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Flesherton Advance, 4 Oct 1933, p. 4

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V.EDNESDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1933 THE FLESIIERTON ADVANCE THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE P«bUak*d on CoUinjrM^-ood street, KlMlierton, Wednesday of each wMk. Circulation over 1000, t*riee in Canada $2.00 per year, when paid in advance $1.50. In paid in advance |2.00. U. S. A. 12.60 per year, when Pricevitle Prize Winners W. H. THURSTON. f J. THURSTON, - - Editor AawM. Editor EDITORIAL NOTES As one takes a walli throufrh the w 'ods at this time attention is drawn t 1 the increasinif number of blacic t. luirrcls hat are scurryinff around t'l'i bush. A few years ago very icw of these beautiful little animals '^,;jt'ojld be seen, as their numbers were down by ruthless hunters. Boys «nd young men .-thoulif refrain from t( ?tingr their .skill in marksmanship at these lovely animals with their jet black fur and hujre bushy tails. It r ves a lover of wild life a thrill to fee them gradually increase in num- I erg and add to the beauty of the voods. • • • Stratford and Montreal have been torn recenty by indu.strial strife that is likely to spread in sympathy to ether citoes in the dominion. This is a critical time and level heads a- inong employers and employees are r ceded to stave disaster. The em- T 'oyer of labor is not by any means tamering a harvest through the ser- vices of his fellow-men. His posi- t.on is just as difficult to make ends leet a« for those he employs and i .proved conditions in the manufact- li ing trade will have an immediate e.fect on the workers. t:ie challenge of the hour ^ Parents, Sunday school teachers, V.M.S. organizations, how are you I'.anning to meet the present tem- pe:-anc€ situatfion throughout out fair province? Shall we sit with folded hands and make no effort to stem the tide of intemperance that is overwhelming our people and add- in t so much to the burden of crime, i!:cident8, sorrow and privation? Let vi rather teach the children and people the evil effects of alco- h 1 and all narcotics on the human fy.'!tem. If prohibition is ever at- taned it must be won by a genera- tion of electors, who know the evil reults of the use of li(iuor, and who dvspite all arguments as to the rev- ci.:e derived from its sale, will vote j'. out. The new Sunday school Temi>er- i' 1 -e. study course opens on October >'.h and continue.? each week until ." 'ovember 5th. The lesson with all 1 ""essary directions will be found i the Northern Mes-.5enger, the Unit- t ; church Sunday .school papers â€" 1 ymate, and Canadian Boy and ' , the Canadian Baptist, the Pre.s- rian Sunday school paper.s â€" young ada and The Challenge, also in :phlet form at 5e a copy, or 2.5c dozen, obtainable from the Xat- 1 W.C.T.U. Campaign office, .360 1 ; g St., Box 3070 Montreal, Que- h â- . â-  an Incentive the Grey and Puff- . County -.rganization or W.C.T.U. fering a shield to the Sunday ^1 having th. highest percentage <i enrollment faking part in the !