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Flesherton Advance, 28 Mar 1934, p. 8

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WiaDNBSDAY, MAECH 28, 1034 THS. PIvESWERTON ADVANCE Vu>8 Flock if Hens The cold weather of the put wintoi does not 8c«m to have intorferred with the laying energy of a flock of ^rred Rock hens owned by Mr. Wes Smith of Rock Mills. All winter this flock of 65 hens has not failed to lay less than 50 eggs each day. In fact it was only on th« coldest day ia, February that they reached this lower level. It is flock.s like this one that materially assist in talcing the red ink out of the farmer's ledgei * when the price of eggs remains ai hitrh as it did most of th« past wint- er. Th« young man called his girl's mother an old hen, and she has been laying for him ever since. Mapjie Syrup in Toronto I - Tcronti residents can now secure high class Grey County syrup, made by Walter Akdtt of Flesherton, by phoiypg Grover 3470 and leaving their orders, to be delivered in due time, either by the quart or gallon. Try vomer none better. â€" H. E. BEST, Representative. Dr. Bryce Won Final By a score of 16-2 Dr. Bryce's rink won the final game and champ- ionship of the second schedule of the He-sherton Curling Club, against the W. I. Henry rink on Tuesday evening. Mr. Henry curled splendid games to reach the final when every shot he made seemed the wrong one and he lost by the above score. Score by ends: Brycc â€" 333 400 12â€"16 Henry â€" 000 Oil 00â€" 2 F. Pinder J. Wilson H. Eubank F. Hickling C. McTavish G. Brackenbury Dr. Brjrce, skip W. I. Henry, skip. BORN McTAVISH â€" In Qshawa on WeO , March 21st, l'.)»4, to Mr. and Mrs Stewart McTavish, a son, John Charles. -; . » McTAMSH â€" At Markdale hos- piul on Thursday, March 22nd, 1934 to Mr. and Mr.';. Cecil McTavish, a daughter, Mary Jane. PHILLIPS â€" In Markdale hospital on Friday, March 23rd, 1934, to Mr and Mrs. Mclbume Phillips of R;ick Mills, a Hon. Spring Needs ^I^^AM^i^^^A^^M^i^SiW' Pails Tubs Washing Machines Washboards Mops Scrub Brushes 9 9 PAINTS VARNISHES ENAMELS FLCX)R WAX VARNISH BRUSHES POLISHES ^ '^\:$^i-^ ''"";; 1 * '* ; ^'^•=â-  â- â- â- â- 'r-'i Enamels all colors this year at almost the same pnce as jjaint. V4 Pint 20c Vz Pint 35c Pints 70c Quart $L35 SPECIAL FOR ONE WEEK â-  4 Tine Stable- Fork $L10 ! 5 Tine Stable Fork $L25 u Frank W. Duncan ' iiARDWARE - - FLESHERTON Warble Campaign Gains Momeitim Most satisfactory progress in the organization of the Grey County farmers against the (Warble Fly has been macie in the past two weeks. At time of writing the following town- ships are organized and many of the cattle have already been treated :- Sydenham, Artemesia, St. Vincent, North Keppel, South Keppcl, Derby, Holland, Sullivan and Proton. Two supcr\'lciors havo been appointed in each of the school sections of the townships named. This week meetings will be held at Rocklyn Ravenna, Holstein, Keroble and Ayton. The remaining townships of Osprey, Bentinck and Glenelg will have meetings held at Fcversham, Lamlash and Glenelg Centre the fol- lowing week. The following men were selected as supervisors in each of the school sections of the township: U.S.S. No, 1, John Thibaudeau, John Boyd; Flesherton, Thos. Sled, Ed. Loucks; S.S. No. 2, Al. White, Fred Russell. W. J. McPadden; S S. No. 3, Ward Harrison, Richard Allen; S.S. No. 4 Carl Atkinson, Luther Love; S.S. No 6, I. B. Whittaker, Wm. Beaton; S.S No. 7, Wm. Meads, A. S. Muir; S.S No. 8, Thos. Phillips, Thos. McKenzit S.S. No. 9, Alex. Cameron, Garnet Magee; S.S. No. 10, Roy Piper, Geo. Arrowsmith; S.S. No. 11, Elmer Warl- ing, Geo. Buchanan; U.S.S. No. 12, Allan McLean, Andrew Hincks; S.S. No. 13, Wm. Walker, John Campbell; S.S. No. 14, J. Davis, Aubrey Foster; U.S.S. No. 15, Herb Corbett, Wes. Dover; U.S.S. No. 16, Wm. Sullivan, Edgar Patterson; S. S. No. 17, Herb Belts, Wes. Smith; U.S.S. No. 18, Harold Thibaudeau, Silas Hill; U.S.S. No. 1, Gordon McMuUen, Ernest Thompson and Alex. Carruthcrs. Many school sections have at this early date completed the treatment of their cattle for the first time. It will not be too late to treat until the 10th of April for the first time. Owing to the size of the