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Flesherton Advance, 17 Jan 1934, p. 7

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Every Man a First Aider "^^^' ^^^^' ^^^ ^^^ ^"''^'y ^^^ thinking of driving to Hamilton today!" exclaimed Mrs. Harvey as her son announced his determination to motor to the Mountain City with his three chums. The party started and despite the drifts and slippery sui-face of the road all went well until they struck the grade near Dundas. Without any apparent reason the car skid- ded into the ditch. Very fortunately a Bell Telephone crew was at work near by and went immediately to the aid of the young men. Every man in the telephone crew was a skilled first aider and while one called the nearest doctor, the others rendered first aid. The doctor said their skill and promptness had undoubtedly saved the young men from much suffering and permanent injury. Tf^AVn inrf\[55IOfJ5 The Pear! of the Peninsula On Christmas Day, just about mid- ilght, tlie front door-bell at my home ras niBg and, on answering it, I was nrpris«d to be handed a letter whicli iad been left at tbe Iiome of a Jelghbor. Tbe envelope was practi- ially covered with Italian stamps tad, when I opened it, I found the wllowing: â€" - Sorrento, 9-13-33,, Dear Mr, Captain before all I aske ou to excuse me for my bad Eng- ih writing, because I don't know to I»rit6 well, hut I believe this pleases Jou Just the same Isnt tru§? Well |Ir. Captain how do you do with your lear Madam and your daughter? Do you came again in August with your Madam? But this time lyou ought kring over here also your daughter. 4.bout when you come again, I like 10 tell you something as I remember ibat last time you where here I be- teve you did not remand so pleased ith my master. Now' persona ly I take to tell you this. As you know Very well Jompei, amalll and Sorrento you dont need to come with Napoli- \an guide. I like to advice you to tome without the guide. Dear Cap- Wn I hope you understand what I liean anddont be offtnd as it is just because I like you. The business lear goe« very bad, of course is Everywhere but for some people is too bad like me now with these |lmes I almost nothing and with 111 this you can iramagin what, bad ilmes I g'O across. On this occasion Biat I am telling you such things ttardon mo if I take the liberty of Mkiug you great favour, I am shame 10 tell you this favour that I like but I think that you and your dear Are you looking toi something dlHerent io the way ot entertalD- meut for your churcb, iociety, club or Institute) Uapt. F. a. Held, the wellknown iravsUer, who has Deeo conulbutr ing tbe series of articles to this paper, under the heading ot "Travel Impressions," has what la, perhaps, the Unest colleciioa of European views tn the country. Pictures taken with his own camera, beauti- fully coloured, showing some of the out-of-the-way places, ^ well as the localities about which you have read and heard. - Portugal, Spain, France. lUly. Switzerland, Austria, Jugoslavia, Hungary, Uzechoslo- fakia, Germany, Holland, Belgium iQd British Isles arc Included In his unique collection. For particulars regaidlug this, .:ommunIcate with Captain Held at lioom 421, 73 Adelaide Street West, t'oronto. bear from you soon also many wishs tor new year from your respectful friend MARIA E. . . . ... I dont know just why I thought my readers would like to read this letterâ€" one thing I did think and that is that some ot them might have something to send to Italy. If you have, kindly communicate with me at the addres.s given beside this article. I met Maria some years ago. [ had two priests in my party that year and they, with a young man from the same time to drive around the curving shore. It is known as "The Pearl of the Peninsula", is a cele- brated resort, both in winter and summer and oranges, lemons and (ither citrus fruits are grown there in abundance. It is also a favourite place