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Flesherton Advance, 4 Oct 1933, p. 1

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il ft Vol. 53; Xo. 16 WEDNESDAY, UCT()BEK 4, 1933 W. H. Thurston & Son, Proprietors EUGENIA 5 i '.("y PRICEVILLE PARKâ€" BELLAMY â€" A very quiet wedding was solemnized at the Unit- ed church parsonage, Flesherton, at one o'clock Wednesday afternoon, when Rita Agnes, youngest daugh- ter of the late Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Bellamy of Fleshierton was united in the holy bonds of matrimony to Mr. G. Russell Park, eldest son ol Postmaster R. A. and Mrs. Park ot Eugenia. The bride's pastor. Rev. W. J. Scott, performed the ceremony. The bride who was unattended was attired in a becoming suit of navy blue with hat and other accessories to harmonize. After tne ceremony they immediately departed on a' mot- or trip to Quebec and other points. We understand the happy young couple will reside in Flesherton. We extend our congratulations to th€m and may their journey tnrough life together be happy and prosperous. . Mrs. J. Howard of Flesherton is visiting a week with her sister, Mrs Wm. J. Magee. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hanley visited with the latter's parents, Mr. an3 Mrs. McMaster, Wareham, Sunday Three quilts were quilted in the basement of the United church last Thursday afternoon, therefore a little more money was added to the treas- ury of the Ladies' Aid. The joint U.F.O. & U.F.W.O. club held a corn roast at the home of 'Mr. and Mrs. Will. Gordon one night rec- ently. A very pleasant evening was spent among the members and their families. Games and music were in- dulged in after which, all enjoyed com and sandwich, along with soc- ial chat. The next regular meeting will be held at the home oÂ¥ Mr. and . Mrs. Charles Turner on Thursday evening, October 5th. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hanley and son, Billie, and Mrs. C. Lewis attended the weiner roast at the home of Mr. W. T. Genoe, Ceylon, on Friday night last. A very enjoyable time was spent until the wee sma' hours C momin'. A play "The Gate to Happiness'" is being prepared for the program at the fowl supper, given under the aus- pices of the W. A. of the United church in the near future. Messrs. J. and E. Hargrave, ac- companied by Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Park and son, Charles, attended Owen Sound Fair on Saturday. Mr. C. Lewis of Toronto spent the jweek end with his wife, who is vis- iting her sister, Mrs. C. Hanley. . Mrs. Wm. Hyslop spent the past two weeks with her daughter, Mrs. .Wilfred Magee, 8th Line. Eugenia residents are delighted to welcome Miss Hilda Gordon home from Hamilton sanitarium, and to know that she is recovered from her illness. â- â- Â«i JiSft' The farmers are busy taking up their potatoes and roots. Mr. and Mrs. Dan L. MacArthui spent the week end with friends in London. Mrs. John McFarlane of Toronto apent the past week with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Colin McLean. Mr. Innis 'McLean returned home after visiting in Torooto. Mr. Chas. McFarlane spent a few ;lays vi.siting in Toronto. BORN â€" On Tuesday, September 26th, to Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wilson ot Trenton (nee Mary Car.son), a son Dr. and Mrs. J. E. Milne and fam- ily, Flesherton, visited on Sunday at the home of A. L. Hincks. Miss Olive McMeekin and friend. Mrs. McMeekin Sr., and Mrs. Wm. Godfrey of Duluth were recent guests at