Ti^AVn ifirf\r5aiofl5 ^ (Art ff|(\EIO A Melting of Britishers in Southern Hungary On a ';ertaiu day. In Uie 3uiii:n(: â- • of 1933, a group of Ontario pe^r-Ia left the oily of Zagrel), in Ju3ns!a\ ia. to motor to Southoni Ifungary. Our coach-- one of the latest (losli;ns of a Frencli builder, attracted much atten- tion and, 83 it traversed tliu roads, it left a dust screen behind it which ap- peared to be accepted philosophically ^y the peasants whom wb encounter- ed walking or riding on the roads- highways in Jugoslavia are good but, M yet, are not surfaced. We stopped at the primitive frontier post, where the River .\Iur divides Jugoslavia from Hungary, and having had our pass- ports c-xamiued and the other formali- ties completed, we continued our jour- Bey, arriving at Nagykani.ska in lime for dinner. Nagykaniska is a city of 32,000 in- habitants and is the largest and most hiiportant centre in Southern Hun- gary. A rising industrial town, it has % historical past and has progressed rapidly in the past few years. Private »nd public gardens make this the Gar- 4en City of Hungary. One distinctive feature of the large municipal park is the floral bed, laid out in the shape of the map of Hungary and showing that kingdom as it is to-day and as it was before tlie Treaty of Trianon gave four of its important provinces to Rou- mania. Jugoslavia, Czeclioslovakia and even to Austria, its former sister king- dom. The apparent injustice of this rankles in the minds of the Hungarian people and it is one of the open wounds beiiueathed from the settle- ment of the war. We arrived at our hotel and were pleasantly surprised to lind such a good hostelry in a place most of us had never heard oC before this trip. It is questionable whether similar On- tario towns could furnish as line ac- commodation. We were hungry and a bit dusty â€" my hair was white, making me look prematurely'old, and our lug- gage had a coating of dust which the obliging porter quickly removed. The proprietress and her charming daugh- ter made us welcome and the members of the party were speedily assigned to their rooms. At this juncture the daughter of the house asked me to go with her to see where we were to dine and, impulsively taking me by the hand, she led me to a vine-coverd courtyard where tables were set, our tables being festooned with garlands of flowers. At the end of the courtyard a gypsy orchestra was playing the weird minor, I)nt stir- ring music of Hungary and, later, as we were having our meal, tiiese musi- cians abandoned themselves under the inspiration of our appreciation. As mademoiselle and I were ret\irn- ing from inspecting the dinner ar- rangemenls, she reraarl;ed, "Y'our peo- ple are American.';, are they not?" to which 1 replied. "Oh. no! we are all Canadians." Then you are British," she said. "My sister and her husband â€" at present visiting here â€" will bo in- terested." Just then a lady and gen- tlemanâ€" the latter unmistakably Kng- lisli â€" came in, and my companion said, "Eric, this is Captain Reid and he is in -charge of this party which he has brought all the way from Canada." At this, his wife immediately spoke up, in an enthusiastic tone, sayin.g, as her Bister had said," Then you are Bri- tish." They kindly asked me to dine with them and would take no e.vcuse when I remarked that 1 was dusty and travel-soiled. I assure you that 1 needed no further urging. Mr. Hocking is one of the managers RAW FURS FOR "FROiVlFT RETl'RxNS'" â€""FAIR GRADING "â€" "BEST PRICES' SHIP YOUR RAW FURS To Revillon Freres Trading Comimny Limited Established 1723 SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO MAIL SHIPMENTS Aycncics al XoBtraal Wlnnlp*^ Vancouver BolWTval Til* Fas Edmonton Halifax Sadbnry Priact Albert Seven Islana* of Lloyd's Bunk in I.,ondon. He m«t his protty Hungarian wife while holi- dayini; on the F'rench Riviera. They live at Kpsouiâ€" not for from London â€" have a little girl of three, and Mrs. Hocking is more Rrilish in her sym- pathies than is, perhaps, her husband. I hurriedly cleaned up a bit and joined them ill a corner of the garden where we sat and chatted over a typical Hun- garian meal and listened to the gypsy band. I was drinking coffee with tiiese charming folk at 1 o'clock in the morn- ing â€" it was a delightful contact and the sequel to it a few nights later in Budapest. I had been out for a stroll when 1 was overtaken by a sudden shower. In seeking a tram oi ta.