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Flesherton Advance, 4 Oct 1933, p. 3

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* * A*- r I A- 1. I. ^ PROFITS IN NATURAL GAS A iTeUoublic utiilt . serving over half a inilll..,, CunuUlaiiH, offers you a Kreater avenue of„ry reward In a shorter time than almost any ;^'X'j:;t'llne''ani"we'"«"r'be pleased to, you our ve folder ei.niaininK IntereMtlng Informutlon an<l fai-ts. EMPIRE NATURAL GAS LIMITED 18 TORONTO STREET^ TORONTO Novel Treatment [ Curbs Insanity! Experiments With Endocrine Gland Hormones in Illinois Give Highly Beneficial Results Autumn Briefs The Dominion Coast To Coast Hantax, Nova Scolia. â€" An increase Of over 8,000,000 pounds in the land- tnss of nsh in the Maritime Provinces tn June, compared with landing dur- )Bg the same month last year, is re- ported by the Eastern Division of the Department of Flslieries. Catches totalled 50,310,300 pounds valued at 11,093,264, while In June last year 47,- 136,100 pounds were landed with a ralue of $1,086,454. The principal rarleties were lobsters, salmon, cod, mackerel, halibut and haddoclt. Fredericton, N.B.â€" According to Mr. Allan King, Manager of the Minto Coal Company, Minto, N.B., the coal mining Industry of the province is busier than tt has been for fifteen years, and Is BOW working at 100 per cent, capacity. Montreal, Quebecâ€" The recent rapid increase in the demand for electric washing machines in place of the hand-worked variety is shown in the latest report on the industry from Ot- tav»a. From 1927 to 1932 inclusive electric machines were turned out In Canada at the rate of three to one of the other kind, the number of electri- cally driven machines made during the period being 345,051 compared with 105,289 hand and 13.905 other power machines. There are seventeen fac- tories in Canada engaged in the indus- try, the value of their output in 1932 being $3,241,323. Toronto, Ont. â€" Cattle receipts for the tirst seven months of 1933 at the Dnion Stock Yards, Toronto, were about the same as those tor the same period last year, comparisons being as follows: 1933 1932 400.422 359,655 .. 174,747 .. 1.168,642 .. 273,527 22,732 sllicious. carbonaceous material, one London bus more tiian half its total population under tliirty years of age. The older a codUsh is the richer is the cod-liver oil it yields in vitamin A. A room full of typists at work is e(iuivalent in noise to a motor-horn heard twenty feet away. Among the outlying police stations in country districts iu England, some 2U0 are still unprovided with a tele- Chicago. â€" Sirience's newest weapon to four inches thick and carrying some against disease, the hormones of the thiu. greenish copper stains. On analy- endocrine glands, are helpng to win ' phone. sib one sample yielded 3 per cent, its tight to reduce incurable insanity, it | .\fter lyln., bulled under peat for a vanadium and another 2.16 per cent., is indicated in a report n the Illinois ' thousand years, a keg of butter dug 000 or 50 pounds and 43 pound: to the ton Medical Journal by Dr. James H. Hut-; up in the Isle of J){ye was still fresh, respectively. At present prices this ton, of Chicago. | it would refiuire a fleet of 125,00 works out at 1180 and »125 to the ton. ' Nearly 27 per cent, of 172 Insane pa- aeroplanes, each carrying one ton of Vanadium is a pale grey metal with a tients who received glandular treat- 1 bombs, to destroy the whole of London silver lustre, and, like valutible for mixing with iron to make a high grade steel. hromium, is ment in addition to psychiatric routine ' in one operation A FRIEND Commend me to tlie friend that comes When I am sad and lone. And makes the anguish of my heart The suffering of his own; Who calmly shunslhe glittering thron- At pleasure's gay levee, And comes to gild a sombre hour And gives his heart to me. Commend me to that generous heart Which, like the pine on high. Uplifts the same unvarying brow To every change of sky; Whose friendship does not fade away When wintry tempests blow. But like the winter's icy crown, Looks greener through the snow. He flits not with the nitling stork That seeks a southern sky. But lingers where the wounded bird Hath laid him down to die. Oh. such a friend he is in truth, Whate'er his lot may be, A rainbow on the storm of life. An anchor on its sea. were sent home. Dr. Hutton reported,' London's new Passenger Transport while discharges from state hospitals Board controls ti.UOO omnili ises, 2,600 as a whole ran only 17 per cent. i iramcars, 2,239 electric railway The patients were given the novel : coaches, and 226 railway stations, treatment in a two-year study of the Cycling has become a crazt in the relation of endocrine disorder to in- ' Chinese city of Canton, -..