®hje fkBhctim %tfmnct. \'ol. 54; No. 45 WEDNESDAY. MAY 1. 1935 W. H. Thurston & Son, Proprietor* Wm. T. Pedlar Funeral Was Largely Attended Trout Season Opens Speckled troui, linhirig opened this Wednesday morning, after a spring that has been so warm that it has caused trout fishermen palpitation of Another link in Artemesia's second generation of pioneers was broken on Thursday, April 25th, when William ' ^^^ ^^^^ '" their eagerness to wade T. Pedlar passed away at his home in ' ^^^ streams or sit on the bank of a the Rock Mills district. ! ^°°'^ fishing pond in an effort to in- finny beauties to sample A sufferer from rheumatism for the 1 ''"*=^,. ^^' ^'""^ beauties past 35 years, and having a none too i [.^^ ^'"« J"'^^ '^°™' ^' *^«^ ^"^ °^ the rugged constitution, had denied Mr.' '"*" Pedlar from the strenuous duties of 1 ^"emptmg to lift the fly rod donated Osprey Council The Osprey Municipal Council met in regular session at Maxwell on Sat. April 1 ;3 all the members were pres- ent. The minutes of the March meeting were read and confirmed and the following business done. Visits Relief Receivers'^. G£NMEOY m^^^ GROCERY BUSINESS PRICEVILLE In an effort to find for themselves whether people on relief are suffer- ing any hardship. Premier Hepburn and members of his cabinet made a personal tour of suburban districts I surrounding Toronto last week aud his farm. About three weeks ago his condition became more acute, ancj while everything humanly possible wa*' done to relieve him, he passed peace- fully away on the above date. Mr. Pedlar was in his 76th year. Son of the late Joseph and Elsie by Slater's Auto Parts and Supplies of Owen Sound for the largest speck- led trout caught in the county. C. J. Bellamy won the prize in 1933 and Dargavel in 1034, besides a third prize, and both are in the race again this year (they hope). There will Pedlar the deceased was bom in Mari- j ^^ '"^"J' °''^«'"^ °^^ °" Wednesday in posa and when only a child of tender ^" ^^^'"^ ^ *^"*"^ "''^ coveted prize years came with the family and settled on the farm where he resided up to the time of hig passing . In early life the deceased contributed his .share of hard labor in helping to clear the farm, and many an inter- esting story he could relate of the old logging bees and their relative social side. On December 25th, 1883 , Mr. Pedlar was married to Matilda Tweed and to this union six children were bom. Tiie surviving members are: Nellie, ( Mrs. John Wickens) of Kim- Mr. McClennin of the Ingot Iron I visited numbers of homes where the Co addressed the Council on the mer- j occupants are receiving food, eioth- . , its of its culverts and Mr. Silas Mc-jing, shelter, fuel, light, water, med- Agam the local fishermen are | Arthur gave some information and ical sen-ices and school books, v/here prices of road machinery. As the mem- 1 necessary, from the Government. Hon. bers were not in the mood to spend I David CroU, Minister of Welfare ana any money at the present time on Municipal .\ffairs, Hen. H. C. Nixon, these things, any inducement to buy ' Provincial Secretary, and Hon. Arthur was not given. Roebuck, Attorney General, made up .\n offer of Two Hundred Dollars ; the Government party. They were was received from Mr. .-^itkens for i accampanied by representatives of Lot 41, Con. 3 S. and after consider- i unemployment workers' associations, abe discussion it was decided to ac-i .After visiting homes in. Scai-boro. cept it and Mr. .Aitkens notified to New Toronto, Mimico and Long that effect. . Branch, these being particularly dls- May 6th, the Silver Jubliee cf their 'messed areas, and talking with hus- Majesties, King George and Queen : *'a"<^^ ^^^ti ^â- '^""^- about their problems, Mary is declared a Public Holidav the Premier came tj the conclusion -anl may the largest fish win. A