Voice of the Press Canada. The Empire and The World at Large CANADA To Encourage Marriafle* Ti> oiicouraKO iiiarriaKes of poor couple* the KumcIh purty In Italy Ib offering ISO each to 200 couples who cannot marry for lack of fuuds. True, this Isn't a very munificent sum on which to start In doiihle harnrss. but th/» ftrandparents of many of u» have done It on loss. â€" Ctratford Beacon- Herald. For Single Men Welli'oiiUucted eamp« appear to be the best »iiy of meeting one phase of the unemployment problem. â€" Iteglna Leader-Post. Things in the Papers The extraordinary thing â€" which la almost the most ordinary thing In a newspaper's experience â€" Is that It Is the same sort of people who common- ly want to get certain thing.i Into the papor who also want to keep certain other things out. The mark of the siM-cies Is that the things they want to keep out are almost invariably news liy Ibc most honest and Intelligent de- finition and the things they want to get in or not. In both instances they as.-sume to be censors; in both In- Btunccs they can tiever be persuaded â€" and very often they are (lulte decent citizens â€" that their censorship in the long run is an utterly futllo and self- defeating thing. â€" Vancouver Province. Great Britain's Improvement Hardships don't kill pcoplo. (ireat Britain Is healthier today than it has been for years and the death rate has decreased in districts hit hardest by the depression. â€" Lindsay Post. Small Bills One thing about tlie depression, it tends to reduce supiTstiiion. Not near- ly so many pcoplo will still consider a two-dollar bill unlucky. â€" \\'ood.stock Sf titiiielKoview. A Great Shock Chicago man di'-d of a heart attack as ho was parkiiiK his auto. Probably th« shock of finding a parking space within four blocks of his destination'.'â€" Viniiipi'g Tribune. Unmarked Victories An impresBlvo granite monument was recently erected at Fort Krie, Out., to mark the earliest trading post and also the capture of two United States ships of war during the war of 1812. Ontario has numerous siti s on which victories over invaders from the .south are marked. .\ew Brunswick also pos- acsses them, but with the exception of Fort Cumberland or Renusejour, none Is marked. Some six miles west of {"rederlcton on the site of what once was the Indian village of Aukpak, a rebfU Anifrican force, under .John Al- Jen, was captun^d, and at Maiiawagon- Ish, west of Saint .John, a similar rebel defeat occurred. Neither Is in any way marked.â€" Ficd('ri<!t on Gleaner. Use For Small Spuds Potatoes are not a good crop in this community. Half the crop Is too small for tabic use. Farmers who have po- tatoes to sell would bo helpliij; thom- 5 elves by grading them. One of these ays, someone will bring in a carload irom the Marillmes, and tho grocers lere will find troul)le in selling their little or mixed stock, Unit of the small potatoes Is lost In peeling. The Irish people find little potatoes good food for Utile pigs, and their bacon is iiradcd on the best bacon market in the world three points higlier tlian tho Canadian bacon which Is made from hogs fattened on good corn, which Is counted the best ration in the world for fattening hogs. â€" Port Uowan .N'cws, On Trial For Life Up to the Motoring Public Just as long as the gr'mral public continues to smile at stories of exccs- â- Ive speed; to feel that traffic laws are for tho olhitr fellow, and that it Is all right to break tlicMu as long as you don't get caught; to hohl the opinion that any action, walking or driving, is perniissibii! so long as one la able to get away witli It; for Just thnt period Will motiir vehicle accidents (ontliuie to be menace. When every driver and •very pede»triun realizes that safety comes ahead of schedules, ahead of perstmal rights; that safety comes •h<-ad of everything else, then we may «X|M'ct a reduction In the waste of life, health, and prop<-rty tlirough Reel- <|cnts, to be brought nhout. â€" Untario Motor Vehicles Ilrunih. In Middle Agei We are told worn' n used tn paint iheir faces In the Middle Ages. Tliey still paint their faces In (he middle ages- -Ottawa Journal. Thrifty Thiy must have a Ihrifly bunch of •uuncillors In Ptmiihrook, Pennsyl- Tsrila. Hitherto a curfew hell had been â- oiinded there to clear the streets of ''children, but In oriler tn save 1C cents B day (he lire hall bell will now be filled fnr the Job. Th« final signal will ^(1 for lights out UL^Ieart of flre out.