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Flesherton Advance, 8 Aug 1934, p. 8

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JWfEDNKSDAY, AUGUST 8, 1934 THE I'LESTIERTON ADVANCE TORONTO LINE NORTH Mr. and .Mr.-i. Krwl I'oaiock, .son Stewart, and Mrs. Win. Lever of To- riinto were week end vi.sitors with tlu latter's daughter, Mrs. Kred Brown and family. .Mrs. Lever and Mastet Stewart remained for a couple ot week.s. Mr. and Mrs. W. Cronin and two ^lau^,'hters of Toronto were holiday vi.sitors with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Lonnr. .Miss Bertha Oltewell, teacher near Dundalk, .spent the week with (Jertrudc Lever. Marjraret Cronin of Toronto is holidaying a couple of weeks with her cousin, Evelyn Brown. Mr. Jas. Harrison of Springhill vis- ited at the Akox home Sunday. Mrs. W. Burnett attended the re- union of the Muir clan at Caledon on Monday. Mrs. Grey and Mr. Cairn? accompanied her home for a few days visit. The .Stewart re-union was held at the home of Mr. A. E. Spaiks on Sunday when almost seventy-five members were in-esnt. Mr. and Mrs. G. Davis and family accompanied by Miss .\Knes Irwin of Toronto visited with the latter's Kiandpareiits, Mr. and Mrs. W. Burn- ett. Mrs. Davis and Agnes Irwin are holiday iiiK here for a fortnight. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Morgan and family of Moorefield holidayed with Mrs. Morgan's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Lever. EXI'KNSIVK .MARKETING The carrying over of cattle from one market to another is an expensive business, detrimental to the inteiests of both producer and trade. It is the opinion of the department that livestock would show a much more even trend if the habit of loading up every Moiulay with the week's supjily were discontinued. Belter distribu- tion of deliveries to the stockyard.* would seem to be the answer. In the Province of Ontario, motor truck deliveries have reached a very heavy volume. At Toronto almost half the supply of cattle, during the month of May, was received off trucks, and a largo peixentage arrived at the market without pre-notice. PRICEVILLE Who was the returned man from Fleslierton on the corner of King ana Yonge streets in his pajamas early (Sunday morning? Phone 54 Duncan's FOR DEPENDABLE HARDWARE Quality Price And Service Always Right Midsummer Houseware Sa!e , Heavy .\hiiiiiiniiii 'iV'a Kettle, 2'/^ qts $1.1.S • l!arj4:ain in 'J'in I'ail.s. 7j/ qt.s 23c. 'Si)ccial in Heavy Copper Boilers $2.83. Jvory and (ireen Double Hoilcrs $1.49. •Hot Galvanized \ Uoiler»i. No. 2 Size 89c. (Heavy Galvanized Stock PaiLs, 14 (|iiart ffi ()9c. .r.rcad lioxc'. choice of colors 98c. The Xcw i-(iuare (galvanized Tub.s fli 98c. * * * * MANY OTHER I'Sl^FUL KITCHEN ARTICLES AT SrKCIAT, PRICES % 3fE ^ 3^ PreseJrving Needs â€" Preserving Kettles, Fruit Jars, Zinc Rings, Rubber Rings. Rope, Twine, Pulleys, Forks, Slings, Rope Hitches, Oil, Mitts; Etc. Mr. John L. McKiniion and bride of Saskatoon are visiting relatives here. Ml-, and iMrs. Percy Chambers and son, Toronto, spent the week end at her father's. Mr. and Mre. Dan McCannell, Mr. and Mrs. Neil McCannell and son of Arthur of Proton .Station; .Mr. and Mrs. Don MacDonald and dauKhter, Dorothy, of Toronto visited Sunday at A. L. Hincks' and attended the Memorial service. Miss Jean McLean and friend of Toronto spent the week end at the home of her father. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Pedlar, Mrs. Ale.