â- â€¢ ;eranco course. '.S. temperance secretaries arc 1 i to stimulate effort wiierevcr ' . ble, and assist Sunday â- Sc'in7o. s jj.v.intendent.s and teachers in pult- i r, this tempernncfc study course- .1 successfully. r.hllinsons Try Flight rly Tuesday morning several < ids of Klesherton people niot- • to Wa.saga Beach to watch the ; MoUiii-.ns attempt a record f 'i.'n to Bagdad, Ira'). On account c' :>. heavy load of gasoline the firwt r t npt was a failure. One of the f '-i of the undercarriage was hrok- f nd the plane had to be taken to 'f.>r)nto for repair.'?. â-  negro woman walked into an iT-i »nce office and asked whether t'le- dealt in fire insurance. "We f" v" replied the clerk. "What do > .1 want insured?" "Mah husband." •'â- T>T you don't want fire insurance," »'';'l"d the clerk as he reached for iiKi'her application form. "What : T\ want is a life insurance policy." ••Vn. Ah don't," exclaimed the woman. "AH wants fire insurance. Mah hus- I > v', been fired fo' times in de laa' |tr, WMkl." M! >;; REPAIRING ATrRKHVILLE '"â- ^ Monday, October lUh I intend ig a shoe repair shop in Price- First class repairing to shoes â- ' ijbbers; satisfaction guarnnt'c,^ ficpf) reasonoMe. â€"HERBERT EBY. (Continued from last page) POl'LTRY Buff Wyandotteâ€" Hen, M. Wilson; Cockerel, M. Wilson. Black Minorca -Cock, J. McGillivray; Hen, T. A. Kerguvion 1 and 2; Cockerel, M. Wil- i-on: Pullet, -M. Wilson. Bug Orp- ington â€" Cock, W. McBride, Mrs. J. McLean; Hen, W. McBride 1 and 2; Cockerel, .Mrs. J. McU-an, J. C. Harr- ison; Pullet, W. McBrde 1 and 2. S C. \N'hite Leghorn â€" Cockerel, M. Wil- son; Pullet, M. Wilson. Brown Leg- horn â€" Cockerel and Pullet, M. Wilson Barred Rock â€" Cockerel, Mrs. Malcolm McLean. ,W. J. .McMillan; Pullet, Mrs. M. McLean. White Rockâ€" Cock, M. Wilson; Hen, M. Wilson. Pekin Duck â€" Cock, T. A. Ferguson, Camp. Watson; Hen, T. A. Ferguson, Camp Watson; Cockerel. J. G. Whyte, Camp. AVatson; Pullet, Camp. Watson, J. G. Whyte. Toulouse Gander â€" Chas. Watson; Goose, Chas. Watson. Silver Foxes â€" H. Karstedt. Black Foxesâ€" H. Karstedt. Best collection in the show â€" W. McBride. C. E. Herrington, Judge. GRAIN &. SEEDS White Fall Wheat, J. iMcGirr, R. Vause; Red Fall (Wheat, W. Meads; Barley. J. McGirr; Oats, J. McGirr; Large Peas, W. Meads, R. Vause; Small Peas, J. McGirr. Corn, W. .McBride. White Beans. Mrs. Davis, T. A. Ferguson. Colored Beans, W. J. McMillan, Mrs. M. McLean. â€" W. M. Groat. Judge. ROOTS & VEGETABLES Green Mountain Potatoes, H. A. Tucker. Cobbler, W.. McBride, F. P. Reiley; A.O.V., R. Vause, A. Stone- house; Dooley, R. Vause, D. Campbell, Derby Swede Tuxnips, H. Tucker, W. McLeod; .Swede Turnips A.O.V., W. Meads, H. Tucker; Aberdeen Turnips, W. McLeod; Yellow Mangold, Chas. Waitson, D. Campbell; Eugar Beets, H. Tucker, J. Livingston; Shorthorn Car. rots, W. McLeod, C. Wat-son; Table Carrots A.O.V., C. Watson, Mrs. Davis Turnips, R. Vause; Beets, H. Tucker, HV. J. McMillan; Parsnips. J. Whyte, H. Tucker; Winter Radishes, Mrs. W. Clark; Winningstadt, Cabbage. J. C. Harrison, R. Vause; Potato