-here British sanity conducted at the State Hospital machines are the most popular be- 1.230,627 ( 238,953 27,894 Cattle Calves Hogs Bheep Horses . Brandon, Man. â€" The Manitoba Pro- vincial Exhibition in 1934 will be held In Brandon from July 2 to 0, according to a delinite agreement entered into on dates by members of the Western Can- ada Class A Circuit. This city will, as asual, start the circuit, and only one change was made in the dates. Due to the World's Grain E.xhibition and Con- ference. Saskatoon followed Regiiia in 1933, but next year the old order will he resumed with Calgary, Edmonton, Saskatoon and Regina holding their shows after Brandon. Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan.â€" An il- lustrated booklet dealing with the city of Moose Jaw, compiled by the Board of Trade, shows that this important wheat and cattle-raising centre is pro- gressing and consolidating in a num- ber of directions â€" industrially, com- mercially and socially. With a popu- lation o£ 21,300 in the city itself, there aro 12.000 farmers within a radius of fifty miles. As a manufacturing centre Moose Jaw stands in first place in the Province of Saskatchewan, with a pro- duction of $535 per capita. Lethbridge, Alberta. â€" Tests made ot the Roney-Nordou Twin River oil well south of Lethbridge are reported to ehow that the well is good for fifty barrels of clean oil a day, with a gas flow of around 5,000,000 cubic feet. The oil was turned into tankage and flowed at the rate mentioned, aud'in the hope of increasing production It has been decided to shoot the well to crack up the porous lime to enable the oil to flow more freely. The well is free from water. Calgary, Alberta. â€" According to Mr. L. R. Hess, general manager, the Cal- gary plant of the Canada Malting Com- pany has been running twenty-four bours a day to supply malt to United Btates breweries since beer was legal- ized in that country. The Racket of Rubber Bees Altl»ugh honey stealing by bees is likely to be most troublesome in late summer, the beekeeper has to keep in mind that robber bees may start their racket at any time. In warm weather when there is little or no honey to be loi'^ol i 80' ^''0â„¢ ^^^ flowers, the bees will eas- ily yield to any temptation to obtain lor the Insane at Elgin, 111. The beneficial rnsults of the extra treatment were such that it has been made a regular part of the treatment, the report adds, and a similar policy is urged for all state hospitals. The endocrine glands include such cause they are cheap, light, and strong. The United Kingdom's eating less meat. In London alone 4,264 fewer tons of meat were consumed during the first halt of this year, as compared with the same period in 1932. There are fourteen private resi- structures as the pituitary as the base! dences, including the house of the of the brain, the thyroid, gonads, pai-a- Speaker, in the Palace of Westminster, thyroids and adrenals, controlling most j as the Houses of Parliament are called of the vital processes. officially. The study of their relation to in- sanity was prompted by the rapid in- crease in insanity iu Illinois evidenced by a rise from 57 for each 100,000 of population in 1880 to 309 in 1931. In the lust ten years the population of the state has risen IS per cent, and its insane 33 per cent. it anyhow. After more or less fighting they will overpow^er any very weak col- onies, and carry the honey to thoir own hives. Old robber bees have a shiny appearance, the hair having be- come worn off with entering so many different hives. No colony should be allowed to grow weak, says the Do- minion Apiarist, and no honey or syrup should be exposed in the upiary. New German Program Encourag 5 Motorists tJerraany's Chancellor Hitler has positive ideas about the transporta- tion industry, and to show where he stands in the matter, has removed the once heavy tax on new automo- biles. Also being convinced that mas- ter highways were much needed, he has started work on these modern arteries of travel. Hitler's highways are minus curves wherever possible, and, to handle traffic in two direc- tions, on paved surfaces each 27 feet wide, separated by a strip 15 feet in width. Ardent Champion Of Saskatche'wan Prince .-Vlbert, Sask.