^ L "WBDNHSDAY, JANUARY 1»v 1»M THI^ l^trnfTBRTON ABVANCl Ice Harvesting In Progress Ic« harveating operation! ara in full swing in Flesherton lhi» week on McCauley's pond, with Mr. FVed Mathewson having a number of con- tracts fur tha cutting of ice. This year the ice is of exceptional quality, being about 14 inches thick and with only about two inchoa ice on the top that is not clear. Tho recent cold weather has added considerably to the thicknei'.s of the ic«. With elec- tric refrigerators being u.scd extens- ively there i.s not as rnuch ice being harvested a.s in former yean, LADY BANK Oandelmuas day was surely bright, with zero weather. The bear would be sure to see his shadow that day. Very quiet times in this vicinity aa nearly all the young girls have gone to the city for the winter. Providence Ladie.s' Aid held their annual meeting at the home of Mrs. Dave Roberts recently with a new election of officers as follows: Mrs. Joe Sewell, president, taking Mrs. M. Sayers place of last year and Mrs. Sayers acting as vice president; Mrs Prank Short, treasurer; Mrs. Jaa. Me- Kenzie, secretary; Mrs. John Ottewell, Mm. John Dobson and Mrs. Dav* Roberts, buying committee. Th« January meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Joe Sewell. The mem- iHJrs have been invited to the home of Mrs. Lcs. Poole for the February iiteeting to be held on St. Valentine's (lay, February 14th. The work will consist of the quilting of a quilt for the hostess, along with the usual business affairs. Members please attend and visitors welcome, if weath- er permits. Mrs. Geo. Dobson, townline of Coll- ingwood, is the guest of 'Mrs. Percy Scmplc the first of the week. Many families are laid up in the neighborhood with heavy colds, while others l^avc whooping cough. Miss Marie Fcnwick is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Joshua Dobson, at present. Mrs. Percy Semple and Mrs. Wni Scmplc spent a day recently with the latter's daughter, Mrs. B. A. Mc- Connell at Kimberley. Little MisK Vera McConnell has been a sufferer of French mouth of late, but we hope .she hps a speedy recovery. Read the Small Advertisements \ Mid-Winter f I '{ Houseware Sale I I I Galvanized Wash Boiler, Special . . . 98c | f Nickel Plated Copper Tea Ketdes $2.19 t X Bargain in Tin Pails, 7^2 quarts 25c & f Grey Enamel Fancy Dipper • • . 25c I • *:' *^ Potato Ricers at a pirice 29c '| |: Handy Dish Pan, grey, 8 quarts . . 43c | '.^ Hot Galvanized Stock Pails, 12 quarts 59c "j* I COPPER WASH BOILER, low price $2.69 | I AND MANY OTHER REAL SPECIALS. COME | I IN AND SEE THEM I Frank W. Duncan I ILM<DW.\RE - - FLESIIERTON t *-X"M">-><"X«<->««:«<'-x~:~>'K":'C":K"X":»*«:««>'X~x«<8'*«->«>->«»«x~>«>*«<><~:««« Mr. Roy McCauley of Toronto spent the week end in loWn with his mother. Mr. Fred Mathewson spent a couple of days last week in Toronto and also with his brother at Newmarket. Mr. Wm. Meads was in Toronto last week visiting his sister, who is ser- iously ill. Messrs. C. N. Richardson and Wm. Turney attetvded the meeting of the Ontario Municipal Electrical Associa- tion held in Toronto last we«k. Let's all go to the Flesherton rink on Thursday night to the Old Time Skating Party. Coffee will be pro- vided free. Admission: 