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Flesherton Advance, 27 Jun 1934, p. 1

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Vol. 54; No. 4 ^()je /ksljMutt %\fmnu. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 27, 1934 W. H. Thurston & Son, Proprietor* CEYLON r4-- u, Mr. and Mrs. Chapmaa and daugh- ter of Toronto, accompanied by Mrs. Elliott, Saskatoon, Sask., spent the week end at Mr. Peter Muir's. Mr. John Melia returned Saturday with his son, Chas., to Toronto, after a visit here. Mr. Melia disposed of his property here to Mr. Peter Sher- wood. Mr. Miller and Mr. Tom Fletcher motored to Long Branch on Sunday where Mr. Fletcher will remain foi some time. Dr. Wilson, V. S., Atwood, is re- newing acquaintances in this com- munity. Ijfrs. Frank Ulrich left Saturday for Detroit en route to her home in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cairns motor- ed to Durham Sunday. Mr. and Mi-s. Harry Houston and family returned to Oshawa Sunday after a visit with relatives here. Mrs. Hutchirson, Kimberley, v.'as a visitor last week with her son, Mr. Hadden Hutchinson. Master Calvin a;ccmpanied her home for a holiday. Mr. Frank Collinson attend-ed the funeral of his uncle, the late Mr. Jas. Crawford, in Durham on Monday. Mrs. Cecil Archibald, Proton Sta- tion was a caller at Mrs. Geo. Arrow- smith's Monday. The lawn social held Friday even- ing at Mrs. Will. Gibson's, under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid proved a real success. A ballgame between the married and single men was won by the former by a large score. A good program was given by Flesher- ton and local talent, after which ice cream and cake were served. The proceeds amounted to about $15. Last Tliursday Dr. Milne took Mel- ville Hunt to St. Michael's Hospital, Toronto, to re-set the arm and collar bone, broken at the high school over a week previous. Melville is now resting as well as can be expected, after such a trying ordeal at his home here and his many friends hope to see him around again in the near futura Kis parertts accompanied him to Toronto. FEVERSHAM SAUGEEN JUNCTION The Ladies' Aid of the Presbyter- ian church met at the home of Mrs. H. C. Francis on Wednesday, June 20, for the'ir regular meeting with a good attendance of menabers. After the meeting adjourned the hostess served a dainty lunch. The July meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Melville Douglas on the 12th Line, on Wednesday, July 18. Visitors welcome. Masters Ronald Springgay, Burton Hudson and Miss Doreen Davidson, pupils in our puplic school will not have to write their entrance examin- ations, as thev haye passed on the merits of their year's work. These pupils and their teacher, Miss Gor- don, are to be congratulated for their good work. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Whewell of Niagara visited vrith the latter's sis- ter, Mrs. S. Ottewell, and called on Mr. and Mrs. Colquette oa Thursday last. 'Mrs. Thos. Monaghan of Singhanip- ton visited in the village last week. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hornby or CoUing'wood were visitors with the iatter's sister, Mrs. Robt. .Whiteoak, last week. Miss Dempsey of Minr.esing was a visitor over the week end at Harold Osborne's. Mr. and Mrs. J. Crawford and children of Whitby are yisiting with I Mrs. Moffats parents, Mr. and Mrs Wni. Moffat on the Eighth Line. (Mrs. James Crawford of Whitby Is visiting with her daughter, Mrs. James Thomson on the 12th line near here. Mrs. Crawford is an old resi- dent of Osprey and of this village. She is now living in the 90's and is always welcomed by her many friends when she comes back for a visit. Major and Mrs. Ursaki of Orillia and Cap^ McDonald of Chicago held a meeting in the Salvation Army Hall on Sunday last. The Major gaye a very interesting talk on the Bible's standard of Christian Hying, quoting Scripture to verify his comments. EUGENIA HOLDFAST U. F. W. O. Mr. and