\l to take me back to the hotel 1 passed a cafe and, from one of the t:r â- < on the sidewalk, a man nodded to mi..'. I was certain thai he had mistaken me for someone else, but 1 acknowledged his salute. Looking to the other side of the table 1 spied my friend Hocking, who called out, "Hello! don't you know oueugii to come in out of the rain'.'" I went in, had another visit with him, his wife's sister and her husband â€" who had recognized me from a momen- tary introduction in Nagykaniska â€" and when the rain abated somewhat they directed me to a tram which I would lake me to the St. Gellerl Hotel, j We parted then, but I again saw Mr. | Hocking at his office in London and j I expect to hear from him at Christ- 1 mas time. The story which follows this next week will have, as its setting, the city of Tours, in the French Chateau Count r.'^. j» ASHAMED OF HER FIGURE Husband Persuaded Her to Take Kruschen By following her husband's advice, this woman made a tremendous im- provement in her appearance â€" she actually took off 32 lbs. of her excess fat. » Telling of her e.'cperience, she writes: â€" "A year ago 1 was troubled with rheumatism, nervousness and other complaints. And I got so fat tliat I was ashamed of my figure. I was persuaded by my husband to take Kruschen Salts. Before I began. 1 weighed IGl lbs. After taking Krus- chen for a short lime the rheumatism was less painful, luy nerves got stronger, and my step lighter. Then I knew that Kruschen was doing me good, so I persevered with it and got my weight down to 129 lbs., a reduc- tion of 32 lbs of unwanted fat, 1 am not tioasting when I say that I feel younger and more active, have a much better figure, and am healthier tliau I have been for years."â€" (Mrs.) J. S. ICrnschen is a blend of si.t mineral salts which assists the internal organs to throw off each day those waste products that would otherwise accu- mulate in the form of fattv tissue. Ail packages now contain more tobacco; Pay Less for a BeH^er Smoke / imperial Tobacco Companr of Canada, Ltd. tJMore Turret Fine Cut for the same money â€"and Poker Hands, too! ^QiN we give every man who "rolls bis own" more Turret Fine Cut for the same old price ! On this new deal you'll get still more cigarettes from every pack* age of Turret Fine Cut â€" you'll actually iute money by purchasing this cool and fragrant cigarette tobacco and buying your own cigarette papers. Remember, too â€" you can get 5 large booklets of "Vogue" or "Chantecler" cigarette papers jree in exchange for one complete set of Poker Hands. It pays to "Roll Your Own" with TURRET FINE CUT CIGARETTE TOBACCO .SAVE THE POKER HANDS PROTECT YOUR CHILD If the children gained health and strength through the summer SCOTT'S EMULSION will help them keep well through the winter. MSM©iIMliSr llMRICHflNptlTAM I Are you looUing to, something different in the^way of entertain- ment for your church, society, club or instituteV Capt. F. H. Reid, the well-known traveller, who has been contribut- ing the series of articles to this paper, under the heading of "Travel [mpressions," has what is, perhaps, the finest collection of European views in the country. Pictures taken with his own camera, beauti- fully coloured, showing some of the out-of-the-way places, as well as the localities about which you liave read and heard. Portugal, Spain, Frauce, Italy, Switzerland, Austria, Jugoslavia, l-luiigary, Czechoslo- fakia, German>. Holland, Belgium and British Isles are included in :his unique collection. For particulars regarding this, cominuuicate with Captain Reid at Room 421, 7'J Adelaide Street West, I'oronto. iu the southern hemisphere.) "Re- ininisc'ent of the geograpliical dis- tance mentioned in the celebrated liymn, "From Greenland's icy luoun- lains to India's coral strand,'" com- ments Mr. L. L. McMurray, export manager of the Gutta Percha Or- ganization, "there came in one mail, not long ago, an inquiry from Ice- land for rubber boots and a letter from Rangoon, ilurma. asking for rubber belting." Regina. Sask. â€" While wheat and other grains are the principal farm in-oducts of Sa.skatchewan, the pro- vince is also a substantial producer of daii-y products. In 19.12 the value of these was *i;i, 03.1,100. There are 56 creaineries in the province wliicli laht year made 17,860.89") pounds of butter.