10c. A progressive euchre will be held by the Flesherton Tennis Clujb above Kennedy's store on Tuesday, Feb- ruary 13th., at 8 p.m. Good prizes will be given. Admission: 25c. iWe "had a pleasant letter from Mrs. T. A. Hughes of Vancouver on Monday. Mrs. Hughes states that her mother, Mrs. Alf. Thistlethwaite, was very poorly for a time, but is enjoying good health now. Mrs. ' Hughes also states that Mrs. Thistle- thwaite is busily engaged making a Dresden Plate quilt, and will be as- sisted by Mrs. John Chard, an old Flesherton resident, with the quilting of it. We extend best wishes to these old friends. The World Day of Prayer which is world wide in its scope, is to be held in St. John's United church on Fri- day, February 16, at 3 p.m. The theme is "Peace", all the hymns, scripture lesson and prayers will have a bearing on that subject. The off- erings are given to the writing, trans- lating and printing of Christian lit- erature in many lands. The com- mittee for Flesherton is Mrs. J. Car- goe, Miss Mary McTavish and Mrs. D. iWilliams, the former be<ing the key woman and no doubt will pre- side. Grey Ccnroty Notes Edwin Humphries of Wiarton tele- brnted his 94th birthday on Monday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. -Firth of Durham last week celebrated the 54th anni- versary of their wedding. Walkerton finally eliminated the Durham intermediate O.H.A. contend- ers at Palmerston on Friday night, after both teams had been playing tie games. S. S- NO. 4, ARTEMESIA ISr. 4th â€" Ted Moore 79. Jr. 4th â€" IMarjorie Stevens 75, Beth Slinson 70. Jr. 3rd â€" Jack Bannon 60. Sr. 2nd â€" â- Muriel Talbot 74. Jr. 2nd â€" Alma Atkinson 96, Fred Bannon 77, Loreen Talbot 03. Sr. 1st â€" iWinnie Awde 80. Jr. 1st â€" Russell Lee 60. â€" H. M. HEtN'DER.SON, Teacher, Robt. H. French was last week in- stalled W. M. of Beaver Lodge 234, A. F. & A. M. When his brakes failed to work on the Calcdon Mountain Earl Bryan oi Grand Valley had a fast ride to the bottom recently. iWith a four ton load of hay the truck attained a speed of 90 to 100 miles an hour. Tht truck kept to the road and finally was brought under control. ♦♦♦♦♦♦«>*<><»«>**^4***«****X â-ºâ™¦<» Pablic School Reports % ',r^f*^i^f*^^<Hy<rVf^i^^r^r>J>^j'^f^><rÂ¥^<r<f^>^^^.r^^^ FLESHERTON PUBLIC SCHOOL fHR HTORS mm, SBBYICB F. T. HILL&CO.,Ltd. CHAIN STORES Markdale, Ontario OUB >ijmf€ powmt BATES TOD A LCI OF MONIT Last week wo advertised the sale of !?10,000 worth of merchandi.se to be sold awav below the market, 'j'hc response from the pubHc was bijj^. .And from everywhere on every side we heard the same remark, "My! T wish I had more money to j^et more of these Barj^ains!" So come along- folks, there's still tre- >nendoiis bargains in nearly all lines advertised last week. Finest Quality Prints Beautiful patterns, all fresh colors, per- fect yoods, when sold out they cannot be epeated. On Sale 15c Buy Heavy Towelling This week at a hip saving. This line is wet, but will wash clean, yard 6c Ginghams 36 in. Wide All high class goods, value's up to 35c per yar. On Sale 16c 36 in. Grey Cotton Fine even thread, an excellent cotton, worth much more lie Buy Ibex Fleet Blankcits Now far below their pric^, extra largo. extra heavy $1.95 3j6 in. Dark Prints A very fine quality, inade in England, regularly sold at 35c. These are slig-htly water soiled, good aptterns. Sale 21c 36 in. Fine White Cambric And also Nurse's Uniform fabric. Both arc good value at 3c. Sale .... 