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Flesherton Advance, 7 Feb 1934, p. 3

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w mi Tiy^VtL if|rf\c35roi/5 Hobnobbing With Royalty ><>urte«a kilometers â€" approximately :• â- Â»Â«â€¢â€" mway from Hallhelm, the t of laat weok'a episode of the ad- tur« la the salt mines, is the ex- Itelr bemotifol Tillage of Berch- en. BaTarlan Alpine scenery. mbrlDs o«en in the twisty, narrow reels; the lohabitants and risitors ike dressed !n the picturesque Tyro- • ean costumes, with bottle green hats r-ouned with a U!l curling feather, ireen or brown tunics, cbamole Heechea held up with green cloth or fown leather suspenders, half socks Overlng only the calf of the leg and ' cary walking shoes. Bercbtesgaden , Em in a loTely ralley, enclosed by a •It of maleatic snow-capped peaks ' tBd, being aitnated on the sunny . louthem slopes of the Untersberg, It â-  sheltered most effe<:tlTeIy against 'Ul cold winds. The great German writer, Ludwlg inghofer, yoiclng the Impression e on him by the sublime beauty of irchtei-gaden, uttered the fervent yer: "Lord, whomsoever Thou est, let him come here." J On my first Tsit to Berchteagaden, fear years ago, we had left Innsbruck, 'B Austria, and entrained as far as kltzbnhel â€" another lovely spot. In â- nrope, as in this country, luggage Is landled on railway station premises ly station porters. The train made lut a short stop at Kltzbuhel and our tags were hurriedly placed on the tUtform. I saw the man I was ex- iting just oatslde the station gate, lodded to him and attended to the lug- Me, but, on getting it outside. I asked n the cars which were to take us on Berchtesgaden after lunch. My pointed to some, standing a short tance away; I said "That is all t, as far as the people are con- ed, but what about the luggage?" then transpired that this matter been overlooked. This meant that had to hire a large car; not an easy Matter, even to short a time as four TMrs ago. Austria was poor and. In ||lfce small places, conveyances were at k premium. However, one was found jto answer the purpose -and I sent it fthead of us. ( We spent three hours in Gitzbuhel d then proceeded to our destination the night â€" Berchtesgaden. To ach this place, we had to pass a ontier and here we overtook the car ith the luggage. Apparently every- Jlilng was going right, so we went **^ead without it, arriving at the Irand Hotel in Berchtesgaden about o'clock. Everyone was in raptures er the accommodation and the won- !erful panorama spread out before us, mt after an hour had passed and no Mgage car, I went to the telephone O see it it could be located. I While I was telephoning, a large limousine drove to the door and the oprietor, manager and other officials f the hotel went to met it, and with genuflections from the waist they eated the arrival with great cere- Sony. I remarked to the porter. "To hom does the car belong?' and he •nswered, "If you wait a moment, sir, 'General Summary Shows Steady Gain Business Improvement in Dominion Solid Basis for Optimism By Chester J. Prowde, Financial Editor of the Ottawa Journal Employment Gaining Steadily In Canada ' There is much that remains to be cleared away of the depression era, (oreniost of which is restoration of •mploynieut. That such is in the ^ffing seems more assured than at mis period a year ago. On Decem- ber 1, 1333, S.OOO firms giving emp'oy- Bent in mining, logging, cominunica- BOns, transportation. construction Mrvices, and in wholesale and re- tail activities, reported to the Domin- k>n Bureau of Statistics in Ottawa Bey were employing 147,000 more Mrsoiis than on .April 1 of the same year. i â-² big program of pub'ic works is contemplated in the coming year â- Uch should go a long way towards Iksorbing all branches of the build- mt crafts. There are indications of Are you looking for something different in the way of entertain- ment for your church, society, club or institute? Capt. F. H. Reld, the well-known traveller, who has been contribut- ing the series of articles to this paper, under the heading of "Travel Impreeaions," has what Is, perhaps, the flneat collection of European views in the countr;-. Pictures taken with his own camera, beauti- fully coloured, showing some of the out-of-the-way places, as well as the localities