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Flesherton Advance, 15 Nov 1933, p. 7

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A SIMPLE QUICK WAY TO RELIEVE ACID STOMACH [ HERE ARE THE SIGNS; I NerroiuncM Frequent Headache* ; ; N«urmlftia Fc«lln£ of W eak new | : Inditeatlon Sleepleaaneu j • LoM ol Appclln Mouth Acidity ; j Nausea Sour Stomach ; • Auto-lntoxicatton ! WHAT TO DO FOR IT: TAKEâ€" 2 teaspoonfuls of Phillips Milk ol Mag- nesia in 3 glass of water every morning when you get up. TaEe another teaspoonful 30 minutes after eaimg. And another before you go to bed. ORâ€" Take the -ew Phillips Milk of Magnesia Tablets â€" one latlil lot taeix teaspoonful as di- rected above. If you have Acid Stomach, don't worry about it. Follow the simple directions given above. This small dosage of Phillips' Milk of Magnesia RCts at once to neutralize the acids that cause headache, stomach pains and other distress. Try it. You'll feel like a new person. But â€" be careful you get REAL milk of magnesia when you buy â€" genuine PHILLIPS' Milk of Nlag- nesia. See that the name "PHIL- LIPS'" is on the label. MSO IN TABLET FORM Each , tiny t.iblel is the equivalent of a teaspoonful of Genuine Phillips* Milk of Magnesia. MADE IN CANADA Pkillips' JMilk of JMagnesia On Your ANDREWS LIVER SALT„ Clears the system of impurities In Tin!l-3Sc and 60c. ' N»w. Large Bottle. 7Sc. Worst Paid Job In Great Britain When cbe has flntshed her training, which l8 more like a college course, the Canatllau tslrl goes out into the world as a private nurse who com- mands a good weekly wage, whose social status Is on a par with a doc- tor, and whose longt'st working day Is eight hours. On the other side ot the Atlantic nursing is regardeil as one of the best professions a woman ca.i ta!' up. Long Trainino III EnslaiiU till! i:eails ot the nursing profession are always complaining of the selflshiies.s of the modern woman, oecause she does not take up nursing simply for its own sake. If she does, to what can whe look forward? She should- lirsit of all have three years' training in a children's boapiial. This she lakes before the age of twenty-one. At twenty-one she goes into a general hospital, • where she takes three to five years' training, with a payment of {SO to $90 a year, and working np towards $150 a year. Her hours are from .^eveu o'clock in the morning to eight o'clock at night, with two and a half or three hours oft duty. Di ring this off-duty time she has to attend lectures and do all her studying Eleven Years After the general training, a good nurse will take her Central Midwifery Board examination, which takes up another year ot her life, and mean- time, of course. It is better it she has had her training in a fever hospital. This lasts two or three years. So altogether her training will come to about eleven years of concentrttted work. Small Wages A sistei after eleven or twelve years' training, holding her C.M.B. certificate, fever certificate, and her State certificate, will start at $350 a year, and work up to $450 or $475 a year. If she takes up private nursing she will have to belong to a nurses' "Co- operation," where she can board and lodge in no great comfort, but at least have the satisfaction ot knowing that her "Co" will send her out on jobs and take a very high percentage of her pay. The public normally pays its private nurses from $15 to $25 a week, of which the nurses get, a 1 say, only a share. There is a handful of nurses who are attached to famous obstetrical sur: geons. and these can get as much as $60 a week, and midwifery nurses can be compared relatively in their pro- fession to the highest paid music-hall artists in the theatrical world. It Pays to "Roll Your Own" with Turret Fine CuLj More ^obacco ^-or hhe same money and Poker Hands, boo. Yes! The price of Turret Fine Cut has beea reduced so that you really save money by pur- chasing this finer cigarette tobacco and buying your own papers! la every package of Turret Fine Cut you get more of the same quality tobacco you have always preferred â€" the clean, silky cut that will roll a cooler, more fragrant and more