Mr. Alex. Cf^rson's. Mr. Clifford Hincks and sister Beth, spent the week end in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Dan L. McAllistei and friend of CoUingwood and Mr and Mr9. A. B. McDonald of Owen Sound were recent visitors at Mr Thos. Nichol's. Mrs. Gray and son, Donald, return- ed to the West on Friday, after spend- ing four months visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Donald McMillan and sisters and many friends. Congratulations to Miss Lily Camp- bell and Mr. Bill McKenzie who were married on Saturday. The Sacrament of the Lord's sup- per was observed in St. Columba United church last Sunday. Six new members were added to the church namely, Mr. and Mrs. Alex. McLean, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Harrison, Miss Edna Harrison and Mr. John Ritchie. The W.M,S. and Women's Assoc- iation of the United church held a very enjoyable meeting at the home of Mrs. Thomas Harrison on Wed nesday, September 27th. Mrs. F. G. Karstedt's group supplied an ex- cellent program and the Old Durham Road group served a dainty lunch. Anniversary services will be held in St. Columba United church on Oct- ober 8th. Rev. C. Sinclair Jones, a former pastor, will conduct the ser- vices morning and evening. There will .be special music by the choir, as- sisted by the Salem quartette* On the following evening a fowl supper and concert will be held in the church. A good program is being arranged. Admission: Adults 35c, Children 2(k. PROTON STATION The Proton Station public school under the supervision of their teach- er, Mr. G. Littlejohn's, attended the championship school fair at Owen Sound on Saturday, September 30th. to compete with Grey County's best and returned proudly bearing tht championship 1st prize. Mr. Little- johns is an expert ti-ainer of school children, having repeatedly won the championship with several schools in the county. We are glad that Pro- ton Station school did him credit. Helen Badgerow won third prize for public speaking, there were thirteen competitors. Congratulations to both teacher and pupils. The Anniversary and Hai-vest Thankoffering sei-vices of Ti'inity Anglican church, took place last Sun- day, October 1st, when Rev. J. N. Blodgett of Wycliffe College staff, Toronto, preached two able sermons. St. Paul's choir, Melancthon, render- ed .special music. The Holiness annual convention was held last week in the Bible school here. Mrs. Inkster of Spokane is a guest of her cousin, Mrs. R. G. Acheson. IMr. and Mrs. Woods of Chatsworth were Sunday visitors with Mr. Her- gott and sons. Mr. Gordon Parks and lady friend spent Sunday with friends at Max- well. ROCK. MILLS SCHOOL REPORT Fourth â€" Ilene Russell, Russell Phillips, Ruby Monaghan, Doris Ped- lar, Roy Fisher. Sr. Third â€" Fred Partridge, Fred Betts. Jr. Third â€" Laura Pedlar, Hazel Wilkinson, Ted Croft, Glenard Croft, Orval Russell, Loreen English. Second â€" Arthur Betts, Edna Part- ridge, Bessie Russell, Chester Shier, Phyllis Partridge, Laura Porteious, Irene Woods, Amanda Fisher, Eleanor Russell, Mansell Atkinson, HSlda Betts, Gordon Shier, Harold Clark, Harry Fisher, Cecil Shier. First â€" Russell Shier, Lillian Fish- er. Sr. Pr. â€" Vernon Atkinson, Jean Phillips, Jack Porteous. Jr. Pr. A. â€" Evelyn Phillips, Helen Betts, Edna Shier, Harold Betts. Jr. Pr. B. â€" Marie Phillips, Ivan Woods, Edgar Betts. â€" E. M. OLIVER, Teacher CEYLON SCHOOL REPORT Sr. ^th â€" Betty Stewart, Carlotta Plester, Gladys Patterson. Jr. 4th ~ Jim Kennedy, Laurie