McDonald, preached a comforting semion. Mr. Johnston based his sermon on John 5 and 24. He referred to the leadership of Mrs. Haw in the church, altrough often labouring under impaired health her duties as teacher in Rob Roy School after spending the Easter hol- idays at her home near here. Our schools opened again after the Easter holidays with the same staff of teachers. Messrs. Harry Rawton and Bert Wright have gone back to high school Miss Mary McCort of Owen Sound is visiting with Rev. and 'Mrs. Dean Sound spent the Easter vacation with I »"'' "^her friends here. Miss Marion Wickens. Mr. W. -Abercrombie returned tc Barrie after visiting his cousin, Mrs. R. Richardson. Maxwell ford recovering nicely after the se- vere scalding he gave himself The little chap pulled the plug out of the washing machine letting the water over his body. Dr. McKee and nurse Fawcett were in attendance. Mr. and Mrs. Laurie Lawrence have moved from Flesherton and takten rooms with Mrs. Js. Lawrence. We congratulate Betty Graham on winning first prize in the jr. room of the school for iiaving the highest per cent for spelling for the terra from the new vear. ROCK MILLS PROCLAMATION I herebv procTaim MONDAY, MAY 6th, 1935 as a PUBLIC HOLIDAY for the Village of Flesherton in commemoration of the twenty-fifth anniversary of His Gracious Majesty King George V. And I call on all good loyal citizens to duly observe the same. Flesherton, April 29th, H. A. McCAULEY, Reeve. 1935. Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Betts wera, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mc>Pullen and two children of East Mountain and Mr. and Mrs. .> -Andrew l^wcett of Kimberley. Mrs. !;I R. McMullen and little loan Betts who};:* had been visiting at Kimberley the past week returned home with them. We extend our sympathy to the family of the late Wm. Pedlar in the loss of their father and brother. A il survey of his life is to be found in and lefT a" me°ssage of 'comfort with' =^"°^^" column. j Prayer meeting will be held .\ large congregation greeted the people from Thornbury in the Gos- pel Workers' church on Sunday evening last and a fine musical ser- vice was given before the meeting started^ An orchestra, composed of four violins, two guitars and a saxa- phone gave good music. Mr. W. The W. A. u-il! meet at the home ! Buchanan took the service and gave of Mrs. Emerson Wright on Thurs- day, May 2nd. Rev. A. Bushell and family spent the Ea.-ter holidays In Toronto. Mrs. W'alter Seoley has returned home after spending the past week visiting relatives at St. Marys. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Wagg of Tor- onto called on friends in this vicinity over the week end. BORNâ€" to Mr. and Mrs. Robt. :^ScIntyre on Thursday .\pril 2.5th.' secured a vei-y earnest address. Mr. and Mrs. .Albert Eby and Miss Staeey of Toronto were risitors with Mr. and Mi-s. Eby and family over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brackenbury ot Flesherton - spent Sunday with the latter's sister, Mrs. Joseph Barber. Miss Robinson of Hamilton is teach- ing in our public school this week. The Presbyterian congregation has a minister for the summer the sorrowing husband and family. Two beautiful quartettes were ren- dered. "In the Land far away" and "In that Beautiful Land", by Messi-s. Heard. Richard.-^on, Fowler and Weir.. .\t the close of the service the body was conveyed to the cemetery op- posite her home, preceeded by the flower carriers with their tokens of sympathy. The pallbearers were: Messrs. Edwin Fowler. Wilfred Black. Bob Black. Roy McNalty and Ed. Haw. To the grief stricken family the community extends its sincere syni- pathv. t\xjn girls. Congratulations. Mr. David Genoe and daugliter Dor- othy of Eugenia visited at the home of, Mr. Ed. Hillock on Sundav. months. What the world needs is peace pacts that pack perfect peact'. I SEEDS Field and Garden TIMOTHY, ALFALFA, SWEET CLOVER, RED and MAMMOTH. ALSIKE All at lowest prices. DUTCH SETTS, MULTIPLIERS, GARDEN