Big One . Mrs. Ted Cole of Scotland, Ont., I apeat £aster with her father, Jlr. Another business change has been I '^^7. McDougall in Fesherton with Mr. W. G. -^^'='' Anmi McEachei-n spent Eaa- Kennedy selling out to his brother, ' ''^'' "'"*'' ""''^ ^^'^''^' ''^ Toronto. Jack, w ho was as.sociated with him I ^I"- -^'^ Carson and Bemice, Mr. for a number of years and who last â- a"«i M"^- -'^^x "Knox, Mrs. Harry fall opened up a grocery store in : Pedlar and son of Toronto, spent a made Markdale. Mr. Kennedy has pur-j few ciays here last week. chased the Dundalk bakery and took: Miss Sadie McKinnon. South Line, ! in this municipality by the Reeve. I Earl this Wednesday morning the; General accounts ordered paid were big fish commenced to make their! Geo. Coutts, settlement of claim $35 appearance, when Jim Dargavel came E. Rebinson, stamps $3; R. W. Lind- i a men's wear department. Last .sum- mer he joined the Saperion Store Sys- that while there was very little com- tern of individual control and has been plaint with regard to ciothing and other supplies, there appeared to be some necessity for an increase in the food allowances. There was noth- I ing pre-arranged about the visits on Jim Wilson's scales and measuring. Board to D. Winters §40; Ti-ustee andi"^* Welfare Mini.<ter selected 20 inches in length. Thu is miP of I R^to,,n,u..^' a.<:„-. ....„„f c^. t ! names at random from a lis' in with a beautiful speckled trout weighing four pounds and one ounce say, professional services to D. Win- ters §10; Workmen's Compensation! This is one of 1 Ratepayers' .Assoc, grant So; J. aken i Hammil, supplies to H. .Adair «33. ione , niembers of Council, special meeting; over the business on Monday morning, ; spent a couple of weeks in Toronto. Mr. C. E. Hincks and Beth spent a few days in Toronto and attended the 0. E. -A. convention. Mr. Murray McMillan has gone to Toi'onto. â€"Miss Rita McDermid, Toronto spent Easter with her paretns, Mr. and Mrs. eery business from C. J. Bellamy and Archie McDermid. together conducted it for a year when ; On Wednesday afternoon the Will- .^Ir. Kennedy purchased the entire '»* Helpers had a Silver tea in the interest. Since then he has built up Pres'jyterian Church, with a good a splendid grocery business and added attendance. .Mrs. Tom Nicho}, and Mrs. Colin McLean poured tea and Mrs. .Wm Aldcorn and Mrs. Ang;tis Sutherland received the guests. The Mr. Walter Newcombe, who has been in the store heie for the part few weeks is at present managing the -Markdale store. Twelve years asro last Christmas Mr. Kennedy and his brother-in-law Mr. G. E. Henry, purchased the gro- able to give better value to the buy- ing public. The Superior Store will :ontinue under the new managment. Mr. Kenneiiy has been a very avtive n the business life of the village and fortune to lose one of his horses well be missed. He was also presi- : ceutly. dent of the Flesherton Tennis Club! Mr. Cifford Hincks motored proceeds were over $11.00 Miss Margaret McLean visited last week with her sister in Toronto. .Mr. Colin H. McLean had the mis- re- to the finest fish we have seen taken i Hammil, sunplies to H. .Adair «33 39: ! '" ^'^ Department and the off i- j which he helped to build to its present j Hamilton Saturday. Mr. Jas Weir , out of the Hydro Lake, where ths ione i members of Council, special meeting ' '^'^'- '^" ^^* unemployed workers' as - , flourishinsr state and was also a mem- 1 and family accompanied him down, berley, Dora (Mrs. Cecil Meldrum) of i was caught. It appears as though $3 each; C. -N'. Long, writing 20 appli-: ^°<='**'°" ''*''^'' expresse satisfaction ber of the Curling Club. We wish; '^^r- Geo. McLeilan and friend of Portlaw, Hugh D. of Oxbow, Sask., jin, has a strangle-hold on the Slater ; cations 's5.50; D. Stephens, salary' as i ^^''^ ^^^ '"""^^ viMted had not been Mr. Kennedy all possible success m ' -^''agara. spent the week end at Mrs. and Lewis, residing on the home | chief prize again this year as it is i as.sessor $75. place. One sister, Mrs. Selena Mc-|very unlikey that a larger fish willi r^,^^ accounts passed were: J •Kee, of Flesherton and_ one brother, j H^rely be showi tomorrow when the'^-;,,^^^^ 54 gg. h. Thompson SS3.'2o: also \ competition closes. Mr. Dargavel ' hand-picked and that they represent- j his new business. Mrs. Kennedy and ^- Campbell's. Mrs. McLeilan, who ed an average cross-section of the family will likely remain in Fleshei-ton spent the past week here, returned George Pedlar, of Dui-ham survive. During his life-long residence in the community he made a host of friends â€" and held them. A trifle tempestuous, there were times when the waves seemed ruffled; this situa- tion, however, would only prevail momentarily, the deceased bearing no spite or malice. Those w'ho had business connections with him for over half a century are substantial in their kindly remarks that he was a man of integrity and always met his obligations, and this, together with his genial disposition, placed him in high esteem in the community. took the big beauty to Owen Sound i this morning. Trout Ate Perch J. McCuu'heon S15; T. J. Hawkens ,$3.2.5; M. Pressick $7; J. T. Davidson i wire fence $10.60; J. L. Morrison, re- ! pairing grader $5.50; J. McKenzie I superintendent $17.40. Council adjourned to meet at Mas- 1 ^^^ endeared him to countless thou?- ' .P,,. iwell as Court of Revsion on the Ass-: j.„^^_ ^^^e leader of the Government: com- 1 •'**'"'â- '"* ^°" °" Saturday. May 2.:>th. ; ^uip^y ^^.^^^^ himself known to the 1 1 at 10 a.m. ; ^,jrpriscd occupants and tactfully se- i unemployed. The tour was a unique one enable the Prime Minister and his Ministers to come in contact witii ! actual condition not second-hand. j but from the people themselves. Dis- j playing that broad .sympathy which i until the expiration It ; school vear. of the present Owner Not Responsible -C. N. LONG, Clerk. The late Mr. Pedlar was very fond j in the mouth of another fish, of the rod and gun. and in respect to , brought both fish to land and .Already the fish stories are mencing to be broadcasted. Last week a young Flesherton lad was fish- ing in Flesher's pond, where boys have fished for a decade or so. and had a very unusual exeprience. He caught a small perch on his line as it | Callendar ha; dangled in the water and on bringing j Pesherton has its tailless cats. it to land it suddenly disappeared ^^-^ek t^o cat families were blessed! Pussie Freaks Owners and drivers of motor cars will no longer be responsible for th*' safety of "gratuitous" passengers should an accident take place, under a bill to amend the Highway Traffic concerning ' ^^.j introdxiced last week in the Ont- their circumstance.-;. It was no vote- ! getting tour in an election year. The ; cured from them facts He' Prem.ier did not have to make a per-| V- „,.;^f„„T ♦> «„jlsonal tour and leave his busy office its quintuplets and , , _ Lasfjfor the best part of the day. But' he was detemiined, as he told the i I nress, to see things for himself and' with the arrival of nine kittens, five dis-li,^ ,„^ f^„,ii,, 3„,j f^^, i„ the other.! '° ^ase his co.K-iusions as to future ; angling he could cast a wary line.; covered that he had hooked a speck-; j„ ^^^^ family of nine three of them ! I'*''"^'^ °" ^'* ^--action to what he sa^x ! Possibly no one in his district knew j led trout when it had devoured the ; better the hiding haunts of the: perch. The trout was. ten inches in speckled beauties of neighboring streams. Mr. Pedlar was also mus- ically inclined and his vocal contri- butions, particularly Negro melodies, added spice and variety to many an entertainment. The