â€" Why move farmers from southern prairie drought areas to Northwestern On- tario, when Northern Saskatchewan offers plague-free settlement areas as ijood as any in tlie Dominion? This question was asked by Mayor H. M. Sibbakl, of this city, when informed of the resolution passetl at the. North- western Ontario Chambers of Com- merce convention in Fort Frances urging the study of the pos.sibility of moving dry-area farmers from Sas- katchewan and Manitoba to North- western Ontario. "Without Government interven- tion," Mayor Sibbald remarked, "thou- sands of farmers have come into this city's trade territory from drought- stricken areas. There is room for thousands more where droughts, pla- gues and crop failures are equally as unknown as in Northwestern Ontario." Employment Is provided for 44,750 in the 646 new factories established in Great Britain last year. Of these fac- tories, 251 are situated iu the London area. Drought and grasshoppers have com- bined to affect Canada's wheat harvest prospects very adversely, although earlier iu the season a bumper crop was expected. Only one woman is practising as a plastic surgeon in the West End ot London. She comes of a medical family, and during the War assisted at plastic operations on soldiers. A single map showing all the travel- ling facilities in London, including railways, tram.s, buses, and coaches, (s not feasible, as it would require an area as big as that covered by Westminster Abbey. Building societies are spreading over the Continent. In Germany between 1924 and 1931 they acyuiied 400,000 members. .Austria ha CLUB CHE'WINC XOBACCO The compass assures the safety of the navi- gator while Club Chewing Tobacco assures him of a richer, longer-lasting chew. VOU MIGHT AS WELL CHEW THE BEST Claims Short Waves Cure Many Ills German Doctor-Scientist Tells of Experiments With Wireless societies, Swilzerlund five, and Hun- gary three. After London, Manchester had the most motoring offences last year, with Lundon, Eng. â€" Cures for various ail- ments by the use of short wireless waves are claimed by Dr. Erwin Schlie- phake, a German physician and scien- tist. Writing in the British Medical Jour- twenty-nine I nal, he describes how after long study and e.\perinientation he has succeeded iu treating deep-seated abscesses in the human body by passing ultra-sliort wireless waves tlirough the patient, 14,513 cases. At the other end of thej^.iio ^as not in immediate contact scale camu Tuubridge Wells, with j with any insirument. He found, he said, that various tis- sues exhibit entirely different degrees of conductivity in the presence of these waves, which act in character- istic ways according to the wave were State Protects Males From Wiles of Women Regina.- â€" Let the modern woman be- ware how she uses her makeup. There is at least one law on the statute books to protect males in this country f i-om the wiles of women who use arti- ficial aids to enhance their charms. Scanning an ancient volume Dr. -J. F. Hons-berger, Saskatchewan lawyer, came across an act passed by the Brit- ish Parliament in 1(570 and never re- pealed which prohibits women from adding to nature's gift en pain of be- ing burnetl as witches. Here is the law : "All women of whatever age, rank, profession or dc- Stockholm, Sweden. â€" Colonel and i gree, whether virgins, maids or wid- .Mrs. Charles A. Lindbergh plan to fly lows, that shall fmm the passing of to Scotland shortly, via Amsterdam, ! this act impose upon and betray into Holland, for a survey of the Scottish! matrimony any of His Maesty's male coast, it was understood last week. I subjects by scents, paints, cosmetics. They recently completed an aerial sur- 1 high-heeled .shoes or bolstered hips, vey of a possible air route over the ^ shall incur the penalty of the law.s North .-Mlantic. Lindbergh said it was unlikely they would fly the Atlantic again this sea- son. They probably will dismantle their plane and return to the United States on a liner. Survey of Scottish Coast is Planned by Lindberghs forty-nine, Dover with forty, and West Hartlepool with only twenty-eight. Of the fatal road accidents which occurred in Gt. Britain, the greater proportion happen iu built-up areas, and only tweut-five per cent, iu open | lengths. .Many of the effects country. Comparatively tew occur in ^ said to be (piite selective, really dense traffic, even in the London or. Schlephake declares he has used '"''^"'" ! waves to treat pulmonary abscesses Measuring si.x feet in width andjaftcr pneumonia, in pleural empyema, twenty feet in length, London's small- ,,„ei,nionie tuberculosis, in certain est house is situated iu Hyde Park forms of peritonitu, in migraine (where Place. It has a hall and one room on waves of 15 metres were reported most the ground floor, and two more up- j Classified Advertising PATENTS. A.V Ui'-Flill TO EVEllY l.NVENTOB. List 01' wanted Inventions and full information sent free. The Bamaajr Com* panjr. World Patent Attornoys. ifi Bank :itreet, Ottawa, Canada. THYLA PBO .UCTS. DELICIOUS THYLA YE.VSTâ€" i â- â€¢-Nerves Improved, bowels moving, sleep e.xcellcnt," writes 7C-years-olcl Mra. Fredrikson, 5413 Bourhonniere St., Mon- treal. ••KEEr.S INDEFl.NlTELi.'