^ rtly o(k ' could a-pu^ a, • eoi. publle r^sT REAL ECONOMY! In Dixie Plug There is no waste I If » fragrant and Has better taste. The smolce for you, The smoke for me. In a plug thaf s Real economy I Large Plug 20c DIXIE PLUG SMOKING TOBACCO FELLOWSHIP OF BRITISH FAMILY ON THE AIR W« look at Miimtn and •hudder at D«il.J«U ^««1«««viU«> >ow awful Ui«7 ar«. and mayb* they DrlUSn V^OlUmOa took at US and iliaddar at how amax '«• are. Classified Advertising PATBVTS AN OFFER TO BTVERY INVENTOR. ^ List of wasted Inventions a^d full Information acnt free. Tb* Banuiay Oompany, World Patent Attorneys, 273 Bank Street. Ottawa, Canada. aOOO KUCK CHICXS 112% increaae over 1934 business. Answer le "SATISFIED CUS- TOMERS." Write Tor catalogue â€" Chatbam, Ontario. HEADACHE, BACKACHE? Mrs. J. W. Fla»agan, 6 Labatt Ave., Toronto, Ont, says : "I had hcad- lAches, pains in ray back, lb a d no appetite and would feel dizzy and faint. I was so weak I could hardly keep up. I took Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription and it seemed to give me new life." New size, tablets 50 cts., liquid $1.00. Write Dr. Pierce's Clinic, Buffalo, N. V, lor irce medical advice. Letters now reaohitig London from tOe turthermu&r regions of Canada bring vividly to mind the thrill w^i b went tl rough the Dominion from end to end when tlie King's Cbrialinas message pa8:ied over the radio Many of the remoter Cana- dians who rose irly enough to hear the broadca.sc got Iheir irst real Idea of the extent o( the Briti^^b Empire. Tliink of the efleci of the King's heartfelt words as beard in tihe lonely shark on the prairies, the isolated lumber camps of the Far North, ana the rouijh miner's but In thg sub-Arctic regions. From Vancouver they lell us how, as they tuned in ai 6.55 a.m., the light on Grouse Mountain Chalet shone clearly, tile ' itllnes of the rug- ged north shore mountains could bo dimly seen. The whole Drltish and American world soon to hear DicU 1 ..Du,i at the Cha! t ded- scribing the sleeping city, the beauty of the Run-tipped Lions, and the Winter wonderland of the mountains. And on ulieir pan Caaadiaus were brought to realize the astonishing variety climate and country which is to be found under the King's sway. In<lia spoke of glorious poin- settias; Australia told of Summer spoils and bathing beaches crowded with people. Great engineering un- dertakiniis like the Sydney bridge the Mersey tunnel, and the "farthest sou:ii'' ttshing in New Zealand were also described. Canada, as we know, was represented In the broadcast by the carillon at Ottawa, which fol- lowed th. Bethlehem bells; by a vivid description of Vancouver, "the evergreen playground of Canada," given by Dick Clarlnbull of C R C V from Grouse Mountain Chalet; by a Christmas scene in a Quebec lumber camp; a fisherman of the Maritime provinces; a children's skating party in W'tnnipeg; and tibe story of a hockey game in Toronto. The Fellow- ship of the Family of which the King is the bead was never more dramati- cally realized. Deficit $373,977 Relief Expenditures For Year Given as $3,625,854 Victoria â€" Legislation to provide for substantial public works and to amend hours of work and minimum wage acts in an effort to provide more employment were forecast in the Speech from the Throne read at the opening of the second session of British Columbia's 18th Legislature by Lieutenant-Governor J. W. Ford- ham Johnson. "Unemployment is still the most pressing problem, notwithstanding that there has been a reduction during the past months of about 12 per cent, of those on relief," the ad- dress declared. "It is the intention of my Gov- ernment to continue to press for measures that will put as many as possible of those now out of work into profitable employment." Have You Heard? Could a successful man possibly order the lives of other people so that they would be successful, too? He might, but they wouldn't stand [or the self-discipline. WINTER LONGINGS. I am longing for the time When the spring Is in its prime, j And birds are singing happily of I love, 1 When the hedgerows, pink and white, Are a solace to the sight. And the lark la in his watch tower up above, I am longing for the day When the right shall win the day And wrong be relegated to the dust. When no freedom is denied. When there's peace the whole world wide. And rulers are both merciful and just. I am longing for the grace Which shall make a happy place For people of all countries of the earth. That shall make all nations see That their truest dignity Is to cultivate the things of highest worth. A. B. Cooper. problem at all today. They just leave their radio going lull blast â€" and there you are! Friend â€" Well, I see you've found a way to settle your wife's hash. Man â€" Yes, I take a