funeial was held on Sunday from his late home, when a large number of old friends were present to pay their last respects to a friend of long acquaintance. Rev. Dean, pastor of the Holiness Workers' church, Feversham. officiated at the house and graveside, and his message was a soui-ce of comfort to the ber- eaved. A beautifully rendered duet, "I Want to See Him," by Rev. and! Mrs. Dean added much to the senti ment of the occasion. The remains, were interred in Salem burial ground beside those of his wife, who pre- deceased him by nearly four years. The pallbearers were: Messrs. Jacob Williams. John Porteous. Isaac Smith, Thos. and Levi Betts, Wm. Hawkins, Chas. Newell and Samuel McMull"n. Beautiful floral offerings from the family and friends and a spray from; length and was a toothsome morsel at the dinner which followed. were tailless and in the other two of them were minus their caudal appen- dage. We also notice that freak snd heard. In every home visited there were; :it least four children in the family, j Road Will Be Widened ario legislature by Hon. T. B. McQues- ten minister of highways. It is understood that the amend- ment is the answer of the department to insurance companies' plans to double the passenge'-s liability insur- ance rates in the Toronto area on .April 1. It is anticipated that a further rate revision is possible if this clause of the bill is adopted. Another major change in the act is that after July, 1936, all motor ve- kTttens were born at '^andpo n Idaho^ One family had nine children and in ! â„¢^ aiter jui>, i-.^^, ai. motor ve- , money. Th kittens were born at bandpo m, ^^^^'â- \ ,, , ^ ^ ^ house- ' '''•'-â- '«^ "'"^^ ^^ equipped with "safety „,usic and da Four of the kittens were joined to- -^veral ca^i-, -lie nc.ia ot tne nouse , , „ „,;^„;„i„ gether along the sides and backs, hold told the visitors that they were^'^-' _ , at midmght. with them on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Angus McCannell of Proton Station, spent the week end at the home of .A. L. Hincks. This community was shocked when the word came that Mrs Albert E. Haw had passed away early Sunday morning, when she suffered a severe stroke two hours previous. Deepest sympathy is extended to the sorrow- ing husband and young family. .A large number from this part attended the funeral on Tuesday at Sal"eni Church. On Thursday night a large crowd attended the dance in the hall. The Mildniay Orchestra furnished good music and all enjoyed themselves until the wee sma' hours. On Friday night a presentation was held at the home of Mr. Malcolm Mc- Innis. in honor of Mr. and Mrs. .Allan Mclnnis, recentlyl married. WTien they wei'e presented with a purse of The evening was spent in dancing. Lunch was served gethe They feeding their only pr vio-ot-jus in health with'^>«^"er off under relief than they had'. Wider powers will be given to po-j Miss Monica Lambert has taken a [•oblem as onlyfjeen when working. Some of the ll'ce officers to inspect motor vehicles position at Mr. Ray McLean's homes showed neglect but the maj It is quite likely that the single; two could enjoy a meal at one time. ,. ority were neat and reflected the de strip of pavement on Highway 10, j A fifth kitten in the litter was nor south of Flesherton, will be construct- j mal. ed full width this summer by the De- Editor in Hospital sire of the recipients to maintain a decent standard despite hard times. The Premier was not satisfied with merely talking to the wives and hus- as to their condition and it is pro-' The teachers and pupils have re- posed to force motor vehicle oper- turned after spending the Easter ators to carry flares in case of night holidays. partment of Highways, according tn Mr. Roland Patterson, M.P.P., of ts'orth Grey on Monday. There are around seven miles of pavement that! j^p senior editor of The Advance was laid 10 feet in width last sum-ju u^ snffprino. with cataracts on- â- â- â- ,,,., mer and this will be made the f ull ! J^^ .