." Money back guarantee. 12 cakes 46c. THYLA PRODUCTS, Department 2, Box 2914, Montreal. now in force against witclicraft.'' Faith Kaith has been customarily portray- ed as one ot the gentle graces; as a Extra labor has I lovely feminine figure with gentle face, been engaged, and between 75,000 and 80,000 bushels of barley will be re- auired each month for the malt supply, K boon to .\lberta barley growers. Vctoria, B.C. â€" A Dominion Geo- Eraphical Survey Report announces that vanadium of appreciable value has been identified in a primary cop- per ore body on Quadra Island, near Victoria, in the form of a finely banded. SHE LOST WEIGHT EACH WEEK The Ideal Way to Reduce A woman writes to tell how she is reducing excess fatâ€" and her way leeme to be the Ideal way. "I am 59 years old, 5 ft. 5'/4 in. in height, and was 190 lbs. when I start- ed taking a level teaspoonful of Krus- cUen Salts every morning. I went •Jowly down in weight â€" some weeks 2 lbs., others Just 1 lb., until I got down to 154 lbs. 1 have never felt bettea- in my life than 1 do now, and 1 feel so much lighter and feel years younger." â€" (Mrs.) W. 1. The action of Kruschen Salts, taken regularly every morning, is to effect a latural clearance of undigested food lubstances and watery waste matter, it Is that waste matter which is stored â- p In the form of ucly fat, if it is not regularly expelled. stairs reached by a narrow iron ladder. ".My father is a wash-out," was the reply of a school child in Ladysmith in answer to a question. It proved that the parent was employed in washing out boilers at the engine sheds, "wash- out" being his official designation. Thirty-' wo vessels of the German Fleet, which was scuttled in Scapa Flow, have been salvaged after nine years' work. The remaimler will be left where they sank, as they are not worth raising owing to the drop iu value of scrap metal. satisfactory) and acute tonsilitis. The One Pains After Eating? ~ Try This ! Pains after eatine are B<-m rally <l«o to an excess ut acid in the stomach that forms gas and causes belchinB, heait burti, bluatine. sour stomach and iniil- Keslion. UlBurated Jlagnesla taken after meals will give such MUlck ami plea.sinK relief you will bo surprised. Any ilruKBist will tell you oidinary Hl- su rated Magnesia is line t'dr sour acid stomach conditions. It should be in every home. It works. slender, graceful physitiue, clad in easy flowing robes. Such a portrayal is not altogether appropriate. Faith ought to be represented as a masci.liue figure; strong, athletic, daring, with eyes of fire, with muscle- nf iteel. with will of Iron, with evi trol; not (juiesc tiony. Faith is is action on th lieved. It is darinff; it Is couraBcv,.... , it is full of initiative. To conceive ot faith as a passive attitude of mind. Is to mistake its real nature. Where there is real faith the whole man pro- • ceeds to act. .irt, in picturing faith as feminine, has not been profoundly true to the New Testament. Faith has more masculine than feminine qualities. * j Common Days j God keep us through the common days, The level stretches, white with dust. When thought is tired ,and hands up- raise Their burdens feebly, since they must. j In days of slowly fretting care, I Then mo^t we need the strength of prayer. I â€" Margaret E. Sangster. .J ' In order to see into mankind, into life, and still more into ourselves, suf ferlng is requisite. â€" RIchfer. Toronto Justly Earns "Convention City" Title Toronto. â€" Known as a convention' city from one end of the continent to the other, Toronto is to have more than 150 conventions next year. Book- ings have also been made for 193^. Negotiations are under way to bring conventions seven or eight years dis- tant to this city. One important factor in bringing so many conventions hre next year i.s the fact that the city's centennial cele- K-rntion is to take place then. Just as Visitor to Pitcarn Writes Impressions A visitor to Pitcairn, a British is- land in the Pacific, gives her impres- sions ot place and people. "The islanders are good-looking, tall, straight and lean with skins vary- ing from pale olive to dark brown; and eyes and hair mostly black, thougli here and there 1 saw a head of brown and clear blue eyes, which told ot European origin. "They spoke good English with soft, well-modulated voices, and their smiling good liumor and charming | ^^.jjj, ^^en acting Record "Mammonth Cheese" of the exhibits at the N'ew York State Fair at Syracuse is to be a "nu' r.imolh cheese" weii^hing 12,000 pouiKls, that is expected to open the eyes of the nalives, writes The Brock- ville Recorder. But, as a