spoonful of bi- carbonate of soda. Hubby (stumbling upstairs at i a.m.) â€" The old gray mare ain't what sije used to be. Wifey (peeved) â€" No; but the white mule still is! Teacher â€" Now what Is this a pic- ture of? Jean â€" A monkey. Teacher â€" Yes; and what does a monkey do? Jean â€" Climbs up a tree. Teacher â€" Yes; what else? Jean â€" Climbs down again. She Keeps Her Slim Figure still Stock Size at Age Forty The approach of middle age is certainly no excuse to-day for developing a double ca..ii and for allowing your figure to bulge in the wrong places. If, at forty, you cannot have a body as supple as a young wil- ,^ low tree, you can at least keep it to its proper proportions, so that you are able to wear the mod- ern, flattering fashions with con- fidence. The following letter shows how the Kxuschen treatment can help you to avoid that pathetic re- fuge of the overstout â€" the Outsize Department. "I am approaching the dangerous age of forty, and a year ago my hips be^an to get fuller. This was alarm- ing, for I am a business woman and must keep my slender figure. 1 then thought I would try Kruschen, and from the day I started it has been wonderful. Not only are my hips normal, but I feel better in health than ever." â€" (Mrs) H. J. Kruschen is a saline â€" not a drug â€" it is an ideal blend of mineral salts lAPERFEaFlXANO STOCK SIZE, TOO! AH.YES! BUT MADAM ES WAIST IS NOW 2>4 INCHES SMALLER found in the aperient waters of those European Spas which have been resorted to for generations by wealthy people in searcn of health and fitness. Kruschen is obtainable from all Drug Stores, at 45c and 75c a bottle. FARM FLASHES As a result of unrestricted access to the British market, Canadian bacon exports in 1934 increased 62 i>er cent. over 1933, while, under (juota restric- tion, Danish exports decreased 22 per cent, from 1933. nMEB I »o t .Mb . S . MinOA r I I ,^.-.- ...â€" acnsriju aw^*^ V T*tlimamiaU fimt aB Mn Fee $10.00 complete. _,. Details Free. Write Now ^^ MALCOLM ROSS Kalglit Bpadallst, ScaTl)oronffh, Sng. It Is suggested, without petti-togging words, that there may be a marked difference between a "well read" and a "well Informed" person. Slim â€" You seem to be extra busy, Jim. Jim â€" Yes, I'm writing a love let- ter to my girl. I've been working on it for over an hour. Slim â€" Why are you taking so much pains? Jim â€" I want to make sure that if this letter Is ever read in court it won't make me look like a fool. Editor â€" Do you know how to run a newspaper? Applicant â€" No, sir. Keeping up with the Joneses Is no But if a man builds a better mouse trap now, he. is so busy making spee- ches that he never has time to make any more. It has been inscribed on jade! "Give neither salt nor counsel un- less you are asked." Babe Ruth's Pun W^e all like to know how the great live and enjoy a pleasing sense of our common humanity when we find that their tastes are simple and that they, too, really enjoy a bit of good clean fun. Perhaps it was for this reason (periiaps for some other rea- son â€" one never knows) that I find so much pleasure In this quotation (from the Daily Telegraph), describ- ing the habits of Babe Ruth, the American baseball king. America's idol weights 16 stone, and has been playing baseball for 21 years. In his 41st year he still re- tains a schoolboy sense of humor. Nothing delights him more than to go into the changing rooms of visit- ing teams and nail their shoes to the floor. â€" New Statesman and Nation. The FuU Vitamin Value of Cod Liver Oil ifichtceams, fMvrrAMiNA. PEOPLE NEiOME PLUS Further Body-Building Virtues I BUILD BONES, fM VITAMIN O. HEALTH IVntENCTH OEPEND ON me/ Generationt have proved the body^building. energy, giving power of pan cod liver oil- Generadoni, too, have proved that Scott's Emul' â- ion of Cod Liver Oil gives you all these, PLUS easier sssinmation, pleasanter taste, and the added value ofhypophosphites of lime and soda. PLUS values found only in Scott's Emulsion. scoTrs EMULSIOH THE COD LIVER OIL WITH THE PLUS VALUE for Sale hy Your Druggist IK â- ^ Handwuriting Reveals Character! This Fasdnatms New Chart Shows Howl Everyone should have a copy of THE GRAPHOCHART 100 lUuilrations SIMPLE! â€" ACCURATE!! â€" INFALUBLEII! By Geoffrey St Chtir (well-known Qrsphologist) It shows you how to analyse yoor own el iracter, and that o< your frionda from handwriting .... It la not only a very fascinatioc fxn; but it is sxtrcmely practical C«piM sonl Pott Fro* for lie each THE CHAPHOCHART. Room 421, 73 Adelaide W., Toronto. Oot. ONTARIO COLLECTS $4,000,000 FROM MOTORISTS IN 35 DAYS Toronto â€" Premier Mitchell Hep- bcm, of Ontario, revealed last week why the Department of Highways insisted on all motor car licenses in the province be purchased