satisfying cigarette every time. And remember â€" you can get 5 large booklets of "Vogue'- or "Chantecler" cigarette papers jree in exchange for ont complete set of Poker Hands. It pays to "Roll Your Own" with TURRET FINE CUT CIGARETTE TOBACCO SAVE THE POKER HANDS Imperial Tobacco Compaor of Canada, Umited After Years of Training the English Nurse Receives Small Wages and Stand- ing Professionally ' ' -Almost Nil * It would be interesting to Jtnow ,>fhether English nurses regard virtue * as its own reward, and, if they realized * that this was exactly all they would get out of years of arduous training, - how many girls would take up nursing ' as a career, writes Charles Graves in ' 'the London Dally Express. ' I Nursing is, relatively speaking, the * -worst paid profession in Great Britain. . I The reason is not far to seet Nurg- ; Ing is a hang-over from the old con- vent days when the extra daughters ot * Kngland's aristocrat families, who « )mew they had no chance of making a . iultable marriage, sought seclusion and took up good works. ^ ' In those days they did not have to lax their mental ability. There were no examinations ot any kind to he 'passed. They were honored by all mankind as self-sacrificing and splen- did women who were serving God and relieving the suffering of their fellow- creatures. Now that they have to pass very â- tut State examinations as well as hospital examinations, they are para- doxically regarded as interiors. They are treated as a cross between school- girls and domestic servants. A Comparison Compaie the status ot the English nurse with that of the Canadian nurse. t(^aV[L irirf\c53ioi^5 Seek Air Service Between N.S., P.E.L New Glasgow, N.S.â€" The Federal Government was asked in a resolution adopted by the Board of Trade to establish an aerial mail and passen- ger service between Cliarlottetown and New Glesgow. The resolution proposed a service opening in the tall when the steam- er Hochelaga concludes its run across the Northumberland Strait be- tween Charlottetown and Pictou, and concluding in the spring. A similar service is at present in operation be- tween Charlottetown and Moncton, N.B. U.S. Navy Seeking Funds to Replace Dirigibles Los Angeles, Calif. â€" The , United ately to construct two giant dirigibles, larger than the Macon, now based at Sunnyvale, Cal.. according to Rear- Admiral Ernst J. King. Admiral King, who is on a survey of fleet aviation, said the dirigibles would replace the Akron and the decommissioned Los Angeles. "Custom has made most things good and most things bad, according to the whim ot time and place."-^Clarence Darrow. Little Freddie thinks that an Idiom is a person with very low intelligence. PINNED TO BEDBY LUMBAGO Scarcely Moved for Weeks Thanks Kruschen for Return to Fitness Acting on his principle ot "when you know a good thing tell your friends •liout It," a man who has had very bad Tumhago writes aa follows: â€" 1 suffered from lumbago in my back, and for weeks could scarcely move in bed. I had treatmen., but it did not •Me the pain very much. A friend '•aid, -Why man! Why not take Krus- ehen Salts? Take them every morn- 'Ing, and you'll find you will get relief (Tom that awful pain in your back. So have taken them every moining. Ills Is the second bottle 1 have had. Id 1 am in fit condition for my work Mnâ€" thanks to the Kruschen. 1 will rely tell my friends about Kruschen rlts. 1 will never be without them my house."â€" C. B. â- Why Is It that lumbago, backache, rheumatism and Indigestion all yield â- o swiftly to Kruschen Salts? What p the secret ot Kruschen's effective- ews against the whole army of com- on complaints? The Irish Hospital Sweepstakes Ireland, or at least that portion of it that is the Irish Free Slate, has its capital in Dublin. To others, who do not know thera, tlie Irish are a peculiar people; sentiment en- ters very largely into everything they do and 'hey are possessed ot long memories, sometimes pertain- ing Lo matters whicli it would he wiser for them to forget. That they have had legitimate grievances in the past, no one could gainsay; that these grievances should be