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Flesherton Advance, 10 Jan 1934, p. 1

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VI . -? ' I- !, . !• . * . V- ^hje /tektt^n aitwnc^ Vol. 53; No. 29 WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 10, 1934 VV. H. Thurston & Son, Proprietors! FEVERSHAM Congratulations to our neighbors, Mr. and Mrs. .William Moffat, of the 8th Line, two miles west of this village, who on Tuesday, January 9 1934 celebrated the fiftieth annivers- ary of their wedding, both enjoying good health. Mr. Moffat has at- tained the age of 78 years and his life partner 75 years. Mr. Moffat was the only son of Mr. and Mrs John Moffat, pioneers of this part of Osprey, who settled on the farm now owned by William, in the year 1854. Mrs. Moffat (nee Miss Margaret Park) was also a daughter of a pioneer family, Mr. and Mrs. James Park, who settled on Lots 21 and 22, Con. 11, about the year 1854 and re- sided there until their death some years ago. Mr. and lurs. Moffat were united in marriage by Rev. Mr. Chisholm, pastor nf the Presbyterian charge here at that time at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and JTrs James Park. Mr. and Mrs. Moffat reside on the Moffat homestead on the 8th Line, where Mr. Moffat was bom. Their family consist of foui children: one son, John, living near here and three daughters, Gertie (Mrs.. Blasched) of Preston, Ont.; Mina, Mrs. Johiah Crawford) of Whit- by; and Leila (Mrs. Roy Fen-wick) of Maxwell. The esteemed couple have the good wishes of their many friends, who wish them many returns of their wedding anniversary and also wish them a happy new year. Miss Cameron R. N., is holidaying at her home near here. Mrs. H. Alexander received tht news last week that her aunt, Mrs iCieo. Hunter, of ColUngwood, had passed away. The weather has moderated again. Quite a change from the extreme cold of the last few days in December. (Mr. Wm. Myers of Flesherton vis- ited with his father, Mr. Geo. Myers, on Monday last. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Pedlar spent New Years with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Pedlar, of Sing- hampton. Miss Gertie Pedlar, R. N., of Bloor Street East Women's Hospital, To- ronto, is- holidaying with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Pedlar of the county road. Miss Dorothy Robinson has return- ed to Toronto where she has had a position in an office for some months. Dorothy has been having some holi- days at her home here. MAXWELL AGRL SOCIETY MEETING The annual meeting of Osprey Agricultural Society will be held in the Orange hall, Feversham, on Fri- day, Jianuary 19fch., at 2 o'clock p.m. All members are requested to be present. , GEO. McDCWALD, Pres. GEO. W. ROSS, Sec. A shower and dance were given n the Orange hall here on Wednesday evening, January 3, in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Donegan (nee Margaret Heron, R. N.). Mrs. Donegan's many friends in Maxv/ell and vicinity took this opportunity tn extend to them their good wishes, accompanied by a purse of money and other gifts. Odr. and Mrs. Donegan expressed theii thanks in a few well chosen words. The W. A. of Maxwell United chui-ch met in the church hall for their regular monthly meeting on Thursday, January 4. It was decid- ed to hold their annual church ban quet on Friday, January 12th., the evening of the annual business meet- ing of the United church. .We hop* for a good attendance on that accas- ion. Mrs. Chester Cameron of Owen Sound spent a few days with rela- tives here last week. Mis. Coulter is visiting her par- ents here, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Field. We are sorry to report Mrs. Field very ill. The W. L will meet at the home of Mrs. Wm. Scilley on Thursday, Jan- uary 11. PROTON STATION VICTORIA CORNERS ANNUAL MEETING The annual meeting of the Osprey Trustee and Ratepayers Association jvill be held in the Orange hall at •Maxwell on Saturday, January 20, at 2.30 p.m. Everyone interested are requested to attend. C. N. LONG, Clerk; D. BRIGGS, Pres. Recent