â€" Jiranlfoid Kipositti^. Help For the rolaroQrower I'wii year* ago, when the potulo- trowi-r« of Ihls Pro#lnN were recelv- Ini as tittle Hs ten cents a barrel for ^elr product, they were conlrlbutlni their share to ensure the orderly mar- keting of wheat. If it is fair to sup- lK)rt wheat even to the extent of the Dominion (iuverniuenl becoming a^ partner in the business, then it i^ equally fair that the potato-grower di , mand be favourably listened to. They , are asking loss than the wheat-growers j are getting. With the example of the j West so strikingly before us, in which i millions of dollars have been risked : to support the price of wheat, there j should be no modesty In New Uruns-: wick in demanding similar treatment | for the potato-growers of this Pro- vince. â€" Saint John Telegraph Journal. THE EMPIRE British Films to the. Fore When a Uerlin butcher attends an American movie and beholds Greta i Uarbo as Mata Hari making love In j gutteral English with a Swedish ac- 1 cent to an oily Latin impersonating a Uussian ofllcer, he suddenly remem-l bers the League of Nations and the abomination of Versailles, hastens from the theatre and never Is seen again. Foreign customers all over the world have been hastening for five years now, and the end is not yet in sight. . . . The sound revolution in America gave struggling Kuropean pro- ducers the breathing spell which they so sorely need. That tliey have taken full advantage of it is evidenced by the fact that of the five major world studios showing profits during the last year, three were in Euro|)e â€" Ufa. Gau- mont-rjritish and Uritish International. German pictures are gaining on the Continent in almost direct ratio to the decline of American prestige. British companies are making heavy inroads in the Colonii's, the French have gain- ed ground in Middle Kurope, and tho Russian.", of course, have their market all to themselves. It Is safe to say that within two years foreign films â€" notably liritish â€" will be offering sl)irit- ed competition in Hollywood's back yard. â€" Mr. Dalton Trunibo, in Tlie North .American Review. Wilhelmina Frieda Weltz, war nurse, arraigned in Santa Clara, Calif., on chrage of shooting to death a shipping magnate, and with whom J. J. Noble, Oshawa, Ont., war veteran has offered in a letter to her to take her place on the gallows should she be con-' victed. "You saved my life twice In the war," Noble wrote to her. Rural Courier For Twenty Years Alfred Thomoson Retires Af- ter Lon? Service on No. j One Route | Twenty years of service over the same rural mail route terminated with j tho retirement of the contractor for, rural mail route No. 1, in the person of Alfred Thompson. Mr. Thompson estimates that he has travelled approximately 125,000 miles in mail delivery alone In the score of years. Members of the post olfice stalt took advantage of the occa- sion to present to the retiring mem- ber fi. handsome easy chair and Illu- minated address. William li. Skinner, who resides on the 2nd Concession, of Blandford. suc- ceeds Mr. Tliompson as contractor. N.Y. Woman Nominated | ThrCC SistcrS 111 For Nobel Prize: A Triple Wedding New York. â€" Congratulations are pouring in upon Mrs. Donald Carr, or! Klanche Shoemaker Wa^siaff as she; Dressed Alike. They Act as i Attendance for E^ch Other Bridgeport, Conn. â€" Three sisters, World Conference and British Commonwealth The Conference served further to consolidate the Uritish Commonwealth 1 and likewise tho sterling bloc. The | sterling bloc is more favourably situ- 1 atod than when the Conference opened. ' for it is now dellnituly in a position to , hold the balance of power between tho old gold standard and the dollar. | In other words, London is once more the centre of tlie world's commercial and monetary gravity. â€" Johannesburg .Sunday Times. Farmhouse Fires Being Investigated Hamilton. â€" Authorities are press- ing investigation into 11 fires of sus- picious origin which were discover- ed in the frame farmhouse of John Prowse, Fiddler's Green, and were extinguished before they got beyond control. First of the fires was discovered by 14year-old Edwin Prowse half- brother of the owner of the house. The blaze was emanating from a pile of oll-soaked rags in an unoccupied section of the huildir.g. The fire de- partment was notified and the names were soon extinguished. As the fire engine.