for artists and writers, many of whom have made their residence in Sorrento. Next week I shall tell you of a flag incident in tjie centre ot Germany. Recent Events From Overseas Trespassing No Crime. The origia of tli« notice, '"freg- passerg will be prosecuted" was ex- plained by Justice MacKinnon, at the Chester Assisizes. He said that an act was passed in the reign of George II. making it an offence to trespass after a warning had been given. As a result land owners all over the country put up notices, which constituted a warn- ing. The Act was repealed long ago, but the notice continued, although they could not he enforced. "People know they cannot be enforced. That'jS why they trespass," said the judge. Man Sticks to Record But Death Is Reward. Because he refused to break his record of never having consulted a doctor, AVilliam Buchanan died re- cently in Larbert, Scotland, after hav- ing taken mercuric chloride in mis- take tor lemonade. Buchanan consumed several dozen bottles ot lemonade every week and drank the insecticide, which had been placed in a lemonade bottle. He worked 15 hours and ate a hearty meal before feeling bad effects. He then realized he had been taking the poison but refused to let bjs wife summon medical aid. Toronto and I, were strolling under adam yore are so good that you orange and lemon trees, finally com- 1 loth forgivg me for taken the liberty' ing into the beautiful town perched] asken you this; if your Madam and on the top ot a cliCf overlooking the our daughter has any cloths to give Bay of .N'aples. We went into \ Iway, please tell them that I like store and were browsing around; a; » have them. .Mr. Captain If they! beautiful young Italian girl came it lave, and you dont mind you can serve us and, as she sPoke excellent lend them for pacel post and I vould pay the posiagge. I hope your Uadam happend to have some a.s [ beed some cloths and I have no liony to buy them and if you do, God Wilt bless you all. Vt'ishing you all English, and had a Uoen sense >t humour, we spent longer in the sbop than we had Intended. At the mo- ment mine ot the four of us wanted to buy and, as we left the shop w9 gave the usual remark- most ot my EMULSION F SCOTT S rEMULSION Asked To Revisit Where "Knot Tied." A new scheme tor filling his churcb has been devised by a clergyman. Kstimatiug that more than 10,000 persons 'had been married from his church in the last 60 years, the Rev. J, A. V. Wallace invited 500 ot the couples to special service. While only 100 of the coui)les appeared, the little Church ot St. George's Camberwell, London, was packed to the doors with a congre- gation ot 1,:!00 others. The vicar believes that 99 put ot every 100 marriages turn out happily and it was in support of this that be sent out his invitations. on one of his own horses, lie also is a keen hunter and an unswerving supporter of his father's teetotal prln- ciplea. Test Water For Salt. Mow much salt is there in salt water? That is what ulie Hrltisb (lOvernraent is irylug to learn. Under the direction of Sir Robert Robert- son, the Government <'liemist, 5,8i-l samples of sea water has been ax- amined within a year. The Govern- ment wiints to know how the salin- ity of water affects tish life. The Oxford Manner. Oxford, Eng. â€" An Oxford hairdress- er had a sign, "Gent's Saloon," out- side his premises. The city council objected. It now rends: "Ladles' and Gentlemen's Saloon." Womens Knees Court Exhibit. London, England. â€" A woman's knees are just as much an exhibit as a burst motor-tire, said counsel, defen- ding Miss Doris Marie Wyatt, of Stroud Green, London N., a Govern- ment office clerk, who was accused of driving in a manner dangerous to tbe public at Farnham, Surrey. The case was a sequel to a colli- sion, and the defence was that she sprained a cartilage of her knee in applying the foot-brake. The magistrates retired to their con- sulting room to view her knees. She