county it has been impossible for Agricultural Representative T. Stewart Cooper to hold meetings earlier. The roads also have delayed matters. At all meetings a few other matters of vital importance are dealt with, in addition to the warble fly. local and Personal Two Flesherton curling rinks, skipp- ed by G. B. Welton and G. Bracken- bury, in a challenge game failed to bring back the Cooper shield from Markdale on Monday evening. tun STOBA â- â- BTICB F. J. HILL&CO.,Ltd. CHAIN vruuu Markdala, (htarie PQWiV â- AVSI TOD A Lfl OV MOWR Easter Are Styles He^ V Of course you're thinkinj^ now of .sonicthinj^- new for Easter, and naturally that "Something Nt'w" may mean a new Coat, JIat or Dress â€" and if seleolcd â- ,7 our new arrivals of .smart things for Easter, it can he distinctively stylish -^«-.»iv..!Aijc'iisive. You must com '^ ::. and look around, iiul yt-^>'"-'*.W>|ii,-jâ€" - '"* ~"~~"~*, v»»v« a v*^I&^"i showing' and at prices which will please you. w« e^"><M«<>*«:«««>4**« Smart New Dresses $3.95 $4.75 $5.95 $6.85 Expressing the Style Centres' latest thouj^'-hts and arran},axl convcnidUly in price groups to accotninodate your purse. The New Coats are Different Vogue's newest word "SWAGGER" seems to express that touch of pep and youthfulness that stands out prominent- ly in our latest arrivals; are sure to rein ind you of the Greater Values to he had at Hill's. Outstanding values in coats at J10.95 Mi $15.95 Smart Hats With new dashing brims tilted to new angles; can be cleverly worn by both miss and matron. Priced $2.25 $2.45 $2.95 Mr. Jack CairDS has secured a sit- uation in Toronto and left las*, -veek Mr. A. E. Bellamy was in Toronto last week taking: a course at the military riding school. Mr. Cecil Cairns has left fo^- his home at Wadena, Sask., after visi'':i" for a couple of months with his ^rand parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Crosshy The Women's Institute will hold their regular meeting at the home o1 Mrs. W. J. Scott on Wednesday, April 4th, at 3 p.m. Visitors welcome. Mr. and "Mrs. Hugh Moore of De- troit are visiting the former's father, Mr. W. J. Moore, who is seriously ill with pneumonia. On Easter Sunday the holy com- munion will be administei-ed in the Umted church. "Do this in remem- brance of Me." A large number of hockey fans were in Toronto Saturday night to witness the humiliation of Toronto Maple Leafs when they were defeated by Detroit 6-3. Messrs. .Wesley Armstrong, G. Boyd. H. Best, D. Smith and M. Johnson spent the week end in Toronto and attended the Toronto-Detroit hockey game. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Phillips of Port Dover have returned home after spending the first of the week with the latter's grandmother, Mrs. Wm. McKee. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Davidson of Feversham announce the engagement of their eldest daughter, Mary Max- ine, to Mr. Wiilliam Clare Armstrong of Scarboro, Ont., the marriage tc take place early in April. The Presbyterian W. A. will hold a sale of homemade baking at D. Mc- Tavish's service station on Saturday. March 31st, to commence at 2.30 p.m. The new fancy daisy qudlt will be put up for sale. On Good Friday a service will be held in the United chui-ch at 3 p.m., when Rev. Mr. Warren of Markdale will preach. Mr. F. G. Karstedt will be ordained to the office of elder. It is hoped there will be a large at- tendance present. Syrup making has really not start- ed yet, although we have heard of one case where the trees were tapped two weeks ago. This formality will have to be repeated before any sap runs for the early tappers. It is ex- pected that this week end will set syrup moguls working full force. Mrs. A. L. Hincks of near Pricevillt was the holder of a lucky ticket for winning a handsome quilt, awarded by the Ceylon ladie.''. These ladies took this method of raising fiinds to assist in building a Community Hall for the village. Over ?27 was raised by this method. Old man winter was able to still admini.ster another kick to the resi- dents here when he forced the ther- mometers in town down to 12 below zero on Thursday last. Since then the weather has remained cold though moderating sonicvvhat the first of this week. Monday afternoon snow be- gan to fall and by Tuesday niorn- Iiir: it lay to a depth of eight inches. This nvade sleighing excellent and urought quite a large number of loads of wood to town. Sma U Adyts . ^ f Km- Sale HAY FOR SALE Quantity of hay. â€" D. Muir, Ceylon 'phone 49 r 21. SEED OATS FOR SALE Quantity of good clean seed oats.