Genoe, Jack Adams, Doris Marshall Allan Haw and Irene Mathewson (equal), Emerson Plester. Sr. 3rd â€" Doris Duckett, Ear! Plester, Billie Marshall, Charlie Mc- Williams. Jr. 3rd â€" Verna Kennedy, Marjorie Stewart. Sr. 2nd â€" Keith Cairns. Jr. 2nd â€" Gordon Nichol, Marion Collinson, Mary McMullen, Hilda Duckett. Form 1 â€" Joe McWilliaras, Gordon Haw, Margaret Smellie, Edna Mar- shall, Jack McMullen, George Stew- art, Wallace Shaw. Sr. Pr. â€" Delbert Plester, Ena Adams and Dorothy Plester (equal), Jean McMullen. Jr. Pr. â€" Haw, Gord«j] â€"I TT..i_i,;„„f,n Eric PORTLAW SCHOOL REPORT Sr. 4th â€" Elmer Jamieson, Grace Jamieson. Jr. 4th â€" Sadie McKee, Harry Bad- gerow, Les. Jamieson, Mabel Blakey, Myrtle Croft. Sr. 3rd â€" Marjoi'ie Pedlar, Alice Shier, Bernice Plantt. Jr. 3rd â€" Louisa Boyce, Elda Ped- lar. Sr. 2nd â€" Bobbie Nickolls, Harold Phillips, Mabel Blackburn, George Boyce, Mary Fisher (abs.) Jr. 2nd â€" Stanley Taylor, Babbie Blakey. 1st â€" Fred Shier, Jimmie Nickolls. Sr. Pr. â€" Chester Plantt, Gladys Jamieson, Marjorie Jamieson, Kath- leen Croft (abs.) Jr. Pr. â€" Donald Meldrum. A. â€" Evelyn Shier, Gordon Nick- olls, Victor White, Donald Shear- down, â€"a. E. HEARD, Teacher LADY BANK There will be Thanksgiving Ser- vices at Providence United church on Sunday, October 8th, at 11 aju. and 7.30 p.m., with Rev. Mr. Clark of To- ronto as pastor and a (luartette from Toronto will sing. Miss Reta Hindle of Maple Grove and Miss Jean McKenzie and Miss Doris Roberts here, have gone to the city for a few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fawcett ol Kimberley spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Percy Semplc. Mr. Ed. Harbottle returned with his brother, Mr. Wm. H., for a visit at Walkerville. jPROCLA.MATION Notice is hereby given that all pub- lic schools in the township of .A.rte- mesia are authorized to take a pub- lic holiday to attend the Provincial plowing match near Owen Sound. This applies only to schools where teacher and pupils wish to attend t)he match, and is announced through the power invested in me by the Public School Act. Teachers and pupils may govern themselves recordingly. â€"J. A. DAVIS, Reeve. I8th ANNIVERSARY SERVICES AT PROTON CHURCH S. S. NO. 5, OSPREY Sr. 4th â€" Vernon Somers. St. 3rd â€" Margaret Courvoisier, Mervin Ottewell, Bernice Wright. Patrick Haley, Muriel Cameron. Jr. 3rd â€" Frances Roberts, Nellie Ottewell, LV)reen Tempest, Vincent Somens, Veletta Sayers, Dolly Otte- well. Jr. 1st â€" Phyllis Roberts, Anthony Haley. Sr. Pr. â€" Kathleen Somers, Grace Poole, Francis Haley. Jr. Pr. â€" Edith Sayers, Anna Moffat. â€" E. M. TURNER, Teacher. The 18th Anniversary and Har\'est Thantesgiving •sei'Vicds 'of Trinity church, Proton Station, were held at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. on iSunday, Oct. 1st with ideal weather and splendid attendances, especially at the even- ing ser\'ice. The services were in charge of the Rector, Rev. M. F. Old- ham and the special preacher was tht Rev. J. N. Blodgett, Field Sec. ol Wycliffe College, Toronto. In the morning he preached on Judges 6: 13, and Gideon said unto Him, "Oh my Lord, if the Lord be with us why then is all this befallen us." In the even- ing on Psalm 145: 16, "Thou openest Thine hand and satisfiest the desire of every living thing." He delivered two splendid and appropriate ser- mons which were much appreciated by all present. The choir of IV voices of St. Paul's church, Melanc- thon, was present and under the dir- ection