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Flesherton Advance, 15 Nov 1933, p. 5

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TKK FUEfiKERTOIT ADVAWCE , I Miis E. Hawken Addressed WM The autumn Thanksoffering meet- , . . . . ing of St. John's Auxiliary was heWr'"^ P"'°"* present. Mise Singei Lunch was served and a social halt hour was spent, many looking at the photogiaphs of places and persons at Radway. A vote of thanks was tendered liiss Hawken for her splen- did address which was enjoyed by the on Thursday of last week with Mrs W. J. Scott, the President, presiding. The service opened by the repeating of the Lord's Prayer, after which Mrs. Scott read Psalms 95 and 100 and Mrs. H. Down and Mrs. Thompson led in prayer. Greetings were brought from the Baptist Circle by Mrs. Dave | to FRUSTRATE BANK AND Williams and from the Presbyterian of Toronto rendered a solo which de- lighted the audience. The offering amounted to over $46 Mrs. Cargo offered the dedicatory prayer, after which a hymn was sung and Mrs. Scott pronounced the benediction. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBEH 16, 1988 W.M.S. by Miss Mary McTavish. Mrs. Scott read a letter dealing with the temperance question and it was decided to send a resolution to Premier Henry requesting that there be no loosening up of the law regard- ing the sale of beer and wine. Mrs, Wes Armstrong read a leaflet entitled "Cancelled Prayer" and iMVs. W. I Henry and Mrs. Everett Henry gave a duet, the congrregation joining in the chorus of "Into a Tent Where a Gypsy Boy Lay." MisB Elizabeth Hawken, who is on leave of absence and who has spent fourteen years in missionary work in Alberta, told of her work among the I Ukranians in Radway School Home Miss Hawken read the story of the man who went dovim from Jerusalem to Jerijho. She showed the situation of Ukrania in Europe, on a small map and remarked that conditions at the present time are very diflferene to what they were when she went to Radway in 1917; then the young PAY-ROLL ROBBERIES people were anxious to go to church, but now they are not, owing to the influences that are at work there as elsewhere. She further said that the young- women seem just the same as our Canadian girls â€" they powder, paint, use Bpstick, etc., were bobbed hair and dress the same. She told of a little iboy who was so full of mischief that he was the dispair ot the teachers, they did not know what to do with him, as punishment had no effect on him, when an inspiration seized her while talking to him. She told him she would forgfive him â€" all trouble was over with him then â€" her love had conquered him. A church was built and when dedicated was free of debt, because so much free labor had been given. Miss Hawken is a very pleasing speaker, is enthusiastic about her work and is consecrated to the service of the Lord whom she adores. It would seem that this Ottawa hold-up case goes to show that a cardiboard shoabox is all right as a case in which to carry a pay-roll. The hold-up man wrestled for it, the box burst, the money rolled and tumbled about on the sidewalk and such a row was made that the robber had to leap for his car and get none of it. Here was another case where the woman screamed and a robbery was frustrated. The suggestion we have to make is that the banks, having girl clerks and teaching revolver practice as they do to clerks, should institute screaming and screeching lessons to all the girl employees. A male clerk can always reach her screech. Several cases have occurred which confirm us in the view that nothing so flabbergasts and demoralizes a robber as a female scream or screech •the screech being, of course, the more effective. Mrs. W. Iirney W.M. Of CarDation Lodg( Mrs. W. E. Turney veas elected as Worthy Mistress of Carnation Lodge No. 545. Flesherton, at the regular meeting on Friday evening. Follow- ing are the officers elected: W.M.