19c GROCERY SPECIALS Corn Flakes, 3 kgs 21c Corn, 3 cans for 21c Custard Powder, Vanilla 4 lbs 25c Custard I'ow'er, Home's Double Custard, 3 for 21c Sulphur, 8 lbs 25c vSalts, 8 Ib.s 2.Sc Oatmeal, 7 lbs 25c Raisins, 2 lbs 21c THIS SPACE DOKSN'T BKRMIT US TO MKNTTON ONLY A FKW OF THE MANY BIG BARGAINS Wl« HAVl-, HI-RE KOS YOU. Rev. B. D. Armstrong, pastor ci Durham Presbyterian church, has re- signed his charge owing to ill health Richard Cronin of South Proton township, prominent in municipal af- fairs in earlier years died last Mon- day. Five sor.6 and five daughters survive. An epidemic of violin making has broken out on the South Line, Arte- mesia and Osprey. Robert Osborne has made four. Mr. Osborne claims that the best woods for violins are spruce for the top, maple for the back and cherry for the neck and head. 4th â€" Donald Scott (H), Fred Gib- son (H), Bob Stuart, Athol McKillop, Ben Leavell, Doris Taylor, Tom Banks Sr. 3 â€" Wesley McCracken (H). Bryson Clark (H), Julia Ransome, Marion iWickens, Oly McDonald, Nor- man Loucks, Evelyn Leavell, Bill Henry, Gordon Semple, Jack Loucka, Dorothy Wclton, Ben Bellamy, Fred Tlvompson. Jr. 3 â€" Alice Thompson (H), Alan Chappie (H), Ruth Turney (H), Alan Brown (H), Thelma Miller, Eldon Fisher, Stewart McRae. Sr. 2 â€" Fred Conkinjr, Bemice Leavell, Edna Croft, Joe Banks, Mar- jories Thistlethwaite, Jim Thurston Florence Newell. Jr. 2 â€" Jack Kennedy, Jean Dun- can, Jean McTavish, Margaret Thomp- son (A), Bob Banks, Marjorie Newell Doris Loucks (A). 1st â€" Jean Loucks, Arlene Taylor Earl Thurston, Ruth Leavell, Ethei Taylor, Evi^on Wilson^ Carman Loucks, Teddy McCracken, Charlie Meggitt. Sr. Pr. â€" Ken Henry, Jack McDon- ald, Munroe Scott, Elmer Clark (A), Gordon Dungey (A), Mary Banks (A) Rob Meggitt. Jr. Pr. â€" Margaret Turney, Nor- man Dungey, Edna Thompson (A), Edmund Thompson (A), George Meggitt. Sr. 2 â€" Laura Porteous, Bessie Russell, Phyllis Partj'idge, Arthur BetU, Edna Partridge, Harold Clark, Eleanor Russell, Chester Shier, Irene Woods. Jr. 2 â€" Mansel Atkinson, Hilda Betts, Amanda Fisher, Harry Fisher, Gordon Shier. Sr. Ir â€" Lillian Fisher, Rus. Shier. Jr. 1 â€" Jack Porteous, Vernon At- kinson, Jean Phillips. Sr. Pr. â€" Evelyn Phillips, Harold Betts, Helen Betts, Edna Shier. Jr. Pr. â€" Ivan Woods, Edgar Betts. â€" E. M. OLIVER, Teacher. T. H. Rebui-n of Markdale has been a J. P. for 18 years, but he sat on his first case on Friday of last week. Five wild ducks of the saw-bill variety are wintering at Tara. S. S. NO. 7. OSPREY PORTLAW SCHOOL CEYLON PUBLIC SCHOOL Sr. 4th â€" Doreen Davidson 81.6*, Ronald Springgay 75J6, Marjorie Leppard G6, Burton Hudson 56.6*. Jr. 4th â€" Norman Davidson 76.7, Bemiece Hudson 64.2, Bob McQuay 63.2, Kathleen Hawton 47.5. Sr. 3rd â€" Helen Taylor, Stanley SHort*, Norma Heitman, Murray Leppard*, Allan Springgay*, George Osborne, Mildred Moore*. Jr. 3rd â€" Roma Whiteoak, Laverne Smith, Wilfred Pringgay, Betty Teeter. 2nd â€" Phyllis Hudson, Jim Pedlar :-nd Jim McKee (equal). 