^^^ Tor ti;; past -''ar a^ '^"r'^'^"' ""' *f"^. ^'"-^^''^^"^ ' "^ ^" ^^â- "'^^"^ ^"*^ ^" *^"^" '''' ^^'"^ j width of 20 feet. The single strip ,.ecentiy has been practically blimi Mr. and Mrs. .Arthur Greenwood of Durham have taken rooms in Mr. , Allie McLeans house, where Mr. emergencies. The bill provides that bicycles shall have a white strip painted on the rear mudguard, bands and the children who gathered ; -All persons in the garage business, Greenwood is engaged for the summer around to stare at him in open-eyed will be obliged to report all cars in wonder. He visited the bedrooms their care which appear to have been in the and the decision will be welcomed "ay the travelling public. Tlie Highway Department is not embai-king on any now road building program this year but this project is considered t<i be necessary. , i' regarding the supply of milk for the ^ ing lots are to be licen.sed , ^ ,,. , , â- I youngsters. He showed a genuine same manner as garages. Mondav he entered Colhngwood hos-| , - ,. , ., ,, .1 . , . . . n- , , - ^. , undci-standing of the » problems and An amendment to the Highwavs Im pita where an operation, was per-( , - , ,. Vv r i- lu ,.<•;. • â- ," ' .... , ;, ..1. i. I he left behind him a feeling that after nrovemont act emrmwers the depart forme* for the removal of the catar- : „,..., . I all, when the Prime act 01 one eye. He expects to re- main in the hospital for two weeks when he hopes that his sight will be fully restored. ^ lost. I THE RAIN FELL The Farm Poultry Flock DIDN'T SHOW IP Minister himself ; ment to tag all revenues under the is not act for the hi.shways improvement fund and the measures also validates ths proposal to take the burden of provincial hi.trhway costs from count- ies. at last definitely re- Rain fell in great quantities on Sat- 1 Grey Chapter O.E.S., surrounde<l thejurday afternoon and brought thei Poultry is casket as tokens of affection and, needed moisture to a parched ground. ^ cognize<i as one of the essential de- j regard. 1 ^^^* '^^^ * ^^^i' f*"" ^^^ f^" ^^â- '^<^a' partmonls of every up-to-date farm ; Those who attended the funeral! crop that has sadly been in need of where a program of mixed farming I dj^^-j show uo from a distance were: Mr. Hugh rain. Many of the farmers havir j^; carried on. Not only is it re-| Pedlar of Oxbow, Sask., Mr. and Mrs. | seeded considerable acreage in spring cognized as a necessary department' Dick Carter of Manilla, Mr. and Mi-s. j grains and there will now be in good j of farm work but more and moi-e Geo. Pedlar and Mrs. Giles of Dur-j shape for the fast growing season. ; farmers are coming to reaize that Mammio â€" "How wac- de weddin.' Gladiola â€" "Mm I it sh-> was some- thin' .ind everybody jest had a irrand time." Mainmie: "Who was the groom?" Gladiola: "Ah don't know. Ho ham, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pedlar and i The i-ain on Saturday was the first | the capital invested and labour in Wt fHing rings don't last as long as they used to, a contemporarv rorvi,<i,jns. Well, in many cas-'s they don't have to. son of Crecmore, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Pedlar and Dolly of Singhampton and Misses lU and Kathleen Pedlar of Markdale. YOUR Highest Quality of Fresh and Cured Meats Always on Hand All ordfis filled ;uul delivered with (li.spatch JAS. E. WILSON Subscription Arrears ram in this district this spring and | volve<i there are few if any depart- the land was in great need of more ments that give as high returns. Fori moisture, there being very little ' the mixed farm, general purpose ; growth up until Saturday. , beeds such as the Plymouth Rocks , I