Onions, Mrs. A. McLean. A. Stonehouse; On- ions from black seed, W. Meads, A. Stonehouse; Onions from Dutch Setts. A. Stonehouse,' W. J. McMillan; Yel- low Pumpkin, Mrs. J. E. Nichol, A. LMcCuaig; Hubbard Squash, J. C. Harrison, W. McBride; Vegetable Marrow, T. A. Ferguson; Toniatoas, C. Watson, Mrs. Davis; Mushmelons, H. Tucker; Cucumbers, pickling, R. Vause, H. Tucker; Ripe Cucumbers, W. McBride, Mrs. M. McLean; Table Com. H. Tucker, W. J. McMillan; Coll. of Vegetables, W. J. McMillan, H. Tucker; EnsiJage Corn, T. A. BtTguson. â€" W. M. Groat, Judge. FRUIT Alexander Apples,, H. Tucker. R. Vause; Colbert Apples, C. Watson; Delicious Apples, A. Stonehouse; Gol- den Russets, A. McCuaig, A. Stone- house; King Tompkins. A. .Stonehouse Snows, H. Tucker, C. Watson; St. Lawrence. Mrs. Arch. McLean, Chas. .Wal.son; Plums, H. Tucker, W. Mc- Leod; A.O.V. Fall, F. Reiley, H. Tucker; A.O.V. Winter, H. Tucker, J. 1'. McMillan; Coll. Apples. Chas. Wat- son, Mrs. A. McLean; Crab Apples, large, (;has. Watson: Medium. Chas Watsoti. Mrs. M. McLean; Winter I'ear.s, R. Vause. â€" W. M.. Groat. Judge. FLOWERS Hand Bouquet, F. Karstedt, Mrs. J. Melxjan; Tble Centrepiece, R. Mc- Conkf'V, D. Campbell; Coll, HVuse Plants, D., Campbell, F. Karstedt; Double or Single Geranium, J. P. McMillan. Mrs. J. .McLean; Coll. of Swi'l I'liU.s, F. Karstedt; Fern, V. Karstedt. K. Watte'i-.^; Fuchsia, K. MeConkey. Mrs. J. E. Nichol; Rex Begonia, F. Karstedt; Begonia .A. O.K. H., J. P. McMillan; Blad- ioli, F. Kar.stedt, W. A Icorn; Hyd- rangea, Mrs. J. McLean, Mr.-^. J. E. Nichol; Dahlias, F. Kar.-^tedt. E. Wal- ter.-:; Coll. Foliage, Mr.<. .1. McLean; Asters, F. Karstedt; Single Plant not on list. R. McConkev. W. Aldcorn.. DAIRY & DOMESTIC SCIENCE .li lly, .Mrs. J. McLean, '.Mrs. Davis; .") ill. Clock Butter ('.» entries) Eaton Special, Clia.s. Watsoti, W. Meads, 1). Campbell; 10 lb. Crock Butter (.5 entiies), Chas. Watson, \V. Meads, R. Vnise; Butter 1 lb. prints, W. Meads; U-olc Syrup, E. Watlers, ,W. .Meads; .Maple '.>i.>,'\r, W. .Meads; Pumpkin Pic, J. McG.rr, Chas. Watson; Lemon I'io, I). Cam|.!)cll, F. Keilev; Ai>ple I'ie, D. Campbe'i',. R. M.Conkey; Oat- meal (Jakes, 1). ('a«pbell, ('has. Wat- son; Custard F'ie, J. McvVur. 7 Camp- Iwdl; Cicam Pie, E. , Walters, F. . â- -v .Mince Pie, .Mrs. Davis, J. MeCiir; Fruit Cake, R. ..MeConkey, Mrs. W. Clark; Bran MufTins, D. ('anipbell, Mrs. J. K. Nichol; Dark Layer Cake, W. J. McMillan, .1. McGirr; While Bread, R. McCopkey, A. Stonehouse; Brown Bread, Mrs. Davis, Mrs. M. McLean; Fruit Loaf, Mrs. Nichol, Mrg Davis; Buns, T. A. Ferguson, J. C. Harrison; Tarts, D. ('ampbell, W. Meads; Coll. Canned Fruits, E. A. Uuttlc, I). Campl»ell; Sweet Pickle*, Mrs. M. McLean, Mrs. .Clark; Sour Pickles, Mrs. Davis. E. A. Rutlle; Coll. C«nne<l Vegetables. D. Campbell, Mr.i. I)avi§; Salada Tea Special, P. Camptxl, n. Tucker; Layer Cake, made from Magic Baking Powder, 1). Tampbell, W. J. McMillan; Bread from O'Canada Flour, T. A. Ferguson, W. Aldoorn. â€"Mrs. W. M. Groat, Judge. LADIES' WORK (DOMESTIC) Cotton Quilt, A. McCuaig, Mrs. Nichol; A.O.K. Quilt, Mrg. Clark. D. Campbell; Quilt, Fancy