per- petuated, is another matter. The Irish Free State has its own coinage â€" of the same denominations and shape as that of Great Britain but here the resemblance ends. This money is quite characteristic, as is the method of financing their liospi- tals. All the coins, whethur copper or nickel, have the same design on the obverse side â€" where the head of the king appears on our coins, their coins have, as their chief motif, a harp, surrounded by the name of the country in Gaelic "Saorstat Eireann" and the year of issue. On the re- verse side, however, the design dit- ! fers with the denomination of the coin, for Instance, on the halfpenny there is a pig, on the penny a game cock, on the threepence a hare, on the sixpence a hound, on the shilling a buU and on the florin a salmon. Do you know ot any other coinage that States navy will seek funds Immedi- j jg ^^ j^pj^^i ^f ^^^^ people's devotion to husbandry and sport? The Irish Hospital Sweepstakes is but another evidence ot the sporting attitude of the Irish people. Since their estrangement from England and the consequent cutting off of I trade and charitable contributions, ! the scheme of raising money for their i hospitals, by means of sweepstakes I on horse-racing, was suggested and I adopted. Tliese sweepstakes are ! held in connection with about four I rares annually and the miniber of I tickets sold, as well as the money ' raised, is enormou.s, fabulous prizes I creating the lure and the treniendims I interest, shown in the event, tlirough- out the wor'd. ! As most of you have read recently ' about the prizes awarded to the hold- ers of lucky tickets, 1 thought tliat you might be interested in tho cere- mony that accompanies the mixing ot these tickets. For months before the race, tickets and money come pouring into the office of the Hos- pital Trust, Ltd., Rar=jfort Terrace. Dublin. These receipts are kept in strong boxes until a week before the race is to b,. run; the tickets are then conveyed, under a strong «uard, in a procession throURh fUiblin streets to the p'ace of mixing. Last year this ceremony was held in the Plaz.T Theatre, on Middle .\hbey Street, just off O'Conneli streot - the t'lorouijhr.iri' of the city. With my parly. I l-.iad 'Ihe wonderful privileg- of seeiii.^ this The secret is an open one. It is re- forma'lty, n» our giiid,. in Ireland veaJed In the analysis on the botlleâ€" a spetial friend of a young luly for physicians and everyone else to who held an important po.-itioii with see. Six vital mineral salts. That is the Hospital Trust. In.^ide \.\\<^ the secret. The identical six salts that theatre, whore ths seats had been Naturj ordains for your bodily well-; removed, there was an air of bust'in-; being. Each of these six salts has an activity. The entire floor was given action of its own. Where one cannot over to tho work ot thuflling the penetrate another can â€" and does, counterfoils and an un.-anny s'le;,ce Stomach, liver, kidneys and digestive was being observed by a I the piirti- tract are all benefitted and toned up cipants. Tho whole auditorium was to a top-notch condition of eflflclency. fantastirnlly d-coraled. roprescniins Kruschen Salts is obtainable at all the undergrnund palace of Mnnann.Tn. Drug stores at 4.'>c. and VSc. per botlle. the Soa God the setting being taken Are you looking foi something different in the way of entertain- ment tor your church, society, club or institute? Capt. F. H. Reid, the well-known traveller, who has been contribut- ing the series of articles to this paper, under the heading ot "Travel Impressions," has what is, perhaps, the finest collection of European views in the country. Pictures taken with bis own camera, beauti- fully coloured, showing some of the out-of-the-way places, as well as the loca!;iies about whieh you have read and heard. Portugal, Spain, France, Italy, Switzerland, Austria, Jugoslavia, Hungary, Czechoslo- vakia, Germany, Holland, Belgium and British Isles are included in '.his unique collection. For particulars regarding this, communicate with Captain Reid at Room 421, 73 .