which are gomi both for laying and! After May the 15th next all out- for the production of market poult- 1 standing subscriptions owing The ry, are recommended. .A flock of a j .Advance for more than two uears ! hundred such binis carefully man- j will be handed to the Federal Surety .According to a legend held by some aged are returning to many farmer , Company for collection. Indian tribes, maple syrup was discov- 1 ^ pi-of it over cost of feed of from j Scores of persons had requested to ered in the foHowng manner: One â- $200 to $500 a year, which is some- ; be carried on the books but many day a mighty hunter named Wokis ; thing not to be disdained by even the ' have failed to make any remitUnce went out in seaixh of game, while his most successful farmers. ' and it is therefore tieces<;ary to ob- tain help in getting in the.«e smaH St. John's United Church fleshkkion months. April the It) th, the Women's Miss- ionary Society ana willing Helpers Society of St. .Andrews Church, Price- ville met in the basement of the church. The W. M. S. meeting ope:-- ed with two minutes silent prayer. .A hymn was sung and Mrs. Suther- land led in prayer. Rev. N. MacDoii- ald gave a very interesting address on Easter. .After singing a hymn. Mr. MacDonald closed the meeting with prayer. The Willing helpers Society meet- ing opened by singing hymn 599 ana repeating the Creed. Miss Mary McKachern jrave a reading. "Be Care- ful What you Say". Miss Mary Stewart read a paper about "Prayer atiii TTithes". After singing a hymn and repeating the Lords Prayer, Mrs. Dan Mc.Arthur and Mrs. Dan Camp- bell served lunch. i;OVERNMKNT APPROVED BABY CHICKS Origin of Mai^e Syrup squaw. Mogua, busied herself with preparing the meal against his home- ^.-oming. .As was cuKtomary, she boiled some moose meat in the sweet maple water. Forgetting her charge. t*'iISE Sl'RGEON accounts. Small individually, but 1 largo in bulk to the publisher. We A patient in a hospital awoke after would weleome a remittance from i an operation and fjund the blinds of j any owing back accounts in the mean- time. NMiile the Surety Company will be SERVICES. MAY .5. U>;>5 I 11 .-\. M. â€" Special observance oti 25th anniversary of the reign of King | George 5th. | 3 P. M. â€" Service of commemor- ation, at Ceylon. I 7 P. M. â€" "Is the way of Jesusi Effeminate." j The Sunday School in Ceylon at | 2 P. M., and in Flesherton following I PRICES TO END OF MAY' morning service. | White Plymouth Rocks, each 12c The Y'. P. S. will meet on mondav ! White Leghorns, each 9c night at So'clock. J Custom Hatching, per egg 3c Friendship meeting. Thursday atj Started Chicks and Pullets write 7.30 in Sunday School room, discuss- i for prices. ing "Witness '. BEAVER VALLEY POILTRY FARM Keep in mind Mother's Day servic* J. S. Harrison, Prop Phone 73 May 12th. CLARKSBURG, Ont however, the boiling sap thickeneil | the room down. into a syrup. When Wokis roturnc<l; "Why are those blinds down, doc- an<? tasted the new dish he was so tor?" he asked. delighted that he informed the tvibt j "Well." said he physician, "there's firm in their effort to collect, no extra charge will be added to any Phone 47 W Flesherton *h«t * heaMm-sent instructor had a fire burning across the alle;-, and 1 1 accounts unless forced into court pro" •^a taught his Mo.trua how to make this didn't want you to wake up and,think wonderful new dish. the operation had been a failure." Bates & Maddocks Burial Co. l-'ornicriy Bates Burial Co. 124 Avenue Rd., Toronto $ J ceedine which we do not anticipate. DISTINCTIVE Fl'NERAL SERVICE AT MODERATE COST PHONES: Night or Day â€" KIngsdale 4344â€" 3I3« Funeral Chapel W. Bates Fred Maddocks. As.<!nc. Richard Maddocks, Manager F.-rmerly of Fieshert'^n W. H. THURSTON AND SON ♦♦♦♦^â-º*-^<>♦^^><^*~^s^•^<^•^<^^^<5>^^~^^>>^«M>^.f^f^^^,^.^^