\. Carson and Bernice, Toronto spent the week end here, returning Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Runeiman ann son of Toronto are HoITdayinK here. Misses Flora and Margaret McFar- lane spent the week end here. Misses Marjory Meuser of Owen .Sound and her frit-mi from Hamilton spent the week end with Mrs, Ar;hie .McCuaig. Mr. Martin McLeo<l, Tilbury, spent the week end hero and visited his sisters, Mrs. .Standin and Mrs. Neil Cameron. Mr. and Mrs. Waite and children ot Toronto is visiting her brothers in Priceville. Mr. and Mrs. Wr.i. J. Hincks and Mary, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Harrison and Miss Jean Hincks visited friends in Stayner last week. SAUGEEN JUNCTION Recent visitors at Mr. Joe Badge- row's were: Misses Mary Donaldson, Audry '.McGIashen, Messrs. Earl Little and Neil Allen of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Harold McCut.heon of Flesherton visited with .Mr. and Mis. Joe Sewcll recently. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Batchelor and family attended the Dingwell reunion on Monday at Mr. Andrew Dingwell's near Priceville. A number from here took in the picnic at Flesherton on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Everett .White and son, Mr. Harvey White, and friend of Toronto visited over the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. White and family. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Semple of Mark- dale visited on Sunday at Mr. Bert Badgerow's. Miss Shirley Semple ixturned home with her parents after a week's visit with Mr. and Mrs. Badgerow. Mr. G. B. Littlejohns of Markdale vva.-, a recent visitor in this vicinity. tUB STOBB WITH 8BBTICB F. T. HILL&CO.,Ltd. CHAIN 8TDRBS Markdale, Ontario OUB BUTINQ POWBB SAVES TOU A LOT OF UONST mens this Prices which mean underselling the Linen Market Miss Mabel Adams is holidaying in Toronto. Mrs. M. Heron of Netherhill, Sask. visite<l last week with Mrs. George MiU-hell. Mrs. Wm. Jenkins of Toronto was a week end guest at the home of Dave Williams. Mrs. Geo. Mitchell spent the i)ast week with her daughter, Mrs. O. Clipperton, nt Meaford. Miss Marjory Barnhouse from Ed- monton, Alberta, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Betts the past week. Mrs. William Stoddart of Markdale visited her son Norman Stoddart and family. Mr. G. E. Thompson of Toronto was a week end visitor with Marie Mc- Eachnie. Mrs. C. J. Crossley and two child- ren of Toronto are holidaying with the former's mother, Mrs. W. Boyd Mr. and Mrs. Royden McDonald at- tended the funeral of the former's grandmother, Mrs. A. Marshall, which took |)lai,e at Durham on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Taylor and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Taylor spent a few days last week v/ith relatives at Win- ona and Toronto. Miss Kay Kelk and Marie McEach nie are spending this week with tho latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Mc- Eachnie. Mr. Arthur Brooks of Owen Sound visited over the holiday with his daughter. Mrs. Robt. Alexander and faniiily. Miss Marguerite Croft returned home after spending three weeks at Owen Sound, Lion's Head and Coll- ingwood. Mr. and Mrs. D. White, Mr. E. Starling and Miss S. Roberts, all of Toronto, visited over the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Duncan. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Snider and two children of Waterloo are visiting with Mrs. Snider's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Caswell. Mr. and Mrs. Harry LeGarde and children of Toronto are spending this week with the former's father and other relatives. Mr. Alex. McEachnie was awarded the position of caretaker of the public school at a recent meeting of tho Board. The raspberry crop has been rather late maturing this year, but owing to the extreme cold last winter the crop will not be very heavy. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred McMaster and two children, Mr. Robt. M?Master and Georgj McMastor of Caiiisvilb spent the week end at their home hero. Miss Kate -AicMillan is enjoying the Saginaw boat trip in company with Miss Agnes Harrow of Owen Sound and Miss Minnie Harrow of Virginia. .Mr. Ed. Patton of Kapuskasing spent the past week with his mother. I.Mr. C. R. Wright and mother re- turned home on Saturday after en- joying a motor trip to Port Arthur. Miss Margaret Robertson has gone to Peru and will return the last week in August. Master Bryce Hanley and Master Jackie Goudey of Toronto spent a couple of days with George Akitt. Mr. and Mrs. W'alter Cargoe of Windsor are visititng th-j former's mother this week. Rev. iW. J. Scott and family are holidaying at Stjr.y Lake during August. Mr. and Mrs. \l. A. McCauley vis- ited recenty with Mr. Secord Hard- wick :"-t Bolto'i. Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Fountain of Philadelphiii, Pa., are visiting here and -t. Priceville this week. Miss Alice Robertson has returned from Havana, Cuba, where she has holidayed this summei-. » Mr. and Mrs. McMillan of Owen Sound and Mrs. C. Holden of Toronto spent the past week with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Wilson. Mrs. L. Brown and Lillis and Keith of Toronto have been visiting the former's mother, Mrs. M. Thistleth- waite. Mr. and Mrs. Will. Wadsworth and Miss Jean Phillips of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Wilson of St. Cath- arines, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Lock and Mr. Edwards of Owen Sound spent the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. W. Akitt. Miss Pearl Wilson has returned home after spending a few weeks with friends in Flesherton. Mr. Jos. Armstrong has joined his family at their summer heme here for his vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Melville Londry ot -Meaford, accompanied by Mrs. Morr'- ,son, Mrs. Carr, Alex. Londry ana ^liss Evelyn Raymond were callers on 3unday w'ith Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Miller. The service in the United church on Sunday morning was taken by Rev. Wakefield of Holland Centre. That old favorite sung by Dr..F. W. Mur- ray "When Pe3:'e like a river attend- eth my Soul" was requested and en- joyed by all. Rev. Mr. Krug of Chatsworth v>rill take the service nax*- Sabbath morning. CARETAKER WANTED ssSk^sm^ys^s:^. Caldweirs Special Linen Towelling, 17c .â- \ cloth re^'ulai ly sold ai all letailer.; at 2.^c yard. .SiK-cial jier yard 17c. A Special that Saves 22-iiKli colored border, all linen towell- jnj4, re}.,ailar 45c 29c per yd. \ Final Clearance Ladies' While Crepe Hats, $1.00 each The newest and smartest in crepe hats at $1.00 ca. Guest Towelling 22c per yard Refriiiar .VSc a yard fullest towellinj^ in j)lain. inanve and rose and white stripe, (iiiaranteed all linen, 18 in. wide ..22c yd. 22 inch Plain Mauve Guest Towelling Reg. 45c â€" 29c per yard Warranted all finest linen in stiper ifluality weave 29c yd. SPECIAL! SPECIAL! Linen Breakfast Cloths Size 50.x50 wilii neat Colored llorder, each ^-^^^ Special Sale Linen Breakfast Cloths All in lincsi ([ualiiy l.inen Cloth, j^uar- anteed: Size 52x.S2. Reu. $12.=; S.x-. Size .S4x70, Ret,^ S1.35 95c. Size .S2n-6S, Re^. SIBO $1.19. Size .S4x7(), Re^-. $1.S5 $1.-^5. Size .S4x70, Rej-. $:.y5 $1.45. GROCERY DEPT. SPECIALS Salt Petre, 2 lbs. for 15c. Borax, ^ lbs. for 21c. Finest (|nality old Se4itenibcr Che'esc 2 lbs. for BSc. Spearmint Toolh Paste, huge size .. 14c. Creamery Mutter, choice quality .. 20c lb. I'.C.CSâ€" We are still short of the better grades and will pay this week 15c, 17c and I'.'c doz. HARDWARE DEPT. SPECIALS Hay Fork Roue .*. 15c l.h. Mower r.uard 29c each. Choice qualitv winter wheat for seed per hnshel $1.10. .Application.'} for position as caretak- er for the High School will be received by the undersigned up to 6 p.m. ot the 17th of August inst. Applicants to mark envelope "Application" and state renumeration required. Dated August 15, 1934. â€" ,W. J. BELLAMY, Sec FARM FOR SALE At Wareham, South-West corner, Lots 9 and 10, 1st con. S.D.R., Town- ship of Osprey. 