correspondent of the Mon- treal Gazette points out, this â- heese, large though it is, will tie a more pyg- my in comparison with one that Can- ada sont to the World's Fair in Chi- cago) 40 years ago and that cheese, it is worth remarking, was a product of the ea.stern part of Ontario, still famous for its dairy pnxluction. "This reminds me,'' writes G. A. Marson, of Montreal, to the Gazette, "of the mammoth cheese from Can- ada which formed part of the Cana- dian exhibit and which I sa.w at the World's Columbian Exhibition at Chi- cago in 18i(3. This enormous of cheese was manufactured at the Do- minion Experimental Dairy Statior< at Perth, Ont., under the supc- of Prof. James W. Ro^' Man's Lot Each man's lite The outcome of his former living is; The by-gono wrongs bring forth sor- rows and woes. The by-gone right breeds bliss. â€" Edwin Arnold. Nothing is of greater value than a single day. â€" fJoethe. SIMPLY WORN OUT? Take Lydia E. Pmkhani'a Vegetable Compound Can anything be more wearing for women than the ceaselcsft round ot bousehold duties? You have no time to be sick . . • you are tired . . . alllnft . . . yet cannot stop. There cornea a tima «rtaea somcthinii snaps and you find yourself simply worn out. Lydlo E. Plnkbam's Vegetable Com* pound will help you. Its tonic action will ^Tc you renewed strength, and will inak9 your dally tasks seem easier to you. 98 out of every 100 women who r to us say that they are benefited * medicine. Buy a bottle from y«- ftist today . . . and watch (^ â- You will never have what you like until you learn to like what you have. BEFORE . BABY COMES A mother is a mother b*(ore her child is bom. SCOTT'S EMULSION furnishes an abundance of the necessary Vita- mins A and D For health and strength of mother and child. manners won ail our hearts. â- 'The men were dressed in cotton ] singlets or shirt.-s and dungaree! trousers; the women in cotton '' made rnlUa hats, except one or two who said proudly that their hats had come from Panama ~t.lio Paris ot Pitcairn â€" but nearly 4,000 miles away. "I asked a nice-looking woman with a rather sad face it she would not like to go away frcim the island. Yes, lady,' she said, 'but how can I? I have no money'. " Have faith in yourselt others believe In you or not. whether 'Tis Better Than None Chicago. â€" .4 shy, ctfcminate youth! with a lisp in his speech held up Peter Damiani, 17, and Myrtle Wilkenson, 23, as they sat in an automobile in front of Damiani's home. Ho looked at the change Damiani handed him, quietly remarked that "thirty thenths ithent tho much but ith thonuHhing," and slipped away. <i •The history of all education seems Commissionp- poup''- -s -» to the j.or one day in . lie cheese weighed 22,- , ^unds net. It was encased in the louid or hoop of steel in which it was ressed and a pressure of more than two hundred tons was applieil to make it, perfectly solid. It measured 28 feet in circumference by six feet in height. .'V special truck was made for trans- porting it through Great Britain after it left Chicago. It was later sold to Mr. T. J. Lipton, of London, England, who exhibited it as a feature of hil; business in every large city of Great Britan and Ireland." Syracuse Fair may have it.<; 12,000- Ibs. cheese, but Canada mode and dis- played one of 22,000 lbs. 40 years ago. .'\nd that record does not seem to have been exceeded since that time. Religion Religion is a necessary, if indispens- able element in any great human char- acter; It is the tie that connects man with his Creator, and holds him to His throne.â€" Daniel Webster. •> If for some of us action cannot mean rr'S LIVER THAT MAKES YOU FEEL SO WRETCHED Wake up your Liver Biic â€" No Calomel necessary For you fo fe«l healthy Rnd hnnpy. youf ttver must pour two pounui of liquid bilu into ?'Our bowels, every day. Without Ihftt bil«^ roubU Btarif. PoordigMtion. Blow eUminniiftii. poisons Id the body. GenffHl wrtil^hcdiicr*. How can you expect to oImf up a 9itt;atina Uk« this completely wth mere bcwcl-inoving utltfi, oil, miueral water, Iftiativo CftnJy or ehewing ^nm, or rougbsKe? Thoy -ioo i wnk* op y(jur liver. You need C'arlet's Utile I.Wer tMUs Piir6l» vacetftble. Safe, i^nirk and ffum reduitit. AM lor them by asime. HefuM kuUutute* 2^c. aI •U 4ru£ci«ta. M to be a continual cycle of knowledse <i^'i"B- 'hen remember bearing, too, is ^o.ti„,r nvorini.i innre .inri more by action, ofleu Its hardest part â€" W. t. [getting overlaid more and more ' mere opinions." â€" Lord Euat*ce Tcrcy. Gannett. ICulicura OiniiueutJ [To soothe and heal burns, cuts,] rashes and all skiu irritntioits \ of childhood. Priop 2'.'. .iritl .">0r. ISSUE iNo. 39â€" 33 \

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