l^l^je fkBl^ttim %hmnu. Vol. 54 ; No. 44 WEDNESDAY. APRIL 24. 193: W. H. Thurston & Son, Proprietor* A DRY SUMMER The Fergus News Record has made I 1 he prophecy that a drought is to be '' experienced in Ontario this Summer and in a lengthy article has a lot of data to support this possibility. A- mong other things pointed out is the . ,r . , , i . , , ,, !, 1, . .L ' 01 Monday of la.st week, took place present smallness of all streams, the n.- j j a •, .-..L f, ,, ,' i on vVedne.sday, April lith. Service Maoy Atteod Funeral ,"'" """r^l^Ru'^l^eachers Of Late John Wright who died at his home in Flesherton dryness of swamps, wells ponds, etc., . u i . â- c.» i u . tt â- , --., 1, , u- u • J ... , D „ ,,, ^^13 h»ld in .St. Johns United Church, all of which IS admitted • Rainfall' , • , * j ,- â- , , . . .,,.,. . D I I which was crowded with sympathizing has been leSs this spring'. Roads "^ '^ ^ s.s inis sprinp are di'y earlier than usual, and sizing â- up the pros and cons, we cannot but admit that the Wellington County paper has some sane arguments to support the theory that 1935 is to be very dry. friends of the deceased and of the ' family. Rev, JSV'. J. Scott, pastor of i the church, gave a splendid sermon i a;id spoke very comforting of the lifej of Mr. Wright and referred to the ' high regard in which he was held i thi-oughout the community. After ! the religious ceremony at the cemet- ery the .>laster of Prince Arthur Lod- i ge No. 333, A. F. & A. M. Wor. Bro. ' Roy Piper, conducted the beautiful { A suggestion has beon made by the ; Masonic burial service, Baseball Prospects Rural school boards must pay theii hool teachers a minimum annual The funeral of the late J. Wright, j r'f'.*'^ ^'^ ^^ "' f'^''^'*' ^^e town- rhip grants an amendmcni, to the School Act, introduced in the Legis- iature the other day, declares Hon Harry Xixon, acting mini.ster of Ed- ucation, introduced the measure which was given first reading. Discussion of the bill will take place at the sec- ond reading. It provides that no school section from the lown: is paid to the teacher Should Ship Stock To Public Market Co-Operative Packers I Meein Much to Barrie Chas. Winters! Dies The value of the First Co-opera- j After a short iilness of two weeks live Packers of Ontario, Limited, to J!r. Charles Winti-rs, an old resident the town of Barrie, was indicated in a 'of Osprey township, pas.sed away at few figures presented by the retail | his home on the Third Line on Thurs- privision merchants of the town bj, i day, April 18th, in his T8th year. The K. N'. Morrison, manager of the in- funeral took place on Saturday, April dustry, at a banquet and round-table 'â- 20th when sen-ice was held at his amended by the Senate, the lowering : conference held under the auspices of j late residence at 2 p.m., Rev. Bushell, of interest cliarges made by Insurance, '''« •^'^"^P^"^ '^-^^ '''^^^- ' ^"'T ^ â- r 5 ' .' Companies to G per cent., the recom-! The firm ha.s -I'J employees, 37 of conducting the service Interment mendations of the Roya! Commission j whom are married men wih families; was made m Maxwell Cemetery. The ihall receive the grant ; ^,, jj^.^ g -^^ ^^^j p^.^^.^ Spreads fronv January 1 to March 26, the pay- Pal'bearers were: Messrs. Jack Wln- ship unless minimum I ^^^j ^^^ j^^^, ^^^^^, ,^^^^^,g^^ the ^ roll to Barrie employees totalled SIO,-; ^^''^ of Colling^^ood, Jas. Winters, "Phe last week and a half before ; adjournni'int, the Commons concerned ; itself with an attempt to prevent the , long recess, lasting until the 20th of May, with the Farm Loan Act as Artemesia Council deadly i Hon. H. H. Stevens and the Hon, ! H. Cahan. C. i 000. The cash paid to farmers fur .\rteniesia Township Council met istedl'i'- '•''-' Council Chambers, Flesherton Markdae Standard that the villages, by a large gathering of the members! "" Monday, the 8th day of .