Quilting, Mrs. Nichol. A. Stonehouse; C-omforter, Mrs. Nichol, D. Campbell; Afghan Bedspread, D. Campl>ell; Fancy Bed- spread, I). Campbell; iMen's .Sleening Garment, Mrs. Davis, Mrs. Nichol; Child's Dress, E. A. Ruttle. D. Camp- bell; Kitchen Apron, E. A. Ruttle, l>. Campbell; Hand-hemmed Sheet, E. A. Ruttle, J C. Harrison; Article from flour sa k, E. A. Rutlle, D. Campbell; Coarse .Socks, Mrs. Arch. McLean, .Mrs. Davis; Fine Socks, Mrf,. Dnv!- W. Meads; Donble Mitts, Mrs. A. M I.enn, .Mi-. Xichol; Fine Mitt', Mis. Davi.-!, A. .McCuaig; Darning oi .stockinir, D. Campbell, H. Tucker A.O.V. Laundry Work, dres.s, D. Campbell,* l>iiK 'â-  E. A. Ruttle; Floor Mat rag hooked, A. McCuaig, Mrs. Nichol; Floor Mat, rag braided, W. J. .McMillan, Mrs. Clark; Uplaundered Garment, hand sewn, D. Campbell, Mrs. Davis; Pil- low Slips, hand-made, D. Campbell, Mrs. Nichol. LADIES' WORK (FANCY) Irish Crochet. E. A. Ruttle, Mrs. Davis; Filet Crochet, E. A. P.uttle. Mrs. Davis; Tatting, E. A. Ruttlu, D. Campbell; Drawn 'I'hread Work, i.Mrs. Davis, A. McCuaig; Embroidery, col- ors, Mrs. Nichol, Mrs. Davis; Hand Hem-stitching, K. A. RuUla{ Eyelet Embroidery. A. McCuaig, D. Campbell; Solid iWhite Embroidery, A. McCuaig, E. A. Ruttle; Hfurdanger Embroidery, R. Vause; Roman Cut Embroidery, Mrs. J. Nichol, A. McCuaig; Floral Embroidery, Mrs. J. Nichol, E. A. Ruttle; Luncheon Set, Mrs. J. Nichol. A. McCuaig; Table Mats, Mrs. Davis, D. Campbell; Tray Cloth, iMrs. Nichol. A. McCuaig;Tea Cosy, D. Campbell, E. A. Ruttle; Centrepiece. Mrs. Nichol. E. A. Ruttle; Sideboard Scarf. Mrs. Nichol. J. C. Harrison; Pillow Slips, A, McCuaig. Mirs. Davis; Towels Emb.. Mrs. Davis, Mrs. Mal. McLean; Towels, other hand trim, Mrs. Davis, A. McCuaig; Dresger Cover, Mrs. Nichol, A. McCuaig; Pin Cushion. F. Reiley; Nightgown, emb., Mrs. Niehol; Buffet Set. A. McCuaig, Mrs. Davis; Table Runner, Mrs. Nichol. Mrs. A. McLean; Curtains, Mrs. Nichol. D. Campbell; Ladies' Handkerchief, D. Campbell, Mrs. Davis; Set Sarvi&ttes, Mrs. Nichol, A. McCuaig; Child's Jacket, Mrs. Davis; Child's Short ^ Dress, Mrs. Davis; Colored (Centre- piece emb., Mrs. Nichol, Mrs. A. Mc- Lean; Emt. Sofa Pillow., Mrs.. Davis, Mrs. A. McLean; Cross-stitch, Mrs. Nichol. E. A. Ruttle; Applique Work. E. A. Ruttle; Sofa Pillow, other hand work, D. Campbell. Mrs. Nichol; Coll. EmhfToidory, E. A. Ruttle; Coll. other fancy needlework, E. A. Ruttle, iMrs. Davis; Tea Cloth, emb. and crochet trim, D. Campbell, E. A. Ruttle; Shopping Bag, Mrs. Davis. E. A. Ruttle. â€" Mrs. Harold Campbell, Judge. CHILDREN'S WORK AND FINE ARTS Emb. Guest Towel by girls, E. A. Ruttle, F. Reiley; Farm Gate Model by boys, S. Meads, D. Gray; Pencil Drawing, C. Watson, A. Stonehouse; Crayon Drawing. C. Watson; Water Colors, Aileen Karstedt, Alexandria McVicar; Other Picture of Merit, Anna M{Vicar, C. Watson. â€" (W. M. Groat and Mr. Bosfield, Mt. Forest, Judges. Feversham Fair Winners HORSES Draught â€" Pair, W. C. Hutchinson, Markdale. 1 year old, W. C. Hutch- inson. Agricultural â€" Pair, geldings or marfis, J. B. Thibaudeau. Markdale, Stewart McMullin. Feversham. 