.WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1988 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Grey NaminatioDS | Township of Sydenham For Reeve â€" Geo. Bothwell, Thoi iUraa^. Deputy Reeve â€" Allan Wilkinson < acclamation.) For Council â€" Wm. McGregor, Chas. Lipsett, John D. (Moffatt anc John Wilson. Town of Durham For Mayor â€" W. H. Kress (accla- mation). For Reeve â€" W. S. Hunter (accla- mation.) For Councillors â€" Bert Stonehouee Robert Campbell, J. B. Duffield, Geo McKecbnie, W. A. McDonald and Wm R. McGowan (acclamation.) Town of Thornbary For Mayor â€" C. J. Loagrheed (ac- clamation.) For Reeve â€" John W. Hutchinson (acclamation.) For Councillors â€" Robert Best, Ro bert Conn, Alex. McColman, William Phipps, Frank Smith and Fred Park- inson (acclamation.) VilUce of Dondalk For Reeve â€" M. W. Ridley and R. J. Russell. For Councillors â€" H. C. Moody. Georare Stokes, A. C. M*cDonell, A. D. McAllister, James Carton and iWm. Anderson. VilUse of Cbatoworth For Reeve â€" A. D. McGoleman (acclamation). • For Councillors â€" J. H. Sudden, Cecil Loucks, E. Hill, James Breese and Neil McElheron. Village of Shallow Lake Ror Reeve â€" David Allan (accla- mation.) For Councillors â€" Malcolm Carson, Howard Casemore, William E. Rourke and Joseph Jones, (acclamation.) Osprey Township Osprey was to have voted on the return to statute labor this year, but as W. L. Taylor was elected reeve by acclamation and the four councillors were also chosen by acclamation there will be no election in the township this year and the voters will not get an opportunity to express their opin- ions on the statute labor question. For Reeve â€" W. L. Taylor (Accla- mation.) For councillors â€" Albert Wilton, John Stephens, Arnold Hutchiniop and Thomas Beatty (acclamation.) Proton Township For Reeve â€" William Jack and Stanley Acheson. For CounciUors â€" .Wilfred Wright, James T. Gillies, Patrick J. Ryan, Fred S. Greer, John McQuarrie, Philip Buckley and William Haw. Sarawak Township Ror Reeve â€" Francis McNeil ano Amsden Huston. For Councillors â€" Andrew Mc- Pherson, William Ireland, Ralph Mor- ley, William Clow, John Budge and Harvey Rosefborough. St. Vincent Township For Reeve â€" John Kingston (Ac- clamation.) For Deputy Reeve â€" T. W. Ballard (Acclamation.) For Councillors â€" David McKay William McRae, and William €lmei Brown (Acclamation.) Derby Township) Ror Reeve â€" John E. Dolphin (Ac- clamation.) For Councillors â€" William H. Mar- shall, George Anderson, Donald E Sinclair, H. O. Breen and James F. BORN AKINS â€" In Artemesia on Sunday, December 24th, 1933, to IMhr. and Mrs. Harry Akins, (nee Sadie iWard), a daughter. Local and Persoaal Try a "Small Advt." Season^s Greetings To Our Friends: '«^i rHFVHOLf r At this season we desire to extend our Be^t Wishes for Happiness and Prosperity in I V34 and at the same time to express our thanks for the patronage extended to os during the past ;^ear. D. McTavish & Son Chevrolet Dealers FLESHERTON fHB STOWa F. T. HILL&Ce.,Ltd. CMikDr amai Markdalft, Ontario ou» wanKU rowm Greetings to Yott »»»<'»»»♦♦♦♦» ONCE AGAIN IT IS OUR PLEASURE TO EX- TEND OUR SINCERE APPRECIATION AND THANKS TO OUR MANY CUSTOMERS AND FRIENDS AT THIS TIME OF THE YEAR FOR THE MANY PLEASANT BUSINESS RELATIONS WE HAVE ENJOYED DURING THE PAST YEAR. WE HEARTILY WISH YOU ALL A HAPPY AND .^, _ _: PROSPEROUS 1934. F. T. HUl & Co. Limited Mr. and Mrs. Royden McDonald were in Durham on Monday. Mr. Ross Wilson of Durham is holidayingr in town. Mr8. J. Blackburn left on Monday to see her brother, Mr. Ayers, of Chicago* who 18 geriously ill. MisB Nicholson spent Christmas with her brother, F. W. Nicholson in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. F. H. W. Hickling spent Christmas with the former's father and sister in Toronto. Misses Kate McMillan, Laura Boyd and D. Thurston, teachers of Toronto, are visiting: at their homes in town. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Ferris spent the week end with their daughter, Mrs. Crossley, at Weston. Mrs. Ed. Fisher has returned home after spending a couple of weeks in Toronto. Miss Hazel Inkster is visiting in Toronto this week with her siater, Mrs. J. Jones. :Mr. and Mrs. Robt Down and fam- ily of Tara spent Christmas with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Down. Misses Shirley Hurray, Marie Mc- Kechnie and Jeanette Cargoe were home for Christmas. Miss Delia Pedlar of Toronto spent Christmas with her sister, Mrs. W. J. Chard, Rock Mills. Mr. Ed. Armstrong and boy friend of Toronto are enjoying fine skiing weather while encamped in his fath- er's summer cottage in town. Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Armstrong and son, Jimmy, had Christmas dinner with (Mrs. A's. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Sandiland, in Dundalk. Mri'and Mrs. Kenneth HcKee and Miss Clara Boyce of Torono visited at their parental homes on the 4tb Line. Mr. Fred Breen and two sons, Fred and Bud, of Detroit motored over and spent Christmas day with Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Richardson. IMr. and Mrs. Jas. .Watson and fam- ily of Toronto are holidaying with Mrs. Watson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Trimble spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Hodgson and Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Trimble at Islington. Mr. and Mrs. Glen 'McDonald oi Chatsworth were Christmas visitors with the latter's mother, Mrs. W. E. Morgan. There was a fairly large crowd on the Flesherton rink Monday after- noon, everyone enjoying the splendid exercise thus afforded. Ideal weather for Christmas this year. There was plenty of snow, though not enough to block traffic, but driving by auto is harardous. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Reid and two sons, Billy and Victor of Ann Arbor, Mich., motored over and spent Christ- mas with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Rich- ardson. Mr. and Mrs. Heib Smith and daughter, Jean, of Owen Sound, and Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Phillipson of King had dinner vith Mr. and Mrs. A. Stewart on Monday. Dr. and Mrs. J. G. Coleridge of Kingsville are holidaying with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Mc- Tavish. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Mc- Taviah and little son of Oshawa were also home for Christmas. Mr. Leslie Ferris of the Ontario Veterinary College', Guetph, Mr. Ken Boyd and Miss Alice Heard of To- ronto University and Miss Marlon Stuart of the College of Education are holidaying at their homes. The service in St John's United church next Sabbath evening will Jtie held at 10.30 p.m. instead of at 7 and will be a "Watch Night" service. It is some years since such a service has been held in Flesherton, and should be well attended. Poatmaster W. W. Trimble reports fairly heavy mails through the local post office prior to the Christmas holiday and with an extra staff on hand was kept busy despatching the mail as it came in. The noon train on Saturday was two and a half hours late iii|l«fachintr this station, due to the heavy holiday passenger traffic and heavy mail deliveries along the route. The afternoon train from Owen Sound was also late in arriving. At the last Sabbath evening ser- vice in St. John's United church. Rev. W. J. Scott, M. A., told the story of "The Other .Wise Man" by Henry Van Dyke^, the man who started out to find the Christ, but beeaose he was so busy in giving assistance, and comforting those in need, he nevei overtook his other three companions and so missed seeing the Babe and His Mother; but said Jesus "ina> much tjs ye have done it unto tht lea-s* of one f these ye have done it rnto Me." Miss Marion Bibby of Toronto Is visiting her mother this week. Mrs. M. Jamieson is visiting this week in Owen Sound. Miss iWinnifred Talbot and hei brother, Clifford, of Dundalk spent X day with their cousin, Annie Akins Mrs. Thos. Hambury of Dundalk died at her home last week at an advanceo age. New resolutions are now in vogue for 1933. They are easily made and more easily broken. Miss Annie Aiknis of Toronto Nor- mal is home for the holiday with hei parents, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Akins. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hazen and fam- ily of Owen Sound spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mathewson. Mrs. John Beecroft of Owen Sound is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Pedlar. Mr. and Mrs. C. Chappie and son Alan, are visithig this week with their parents at Meaford. This Thursday morning a real blizzard is blowrng that will no doubt block highway motor traveL Misses Margaret and Alice Robert- son are holidaying with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Robertson. Miss Irene McDonald of Toronto' spent Christmas with her parents, Mr. and IMrs. John McDonald. Mr. Geo. Armstrong and sister. Miss Alice, spent Christmas at their parental home in Meaford. Dr. Donald Milne of the staff of St. Michael's hospital, Toronto, spent Christmas with his brother. Dr. J. E. Milne, and family. Mr. Jack Cairns returned last week to spend the winter with his grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Crossley, after spending some time with his aunt, Mrs. H. Quigg, at Harriston. Mr. and Mrs. R. Bentham last week had a pleasant telephone talk with their son, Mr. E. D. Bentham, from his home in Saskatoon, Sask. His voice carried perfectly over the long distance and was a pleasant surprise to his parents. The Christmas CtDcert A large crowd attended the second annual Christnuu concert given by the committee of the Fraternal Hall on Monday evening and were pleased with the program presented. SCus- ical Hawaiian selections were givet by