of Mrs. Howard Grummett, organist, led in the singing and ren^ dored two fine anthems in the morn- ing entitled, "lie is Calling" and in the evening, "Jesus Christ My Lord and Saviour." The church was prett- ily decorated with flowers and veg- etables. This year's services were well attended and much enjoyed by all present. MAXWELL -Mr. Fred Gamey and son of New- dalo, Man., called on his old friends here last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Hastings and Mr. Tom Brislow of CoUingwood spent Sunday witli Mr. and Mi-s. Angus Mc- Leod. We extend our sympathy to Mr. and Mrs. Harvey McQuarrie in the death of their five-months-old baby. Mr. and Mrs. John Priestley of nundalk visited with the Priestley and M'jLeod family on Sunday. ."Mr. Levi Duckett is burning a kiln of lime this week. Rev. McNeil of the United church here IS exchanging pulpits with the Raveifina minister next Sundav. VfCFORIA CORi^ERS Miss Margaret Moore, nurse ol Buffalo, retumed. .on Monday, aftei .â- spending a couple of months at the home of her parents, Chas. Moore's. Miss Mary Cameron spent the week end at her home in Berkeley. Don't forget Inistioge .^nniver.sary on October 8th. Mr. Young is the preacher for the morning. Rev. Mr. Hutchinson, afternoon and evening. Mr. and Mrs. Will. T-albot, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Moore visited at Mr. Robt. Moore's at Newbury. CARD OF THANKS Mrs. Kennedy of Marmora, and fnmily wish to thank tlie Flesherton Business Men and Tennis Club and other friends for their kind tokens of sympathy in their recent bereave- ment. â€"HAVE YOU RENEWED? ROCK MILLS Prayer meeting will be held at the home of Mr. Thos. Betts on Fi'iday night at 8 o'clock, conducted by Rev. F. Dean of Feversham. Everybody welcome. Mrs. J. Vessie and daughter, Reba, of Rocky Saugeen, are visiting for a few weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Dougald Clark and family. Mrs. Geo. Newell, Sr., Mr. Geo. Newell, Jr. and Mr. Thos. Whitmore of Durham and Mrs. .\llan McKinnon of Port Arthur visited the first of the week with the former's sons her«. Chas. and W. J. Newell and also call- ed on other friends. Mr. and Mre. Lewis Pedlar visited the past week with CoUingwood friends. Mrs. Bob Lee of Owen .Sound was a recent visitor with her iaister, Mes--- Dick Clark. Our sincere sympathy is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Phillips and family in their very sad bereavement by the passing of their dear daugh- ter and sister, -Grace, who passed away at the early age of 16 years. StMary's Anglican Church MAXWELL Rector. Rev. Maurice F. Oldham. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 8. 1933 10 a.m. â€" Sunday school for- all children. 7 p.m. â€" Evening prayer service and sermon. TRINITY CHURCH, PROTON STA. 2 p.m. â€" Sunday school and Bible class. "Set a watch, Lord, before' my mouth, keep the door of my lips." Psalm 141: 3. *9*^ BATES BURIAL CO'Y | c 124 Avenue Road Toronto DISTINCTIVE FUNERAL SERVICE AT REASONABLE PBICKS PHONES: NIGHT OR DAYâ€" Klngsdale 4344â€"3456 Modern Private Chapel J. W. Bates Fred Maddocks Richard Maddocks. Managcii Formerly of Flesherton S. S. NO. 2, ARTEMESIA PROTON 8'iA. oviiw^ â€"HAVE YOU RENEWED? CHOP»'ING BY ELECTRICITY . 1 have installen electric power for chopping at n(iy mill anh will continue 'cUStean chopping at 7 cents per bag. ,% â€" H. Ar McCAULEYi Flesherton. TAX COLLECTORS WANTED FOR TOWNSHIP OF OSPREY Applications for Collectors oi" taxes for North and South Rolls will be received by tender signed until Fri- day, October 27, 1933. Each Coltecl- ^OT when appointed will be requires •*» fatnish bonds satisflictory t« Coun- "c«: Dftted at Feversham, W^i>0g, Oc'- ob^v 2. 