about which you have read and heard. Portugal, Spain, France, Italy, Switzerland, Austria, Jugoslavia, Hungary, Czechoslo- vakia, Germany, Holland, Belgium, and British Isles are included in this unique collection. For particulars regarding this, communicate with Captain Reid at Room 421, 73 Adelaide Street West. Toronto. Make 10c Go Farther! Get More Tobacco FREE SAVE POKER HANDS TO GET BETTER CIGARETTE PAPERS Everybody agrees that "Vogue" and "Chanteder" are the best papers â€" you can get 5 large books of either brand â€" free for only »n« complete a«t of Poker Hands, from your nearest Poker Hand Premium Store or by maiL for Your Money, and Poker Hands, Free! You get nurt tobacco for your mooey whea you buy Tarr«t Fiae Cat. Yoa can roll betur cigarettes from Turret Fioe Cut â€" anJ yoa get Poker Hands, too ! Yoa save more thao eaough on Turret Fine Cut to buy "Vogue" of"Chaot gc i cr "â€" the 6aut quality papers. The Poker Hands caa b« excbaoged £re« for a wtd« choice of beautiful and lucfal gifts. If you aren't now enjoying Turret Fine Cut quality and economy, start doing so today. Make this Saving Yours ! It pays to "Roll Your Own" with TURRET FINE CUT CIGARETTE TOBACCO S AV E THE POKER HANDS Imp«nal Tobacco Companr <A CaouIa, you will see the wife of the ei-Kaiaer." Well, I was curious â€" as you would be â€" and 1 waited. Presently a plain but well dressed woman came down the steps, was treated with every defer- ence and. after giving some instruc- tions to the management, entered her car and was whisked away. The Princess Hermoine, zs she was then called, ie a pleasant little woman; much nicer than any pictures I had seen of her. She was staying at the hotel for three weeks and the ladies of our party had the opportunity to study her more closely in the drawing- room that evening. I personally went into the town, heard a zither band in a beer garden ami enjoyed myself in another way. To come back to our luggage car. Just as I was beginning to worry about some possible mishap, the driver apologetically pulled up to the hotel and showed me three flat tires that had impeded his progress. So that ended well. The Grand Hotel at Berchtesgaden was, apparently, a favourite resort for German royalty. In a large dining- room there was a life sized portrait of William II. and in the office there were framed and signed photographs of other members of the family. The town has assumed new importance in the past year. It is the favourite sum- mer place of Hert Hitler and many visitors were attracted there in the! hope of seeing him. This illustrates the tremendous change that has come over Germany, a change not notice- able to the outside observer, except- ing from deductions made through tri- vial and seemingly unimportant hap- penings. "Open Air Opera in Rome" is the subject for ne.xt week â€" a considerable jump from Germany, but these articles are nothing if they are not informal. I would like you to write in and tell me how you enjoy them; it isn't always possible to correctly guage the read- er's point of view. FREE TRIAL OFFER OF KRUSCHEN If you have never tri*d Krum-heuâ€" fry it now at oiir expanse. We ha\e Attributed a great nianv si)«cJal ,"fil.\NT" packagn whkh" make it ^aiy for you to prove our claims for yourself. A«]i vour druggist for the 'new â- â€¢Gl.\NT''75o. psclutge. Tbto c>D>MU of oar rafulw 7&c. tx>ttl< togtther wKh a nevuMs trial bottJ* â€" <uAcicnt (w about •Be «-rk. Opea the trUI bottle fint. put It to MMtr.t. and lb«B. if not •Btlt%l7 cvnTiiiMd that ''Xrutilii'n dOM CTcrrtUag w* claim it to do. th* ncultr hottle la atUI aa food aa aaw. Take It %ack. Your dmolat la anttaailaad to niura yapva: ".:«:. ImoMdlatelT aad wtthont ijuntJua. Jog lia\r tfled Kraauini (TM, at our Hpeaw. jPiriiat ooiild b* latrw? Maaufacturnt bv /â- Jk. (umrha Huka, Ltd.. HaaehaMtr. >a«. SC*'' ''^> latNtOT: VcOUHTta; Broa.. Hi., r<.r«at«. awakening activity, freer circu'ation of funds for business enterprises ! and trade. i Fifth Among Nations in Value of Exports Liooking at the outlook from an in- ; ternatioaal viewpoint a great deal' has to be done before world trade i approaches its former proportions, ; but notwithstanding trade restrictions, i Canada has been able to maintain! her proud positiijn of fifth among' the nations in value of exports, and â-  Canadians have the prediction of J Hon. H. H. Stevens. Minister of' Trade and Commerce. "It would .