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Flesherton Advance, 8 Nov 1933, p. 7

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•A Mine in the Mailing" Swayze-Huycke Cold Mines, Ltd. A Junior Gold With All the Earmarks of a Big Producer IT COSTS NOTHING TO INVESTIGATE MAZZ> TBIB COUFOK TODAY To: SWATKX-KtrrCXB 001.1) MINB8 lOMITED 910 SMrllnj Iow«r, Toronto. Without obUtjalion pUase ro.ward full Information tluycke Gold Mines Limited. regarJliig Swayze- Kame. Address. buiidreds of llK^iuanild ni Nazi troops, either uii the ruads or ii: pri^paratioii for their visit to this convention and it is interesting to note that, among all these, we saw only two rifles â€" tliese were on the shoulders of the two sentries who stood at each side of the doorway of the (irand Hotel; this hotel was where we stayed, and it was. at that time, the official headquarters of the advance guard of the mighty host, which later filled the city. The Herr ober (head waiter), who had al- I ways attended to me at this hotel, ; came over to my tahle and, after ex- Five Types to Avoid ' In Mothers-in-Law» Chicago. â€" Dr. E. W. Bu.gess, Uni- versity of Chicago sociologist, sifted through 6,000 questionnaires in ef- forts to determine how people may be happy though married, and said there were Ave types of mothers-in- law to be wary of. He listed them ag mothersin-law, who: 1. Keep their children c"08e to them after marriaije. 2. Make the newly married couples t(\aV[L inri\c55ioi^5 pre.ssing his pleasure at my return, ! dependent upon them nnancially. riow About Conditiogrs in Germany? Since my return from Europe last month, the inevitable question I am Mked is "How did you find things in Germany?" to which I have made the one reply, "Well, not quite the same as our papers are stating." This ans- wer, in turn, gives rise to numerous other questions, and it has occurred lo me that the readers of this paper night like to know the other side of said, looking towards the adjoining tables, filled with Nazi officers, "Well sir, what do you think of our turn- j over?" I replied, "It is possible to think aloud in Germany these days?"' and his answer was, "Why not?" In. a later conversation with him, he I asked me whether I was not impress- 1 ed with the feeling that law and order â-  3. Insist on living with newly mar rled couples. 4. Try to insert, themselves in the newlyweda' social affairs and try to act the ages of the youngsters. -5. Take the part of the new mates against their children in domestic ar- guments. .> Why not go home for Christmas? . . . Perhaps you haven't be«n ther? for years. Restful cabins . . . comfortable public rooms . . . marvellous meals . . . and the perfect Cunard Personal Service await you in whichever class you travel on these popular ships. SPECIAL CHRISTMAS SAILINGS from MONTREAL on Nov. 24 â€" R.M.S. ".â- M'RANI.\" to Havria and London. Nov. 27 â€" R.M.S. ".\THENIA" to Belfast, Ll»crpool, Glasgow. from HALIFAX on Dec. 9â€" R..M.S. ".\USOSl.\" D«c. 15â€" R..M.S. "ASC.\M.\" to Plymouth, Havre, London. Dec. IS â€" R..M.S. "LEini.V" to Belfast, Liverpool, Cla.sgow. from SaJnr John. Dec. 14. Low Round-Trip Fares Cablo Class (rora $206.00 Tourist CUasa from 168.00 rhlrd Uasa »31 50 Ask iboul out Special Christmas Excursions, from yout local ailent oi rrom the nearest Cunard oftice .'17 Hav Street. : Elrtln .M7I ' CUNARD ANCHOR-l>OHiiyU>JOH was being observed and, when I agreed, he said, "You know that we have gone Loolja for Librarian through a revolution in this country, w i f^ Sloffan perhaps the most bloodless one in his- 1 *' Jiug"" tory, and, if it had not been for this j Chicago. â€" If people don't borrow present movement, we would, long enough books, the American Library ago, have been in the throes of a great Association wa.s told here, get a snap- civil war and what good would that do pier looking librarian, anybody?" | Jt should help, said Frank L. Tol- ;^r â€" Even Berlin, which some ol' us hadn't ' man, director of Library Extension, * > I likeU on previous visits, treated us ' Albany, N.Y., even more than getting the Hitler controversy, because, as | nicely. A year ago, when we were 'â- â-  in a n-; w supply of books, with everything else, there is another ^ there, we saw marching and