1st Class â€" Velma .Smith, Jim Hale*, Shirley Springgay, Eunice Thompson. Pr. â€" Eva Taylor, Ted Pedlar, Bill McKce. Those marked with an * were ab- sent a number of days owing to ill- ness. â€"VIOLA J. GORDON, Teacher ORANGE VALLEY SCHOOL Fifth â€" Dorothy Whitehead. Sr. 4th â€" Jim Stephenson. Jr. 4th â€" Velma Alcox, Harvey II ill, Clarence Foster. Sr. 3rd â€" Muriel Teeter, Jean Lever*, Don Russell, Ella Stephenson, Wes. Stephenson. Jr. 3id â€" Elmer Russell, Richard Fitch, Gerald Hill, Minerva Stafford. Sr. 2nd â€" Mary Whitehead. Jr. 2nd â€" Verna Russell, Annie Stephenson. First â€" Paulino Stephenson, Levi SUfford. Sr. Pr. â€" Muriel Gilchrist, Ernie Russell. Jr. Pr. â€" Jack Gilchrist, Burton Russell aba. • denotes present every day. â€"A. I. MARTIN, Teacher. DR1IVEBS WHO TAKE A DRINK (Toronto Star Weekly) In Toronto police court this week a motorist who had been drinking was sentenced to seven days, plus a fim of $25 and cost-s or fourteen days, foi hitting a car and not stopping. An- other motorist who "had beerr. drink- ing but was not drunk," drove in zig- lag fashion and hit a bridge. He was fin«d |60 and costs or thirty days and lost his driving permit foi six months. Another "who had beeri drinking but could stand up," drove through two red lights at forty miles an hour and was also fined ^0 and costs or thirty days besides losing his permit for four months. A fourth man who had been drinking and drove erratically paid a similar fine and cannot drive for three months. Every day the lesson is being taught that even a little liquor may affect a man's drivinpr, and that when it does, and an accident happens, the punishment is likely to h* severe. So it should 1)0. If a man is to take .hargo of a car, he should leave liquor alone. Sr. 4â€" Betty Stewart, Gladys Pat- terson, Carlotta Plester. Jr. 4 â€" Irene Mathewson, Doris Marshall, Emerson Plester, Allan Haw Jim Kennedy, Laurie Genoe, Jack Adams. Sr. 3 â€" Billie Marshall, Charlie McWilliam, Earl Plester, D. Duckett. Jr. 3 â€" Marjorie Stewart, Verna Kennedy. 2nd â€" Marion Collinson, Gordon Nichol, Keith Cairns, Mary McMuHen, Hilda Duckett. 1st â€" Edna Marshall, Joe McWil- liam, George Stewart, Margaret Smel- lie, Gordon Haw, Wallace Shaw, Jack McMullen. Sr. Pr. â€" Ena Adams, Jean Mc- Mullen, Delbert Plester, Dorothy Plester. Jr. Pi-. â€" Eric Haw, Calvin Hutch- inson, Billie Shaw, Gordon Stewart. D. P. FISHER, Teacher. ft •â- ^- â- ROCK MILLS SCHOOL Sr. 4 â€" Elmer Jamieson, Oracle Jamieson absent. Jr. 4 â€" Myrtle Croft, Harry Bad- gerow, Sadie McKee absent. Sr. 3 â€" Alice Shier, Bemice Plantt, Marjorie Pedlar. Jr. 3 â€" Elda Pedlar, Louise Boyce, Sr. 2 â€" Robert Nickolls, Mary Fisher, Harold Phillips, Mabel Black- burn absent, George Boyce. Jr. 2 â€" Stanley Taylor, Bobbie Blakey. Sr. 1 â€" Jim Nickolls, Fred Shier. Jr. 1 â€" Chester Plantt, Gladys Jamieson, Marjory Jamieson, Kath- leen Croft absent. Sr. Pr. â€" Donald Medrum. r Jr. Pr. â€" Gordon Nickolls, Victor White absent, Donald Sheardown, Evelyn Shier absent. â€" H. E. HEARD, Teacher. PROTON STA. SCHOOL REPORl Sr. 4 â€" Ilene Russell, Ruby Mon- aghan, Doris Pedlar. Jr. 4 â€" Russell Phillips, Roy Fisher. Sr. 3 â€" Fred Betts, Fred