Messrs. Wes. Armstrong and Perc> Rutt and by a Feversham quartette, which sang two numbers. Several high school students gave a humorous skit, "Fat chance to get thin," that was very amusing, as was a broad- cast by the Feversham Pmi-Makera depicting the efforts to secure a radio program with four stations interfer- ing. The main presentation of the even- ing was a mock trial of Constalble Jos. Field of Flesherton on three charges, one of leaving his post ot duty at the corner of Durham street and Chatsworth Blvd. without leave. Another of causing the main inter- section to be blocked and the last of neglecting to protect the property of citizens on Hallowe'en night, but keeping a watch on his own. The first two charges were snapeaded ' and he was found guilty on the third charge. This number caused howls of laughter. Mr. S. H. SUuffer act- ed as Judge; Dr. W. D. Bryce as Crown Attorney; Herb Akins, defence counsel; G. B. iWelton, Sheriff and C. S. McTavish as Deputy Sheriff. The charges were laid by Reeve H. . A. McCanley. Prior to the commencement of the concert the Piper orchestra presented several musical numbers. Mr. A. Down, chairman of the hall committee acted as chairman for the evening. A dance was held following the con- cert, the Dorothy Foster-Jiack Perkins orchestra providing the music. \ Read the Small Advertiaements FARM FOB SALB When Mark Twain was editor ot a Missouri newspaper, a sifcecriber wrote to him saying he had found a siHder in his paper and asking Mark whether this was a sigrn of good or bad luck. The reply was as ftjllows: "Old SuHscrihieiy-Flnding a spider in your paper was neithei good luck nor bad luck for you. The spider was merely looking over your paper to see which merchant is not advertising so that he can go to that store, spin his web across the door, and lead the life of undisturbed peace ever afterward." Lot 21, Con. 9, Township of Osprey,. County of Grey, containing 105 acres, . 7S acres under cuHiTatioB, balance pasture and bush; well watered by the Beaver River, wihich is a good, troat stream, and a never failing welL On this farm is a good frame dweU« ing house and bam. This farm is in a good state of cultivation with SO- aores ploughed and 10 acres of sam- mer fallow. This is a first class grain and stock farm and will be sol^^ cheap to close the estate-of the late Sandy McLean. This property is well situated 1^ miles off higbway and 1^ miles from the village of Feversham. Apply to ANGU5 MORRISON. Maxwell P.O. JNO. A. HALE, Feversham P. 0.» Executors. Small Advts. Lost or Strayed LOST Telephone Lineman's test set, lost between my home and Wm. Reid't farm .on the 8th line, Osprey. Findei please notify G. W. Ross, Maxwell. CAME ASTRAY Came with my oattle from pasture farm one cattle beast. Owner can have santa by proving property and paying expenses. â€" ^F. R. Oliver, Prioe- ville. For Sale FARM STOCK FOR SALE Fresh cow and several Jersey heif- ers, some apringin{(, and flock of good breeding ewes. â€" "Everett Henry, Flesherton. HARNESS FOR SALE Two sleigihs, four set double har- ness, some single harness, and two robes. Apply to Alex. McEachnie, Flesherton. HORSES WANTED WANTED â€" Two young, soond, work horsea, Clyde or IVnheron, and not under twelve hundred weight.â€" Heib Corbett, Proton. FOR SALE Vim oat feed |14 per ton, tax in- cluded; Prairie Pride Floor $3.10 pei tmg; also peas, bariey, buekwheat. chop, etc. â€" ^A. C. Muir, Ceyktn, phone 38 r 8. FOR SALE Set Hght sleighs nearly new, strongly built with upholstered seats; Set double driving harness with coll- ars; Heating stove "Pemasular"; Combination heater and cook stove; and mamnwth bronze turkeys, young birds for sale. â€" Richard Allen, Flesh- erton, Ont. SOW FOR SALE Sow due to farrow about Deeember- Ist, will be sold cheap. â€" Wm. Hsrâ€" bottle, Duncan P.O., Lot 2, Coa. S.. Euphrasia. COW FOR SALE Jersey cow, 8 years old. fresh, o>' will exchange for young cattle. â€" Dannie Cameron, R. R. No. 1, Ea> genia. HOG FOR SERVICE Young Yorkshire hog, purdbred and government inspected; terms: cash- 76e.; charged $1.00. -WES. SMITH, Rock Mills. FOR SERVICB Reg. Berkriiire Boar: Reg. Tam«< worth Boar, 91.00 Cash. Jeisey Badt 11.00 cash. --IOS. RADL^V. fiaeiMstoni BOAR FOR BBkncai Torkahlre Boar for serrfe*. •1.00. â€" John Olhw. O.DJL. Ai«» mesla. BOAB mm HRTICB Bilateral Torkahirt Boar IW â- » tIm by FteshertOB Baeoa Bay CMK the vraperty of the Ontario Dafotli BMQt otf Acihsulliira. â€" O. SnWABT, auction: â- â- 'n Wm. Kaitting. aoetioMsr for fnas and stock sales a apeeiaUty, %mm»t 1 per cent., with amall salsa at «mw responding km prices aeeardt^ ta sise. Make dates by phoaiag 4ttll or at The Advance offtoa. Prince Arthnr Lodge No. »n^ AM, AA.M., meets In the Fraieraal Halt Flesherton, e^ery Friday m or b«%pi the full moon. W.M., F. J. Thnnl^i^ Secretary, H. A. McCauley. I I I â- I 5 1 ♦â- t t f i t ! i n < n i Li