^ turned to leave the house other fires were discovered In a part of the house n.sed by Plilli]) \'i|>ond of Ancaster for the storage of furniture. f'^ire contiiuied to break out during the day and tlie flre engines were called back three times to the dwell- ing. Most of the blazes were found to he in >)undles of oil rags. Gold Standard and Sterling Bloc Urilain has been driven by the fail- ure of the Conference to establish a so-called sterling bloc. Its object is to ensure at least a measure of mone- tary sanity and economic cooperation. Britain will make things as easy as she can for the gold countries, since for various reasons she wishes them to rem.un on gold. It is, however, doubtful whether Holland. Belgium luid Switzerland, or even France, will be able lo hold out indefinilily. â€" ('ai)e Argus. The Indian Cultivator The (hrirtlessne.ss of the average In- dian cultivator is perhaps the most obstinate trait in his character stand-! Ing in tile way of individual as w(?ll as â- coll(u:iive progress. For this reason,' the adoption of better metliods of ciil- j tivatinn, the purchase qI new types of i agricultural implements, improved and l)etter cattle require a capital outlay 1 generally beyond his capacity.- -Itom ha 'i'itncs of India. N.B. Paper Company To Increase Wages Saint John,-- All employes of the Port Koyal Pulp and Paper Company. Limited, will receive a salary in- crease of 10 per cent starting on October 15. "Steadily Improved business conditions led us to make tho decision of raisins; wages," an offlcial of the company said. The plant started out with a crew of 140 men lust November and now emi)loy.s 200 on thrcrt cighthiour shifts. Shilline Bible* Result Of Gift From Dominion London.â€" The riritish and' Foreign Bible Society has sold more than 1.- OOO.OOO copies of a shilling Bible first issued "owing to the generous gift of Canada in celebration of the society's 125lh birthday." The Bible Is still JJie world's best seller. Last year 10,000,000 volumes In Cli" langiias;es were sold. Calgary Families Plan Co-operative Village Calgary, Alta.â€" An experiment In establishing a co-operative community along the line of the small co-operative villages in Europe, will be tested out in Alberta. Eleven families with 15 children are intending to form such a community provided tho provincial government will grant them land for the purpose. The Calgary City Council has agreed to supply to these unemployed famil- ies relief grants for a year. Their rent allowance which the city of Cal- gary has been paying will he applied to the purchase of lumber and build- ing materials. The fathers of the 11 families are experts in a number of trades In- cluding carpentry and poultry raising, and they will exchange their services in establishing the co-operative com- munity. The wives will be just as ac- tive as their men folk in furthering the community plan and will help each other with dressmaking, light gar- dening, canning, pickling and other household accomplishments. is known to admirers of her poetry, for the signal honor accorded her in her nomination for the Novel prize for literature by the Swedish critic,' Florence, Loretta and Jessie Whelan, recently became bridea in a triple wedding at St. Charles Church. The sisters, dressed Identically and acting in turn as attendants for one another, were married to Victor Co- burn of Bridgeport, Edward Wells of Great Harrington, Mass., and Joseph Gilmartin of Bridgeport. The triple ceremony was performed by the Rev. Joseph McCarthy. The members of the bridal iiartj Victor SetterberK. Mr. Setterberg first met Mrs. Carf upon a visit to the United States sev- eiul years ago with a group of for- eign golfers, w hen she was doing book reviews for a golf magazine. He be- came so interested in her work, par- ticularly "Mortality." and the verses included in the volume published un- der that title, that he asked permis- sion to translate it into Swedish upon his return to Europe, where it has! left together from the home of John had a wide circulation. The poem "Mortality" is perhaps the best known of her work. The in- spiration came to her suddenly and ic was composed in six minutes. It came in for wide notice not long ago, when it was found after his execu- tion among the belongings of a con- vict, to whom the credit of author- ship was given until the error was discovered. Canadian Girl Sees Queen at Close Range Toronto.