2 yr. old gelding or filly, Em Hawton, Fev- ersham. General Pua-pose â€" Team, J. B. Thib- audeau, John Gillespie, Meaford. Brood mare, John Gillespie. Spring colt, Dave Lougheed. Roadsters â€" Pail, Taylor, Markdale. 2 year old, Jas. Legate, Ravenna. Single driver, F. Taylor 1st and 2nd. Carriage â€" Pair, Thomas Cornfield, Meaford. Two year old. Jas. Legato. Single driver, Thomas Cornfield 1st and 2nd. Best horse true to type â€" F. Taylor. Specials on Horses By O'Brien anil Hewson â€" Best Agri- cultural 2 year old, E. Hawton. By (i. B. Henry, for best general purpose team, J. B. Thibaudeau. By K. i;. Bennettâ€" For best haller- l)roken cold, David Lougheed. By J. H. Hillâ€" Best lady driver, Jno. Gillespie. B.v K. Robinson â€" For best .Agricul- tural team, . B. ThilUudeau 1st, Stewart Mo.Mullin 2nd. B.v Bank of Toronto for best Heavy Di-aughl team, W. C. Hutchinson. By Dr. Milne â€" For best Roadster 2 year old, Jas. Legate. CA'i'i'LE Polled Angusâ€" Bull 2 years or over, (;. Mauee. Host bull any age, G. Mngee. n'M-it'iirils â€" Bull calf under 1 year, Jas. Hudson. Cow, Jas. Hudson 1st and 2nd. Heifer calf under 1 year, Jas. Hudson 1st and 2nd. Best herd, liis. Hudson. Best bull any age, Jas. Hudson. (i.rades â€" Cow for dairy purposes, G. .Magee. Heifer calf lor dairy pur- poses, M. Nicholls, (i. Magee, Cow dual purpose, Allan McLean, E. Haw- ton. One-year-old heifer, G. Magee. 2-year-old heifer, I!. Magee. Heifer 'indc-r 1 year, Allan McLean, G. Mag- ee. 2-,\i ..-okl steer, G. Magee. Best steer calf, A. '.McIjobiU 'st and 2nd. Best herd of grades, G. Magee. Specials on Cattle By T. Eaton Co., G. Magee. By \V. (J. Kennedy, best halter broken calf, shown by boy or girl, G. Mttgee. By Jas. Henderson, for best pure- bred HerefoKl calves, Jas. Hudson. By A. McLean, for best grade heif- er talf, A. McLean. SHEEP Ivcister â€" All prizes to R. Herd & .Sons, Hanover. Oxford Down â€" All prizes to RiBsell Ellis, Kimberley. SWINE Yorkshire â€" All prizes to Geo. Rosa, except 2nd for aged sow, 1st for sow year old, and 2nd for sow pig 1933 going to Allen McLean. Tamsworth â€" All prizes to Geo. Ross Pen Bacon Hogs â€" A. McLean. Specials By Jno. Smith â€" For best boar any Ijreed. Geo. Ross. POULTRY Barred Rock male and female, W. I). Connor 1st and 2nd. Wyandotte Buff male and female, W. D. (Connor. Rhode Island Red male and female, Leghorn Brown male and female, W. D. Connor 1st and 2nd. l/eghorn White male and female, R. Allan, \V. I). Connor. Black Minorca male, W. t). Connor 1st nnd 2r..'l; female, R. Allnn. W. I). Connor. Turkey A. V. m«l(>. R. Allen Ul ard 2;id. Toiilou-ii' (Jot'Sf male, Mr.s. Aler. M:>rri^on. Em- den Gepsp male. R. Allen. Gee.^e A.O.V. male. R. Alia,?, Alex. Morrison. I •- !' Allan, Mrs. A. .Morrison; female, R. Allan Ist and 2nd. Pair pigeons, G. Magee, £. Hawton. Specials By C. M. Heron for best White Leg- horns, A. Allan, '.Mrs. Alex. Morrison. By Gilpins Hardware, for best pair Turkeys, A. Allan. GRAIN One bu-shel fall wheat, white, Geo. Ross. J. A. Kernahan. Bushel wheat, rt«d. Jas. Ottewell, F. Jamieson. Bushel oats, A. v., E. Hawton, Jas. Ottewell. Bushel Barley. .