r V .WEDNESDAY, Ki ll ' APRIL 24. I'J-i'y THE FLESIIERTON ADVANCE THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE t P«4>liBli«d on Colbnffwood ttrMi, I FlM^erUn, Wednesday of eaca , week. CiKuUtion over 1000, ; Price in Canada 12.00 per ji^ar, whan paid in advance 91.60. la U. S. A. 12.60 par year, irfaan paid in advaace 92.00. W. H. THURSTON. r. J. THURSTON, • • Editor A^soe. Editot einor. Don't rush the Governoient' too hard, t;eiitlemen. • • • I I'Ot u.s all bv thankful fur the quiet ' that for a tiiiu- i.s ours, while wv spec- ulate uiK>n what the wordy puzzleH ;n the udjuuriied Duminion Parliament und Pruvineial Legislature were :tlii>ut. Kraret Ellen Phillips, which ocairre.. at .Spanish Sta., AlKoma, on Thurs- day. We sympathize with Miv. Pat- tison in her loss. Mi.S8 Marian .Miller of Fle.sherton is visitinjr Miss Catherine Cairns. Mr. J. Stubbles spent the week end in Toronto. FEVERSHAM TMi; (iUEAT KARTHQl AKE Fteshcrtoii cemetery authorities are : ) he eon((ratulated for early action In keepinK weeds and lonj; ki'H^x uiulei | ^'''- "^ • •^'cwiiit Cooper of Maikdale vjbjection. Beautiful of situation,! *^'"'y <'<>u'ity agricultural representa- Ihiy timely co-operation in natural ' ''^â- <^> ^-'^^e a splendid entertainment ol jiderlines.a is certain to commend | ''''^'*'*' •'t''''^ '.'f movinj? pictures along public approval. It i> le-asKUrint; to many friends otj missionaries in Formosa lu learn that latest cables received state that none ot them lost their lives in the great «'arth(|uake which shook that Japan- apricultural lines on Tuesday cveninK of last week. Views were shown ol the various biiildinKs at the O.A.C. at Previous to the provincial election last sumemr the Liberal party made' 'J"<-''l>h. explaining their uses and a irreat deal out of the filliny in ofjshowinjr a number of the students at the roadside diU-hes by the Henry "ork, also the experimental plot-s and e.Hc ialand last Saturday and Sunday.' ''"vernnient and was one of the rea-ll-hcir C-xpei Iments. lliore wore al^^o Indeed, few missionaries from thisj ^"ns of their win in the votinif. .No\v|somo reeks of comic pictures. The Province are in the centre portion ofj they have Kot into power they are^^''"\v lasted about two hours, during the island, where the greatest damage cunlinuinK the work of te former ad- [ which time .Mr. Cooper had to stand was done, thouifh the ".shakes" arc so ministration and fillinfr in the voad- j "" his feet and operate the projectins frequent that none can be said to be j sides, and makinj; the hitrhways safe: niachine by turninK a crank, as we out of danger any time. From thc'f*'' t*'« motoring public. The only | are without electric power. The 'difference now is that the Liberals; other power required was supplied by township of Zorra. in Oxford county, went that .stalwart Presbyterian re- 1 ^le in power, ligious enthusiast, the late Dr. McKay. siome sixty years ago, when we, in! Premier Bennett is du^ to arrive Canada, practically knew nothing! his week in Great Britain to attend about the island except that learned | the Jubilee of King George V. The frrini intrepid explorers who visited ! tat.- of Mr. Beni\ctt'.s health will prc- its coasts, then controlled by China. 'vent him from taking un active part in the festivities prepared for th.' entertainment of the visiting Prem- iers and other <iistinguishc(l guests, but it is to be hoped that the Prime Minister will have been much bene- fiLtcd by the ocean voyane, and will Dr. .McKay soon became aeclimat- jze<l to his immense "parish," married a native of the island, raise<l a family and built up the prosperous mission field that now exists. At various times the Portugese, Spanish and Dutch had undertaken itslconiy back to Canada able to resume fiartial conquest, a very large portion , the anluou.s dutie.