visitors at Milton Bannon's were: Mr. Robinson, Hamilton; Mrs. Elva Robinson and Donald oi Dundalk. Mr. Wm. Coon and Marguerite Stin- son of Toronto visited at Albert Stin- son's. Jas. Bannon spent a couple of weeks in Toronto. Mrs. Russell Linton and daughter, Peggy, spent a week with her parents at Maxwell. The ladies of the W.M.S. held their monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. Steveiis. Miss Ruth Richardson is home for a couple of weeks. Miss Sylvia Acheson who was home for Christmas from Toronto Normal was unable to return again for awhile on account of illness. The Y.P.S. held their monthly meet- ing at the home of Mrs. Wilfred Gallagher. Mrs. Wm. Scott, who has been very ill, is getting stronger. Mrs. Hugh Hodgins of Proton is with her. Mr. Prank Scott and Mrs. Wilson of Dromore visited at Wra. Scott's. Misses Doris and Kathleen Bannon accompanied Mrs. Elva Robinson to Markdale for the week end. Mrs. Raymond Weller of Brampton visited her cousin, Mrs. Ed. Stinson. Mrs. Will. Ludlow has been staying with her sister-in-law, Mrs. Georgt Blakley, of Proton Station, who is quite ill. Mrs. H. H. Galalgher is still bed fast. We had hoped that she would have been better by now. INMEMORIAM BORN NORMAN â€" In Dundalk on Janu- ary 2nd to Mr. and Mrs. Neil Norman (nee Esther McLean of Priceville) a daughtr, Jear.ette Ruth. CARD OF THANKS IMr. John Hargrave and son, Fred, wish to thank their neighbors and other friends for their kindness and sympathy extended during the illness and death of their wife and motrer. Sincerity is best manners. FARM FOR SALE Lot 21, Con. 9, Township of Osprey, County of Grey, containing 106 acres, 75 acres under cultivation, balance pasture and bush; well watered by the Beaver River, which is a good trout stream, and a never failing well. On this farm is a good frame dwell- ing: house and bam. This farm is in a good state of cultivation with 30 acres ploughed and 10 acres of sum- mer fallow. This is a first class gnin and stock farm and will be aoid cheap to close the estate.of the late Sandy McLean. This property is well situated 1^ miles off highway and IMii miles from the village of Feversham. Apply to ANGUS MORRISON. Maxwell P.O. JNO. A. HALE, Feversham P. 0., Executors. MACPHAIL â€" In loving remem- brance of Dougald Macphail, who de- parted this life on January 17th. 1929. We cherish his memory. â€" Wife and Daughters IN MEMORIAM MARRIED â€" In Toronto on Satur day, January 6th., Mr. Joseph Park of Proton Station to Mrs. J. Mills formerly of Hopeville. ' We join with the community in wishing Mr. ano Mrs. Park a happy and prosperous life. Miss Lena Park, who visited ovei the holidays at the home of her broth- er here, has returned to her position in Georgetown. Some of those who went to the Jity on the Saturday excursion were: -Mr. Herbert Corbett, Mr. Clark Wy- ville, Mr. Gordon Park and Miss Tena McCannell. Mr. Arnold Hergott spent the holi day week with friends at Smithville. Mr. and Mrs. Lome Hodgin spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. David Reddick, Swinton Park. Mr. Lloyd .Wauchope of the Proton railway section is relieving at Berk- eley. Mrs. Duncan McNichol of Toronto is visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Lyons. Miss Mildred Sharp of Toronto is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Wes. Dever. Mr. Frank Meddaugh and little daughter of Dundalk visited his sis- ter, Mrs. Robt. White, of the Junction recently. Mr. and Mrs. Dan. White of Mono Road returned home on Saturday hav- ing spent a week at the home of their son, Mr. I. B. .Whyte. The public schonl children had a holiday Monday on account of Mr. G. Littlejohns being ill. Many of the elderly people are in- disposed at present. Mr. Beamish is quite ill with pleurisy. Mrs. McAuley who has been ill for months, it quite low at time of writing. Mrs. Vause and yirz. Blakeley ai-e recovering slowly. Mrs. W. Ludlow of Victoria Corn- ers is nursing her sister-in-law, Mrs. Blakley. There are about forty students en- rolled in the Bible school this year. The boarding school is full and a num- ,ber are rooming elsewhere. Mrs. A.. Sherson and daughter. Miss Ruth Sherson, were in Toronto for a few days last week. Miss Ruth was taking some special lessons on her A. T. C. M. work from a professor in the city. Mr. John Hanky of Hamilton spent a week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. .