Mrs. John Pattison and children of Springhill called on a num- ber of their friends in this burg on Sunday. Miss Gladys Batchelor spent the week end with her friend, M'iss Selena Terris of Wareham. Mr, and Mrs. Joe Park and Miss Margaret Mills visited with Mr. and Mrs. Peter Picket of Bolton on Sun- day. Mr. Sam Batchelor and Miss Gladys Batchelor were recent visitors in Owen Sound. Mrs. Jim Semple of Markdale vis- ited with her sister, Mrs. Bert Badge- row on Wednesday. Mrs. John Campbell of Oyren Sound is visiting with her daughter, Mrs. Sam Batchelor. IMV. and Mi-s. John F. Batchelor and daughters of Bethel were Sunday vis- itors at Mr. S. Batchelor's. We are glad to report Miss Alma iWhite improving nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Meddaugh and children of Dundalk visited on Sun- day wih Mr. and Mrs. Robt. White. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Earl Best who were recently married. A presentation was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Best on Friday evening in honor of their son. Mr. Earl Best, and his bride. All reported a good time. Man in Hamilton had" the option of hitting a boy on roller skates oi driving his car into a freight train. He selected the freight, was slightly injured and had his car smashed be- yond repair. 7Jherc should be a fund to recompense people who do such things. The Holdfast U.i'\W.O. Club met at the home of Mrs. Henry Tucker on June 13, with 16 members and i) vis- itors present. Roll call was answer- ed by "The Brand of Flour I use." Bulletin questions re Folk high schools of Denmark were taken up and discussed. Readings were given by Jean Hincks on "Women and War'". Mrs. J. Nichol on "The Station Agent's Story" and Mrs. A. Hincks,' "Marching on." A contest conducted by May Stew- art was won by Mrs. Earl McLeod. Mrs. Beaton gave a talk on "Bandag- ing" which was interesting and help- ful to all. The July meeting will take the form of a picnics to be held in Mr. McKenzie's bush on July 11th. VICTORIA CORNERS Chir editor was wondering last week what a banana festival was. Our best oxplanation is come to Inis- tioge garden party on July 10th. Of course bananas are the feature of the evening, but as some of our friends do not like bananas, the menu will include goodies for them. Look for adyertisement in this paper. Dr. Wade, Mr. and Miss McConnel of Weston visitid the former's cousin, Mrs. Chas. Moore. Miss Evelyn Reid of Stayner k, at Carl Atkinson's. Our new pastor will conduct his first service at Inistioge on Sunday next. Induction services on Friday evening at Proton. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hanna and son, and Mrs. Donaldson and son, Murray, of Toronto si>ent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Genoe. Mr. Fred Foreman and two gentle- men friends of Toronto spent the week end with Mr. Jacob Williams. Mr. and Mrs. John Campbell, Mrs. Wm. Hislop and Mrs. Wilfred Mag<;e visited friends in Weston and To- ronto recently. LVIIss Christina Magee, teacher at Stone's Line, accompanied by Miss Irene Fisher spent the week end with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Magee. Mr. Cecil Magee w.i? also home over the week end. Miss Kathleen Pedlnr was home from Markdale, Sunday. Mr. Fred Gorrell has tr'^e to To- ronto to secure a position. Mr. and Mrs. W. Williams of To- ronto are spending a week v.'ith the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. AVilliams. Mr. Livei-y Sr., of Toronto is speriding a few holidays with Mr. Robt. Purvis. Statute Labor has been finished on the street leading off Inkennan St in the village. Rev. McNeill preached his fareivaK sermon on There was a good attendance at chui-ch. We are sorry to losa Rey. McNeill from our midst. They haye gone to Toronto to reside. We join in wishing them health and happiness in their new abode. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Park of Flesh- ei'ton visited on Sunday with the for- mer's parents. Mr. and MrSj Richard Park, and family. Mrs. " Richard Park is on the sick list at present, bu we hope that she is soon well again. Dr. Wilson of Listov;el and Mr. H. Macpherson of Ceylon were callers in this burg on Monday. We understand July 12th will be celebrated in Eugenia this yeai\ Just as your correspondent was about to mail the news this Tuesday morning, she received the news that Mrs. James Porteous, 8th Line, |^d passed on to be with her Sayiom-. She was 50 years of age on Mondr.y; full particulars next week. Our pn found sympathy goes out to those left in sad bereavement. W'e also extend our sympathy to Mrs. A. Gilchrist and family in the loss of her husband. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Tucker and little son, Gerald, of Dromore visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Magee. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Smith of Flesh- erton and Mrs. Laurie Smith and babe of Toronto were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Court Smith. Mr. Jim Mitchell and Miss Ruth McCrone of Toronto visited a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Will. Magee and Mr. and Mrs. Percy Magee. Mr. Douglas Mitchell of Toronto also spent the week end at the Magc-o home. Mr. and Mrs. Court Smith and family and Miss Hawken visited rec- ently with Mrs. E. McKean and fam- ily of Ravenna. Mr. Will. Magee has returned home from Owen Sound where he spent a few days. ROCK MILLS Read the Small Advertisements Insurance Germania Farmer.'!' Mutual Fire In- surance Company, also all classes oi automobile and fire insurance. â€"JOHN WRIGHT, Agent. Watch Repairin (7 I am openlri2 an office in E. J. BonnctCa furniture store for the re- pairing of clocks nnd watches. Seven years' experience and satsfaction Ruaranteed. A'l work euaranteed for 1 year. Moderate charcros. _ â- â€¢â€¢ir-ron HFFT>FN. Flesherton. HORSE KILLED IN ACCIDENT James Melntyre, who mov3d recent- ly from Riveryiewf district to the Murray farm on Highway No. 10 be- low Dundalk, lost a hor.<;e in a pecul- iar last Friday. Three horse-, which he had been working made a mad dash for liberty on the sideroad near hi.<i home. On reaching .the highway the horses were forced to turn and two of them slipped v.hile making the turn and skidvled along the pavement. One of the horses crashed into a post, breaking its neck, (icath ensuimr almost immediately.â€" Duinlalk Herald. PRICEVILLE The main events and high lights of this wetk are: Choir practice on Monday night; a loving farewell to Miss Edna McHugh, the delightful little school marm on Tuesday night; after a pleasant five year term here, these will be in St. Columba church; Wednesday night a dance will he held in the Agricultural hall by the Ath- letic club; Friday at eight p.m., the induction of the Rev. J. W. Johnstone will take place in the above mention- ed church. On Saturday an advance meeting will he held at the home of siH-retary, Ramage, at 8 p.m. of the annual Memorial organization. So we have only Thursday for ourselves to study the "Straight Furrow", if it hasn't gone the way of all flesh. Perhaps it struck a stone. I know from many years hard experience that it i.-: difficult to steer Straight when such aro to be found, many in this recent case it would appear to the •'Man behind the Plough." Many from here attended the fun- ei-al of Mr. John 'McCoskey, Durham, brother of Mrs. Malcolm Mclnnis of this neighborhood, v/ho has our deep- e:-t sympathy. The funeral of the late Mr. John McVicar oi near Brampton, took place to the cemetery at Et. John's R. C. church on Friday last, which was largely attended. Rev. Father Grace conducted the requiem high mas^- very solemnly. Rev. Father Fergu- son, Brantford, his pastor of some 19 years ago was present and met many of his old parishoners with a warm glad hand shake and conducted the consecration at the graveside. Father Grace spoke of the liberality and con- sidei-ation shown by the deceased to the chui-ch in the past. Angus Mc- Vicar here, Mrs. Joe Black (Annie), Toronto, a.nd Philapena and John of Brampton are the family left * mourn. One son was killed in thts Great War. The pall bearers were two grandchildrc'i, John McVicar and Alex. Black, anu four nephews, Lockie, Duncan and Frank Dunbar and An- gus McCormick. Be sure to attend the football match between Holstein and Priceville on Wednesday eyening. VANDELEUR (.MV-s. Miller and little son of Winni- peg are viaiting the former's sister, Mjs. Elmer Warling'. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gilbert and fa.n- ily of Toronto and Mr. Thos. Gilbert of Wiai-ton were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Gilbert. Mrs. Catherine Davidson has re- turned after spending several months in Cobden. Mr. ana Mrs. 'i"'.ios. Shannon spent the first of the week with friends at CoiHbetton. \ shower was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Baker in honor of Miss Dorothy Halbert, who was recently mairied. Tht vote at the poll here on Tues- day of last week resulted in a major- itv of 5.5 in favor of F. R. Oliver, ! M.P.P. .M'arkdale Division of the Sons of Temperame are having a picnic in the park here on iWednesday after- noon of this week. The Sunday school picnic will be held on Friday afternoon at the same pliice ar.d on Monday, July 2, there will be a celebration under the aus- pices of the C.O.F. *and the skatini; rink com. The public school boys played two games of ball with the Flesherton boys in the park here recently. In a football game the score was a tic t-1, but in the softbal! game the score was 12-0 in fayor of the local lads. Young man in Toronto swallowed a tack and went to the hospital to •ec if anything vra«illkcly to happen to him. He waT told that the ta-ck hal a '^caH and would think of ths hwt v-'sy out. Prayer meeting will bo held at the home of Mr. Lome Atkinson Friday night, conducted by Rev. F. Dean. Everybody welcome. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McMullen and family a"d Mr. Idle of East Moun- tain visited with 'Mr. and Mrs. Cc-ci! Betts the first of the week. Our sincere sympathy is extended to Mrs. Sam Shier and Elsmore in their bereavement by the death ot their dear husband and father. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Newell and Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Newell and famiiy attended the funeral of the former's uncle, the late John McCoskery, which took place in Durham on Sun- day. Mr. Thos. Whitmorc of Durham was a caller at the home of Mr. Chas. Newell on Friday evening. Mrs. Dick Clark has been caring for her mother-in-law, Mrs. Robt. Clark, the past few weeks. We trusi, that Mrs. Clark's condition will soon ho much improved. School closes, this Friday for the summer vacation. We wi.-^h all the . p.,r.iia siicc.,-«co in their pxai>.iinatior,s, I Weather forecaster says that radio j broa.'.oasting kept it from raining. â-  We admit there are certain programs which would make oven the weather- man feel like folding U) and seeking Keep in min , the anniversary ser- vices next Sabbath moi-ning and eyen- ing in St. Andrew's Presbyterian church. Special music. Also the garden party on Monday evening when a good program and supper will be given. Miss Monica Lambei-t of Toronto is spending a week here. iiri-. C. E. Hincks arrived home on Thursday for the summer vacation. Miss Elda Frook, who has been at- tending Normal school, Toronto, has arrived home. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Patterson vis- ited one evening of last week at Mr. Angus McArthur's in the Glen. Mr. Jack Scott and sister, Maggie, of Dromore visited the first of the week at Mr. Hector McLean's. Mr. Gordon McLean and lady friend motored from Fort TaPella, Sask., last week and visited with his father, Mv. Hector McLean. Miss Catherine 'McMillan, R. N., of Dunnville is holidaying at her home here. Mr. Murray McMillan came home from Toronto Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. A. Neun of Toronto sper.t the week end with their sons, Elmer and Walter .