\pril lySo. in this district organize and place | for the accasion. .A. number of the a junior team each in a league to be ! members of sister lodges attended. The honorary pallbearers were the organized, if possible. The idea! should receive plenty of support as there is plenty of baseball talent in' Dundalk, Mirkdale and Flesh- erton to form first class clubs. Some ! There were present, J. A. Davis Reeve, C. D. Meldrum Deputy Reave and Messrs E. Warling, I. B. Whit- Thursday Half Holiday older Past Mastei-s of Prince Arthur j talier and Robert Puvis Councillo Lodge, Geo. Mitchell, F. H. W. Hick- ; '^he Re-eve in ling, W. J. Bellamy, Peter Muir, Dr.; minutes of the Ottewell and W. G. Watson, while th«; I'ead and on motion adopted the chair, and the last nieeting were j The report of tiie Royal Conimis- I sion on Price Spreads and Mass Buy- I ing has at last been tabled. It is a bulky volume of 500 pages. The , long recess will provide members ' I with an opportunity of reading it and I I coming to some definite conclusion j Commencing Thursday May th. I regarding its many recommendations. 2nd, the busines.s places in Flesher- i A large section iis devoted to the t^^ ^viil observe the weekly half ' primary producer. In reading it . one hit-s on sensible bits like this: Jack Winters of 3rd lino, Thomas livestock amounted to $110,000 during ' ^^•^'""i'' ^'"'- Winters and Gustie Rob- that time. And the total payments '. '"''on. Fiends and relatives from a in wages. livestock and local trans- .' ''••'''^"'â- ^° ^â- '^° atten-jfad the funeral portation was more than 1126,000. of the boys in Flesherton each year active pallbearers were Messrs. W. A. j A" account from the Advance Print- have tried out with the senior team j Hawken, F. Pinder. T. J. Fisher, M. ing Co. for printing Auditors report- but hardly measured up to the stand- ! Wilson. D. McTavish and J. Dargavel. ' was presented for S32.00 and ordered ard required for competition in the! Those from a distance who attended! to be paid. local league. These could be used to' the funeral were: .\rr. and Mrs. Thos.' -^ report from the School attendance' advantage in junior ball, where they| Brady of Lions Head. Mr. and Mrs. could receive plenty of practice with , J. R. Neilson of Mimico, Mr. Maurice boys of their own qualifications and W^right of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. 'MleMullen of Ceylon, Mr. D. T. Wright cf Dundalk. Mrs. G. Beaton (if Mai-kdale. Mr. Wilfred Wright of Waterdowii, Mrs. Robt. Thompson of "unless the primary producer is re- .â- =tored to a position wiiere he has purchasing power commensurate witli ( his importance, there can be no stable basis for prosperity." .\nd later. ,,,.-,, , , , „ 'the primary producer has borne the l'.)H was placed before • , i- .u , u ... brunt ot the depression. He was the gain the needed experience. Officer for the Council and ordered to be filed. | A letter from the County Clerk re| policy pursued by the Council as toi I were: Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Crombie j of Shelburne, Miss Bertha Winters â- and .Mr. and Mr:;. Patterson of Tor- onto. Mr. and Mrs. Xb. Hopkins orf Meaford, .Mr. and Mrs. J. .\. Grum- j mett and daughter of Ottawa, Mrs. '' Sam Crombie Jr. and daughter. Mr. and Jrrs. Ei-nie Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hammond, Mrs. Wm. Hammond, months, Mrs. Munro, Mr. Norman Stephenson and Miss Ella Wilson, all of Shel- burne, ,Mr. and Mrs. Bob Seeley of Stayner, Jack Winters, Mr. and Mrs. McJjeod and sons of CoUingwood and Mr. and Mrs. Edwards of Singhamp- ton. The floral offerings included those son John holiday during tlie summer when the stores will close at 12 ->'• clock noon, each Thursday through- out the season. In order to accom- modate the buying public more readily the stores wil remain oipen every Wednesday night throughout the sum- mer, commencing Wednesday nighi May Ist. It has been the usual