\. Sherson. Mr. Milton Hutchinson of Kimber- ley visited friends in this locality during the holiday week. At the annual school meeting Mr Robt. Bates was re-elected trustee The trustee board fur this year is as follows: Mr. Neil McCannell, Mr Bert Badgerow, Mr. Robt. Bates and Mr. A. Sherson. sec.-treas. At the annual meeting of the Unit- ad church W. M. S. the officers were re-appointed: Pres.. Mrs. R. G. .A.che- •on; Vice pres.. Mrs. A. Sherson; Treasurer and Cor. Sec, Mrs. Lome Hodgin. CEYLON PAUL â€" In loving memory of J. Paul who passed away on January 15, 1931. In memory a daily thought. In heart a silent sorrow. â€" Ever remembered by .Wife and Family. IN MEMORIAM BEST â€" In loving memory of oui dear son and brother, George A. Best. who passed away January 1st, 1933 As we loved you. so we miss you. In our memory you are dear; Lovtd, remembered, long^ed for always Bringing many a silent tear. â€" Ever remembered by Father Mother and Sister. IN MEMORIAM LEGARD â€" In loving memory of our dear mother, Christena LeGard. who departed this life January 12, 1923. Calm is thy slumber as an infant's sleep, But thou shatt wmke no more to toil and weep; Thine is a perfect rest secure and deep. Until the shadows from this earth are east. Until He gathers in his sheaves at last. â€" E\'er remembered by Meda and Allnn. Mr. Peter Muir and sister, Miss L. Muir, of Toronto were recent visitors with iMr. and Mrs. A. S. Muir. We are pleased to report Mr. Henry Patterson making a good recovery from a nasty fall on the ice, when he fractured his arm. Mr. A. C. Muir spent the week end in Toronto. Mrs. J. F. Collinson visited over the week end in Ovven Sound. School has not re-opened since the Christmas vacation, owing to the ill- ness of Miss Dorothy Fisher at her home in Paisley. Mrs.A. C. Muir was in Holland Oenti-e, Friday^ The C.G.I.T. entertained the Flesh- erton and Priceville groups at their meeting in the church on Saturday. An enjoyable afternoon was spent lunch being served at the close. Mr. Geo. Arrowsmith has been making extensive additions to Mr. Jim Sinclair's fur pens. Miss Marguerita Nuttall, the well known colorature singper of Toronto, who is frequently heard over the radio in the Neilson hour, spent the week end with her friend. Miss Agnes Mac- phail. M.P. Miss Margaret Copeland spent a few days the past week at her hom;; in Dundalk. IMlss Macphail, M.P., is receivicig the personal congratulations of h?i many friends on a speedy recovery after her recent severe operation. Our lady M.P. will be out and around returning calls this week. PRICEVILLE The funeral of the late Mrs. Donald McDonald of near the townline in Proton township, was held on Sat- urday, January 5th., when a large turn out of sympathizing friends and neighbors showed their desire to do honor to the memory of one, who was universally spoken of as a fine quiet well beloved woman. Rev. N. McDonald conducted the services at che house and grave. Surviving are two daughters, .\nnie (Mrs. Chas. Mc- Nalty), Proton; Effie, (Mrs. Tom (Collier), Durham; and three sons Gordon, Jim and John F. The pall- bearers were Messrs. Chas. Ferguson Kenneth Ferguson, Peter and Hugh McDonald, Wm. McCormick, and Jack Ferguson. Interment was made in ' McNeill's cemetery, Priceville., The superfine Christmas tree plant- ed in front of the monument, aftei shedding its beautiful colored i-ays during the whole festive season was dismantled on Thursday last, so we're back to the humdrum but slippery existence; numerous have been the- falls, but yet no breaks on record. We are pleased to be told that Mr. Do.-.ald Mc.