THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Wednesday, SEPTEMBER 19, 1934 4 PRICEVILLE One of the most severe electric storms in years passed over here on [Wednesday night, the rain coming down in torrents. Mr. David Hincks, Jean and Almeda Mrs. Chaa. Tucker and Gerald and Mrs. Stanley Harrison .spent the week end in Guelph and Arthur visiting with friends. Mr. Harry Pedlar of Toronto spent the week end here. His wife and Miss Sadie Carson returned home with him, after holidaying at their parental home. Mr. Albert Williams and brother of Eugenia have been threshing on the North Line last week and are almost finished on this line. Keep in mind the Fall Fair here on Friday of this week, the main day. Mr. and Mrs. Oswald Patterson and daughter, Norma, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Patterson, Mr. Ed. Patterson, Mr. Geo. Patterson, Mrs. Lyness and Mrs. Sam Clayburn, all of Mono Mills, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Patterson on Sunday. VICTORIA CORNERS Inistioge service was cancelled on Sunday owing to the Bether anniver- sary. The young people journeyed to Hopeville on Monday evening and gave their play "Mother O' Mine." Misses Maud and Ina Acheson vis- ited a couple of days at Hopeville. Mrs. Clark of Toronto visi*ed re- cently at Russell Linton's. Miss Edith Fenwick of Eugenia vis- ited a few days with her sister, Mrs. Hussell Linton. Norse Milne of Flesherton is wait- ing on Mrs. Carl Atkinson. Mrs. Hodgins, who has been with her, is not very well. Mrs. Best is slightly better. Mrs. Milton Bannon and Doris went to Toronto last week. Doris -will remain to attend Normal. Mrs. Wm. Scott is not very well at prssent. HOLDFAST U.F.W.O. The regular meeting of Holdfast U.F.W.O. club was held at the home of Mrs. Edgar Patterson on Septem- ber 12th, with fifteen members pre- sent. The roll call was responded to by the bringing of a jar of fruit or pickles to be donated to the Markdale hospital. Twenty-five jars of fruit were received. In the absence of Dr. Carefoot who was to have taken the topic, Agnes Macphail, M.P., very kindly gave a very interesting address on "Emanci- pation of Women," which was much enjoyed by all present. Mrs. J. A. Nichol conducted a con- test, the winners being Lottie Whit- taker and Mrs. H. Tucker. Lunch was then served. The Club will meet at the home of Mrs. Geo. Fisher on October 10th. Visitors welcome. TORONTO LINE NORTH Mik and Mrs. L H. Perigoe of To ronto and Mr. C. B. Perigee of Delhi were visitors recently with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Stewart. Mi«s Agnes Irwin has returned home aft«r speading the past several â- onths in Toronto. Mr. W. E. Ritchie of Toronto spent a coople of days with his cousin, Mrs. Thos. Lever, this week. Miss M. Pedlar of Siagham«>ton visited with iMr. and Mrs. EmeraMi Wickens. Mr. and Mrs. W. Wilson of Barr- head spent Sund% with the Richard- ison families. EUGENIA CEYLON PROTON STATION Thrashings and church anniversar- ies are chief events of interest at this season, interspersed, of course, with fall fairs. .Anniversary services of the United Church, Proton Station, will be held on Sunday, Sept. 23rd. Rev. Mr. Johnson of Priceville United Church will be the speaker at both services at 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. (Miss Lena Park of Hamilton, ac- companied by Mr. Dyson and Mr. Bil] Dyson were recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Park. Mrs. J. C. Wright of Hamilton was with them and visited with friends in Flesherton. Mrs. Earl Brady and babe of To ronto visited her sister, Mrs. Park. Mr. Russell Irwin is making im provements to his house, whish wilV add ts its appearance. ♦# I Asked for an illustration of indirect taxation, a bright student sngg«stc.i the do^ tax, "because the dof d»eant J>«y it" The reguar monthly meeting of the Women's Association of the United Church will be held on Thursday afternoon, Sept. 20, in the basement of the church. The W. A. of Mt Zion will visit the Association here that day. Visitors welcome. There will be a program and lunch and mem- bers of the Eugenia Association will answer the roll call by donating a handkerchief for the bazaar to be hold later. Misses Davis and Dennison and Messrs. Grice and MacDonald of To- ronto spent the week end at the iat- ter's home on the 8th line. Mr. Harold Turner, who is attend- ing Orangeville Business College spent the week end at his home here. His sister. Miss Evelyn, who teaches near Singhampton, was also home. Mrs. Hammond and some of 'he family and Miss Millie MdMullen of Toronto visited over the week end with Mrs. M. McMullen. Mr. Chas. Hopper has left for New Liskeard, where he has secured a position. We are pleased to report Mr. Henry Williams, who has been so very ill, able to be around the house again. Mrs. Robt. Purvis has returned to her home after visiting in Toronto. iMrs. Edgar Betts visited for several days with friends in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Purvis and family of Toronto, also Mr. and Mrs. Crosby of