cus-'from the wife, daughters first and greatest sufferer." , t„n, ^ ^^ke the half holiday until the' and wife, grandchildren, D. and Mrs The report goes on to state that it' end of September and an agitation is Ingram, Mr. and Mrs. S. CroTibie. Mr. method of levying County rate was 1 '^ "°^ ^'â- ^^^ ^^^ primary produ'jer has | now on to continue through October. ' and Mrs. Jas. Winters and sister. presented and read. ' P''oduced too much, nor that his pro- but if this is decided announcement Bertha, Mr. and Mrs. .Ab. Hopkins, Pay sheet for road work was pre-l''"cts are not needed, but simply that | will be made later sented shewing expended in Div. ij t^^ey cannot be sold at a price suffic : $29.23, Div. 2 S25.76, Div. 3 6.30. andi •^""-^' '^'*-''' ''^ maintain Fesherton baseball enthusiasts have not thought much about baseball this year yet though it is expected Hamilton. Mr. Jos. Forsythe of Stouff- that a team will again be fielded as ' ville. Dr. and Mi-s. C. Sudden of Dun good as the one which can-ied the' dalk. Misses Helen and .Mattie Wright payment ordered. Flesherton colours last year. The of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Robert Richardson wbs i|L'fundet?| *'."'. """'^'^""â- ^ ^""^e-. "i- 'i i"'^= ^^^-i Johnny to Grocerâ€" "Half a same team is available with the ad- Henry of Chesley. Mrs. Albert Hop- S2.98 being business tax charged toif'""'«""y . '""^ ^o permit necessary; ^^ potatoes, and mother dition of some of the young fellows' kins of Meaford. Mr. Jim Winters of tenant of his blacksmith's shop at; co''-^""il'tion l^y all those m need. . ^^.:^^^ plenty of eyes." growing up and who practised with' Dundalk, Mrs. W. H. Wright of Tor-' Vandeleur the tenant having vacated' Government and educational bodies, d-ocerâ€" "What does she want them the seniors last year. There is like- onto. Mtrs. Robt. Wright of Hanover, the premises. j i'-aJ- "P to this time, the report says., ^^^^ ^^^,„ •1 for him aj ! reasonable standard of living nor,} wBs i»fundet? Paradoxically eno-jgh, at a price suf-' SIGHT NECESSARY stone j ly to be a change in the grouping this Mrs. Peppier of Hanover. Mrs. Fred The collector was instructed to ac-j '^"" assisting the farmer by experi year, it is exepcted that Thombury Danipls an^ Mf. Errol Gaudin oficept S21.30 taxes on Lot 185 and 186.1 '"enting m productive methods, rather. Con. 3 S.W.T, and S. Road for 19:34. j than will enter a team and that would al-; Toronto. low a north and south grouping if Many beautiful foral Dundalk and Markdale -would enter ^ of sympathy were presented teams. Neither had much luck last friends and relatives, as follows: the; It was agreed an<i ordered tliat nine year but with experience should make family, D. T. Wright, Mr. and Mrs. 1 hours constitute a day's work en roads a good showing. It is likely that' G. Beaton. Thos Henry and sister,! as Statute Labour. .\nne June W'right, ,'Mr. and Mrs.' Direct relief to the extent of $45.- Robt. Thompson, Mi-s. W. H. Wright, 'â- ^5, was ordered to be paid to pauiies Mi-s. Robert Wright. Willing workers j supplying relief, to indigent families, of Christ, C^hurch of Lions Head. Mr. ! The council adjourned. Johnny â€" "She .says they have to see he equally important problem; us through next week." offering«| William Walker was paid SI. 2-5 for: »* marketing what he produces, j by! tongue in read grader. Emphasis now might well be Placed| c„,„,,ajjy. baseball will commence to be talked about with the advent of warmer weather. on the latter. to the Imperial Tobacco Company; the National Fish Company Speaking of the packing industry. ! and others. Charges have been madt the report states, "Canada Packers that I was unfair and prejudiced tc Limited is the dominating unit, with j these concerns. a business grea -r than the next five NOTICE A meeting of all those interested in cricket in County of Grey will be held at the City Hall, Owen Sound, on Friday evening, 2fith of .