by the end of January. There were two obligations for the Government to meet February 1, said Mr. Hepburn, speaking in his capacity of Provincial Treasurer. One was „ $5,000,000 issue of Treas- ury bills and the other a $5,000,000 debenture issue. The Highways Department hand- ed over to the treasurer during Jan- uary $3,541,000 and since then that total was augmented by $400,000. The amount was made up of fees the from motor vehicle permits and gasoline tax. "So in 35 days we collected $4,- 000,000 through the Department of Highways," Mr. Hepburn said. Judging by last year's figures, the Premier stated, the Government would have had only $1,500,000 in- stead of the $4,000,000. "Therefore we are saving interest on $2,500, 000." The sales of branded beet in Can- ada for 1934 totalled 3„575,754 lbs., an Increase of 8,893,145 lbs. over the sales of 1933. The farm implement trade In the Argentine is controlled principally by Canada and the United States. Can- adian-made harvester threshers, grain drills, riding plows, corn cultivators and planters being well established. A new fungus causing brown spot- ting of peony foliage has been dis- covered in northern Italy. Warm, hu- mid climatic conditions and temper- ature fluctuations favor the develop- ment and spread of the disease, A purple-topped yellow-fleshed tur- nip which has been grown In Aber- deenshire, Scotland, for the past 100 years has been found by agricultural scientists to be resistant to club-root disease. The origin of thla variety of turnip is unknown. "Money, money â€" it's always money: Do you think I'm the gooso that lays the golden eggs?" "No, dear, not that one!" If Your Ears Ring With Head Noises. If you have catarrhal deafness or head noises go to your druggist and get 1 oz. of Parmint (double strength), and add to it M. pint of hot water and a little sutrar. Take a tablespoonful four times a day. This will oftn bring quick rel:ef from the distressing head noises. Clogged nostrils should open, breath- ing become easy and the mucous stop dropping into tne throat. It is easy to prepare, costs li'tle. and is pieasant to take. Anyone who has catarrhal deafness or head noises should give this prescription a triaL W« recomaKSd tht pnrcliasa of MIDWAL Oil and Gas Co. Ltd. Stock Por latest Information, "plione or write ANDERSON, GILLANDERS & Co. 35 Malinda St., Toionto HIi. 0445-6 Shipments of live stock from Wes- tern to Eastern Canada during 1934 included 118,623 cattle; 7,715 calves; 200,436 hogs and 74.471 sheep. Com- pared with 1933, the increases were 2S.3S4 cattle; 3,556 calves and 19,- 309 sheep. There was a decrease of S6,S47 in the number of hogs ship- ped. Friend â€" It's all right for you to talk about Fascism, but do you know what it would be like to live under a dictator? Man â€" 1 should think so. I've been married for 12 years. .^BURHSeSCALDS Sold by sil Drugsists â€" 25c, 33c (tube), 50< end 91.00 TPr OINTMENT Artists' and Authors* Service Send a three cent stamped en- velope for information on our MONTHLY BULLETIN Si£l{. VICE to Artiits and .-Xuthors. listing up-to-date information on "WHERE AND WHAT TO SELL Canadian and international .\rt and Literary Contests Yearly subscription. One Dollar Sample Sheet Terv Cents GIFF BAKER 39 LEE AVENUE TORONTO. ONT SKIN RASHES Giv* Place to Velvet Smocth Skins In almost countless numbers, skin sufferers have had cause to be thankful for D.D.D., the jjrescription of a highly successful physician. Dr. D. D. Dennis. This liquid prescription, now mad." and endorsed by Campana's Italian Balm chemists, allays irritation almost at once, and quickly clears up such skin troubles aa eczema, hives, acne, ring- worm, dandruff, pimples and rashes. .\sk your drutjgist for D.D.D. Prescnj)- tion. Trial size, 35c. Guaranteed t give instant relief or monov r..auid' ' Delicious Enersizing HealtK-lnsurins ANDREWS LIVER SALT ^â- tta T«Mr Ud, N i iia wl a-apott-Tyia. Ea«. ||.QmTnif«»».Lfl>aiLT-it». « Issue No. -'35 >iB p lifts grease fight off without scrubbing Just use a solution of 1 tea- spoonful of Gillett'3 Pure Flake Lye in a quart of colT water. Instantly the grease dissolvesâ€" without scauring! Use Gillett's Ly» whenever you want an effective house- hold cleanser. Frees clogged drains, cleans toilet bowls. Kills germs, and destroys odors. Order a tin from your grocer! *NeT<r dIaaolTs lye In hot wmtar. Th* actloa o( the lye Itself haata tfaa water. FREE BOOKLETâ€" Send for ihc tee Glllotfa l.yo Booklet It tclLs how tbis piiwi-rrul clettnser aiid disiiifcctant sburuns dozens of clpanlng taalOL Alao sivc'i full dlrectiona for aoapm&ktnR, tborough cleansing Kn<1 otJ!9 uses on the rum. Addrea: Stasdard Brands Limited, Frascr Ave., tt Liberty St.. Toronto, Ontario. GILLETrS LYE EATS DIRT N