TVEDNKSDAY, APRIL 24, 1935 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE 'â- s' f"^' ft«<»->«':~>4<~>*t>«M^-:.^>o^<<-<":":<'<>«<-<-<-<MC»<H8.<><M'<MM~:-««:~:-<~x»<><":><><":K^ ">«X" SPRING SALE NECESSITIES FOR THE HOME AND GARDEN Stfcl wool pk^. 15c Wallpaper cleaner pkj;. 15c Stick fast paste j)kg. 15c Mop sticks each 15c \\'el-Mc-\\'ct window cleaner 10c Silvo-SiKer polish 15c Cocoa Mats 59c 50 ft. clotheslines 15c Shcrwin W'iilianis: Paints. X'arnishcs and Hnainels I'aint hrushes 15c Mop cloth each 15c Scrul) brushes 15c r.rasso polish .15c ( lalvaiiized pails 21c & 25c Clothes line i)ulleys each 15c Lawn rakes 25c Lawn seed i)er lb. iS^z SPECIAL â€" (In quarts only) Gloss Paint, Flat Paint, Porch and Floor Enamel. Colors â€" Crcen, White, Cream, Ivory, Brown. Per quart OOC. MASSEY-HARRIS IMPLEMENTS and REPAIRS. FRANK W. DUNCAN •;*<~i»<'*x*';**M~»"i**i~."i">' Flesherton, Ontario | ^_ ' s ">^>'l''>K'<'<''»'i''i"l'<'<''l"l'K'^'<''i''i''l^>^'K^^ The Late Jos. Priddle Mr. Joseph Pricldle of the Centre Line, Ospri'y Township, diud on Mon- day fveninc April ITith, in Collinff- wood Ho.spilal, to which place he had been removed last Wednesday to undcrKo an appendix ojjeration . It appears that the appendix had rup- tured before the operation was per- formed, but despite this fact the pat- ient seemed to be making fair pro- press. Tlie end came quite suddenly about seven o'elock, with little warn- ing. The deceased, who was born on the North Line, Osprey, over CO years ago, had been a resident of the town- ship durinj? his whole life and was held in hifhest esteem by a large circle of friends. The announcemenl of his death, while not unexpected, came as a great shock to all. Son of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Priddle, he had farmed on the Centre Line of Osprey for well over thirty year.-i. Living as he did close to the Mad River a great many fishermen from town were well acquainted with 'Joe" The ^Vay It Used To Be Priddle, and not a few of these have shared in his whole-hearted hospital- j One of our correspondents tells ol ity, particularly in the "horse andja young man who took his mother tc buggy days." Possessed of a jo\'ial L church meeting and then went to nature, it was always a pleasure to Lall on his lady. When motber was meet "Joe" Priddle, and his passing is ,eady to go home, and son hadn't re-! deeply mourned by friends in town a;.! turned, she went down street, tound»" Mr. Peter Dow of Hamilton spent the holidaj! with his mother in town. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Potter spent Sunday w'ith relatives in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. 'Kennedy spent the first of the week in Toronto. Miss Rene Cargoo of Toronto spent the holiday with her mother in town. Mr. and Mrs. R. ' B. Heard spent Kaster with friends at Orangevillc. Mr. J. I). Clark of Weston is visit- ing this week with Mr. and iMrs. F. 11. W. Hickling. Miss Hazel Cole of Chcsley is vis- ting with Mr. ami Mrs. F. J. Tliurs- tun. Master Billie Jamieson of Owen Sound is visiting with his grand- mother, Mrs. M. Jamieson. Dr. and Mrs. W. D. Bryce and little son spent Easter with relatives at Sarnia. Mr. Harold Best of Pickering and \'elma Fisher of Toronto spent the holiday at their parental homes. Miss Agnes Invin of Toronto visit- ed on Sunday at thu home of Mr. John McDonald. wi'U as in his home district Besides an adopted daughter, Mrs. Hilliard Lindsay, who with her bus- land has made her home with Mr. Priddle since the death of his wife (formerly Margaret Priddle), six bro- thers !jnd one .