â- ^pril, at 8 p.m. It there are any who are interested but cannot attend please glet in touch with Judge Morley, Court House, Owen Sound. Train Chases Motorist and Mrs. T. W. Henry. Errol nd Jack! Gaudin and Mrs. Daniels, ^Prince .Ar- thur Lodge No. 333, Flesherton, Em- ployees of Toronto Motor Car Co.. Flesherton business men. Miss Hazel Shunk, the neighbors, Mrs. McMuU- en and Mai-y and Les. Marshall. W. J. Bellaiii.v and Emerson Belllamy Mr. and Mrs. Arch. Neilson. A motorist, said to be Isssac Peper- nick, of Kitchener, knows what it's like to be chased by a train. He was just about to drive over the C.P. R. crossing on the 11th line to Lin- wood, on .'\nril 1, when he sighted a passenger train. It was almost u|K)n him. Acting intuitively, he pulled his car onto the tracks and turned in the same direction in which the train was going. He kept ahead of the locamotive for about 20 feet when he veered sharply to one side to clear the right of way. T^e car vaulted into the ditch snapped off a post, cut two wires, knocked off the bumper and smashed the fenders. As he scrambeled out of his wreckei' Fell Down Well Mrs. Osborne Franks of Springhill had a narrow escape from death when she plunged down a 45 foot well on the farm of W. J. Moore, where she had moved only that day. The boards on the top of the well were rotted and when she stepped on them they gave way and precipitated her to the bot- tom of the well. Her husband went down the well clinging to the piping to assist hvtu Owing to the dry sea- son only about three feet of water wa.-; in the well or the young lady might have been dro,wneI. Mrs. Franks i-eceived a broken arm and a cut on her head that required ten stitches A Real Old Relic On display in the window in Mr. F. W. Duncan's store in town is an old relic of pioneer days of Ontario in the form of a yoke used to keep oxen hitched together while working.! Mr. Duncan secured this the ether packing companies combined. This; I has almost eliminated competition." ' i The report draws attention to the fact I that there was uncontradicted evid- ' cnce .driven by a former official of I Canada Packei-s that in Toronto i* ! I was the usual custom to arrange with ' Swifts, before the market opened, as j to the prices to be paid for the pu'"- chase of livestock. ' A half page of the report is devoted i ; to the'effect of shipping livestock dir- '[ ect to "I now ask the question, Has any- ' one, during the 'ast fifteen months. 1 five of which I was chairman of the committee, and subsequently a pri- vate member of the commission charged me with being unfair to the workers, to the farmers, to the grow- ers of vegetables and fruits, to tht small merchants from one end oi Canada to another, or t.) the cattle- men who appeared before that committee?" Alex Mclntrye and sons and the L. O.B.A.. Flesherton. The late Mr. Winters was born on the Third Line of Osprey and re- sided there continuously. He was a son of the !at» Mr. and Mrs. John ^"' Winters, pioneers of that district. He : was married on December 30th. 1891 i to Miss Margaret Harley. who sur- 1 vives him, together with a family ot six daughters and one son: Mildred. : .Mrs. J. A. Grummett) of Ottawa Mary (Mrs. Telford .Allison Tof Max- well, Louie .Mi-s. Ed. Cook) of Shel- ! burne, .A.lice (Mrs. Ken Wright) of i Berkeley, Jennie (Mrs. Jas. Stewart) â- of Flesherton. Isobel (Mrs. Laurie"' j Pedlar) of Flesherton and John M. of Toronto. He is alos survived by i four sisters and two brothers: Martha (Mrs. Sam Crombie) of Shelburne. Jennie (Mrs. Dave McMoiTis) ot Kamloops. B. C. John of Vermilion. Alta.. James of the Third Line, Os- prey, .A.lice (Mrs. Jos. Graham) of Vancouver. B. C. and Bertha of Tor- onto. One brother and one sister j predeceased him. i Deceased was well known in Os- : prey township and was held in high uays. , homestead i to be a regard bv all who knew him. He the packing phmt by Uâ- Mcks:'^^^'^^^' ''"^ "'='" ^^' ^'''' '^'-â- f'^"'^^'-^ ' farmed on the Third Line on the old , , .c 1, r. t 1 W'hen livestock is delivered direct the! day when at the farm of Mr. Ralph : , ^ ... i i.t. It u ..I ... T^ 1 I, , u i nroducer must take the Harbottle at Duncan and had been ' ' . , ^ , , ^, . , , „. I weight on the latter s .