was fined 40s and her license was suspended for two years. CRAWUNG ABOUT WITH LUMBAGO Here is some useful information for anyone troubled with that uncomfort- able complaint, lumbago. A woman writes: â€" "For years I suffered from lumbago. During wet weather, I could only turn in bed with great effort and pain, I was so stiff and ached so much. Two years ago I had both lumbago and sciatica, and crawled about for a tort- night, feeling very sorry tor myself and looking 103 instead of 33. Some- one said, 'Try Kruschen Salts,' so I did, and I have taken them ever since, with the result that I hardly ever get a hint ot lumbago these days." â€" (.Mrs.) G. P. C. Why is it that Kruschen is so effec- tive in keeping lumbago at hay'l Simp- ly because it goes right down to the root of the trouble and removes the cause, which is an impure blood- stream. Tho six salts in Kruschen keep the bloodstream pure and vigor- ous by promoting a clockwork regu- larity of all the organs of elimination, tion. Very happy Christmas and 1 hope to readers miy hav^ done the same â€" "We will be back" In which .Maria answere 1 'You will he back?" and when We liad replied ;n trie afflrn'.i- tlve, she 'joked ai one o" the pvli-sts â€" Rv. J. S. .MeCowoll cf Hamilton - and said "You will be back, on your word as a Fatlier?" P'or the mo meut hft was nonp!usso<I but h» laughed and said to me ''l guess iho' has me 'l''" ''me. Cap.; 1 will sur-^ ly have to come back" . . . aud he 4ii and. by hla purchases, rewa.'l-l od her. " j Every year since we have visited .Maria in her store at Sorrento; each year it is like visiting a friend whi'e away from home. The letter speak.^ for Itself and it gives one » HtHe insight into some conditiona that exist elsewhere. Just a word about Sorrento. It Is situated on the Bay of Naples and Is reached by boat iu a lovely two- hour sail from Naples; it takes about Bearded Steeplech.iser Active at 71. Sir Wilfred Lawson, son and name- sake of a famous English temperance reformer, celebrated his seventy-flrst birthday recently iu Cumberland. He still retains the distinction ot being the only bearded steeplechase jockey in England aud aiipeais regularly at racing meets. UtuM season he established a record <•>â- ' \\ii!;ii,iv.' VI v.-ico n-i :i si'!>'""a'^!i''"'ian So They Say "A man's mind, whatever it Is. de- pends upon his brain, whatever it is, and that is a part of his body, what- ever it is." â€" Clarence Darrow. "Religion is either caught, like measles, from someone who has it, or it is imparted directly by the Spirit of God, which, like the wind, bloweth where it listeth/'â€" Dean Inge, "The more things change the more they remain the sameâ€" that is still the ironic wisdom ot the Old World."â€" Andre Maurois. "If our convictions are the result Ql knowledge, I can't see that it takes much courage to stand by them." â€" Gerard Swope. "The only justification for the sys- tem of private enterprise is that i' works best."â€" Sir Walter Layton. "When I was a child people thought too little, as they now think too much, about training the body as well as the mind." â€" Emil Ludwig. "Broadway in 1940 will be a b:ippy haven tor living men and women and not a street ot phantoms."â€" George M. Cohan. "We must i-ealize that we are part of the making ot the history ot the moment." â€" Mrs. Franklin D. Roose- velt. "The companionships formed at col- lege are a vital part ot the curricu- lum." â€" Nicholas Murray Butler. "One ot the most pressing problems ot the (lay is what to do with the time people have ou their hands "Cardinal Hayes. "Unemployment can be eliminatea from America only by thorough and judicious planning."- Aldous Huxley. "Disarmament will never come about until the earth is ruled by one man. "â€"George Bernard Shaw. "It is as unwise to spend one's vital capital as one's financial capital."