â- >ister are left to mourn namely: John Henry and Albert in Dundalk; William in Osprey; Sidney in Proton; James at Ilawarden, Sask.; Wilfred at Qu'.Appelle, Sask., and Mrs. John Miller, Badgeros. A brother Sharels of Dundalk passed awey some ycnrs ago. Tlie funeral was held last Wednesday afternoon, with service in Badgeros United Church and interment in Bad- geros Cemetery. â€" Dundalk Herald. Small Advcs. Bring Results the car parkeil, jumped in and drove i -^I'- Jo«- Oswald of the Bank of to hei- rural home, leaving the boyj CV,:nmeP.«j staff ^lient jthe Ka.-^ter to "hoof it" several miles after his] holiday at Chesley. visit was over. Mothers ain't as| helpless as they used to profess to ' be. â€" Hanover Post. | The sun is rising a little earlier each morning. Not .so the son. Mr. and Mrs. Beryl McConncIl ol Kimberley visited wMth the latter's .<ister, Mrs. Steve Sutton, last week. Mrs. J. B. O'Brien arvd little son are visiting her father, Mr. F. G. Kar- stcdt. -â- Vliss Verna Pcavson and Mr. Frank Ross of Mt. .\lbert spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Betts. Miss Plummer of Toronto spent will be held in the town hall on Fri.,]the week end with her freind,. Miss .May .'!rd, at 8 o'clock p.m. It is urged Kate McMillan., Plotholders' Meeting The annual meeting of the plot- holders of the Flesherton Cemetery that there be a large attendance of plotholdtvs, as some very important (;uostions are to be discussed.â€" -F. J. Thurston, Sec.-Trea.<. THE STORE WITH SERVICE F. T. HILL&CO.,Ltd. CH^m 8TORBS Markda^, Ontario OL'U BUYING POWER SAVES YOU A LOT OF MONEY Big April Sale OF WANT LINES AT HILL'S. EVERY DEPARTMENT WILL CONTRIB- UTE SPECIALS FOR THE BALANCE OF APRIL AT NEW LOW PRICES FLOOR COVERING SPECIALS Linoleum Rugs 5 onlv Linoleum Rnj^s, all first qualit\', sted cloth, brown, blue and blacr. size 9.x iOK> nnlv, reKnilarly priced at $1 1. mixtures; a real ujj-to-date suit lor little x,,,.;] ^iiecial $7.25 munev. April Special $12.50 Gents Furnishings Department Men's Worsted Suits 20 onlv Men's 1-pant Suits in fine wor- m Men's Spring Top Coats 20 (jnly Men's fine Siiriny; Coals j^reys, fawns and browns; a coat that sells in tbe ref^ular way at $14.50. Our .April Special $9.85 Men's Odd Pants In a bipr ran}<c of patterns. LOT 1- - 50 i)airs of odd work pants, a clean uj) ol all odd lines. Values uj) to $2.00 /\i)ril Special, each $1-00 ],()T 2â€"50 i)airs <Kld l)ants in tweeds and worsted mixtures â€" all sizes, values in lot ui) to ^2.75. .\pril Special $1.75 SHOE DEPARTM.ENT SPECIALS Men's Work Shoes at Low Prices- Quality Considered .^0 pairs of .Men's black K'«ii" Work Uoots, a boot that will >::ive K"<)d service; all sizcsOtolO. Special, pair $1:89 Men's Calf Work Boots .^0 pairs solid leatlu-r black and brown colors; fjuaranteed whole stock. Thi.s shoe will K>ve excellent wear. ( )ur .\i)ril Sjjecial, per i)air $2.59 Women's Calf Oxfords, Ties and Straps for Everyday Wear loo pairs Women's Fine Calf Shoes in all sizes â€" a shoe made to sell for $2.40 a l)air. This is the bi^-Rest value wt' have ever <jffcred. .â- \l)ril Special. i)air $1.29 I.( )T 2â€"100 pairs of odd lines in Wo- men's Shoes, sli^duly soiled, dillerent (pialities in this lot. values up to •>2.S(). April Special 98c Ladies' Silk Swagger Suits Ladies' smart .^was.i!.