â€" Sister Maude Turney. D.M.â€" Si«ter H. McDonald. Secretaryâ€" Sister Mary McEachnie Pin. Secâ€" Sister Gertrude Lever. Treasurerâ€" Sister V. Nicholson. 1st Lecturerâ€" Sister Littlejohns. Dep. Lecturerâ€" Sister Alexander. D. of C. â€" Sister M. Trcmpe. I.G.â€" Sister Edith Cameron. O.G.â€" Sister 'Mary Phillips. Guardian^-Silster K. Thurston. Committee â€" Sisters, Duncan, Haw. ken, Johnston, Stewart and Plantt. Auditors â€" Sisters, E. Down and K. Thurston. The Baokraptcy Act SALE BY TENDER OF THE AS- SETS OP A. E. HAW, Ceylon, OiU. Scaled Tenders will be received b> the undersigned Trustee up to 10.00 a.m. on Saturday the 18th day of November 1933 for the purchase oj all or any of the following assets of the Estate of A. E. Haw, separately or en bloc. Parcel No. 4 Inventory of Merehan. diae containing the following: Groceries | 81 79 Drugs and Sundries 76 64 Hardware, Paints & Oils 803 58 China 91 34 Boots and Shoes 869 61 Dry Goods 1,566 73 13,478 59 Parcel No. 5 Fixtures, eU-. |840.50 Parcel No. 6 Accounts Receivable f282.03. llt'Z ^«'r ^'^l^'""'? comprising Parcels 4, 5, and 6 will be sold at Lot_No. 18 Con. 17 m the Township « rate on the dollar of ...i&^ A STAGGERING PROPOSITION of Proton, County of Grey, contain ing 100 acres more or less; soil is clay loam of which 80 acres are cleared. On the premises there is erected a two-«tory L-shaped dwelling 20 ft. x 30 ft and 16 ft. x 20 ft. of veneei brick and solid brick construction with good sized woodshed and drilled v.-cll frame barn on stone foundation 45 ft x 65 ft. with drilled well, and pig pen and henhouse 20 ft. x 60 ft. This property is subject to a leaae which expires on March 1st, 1936. Parcel No. 2 South pai . of Lot No 16 Con. 17 in the Township of Proton County of Grey, containing 60 acres mventory value. All rents, taxes, insurance, etc. will be adjusted on completion ot sale. All tendei* are to b* accom- panied by a marked cheque for 10% and must state which parcels are be- ing tendered for and the amount tendered for each. Terms of sale on Parcels 4, 5, & 6: The balance at tim« of closing. On real estate, 15 days from time of sale. Further particulars and condition of sale and permits for the inspection of the properties and stock may bt had on application to the undersigned Trustee. Dated at Owen Sound this 9th day of November, 1933. G. D. FLEMING, Trustee, Box 646, Owen Sound, Ont. '^<f<'<'<><f<'<f<'<<'<f<f<f<r'><fKf*>Kr<-<'<'<'i-'y-^^ (From the Toronto Daily Star) The Flesherton Advance wants a photograph of the permit-holder on , ^ , every liquor permit. Why not have """â- '" "' ^^^' "^ '^''^^ '°^'" °^ ^^^"^ two-before and after taking? I ^° """^^ """^ workable, the balance be- _ mg slash and pasture, less corner lot! A Women live longer than men â€" they're bound to have t;he last word. CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hostrawser and family wish to thank their friends and neighbors for their many acts of kindness and sympathy extended tc them on the death of Mr. Hostraw- ser's mothr, Mrs. T. G. Hostrawser. Parmer near Brantford has a three- legged calf, just one leg being in front. The little creature does very well, but i-3 a little slow, always being about a foot behind. Here is a Chance to Stretch Your Dollars FOR THE NEXT TWO WEEKS WE ARE OFFERING YOU A CHANCE TO BUY AT MONEY SAVING PRICES