PEAS, BEANS and CORN We are showing a s|4endid stock of new Work Clothes, including Work Boots, Pants, Overalls, Smocks, Shirts, Socks, and Straw Hats. A Word About Paint Mis.s Stella Young ot Rock Mills and Mr. Ken Wickens of Thornbury spent the first of the week with Mr. and Mrs. Luther Duckett. Mrs. Bob Phillips and son, .Albert, and Harold Tracey of Toronto visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gibson. Mr. and Mrs. .Alex. Knox of To- this Friday night at 8 o'clock at the home cf Mr. Lome Atkinson, conducted by Rev. F. Dean. Everybody welcome. Miss E M Oliver spent part of the Easter vacation visiting in Toronto. Mrs. Tucker. Mr. and Mrs. .Percj Gorham and >£r. and Mrs. Geo. Tuck- er of Toronto, visited recently with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Carter, wlio have spent the past week at the home of Mr. Lewis Peillar left Monday for their home at Manilla. Mr. Hughie Pedlar who aiTived here Sunday from the west to attend the funeral of his father will spend a few weeks with relatives and friends before returning homo. meeting at the home of Mrs. Will Gibson on Wednesday last, when Mrs. Geo. Snell presided in the ab- sence of the president. Mrs. J. Mc- -^ Mullen. The roll call was an.^wered *:. with "Hints on Cleaning." The pro- ronto visited on Saturday with the : gram consisted of recipes, short cuts \ M - When you spend your time painting you night juat •• well do a job that wiu took wdL *14arvo'* Paint doite bodi and costs the saiqe aa aay otliar food painty Our Groceries Do Hieir Own Booetinc \ Ospreyft Artemesia Co-operative Co.»Ltd. : FLESHERTON â-ºâ™¦Â«Â«*«*«*«»*«***«**»««**«M former's mother, Mrs. James Knox. Mr. and Mrs. .Archie Sinclair ac- companied Miss Margaret Sinclair as far as Barrie on Saturday, returning home on Sunday. Miss Gladys Pattison spent the week end in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. 01. er were in ?tayner over the week end. The c<>ndition of Miss Willa Pat- torson is very critical at time oi writing. Mrs. Maephail spent the week end with her sister-in-law, Mrs. Jae. Henderson, Mount Forest, while Miss .Agnes Maephail. M.P.. proceeded to Kitchener and addressed a large audience at the "Open Forum, " her subject: "Canada's Prison Problem.' Mrs. Peter Muir has returned from an extended visit in Oshawa. Mrs. Cameron Smellie was a recent visitor in Toronto. Mr. Paul Schram has moved his family from the McPherson farm tc Arthur. May and Beatrice will re- main until the examinations are eon eluded in Fleaherton High School. Misses Marjory and Hilda Ihickett were visitors last week with Eugenia friend*. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Torry and Jack, Lauriston, were visitors Snn<llay with Mt«. H. Piper, who retarrted with them for a vlsK. Miss Catharine Cairns returned to Toronto on Sunday. Misses Olive Marshall and Rita Marshall, R.N , returned to Mimiec and Whitby, respectively, on Sunday. The Ladies' .Aid held their monthly^ etc., in the home and sweet pea planting. The May meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. .J. McMullen when Mrs. W. J. Scott. Flesherton will speak on the "Local Council ot Women." The social committee serv- ed lunch at the close of the meeting. Kings Jubilee DANCE IN FRATERNITY HALL FLESHERTON MON., MAY 6th Music by PARKER â€" ST. JOHN ORCHESTRA OF OWEN SOUND Commencing at 9 p.m. Lunch Extra - - Admission: 35c Old Time Dance I THURSDAY, MAY 2 1935 I DOROTHY FOSTER, BLACKBURN AND I * DOUGLAS BROS. ORCHESTRAS .1 ADMISSION : 25c. Lunch e-xtra A VV% • ♦^^^ •^^•^ • ♦ ♦ • • •^» • • • • » • * • • ♦ • • • • • '^ • '^ S t I •:• *> •:• ♦ •> Bulk P-nat Butter 2 lbs. 25c Singfapore Sliced Pineapple - . Tin \U lister SALMON I'sâ€" 20c SAVE YOU MONEY Head Lettuce 10c L^f Lettuce 10c New Carrots 10c Celery 10c " Spanish Onions lb 10c New Tomatoes lb. ISc Grape Fruit 5c Onuifes 39o G. J. KENNEDY 'Phone 37 Iodized Salt 2 pkgs. 15c Lax Flakes pkg. fc -^ Aybner Tomtto Jatce Lar«e ckn lie

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