^o^ suits in silk crepe, newest in style. Special .... $7.95 Rexoleum, Baroleum & Floor Oil Cloths at Less than Market Price 10 pieces of Rexoleum, liaroleum and Flot)r Oil Cloth â€" a ^'ood ranj;e ; of jial • terns from which to choose; suitable for balls and bedrooms. A cloth that will U'ive j^'ood service. .\pril Special, j)er sf|uare yard 45c 4 Yard Wide Linoleum in Short Lengths Those arc rdl first quality }>oods and come in lenj^ths from 2 1-3 to 4^2 yards lonj»-, a nice ranj^fe of patterns, .Xiiril Spec- ial 70c s(|: yd., or $2.80 ruimini^- yd. READY-TO-WEAR DEPARTMENT .\pril clearance of Ladies' Silk and Silk Crepe Dresses â€" Dozens of Dres.scs in this Department from which to choose. LOT 1â€" 20,)idy Silk Crepe l)resses in all leadiii},'^ shades, a dress made to sell at .$3.95. April Special $2.45 Ladies' Tweed Swagger Suits ,\ lar<4"e raiiKc to choose from; all sizes in colors of blue, fawn and j^rex : the new- est dcsifj:ns. vSpecial $11.95-$15.95 r.ROCERY SPECIALS Choice Figs 3 lbs. for 2.3c Choice IMtted Dates 2 lbs. for 21c 5 lb. i)ail I luck wheat Honey 39c Shaker Salt C.I.I pkir 7c. Cookinjf Onions 1!^ lbs. for 25c \Vcst<Mt's Sweet Biscuits .... 2 Ih.s. for 19c 5 lb. pail lieehive vSyrun 38c Dalton's luii^lish Coffee 25e lb. 10 lbs. Suijar 51c (' lOiied Tomatoes 3 for 23c (\\iy. and Mrs. C. R. Chappie and .son, Alan, spent Easter with theii parents at Meaford. Mr. and iMvs. Burt Field and son. Bruce, and Mr. Jas. Field were visi- tors here on Good Friday. Rev. M. M. Bennett and daughter, Kathleen, of Toronto holidayed with Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Bennett. Miss Reta Kennedy of Thedford is visiting this woel^ with her brother, W. G. Kennedy and family. Dr F W. Murray and two sons of Toronto spent Easter Sunday with his brother, Dr. E. C. Murray. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. O'Brien and little son of Oakville a>e visiting her fath- er, Mr. F. G. Karstedt. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Clipperton and two children and Mr. Geo. Mitchell of Toronto spent Easter with Mr. and I.Mts. Geo. Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. Len Hill and son Marvin, of Toronto arc visiting with Mrs. Hill's parents. Mr. and Mrs. R. Benthnm. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Thibaudeau and three children of St. Thomaa were Easter visitors with relatives and friends in town. The Women's Institute wil meet at the home of Mrs. W. A. Hawken on Wednesday, May 1st at 2 p.m. Visit- ors welcome. The Thankofferine meeting of the Mission Band will 1h> held on Thurs- day of this week in the United Church at 2.30 p.m. Lunch will be served. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Irwin and Mr?. Donald Fowler of Dungannon spent a couple of days lats week with Mr. and (Mrs. W. I. Henry. Mr. and ,Mrs. Geo. Akins of Tor- onto spent Easier with the formei'*s parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Akins Springhill. Miss Hattie McRae and little Mis*; Joan Carter of Toronto visiitcd over the week end with Mrs. S. L. McRae and family. Miss Marion Shaw of Lions Head i.s spenditig the Easter vacation with her grandparents, Mr. and ,Mrs. W. H. Thurston. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Crossley and two childi"en of Tloronto were holiday visitors at their parental homes in town. [Mtr. and Mrs. Chas McTavish and family of Oshawa spent the week end with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. McTavish. Mrs. John Crosley of Weston and Mr)<. Dick Crosley of Owen Sound were visitors on Sunday with their parctns, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Ferris. \M'i«8e8 Irene, Donalds, and Kath- leen McDonald and Mr. Tom Thau- burn of Toronto spent Easter at the home of Mr. John McDonald. Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Swift and Mr. Wni. Benthani of Toronto (Mr. and Mrs. Harry Quigg of Har- risti-n spent Saturday with relatives in town. Mr. William Stewart of Toronto, wag a visitor over the week end at the his paretns Mr. and Mrs. John Stewart. .Mr. and M'rs. Tlios. Chard and two daughters of Toionto spent the week end with Mr. and .Mrs. Alex. Mc- .MuUen. ;Mis. W. M. Fowler and daughter, Katherine, of Toronto spent Easter with Mr. and Mri. 0. W. Phillips and .Mi-s. McDonald. Miss Alice Heard of the College of Education and Mr. Earl Johnson of Toronto University are holidaying at their parental homes. Mrs. R J. Blackburn and two child- ren, Violet and Dnnald and Mr. Bob Chapman of Toronto were visitors with !.\rr. and Mrs. T. J. Fisher on Wiedneaday of last week. Ml-, and {Mrs. R. G. Pator.son and two sons, Erie and Gordoi of Tor- onto visited over the week end with the families of Mark and Aiichic Stewart. Mrs. K. McKee and little Ruth of Toronto, spent last week at Mrs. Mc- Kco's in Flesherton. Mr. Kenneth .McKee came up for the week end and Mi's. McKee returned with him to the city. Mr. .S. N. Leeder of London was in town on Sunday. Misses Winona Paton and Lola Blackburn returned with him after spending a couple oi weeks with their aunt and uncle, (Mr. and Mr.':. Leeder. Visitors at the home of Mr. and .Mis. VV. P. Crossley for the Easter week end were Mr. Will Bentham. Mr. Swift of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Crossley, Janet and John, Mr. and Mrs. Hari-y Quigg Harriston and .Mir. J. C. Adams, Ceylon. The following teachers are spend- ing the Easter vacation at their par- ental homes: Misses Helen Heard ol Varney, Jeannette Cargoe of Wald- emar, Joan Stuart of Burks Falls, Kate McMillan, Laura Boyd, Dell T^jurston of Toronto. Rev. Wilfred Lockhart has re- ceived the appointment of gerjoral secretary of the Student's Christian Movement at Hart House, University of Toionto. He hag spent the p«8t year and a half attending the Uni- versity of Edinburgh, .Scotland, and will return home in July. He is a son of Mrs. T. A. Lockhart of Dun- dalk and is well known in this dis- trict. Wife â€" "What happened to that book- let on "How to live to be 100" that came to the door to-day?" Husbandi â€" "I 'humed it, for fear your mother might get hold of it." AUCTION SALE FARM STO( K, I.'WPLE.MEN TS. ETC. at the farm of W. A. Benson Lot 26, Con. 8, Artemesia Monday, April 29, 1935 when the following will be offered HORSESâ€" peneral-Purpose Horse, tlyears old; Heavy Black Mare, aged. good worker. CATTLEâ€" Red Cow, 5 years old due .May 12th; Hereford Heifer. 2 years old; Cow, 6 yeai-s old. due in .May; Red Cow, 11 years old, milking; Black Cow 10 years old, due in May; Cow, 9 years old, due in May; 5 Yearling Herefords Heifers; Yearling Hereford Steer. ' SHEEP AND FOWLrâ€" 3 Young Ewes, due any time; Goose and Gand- er. HAY AND GRAINâ€" 150 Bushels of Feed Oats; 10 Bushels of Barley; 10 Bushels of Buckwheat; Quantity of Hay. IMPLEMENTIS, ETC.