\lf. Hawton, E. Haw- ton. Bushel peas, ^mall. J. A. Kerna- han, E. Hawton. Peck Mammoth clov- er seed, Jas. Hud'.son, E. Hawton. Sheaf of com, R. Allan. Joe Wright. Sheaf fall wheat Joe Wright. Sheal Oats, E. Hawton. Specials on Grain By Collingwood Milling Co. â€" Best collection of grain, wheat, oats, bar- ley, E. Hawton. By Osprey Milling Co. â€" Best bushel of wheat, Jas. Ottewell. By Osprey Millin" Co. â€" Best bushel oats. E. Hawton. ROC/rS AND VEGETABLES Potatoes â€" Dooley or Deleware. R. Allan, E. Hawton. Green Mountain, E. Buckingham. Gobbler, R. Allan. Celery, white, Mrs. W. Inkster. Man- gold Wurtzels, long, Joe Wright. Turnips, Swede, Jno. Kernahan. Sugar Mangolds, Joe Wright, Jas. Ottewell. Blood Beets, long, W. A. Hawken, Mrs S. Mullins. Carrots long table. W. A. Hawken. Mrs. Alex. Morrison. Blood Beet. A.V.. Mrs. Jno. Smith. W. A. Hawken. Carrots. Early Horn, Mrs. S. Mullins, Mrs. F. Seeley. Carrot, field, Joe Wright. Parsnips, W. A. Hawken, Mrs. W. Inkster. Onion from seed, Geo. Ross, Mervyn MuUin. Po- tato Onions. M. MuUin, Mrs. S. MuUin Top Onions, W. A. Hawken. Wlhite Beans, Mrs W. Inkster, Jas. Ottewell; Butter Beans. R. Allan. Mrs. S. Mul- lin; Table Corn. W. A. Hawken. R. Allan; Cabbage, Winningstadt, W. A. Hawken; Red, W. A. Hawken; A,O.V.. Mrs. M. Nichol; W(. A. Hawken; Cauliflower, W. A. Hawken; Toma- toes, red smooth. W. A. Hawken. Jas. Hudson; Squash, Mrs. W. Inkster, R. Allan; Pumpkin, F. Jamieson, R. Allan; Vegetable iMarrow, Mrs. W. Inkster; Watermelon, Mrs. S. Mullin; Citron, Mrs. Alex. Morrison; Musk- melon, Mrs. W. Inkster; Winter Rad- ish, Mrs. S. Mullin; Vegetable Oyster, F. Jamieson, Mrs. W. Inkster. FRUITS Applesâ€" *Talmon Sweet. Mrs. Alex. Morrison, Mrs. Buckingham; Wealthy Mrs. Buckingham, Mrs. W.' Inkster; Duchess, Mrs. Buckingham, F. Jamie- son; Alexander, iMrs. F. Seeley, Geo. Ross; Russett, Geo. Ross, E. Hawton; Northern Spy, G. McDonald; Pewau- kee, Mrs. Buckingham, E. Hawton. DAIRY & OTHER PRODUCE Crock Butter. Mrs. E. Hawton, Mrs. F. Jamieson; 5 lb. prints. Myrtle Campbell. Mrs. G. Magee; Maple Syrup. Mrs. F. Seeley. Mrs. W. Ink- ster; Honeyj clear, R. Allan; Honey, amber, R. Allan. Specialsâ€" Sproule & Prentice, 5 lbs. butter in crock, Mrs. E. Hawton; R. W. Springgay, best â- â- ) lbs. butter in prints, Mrs. G. Magee; Chas. Kerton, best 5 lbs. but- ter in prints, Myrtle Campbell. DO.MESTIC SCIENCE Homemade Brend white, iMrs. Sam Mullen, Mrs. Kernahan; Homemade Bread brown, Mrs. A. Hawton, Mrs. Inkster; Fruit Bread, Mr*. J. Smith. Mrs. Inkster; Date Bread, Mrs. E. Hawton. Mrs. J. Smith; Nut Bread, Myrtle Campbell, Mrs. W. Fadden; Half. doz. Buns, Mrs. A. Hawton, Mrs. J. Smith; Baking Powder Biscuits, Ella Morrison, -Mrs. Buckingham; Bran Muffins, Mrs. W. Fadden, Mrs. F. Jamieson; Plain Cookies, Mrs. A. Hawton, Mrs. Inkster; Oatmeal Cook- ies. Mrs. W. Fadden. Mrs. F. Jamie- son; Ginger Cookies, Mrs. Inkster, Mrs. Jamieson; Tea or Drop Cakes, Mrs. Joe Wrjght, .Mrs. Jamieson; Tarts, Mrs. A, Hawton, Mrs. Joe Wright; Jelly