-i that will devolve of Formosa's mountainous regions I on him. remained in possession of the fierce j • • • natives, who have never been entirely j Measles in Toronto and an influenza subjected to authority. Since the j epidemic in other i)arts of the country country was ceded by China to Japan, I have been keepiiitf the doctors busy, after the war of 1894. great progress] 'Ml the pesky germs that are said to effect the world aie ai)parently fui Iriim being laid by the heels. Never- the-less, science and research have undouibtedly made treat progress iti the last five years. Even the cause and prevention of cancer, the most faial of nialadic.<i now under attack. soon h^. discerned. .^11 civiliza- nniv well lend their aid to thf LADY BANK We are having more spring-like weather the past few days, but the growth is slow yet. Mrs. Card. Graham of Eugenia and relatives have the sincere sympathy of a liost uf friends in their great loss by the death of her hu.iband thi.s Easter Monday morning. Easter visitors at the home. of Wm. Semple were: Mr. and Mrs. Fred Semple of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. B. McConnell and daughter of Kimberley ^r. and Mrs. Jai-k Graham and twc children from the Power ll.iuse vicin- ity, and .Mr. and Mis. Percy Semplt and little son. .Mr. and Mrs. Fred Young and little -Min and Mr Hawkins of Eugenia visit- ed on Sunday evening iwth Mr. and Mrs. f'rnie .Semple. Mr. .Maimie Dobson has .''old his faiin heie to Mr. Alex. Maxwell. Mr. Dobson held a very successful auction sale on Tuesday of last week. Mr. and .\Jrs. Wm. Semple spent o day last week with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Moore of Springhill. We are sorry to learn that Mr. Moore still continues in very poor health. Th» Ladies' Aid of Providence Church will hold their May meeting in the church on the 8th. If the weather is fair the members will clean the church. Lunch will be served. St. John's United Church FLESHERTON .toragc batteries. At the end of the picture show Mr. Cooper was greeted by a great burst of applause and he then gave a fine talk along agricul- tural and educational lines. There was a large gathering at the enter- tainment, the large room of the eon- timiation .school being filled to capa- city. The program was brought to a close with the singing of the National Anthem. The Clarksburg orchestra will hold a nm.si(al jiml song service in the Gospel Worker iug, April 28th at 7.;W p.m. - ComejWm. McLennan, pioneers of the Third and enjoy this musical treat and the | Line of Osprey. Besides her husband ;nceting afterwards. , a"*" « grown-up family the following Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Forsy the and j sisters survive: Mrs. Ju Parsons of children of Owen Sound were week Eugenia, Mrs. R. McMullen and Miss PORTLAW The .-sad news was received here by relatives of the pa.^sing of Mrs. Geo. '. Connell of Toronto. Deceased was a church Sunday even- • daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Jias been made in the cultivation of the vast southern plain, and trade and commerce have been promoted. The late.tt earthquake has caused great damage to life and properly, but it is not likely to dete- a poj)ulation, which has for at least many genera- tions, contrived to make a living under! may coiulitions of decided danger, and the! tion Christion missionaries from this and other lands, have a record for carry- ing on in spite of grave difficulties that come from life in this lively land. As for the Japanese controllers, they are quite at home in Formosa, for they come from similarly earthquake, men- aced islands, whose den.sely tenanted territory is almost daily being shaken. It is interesting to note that in the territory