-cales used manv years ago when oxen were , , . . â- , , • ,u u case of hog beinp extensively used in the absence ; , , . . , . , IX -d u i.,.! J.U 1.1 i the packers grade also of horses. Mr. Harbottle thought i , ' , *. ... • 1 I > I V ..u 1 1 \\r 'the producer â- a had been made by the late Wm. all his life and proved splendid neighbor and The Senate amendments to the j friend to all who needed him. He ' ' not I was a member of the Presbyterian at Maxwell. Farm Loan Act have certainly is shipiiing Sloan who was in business at Eugenia, at one time. The yoke had been â- lying around the yard at Mr. Har-' Packer as bottle's farm for some years and was' DIED packer's ! In the ! the producer must take' ... „, That is ""P'°^'^^ the measure. The amount church ,. . ".'which any farmer can boiTow is re- livestock ! , duced from S7,500 to S.'),000. The ,, V li • • • i.u u„ 1 ..* n,„i total loan can now not exceed 50 per the abattoir is in the hands of the I , , , , - , , , , to w-ights grades and: "^^"'^ °* '^'^ ^''''"^ °^ ^'^^ ^'^'^ ^"'' '^'^'^ ! GRAHAMâ€" .A.t his residence at " â- i farms against which Federal loans ; Eugenia on Monday, April 22nd, 1935, ^. . . . ^^^^ . ^. . ^ i have been made will be put on a pre- i Gordon Cardwell Graham, aged 51 a nciniess conaition. i ./^.j^k p.^,. mternient to take place it as a real relic of pioneer days of this district. CARD OF THANKS where there is a competitive market,! stockyards. I machine, the train went whizzing by, ^ ^nd was otherwise badly bruised, leaving him slightly shaken, some- ; -v^iiiie jir. Franks was .sliding down what startled and with a conviction | the pipe a board was displaced from that he was decidedly lucky especially | the side of the well which fell and cut his hand severely. Mrs. Franks is a on .â- Vpril Fool's day. The driver was a Kitchener traveller who sells suits and dresses. â€" Milverton Sun. Dates For Examinations Following is the time table for the approaching midsummer depart- mental examinations. These exam- inations begin about a week earlier than they did last year, and are com- pleted by June 28. ) Greek and Span- ish are written on June 13 and 14 respectively Other subjects are x^Titten from Monday June 17, till Monday, June 24, both days included. The entrance to high .ocho.^l. which last year was â- written July 3. 4 and 5. this year comes on June 26, 27 and 28. There are no examination fees for cither entrance examinations or high school denartnientals except for such as are late in making applications to â- write. Students in both middle and upper schools who obtain fifi per cent, on thpir year's work in ani- subject â- will b<> rranted by the Detwrtment of â- R'lnca'iin a certificate to â- write on rfepaTtmental examinations. dauhter of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Batch- elor of Saugeen Jet., and has been married only a few months. She was fortunate to escape with her life in such an accident BORN WEBER â€" On April .5th. 1935. to Mr. and Mrs. Merle Weber of Kimber- ley a daughter. LESSON ONE namely on the public »«>c^yarus., ^-j,^ ,^^^ ^^^p,^ ^f ^^^^ ^^.^^.^ ^^ Mr. and Mi-s. Jack Graham wish to 'The evidence submitted to Us showed, .^.^^^^^ ^^^^^^ whollv. to a discussion express their manv thanks to the ''"'"^ conclusively that the packer, ^j ^^^^ ^^^^.^ ^^,^^.