-idelaide Street West, Toronto. fJsE-'SgrS' COLDS THAT HANG ON Coughs that rack the whole s ystem â€" there's a job (or scon-s EMULSION OF COD LIVER OIL m EMULSION RICH IN VITAMINS Classified Advertising FABMS 'WAKTXS. REVE.NUB PRODUCING PROPER- TIES exchanged for equipped fnrma. Write John Stark & Co., West, Toronto. 333 Eglinton PATENTS. AN OFFER TO EVERY INVE.NTOR. List of want( inventions and full intormatlun sent free. Tlie Bamsay Com> pany. World Patent Attorneys. Z-'i Bank Street. Ottawa, Canada. BONDS AHO CVBBSirCIBS "WANTED. I.MPERI.\L RU.SSI.\.\ AND GEK.M.VN Government bonds and currencies wanted; previous prices are doubled. David Davis, 137 Queen Street West, Toronto. ,_^ I I from the Irish iegcuda of the Chil dren ot Danfi. On the h..oi- were i two oval tracks â€" ahout the gauge ot the tracks on which th,j miniature railway us.ed to run a'. Toronto Ex- hibition. In the centres of these oval enclosures stood a specially de- signed mixing machine. Midway between and at one end of th.^se two ovals, on a raised platform, like a referee's stand at a tennis tourna- ment, sat Captain Freeman (an EngHshman, strange to say) who designed the machines and who was in charge of the operations. At the end of the floor and beliind Captain Freeman, the reserve actors, in this little . drama, waited their turn to take their places when the working shift tlnishedâ€" it was a co'orful picture. I The ceremony starti-dâ€" around the , trucks, on little trucks, the 56 deed ' bo.xes containing the counterfoils were .slowly rotated and, on the out- side, there were beautiful girls dress-} ed 3.0 spearmen, with costumes of red . and gold â€" these were ca,'lod tlie "war- i riors". The duty of the warriors} was to walk around the tracks, guard- • ins the bo.xes and other girls on the , in.Mde of the ovals, who vveje dress- • ed in quaint habits ot red and green, like the pixies of the fairy world. These pixies had the task ot con- veying smal' containers, which they , tilled with counterfoils from the' boxes, to the mixing machine. The " containers w^ro. in turn, taken by I four niir^e*, in charaie of each ma- 1 chino. who were dressed i« princesses j in 'oni; white llnwinc; rohes'. rolieved with 3 touch of bine; they also wor« gold circlet;, on their heads. It, wa.^ the ditty of these "princes^ses" to dunin tlto counterfolla into tho elec- HELP FOR TIRED WIVES Take Lydia E. Pinkliam's Vegetable Compound WITM ftet tired Uurinft th»e hard •iroe*. ITi'y are the ones who rnu«t bajr the borJeni. ot the family. When the hibanJ come, home with le« mpn'^ '" htapay envelop. ... It I. the wile J*o o( thinfta. If you are tlrcJ - . â-  worn out . . . naTOUaTtrv LydIa B. PInkham'e Veileta- brC^potindl^What youncjd 1. • too^ that will «t»o you the etr«o«tlj lo carry on. ^ 1 W out of c»er» IM women who report . to un eay that they are benefited b.v thta Sed?cln^. Buy a bottle from your drt.a- , Altt todar • . â-  •"«• watch the reaulta. trically driven machines which, springing into action with a terrific din, whizzed the counterfoils round Henry Foixi and round like autumn leaver â€" or. .::.:i -" looking through the glass sides of tho mixer, they appeared to bo huge flakes of snow. At intervals, the connterfui'.s were removed from tho machine and put at.ide for the drawing which took place each day. It took three days to shu!11e these millions of counter- foils and, on the third day, an of- ficial statGinent. auditors' report and declaration ot fho prize fund made known and lnlh'.!.^;led throughout the world. The Qucstioi! as to the ethics of r.uch a metliod of raising money does j not come into the scope of this arti- i cle. A very small percentage ot the nearly £3,000,000 collected reaches the hospta's. the greater part of it goes into the huge prizes. It is illegal to purchase or possess these tickets in Great Britain, Canada and United States, nevertheless hundreds of thousands are secured In some manner and there is always prizes that go to holders ot tickets in these countries and the stories of the for- tunate ones proves fascinating, even to those who are not <Hherwlse in- teresited. Next week we shall go together on a spectacular trip I had, starling at