devastated the first of the week ait prosperou.s oil fields. They were first ooened up a few years ago by experts from Petrolia, Ont., who liave hetn pi.ineers in this regard, also in Southern Russia. Persia, Mex- ico and other foreign lands. THE ( RISIS AT OITAWA The knowing newspaper coricspond- ciits rejiort that an attempt was mad. to reconcile Prime Minister Bennett and Mr. H. II. Stevens, the former Minister of Trade ami Commerce, prior to the departure of the Conserv- ative leader for Britain. It is intim- ated, however, that the mission to Mr. Bennett, requesting him to consent to Mr. Stevens' re-entry into the govern- ment, v/as not a success. The Prime Minister is reported to have said that as long as he was Prime Minister Mr. Stevens would not be n member of the government. And r.o, they say, the "crisis" continues and new develop- ments may be looked for when Parlia- ment le-assembles at the end of investigators. • * • Last Sunday, the cable head re|)orts. he Piiiicess Kli/.abeth of York, the fourth lady of the F'mpire. celebrated her ninth birthday in Windsor Castle, with the great band of the British '.Grenadiers booming out the finest of i.nusic by royal command. Then she oiesided as hostess of the King and Queen and her parents, the Duke and Duchess, and cut her birthday caki- with as great ease as an old hand The oHe question that remains un- answered by the dainty little Scottish lady is, did she have a stomach ache as a result of eating cake until sVk- â- rained one of the prizes contained therein? Young folk throughout the world, at any rate, will naturally be curious to know. (.lid visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Eby. Mis.-- Dorothy Robinson and gentle- man friend of Toronto were visitors ul her home over .Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Brown of Rob Roy spent Saturday with friends in Markdale. Mr. and Mrs. Will Colquette. Betty and Alan of Owen Sounil were visitors- wit li their parents over the week end. Elizabeth McLennan, Wm. McLennan of Toronto and Mr. James McLennai of Wareham. The funeral took place last Saturday to Flesherton cemetery. We extend the sympathy of this com- munity to he bereaved ories. We also extend our sympathy to the family of the late Charles Winter^ who passed away on Thursday last. Mrs. J. A. Thompson was taken Mr. Ivan Alexander and lady friend hu'Wenly ill la.st week, and at time ot of Owen Sound were visitors w'ith the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H Alexander last week. VANDELEUR CEYLON May. itovcorriNt; ontakio A letter has come \ > haml. originat- vg in Montreal, suggesting that non- . -idents of Ontario should boycott â- itario manufactured goods in re- iiliation for the repudiati.m of power, -..jham and Messrs. Alfred and Sam i...nrlH bv the Liberal Government Mrs. A. S. Muir an'l -Mr. CJrant Muir left on Tlmrsday to spend th-.' Kaster vacation in Toronto. Miss Dorothy Fisher and Miss- Jeanetto McLeod riiolon.i •, â- T :ont<; on Thursday. Ml-, and .Mr.s. Roy Piper. Mr. am; Mrs. A. Sinclair, Mr.". Snell, Mis. F. Marshal! and Mrs. Will Gibson at- ended the Eastern Star in Owen Siund last Wednesday evening. Mr. Stanley Hunt left last T-.ie-.d.iv for Toronto. '.Miss Marion Muir of Oro Statior and Mi.ss Margaret Sinclair of Su;i hidge ar? spending the Raster vaca- ion at their respective homes. Easter visitors in the communi'- were: Mi.-ii Mnitha Fuller and Wi Geo. Milrose, Tovont>, with Mr. pni Mrs. Snell; Miss Mamie Kerton ol Toronto, Mr. Charlie Kerton of F<-> the recent session of the Legislature. Whether the bonds will finally be set aside remains to be seen, as it is thought that the Premier is using this throat nt repudiation as a lever 1o achieve a better agreement with the |K)wer barons. It appears that G.noe of Ov.en Sound with Mr. and Mrs. Luther Duckctl; Mr. and Mrs. Will Knox and two sons of Nc-.vton- '.rook with Mr. and .Mrs. P. Shei-w.v)J: Mr. John McMillan of Owen Son-id with his mother; Mr. and Mrs. Bob Rutledge and family of Holland Centre at their parental homes: Mis.