â€" Bertrand Russell. "Justice demands a fairer distribu- tion of wealth and a greater oppor- tunity for ownership by the masses, not only in industry but in their own homes as well."â€" Fraklin D. Roose- velt. An Exceptional 1934 Unit Offering GOLDSTRIKE SYNDICATE Units $10 Each Pluce an order with any broker ALL LIVESTOCK REQUIRE MINERALS Ijick of MiocraU invite depraved appriile ahoniun. Blerlllly goitre I No nerd to (ear theie trouhles when 'Hlue Seal" Mineral* are led Write for italuable free booklet • "MINERAL FEEDING" by Parker Canada Mineral Products Ltd. â€" Oept. W â€" London, Ontario BeUs and Their Implications Bell-rlnglug is au art peculiar to England; we pride ourselves on it, and on our superiority to the mechani- cal carillons of the Continent; we la- ment the destruction ot the Reforma- tion, when thousands ot bells were melted down â€" au abomination but lately repeated by the Germans; we record with pride the feats ot aged bell-ringers, who achieve unnumbered changes on their peals; the earliest poem we learnt by heart is often the Inchcape Bell, and, with the mariners, we bless tho Abbot ot Aberbrothock. But when all is said and done, the bell is a survival. What did it once stand tor in England? Let's see. Once upon a time it conferred social distinction. The Saxon who held live hundred acres ot land might claim the rank ot a thane if he had a church with a bell-tower on his estate: hence the distinctive character and relative Importance of surviving Sa.\on bell towers, such as Sompting. ... It was Gundulph, Bishop ot Rochester, wbo, on hearing the sound ot bells, would sigh, "What must be the joys ot Heaven, when the hand ot man calls foj:th such melody'.'' Dunstan, himself a metal worker, gave many bells to the churches of the West, and a mighty deep-toned bell â€" sono et mole praestanti â€" to the Abbey ot Mal- mesbury Alcuin speaks of the bells ot York, and it was a Saxon thane of the name ot Lltolf who sold his flocks to buy a bell, and chuckled when he heard it ringing. "Hark, bow sweetly my sheep and my goats are bleating," while his wie capped the jest witU her gift of a second bell, that the joint har- mony might symbolize the happiness ot their marriage. In Saxon limes, therefore, England was all asouud with bells, ready to hand when the curfew should ring by Norman law, as it does to this day at Charterhouse, in the City of London. It was the first Norman abbot that, foreshadowing Lord Grimthorpe, gave St. Albans Its peal. Bishop Hythe, in the twelfth century, placed four bells iu the Tower ot Rochester Cathedral, and called them Dunstan, Paulinus, Ilbamar and Laufranc, to perpetuate the memory of his predecessors. On 1st July, 1801), Mr. Samuel Thurs- ton, the change-ringer of Norwich, rang all the church bell peals upon his hand-bells, the plain bob-triplets, bob- majors, grandsire bob-cators rnd bobs- maxiums in all their mysteries, "nobly bringing round his performance, his plain bob-triples in two minutes and three-quarters, his grandsire-bob-cators in five minutes aud fourteen seconds." This statement sounds all right, though one docs not quite know what it means.â€" From "The Mancroft Es- says," by Arthur Michael Samuel (New York: Harcourt Brace). Classified Advertising Germany Limits Number of Freshmen in Colleges Berlin. â€" Drastic reductions in the enrolment of freshmen in German col- leges during 1934 is decreed by In- terior Minister Wilheim Frick. The decree sajs that the schools are overcrowded and that freshmen starting into college next year w'ill bi limited to 15,000, as against an average first year class enrolment of 3.5,000 a year, imluding men and wo- men. "Only the physically and mentally superior whcse national convictions are unimpeachable," wil be admitted ir this curtailed number, the decree stipulates. Furthermore, freshmen jjirls will not be permitted to exceed 10 per cent, of the total class. Their tCftal hitherto has been one-flfth to one-fourth of all piir<>lle<l as freshmen. rATBIIT& I i AN