«eem ; that better times are ahead fori Canada." Empire Trade Boortied Result of Conference While there may have been some weaknesses in the trade pacts made at the Imperial Economic Conference held in Ottawa, the fact remains that they have tremendously increased Canada's trade witb the United King- dom as proven by the fact that in the eight months ended November. 1933, total exports from Canada to Empire countries increased $29,000,- 000 to a total trad 3 of $1S5,317.000. Imports from the Empire weje ex- panded by $11,000,000. Exports to foreign countries increased In the same period $20,300,000. while im- ports from foreign countries were re- duced $22,390,000. Comeback in Canada Commenced In April Canada's comeback appeared to com- mence, according to observers, in April last year, continuing to gain momentum despite seasonable influ- ences that ordinarily result in a lull, and last quarter reports from business enterprises, commercial ud- dertakinge. departmenta; stores wer* the best for the year in most cases, tlte climax occurring in the pheno- menal Christmas purchasing. Loos- ening of pocketbooks in December was general and some large stores reported the largest volume of busi- ness in tlieir history. Bank c^Mtrings have been advane- log consistently, while bank debits to Individual accounts at the end of October last year amounted to $2.- 823,000,000, a gain of over 19 percent, compared with October, 1932. Rise In Gold Price Is Feautre of Year Any review of the past year in Canada would fa'I short if special emphasis was omitted on tie man- ner in which Canada's mining indus- try held up. Taking in all minerals, value of production was $198,253,000, an increase of eight percent, over the 1932 total and this does not provide for an extra $3,000,000 approximate- ly for the higher price obtained by the marketing of Canadian gold on the London market. The rise In the price of gold sitood ojt as the pre- aging between $32 and $33 at the end of '»he year 1933. compared with around $25 the ead of 1932, In Cana- dian funds. WTiile the permanency of the higher figure cannot be guar- anteed it is not expected, according to well informed mining officials, ever to sell back to its old figure. Was Difficult Year For Both Railroads Canada's railways experienced dif- ficult times in the past year, but by dint of internal economies succeeded in making a fair showing despite de- creased revenues and competition. Exports of agricultural and animal products also increased last year very substantially, according to Hon. Robert Weir, Minister of Agriculture, exports to the United Kingdom a'one amounting to $143,000,000 as com- pared with $139,000,000 for tile previ- ous year. Better prices were being obtained by the farmer for his products, al- though there is room for much im- provement before agriculture resumes a normal state. Forestry operations are also on the increase with larger gangs going into the woods this win- ter to carry on work. Lumber Exprts Gain to United Kingdom Canada s lumber export trade dur- ing 1933 experienced a decidedly sub- stantial gain and statistics to the end of November showed total exports of planks and boards amounted to 955.- 9S7 million feet, an increase of about 3S percent. Value of this export business was $16,365,544, an increase of $3,300,000 over the preceding period or more than 25 percent. There were also sharp gains in the export of Douglas fir. hardwood, white pine and other squared timbers from Brit- ish Columbia and New Brunswick. Production of newsprint by Cana- dian mills during the first eleven months of the year amounted to 1,- S31.82S tons as compared with 1,769,- 379 tons in tlte same ten months of 1932, being an increase tor last year of 3.5 percent. .\!thou:h the output was much below 1930 and 1931, the increase last year over 1932 is re- garded as encouraging. ^ City Block Given Over to RoHer Skaters' Use Tifton, Ga. â€" Roller .«kau.»rs here have "oeen given a city block for their own exclusive use between the hours of thrt« and six p.m. daily. The Wock will be roped off during thoee hours and skaters must not use other streets at any time. The chief of police annouiKvd the new move to preve^it accident-s. Argentine to Peg Peso to Sterling BueuiH) .