â€" -"I wonder what one would do if one stepped on the Queen's foot." That is the question still puzzling Jessica Jarvis Toronto aviatrix, re- cently returned from Europe. Al- though she didn't quite step on the tees of her Majesty, she narrowly missed them. W. Whelan, father of the brides. When they reached the church, a crowd estimated at 1,500 persons had gathered. Each carrying old-fashioned nose gays, the brides were dressed is frocks of white faille with matching veiled turbans, white pumps and whit« elbow-length gloves. All three couples will make a wed- ding trip to Washingtoa before re- turning to their homes. â- « N. Would-be Crook Loses His Nerve Vancouver. â€" A would-be swindler's groundless panic lost him 15,000, ac- -cording to a police report. The man, whose name is not given opened an account In a local bank by depositing a certified cheque for $1S.OOO drawn on a Calgary bauk. The next day he deposited a che- When paying a bill in a London j lue for $412 drawn on a New West- minster bank, but came back about noon to viithdraw $8,000. His che- que was initialed, but when the tell- er started to pay in small bills he book-shop the clerk said to Miss Jarvis: "Don't turn about imme- diately, the Queen is just behind you." "After a 'sweet' interval," Jessica Jarvis said, "I turned around and ' asked for larger ones. The teller saw the Queen, looking at 'a book, went to the safe and at that moment After the first surprise nobody paid M-he bank doora were closed for th« Britons Spending Much More Money London. â€" The marked recovery in British business continues to be at- tested by repbrts from all quarters of commerce and industry. The statis- tics published by the Association of Retail Distributors show that retail sales for August increased in their total value for the first time since 19;!I. Sales of men's wear were up 11.7 per cent., hardware II. (j and household piecegoods 3.S per cent. Commenting on these figures, the Financial Times says it is evident that there has been a decided upturn in the purchasing power of the people with increased railway traffic as an acceptable sign that money is being spent. For the last nine weeks the total revenues of the Briti.sh railways have registered a gain of nppro.xi- malely $5,280,000 over the same per- iod ot Iit;!2. any more attention. "I shopped around after looking at some things, turned suddenly to find the Queen was beside me and I had narrowly missed stepping on her toes." day. The man. apparently thinking hi was about to be detained, rushe4 for an exit and tugged so violentlj that a bolt was forced. He fled down Hastings street and is still beini sought. A cheque revealed the New West minster cheque was counterfeit and I police at Calgary have been as'ie^ to investigate the other. Deputy Minister Made Indian Chief i Brantford. â€" Ontario's Deputy Minis- ter of Agriculture, J. B. Fairbairu, is ] now "Chief Handsome River." That'.. . 1* is the Interpretation of the name â€" [ MoUSe in Bottle Causes ua Yoon Ho Yo-by which he will be Woman to Seek Damages known henceforth to the Six Nations, chicago.-A mouse in the bottle The honor of chiettainship was con- j^^ Qousha ferred on Mr. Fairbairn, F. P. Sand- ci, p" 'i rell Of St. Catharines, and Charles L tomlf'""' TT rT%". Byrd Of Hamilton at the Six Nations i f„,^°"'' °\^^' '''^ ''"^^ed the tol Fair at Ohsweken. In the ancient ! '"r*" . . ritualistic manner. Indians in war i ^ ^ °!"'°"' " ?,''^ A recuperative spell in a sauI Indians in war ] paint and feathers performed the war ' dances while the ceremonies were ' in progress. tariura. A trip to Europe, during whicl The conferring of the chieftainships'^^* 1°""^ " necessary to place he. inarked the closing day of the fair "^^"Shter m a private school. which thi& year has attracted record numbers of visitors. Eats Bear Meat With The Bear's Own Teeth Los Angeles.â€" Here's one told by Udss Moulton. of Vancouver. B.C., here: for the International Sour-Dough re- union. "With two friends, Happy Jack and Bill the Horse, I set out from Circle City into the Yukon country. Jack broke his false teeth. "Well. Sir, that same day Bill the' Horse shot a hoar. We skinned the I bear and cemented its teeth into his | plate with copper rivets. Then he ' helped eat bear meat with the bear's \ own teeth. So help me. it's true." i Beauty Hints Are Offered Men at Women's Exposition! "'^'^'''"^ ^^â- ^'^' â- '^'^^'c'l she rejected. All of which being expensive. Mrs Gousha fyled suit against the bot tling company demanding 335, 00( damages. Judge Joseph B. David suggested the company pay her $1.00 The bottlers said they had alreadj New York.â€" The men got some' The court gave opposing counsel beauty hints here at the exposition ! ""'" October 10 to agree. of Women's Arts and Industries. .., "The iSeauty a sensible person looks p. i i '""^ , for in it man," Miss Florence E. Wall, I ** '"^^^ Lumberjacks Fellow ot the American Institute ot Chemists, said, "means good physical development, good healthâ€" and above all, radiant cleanliness." Some things she recomnipurliwl i were: Good deansing c'-eZ^SaJ ''"'"â- ' " "°" °" '''' ""^ '" "â- "''-- Leave for Sudbury Toronto.