* Mr. Albert Buchanan of Toronto was a recent vi.sitor with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Buchanan. Dr. and Mrs. Shepherd of Toronto spent Easter with the latter's parenl^ Mr. and -Mrs. George Wright. Mrs. Will Johnston upent a few days with Owen Sound friends. .Mrs. Hyers and babe of Dobbinton are visiting the former's parents, Mr and Mrs. C. B. Boland. Mrs. Ptolemy, whj was burned to death in her home near Wallers Falls. was a cousin of Mi-s. D. McGee of llii.- plaec. The relatives have the sym- pathy of the community in their bereavement. Mrs. W. G. Hutchinson is to bi congratulated on winning a S2r> prize in a rhyming contest conducted by the Lipton Tea Company. Mr. and Mrs. B. Field of Rock Mills were leeent visitors with Mr. and .Mrs. Fred Boland. The pastor. Rev. H. S; Warren, conilucted a service in the church <ii' Friday evening and delivered a fim Kaster message. Mr. Harold Thompson is spending the Easter holidays at his parental homi? at Orangcville. The April meeting of the Vandeleur V'omen's Institute was held at th» home of the president. Mrs. Freil Bol- and, on Thursday afternoon of last week. There was a good attendance and a splendid nrograni was provided. Miss.-s Rilth Bellamy, Nellie McKay Mamie Findlay and Jean Dimoon of Owen Sound were the guests of Mr and Mrs. Howard Graham recently. Mr. and Mrs. Amos Smith and son of Meaford were recent visitors with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. S. Gilbert Tlie May meeting of the Ladies' Aiu will be held at the home of Mrs. How- ard firaham on Wednesday, .May Isf writing is not very much improved All hope for her complete recovery soon. Mr.-i. Sheardown is spending a week with relatives in Toronto. Mr. .Neil Mclntyro is visiting with friends in Toronto. Miss .Mary Sheardown of Toronto is visiting at tlie parental home. Mr. J. J. Little and son, Mervyn. are visiting this week with i-elatives in Toron,to. jTr. H. Walker and friend o!' Mark- dale visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Walker. A dog association in Toronto had its yearly dance. Probably sonic gay old ones were there. Sunday, April 28th ll»35. 7 1'. M. "Is the Way of Jesus Easy?" 11 A. M. "Why Go To Church?" Sunday School at close of morning service. T^ie Y.P.S. will visit with the Y-P- S. of First Church Owen Sound and will leave tl > Church in Flesherton at 6.45 p.m. Monday, April 2ath. The Mission Band is holding its spring Thank-offering on Tliursday of this week, at 2.80 ".m. A splen- did program will tnar'.c the occasioi and the public is invited. Reference was made on Sunday by the. Minister to a number of Special Days which will he observed by this Congregation with special services. Among them is Sunday May ."ith as a Patriotic Sunday, the Jubilee of King George V. Sunday May 12th, Mother's Day. Sunday June 0th will mark the tenth anniversary of the birth of the United Church of Canada. Two for- mer ministers ope from each of the Denominations united here Will be present to take part in one tig special afternoon service. Don't miss these mark them on your dklendar, and pray that they m»y be seaaotw of blessings then come and bring your friends. The easy g.