Genoa and skirting the Riviera to Monte Carlo and Nice. "Patience, experience an<l faith. These are great things in life. Through patience we gain experience and experience gives us faith." â€" ARE YOU TROUBLED WITH NERVES? Do voti find it hard to go to sleep at (light ? Do you feel poorly rested in the morning, "jumpy" all day, and "rag- ged" by evening? Then take Wincarnis. Here's a delio- ioiia wine, not a drug, that toothea nerves as nothing else can; that helps you quickly to sleep and floods your whole being with vibrant new energy. Wincarnis brings you all the valuable elements of granes combined with the highest grndo Decf and guaranteed mult extract. Almost as soon as you begin takine Wincarnis, you feel wonderfully better. This ia Wincarnis enriches your blood, soothe* your nerves and creates lasting re- serves of strength and energy. Over 20,000 medical men have proved iu practice the value of Wincarnis in cases of jumpy nerves, insorania, anaemia, debility ond acncral indispo- sition. Gel Wincarnis from your drug- gistâ€" Sales Agents: Harold F. Ritchie & Co. Ltd.. Torfmlo »« No Cold is a Fixture with Buckley's Mixture No. sir. No matter how hard and deep-seated vour L-ouch or cold may be, BUCKLIiY'S N!(XTURE will conquer it in next to no time. The very first dose gets down to busine&i"*â€" you can feel it doing you good. Its lightning-fast action amaces everybody \«h£rn they tdk« it for the first time. If you, or any member of your family, has a cou^n, cold, 'fin or hronchitii, try Buckley'* and be convinced. Refuse substitutes. Buck- ley's is sold t*'i;r> where. Dr. Beacom's Eczema Remedy Cjvi-.--' womieriul results In the treat- ment of all kinils of Eczema. Ring- worm, Piles. Itch and other sl;ln dis- eases. If your Druggist hasn't It In stock, send 75 cents to Dr. Geo. Beacom, Listowel, Ont. 'litttirji ira'a iMJi 'iiMiggiâ€" iT'" w'^r?!! At First Signs of Pimplee Use CLTICUR A Anoint with the Ointrntnt. After live minulei bathe with Ibe Soap. Soap 25c. Ointment 25c. and BOc STOMACH ACID BURNS LIKE FIRE Sonieiimcs .slimiach add iiiiiU'!» .vour stomach feel like a lake of nre. You can stop this quickly and get inimeulnt« relief from burning pain, sour aclij stomach and Imllgcsilon with a .spoon- ful of Bisuratcd Magnesia In halt » glass of water. Any drug store hal Blsurated and just ono leasiiouu. jl wil. prove how quiukly It works. SKIN BLEMISHES Vanish Before Physician'* Prescription Those spots or pimples on your iac« â€"why let them go on tormenting you? Like millions of others have done, you can get rid of your skin trouble through the work of a great physioi.TD â€" Dr. D. D. Dennis. Dr. Dennis* prescrip- tion â€" known in many countncs as D.D.D. and now manufacture*! by Campana's Italian Balm chcmiBtsâ€" will bring you relief at once, and quick- ly restore your skin to health. AU dfruggisia sell D.D.D. Trial size, 36c^ Quaranteed to give infant relief oi money refunded. 3 DOCTORING YOUR OFF COLOUR? DAIRY HERD UflW IQ VniiR liVPD? i Cows aren't machines. They can nun (O lUUn Uftn: j ^^^ sick or hurt. But Minard'8 Wake up voai Liver Bile â€" Without Calomel Voui liV(T> A ♦M-y j'mnil organ, tnii it cr laiuly «â- Â«! put your diitt-etive atid rlimmativi • orifflns out of kiltir. hy n rtitini^ to potir out iti Jnily two poumln of liquid bile uito voui bowel* Vou won't c^mpU-tcIy corr<H^t siirh • cuoditinn by takiilKHJtits. oil. ininrrni wat«^r. laKative candy or chpwiiin Kuni, or rouehaKe. When tbey'va aiuvfd your btiwcln thcv re tbrouah â€" and vov oecd alivf^rfftinnilanl Oartrr'ft Little Liv.r IMIp will vion nrinK bnc* thi* min^hma into yotii- life They're purely vrj-e. table SWe Kiire .\!<k ft»r th.»ni by narnv H*-''iuH •ntKlitute* 2t>catalldri Liniment makes it easy to care for their ills. Mrs. Thos. Bulmer of I Lardo, B.C., found one of her herd I with a lump in her mlder. ''I ! rubbed it with Minard's Liniment", she says, "and it ^ ion got better." Minard's is best for Cuts, Bruises, Colic, Distemper, etc., and equally good in stable or in house. Well flamed "Kinir of Pain". »« ISSUE No. 43â€"73 ~~

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