Roll, Mrs. F. Jamieson, Mrs. E. Hawton; Apple Pie, Mrs. G. Magee, Mrs. Buckingham; Lemon Pie, Mrs. Buckingham, Myrtle Campbell; Pumpkin Pie, Mrs. Buckingham. Mrs. A. Hawton; Raisin Pie, Mrs. A. Haw- ton, Mrs. Buckingham r Light Fruit Cake. Mrs. Inkster, Mrs. Spofford; Dark Cake, not iced, Mrs. McCauley, Mrs. Nicholl; Vegetable Salad, Mrs. Budungham; Sealer of Peaches, Mrs. Inkster, Mrs. G. Magee; Pears, Mrs. Sam Mullin, Mrs. B. Porteous; Plums, Mra. B. Allan, Mrs. Jamieson; Cher- ries, Mrs. B. Porteous, Mrs.. A. Haw- ton; iBtrawUierries, Mre. A. Allan, Mrs. Porteous; Rasoberrles, Mrs. Porter, Mrs. Ruttle; Aople Jelly, Mrs. E. Hawton, Mrs Ruttle: Mixed Pickle, Mrs. Porter, (Mrs. Ruttle; Tomato Catsup, Myrtle Campbell. Mrs. Ink- ster; 3 Vajieties Canned Vegetables, Myrtle Campbell, Mrs. Inkster; Cann- ed Chicken, Mrs. Jamieson; Home- made Candy, Mabel Ross, Mrs. G. Magee; Orange Marmalade. Mrs. W. A. Hawken. Specials â€" Maxwell W. I., best dressed chicken, Mrs. Buck- ingham, Mrs. E. Hawton; Sinclair's Drug Store, Ck)llingwood, best three Loaves of Bread, white, brown and fruit, Mrs. A. Hawton. LADIES' WORK (Useful) Crochet Quilt, iMrs. Spofford, Cloth Pieced Quilt, Mrs. Ruttle; Cotton Pieced Quilt, Mrs. J. Long, Mrs. Spofford; Crazy Patched Quilt, Mrs. Buckingham, Mrs. Jas.. Long; Com- forter, Wool Filled, Mrs. F. Jamie- son, Mrs. Spofford; Fancy Bedspread, cotton, Mrs. Spofford, Mrs. Inkster; Fancy Bedspread A.O.K., Mrs. H. A. McCauley; Qjiir ShoetSj hand hemmed, Mrs. Champ, Mrs. McCauley; Hemm- ing on Table Linen, Mrs. Ritchie, Mrs. Champ; House Dress. Mrs. Champ, Mrs. Ruttle; Child's Dress, made from old garment, Mrs. Ruttle, Mrs. W. Fadden; Child's Coat made from old garment, Mrs. Ruttle, Mrs. Porter; Flannelette Pyjama Suit, Mrs Ruttle, Miss Annie Sproule; Man's Shirt. Mrs. Ritchie. Mrs. M. Nicholl; Wood Socks, coarse. Mrs. F. Jamieson, Mrs. McCauley; Wool Socks fine, Mrs McCauley. Miss A. Sproule; Pair of Mitts coarse, Mrs. R. Allan. Mrs. F. Jamieson; Hooked Rug, Mrs. F. S6ele.v, Mrs. McCaulev; Braided, Mrs. McCauley, Mrs. Ruttle; Mend- ing Torn Garment, Mrs. E. Kawton, Mre. Ruttle; Mending Worn Woollen Hose, fine, Ella Morrison, Mrs. Ruttle Woman's Smock, Mrs. Ruttle. LADIES' WORK (Faney) Centrepiece linen emb., Mrs. Ritchie Centrepiece, colored linen, crochet or tatting trimmed, Ella Morrison, Mrs. B. Porteous; Centrepiece A.O.K. on white, Mrs. McCauley, Mrs. Inkster; Taole Runner, Mrs. Ruttle, M's. Mc- Csraley; Buget Set, Mrs. McCauley, Mrs. Ruttle; Buffet Set in colors, Mrs. B. Porteous, Mrs. Inkster; Pillowslips eniby iMfrs. EjitcKfce, ,Mlrs- Champ;! Pillowslips other hand trimmed, Mrs. Champ, Mrs. Inkster; Tea Cloth and 6 Serviettes emb., Mrs. Jas. Long, Annie Sproule; Tea Cloth and 6 ser- viettes other hand trimmed, Mrs. Por- ter, A. Sproule; Dresser and Stand Ckjver, Mrs. Spofford, Mrs. Inkster; Ladies' Lingerie Set, Mii&. Ruttle, Mrs. Porter; Coll. Crochet Work, Mrs. Ruttle, Ella Morrison; Ladies' Pyj- amas. Mrs. Ritchie; Pair Towels emb., Mrs. Ritciie, Mrs. Champ; Towels crochet trimmed. Mrs. Champ. Ella Morxison; Bath Towels, crochet or