OFFER TO BVKRX INYBNTOBjj List u( iraat< mventlona ana fuUJ lUiurmatloo aeni free. Tli* Banuwy OoaM yaB7, World Patent ACturaeya .;!l UaaKi Street, Ottawa. CanadiL i OOAZi AHS COKE. CI OALâ€" WHITE OCJl WHOLKSALB* / Department for quotations on steams wal. The MUneu Coal Co., Ltd., ToTOnto.i BZPBESEirTATIVXIB WAJTTBS. Rlil'WE.SENTATlVES WANTED TO» sell direct to wearer, by flrm estab-' ll^â- lle'.J since 1SI26. Sdllclt orders for guuranieed made-to-measuro and readyi] to-wear knitted outerwear and under-' wear. 275 B-'irments and stjlee. Wrlto' fur full particulars. I3rltlHh Knltweiir, ' jjlmc'oe. untiirio. ; STOMACH BELIEF. It's for Chiidren's Coughs and Colds As well As yQur Own Maili*r, Joii't worry Khca U)* cbiMrao h«v« a bed cough or coldâ€" juii give Ibtsi BUCIt LEY'S MIXTURE ini»d with *qa<( p*r« 6? boacy. On* pImimI lillla dote will giv* im- Bodiate ralitf. Twodoiti dr* ofiao all (hatara iiM<)*d IS tbi • batTtoM. . ,??S'''.*Xl !»Si!8ta»«ll' ••'• '<»â-  <l>« •malle.i thlld, but re luPFMnaTy food that it will baniih tba totigbcii adult <ougb or rold and it'a ainply wondrrful for 'flu or bronchitii, IttfuM aubitiiuiai, Bu<U«y'a ii told evacyvban. ISSUE No. 2â€" '34 Turks to Honor Gallipoli Dead Istanbul. â€" The Federation ot Turk- ish Students, pointing out that there , are monuments to the allied war dead , at Gallipoli la the World War, but none for the Turks, announced Its lutentiou to erect a memorlEtl "blgf«r ' and higher than ihe existing monn- ments." Oeiimark Studies Gas Defense I Copenhagen. â€"The Danish govern- ment lias appointed a special com- ; mission to study methods ot protec- ' ling civilians against gas attacks. It I Is composed of military and ci'vil I experts under the chaivin.inship of ! Judge Jasper Simousen. DICKH-TUNE. THK TUNIC THAT uidH Digestion, rnlloves Indlgpslion, ' iJiitf, Stnnmcli Disorders, ConHtlpalion. At UruggiBla or by Mail 51. DiB« Ml'g. Co., IClngstiHi, unt. LIVERISHNE8S SLUGGISHNESS STOMACH PAINS A dose of B«tKam'* Villi each nijKt Will /c«p you Smiling, Healihy & Brighi Record Enrollment at McGill Montreal. â€" McGill University regis- tration figures ;''or the session 1932- '33 disclose the largest enrollinent in history of full-time students. Nearly 3,000 men and women we e registered in degree courses. About half the coffee Gt. Britain consiiinrs caines from Empire sources, ».ti JUBrmb^ _ lu^kUn flMK IS nqMit Also excellent for Temporarr Deafncas knd He»d Noi»«s due to •onsestion caaflcd hy colds. Flu and •wimminff* A. O. LEONARD. Inc. 70 Fifth Ave., New York City ^t: BURNS iSCALDS Sold by all Druggiuaâ€" 25c, 3Sc (tube), }0c and »1.00 OINTMENT WHEN YOUR DAUGHTER COMES TO WOMANHOOD Most girls in their teens need a tonic and regu> lator. Give your daughter Lydia E. i.^ Pinkham's Vege- â- ^ table Compound ^ for the next few months. Teach her how to guard her health at (his critical time. When she is a happf. healthy wife and mother she will thank you. Sold at all good drug itores; Ltfdia£.Pbikhanvs Vegetable ConqHmna High School Boards anJ Boards of Education Ar« authorlMd by law to atUibllih INDUSTRIAL, TECHNICAL AND ART SCHOOLS with th« approval of tho MInlatcr ot Education UAY AND EVENINO CLASSES may be oondueted in accordanoa with the regulationa iMued by Lhc Departniont of Education. -. THcQRSTiCAU AND PRACTICAL INSTRUCTION la given In varleua tradMi Tba achoota and olaaaea art under tho diraotlon of AN ADVI80KY COMMITTEE. Application for attendanea aheuld bo mada to tha Principal 9t the aeliool. COMMERCIAL SUBJECTS, MANUAL THAININO, HOUSEHOLD SCIENCE AND AQRICULTUB« AND HORTICULTURE OfO provfdad for In tho Courioa of Study In PuMlo Saparate, CentlrTu'atlQrt and HTbh Sshoola, Colleglata Inttltutoo. Vocational Schoola Jhd Oapartmanta. Coplaa of tha R*0'''»"ori laauad by the Mlnlattr ot Education may be obtained from the Deputy Mlnlater, Parliament Bulldlnoa, Toronto.

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