Barrie, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Purvis. Mr. and Mrs. John Newham and Mr. Harry Sutton of Huml>er Bay were week end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Court Smith. Mr. Harley Davidson has returned to Gait after spending the summer on the 8th Line overseeing the fisher- men's reserve. Mrs. Richard Park is visiting with friends in Flesherton^ this week. Mr. and Mrs. Will Lawlor of Lond- on spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lawlor, 8th Line. Mrs. Kerna'ghan and nephew, Mr. Brown, of Toronto are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jamieson. Mrs. S. Sprunt of Toronto is visit- ing with her friend, Mrs. Jos. Will- iams at present. Mrs. John Warrilow and little daughter, Joan, returned to Toronto on Monday, after a week's visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Faw- • ett. Miss Peggy O'Hare and little Eva Warrilow remained for a longer "isit. Mr. Jos. Leppard and Mrs. Rody Gordon and children of Beaverdale, Euphrasia township, spent Sunday with Mrs. Gordon's parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Leppard. Miss Kathleen Pedlar was home from Markdale over the week end. Mrs. J. Nuhn of Flesherton is with Mrs. O. Turner at present. Mr. Lewis of Toronto assisted Rev. Bushell in the services here Sunday and spoke on the temperance qrestion. He gave a fine address, stating the condition of affairs in regard to the liquor traffic in Ontario to-day, and how to overcome the dangers caused by the sale of beer and other intoxi- cating liquors. Mr. and Mrs. Goedoij MsKrnnon of Toronto and Mrs. McKinnon of Flesh- erton visited recently with Mrs. Harry Foster. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Magee and daughter, iMiss Irva, spent Sunday with Mrs. Magee's cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Veitch, at Carkadbnrg. 'Misses Winneta and Carmel and Marge Martin spent Saturday wtth Miss Edith EInora Fenwick, who was ceielfrating her 15th birthday. We are wishing her many happy returns of the day. Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Hopper and family of Toronto were recent visit- ors with Miss Mary and Mr. Fred Hopper. Mr. Archie Sinclair left Saturday to join Mrs. Sinclair at Dummer Sask., where the latter has been spending the summer with her sister Mrs. P. Norris. Mrs. Blondin of the "Soo" is visit- ing her brother, Mr. Hugh McPher- son and sisters, Mrs. R. Stewart and Mrs. D. Muir. Mrs. Roy Rutledge and little daugh- ter of Lethbridge, Alta., spent last week in Sarnia. Miss Olive Marshall left last Friday for the General Hospital at Toronto where she begins trainng. Her mother accompanied her to the city iMrs. Densmore and her sister, Mrs Blair of Duluth, holidayed last week in Caledon and Grand Valley. Mrs. Knox was a visitor recently in Lucknow. Mrs. Harvey Griffen of Toronto spent the week end with Mrs. Geo Cairns and her mother, Mrs. Wilcuck Mrs. Wilcock has given up her home in Flesherton and is now living with Mrs. Cairns. Mrs. Donald McLeod is quite ill at her home. Miss Matthews of Toronto spent last week with Miss Gladys Pattison. Mrs. Macphail and Miss Agnes Macphail, M.P., were in Hamilton the latter part of the week. Miss Dorothy Fisher spent the week end at her home in Paisley. iMjss -Margaret Cbpeland was a visitor at her home near Dundalk over the week end. Mr. Peter Sherwood spent Tuesday in Eugenia. Mr. McDonald of Toronto was a vis- itor over the week end with Mrs. Jas. Pattison. Mrs. Hunt entertained her Sunday school class at a lawn social Saturday afternoon. Games and contests were enjoyed by the little folk, lunch being served towards the close of the afternoon. The Ladies' Aid meets Wednesday. September 26th at the home of Mrs. A. C. Muir. Lunch committee â€" cake Mrs. Henry Patterson and Mrs. D. W. Adams; sandwich, Mrs. Collinson and Mrs. Knox. ROCK MILLS Many a man leads his bride to the altar and finds that right there his leadership ceases. One man down the street returned last week from his holidays with flO in his pocket. His grandfather came to this country from Aberdeen a good many years ago. McCormick Deering D««p Chilled Plow Shares Two will outwear three ordinary cast shares. Try ohe. S. Hemphill Mtcforaiek-Deering Airent Harvest thanksgiving .service will be held in the Baptist Church here next Sunday evening, Sept. 23rd, at 7:30 o'clock p.m. Misses Edith and Mabel Betts spent a few days at Clarksburg and attend- ed the camp meeting.s. Mr. Harvey Croft spent a week in Toronto and attended the C.N.E. Mr. ar.d Mrs. Elwood Partridge and Mr. and Mrs. Plummer visited with the later's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- kinson, at Duncan. Mr. and. Mrs. Chas. Newell spent Sunday at Clarksiburg attending the camp meetings. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Croft visited tht first of the week with her brother, Mr. JacobHolley, and wife, Vandeleur. The public school children held a fifeld day on the school grounds on Friday afternoon, when races, vault- ing, high jumping were held. A joltball game, for which Fred Part- ridge and Russell Phillips were cap- tains, was played, the latter side winning, the score being 15-13. Prizes were awarded the winr.'