^^ program, with the p.m., in Flesherton Cemetery. >LVKE S15 AND IP WEEKLY neighbors and others for their goodi^^-*'h his large supplies shipped direct assistance in saving their barn from! f'-etliiently abstained from buying fire Sundav evening. | ^hen a substantial oortion of his de- I mands have already been set by dir- Mr. J. J. Little wishes to thank thel^ct shipment and a slow or draggy neighbors and friends for their great '"a';!^.^' resultr opposition strong enough to prevent j the vote being taken before the recess, i ,, ,. One project, the building of a tunnel !'*!« surrounding towns to sell our line \ woman in Flesherton and each of from Toronto to -ihe island, at a cost of a million dollars, was so strenu- - , , , „ f-ously opposed that it is likely to be We i-ccommend.''therefore, that all I ,,,.oppg^j Toronto members said a kindnsses during the recent bereave- ,.,_,. . . ment of the family, in the loss of their ! ^hipi^ents of livestock .sljwM be made wife and mother. i *" ^^^ V^^^'"" """•''^'- *'*^" '•^^*'"- 1 tunnel as early as 1912. but the oppos ] ably p.->ssible. to give all buyers an jtion argued that the million dollars promise had been made regarding this Mrs. Cha.s. Winters and family wi.shj opportunity of competing for them •o thank the kind neighbors and ^'^-'^ ^^ P'''^^-^"' shipmenW»being used friends for their many expres.sions, a-"' ^ duign the hands of the packers the *" breal^down prices on the public of sympathy extended during .Ilness and passing of their husband ard father. The baby pulled brother's hair un til he yelled from the pain of it. The mother soothed the weepinjc bov "Of course, she doesn't know how badly it hurts." Tlien she left the room. She hurried back presently on hearing frantic squalling from bri^y "What in the -world is the matter with her," she questioned anxious- ly. "Nothing 'tall," brother replied Canned potatoes have apTH'-ir^ on contentedly. "Only now she knows." ^ the market â€" what next? stockyards." It was clearty evident in the battle of won't between Stevens and Cahan Mrs. John Wright and familv wish '^*' ^^^ sympathy of the majority of to thank their many friends fo"r their ! the Conservative members was with sympath.v shown in many ways during >-te\ens. their recent bereavement. The many acts of kindness will always be re- That Mr. Stevens has captured the membered as a ray of sunshine in | popular imagination, there is no doubt, time of our trouble. ! .•\. couple of paragraphs out of his j recent speech show clearly how this I wish to take this opportunity of ! Wonder has been accomplished. "Tc thanking the pupils and people of whom have I been .^nfair?" said Mr. would be better spent on .slum clear- ance in the city oi Toronto. of popular priced dresses. Year round business. Exclusive territory. Write to-day. THE GORDON DRESS COMPANY" 310 Foy Bldg.. Toronto. GOVER.NME.NT APPROVED BABY CHICKS The Prime Minister, much improved in health sails to-day on the liner "Paris ' for the Old Country, where he will attend the King's Silver Jubilee. â€"AGNES MACPHAIL. House of Commons, Otta^wa, .â- \pril 20th, 1935. PRICES TO END OF M.\Y White Plymouth Rocks, each 12c White Leghorns, each 9c Custom Hatching, per egg 3c Started Chicks and Pullets write for prices. BEAVER VALLEY POULTRY FARM J. S. Harrison, Prop Phone 73 CLARKSBURG, Ont Porllaw school for flowers and the many acts of kindness and s.vmpath:.- sh6wn me in the sudden loss of my dear mother. â€" MERVYN LFTTLE Bates & Maddocks Burial Co. Formerly Bates Burial Co. 124 Avenue Rd., Toronto DISTINCTIVE FUNERAL SERVICE XT MODERATE COST PHONES: Night or Day â€" Klnjtsdale 4344â€"3456 Funeral Chapel J. W. Bafos Fred M.iddocks. As!»oc. Richard Maddocks, Manager Firnierl;- of F'pshcrt'-'n Stevens. -'I thiojc th^ answer /? clear and I shoulcl^e to^lview it. 1 was charged witltjfeng unfair to Mr. McLean of Canaol Packers; I have been chavgfid with being unfair to S|r .Joseph FliRcllo an^the Robert Siihp- son Company: I ISbvc hoen cfi>?. .-r.d with bei^ unfair to th^ T. Eaton j ♦**o**«<-^•>»«**'0>s>***•^*«><M>•^^♦•>^^^«•^c»<"^•^•^•^<~^•^?*«««^^^ \ *