counter-! xh« librarian's choice •â- Â£ clothing side. I marchingâ€" Communists, .Nationalists. | jhoulJ not be restricted, Tolman said, Please bear in mind that I do not j the Catholic Centre Party, as well as ' pxct-pt that it must be becoming and pose as an authority on international I the forces of the Government then in' j^ygt add to the good looks which the matters, nor do I wish to be dogmatic! powerâ€" there was always grave dan! librarian presumably should possess in anything I may state, but, as an ' ger of street clashes. To-day there is | i^ order to get her job. outside observer â€" and, believe me, 1 none of that; I have seen a few police- "The day of cotton stockings and did observe very carefullyâ€" who has 'â-  men in full control of crowds attend- 1 severe dress as sta- dards for the talked to hundreds of Germans during . ing the parade of 100,000 Nazi troops. ' librarian is ended " Tolman said, "and my two visits to their country, this ; A year agoâ€" in all parts of Germany I m^re people are borrowing books as past summer, perhaps my guess is as ' as wellâ€" there was being displayed ! ^ result." good as that of the other fellow. j publicly, at every bookstore, news-1 ' .> Supposing I recount, for your bene- stand and magazine counter a score of fit, some of the impressions that my j different publications, depicting the party and I received and recall some , activities of the nudist colonies â€" of the conversations I have had with , Nackt Kultur Clubs â€" and photographs j people whom I have been meeting! atid picture postal cards were every- j year after year. I hold no brief tori where In evidence. To-day all these] Germany or the Germans, but as we i ar "vrboten" and not one magazine or YOUR MONICY BUYS I You get more for your money in Plug Tobacco . . . H f^^re smoke in every pipeful . . . H more smoking pleasure . . . H greater value for the money. |^/|0R£ 3 DIXIE ONLY 20c A BIG PLUG Claissitied Advertising 7ASMS WAJBTTES. REVE.N'UE PRODUCING PROPER TIES exchanued for equipped farms. Write John Stark West, Toronto. Co.. 'I Eglintoii PATSHTS. AN OFFER TO EVERY LTVE.NTOR. List of wanif; ' lnvention.s a:iJ full information sent tree. Tlia Bamsay Com- pany, World Patent Attorneys. ^:i li-nn Street, Otta^.'a. Canada. DRIVES HIMSELF TO WORK AT 82 I WATCH YOUR DIET . By Bon Sante were treated w^lth the utmost kindness and courtesy throughout; as we were given the finest service, without the embarrassing feature of being pester- ed for tips (gratuities are included in the bill and there the matter rests); as we motored through hundreds of j You have a cold or are feeling out picture of this type is to be seen any'' And StiU Plays a UtUe Golf i of so«s. Probably yoji expect, and yiciure ul uus type IS to De seen an>-. " J â-  j j[jg svmpathy of your frieuas and where; even the clubs are banned. As , Ho^w many or us when we are 82, j .^i^.i,.,, youM probably be surprised to the atrocities on the Jewish popula-, wUl be the equal in health and activity ^^^^ ^^^^ .^ someone were to criticize tion, we sa,v or heard nothing of this , of this vigorous old Scottish engineer.' ^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^ ^.^^^ indisposition, while in Germany It has been stated , In a letter he says ; - ^^ ^.^^ ^^^^^^^ ^ ,.^^,-^ ^^ ^^^ ^.^^^^ ^^ hat tourists would hardly be permit-, "I arrived here froni bcotland on ^ ai,„osition don't you think you ted to see these thing.sâ€" m; reply to ; the 7th April. IS.O. I am over bJ > -^ the- tills is that, eveil If this were the case,! years old. 1 drive .jy Ford car 40 ! I ,„ , miles over hills and dales to a fav;iory, ' and can still play a little golf^ '^^^'^iof a disease, the cause can be traced taken the little dose ot Kruscheu baits ' miles of German territory at height ai the Hitler activity and wit- surely in the hundreds of miles we nessed nothing of the lawlessness and travelled and from the hundreds of ruthlessness that we are led to believe People we talked to, something would exists; as we observed that certain 'eak out. All I can say is, in the things, offending public taste have ] words of the Salvation Army Gom- been abolished, since the National; â„¢'s.sioner for Germany, who visited ;iie more to be blamed than pitied? When people are