\eun, and attend- ed the funeral of her brother, the late .Mr. Sam Shier, on Saturday. Mr. Gordon M'.Lsan ard friend spent a few days in Bi-ampton,. the latter remaining to visit. Mrs. Sarah Mills of Toronto visited last week at Andi-ew Hinck's. PROTON STATION Vc'ork on the shoulders of the Ar- thur-Fergus highway has been com- nleted. The induction of the Rey. J. R. Wilkinson will take place in the Unit- ed church at Proton Station on Fri- day night, June 21). The other church- es on the charge. Hopeville and Inis- lioge, will participate in this event. Mr. Armstrong, an Emmanuel Col- lege student, who has taken the Unit- ed church work for several Sundays was on the field last Sunday and ex- pressed the thanks of the student body for the kindly wekome and co- operation the people have always giv- en to the young men, who have come among them. Mr. Lloyd Lyons spent the week end at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. J. Burgess were call- ers at Postmaster MlCannell's on Monday. Other recent visitors at the McCannell homo were: -Mr. and Mrs. James Hodgins, Stratford; Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Phillips of Vcrdnc. Manitoba, who motored to Ciiicag'" and attended the Wm-M's Fair aud wero guests wliile there of David Mc- Cannell. Recent guests at Dover Bros, were: Mr. and Mrs. John Hanna of Mark- dale. Mr. a:id Mrs. Robt. Hanna of Berkeley, Mr. Crawford and Mr. Wm. Devpr ''f Allenford. Sunday callers at Mr. Russell Ir- win's wei'e: Mr. Wm. Hopkins and his employer and wife. Mr. and Mrs. Shaw of Weston, Mrs. Shei-son and daughter. Miss Ruth, were yisitors at Orangeyille and To- ronto. Proton Station softball team played Cherry Grove at Markdale on Satur- day night and lost 8-7. I BATES BURIAL CO'Y I 124 Avenue Road Toronto I DISTINCTIVE FUNERAL SERVICE AT REASONABLE PRICES f PHONES: NIGHT OR DAYâ€" KlnRsdale 4344â€"3456 * Modern Private Chapel X J. W. Bates Fred Maddocks Richard Maddocks, Manaser Jl Formerly of Flesherton CANADIAN SLATE MINES, Limited Wine and Plant at Madoc, Ont. At least Ten Million Ton.s of vSlate in Sij^ht Canada's Only Slate Industry First Stock Issue of 50,000 N. P. V. Shares now being offered at 30 cents per Share Make your reservations by writing or tcilephoning: This project will stand your closest investigation. Prospectus on application Head Office: 47 Yonge Street, Toronto. Telephonts: Waverley 7264, Elgfin 0872. Take No Chances I ROCK MILLS LADIES" AID The Rock Mills Ladies' Aid met at the home of Mrs. Laurie Pedlar on Wednesday, June 20th, with fifteen members and tweuty-nine visitors present. After a social afternoon the meeting opened by singing, "What a friend v.e have in Jesus." Mrs. C. Hanley read the scripture, then all repeated the Lord's Prayer. Col- lection amountc-tl to $5.10. At the close lunch was served by the hostess. The next meeting will be at Mrs. Cha.'. Hanley's on Wednesday, July 18th. Lunch com. â€" Sandwich. "Mrs. Lo.'<. Chard, Mrs. Wallace Fisher; Cake, Mrs. Sam Fisher, Mrs. Tho<.. FL-ihcr. I With Worn Ropes Equip your hay carriers with our flexible galvanized 5teel cable. Price 5c per ft. FIRST CLASSMANILLA ROPE % in. for Hay Carriers 9-16 inches for Slings % inches for Trip Rope (AH at reasonable prices) BAD FOR THE BUGS ^ I P.\RTS GREEN CLT.M AX P.UG KTLLER •> A '<Si-.v \TK ()!• lAMli .\RSE.\"ATI': OK LEAD S J 50K DE AUX M I XTl'R E Saskatchev.-an church conference de- sires to have a woman ordained for the ministry. Well, why not? Wnmon hav? boon attcr<^!ng to almost evcry- thir.g else around most of the church- .,. ^"v a long time. 1 ^y><f»<- «> I Osprey & Artemesia Co-operative Co., Ltd. 1 ^^ FLESHERTON *^ ^.^.•..-..^ â- :..:.-**.>•>.>-:• ;.<..;..>.>.j.>.>^^.;.,;..j.^5,.;..;,.

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