â€" M. H. Bin- der, 6 foot cut; F. and W. Mower 4Vi foot tut; M. H. Steel Hay Rake, 10 foot; Set of 12 bull Iron Harrows, Cultivator; No. 21 Fleury Plow; .Twin Plow; Chatham Fanning Mill; Hay Rack; Set of Heavy Sleighs. Open Buggy in good repair, Renfrew Weigh Scales, 2,000 lbs.; Yard Gravel Box; Cutter; Large Steel Supply Tank; Set of Heavy Harness; Set of Single Harness; Chains, Forks and numerous other articles. SALE AT 1 O'CLOCK • TERMS OF SALE: Cash !No reserve everthing must be sold, as owner is giving up farming. Wm. WM. KAFrriNG. Auctioneer t Small Advts. FOR SALE Quantrity of S^eed barley. â€" Sam. Fitzsimmons, R. R. No. 2, Fleshei-ton. BARLEY FOR SALE O.A.C. N.i 21 seed Barley for sale â€" Les. Chard, Phone 42 r 2. Flesherton. FOR SALE Tractor and ti-actor plough for sale cheap.â€" Chaa. Moore, Proton R. R. 3. $12.00 â€" Electric Rogers radio, table model, separate speaker. â€" S. L. Stauffer, Flesherton. FOR SALE Stock of sweet clover hay cheap. â€" R. J. Boyd. Flesherton. FOR SALE A few tons of good timothy hay.â€" Fred Brown, R.R. 2, Flesherton. FOR SALE Mare colt, rising four. â€" Wm. J. MiFa<lden, R. R. ,'"., Markdale. FOR SALE Several bushels of seed, BannCi' oats grown from registered seed. â€" Huddy Brothers, Priceville. FOR SALi: OR TRADE Buick sedan; stake body truck, sell cheap or trade for stock. â€" Joseph Radley, Flesherton, phone 4-45. FARM FOR SALE 80 acre farm, first east of Flesher- ton on Collingr^vood gravel; for fur- ther particulars apply on premises. â€" Mrs. D. A. Clark, Flesherton. HOG FOR SER\7CE Registered Berkshire hog, goveni- ment inspected. Terms $1.00 if paid! within 2 months, over that time f2.00. â€" Laurie Pedlar. HOUSE FOR S.\LE One solid brick house in good condi- tion; hardwood floors throughout;, good garage and drilled well. For full* particulars see W. G. Kennedy. HOG FOR SERVICE Young Yorkshire hog, purebred and government inspected; terms: cask 75c.; charged 11.00. â€" ,WES. SMITH, Rock MilU. FOR SALE Barred Rock hatching eggs, from- culled breetlers that have been blootf tested ami approved by Government, inspectors from the O.A.C, Guelph. â€" J. F. Collinson, Ceylon, phone 21 r 3. FOR SALE Yorkshires, both sex, nearly ready to bi-ced; also several bushels of early Alaska oats.â€" Geo. W. Ross, Maxwell FOR SALE Registered Jersey Cow, 6 years old, to freshen in June. Enquire at The .\dvanee office. FOR SALE Maixjuis spring wheat for sale, also a quantity of small seed peas. â€" J. A. /Hjver, R. R. 2. Flesherton. FOR SALE Young cattle for sale, yearlings and two-year-olds; also three cows almost ready to freshen. Seed malting bar- ley also for .'.ale. â€" W. J. McFadden, R. R. 5. Markdhle, PROPERTY FOR SALE In Flesherton 6 room house, brick veneer, hard and soft water; abo\i; two acres of land on which is a largi barn with cement stabling and garaae Apply to W. J. Meads; R. R. 3, PrJcetillc. FOR RENT Brick farm house with land under orchardâ€" being a part of Lot 18, 2nd Con. S. D. R. . Privelege of cutting fuel in bush for own use. â€" Apply to Mary F. Paton, 956 â€" 4th Ave. West Owen Sound. BOAR FOR SERVICE Registered Torkshirt Boar for Mr- vice by Flesherton Bacon Hog Clnb. the property of the Ontario Depart ment of Agricnltore. â€" C. STEWART. Caretakw. BUSINESS CARDS DR. R. W. LINDSAY Feversham - 'Phone 17 r 3 Office 10-12 a.m. 7-8 p.m. DR. A. E. LITTLE DENTIST Office at residence in Flesherton. Extraction and plate work. From 10.30 a.m. to 4.30 p.m. Prince Arthur Lodge No. 838, A.F AA.M., meets in the Fraternal Haft. Fle.'sherton, eTery Friday on or befol* the full meon. W. M.. R. W. Piptr, Secretary, H. A. MeCanley.