Partridge. Jr. 3 â€" Hazel (Wilkinson, Laura Pedlar, Orval Russell, Ted Croft, Loreen English, Glen Croft. Fifth â€" Helen Badgerow. Sr. 4th â€" Ken Sims. Jr. 4th â€" Annabelle Jackson, Ernie Batchelor, Annie Lockhart, Verna Baker, Bob Batchelor, Winnifred Pattisson. Sr. 3rd â€" Harold Sims, Joe Stains- by, Hilda Sims, Arclene Whyte, Theo. dore Cole, Ernie Barker, Mae Cor- bett, Irene Bridge, Kathleen Barker, Marjorie Bates. Jr. 3rd â€" Vern Corbett, Dorothy Cole, Eileen Pattison, Clarence (Whyte Marjorie Shrubb, Hazel Bridge, Laurie Sims, Bill Halliday. First â€" Irene White, Jacqueline Sims, Fred Batchelor, Lloyd Jackson, Jack Barkser, Archie Bridge, (Zella Lyons. Sr. Pr. â€" Audrey Cole, Marvelle White, Ken Bates, Mae Jackson. Jr. Pr. â€" Margaret Mills, Cecil Barker, Bert Badgerow and Allistei Pattisson (equal), Marion Lyons. â€" G. B. LITTLEJOHNS, Teacher. Fascists have been told they can- not hold a parade in Montreal on Easter Sunday, as the ladies have a standipg monoply on that day. I Small Advts. IvOst or St raved SPREAD LOST Horse spread lost between Newell's mill find the church shed, Flesherton. Finder please leave at this office. LOST On January 8, large female fox hound, black and white with brown on head. Will finder please notify- James P. Blyth, Durham, Ont. For Sale WOOLLEN GOODS FOR ,WOOD 18 inch green hardwood wanted in exchange for woollen goods. â€" John Nuhn, Flesherton. CATTLE (WANTED Cattle wanted to feed during the winter. â€" Geo. Fisher, Ceylon. FOR SALE Durham Shorthorn Bull, roan, 8 months old, eligible for registration. â€" J. A. Lever, R. R. 2, Flesherton. FARM FOR SALE Lots 17, 18 and 19, 8nd Con. 9.D.R., \rt«mesia, 160 acres, good buildings. Would consider town property in exchange. â€" Mary Paton, 968 â€" 4tb are. West, Owen Sound. COTTAGE FOR SALE Cottage, 22 feet square. All new lumber, one mile east of town. â€" Apply S. L. Stauffer, Flesherton. SWIAMP TIMBER FOR SALE Black ash, tamarac, hemlock and cedar: all dead timber but excellent for posts, shingles, planking for stables or barn floors. Can be had at reasonable price of $1.00 per load or by the acre; will take cash or whatever you have to offer. â€" Oliver Turner, Eugenia, phone 5 r 23 Fever, sham. FOR SERVICE Reg. Berkshire Boar: Reg. Tama- worth Boar, fl.OO Cash. Jersey Bull 11.00 cash. -JOS. RAPLEY, Flesherton BOAR FOR SERYICB "B^lfiaUmA Yorkakirt Bosv for •«• Tlea by Flesherton Bacon Hoy Clul^ th« property of the Ontario Deparli mcnt of Agrkulture. â€" C. STEWART, Caretaker. \ HOG FOR SERVKB Young Yorkshire hog, purebred and government inspected; terms: c»8h 76c.; charged fl.OO. â€" (WE3. SMITH, Rock Mills. FOR SALE Durham cow. registered, with bull calf 6 mos. old; Durham purebred hull, 2 years old; number of grade cows due to freshen: for .sale or ex- change for young horsse or young cattle. â€" Peter Muir, Ceylon. AUcnoinnR Wm. Kaitting, auctioneer for fanb and stock sales a speciality, tenna: 1 per cent., with small sales at eoi>> responding low pri-es according tc size. Make dates by phoning 48rll or at The Advance office. Prince Arthur Lodge No. 333, A.F. A A.M., meets in the Fraternal Hall, Flesherton, e^ery Friday on or befort the full moon. W.M., P. J. Thurston, Secretary, H. A. McCauley.