®()je fksi^ttton %tmanu. Vol. 53; No. 24 WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1933 VV. H. Thurston & Son, Proprietors FEVERSHAM Mr. and Mrs. Dave Williams of Flesherton visited with the former's brother, Mr. T. .Williams, last week Mr. and Mrs. M. Nichol and two children spent Sunday with friends in Dundalk. Air. and Mrs. Thomas Scott of To- ronto were week end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John Black. Mr. Robt. Whitcoak has returned from Toronto where he was having his eyes treated. Miss Dempsey if Minessing spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Osborne. Mr. and Mrs. Will. Russell of Ware- ham called on Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tyler last week. Mrs. Robt. Alexander and daughter, Jean, of Flesherton were visitors on Monday in this village. lilr. George Ottewell of the 12tb Line had the misfortune to lose a good horse last week. The contractor, Mr. D. Weber, of Kimberley started to truck thd Dur- ham Furniture Co. logs to Rock Mills on Monday last. Mr. Frank Hollingshead lost one of his team horses with indigestion last week. EUGENIA (Last Week's Items) (Mr. J. W. Robinson spent last week with friends in Toronto. Winter started in early this year and has been pretty severe for a start, the first heavy snow coming about October 24th and cold, stormy weather came shortly after. Those who did not get their turnips housed before November have not had a chance since. The tax collector, Mr. D. Cameron, is making his rounds, the taxes be- ing somewhat lower this year. Our telephone premiums which are col- lected with the taxes are $1.00 less this year. The municipal telephone system is giving good satisfaction Those who have their debentures paid out just have to pay seven dollars each for maintenance. Miss Jean Ross of Maxwell visited with her sister, Mrs. Milton Nichol last week. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Pedlar visited with Mr. and Mrs. James Pedlar on the Fourth Line recently. For the first time in the memory c-f the oldest resident this district is without the services of a resident doctor as Dr. Carr-Harris has gone to Toronto, where he has obtained a practice. The Durham Furniture Co. is tak- ing out the logs on their farm on Con. A, north of the 12th Line ot Osprey. Mr. D. Weber of Kimber- ley has the contract of cutting and delivering the logs to Rock Mills, 3 miles east of Flesherton. Spring-like weather at time of writing. Don t forget the 8th Line school concert, which will be held on Tues- day, December 19. Kfcv. Mr. McNeill preached a very inspiring sermon oa Sunday from tht 8th Ohap. of Acts, "Philip and the Ethiopian church. It is too bad there were not more out to hear the sermon. There were 40 in attend- ance at Sunday school in the after- noon. Next Sunday, Sunday school will be held at 2.30 p.m. Mr. J. Foster and the Misses Sykes of Rob Roy were recent visitors with the former's sistex', Mrs. James Otte- well. . f jjafe Mr. and Mrs. John .Wilson and sor of Kimberley and Mrs. Wilson of the village here spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jamieson and family. Mr. A. F. Pedlar has returned home from Meaford where he spent the past few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Biggar of Owen Sound visited over the week end with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Fenwick, and also visited Mr. and Mrs. John Parson. Mr. Cecil Magee and sister, Mist Christina, of Stone's Settlement and Mr. Harry LeGard of Flesherton were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs Bert Magee. We are pleased to learn that Mr. LeGard's arm, -which he had broken a few weeks ag^o, is recover- ing nicely. Mr. and Mrs. John Campbell vis- ited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Wil- fred Magee. IWe are sorry to report that Mrs. Rcbt. Gorley had the misfortune to fall and break a rib. We wish her a speedy recovery. Miss Alma Essland of Rob Roy vis- ited wtih her sister, Mrs. Ben Shortt for a few days. Miss Lougheed of Feversham is assisting in the household of Mr. James Porteous. We hope that Mrs. Porteous' health will soon take a change for a decided improvement. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Williams and son, Joe, are moving to apartments in Mr. Harry Genoe's residence on the Collirgwood gravel. We under- stand Mr. Genoe has built an addition to his house. PRICEVILLE CEYLON There are few busier things than idle gossip. Speaking of climbing to prosperity let ua not forget that no one runs uphill quicker than he ran down. In one district of Saskatchewan 300 horses died of starvation. And yet there are many bushels of oats in the elevators there. We have found that in order to get a loan from the proposed central bank it would be necessary to havt first class security. What enthusiasm we had for the new scheme has since dropped a couple of degnrees- CHRISTMAS LETS JOIN TOGETHER AND MAKE THIS A FURNITURE CHRISTMAS There is nothing that makes a more fitting and lasting gift than furniture. A Few Gift Suggestions FOR THE KIDDIES FOR THE MEN Sleighs 60c up Wagons $3.00 Kiddy Kars $2.50 Hockey Sticks 25c up Hockey Skates, etc $3.95 B'aclc-boards ...7. 75c Baby Swings $1.00 Crokinole Boards $2.60 FOR THE HOME Congoleum Rugs $5.25 Mattresses $6.00 HaU Trees $4.50 Occasional Taibles $3.50' Smokers $1.15 Card Tables $1.49 Easy Chairs $3.65 Reading Lamps $2.00 Foot Stools $1.50 Radio Stool $4.00 FOR THE LADIES Magasine Racks $2.50 End Tables $150 Chesterfield Tables $6.00 Cedar Chest $13.50 Bridge Lamps $3.60 Pictures and etchings 36c We are going to give absolutely free 1 beautiful Solid Birch Bed in walnut finish, reg. priced $17.50, to the person holding the highest number of votes between December 15th, 1933 and December 23rd., up until 11.30 p.m. : second prize will be an end table and third prize a walnut taborette. Everybody is welcome to compete. The only rule is for every Ic spent in our store you receive one vote: for example, a $1.50 purchase entitles you to 150 votes. Emerson J. Bennetl FLESHERTON, ONTARIO It was disquieting to learn that Mrs. Alex. Carson had suffered a paralytic stroke. We hope that this fine and friendly neighbor may soon rcxjover, and be spared many years yet to her family and friends. The mild weather of the past week has left travelled roads very icy, tho a pleasure to be on terra firma again for us. Mrs. D. G. McLean left on Thurs- day to spend the winter with her daughter, Mrs. Harry Richardson, in Toronto. Her brother, Mr. McTagg- ai-t, (Gorrie) also accompanied her. Mr. Spicer and family will occupy the house vacated by Mrs. McLean until .^pril. Messrs. J. M. McGillivi-ay and H. B. i.McLea.T took in the Royal Winter fair and report a pleasurable and in- itructive outing. Mrs. H. Eckhardt %nd son, also took in the big event. .Whither is the world drifting? What with rumors of war, rearma- nents, kidnappings, lynching-s, and alleged cruelties in children's shelt- ers, not forgetting the penitentiary troubles, the world is not getting any better. The repeal of all temperance acts is another serious backward step. The proposition to erect a shaft or monument to the fallen horses of the war, when many of our fallen boys graves are unmarked; this is a huge mistake. Many men incapacitated and many others knowing not where the next bite is to come from, here in our own land. The cost might better be given to lands without the Bible. Mr. and Mrs* Wm. Bowes, Mark- dalo, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. B. McLean, Saturday. We are glad to know their son, Cosby is fully recovered. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McDougal! and -on, Lylc. Holstein, and Mr. and Mrs Alex. Darroch, Harriston, visited at the home of the ladies' parents, Mr and Mrs. W. W. Rammage on Sun- day last. MAXWELL Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Reaney and Jean of Southampton spent the week ^!nd with Mrs. Macphail. Miss Alarion Bowland of Markdale spent a day last week with Mrs. Mac- phail, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Davis spent Wednesday there. Hugh McPherson is improving in health. Mr. Thos. Fletcher left Tuesday tc speed the winter in Toronto. Mrs. Hyslop of Eugenia is visiting her brother. Mr. Geo. McKenzie. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Marshall were in Brantford Saturday attending the funeral of Mrs. Harold Henderson. Mrs. Robt. Love of Dundalk spent Sunday v/ith her sister, Mrs. Harry Piper. Mr. Alex. Knox of Toronto was a visitor with his mother over the week end. Mrs. Jas. Pattison and Miss Gladys if Toronto are in the village indef- initely. Mrs. Alex. Carson suffered a stroke on Thursday. A host of friends wish her a speedy recovery. l-VIr. and Mrs. Hugh Bailey, Shrigley spent the week end with the latter'? mother, Mrs. Dougald Macphail. We are glad to report Miss Agne; Macphail progressing favorably, aftei undergoing a major operation in the Markdale hospital last Saturday. Miss Irene Marshall, R. N., is with her. The C.G.I.T. meets Saturday at o p.m. in the church. i Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Rutledge and children of Holland Centre were Sun- day visitors at their home here. Mr. John McMillan, Mr. Smith, Mrs. G. H. Holmes of Owen Sound were ' • visitors Sunday with Mrs. Anna Mc- [ i > Millan. Mr. a.nd Mrs. LeRoy Bean and .•hildren of Red Creek, N. Y., return ed Saturday after visiting Mr. and Mrs. Roy Piper and other friends. The sacrament of the Lord's Suppei will be observed Sunday, Dec. 10th. I .n the church here. Mr. and Mrs. A. Sinclair, Mr. Jim Jinclair and Mrs. J. F. Collinson wert in Cwen Sound on Saturday. i Despite the inclement weather a ] large cr:-.vd attended the Ladies' Aio i meeting Wednesday at Mrs. Freo Marshall's. Mrs. Haw, the president i was in the chair. After the Script- | ure readir.g, the roll call was respond- [ ed to with an "inexpensive Christmas â- gift suggrestion." A ways and means committee was appointed to assist the The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Dickson (nee Violet Parker) honored them with a shower and dance rec- ently. They received many useful and lovely gifts. iJraham of I-!;..iji;rley visited on Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Thompson. Mrs. C. Thompson spent a few day* with her sister, Mrs. Harold Loug- heed of Heathcote. Miss Edith Fawcett of Duncan spent the week end with her grand- mother, Mrs. T. P'awcett. On Friday, December 1st, the mem j jfcTs of the -Anglican church, who took [ Mr. Hugh Smith had a successful ;art in the play here, gave a com- • wood bee on Saturday last, plimentary fowl supper to those who assisted them in putting on the pro- gram for the sausage supper. A real good time was enjoyed by all. Our teacher, Mr. Shouldice, and his pupils are preparing their Christmas concert The W. I. will meet at the home of Mrs. Chai-les Long on December 14. Mrs. J. L. Morrison of Mclntyre visited with Mrs. Robt. Priestley last week. VICTORIA CORNERS EAST MOUNTAIN A Christmas tree and concert will be held in the school on December 20. The teacher and children are preparing a good program. A baby girl arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McMullen on â- N'ovember 25. Mr. Chas. Thompson of Ravenna spent the week end at his parental home here. Mrs. H. H. Gallagher is not im- proving as we would be pleased to report. Their daughter, Mrs. Alex. .McConnel (Elaie) is home from Nev- ille, Sask., also Mrs. Gallagher's brothers, Messrs. Harry Jackson ot Collingwood and Sam Jackson, Hamil- ton, also Mr. Gallagher of Mulmer. The weather at present does not look very Christmas like, but we hopt Santa won't miss us at Inistioge on Friday eve. Miss Marguerite Stinson and Wm Coon of Toronto visited at Mr. A. Stinson's. Woman in Toronto is arrested be- cause she wrote a threatening letter to her husband. Why should the law step in there when it makes no sim- ilar provision for the husband who Messrs. Robt. Lawrence and Alfred has to go home and take it. ; BATES BURIAL CO'Y 124 Avenue Road Toronto DISTINCTIVE FUNERAL SERVICE AT REASONABLE PRICKS PHONES: NIGHT OR DAYâ€" KIngsdale 4344â€"3456 Modern Private Chapel J. W. Bates Fred Maddocks Richard Maddocks, Manacer Formerly of Flesherton »»» » â- > i' » »» > i> i «»»»f» M > »»»«»»^»»»#»»oo»»»«»»>>»a >•»»<«> Mrs. Ray McLean and little son re- turned home on Thursday from Dur- ham hosjHtal. iMiss Leode McDonald. R. N., of Owen Sound is with her. Mrs. D. G. McLean left on Thurs- lay to spend tlw winter with het laughter, Mrs. A. Richardson, To- ronto. The W-M.S. and Willing Helpers will meet on Tuesday, December lii at the home of Mrs. McMeekin, Sr. The- topic is to be given by Mrs. John | property comuiittee in financing the Nichol. Roll call to be answered by new halL The December meeting "A Christmas suggestion." Lunch' will be held at Mrs. A. C. Muir's. committee: Sandwich, Miss Nellie Mc-^ |Mr. and Mrs. Archie Sinclair open- Lean; Cake, Mrs. Wm. J. McMillan, ej their home Friday evening to a Mr. Innis McLean, accompanied his brothar, AJex., and sister, Mi-s. Jno. McFarlane, to Toronto last week. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Hincks, To- ronto, motored up and spent the week end here and with Durham friends. Mrs. Stanley Harrison, Mrs. Chas. Tucker and Gerald, Mr. C. E. Hincks and Beth visited the end of the week at their brother's, Wm. Hincks. Congratulations to Mr. Johnit Black and Miss Julia Bums, who wert married Tuesday in Ayton and wht will reside on the groom's farm. Mi-s. Macintee, (nee Jean Camp- bell) and three children of Buffalo are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Campbell. Mrs. Alex. Carson was seized early Friday morning with a paralytic stroke. Her many friends are anx- ious about her and wish for her a speedy recovery. Dr. Milne and Miss Marjorie McLeod, R. N., are in at- tendance. Mr. John Burnett, South Line, was also stricken with a couple of paraly- tic strokes recently, but we are glad to report that he is improving. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Chambers of Toronto spent the week end at the home of her father, Mr. Allan Mc- Lean. Misses E>va and Sadie Car- son returned with them on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wilson, Trenton motored up on Sunday to see tho ' latter's mother, Mrs. Carson. (Mrs. Harry Pedlar of Toronto re- turned to her home here on Friday. Mr. Alex. Carson and family receiv id word Friday that his brother, Sam had passed away in Toronto after a lingering illness. jolly crowd in honor of three formei Ceylonians, Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Bean (Edna McLeod); Dr. and Mrs. Sharpe (Minnie McArthur) of Red Creek, N. i'.; and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Essex (Margaret McArthur) Regina. The quests spent the evening at cards and ia.icing; music being supplied by the Piper orchestra, Mr. and Mrs. Gee. ' Caircs and Mr. and Mrs. J. McDonald Those from a distance who attended were: Mr. Brock Patton, Toronto; Mr | :.nd Mrs. Luther Torry and son. Jack -auristor. : Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Bailey -hrigley; Mr. and Mrs. Will. McKenzit t Dromore. i " The House ot Quglity " Specials This Week RED PLUxVl J.\M,40OZ. JAR 24c ROLLED WHEAT, 5 1-2 LB. B-\GS 23c VALENCL\ R^'USINS. 2 LB 23c RE-CLEANED CURR.\NTS, 2 LB 32c A. and H. WASHING SODA, 2 PKGS 15c I BRAN SHORTS OATS OATCHOP WHEAT OYSTER SHELL FULL LINE OF PURINA CHOWS JAS. A STEWART FLESHERTON A Regina school teacher was award- ed $3,500 in a London court because of injuries through which she is no longer able to smell bears. \ better test would have been Jo try ^er olfactory powers on a goat. Chicago is to continue its Century of Progress next year. There is al- ways danger of anti-climax. The really surprising success made of the exposition this year gives no guar- antee of a like flood of visitors for a warmed-over show. An Invitation BEFORE YOU BUY YOUR CHRISTMAS GIFTS COME IN AND SEE OUR WELL-ASSORTED LINE. THERE IS A WIDE RANGE OF CHOICE A RANGE or HEATER would be a very acceptable or practicaJ gift. A Rogers RADIO, an Electric WASHER, or a Cru-Jens' Custom-buUt ELECTRIC LAMP. We also have a full line of ALADDIN LAMPS tn choose from. Silverware, Cutlery, Dishes Knives, Forks amd Spoons, Dessert Spoons, Tea Spoons. If we haven't got your pattern of Community Plate or Rogers we can get it on quick notice at regular prices. Stainless steel Knives, Carving Sets, Pocket Knives, Scissors, Crackers for Nuts. Dishes, Cut Glass, China Cups & Saucers, Bowls, Tea Pots, Bon Eons. Enainel\irare ENAMELWARE is always useful. Potato Pots, Roasters, Double Boilers, etc. Sporting Goods Hockey Outfits and Skates, Hockey Sticks, Pucks, Soft Balls and Bats. Shot Guns and Air Rifles. Variety of Toys and Novelties We will be glad to show you our stock and we have tried to arrange prices to ttiit the times. A large assortment FRANK W. DUNCAN, Flesherton Sf