- Geo. Fisher, Ceylon. SEED OATS Quantity of seed oats for sale. Wm. Hincks, Ceylon, 'phone 22 r 3. COW FOR SALE Grade Ayrshire cow, 4 years old due. â€" Joe Radley, Flesherton, 'phone 46 r 4. FARM FOR SALE One hundred acre farm, about 76 acres under cultivation, the rest bush and pasture Jand, well watered and good bank bam and frame house. This is a good farm situated at Rock Mills on the county road. Wall sell cheap. Apply to .Walter Russell on farm or Joseph Sherwood, Eugenia. SEED OATS Banner, Victory, Early Alaska and other varieties, government tested. â€" A. C. iMuir, Ceylon, phone 38 r 3. SEED OATS FOR SALE A quantity of cleaned T^ventieth Century seed oats. â€" Cecil Monaghan R. R. No. 1, Flesherton. FOR SALE One work horse, Pfve fresh milk cows, fifteen tons of hay. â€" Frank Brown, Banks. APARTMENTS FOR RENT Apartments to rent, also dining chairs, kitchen chairs and tables foi sale. â€" Mrs. M. McDonald, Flesherton. HOUSE TO RENT Near Eugenia, orchard, garden and good well. â€" Fred Jamieson, telephone 5 r 24 Feversham. WANTED Albont 400 egg capacity incubator and large brooder, to be in first class condition.â€" W. H. McNally, Flesher- ton. WOOD I want 30 or 40 cords of 16 inch body wood, green. Will pay half cash and half in trade. â€" E. J. Bennett Phone 78. EGGS FOR HATCHING Jersey Back Giants, from first and second prize winners at a number of large shows. â€" 50c per setting. Apply this office. DRIVING MARE FOR SALE Brown mare, two years old. sired by Wm. Belwin and from a good driving mare; well broken single or double. This mare looks well in harness, is a good trotter, and when full grown should weigh close to twelve hundred. She will be a splen- did driver and an excellent third horse on the farm. â€" J. E. Milne. Flesherton. EXECUTOR'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE Live Stock Report Light receipts and steady trading produced a sell-out of the cattle supply on the Toronto Live Stock Market on Tuesday, and the only cattle unsold at the close were about 50 head of late arrivals. Prices held steady on all grades. The hog decline of the past two weeks appeared stemmed as the second day's trading closed without any price recessions. Calves and sheep were firm at unchanged levels. Lambs, after an unsettlfld opening, firmed to close steady. Weighty steers moved within a range of $4.50 to $6.25, while choice butchers went from $5.25 to $6.50, with an occasional top at $6.75. Good butcher cows were strong at $3.60 to $4, and cannera brought $1.25. Good bulls sold at $3 to $3.50, while bolog- nes were selling at $2.60 to ?1!.75. Fed calves held firm at $6.75 to $7.25. Hogs had their usual unsettled opening, but prices firmed in after- noon tradinflr and closed unchanged at $7.76 f.o.b. for hacona, $8 to |8.10 oft truck, and $8.B0 to $8.60 off cars. Selects brought $1 premium, and sows sold at $5.50 to $6.60. Sheep con- tinued strong «t tops of $5 on gootl, light ewes. Calves were steady throughout the da.v and thv price nnclii\n>:od at $7.50 to $8 for I'hoico veal.Ms. Koshcrs were at a top of $8.50. The bulk of the calf supply wotU from $5„i0 to $7,50. Good Western lambs closed at $8. .Ml cwt. Spring lanib5< sold from «r. !^0 to *'''^ â-  nt - - FOR SALE A brooder house 12x14 feet; also a Buckeye brooder, coal burning, 500 chick size. Apply to James Milne. Maxwell, Ont. ..'Phone Feversham 4 r 42. FARM FOR RENT Farm to rent. Lot 24, Con. 7, Arte- mesia, 100 acres; also black Percheron liorse rising 6 and a- Clydesdale horse rising 8.â€" Harry Genoe, R. R. 1, Flesh- erton. FOR SALE OR RENT Farm on the gravel road, Lot 36, Con. 7, Artemesia. Well waterd and fbnced; Good buildings. â€" -A-Ppiy to James Milne, Maxwell, Ont. 