â€" The tirst contingent ol lumberjacks to be sent from Toronto to the Northland in more than two Empire Migration A stimulating l)rcalli of the praittl- t-al Imperial spirit comes from tho manifesto of the Empire Trade League, which proposes overseas community i Kettlenient under cliartered rotnpanies or r)ther auspices, such "colimizing ad-; ventures " being regarded us a long-j range plan for the future. Among the slgnat(]ries are prominent nun whose' Empire liiiilding ilin-trine is in sharp; contrast with the present ollh-ial polli-y ; of quotas, restriction of i)Ut|)Ut and \ikr measures which would end the migra- tion of British people lo British ilotnin- j Ions, slop expaUKlon, render it more an<l more dilllcull for the Dominions lo pay tlieir debts and make more or; less sialic the Empire market for the niaiMifiiitiir<'H of the Motherland. â€" Auckland Weekly News. THE UNITED STATES Refunding Britain's Debt The llrltlsh GovenimeMt scruplulous- ly obsi-rved the turms of Its cmilract until laHl June. Even then It made a payment uii account. It has maintain- ed this rec-oril In tht^ face of pe<-ullarly dltlli-ult financial conditions. No olll- elul request for revi.-sion came initil It was plain It) nil thinking people on both sides of (ha Atlantic thnt the or Iglnal debt pact no longer rested on a fair basis. Tht; honimr which the Bri- tish exhibited in keeping the letter of the contract long after it became evi dent that common Justice required Hm revision should now be mali-hed by equal honour on our part In givin^ Ihrm n fresh contnirl that will be equitable in the light of a greatly nl lered e(-onomlc altuatlon.- Providence .luurual. of water for the dry skin; a mild, low- alcoliol tonic lotion for aftershuving; ami finally a lightweight face powder in a natural shadeâ€" "not the marsh- mallow white or baby-doll pink." "Correction of the oily condition Is not ^in effeminate move," she said. "Uatlier is it true altruism. ITse good skin s^)aps for daily cleansingâ€" even tincture of green soap; alcoholic lo- tions for after shaving, and in severe ca-ies a recognized aitrlugent lotion " properties near Sudbury. The group numbers 25. They will be paid $26 to $28 a month and b<iard. The employment lists were closed 10 minutes after their opening, said J. F. Marsh, superintendent of the Federal Employment Service's Toron- to otrice. He believed further orders would probably como in, as the avail- able supply of workers around Sud- bury had been employed already. At one time it was comnton to send" 2.0OO or 3,000 bush workers north from Toronto in a season. le^ means, as delincd by Circular to of the Fruit Branch. Dominion Depart- ment ot Agriculture. I,, this circular percentages of color are laid down I for each grade of each variety of I apple. For instance. Mcintosh No 1 I t.;. per cent.; Winesap. "Donuvstic." 25 jPer cent.; Gravenstein (red). 40 per cent.; a„,| so on. These percentages I of color refer to the area of the sur- i face which must be covered with a Father Is Witness of Son's Horrible Death A despatch from Clarksburg. Out.. says: "While his father and two fel low workmen looked on horrificil, Vic- tor Marritt, 32, was killed instantlj when ho stumbled and fell on a cir- cular saw which practically cut his body ' â- „ '" two. The accident occurred ! clear shade of red, characteristic of i "^ ^^^^ Clendcnan shingle mill where the varlet.v. That is. ,, p,r cent. I nieans that onequarter of the surface of each apple is covered with normal mature color. I ^ ' Winters Up to 1937 I rhi ^o'^'er Say Engineers tnicago. - (,as company engineers ! are out to back the Canadian trappers I and other weather sages with a predic- I tion that this coming Winter is going to be colder than last but not especial I ly severe. " t I .>...,. Ill :..i;d. li:o lliiti.-;h I'lemier. proudlv vii-wing his Lnby'iiraiiddaushter, when be vl.>lted his daaghter and sonlnlaw Dr. and Mr.^. Alaslnlr .Mackinnon, at Leeds, England. Premier MacUou- ald Cflebr.^ites his GVtU birthday on October 12th. Marritt and his father were both em- ployed. Victor was operating the saw when a cedar slab became jammed in the moveable frame. In attempting to dislodge the piece of wwd he lost his balance and fell across the unguarded machine-operated .saw. « B.C. Co-Eds Desire Real Education Vancouver. â€" Miss M. I,. Bollert. . -â€" I dean of women at the University of on .h«ir f ^"''''""" 1""""' •>->• t"e fur, Uritish Columbia, believes 90 per cent look at h J K-n , '"' ^"Sineers She doesn't think their primary object Zl uV^lT ' '"' '"'°'' '"' *""' «""'« "' '»'«'" a«« prepared to Jc W t e'r u? to m-* "!k "â- "'"â- "-'"' >'"usework. even such' task, as d.sl "â- n er up to 193.. thsy anmmnced. washing. In order to pay tuition or *oulU be "geueralty colder.- penses, she said.