1933. ' ** ' i â€" C. N. LOiJG, Clerk. Fifth â€" Helen Badgerow. Sr. 4th â€" Kenneth Sims, Percy Sims. Jr. 4th â€" Annabelle Jackson, Annie Lockhart, Winifred Pattison, Bob Batehelor. Sr. 3rd â€" Ernie Batehelor, Verna Baker," Harold Sims, Joe Stainsby, Mae Corbett, Arelene Whyte, Ernie Barker, Kathleen Barker, Theodore Cole, Hilda Sims, Marjorie Bates, Irene Bridge. Jr. 3rd â€" (Harence White, Eileen Pattison, Dorothy Cole, Marjorie Shrubb, Vern Corbett, Hazel Bridge, Laurie Sims, Bill Halliday. Jr. 1st â€" Lloyd Jackson, Irene iWhite, Jacqueline Sims, Fred Bateh- elor, Jack Barker, Zella Lyon -3, Archie Bridge. Sr. Pr. â€" Audrey Cole, Marvella White, Kenneth Bates, Mae Jackson, Margaret Mills. Jr. Pr. â€" Cecil Barker, Allister Pattison, Bert Badgerow, Marion Lyons. â€" G. R LITTLEJOHNS, Teacher. Read the Small Advertisements Fifth â€" Dorothy Whitehead. Sr. 4th â€" Jim Stephenson. Jr. 4th â€" Velma Alcox and Har\'ey Hill'* equal, Clarence Foster. Sr. 3rd â€" Muriel Tieeter*, Don Russell*, Jean Lever*, Ella Stephen- \ Sr. 2nd â€" Mary Whitehead*. Jr. 2nd â€" Verna Russell*, Annie Stephenson. Jr. 1st â€" Pauline Stephenson, Levi Stafford. Sr. Pr. â€" Muriel Gilchrist*, Ernie Russell*. Jr. Pr. â€" Jack Gilchrist*. * denotes present every day. â€"A. I. MARTIN, Teacher. LADIES' AID MET The last meeting of the Ladies' Aid was held at the home of Mrs. Ned Croft on September 20th. In spite of the rain thirty nine ladies met in honor of the grandmothers who provided the program. It was de- cided to hold anniversary services on Sunday, November 5th, followed by a fowl supper on Tuesday, November 7. Each of the nine grandmothers present received a gift, also a special prize to Mrs. Joseph Croft the eldest, and Mrs. George Blackburn the youngest. The October meeting will be hd'' . v^aKe, ....X-. â€"..J » Alton and Mrs. George Blackburn; Sandwich, Mrs. Mary Badgerow and Mrs. Albert Blackburn. " The House ot Quaity" Specials This Week AYLMER TOMATOE JUICE, 2 TINS SHREDDED WHE-AT, 2 PKGS 15 ROSE BAKING POWDER, PER TIN EINE SALT, 3H LB. BAG, DON'T FORGET «=" WR^ ^ -SL« !fii»il' JA5 . A. STEWART FLESHERTON â- '#â- ' "ii?''^"' &,g,^.g,^4,4,4H>.»«»<>«4>44<>«44 ««<><»«,»A<&«d>«dM»,&««><>«><»<»«««M»»«><><:~>^~&<><M><~>^M><fr<»«4~M>«^ I Prairie Rose Fieur SHOOTING MATCH I I Lot 40, Con. 9, Artemesia, on Oct- ober 9th (Than)|fsg^ving). Ducks a»d geese. Rifle shooting at 1 p.m. â€"GARNET MAGJEE. Dr. E. F. Armstrong and wife and son, Peter, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. F. H. W. Hickling. FOWL SUPPER $2.40 A fowl supper will be held on Mon- day, October 9th, in St. Columba church, Pricoville. Good talent is being secured for the concert which follows. Pearl Soap 8 BARS 25c Toilet Paper 8 ROLLS 25c COFFEE You get the Most out of Coffee when you buy it freshly ground Why Pay More FOR GROCERIES AND MEATS? try Kennedy's and be convinced Men's Wear COME IN AND LOOK OUR WIN- TER UNDERWEAR, SOCKS, SWEATERS, LEAHER COATS, ETC., OVER BEFORE YOU BUY Ken Kennedy Phone 37 We Deliver in Town Soap Flakes EXTI^-V QUALITY 3 LBS. 25c JUST A REAL GOOD BROOM FOR ONLY 25c While they last Pure Lard lOcLB. Meats Fresh and Cured X 5 f«><>*^^.?^«^«^^<fr.?^~?^f^*^o<>«?S'^^»*?*«!»**<M~?»*<?<?<?v^^^w^«* »»<»»'?'M>^<»y»y^^ » » 9 »•;"

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