- The amount of dairy butter produced during the year was 21,500,- 000 pounds. Cheese production in 1932 totalled 541,242 pounds, an in- crease over the previous year of 220.- 937 pounds, Vancouver, B.C. â€" Briti.sli Coluni- mia's salmon pack to the middle of October, 1,110,073 cases of 48 pounds each is 109,865 cases more tlian tliat of the corresponding period of last year, and far in excess of the 1931 pack of 662,031 cases, Tlie follow- ing varieties are included in the cur- rent pack: Pinks, 531.003 cases; sock- eye, 255.642; cliuins. 156,586: colioe. 124.792; bluebacks, 21.753; .-prings. 18,962: steelheads. 1.335. Japan Awards Cup To 1933 Champion Goldfish: Tokyo. ~ A group of veiy sciioKsj Japanese geni'enien stood around a ; pan in the zoological gardens «1 i Uyeno Park, Tokyo, and redded s >\- \ emn approval as a rather clum.>y- I looking soWfish with a drooping fa:: 1 tail and mournful, jirotruding eyes, nosed his way around the receptacle in much the manner of a trt poo'Ik' confined in a lx>x. The (ish, bred by a Mr. L'sngura oi Tokyo, had just been declared th.^ finest in Jajian â€" which means the (in- est in the world â€" and the >layor .f Tokyo had awarded him a silver cup as 19;!.'J champion of the Kangyo-Uai. a national Japanese society devoted t«> goldfisli culture. The Uyeno exhibition was the cii- niinatioii of a scries of sectional-na- tional eliminations in which thousands of competitors displayed results of their year's eft'orls. .fudges dcclar.>(l the winner 75 per cent, jierfect, ex- plaininjr he had three of the "foui- jioint:; of perfection." The lour ix>ints arc symmetry, head devolopment, bod- ily balance, ami tail. "Chnmpion 1933" lacke<l only a perfect tail, but lie was I>etter than any of the othc;" 150 final conte.«tanl.i. The Dominion Coast-To-Coast mum No inhaling ot germ-laden oust with Mum, the motor lets suction cleaner. It quickl> removes dust without scattering it, from Chesterfields and a). furniture and automobile uphol stry, rugs, carpets, silken drap eries, mattresses and clt>thingâ€" from fur to chiffon. Will not harm the most delicate fabric Cleans easilyt lasts indefinitely Highly lacquered, attractively loxed. Size 1 inches by 2. Price 12.50 11 Wellington E., Toronto. THE IDEAL XMAS GIFT. Halifux, -N.S. - - The nioviilu-'iil of apples to Halifax lor export from the .Anuapoliss Val'ey since the beginning ot the season totals 366,983 barrels, 22,217 half-barrels, 147 boxes and 309 Iianipers compared with 147.204 bar- rels, 13,329 hnlf-barrcls, 435 bo.\es and 298 haniiier,- for the same period last year. Fredericton. N.15. -I'omiiared with last year this year's potato and tur- nip crops in .\ew nrnnswick were much greater, while Hiai nf fodder corn was slightly Ipss according to tt Federal rejiort. 'Phe comparisons are 'as follows with the 1932 figures in brackets, tlie polaliics and turnips being in hundredweights and the fod- der corn in tons: Potatoes. 46.900 acres (48.201)1, 120 cwt. per acre i80). 5,628.000 cwt 13.856.0001. Turnips, 11.100 acres (10..3001. 216 cwt. per acre t2501. 2,398.000 cwt. (2,575.000). Fodder corn. 500 acre^ (00). 8,85 ton-; per acre |5.40) and 4,400 tons (3.200). Ottawa. The distilled liquor iiidus try of Canada in 1932 was rcprosvut- ed liy twenty-one e.=tabl1i^hnieiil - eight in Quebec. Ion in Ontario oiw in Manitoba and two in British Col uinbla. There was a cajiitiil iiivc ; nient of $5I,94'J,7S4 and a piiyri-.i: e 1.540 persons who refeived $1 7.'>7.'; i i iu salaries iiiul wages. The p::i'i uiilput va'iie was $]1.34y.2B9. Toronto. (Int. Hoili the lom:.' â- and the e.xteiii (,f raiiadiitii •'xpo;t liu.siness ar4- indicaifd in a report of I lie Gutta Percha and Rubber, Lim- ited, a Canadian organization with wmrld-wide sales connections. On one recent day. products were being shipped to the extreme north of Canada and to the opposite extrcni ity of (he globe, to (111 a request from Invercargill. nio.