->ing man usually trav- els down hill. Seeds BEST PRICES IN TOWN Alsike per bu. $20.00 Red Clover .... per bu. $18.00 Alfalfa per bu. $14.00 Timothy per bu. $10.00 Sweet Clover .... per bu. $5.00 K. G. Betts Flesherton i IF ben you've just had word Ted has won that sdiolarship . . . and you're pleased as punch . . , and so is his mother . . . Don't just take it out in smiling. Tell him he's a chip off the old block ... via Long Distance. ' LiT.ig Distance is ready under any circumstances. It's easy to use, and the cost is small. For as little as 30 centt )ou can talk 100 miles or so. See the rates in die front pages of your directory NOW IS House Furnishing Time We Offer a Few Suggestions RAYON PANELS 4.T ilU-lu->, W ilk- i)V J V;!s. lont;-: Tuscan .sliadi- with triiiijf. cacli 69c the same barons are using this threat Donalda Sloan of Eucenia with M'ss .,f boycott as another lever to remove Marcaret Sinclair: Miss Cathai.n"? the threat airain.'t the power stations, rairiis of Toronto at her home; Mr. The f'Jfht is not over yet by any (•^., ,.^,„ Patterson of Toronto with Mi . means and this summer should see , .,„,) Mrs. Donald McLcod; M>. aid some interesting developments In thej m,.». Stanley White and Edna Mr. fight to reduce Ontario's liahilitieaj j^^k White. Mr. and Mr.s. Bol) Br..wn with respect to the surplus power for which the Ontario Hydro Electric is now paying dearly. EDITOKI.M- NOTES The ladies had their wishes grati- fied on Sunday and were able to ajv j,oar in their new Easter finery. Everybody had a food time. • • • Flc.-<herton residents will have a hhance to «ecure a city winter resi- rbanrc to secure a city winter resi rlecided to dispose of Chorley Park. the •â- ! id«-".Lt f.r the T.ieutenant-C ,f Tor )nlo with Mrs. W. Whil.' and Mr Roy Piper and Milford left < i Monday for Toronto where the foriiior vill attend the O.E.A. Miss .Si«die Honking spent Sundnv it her home in Corbetton. Mrs. F. D. Cairna. MissM T'lav.ce^ SAUGEEN JUNCTION Mr. Pete Pickett, Mr. Norris "i"l son Jim visited one day recently at Joseph Parks. Mr. and Mrs. Everette White and son also Mr. Harvey While spent the Easter holiday nt their parental home here. Miss Alma White returned t.i Toronto with them. Mr. and Mrs. Ceo. Watts of She] bume, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Mills an I Mr. and .Mrs. Webster of DundalV spent .'Sunday at Joseph Parks. Wc are clad to report Mrs. Os- borne Franks as well as can be ex- TUSCAN LACE CURTAINS l'",litirfi\ n V v: ;i-.^i)i-l imiii Si,.$1.50, $1.79, $2.19 LACE CURTAINS FRILLED CURTAINS 30 iiu-hi-.s bv i,'4 varcls. ,2 ,'4 yards kmj;-; i-ok)ri'd ivorv shack'. borck-rs 79c pair 50c i^air j CURTAIN NETS REVERSIBLE CHINTZ â- -W-w (Icsij^iis; lui) extra 3(» inches wide: new j spccial.s iv'ittt-rns 1 2.^c and 33c yard 25c yard WINDOW SHADES ( )il CI >l(irs, i)|>;ii[iic (nia! tty, white, crcaiit. screen. 79c uo CONGOLEUM SQUARES IJorderU'ss .... Ox*^) â€" $4; 7K'x9â€" $5; 12x9â€" $7.9S LINOLEUMS Xcw i>attcrns; 4 yds. wick $3.25 PAINTS riranihatu - Ht'ndcrsun paints. (Hiick (h*\ iti^- l''n- aiiicls and \'arni^h(•s KALSOMTXK Paint and Varnish r,RL\sni:s BRASS CURTAIN RODS Flat, round. siii<^k' doubk\ and ind Margaret Collinson are ^iwndin; »h'. E.i-t.r varation at St. Catharines. j.pected after her recent accident whc:v Mrs. Macphail visited r:>t>> .ml! she fell down the well at her homoi -hrigley friend.-i on Sunday. Mrs. Archie Sinclair and Mlu •jarct went to Toronto Monday. â- Mr% Jas. Panison receivfd - '\t death r ' ' " word I near Springhill. She !.â- < convalccini,'' at the home of her parents, Mr. a!!:l| Mrs. Sam Bat(helor. j Mr. and M.-". V'es Dever spen^ t,-,...,... .. M,, â- â- â- ,Vhitr'i'. I i "Sunworthy" Wallpapers Our 1935 selection is worth while seeing and is suitable for all purposes. "Sunworthy" qualities from I2V2C a single Roll. Spring Foot Wear Men's Heavy Boots Men's Fine Boots Men's Calf Oxfords Ladies' Oxfords Ladies' Pumps Ladies* Ties j Children's Shoes For all ages Our assortment of Tennis and Rubber Soled Foctwear is complete and priced right F. H. VV. HICKLING Flesherton, Ont.