-Vires. .Xrut'iiiiua. â€" The --Vr- gentine peso was pegged to the pound sterling last week instead of the franca. Finance Minister Kederico Pin- edo announced. The decision to peg the peso to sterling is a. further step in the Gov- ernment's policy to divorce the peso , from any connection with gold stand- j ard currencies, witb a view to cheap- 1 ening the peso to enable exporters to 1 dispose more easily and profttabiy uX | primary products. SKIN BLEMISHES Vanish Before Physician's Prescription Those spots or pimples on your face â€"why let them go on tormenting youf Like millions of others have done, you can get rid of your skin trouble through the work of a (reat ph^^sician â€" Dr. D. D. Dennis. Dr. Dennia' preticrii>> tion â€" known in many countriea ea D.D.D. and now manufactured by Campana's Italian Balm ehemis^ â€" will bring you relief at once, and quick-* ly restore your akin to health; All druggists sell D.D.D. Trial aiie, 3«ei Guaranteed to give instant rehef or money refunded. t Cutieiira Soap \ for Daily Use iCutieara Ointment To Heal Skin Troubles : Soap X5c OIntiaen* 85c. and SOc. ! I i rT^ - â-  I 1 1 > I n » I « » â-  "Martyr Bored" Is Name New Society Organizers in North'western University Describe Them- selves as the "Silliest Fools in the Senior Class" Evanston, 111. â€" A new senior "hon- orary" society for women has appear- ed at Xorthwestem University. It's to be known as "martyr bored'' and takes its name from "mortar board," but instead of electing to membership outstanding women, it will draw from the ranks of the "do nothing:?." The eight organizers descril)ed themselves as "the silliest fools in the senior Shoes May Be Smart And Comfortable Philadelphia. â€" Miss Kay Silver. shoe stylist, says the .â- Vmerican woman has discovered that shoes may be more comfortable and at the same time make the feet look smaller. This, she told the Middle Atlantic Shoe Retailers' Association, explains the trend of blunt toes. A. H. Geu- ting. of the Retailers' Code Authority, added that Americans are the best shod people on earth. French AirBases In Pacific Are Urged Paris. â€" Albert Sanaut. former Premier o>f France and now .Minister of the Navy, suggested in a secret session of the Chamber naval com- mittee that France build floating air- craft bases for the protection of her Pacific Ocean possessions. These bases, he proposed, would be built off Madagascar and French Indo-Cbina and would cost 250.000.- 000 francs 1 approximately $15 OOi^- 000) over a two-year period. Billions of Dollars to Be Spent for Beauty Chicago. --Thomas U Williams, an eye cosmetics manufacturers is an optimist. Women, he told a divisional meet- ing of the American Cosmeticians AiseoCiatioD. will spend about $2,000.- 000.000 durinp; 1934 for ivsmetics and beauty service. He said his figuie rei)re8ented $500,000,000 over the 1933 beauty aid expenditures. He added that the in- dustry as a whole was already en- joying from 15 to 20 per cent more business than it wa.< a year ago this time. \V:iIe 'â- â€¢ : I:- L.T! ..n Goldside Mining Company XjaiZTSB and Mup "f Hrldae Hiver Ar^a of l?!it',~li (Vhiii blH. (itant Mahood & Company 302 Bay Street. Toronto. Ont. Told in Brief Pisa s Leaning Tower formerly had a "leanover" of 16 ft.; a recent mea- surement shows this now to be 14 ft. The potato's most dan-erous enemy the Colorado beetle, ie threatened with extinction by a flower â€" the ptunia, whose leaves attract the pest and then poison it. Tobacco smugglers on the Franco- Belgian frontier train dogs to carry their illicit wares. A well-trained dog will carry 501b. packets past the fron- tier guards three times ;i week. Burgundy pitch is not pitch, and does not come from Burgundy. It is a resinous substance prepared from common frankincense and brought from Hamburg. The Curse of Kent signifies a minute spider which plagues hop fields. It spins a thread round the stem of the young hop, and this acts as a hang- man's noose, throttling the plant. Parents of ten children in Italy are exempted from payment of taxes, while bachelors between the ages of twenty-five and sixty are heavily taxed. Fog is estimated to cost Gt. Britain $5.25 per head of the population every year. One real "London particular" will cost the metropolis $5,000,000 a day. Every