ill, providing their illnesses have not reached the stage in my cup of coffee every morning tor | to some verv serious indiscreiions in Socialist Party have come into power; as the people seem happy and content- ed, under the present regime, it is dif- ficult to believe that no good can come out of it all. One day in July, standing on the shores of the Bodensee (Lake Con- stance) at Lindau, i varia. I saw three large excursion 1 steamers, brightly decorated some yeacs, and I believe it is keeping me in good health and euablin_ me to keep on working at the factories as LIVERISHNE8S SLUGGISHNESS STOMACH PAINS A doic z; BiCiihzm : Pills each nijAt WiU keep you Smiling, Healthy & fln^'U Pains After Eating? Try This! Pains after outing are generally <lue to an excess of acid In the stomach that forma ^as and causes belching, hiart burn, bloating, sou.- stomach and iiiai- gestion. Bisurated Magnesia taken after meals will give such quick and pioa.sing relief you will be surprised. Any drug- gist will tell you ordinary Bisuraied Magnesia is fine for sour acid stomach. • onJliions. It should be In every home. It works. Toronto a tew day ago, in my humble opinion "the atrocity story has been grossly exaggerated." i One thing is certain, the German j people are behind Hitler at present. I In every village, town and city, there ^^^^ ^^_ i is an "Adolph Hitler Strasse," and it Southern ^Ba- j ^^ always one of the principal streets, j iug cup of lea or cOiiac! They cnsuri' In Berlin, the stjuare, formerly known ; internal cleanliness, and keep the Now and retrcsheii engineer." â€" L. A. Whether you are still in your 'teens or past your prime, it is neither too; early nor too late to start on the "lit- tle daily dose. ' Just a tiny, lastelesa pinch of Kruschen Salts in your morn with ' ^^ "Chancellor Square"' is now ".\dolph blood-stream pure, bunting, making for the picturesque i "'"^'" P^^'^"" ^he man who, in such j biood is .ent coui-sing lo every fibre Lion Gateway that affords an entrance ^ fj'"'"^ '^â- â- "'^ °^ ''°>^- '^''^ "^'"S hitn- oi your being. Rheumatism, hea,^- self from obscurity to such a position ! aches, indigestiou and backache ah of world-wide importance, cannot bo I pass you by j the moral pervert or the brainless '. ' fanatic that some writers would have j us believe. In view of the interest taken in the j Irish Hospital Sweepstakes, I will tell j you, next week, about a visit paid to • the place where thi3 counters were be- 1 ing fixed and the ceremony which ac- companied this unusual scheme. HERE ARE THE USUAL SIGNS OF ACID STOMACH I Neuralgia Feeling of Weakness I Headaches Mouth Acidity ! Nausea Loss of Appetite ; Indigestion Sour Stomach : Nervousness Sleeplessness : Auto- intoxication â-  WHAT TO DO FOR IT TAKEâ€" J tc.ispoonfuls of Phillirs Milk of Mag- nesia in a glass of water everv morning when you get up. Take another teaspoonful 30 minutes after eating. And another before you go to bed. OHâ€" Take the new Phillips" Milkof Magnesia Tablets â€" one tablet for each teaspoonful, as di- rected above If you have Acid Stomach, don't worry about it. Follow the simple directions given above. This small dosage of Phillips' Milk of Magnesia icts at once to neutralize the acids that cause headache, stomach pains and other distress. Try it. You'll feel like a new person. Butâ€" be careful ytiu get REAL milk of magnesia when you buy â€" genuine PHILLIPS' Milk of Mag- oesia. See that the name "PHIL- LIPS'" is on the label. ALSO IN TABin KMIM Each li» â-  Wrfet is th» Muiv«lenTo»». -Mspoonful of Genuine Phillips" .Milk of Magnesia. PtiUips' Milk of Magnet* to Lindau harbour. As these boats approached, swastika flags could be disting..isheU and it was noticeable that a great number of the passengers were Nazi storm troopers. was talk- ing to the hotel manager, who was â-  watching this demonstration with me, ' and I remarked, "What *do you think! of this movement?" His reply was. i "You know that I am not easily car-i ried away by any movement but a few | months ago. Hitler was a gnest at thisi hotel and I had the opportunity ofj talkin.g with him â€" I frankly tell you that I was much impressed. Since; that lime I have followed his speeches] with more interest and I have come ! to the conclusion that