!rs. A special prize was given to the indiv- idual point winners, Amanda Fishei winning the prize of a book for the girls and Russell Phillips won the special for the boys, which was an Eversharp pencil. A number o< (spectators were present and enjoyed the afternoon of sports. Mr. Sam Croft had the misfortune to lose three head of cattle whe: struck by lightning. This will mean quite a loss to Mr. Croft as he did not carry any insurance on the live stock. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Russell and fam- ily and Mr. and Mrs. Joyce Porteous attended the CoUingwood Fair or Friday. Prayer meeting will be held Friday night of this week at the home of Mr Thos. Betts, conducted by Rev. F. Dean of Feversham. Everybody welcome. Farmers - Attention! WANTED â€" a quantity of Large White Peas PHONE OR WRITE: W. H. HURST EXPORTER -:- ALLISTON. ONT. iThe Plow is Mightier than the Sw^ord BUT WHAT GOOD IS A PLOW WITHOUT A SHARE MAXWELL Saltfleet township has decided to place a patrol on the roads to protect orchards until the crop is taken off. We recall along the fourth concession that a musket loaded with rock salt used to serve the same purpose. St. Mary's Anglican church will hold their harvest Rome service on Sunday. Septem^ber 23rd, when serv. icer. win be held at 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Guild will be held at the home of Mrs. J. Kernahan on Thursday ol this week, and all members are r3 quested to be present. Miss Myrtle Whewell visited last week with her aunt. Mrs. W. Wright. Mr. and Mrs. C. Brodie. iMr. and Mrs. Walter Seeley, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ross and Mr. and Mrs. Ren Acheson attended the Bethel anniversary ser- vices on Sunday. The Women's Institute met at the home of Mrs. Geo. Ross last Thursday with a good attendance. This meet- ing was held in honor of the grand- mothers. Roll call was answered by showing an old relic. A contest with hsfcy pictures was heTd. each one bringiI^r her picture, and the conte«t was very interesting. Stores are announcing great value-s in suits for men. but not one of them makes any mention of how much will be allowed for a trade-in on the old model. I Shares to Fit: I Xo. 10 and 21 Fleury Plows. Plain 45c ea. •^ Xo. 21 Fleury Plow, Comb 55c ea. % No. 7 Wilkinson Plow, Plain 45c ea. f No. 21 Cockshutt Plow. Plain 45c ea. t Sole Plates to fit No. 21 Fleury 45c ea. I * * # Men's New Fall Caps Fise range of colors and sizes $1.00 ea. , .TERMSâ€" Cash, of course Osprej & Artcfflesb Co-operative Co., Lid. FLESHERTON >»»»0»*0 » »»0»»»»»»»»< MEATS Fresh and Cored Tr\- Our Threshing Roasts Pearl Soap 8 Bars 25c Toilet Soap 7 RoUs 25c THE NEW Tip Top FALL AND Vy INTER SAMPLES .\RE NOW HERE If HI need of a suit or top coat come in and look them over. W. G. Kennedy PlMoe ST Prairie Rose FLOUR f2.S0 P. -Nat Butter Large Jars 25c Soap Flakes reg. 3 lbs. 25c Saturday Only 3 lbs. 19c 4k :^f:^ BANK OF CANADA "*•: V CAPITAL 15,000,000 Difidmt into 10O.MO Shares oj 960.00 Each The Minister of Finance, pmtwittt to the provieiora of the Bank of Canada Ad, offen ' for pubUc svbseri^tion: 100,000 Sbaree of t^a Capital Stock of th« BANK OF CANADA Issue Price : $50.00 a Share PAYABLE AS FOLLOWS: On Application - $12.50 a Share On Jan. 2, Ifii - ».?7.50 a Shar« The Bank of Canada has been incorporated by the Parliament of Canada and given wide powers to operate as a central bank of issue and rediscount for Canada. The Bank is authorized to pay cumulative dividends from its profits, after provision for expenses, depreciation, etc., at the rate of 44% per annum, payable half-yearly. Surplus profits are to be applied to the rest fund of the Bank or paid into the Consolidated Revenue Fund as provided by the Bank of Canada Act. Not more than SO shares may be held by or for the benefit of any one person. Share- holders must be British subjects ordinarily resident in Canada or corporations organized under Dominion or provincial laws and controlled by British subjects ordinarily resident in Canada. Subscriptions should be mailed to the Minister of Finance, Ottawa, in envelopes marked " Bank of Canada Shares." Payment must be made \y a certified cheque on a chartered bank or by a bank draft or post office or express coospany money ordsr, payable to the Receiver General of Canada. As soon as possible after subscriptions ha,ve been received, allotments will be made ^d notice of the aUotmrat will be mailed to the post office address furnished by the •ubacriber. Further particulars will b« found i» ths official pr«spectiis and application form which mar be obtaini^ at the DepM^tmest of Finanee. the offices of the Assistant Receivers General, post offices, any branch of any ehartered bank, and other financial institutions. â€" AS^i The SMbecTiption List vM open on September 17. im. and dote on or before September tl idSl. with or wUhout notice, at the diecrerton of the Mmiiter of Finance. ' ^ DtPurrMixr of Fin4Nc«. Orriwv SirriMKi 17. inc