THIS SPACE WILL PERMIT US TO MENTION ONLY A FEW LINES Y ? ? I '4 ? Y Y Y IN MEMORIAM McMULLEN â€" In loving remem- Notice of Sale Under the privisions of the Ware- house Men's Lien Act, Revised Stat- utes of Ontario 1927, Chapter 169. TAKE NOTICE THAT Messrs. Down and Richards of Flesherton. Ontario will offer for sale at theii garage, on Thursday, November 30th, 1933, at two-thirty o'clock in the af- ternoon, one damaged motor car, be- ing a 1932 Ford V8, licence number brance of Muriel McMullen who pass- P ^ 445, ow^ied by Arthur Press to ed away April 4th, 1932, and Jackie, ^^^^'^ *^«i'' charges for storage Nov. 18th, 1932. One year has passed away, to-day, Since Jesus called two little ones away And while they sleep in peaceful sleep TheiT memory shall I always keep. . â€" ^Sadly missed by Father and Mother. thereof. Dated at (Mlarkdale this 11th day of November 1933. , WALTER E. HARRIS, Markdale, Ontario, Solicitor for Messrs. Down & Richards. Men's Fine Cape Skin Gloves, brown and grey, some lined and some X unlined. Reg. $1.26. Do your Xmas shoppig early and buy Y these now at 89c pr. X Men's Work Boots, heavy quality, new stock worth fS.OO for .. 12.39 § Wool Underwear gg^ 'j 100% pure wool underwear, Gold Label quality $1.00 S Fleece lined underwear combination per suit $1.39 i Same quality shirts and drawers per garment 69c X Men's Overalls and pants, heavy weight $1.49 Y I Men's Heavy Jumbo Knit Sweater Coats, Reg. $1.95 for $1.49 | ;,• Men's Fine Wool Sweater Coats, new patterns, extra quality. Reg 2 j- $3.00 for $2.69 | Ijl Men's Mitts, all horse hide, heavy wool lining, per pair 70c Y |{* Men's Police Braces „ 29c S j' Men's Fine Hose ^ 39c X â- ^' Men's Fine Hose, nitee pattern " 15c T GROCERIES AND FEED i Feeding Molasses, large barrels 20c for gal. i Tankage 609i\ pilotein $2.50 per cwt. t' Meat Meal, 60%! protein $3.25 per cwt. ^ P. and G. Soap, 8 bars for „..„ 25c ^ Derby Soap Chips, 2 lb. for 13c f Choice Macaroni, 4 lbs. for „ 21c of 35 ft. X 50 ft. and subject to a reservation for a laneway two rods wide by 120 rods long. This prop- erty is subject to a lease which ex- pires on March I'St, 1934. Parcel No. 3 Two-story store and dwelling of frame roughcast and metal construction, metal and shingle roofed, 52 ft. x 60 ft. with excellent basement under entire premises ac- cessible and level with side driveway, drilled well, two pipeless furnaces, cistern, a frame stable and garage 35 ft. x 20 ft. Store premises are very spacious with plenty of ware- housing room in the rear and has sep- arate storage for oil as well as gaso- line pump installation; This is sit- uated at and comprises part of Lot. No. 150 on the north side of Durham road and known as Village Lot. No. 10 in the Village of Ceylon, contain- ing by measurement one rood more or less All of the three foregoing parcels 't* Tomatoes, large tins, 3 for 25c are subject to present encumbrances y Com, Standard quality, 3 for 25c and reserved bids. The purchasei '^ 4 lb. Fine quality Rice 22c shall search the title at his own ex- ( * « • Osprey & Artemesia Co-operative Co., Ltd. FLESHERTON pense and the Trustee shall not be Y required to furnish any abstract orj^ produce any deed or other evidence j •!» of title except those in his possession. .^^>«.>«,>.>.j.>«^s.j.j.:^^j.:,.>,j,j.j.j.j.j.;^„;^j^.