he shows the ' elements of statesmanship, at least soi far as Germany is concerned." I said, ' "'Do you think that he will be another ! Mussolini?" to which he smilingly re-j plied, "It is rather soon to tell, don't i you think? The outside nations didn't think much of Mussolini, during the' first few years of his accession to power." We were in Nurnburg the latter part ot August. The city was full of Nazi otticers because on the 31st of that ' month, as well as on September 1st,: 2nd and 3rd, there was to be one of the largest demonstrations of party strength that had ever been staged ' anywhere. -Nurnburg. the centre of; the toy industr.v, was to be the scene of the convention of the Hitler parly, and over 1,000.000 extra people were , e.xpected. During these days no one : '\Vinnipeggers Seeking was to be allowed in Nurnburg â€" or fori r- =»=» o a distance of 50 kilometers (about 30 miles> around it â€" without a permit. For some days before, we bad seen â-  -H Prison Football Squ?.d is Deprive the matter of their daily health habits. Wrong diet is the usual cause, and lack of exercise is another, and the | two together combine to produce a I ; condition of debility all the way from ; being oiit of sort? lo downright Illness. ' ' "Wa'LCh Your Diet" is a watchword ' j which deserves tiie serious considera-l I tlon of everyone. With a proper, bal- 1 I auced diet, and a modest amo'aut of daily exercise, no one should ever be | ill. That's why we suggest that one should be ashamed to be ill. I£ you are in doubt as to what con- stitutes a balanced diet buy a book on the subject, or write to the Ontario Govc'.'umeat for a copy of its Health Almanac. It's free and worth study- ing.' -* of DVrnfes you looking to: something different in the way of entertain- ment for your church, society, club or institute? Capt. F. H.' Reid, the well-known traveller, who has been contribut- ing the series ot articles to this paper, under the heading of "Travel Impressions,' has what is, perhaps, the finest collection of European views in the country. Pictures taken with his own camera, beauti- fully coloured, showing some of the out-of-the-way' places, as well as the localities about which you have read and heard. Portugal, Spain. France, Italy. Switzerland. Austria. Jugoslavia, Hungary, Czechoslo- vakia. Germany, Holland, Belgium and British Isles are included in '.his unique collection. For particulars regarding this. communicate with Captain Reid at Room 421, 73 .\delaide Street West, Toronto. Cheaper Dwellings HEALS PILES Or Money Back Abaoluttly New Fateated Medical Olsoovcry Creates Marlcal Xeanlta L>on't let I'lle.s lead t" more serious oomiitlons. reyuirlng ii ilange, ous o|>- eration. fse HE.M1C<.'N"K SL'l'l'OSl- 'rt)KIK.S. which .juickly heal and strengthen the aftected parts. We know this wonderful renieiiy will stop that I'ain and make you feel yoursflf again. Yl>r OA.N BB SUUIO (.'1' KK.VL KESLi.fS. OVS aVAmAKTBE Send us $2.00 and we will send you one doien HEMICONE Suppositories, and our OHEiJL'E for »2.oo on the lt.\NK OF TORONTO, cashable any time wltbln two weeks. Use HEMICO.NE: â€" If you are not relieved and feel you have not many times your moneys worth, cash our cheque. You will know if you are treating us fairly or not. We trust to your honesty. Tou are the Judge. THE HEMICONE CO.. 72 James St N., Hamilton, Ont. Annual ""moving day hit Wiuni- ; peg with a "bang" this year, with the result the October migration has been far greater than It was a year aso. Transfer companies and mov- ing flrins are working 15 to 17 hours" a day. The main reason ior this year's great move is that mo.rt Winnipeg- gers are seeking to live more ecom- omically. To cut down expenses resi- dents of apartment blocks are mov- ing from large to suiaTer suites.' sometimes within the same building." Moving i.« by no means limited to , residents of apartment buildings and ' conditions similar to that In the apart- 1 ment fie'd have been encountered by, agents for houses. The search has ' been for cheaper houses, doubling up . ; has been frequent, and prices, have been dropped materially, one I stated. ♦ ! Bridges are expensive. The tem- ' porary bridge built to relieve Waterloo Bridge, London, cost £174,647. 1 Jo";iet, 111.