'Phont Feversham 4 r 42. Tenders will be received by the un- dersigned up to 12 o'clock noon on the 2nd day of April, 1934, for the pur- chase of any or all of the parcels of tend belonging to the estate of the late W. A. Armstrong. First â€" In the Village of Flesher- ton being part of Lot 1 on South West side of Toronto St, occupied as Jewellery Store. Second -â€" In the Village of Flesh- erton, Village Lot Number 3 on the South West side of Toronto St. Third â€" In the Village of Flesher- ton, being the Northwest half of Lot 4 on which is erected a cobblestone residence. Fourth â€" In the Village of Flesh- erton, described as Lots 2 and 3 on the Northeast side of Hill St, on which is erected a large bam, drive shed, and large colony house, and cement garage. Fifth â€" In the Township of Arte- mesia, being composed of 100 acres- more or less, being Lot 36 in the 12tb Con. Sixth â€" In the Township of Arte- mesia, 100 acres more or less being- composed of Lot 37 in the 12th Con. Seventh â€" In the Township of Artemesia, 100 acres more or less, being composed of Lot 38 in the 12th' Con. Eighth â€" In the Township of Arte- mesia, 100 acres more or less, being composed of Lot 39 in the 12th Con. Ninth â€" In the Township of Arte- mesia, being the Northeast parts of Lots 143 and 144 in the 3rd Con. Tenth â€" In the Village of Flesher- ton, being part of Block 1 and com- posed of 3 acres more or less with residence, stable, etc. The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Dated this 19th day of March A.D., 1934. â€" W.J.W. Armstrong Executor of the Estate of W. A. Armstrong de- ceased. TENDERS WANTED FLOUR AND FEED Car of flour and feed to arrive this weekâ€" Quaker guaranteed flour $2.15 per bag; Vim feed $18 per ton, sacks included; also have wheat, oats, bar ley, rye, peas and chop. â€" A. C. Muir, Ceylon, phone 38 r 3. FARM FOR SALE OR RENT Lot 133, 3rd range S.W.T. & S.R., Artemesia, 50 acres, ten of which is good hardwood, balance mostly clear cd. Will sell on easy terms or will rent. â€" Jos. Watson, Priceville, phone 32 r 8. SPENDING MONEY Sell tickets on 20^1- commissioji for the Canadian Legion street dance to bo held June 28th. Dance ticket.' sell for Iff fetrts each' Go like hot cakes. Big prize list Write or phone Vern Callow, L. H. Inch or H. G. Palkner. Alliston. FARM FOR SALE OR RENT Containing 146 acres, 35 in hay, 36 acres fall plowed, situated W mile south of Saogeen Junction. Brick house, bank b«m with first class stables. Apply to R. J. Boyd of Flesherton or to J. C. Wright, 196 OtUwa St, South, Hamilton. FARM FOR SALE Lota 9-10, Con. 1, S.D.R., Town- ship of Osprey, 100 acres, about 20 acres timbered, balance under cxilti- vation; good locality, school and church across the road; has been well farmed, almost all plowing d6ne last fal', 4 acres of fall wheat, good large bam, cement stabling, brick veneered house with furnace; drilled well, watct conveyed to barn by piping. Quick sale as T cannot work it llENDERS will be received by the undersigned, up to and including Sat- urday, March 31st, for crushing gravel (% in.), in various pits in Grey County for County Roads. Approximate quantities â€" from 2000 to 4000 cu. yd. to one set up. â€" Total estimated quantity, 20,000 cu. yd. Separate contracts may be award- ed for each pit, or for several pits oi for the whole quantity. Tenders will be received at the samt time, for hauling gravel to roads from gravel pits. Specifications may be seen at the office of the County Engineer, Court House, Owen Sound. The lowest or any tender not neces- sarily accepted. 'â€" R. C. McKNIGHT, County Engineer. HOG FOR SERVICE Young Yorkshir^-JtegrparbbFOd BUd .- ^CWerflffienf inspected; terms: cash 76c.; charged $1.00. â€" ,WES. SMITH, Rock Millo. «' ? BOAB FOR SBRVICB B iB to t w d Toiksklrt Boar for m» vIm by Flesharton Bacon Ho|; CtaHi th» property of the Ontario Depart men* of Acriealtore. STEWART, Caretaker. BuamiftseAMM AUCnONBER Wm. Kaitting, anetioneer for fana and stock sales a speciality, termai 1 per cent, with small sales at cor* responding low prices according: te size. Make dates by phoning 48 r It or at The Advance office. Prince Arthur Irfvlge No. S.'O, A.F. &A.M., meet.i in li-- Prattrnal Hall, Flesherton, every Friday on or before the full moon. W.M.. F. ,1. Thurston. smm-

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