^j ;~>»>«;**<M«<>*<~>*<««>*<~>«>«««» Great 10- Day Economy Saves You MONEY A Most Unusual Merchandi3ing Event in the Heart of the Season â€" We want to Supply all Your Winter Needs at Money-saving prices. Dependable Merchandise Real Values A Great Store-]A/ide Event Women^s Smart Shoes Men's Heavy wooi Underwear REAL SMART FOOTWEAR for Women and pumps, ties and straps. A most notable bargaiti ers â€" come early for yom^ size. A pair Misse's. Includes for early custom- $1.69 Another Smart Group $2.75 Smart style strap, pump and oxford style footwear for women in calf and fine kid. These are in all sizes and will -give the very best wear. Take advantage of this special. $7 High Cut Boot $4.95 Genuine tan army grain long 11-inch, high cut, extra heavy Greb boots. Sizes 8, 10 and 11 only. For stout wear these slu.shy days grab off a pair of these. Men's Black Grain Work Boot Bought before price advance and yet reduced. Heavv black grain blucher cut. Leather or panco sole. All ^9 1 Q sizes. A pair -. «(»^«J^ Men's Knee Rubber Boots All first quality rubber, black with White or red ^SO ^Q sole. Very special price, pair ^A.^Sr Men's Leather Top Rubbers 12 Inch Top %9A5: \5 inch Top $g.69 Heavy oil grain top and extra heavy rubber bottoms. These are of an extra good iiuality. Samples WcrkMitts Wholesalers' samples up to $1.25 values. Finest horsehide and buckskin with heavy wool lining. Some unlined pullovers and others sheepskin back. All at one OQ^ price, per pair OyC Men's Fine Tweed Caps Mo.stly $1.50 values "Everything we have" is the order. Silk and fancy lined. QO-, All at one price >'OC Sale! MEN'S PANTS Denim Work Pants â€" Red back blue denim and riveted. Als» blue strripe, or black smocks, each 98c Worsted Cotton Pants â€" Fine chevron stripes in good grey colors that look well $1.69 Wool Pant^ â€" Odd pants up to $4.00 in heavy chevron and diagonals. A pair $2.95 Men's Wool Socks A real good warm quality of Men's Ribbed Shirts and Drawers in pure wool heavy rib that will give the very best wear. Stock up, men at this low price. Per g-arment 89c Boys' Tweed Suits Long pant, fancy tweeds in $17.50 values. Sizes 33 to 36. Trouble seems to be that the tweeds are not of the darker d»4 QC slwdes. Out the go at ^tI.JFJ Men's Heavy Wool Sweaters $1.98 "A real buy" said one who saw these. They are heavy wool and ribbed worsted. G^od seconds, but practically perfect. Per pair 25c A very heavy warm pure wool sweater coat in black with pretty contrasting colors. Roll collar. Special for this sale Youths' Tweed Suits 28 to 35 in good tweeds in medium and dark colors. Values to $12.50 in bloomer style. Just about the d»0 AO price of the pants, at yfc.JfO Smart Style Suits Very fine quality wool worsted suits in navy black and brown with pretty pin IC OC stripes. You save on these kvmVO Extra Trousers, pair $4..^0 COAT AND VEST Good quality tweed coats and vests in mid and dark colors. Broken lots from $15 suits. Clearing them at $3.49 I 25 Smart style Hats Women's smart felt hats in the new "kick" brim and /h •• f\Q other stylM. Black, navy, brown, wine. Reg. $2.85 Jk I JjQ values. You save almost a dollar ^j****^ Ladies' Warm Pyjamas Good two-piece flannelette Pyjamas, well made and trimmed. These are veiy special in the aale. On Sale <t 1 1 Q at only .... «P X • 1 ^ Children's Cotton Hose All Bi^s 6 to 3% in beige, brown and tan. Gopd weight, ribbed cotton. AH new stock. Special for this 2^C economy Sale, a pair - *<**%» Full Fashioned Silk and Wool Hose Penman's full fashioned silk and wool, also a good silk over wool with elastic rib top. All good fall and winter colors QQa Regular $1.26 values O^K^ Novelty Silk Pyjamas Pretty two-tone and three-tone color combinations In noveltv nb. one-piece style. Would make splendid gifts fl»l ri^ Each for f ^l.OV Plan to Buy Largely . . F. H. W. HICKLING, Flesherton'a i'"' r- m r vmbj.wi. ' ' » .^ j^---n<ap^

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