- Incensed by a 20-7 de I feat. Athletic Director Walter Niire- j . streimer of Stattville- Prison has pro- ' ! mulg:ited .the forowing training rules j j for hii loolball squad: ! ' "No drinking, no pie or or.iiuy, no I I smoking, no arguments on the Held,! i no betting, no grandstanding, no ' • roughing, and no swearing." ! Violation of the rules, Nierse. j theimer said, will result in "imme- ! diat'j rolt-ase ifi-osn the team"*." WHEN 'WORK & WORRY' PULL YOU DOWN Take , THE GREAT TONIC THAT SOOTHES NERVES ENRICHES BLOOD BUILDS NEW VIGOUR Row It Feels to Be Married to a Prince New Yv):ii. -- Mary McCormick.. the opera singer who has a separa- tion action pending against the Gemgian prince. Serge Midivani, gives an e.x-parte version of Iiow it ieels to be a princess. 'It feels something Ilk'. :... . she said, biting on sta'.k ol celery. "I put on my hat and coat to go out. The prince says: "What tor?' I .say: •Fresh air.' He is insanely jealous. The prince says: 'Stick your head out ot a window.' I "And the priuce goes out, and locks the hotel door_ and I have to ~tay in all day, and if I want fresh , air 1 have to stick my head out of i the window." Selecting another piece of ce'ery, 1 a very crisp looking piecfe. she con- tinued: '•L.ife with the prince was Just a piling up of Asiatic stupidities. "Do I hope the prince marries again? I, certainly do. Td hate to think I was the only dope in the world."' The prince who has a divorce action pending again=t her. was not around to tel'. how it -felt to be the husband of an opera singer. IT'S LIVER THAT MAKES YOU FEEL SO WRETCHED Wake up your Liver Bile â€" No Calomel necessary For you to (e?l healt'iv ami h:i;»ry your Uver muat nour two pounds ot U(;uiii bile into your bowea, every day. Without that biltt, iroubte starta. Ponrdi^festion. Stow elimiiiauua. PoisoDB in the butiy. General wr«tcfaednesa. llow can you expect to dear up a Mt*.:utirtO tike this completely with mer« bowtil-inovmg Mlt«, oil, mineral water, laxative ^atitiy or ehewinti ipim. or rouebaee? The>' doD't waka op your liver. Tou need Carter's Uttlo Liver Pillft. I'urvW TBg^table. Safe. Qnick and !iure results. Aak tor them by namo Uciuae •ubatitutes 36c. Dr. D. D, DcDui:** Litjiiid Proserin- tion. Made anil guaranteed bv tin* makers of Campaiia'a Italiaa Ba)ni. Trial bottle 35c at your drup'Hst. u A I «ll jood Dcus & Dtpt. Slorti Sdlcs Agent}: Harold F. Ritchie A Co. Ltd., Toronto. SPRAINS Kub Min«rd"» m gtnllv. It p«neir4ir« «ore ligament*. jHay* inrlaninialion, *i>oth««, heals. Puh you on your feet "Grand Wedding" Sixty Years Ago in Bran^ford An old-lime "grand weddiut was written up local'y in the press o; Brantford_ 60 years ago: "The first marriage that took place in anythitv lihe "grand ."lyle" among the deni- zens of 'The Plains" was that o£ the ..Idost daughter ot Mr. Latihaw. one of the o'dest and most influential I settlers. . . The bride wore a taste- ful wedding dress, no homemane arti- I cle • . . it was of white merina. with ! glittering trininiing of lustrous satin and a sheen of pearls on the neck. On her head was a veil of reft', lace, in the place of the homely white ! cap with which the country-bred bride ! of The Plains" had been wont to content herself." . . . She "set the unexampled precedent ot going on a wedding tour." HEAD NOISES """«"*"* â€" JU EAR OlXa tin ill Dretilst^ Dtsrriptif I iMu M n^wsl AImj excellent for Temporary DcafnrKa •nd Head Noises due to conire^tlion "anaed bv coldJS t'lo and swimialr.K. A. O. LEON.ARD, Inc. 70 Fifth Ave. New York Cil> More than 21.000 people are employ ed directly and wholly In the con atruction of aircraft and air engines. WEAK WOMEN Take Vvdia E. Pinkhani's Vegetable Compound BaT« yon ever felt that >ot> were to« •â- â- It to do mnytbint . , . that rot. did oot ha.« tfaa (Venfttb to do Tout ir.-,rk? Women who are weak and run-Cow^ •boDld lake â-  ton'.; eoch as Lrdia K- Plnkham"« Vegetable Compound. Head- aches and backaches that are the -nutx M a tired, run-down condition ottiQ yield to this marvelous tn^'iclnp. ^ out of every IW wt -non who repo*t to us •a; that thty are bntxHced by thia tnedlcloe. Buy a bottle tiotn your dru4> «l<t today ... and watch the results. ISSUE No." 44â€" -S-i""

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