-if souther'y to'wn In New Zealand tKxcept for remote Patagonian seiHeinents Invercargill ii .ihiiost at the edge of civi'Izatlon High School Boys Form Women Haters' Club Salt Laku City. â€" Tweutyvflve un- married men â€"ranging in age' around 16 years "have sworn an oath to speak to women on In the line of business except tor three hours once a montli. The Women Haters' Club of West Migh School hert expects it Will com- prise 90 per cent of the mule popu- lation o: the school within the woek. Handee Egg Grading Kit Covers New Regulations Handee Egjj Scale and Candler mail- ed complete with copy new regiiUuions .â- ?2.50 postpaid. State wliether for oil or electric li.i;lit. MitcHell Poultry Supply, Mitchell, Ont. \ New York lawyer, who was de- fending; three misguided adolescents convicted of attempting the kidnap- ping of a child, said to the court: "It's terrible to see those .voung men go lo prison." Cosmicaily, so it is. But it is rather more terrible to think of their not going to pri.-inii. - B;iltiiiiore .Sun. Carrying a refrigerator out Into the field to Ihe corn was the means adopt- ed by scientists who wanted to study persistence of corn to cold in llio field. RUN DOWN ? TAKE WJNCARNIS If work and worry have jjot the better of vou and you are feehng weak «nd listics.1, follow the recommendation of more than 20.000 mrdicBJ moo. Take Wincsrniii three times daily. To thousands who once fell n» you feel now, this advice has proved invaluable. Wincarnia brings to you all the valiiHlila nlemcnts of grapes (2,V^ lbs in each bottle), and the strongth building content of beef and innlt extract. It is not a dni^, but a delicious, blood and tissue building wine which quickly soothes tired nerves and builds new wells of energy. From the time vou start tokiiig Win- carnia you will sleep better, wako more cheerfully, and feel more nearly as you should. You will know, then, how wonderful it is lo be on the road lo Bu.stained. vigorotis health For those who are run-down, or who suffer from ragged nerves, insomnia, anaemia ot deoilitv, Wincarnis i« a marvelous Ionic. Get Wincarnis from your druggist todav. â€" Self s Agents; Harold Y. Tlitchie & Co. Ltd.. loronio. Take 1 aKe g r« For Indigestion Biliousness T/ie "^oM's FaiTiiIy Remedy Only One General Less Than 60 Younger Men Who Cannot Get Promotion in British .Army â€" Urgent Problem London, Eng.â€" Only one officer of the full rank of general in the British army is under the age of si.xty â€" the irew commander-in-chief at Aldershot -and he will be si.xty years of age in two months' time. Out of the twenty-two lieutenant- generak fifteen are si.xty years ot age or more. Yet tc these officers the active coni- uiand of armies and army corps would Le en'vusted in a time of emergency. Most of these officers have been in pernit.neiit employnieiit since the war holding one good post after another. Below Uieni is a veritable phalanx of major-generals, many of them kick- ing their heels waiting for a chance that will never come. By the time proiiudion reaches the major-generals those fortunate lo be selected will also be si.xty years uf age or thereabouts, and the jiolicy of "old generals" will be perpetuated. For the War Office is now definite- ly committed .0 the army having sexa- genarian generals. Not so the navy or air force with their admirals and air-admirals. NAVY'S EXAMPLE. For ,-ome years past the senior offi- cers of the navy, in particular, have shown a spirit of chivalry by retiring voluntarily in order to facilitate pro- motioh. There is also a certain danger in the army maintaining this attitude of trust in sexagenarian generals. 11 would not be wise, for example, to entrust armies in the field tX) their command. Their iihysical strength would not nuiiiilain the pressure such duties would entail, especially now that mobility is the new oitlcr '1' the day. In the Indian army none of the three British generals or three British lieutenant-gcncr.ils is more than fifty- eight years of age. If naval officer.