\rthur has so far recover- ed as to be home from the Hospita) at Markdale. Mr. Donald Reiley is at present as- sisting his uncle, Mr. Harold Kar- stedt, in his fine fox ranch. (Mr. Karstedt has shipped four dandies to B. C, the same number to Owen Sound and several odd ones to othei places, besides pelting many fine skir>?. Mr. Leslie Anderson has been en- gaged with Mr. Dougall McDougald for the spring work. At a recent meeting of the rate- payers here. Mr. J. P. McMillan was elected a village trustee in place ol Mr. Wm. McBride who resigned. The two others are Mr. Allan McLean and Mr. A. J. Mc Vicar. We extend to The Advance, its readers, and all ethers, a happy ana prosperous new year ar.d let us hope for the best, though according to Jim Hunter's excellent (broadcasts, wai will be, before we wish each other a happy nc.v year again. The annual meeting of the Agricul- tural Society will be held on Janu- ary I'Jth., at 2 p.m. at the dining room of the Commercial Hotel. A scandalous ti-ansftr from a fine Baptist church service for a Chrysler presentation of silly trash, (some of it) orchestras. Jack Little and other wobblers. Mrs. Harry Pedlar spent the week "nd in Toronto. (Miss Marjory McLean had her ton- sils removed in Owen Sound recently Miss Mary McCuaig returned home -ifter an enjoyable visit with her sisters in Pontiac, Mich. We are sorry to report Miss Maggie Dow, Mrs. Bill Reid, Mrs. W. J. Mc- Millan ill, and under the Dr's. care. The W.M.S. and Willing Helpers v/ill hold their monthly meeting on Tuesday at the home of Miss Nellie McLean, January ICth., when all the ladies are requested to attend. Mr. David Hincks spent a few days visiting friends in Egremon.t. Mrs. .^.Uie 'McLean, Mr. and Mrs Archie McKechnie, Laurie and Ken- neth, visited the first of the weclc at Andrew Hinck's. The bean contest put on by tht Willing Helpers Society closed on Dec. 30. Mrs. Hector McLean was the iucky one, who won the prize. She guessed the correct number, 760 beans. Second, Mrs. ,Wm. Hay, who guessed 759; third, Mr. Hay, who guessec 761; Fourth, Miss Mai-jory McLeod R. N., who guessed 757. $5.00 was made. EUGENIA We are sorry the following item was omitted from our news last week; Mr. Jacob Williams spent Christmas and a few of the yuletide holidays with his three daughters in Toronto. Mr. Sam McDonald returned to To- ronto Nor.Tial school on Saturday. Miss Marguerite Fisher of the 4t;h Line spent "a few holidays with her friend. Miss Rowena Magee. Mr. Mac Cudmore, accompanied by iMr. W. McMaster of Wareham, vis- ited recently with the MacDonald fam- ily, 8th Line. We are pleased to report Master Artie Proctor on the way to recovery after a severe attack of whooping cough. A number in this locality have been laid up with severe colds. We are glad to hear that Mr. D. MacDonald, who is in Markdale hos- pital, is improving in health. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Biggar, Mr. Harold Cook, Miss Delmar Fenwick if Owen Sound and Mr. and Mrs. Russell Linton of Victoria Corners spent New Year's with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Fenwick and family. .\t the annual school meeting at the 8th line school on Wednesday, Decem- ber 27, Mr. Percy Magee was elected trustee instead of Mr. Thos. Fenwick Che retiring trustee. Mr. A. Cameron was again given the sec.-treas. office. -Mr. Willie Fanwick received the fire- lighting contract at $2.70 per month. Mr. F. Jamieson cleaning of the school (3 times per year) for $11.50. The sweeping is done by the teacher at ?20.00 per annum. A ratepayers meeting for S. S. No 13 will be held in Eugenia school this Thursday evening for the purpose of electing: a new trustee, Mr. Stanley Car.ipbci! having resigned. A dance was held in the L.O.L. hall on Frid:;y evening last. There was a fair sized crowd. It is the intention to hold another in two weeks. Mr. Walker Sloan has returned home from Watertowu, New York. Mrs. W. Sloan spent the week end in Toronto. Mrs. Geo. Lawler visited on Sun- day with her aunt and uncle. Mis ana Mrs. Thos. Genoe. Rev. Mr. McNeill preached a beauti- ful and inspiring service here on Sun- iay, tailing his text from the Book of Luke. The subject of his sermon being based on "prayer". Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Russell of Rock Mills visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Williams and family. •Mr. Ted Campbell visited with Mr. Ice Williams Jr.. near Flesherton. -Miss K. Pedlar of Markdale spent che week end at her parental home. We extend our sympathy to those left in sad bereavement by the death of Mrs. John Hargrave. ROC:; MILLS Mr. Thos. Betts made a trip to Owen Sound Saturday. Mr. and Olrs. John Porteous ol Flesherton visited the first of the week with their son, Mr. Joyce Porteous, and family. We are sorry to reoprt Mr. Wm •Pedlar suffering more than usuai from rheumatism and unable to bt ::ut much. .We he may feel better soon. Messrs. Sam and Ned Croft spent the week end at their homes here. Mrs. Robt. McMuUen of East Moun- tain, has been spending some time with her daughter, Mrs. Cecil Betts. The Ladies' .-Vid will meet at the home of Mrs. B. Fields on Januarv 17th., at the usual hour. Our sincere sympathy is extended to Mr. John Hargrave and son, Fred in their sad bereavement by the pass- ing of their dear wife and mother. Mr. John Hargrave and son. Fred visited the first of the week with Mr. and Mrs. Will. Hai-grave, Wareham. .A. miscellaneous shower was held on Friday night last at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Chard, for the newly weds, Mr. and Mrs. George Hill. .A.bout seventy-five friends and neighbors were present and the bride and groom were the recipients of •nany beautiful and useful gifts. The evening was spent in cards and danc- ing, lunch being served about mid- night. Winter Hog Feeding . Winter hog feeding requires dif- ferent methods from those ordinarily found successful in summer. Stunt- ing and crippling are common during the winter and result largely from an over-supply of heavy feeds as well as from a lack of some of the vital elements. Lack of sunshine and ex- ercise may also be contributory caus- es. Control measures to forestall these winter feeding difficulties are as follows: L'se a variety of f^ds in the ration including milk or tankage; provide alfalfa or clover hay or roots in small quantities; do not feed too heavily; allow young animals to ex- ercise outdoors in mild weather; all stock should have comfortable sleep- ing quarters which are dry and free from draughts. AGRICULTURAL .MEETING Pretty girls are made to behold; not to be held. The annual meeting of the Price- ville .Agricultural Society will be held on January 19th., at the Priceville hotel. A good attendance is asked for as important matters are to be discussed. Pin this notice on your calendar or the mirror! â€" W. W. R.\!MAGE, Secretary. He was history-minded and happen- ed to make mention of the days of the "Family Cumpact." .\nd the sweet young thing said: "Oh, how Able Bodied Must Work In Euphrasia Township No more relief to any person able to work, was the final decision ar- rived at the December 15th meeting of Euphrasia township municipal "fathers," "as we have made provision for work for those out of employ- ment," the quotationed words forming the final clause in the motion to this effect. The council also decided to reduce the scale of wages of man and team to $3.50 and a man to $1.75 a day. The pay of the councillors was reduced to $2.25. Love is liberty, often too much so. Work is anything we must do; play. any^hinj: we want to do. Insurance el all Sorts Phone 87, Thornburv, and I'll call Stan. THURSTON I BATES BURIAL CO'Y I '124 Avenue Road Toronto DISTINQTIA'E FUNERAL SERVICE AT REASONABLE PISCES PHONES: NIGHT OR DAYâ€" Klngsdale 4344â€"3456 Modern Private Chanel J. W. Bates Fred Maddocks Richard Maddocks. Manacefl .^ Formerly of Flesherton " The House o^ Quglitv ^' Specials this week HANDY AMMONI.A, 2 PKGS 15c GILLETTES LYE, 2 TINS 23c MUFFETS, 2 PKGS i9o SODA BISCUITS, 2 LB. PKG 27c BRAN SHORTS WHEAT FLOUR SALT Full Line Purina Chowt T â- â- 3U> JAS . A. STEWART FLESHERTON * '^^''â- ** ^ ' â-  *»<^<t " amm^^^>t v >*ttt»'^m''m* m ^^^Bmuf§

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