knitted edge, iMrs. Jas. Smith, Miss Sprouler; Sofa Cushion embt, Mrs. Ruttle, Mrs. McCauley; Sofa Cushion. A.O.K,, Mrs. Palmer, Miss Sproule; Baby Jacket and Bonnet, Mr*. Palmer, Mrs. Champ; Child's Dress, Mrs. Porter, Mrs. Champ; Child's Rompers and Play Suit, Mrs. Champ, Mrs. Ruttle; Ladies' Handikerchief, Mrs. Ruttle, Mrs. F. Seeley; Tatting. Mrs. McCauley, Mrs. Nicholl; Daisy Loop and French Knot, Mrs. Ruttle, Mrs. McCauley; Modem Cross-stitch, Mrs. Ruttle, Miss Sproule; Fillet Crochet. Mrs. Ruttle, Mrs. Champ; Hemstitching, Miss Sproule, Mrs. B. Porteous; Knitted Lace, Miss Sproule, Mrs. B. Porteous; Smocking, Mrs. Palmer, Mrs. Ruttle; Beadwork. Miss Sproule, Mrs. Ruttle; Shopping Bag, .Mrs. Ritchie, Mrs. Palmer. FINE ARTS Hand painted China realistic de- sign, Mrs. W. Inkster, Mrs. McCau- ley; conventional design, Hits. Ink- ster; Stencil Design, Mrs. F. Seeley, Mrs. CHias. Martin; Poster Design, Mrs. P. Seeley, Mrs. Chas. Martin; Pen and Ink Sketch, Mrs. Inkster, Mrs. Palmer; Architectural Design, Mrs. Chas. Martin, Mrs. Sam Mullin; Charcoal Sketch. Mrs. Inkster, Mrs. Sam Mullin; Pastel, Mrs. Ritchie, Mrs. Inkster, Sepia, Mrs. Sam Mullin, ,Mrs. iMcCauley; BasWetry, Mr. B. Porteous; Wood Carving, Mrs. F. Seeley; (Collection of Snapshots, Mrs. B. Porteous. FLORAL EXHIBIT Single Geranium, Mrs. Porter, Mrs. Nicholl; Double Geraniums, Mrs. Nicholl, Mrs. Buckingham; "Tropical PUinit, MnW >|icholk iMabiel Rns^; Boston Fern, Mrs. W. A. Hawken, Mrs. Joe Wright; best six House Plants in bloom, Mrs. Nicholls. Mrs. Inkster; Asters. Mrs. McCauley, Mrs. Nicholls; Dahlias, Mrs. McCauley, Mabel Ross; Gladioli. Mrs. Hawken, Mrs. Joe Wright; Sweet Peas, Mrs. (Continued on next page) Kitchens can be glorified . . . and so can weary looking odds and ends of furniture ... at small cost and with very little effort. Rogers One Hour Enamel flows on with easy brush strokes . . . gives a smooth lustre to the dingiest object . . . offers a gay yet surprisingly tough surface to withstand the wear and tear of use. Rogers One Hour Enamel dries firm in Sixty Minutes. Eighteen beautiful colours to choose from (also black and white). The first advantage is that the articles you enamel are quickly ready for use. The second is that this enamel is suitable for almost aiiything you wish to paint . . . from the baby's high chair to the magazine ^rack. No other enamel dries so quickly. No other will give such satisfaction. Come here for Rogers One Hour Enamel, in solid colours or pistel shades! Ammunition^ Guns,. Rifles' 22 Caliber Super-dean and Whiz Bang Export, Cannuck and Imperial Shot Shells SEE OUR LINE OF I^ANGES AND HE MERS. PRICES LOWER THAN LAST YEAR. STOVE Plt»E ELBOWS. COAL HODS, STOVE BOARDS, ETC. ^ Sherwin Williams Paint It will pay you to paint this fall. Wd haTe a complete stock of Colors; also Enamels, Stains, Etc. A beautiful floor finish can bi> obtained by using Sherwi n Williams Wax. It gives a smooth, hard finish that stands the wear Fra^ik W. Duncan Phone 54 - - - FLESHERTON -»w I I •f * f •l* I k k .4. I

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