* of considerable uis- tinction can retire voluntarily at fifty- eight years of age there is no reason why army nflicers cannot do the same. The War Office is bound, sooner or later, to tackle the problem of pro- motion from the highest to the lowest •omiiiissioned ranks. WAR OFKR'ER.S' PUCHT. In the lower ranks the congestion IS worse than it ha.s over been, and many lieutenants and captains who served in the war in these ranks are still awaiting promotion. The pioniution question is now a ()ucstion of national urgency. But until a drastic move is made at the lop and carried down the whole list there will be no solution of the problem. Actually the average of our general officers is between four and five years older than it was before Uie war. The army needs "spring-cleaning." » -.. "What thanning little pink-tipped ears you have, Miss bottle. Hid .vou ever have them pierced?" ".Vo: Iml I have had them bored. " Classified Advertising PATENTS. A N OFFER TO EVERY INVENTOR. A. l-lst of wanti InveiiUons and full Information sent free. The Bamsajr Com- pany, World Patent Attorneys. 273 Uanl? Street. Ottawa, Canada. More than one-third of the crews ol British ships are foreigners, including 43,403 lascars. 11 is possible to play more than 700 different games with an ordinary pack of cards. Children's Coughs and Colds Go Overnight Mother, ijon't worry wht'n one of ihe little onca has <i bad coUKh or cold â€" iust get a hottle of BUCKLEY'S MIXTURE and mix wiih «mu«I parts of hotiey. "It atts Hke a flash." On« little pleasant dose will give unmistakable r** lief. Two doses often end a bad cold. .â- * And don't forget â€" BUCKLEY'S MIX- TURE will rid you or daddy of a cough, cold, *flu or bronchitis just as quickly. Its lightninK* quick action uill astound you. Play safe. Re- fuse substitutes. Buckley's is bold ever) >« here* Nervous & Mental BREAKDOWNS N e u r a s theuia. Nervous .j^. Breakdowns, Worry Habit, ^f-*^"!?!,. Stuminevimr, Hell Coiiscio'.s- r ^tfitl^ ness. Lack o£ Success, are .^^-^ ''^ due to unreasonable I'E.Mt. yiV ^J They melt away under the ,,,. â- '^ inliuence of underslandlnB "^j-* â- .^ 1 and TltUTM. Vou can break i.,^'?'. j down the limitations, unhap- ^^ jC .1 piness, and torture and be FI^EE. KNOW YOURSELF and your power by inirchasing SELF MASTERY, a 100-pnge book, dealing with VOL and VOL'U prolj- lems. It will open your eyes to many TRUTHS and be the tirst step towiird FREEDOM. JJased on tlie ti.utn;eni of 2.'), 000 cases. Your corresnoniU'iice is so- lic'itoil. Write unlay. '-'5 CE.NT.S pn-paid. C. PBANKI.IN IiEAVITT, M.D. Suite vr.T; as East Wnshington Street, Chicago. lUliiolB. Gas In The Stomach Uas In the stomiicli. beklilng, sour water brasli. Pfun alter eating, etc., can be ovi rooine within three minutes it you will take n little Lilsurated Magnes.a in water alter vou t.tt. The ordinu.y IJIsur.iti'd MuBnesin which ycu can set at am drug store will correc add stom- ach and stop acid IndiBcsll.ni iiume- di'i'i iv Try it and s«!<>. â- ueiNaACM OPEMK-UISeBT IN m]STmi4»' HEADKOISES feonand EUUt OIX. n.2i ABBrauisti DetttijtlM fiMN •â- riiMit i Also cirellcnt foi Tcmporarj Drnfnesi 1 »nd HfBd Nuists dnr to ooni{f.»tion < caused br colds, Fin and snimming. i A. O. LEONARD, Inc. I 70 Fifth Ave New York City YOUR LIVER'S MAKING YOU FEEL OUT OF SORTS Wake Qp your Liver Btic â€"No Calomel needed When you tcfll blue, dfpreoapd. bout on th« world, tlmt'B your liver wtiicb isn't pouriui; ita daily two puuDds of liQuid bile into your bowela. Digestion and eUminstion ar« bcinB slon-ed •p. food is accumuUlios and decayiiic irisidc rou and makins >ou feel Vi-TPtcbed. Mera bowel-ioovers liko salta, oil. ntlneral irat«r, laxative candy or cheviiui suuu or fO\iglia](e, doo't fio fai «tioui;h. You need a liver stiniuhini. Carter's UtU« Ltver Pills is the best otia t^iifa. Purely veg^ tablo. Sura. Ask for tlicm by nuua QefuM •ubatitul«s Son. at all dniRAist* U ECZEMA AND SKIN RASHES -USE Dr. D. D. Dennis' Liquid Pfffscrip- tioa, made and guaranteed by the ntakert of Carapaoo'a luS^-a Balm. Trial buttle .â- ?5c at yovir druggist. l.T ISSUE No. 48â€" "33 . -iTaiftJ--. f-J'lSffiiU^s^'UJM^i^