100 acres, 20 acres- timbered, balance under good cultiva- tion. Good roomy barns on stone foundation, cement stabling, brick veneered house with furnace, drilled' well and an orchard. Good locality, school and church convenient. Will' sell at a l>argain. â€" W. S. JNKSTER, Flesherton. A«'V>Vi'%<'VAA«V»*>AA***A«**AA»**<*> A«*>A A**««i*t A**fc***»*- -*- -*- -*- -*- -*- -*- -•- -*- -♦- -*^ -*- -*- -*- -*- -*- -*- -*- -*- -*^ -*- -*- â- *- -*- -*- -*- The Advance -for - Good Job Printing All orders despatched on short notice. ^♦<>«<>«•^««4y«•^«<>•^<^<^^<>«<»«<^•^4>•:•<M»«<^><^^<^<><^<^.^<•<•<>^^^c^•<.4~»^>«« West : .5. Small Advts. Mrs. Geo. Cairns, Bessie, and little] <•-^•>^>^<^^^^•><•♦<^<^4•♦«*<«♦♦♦*'>♦<'*M>^^«<,^.^>.Jâ-º<H^<.<»<^.oâ- >.>**<..>«<^ For Sale .â- \Iways on hand. â€" Thos. baby, Roy, of Wadena. Sask., arc >pom.ling this month with her par- ent?, .Mr. an<l Mrs. W. P. Cros.-^loy. Jack Cairns of Toronto visited his Miotlii r over the holiday. Mr. and Mr.^. W. P. Crossley re- turned home a week ag;>, after holi- ilaying for six weeks at Harriston, Sl.Thomas aixl Detroit. They were â- .uvoM\panieil home by Mr. and Mrs. las. Bowler and Charlie, who remain- ed for a week. If any names of thosu from a dis- tance visiting here for the picnic are omitted from the above list a favor would be committed if word was sent to this officu or to Mr. W. P. Crossley, f-o that the namss could be included in the list in the Yisitors' book. Mr and Mrs. Wilfred Inkster of Wareham and Mr.-s. S. Acheson, Mrs, John Jones, Hazel Inkster and Mr. and 'Mrs. Murray Inkster, all of To- ronto were all home on Sunday, July 29th, celebratii*g their father's birth- day, Mr. Inkster being 81 years of age on that day. Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs Harry Patton over the week end wore: Mrs. Thos. Howard a«d Misis Eliza Howard of Owen Sou'n4, Mr. and 'Mrs. Fped Howard. Lion's Head. Mrs. Ruasell Patton of Dundalk and Isobel Ferris of Toronto and Mr. Arthur Hutton of -Ardbeg. Mr. and Mrs. I/eslie Wraggette and twins, David and 'MoUie of Toronto and Mrs Andy Roldnson an.l son. Glen, of Toronto and Mrs. R. G. Wrnggrtte of Dnndalk were visit- o.'s at the home of Mv. and Mrs. Geo. Hutchinson, Or. and Mrs. Clemes shape, not under 5Vi ft. cut. of Toronto were al.=o callers. Herb Corbett, Proton. LIME Fcnwick, Eugenia. LUMBER FOR SALE New lumber $18 per M. â€" Muir, Ceylon. A. C. HAY FOR SALE 30 acres of mixe.l hay, I'i pouth of Flesherton. Apply McMullen, 45 r 31, Flesherton miles •Alex. WANTED Cattle to pasture. Apply Lougheed 238-A Jarvis Street ronto. J. H. . To- HOG FOR SERVICE Registered Berkshire hog, govern- ment inspected. Terms $1.00 if paid within 2 months, over that time $2.00. â€" Laurie Pedlar. HOG FOR SERVICE Young Yorkshire hog, purebred and government inspected; terms: cash 75c.; charged $1.00. â€" ,WES. SMITH, Rock Mills. BOAR FOR SERVICE HOUSEKEEPER WANTED Housekeeper wanted for good farm home. State wages. Age preferr- ed: between BO and 60 years. Apply to this office by letter. TENT LOST Near the Betts corner, east of Flesh" erton, on Monday, June 25th, tent in roll with canvas wrapping. Finder please leave at this office. Reward. MONEY LOST In Flesherton on Tuesday between the bank and Dr. Milne's residence a aani of money. Finder please leave at The Advance office. Reward. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Two Aberdeen .Angus bulls, ser- viceable age. Would exchange on Rej^stered Yorkshirt Boar for »«f vice by Flesherton Bacon Hog Club, the property of the Ontario Depart^ ment of Agriculture. â€" C. STEWART. Caretaker. BUSINESS CARDS DR. R. W. LINDSAY Feversham - 'Phone 17 r 3 Office 10-12 a.m. 7-8 p.m. SinKhampton Office â€" Taesday and Friday 2 - 4 p.m. AUCTIONEER Wm. Kaitting, auctioneer for fara and 8tock sales a speciality, terms: 1 per cent., with small sales at cor< responding low prices accordingr ta size. Make dates by phoning 43 r 11 or at The Advance officei Prince Arthur Lodge No. 333, A.F. â-  &A.M., meets in the Fraternal Hall, good farm wagon, or mower in good; Flesherton, every Friday on or befow Apply j the full moon. W.M., F. J. Thurston, Secretary, H. A. lJaC«uley.

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