other home in Great Britain now has a wireless set, according to recent figures. There are to-day ap- proximately 6,000,000 wireless licences in force. BYench Civil Servants receive in- creases of salary as their families grow, ranging from $30.00 for the first to$115.00 a year for the fourth and each successive child. Domestic servants in Western Aus- tralia must in future be known as "Miss So-and-so,'' the use of a Chris- tian name being forbidden unless the servant herself gives her consent to it. Where 1,000 workers produced 5,000 pairs of boots in one day five years ago, modern machinery enables nearly as many pairs to be turned out In the same period by a little over halt as many hands. London's basement dwellings pro- vide homes for no fewer than 30,000 persons. There are some 300.000 footpaths in the Vnited Kingdom and disputes con- cerning them have averaged some- thing like 2,000 a year. The shire horse the heaviest in the world, is of the same breed as those used in the Middle Ages by armour- ciad knights. The Hills and the Sea Alphonso went down to the ships and the seas: Paulinus stayed home with the garden and bees. Alphonso would dream in his ham- mock at night Sweet dreams of the groves and the swallows in flight. Pauliuus would sit with the stars and the trees And dream of white sails on soft swell- ing seas. "The true sou of joy is my brother that tills." Said he of the ships to the man of the hil>8. •Joy's for the rovei, but sorrow's for me." Said he of the hills to the man of the sea. â€" W. D. though in Montreal Star. « The year 19,t3 gave capitalism and democracy another chance. The year 1934 will reveal just how much of a chance."â€" Harry Elmer Barnes. "Loo.'eness of conduct is unquestion- ably spreading downward to classes where it was almost unknown," â€" Dean Inge. "So long as work is not obtainable leisure is iropovxible." â€" .Vicholas .Mur rajr Butler. r/AHkAYMORE I jftkntteCity '%£ Preemineiu Hotel Achievemeta 3 Classified Advertising PaTMTt. 4 .V OFFER TO EVERT IN"V'ENTOa. ^\ List of wanted Inventions anJ fuS inlormation sent free. Tbs »»m«ay 0«w paay. World Patent .\ttornevs, ITS Basl Street. Ottawa, Canada. XAixsBassnra. LADIES. LE.\RN" H.^IRDRSSSIN Complete course. »50, Includes ro«; and board. Write Jones Beautv Salo: LlBtowel. Ont. I r BAi BEFORE ^ BABY COMES A Mother it a motlttr before her child it bom. SCOTTS EMULSION Kimithct an abundance k of fhe neceitary Vita- ^ mint A and D for h«ait4i ^^ and itrength o( notW ^^^ and diild. ' ,RICH IN VITAM ,12-33 Doctors who use motor-cars in Bel- grade are now supplied with a special sign. With this aflSxed to their cars, they are exempt from speed limits, one-way traffic, and other traffic regu* lations. Buck That Cough or Cold With Buckley's It c«it» only a f«H- cent!* ro knock out a cough or cold with BLXKLEVS -MI.XTURE. b» caiu« Buckley's U so supremely good that only • few doses sre needed to subdue tile toughest cough ot cold. .And Buckley's c»n be diluted with three times its volume of Hster making it go still ftirther. Wijl not upset your stomach. .lust ssfe, sure, instant relief from coughs, colds, 'tiu oc bronchitis. Play safe. Refuse substitutes. Buckley's is sold everywhere. OFF COLOUR? HOW IS YOUR LIVER? Wake up yoar Liver Bile â€" Withoul Culomd Tonr Uver'i â-  rtrr small ori*n. but It («• tkinljr c»n pui your uigeatire and eliminailT* omos out of kjiter. by refusing to pOMt out its mu)- two poundi of liquid bUe iatc yoiu bottelt You won't MiEp'Xel.v eorreet tuch â-  eondiUoa k7 taking s*i:a,oJ, mineral water, lautirerudy et gum, or rviuhage. WSen they've â- â€¢Tad your bowela they re tliroufbâ€" «Dd ye^ â- â€¢â€¢d • liTer atimuUat. Outer'* Lii(!« Liver Pills will mob bring ba^ tha aunahin* into vour 'ufe They're pursLy vest* «»bl* Salt. Bure. .\ak ftr thm bv uae ReftMe •ebebtut«*. Uea: ail druoMg.' «• "NOW I FEEL FULL OF PEP" After taking Lvdia E. Pink. hain^s Vegetable Compouod That's what hundreds of w. imca MQT. It steadies the nervw . . . makci jroo eat better . . . sleep better . . . rcttevca periodic hcadach* -mJ backache . â-  . makcf ti> tag ^yt eadurable. If you are not as well as you ifant to be, give this medicine a chance to help you. Get a bottl* from your dnitg[ist today. ISSUE No. 5â€" '34

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