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Flesherton Advance, 13 Sep 1933, p. 1

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r ®()je fk^l^ttion %l^mnu. Vol. 53; No. 14 WED., SEPTEMBER 13, 1933 W. H. Thurston & Son, Proprietors VICTORIA CORNERS ' MARRIED â€" In Shelburne on Saturday, September 2nd. Mr. Joseph -AJbert Keeling, Totonto, was united in marriage to Miss Mary Viola Keney, Victoria Corners, Rev. R. P. Hurford, officiating. BORN â€" On September 8th, tt Mr. and Mrs. Carl Atkinson, a daugh- ter. The ladies of the W.M.S. met at the home of Mrs. Chas. Moore foi their September meeting. Messrs. Albert and Ernie Stinson, Everett Awde and Jim Bannon spent a couple of days at Toronto Exhibi- tion last week. Mr. Wm. Ash of Toronto is vis- iting his cousin, Mr. Everett Awde. Mrs. Wm. Acheson spent a week with her daughter, Mrs. Russel Patt- erson, Maple Groye. Chas. Moore had the misfortune to have a hoi'se drop dead last week while he was dragging the road. School opened on Tuesday with Miss Helen Henderson of Corbetton as teacher. EUGENIA VANDELEUR (Last Week's Items^ Bob Ludlow, accompanied by his friend, Miss Marion Wilbur, of Romeo, Mich., is vi'siting at the former's home and parents, George Ludlov/s. Miss Gardiner of Dundalk helped the choir on Sunday at Inistioge and rendered a beautiful solo. Mr. and Mrs. Joe McClure, Mr. and Mrs. Howard McClure and two children of Toronto visited Albert Stinson's and other friends over the holiday. Ernie NicHol, Mrs. Malcolm Mc- Millan and children visited at Robt. Lee's. Marguerite Batchelor is holidaying at Hillsburg. Miss Edna Harrison, Messrs. Bill Westcott and Stanley Hulbert visited Chas. Moore's. Myrtle Moore re- turned to Toronto with them. Don Cade of Toronto visited Teddy Moore. FEVERSHAM Week end visitors in the village we'-e: Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Forsythe and two children with Mr. and Mrs. Eby, Mr. Ivan Alexander with Mr. and Mrs. Alexander, and Mr. and Mrs. Will. Colquette and Betty and Allan with the former's parents, all of Owen Sound. Mr. and Mrs. R. J; Colquette of Feversham and Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Colquette of Owen Sound spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. John Stew- art of Ceylon. Miss M. E. Heron is visiting with her nephew, W. R. Colquette and fam- ily in Ov/en Sound. Mrs. Guy Hazzard visited with friends in Markdale over the week end. Mrs. Large and daughter. Miss Beth, of Niagara Fall-s are visitors with the former's father, Mr. Petei Munshaw. Members of the fishing club oi the Beaver Valley up from Toronto over the week end at their clu;b houst were: Pi-es., Mr. C. P. Smith, Dr Boyd, Mr. L. Boyd, iMr. Lash and Mr. McLaren. Mrs. Will. Conn of Feversham spent a few days with her sister, Mrs. ,Will. Kaitting and family. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Cameron and little son, Donnie, spent a few pleas- ant days on a motor trip to Torontc n.-.d other points. They attended the Ex. and visited their son, Russell and other friends, returning home on Monday. There was a good attendance at church on, Mr. Harold Loug- heed (policeman) of Toronto, occupied the pulpit and delivered an excellent sermon which conveyed inspiring mes- sages to the hearts of all present. He was listened to with rapt atten- tion. He will be with us next Sun- day again. Hoge there will also be a good attendance. Mr. and Mrs.Fred Brown, Miss Lillian Pidduck and Mr. Murray Brett who have been camping for the past week at Mr. Wm. Benson's have re- turned to their homes at St. Cath- arines. The J^omen's Association of the United church will have a quilting in the basement of the church this Thursday afternoon. There are two quilts to be quilted and lunch will be served. iM'iss Christena Magee has gone to tea:h school at Stone's Settlament, near Ceylon. Miss Irene Martin is teaching at Orange Valley and Miss Mary Hawken of Harkaway is en- gaged as teacher at the 8th Line. Miss Donelda Sloan has been re-en- gaged at teacher here. We wish all teachers and pupils every success. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Blakey, Elwood and Leo of Toronto visited with Mr. and Mrs. Will. Benson and family recently. Miss Marjorie Benson ac companied them to Toi-onto for a vis- it. We are sorry to report Mrs. Peter Sherwood on the sick list. She is ir Markdale hospital at present. Wc wish hsr a speedy recovery. PROTON STATION IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of Robert E Watson, who departed this life on Septemiber 14. 1932. A sudden change in a moment fell. Without a chance to say farewell. The blow was great, the shock severe We little thought death was so near. Only those v/ho have lost can tell. The pain of parting without farewell. â€" Sadly missed by Father, Mother. Brothsrs and Sister. IN MEMORIAM WATSON â€" In loving memory ol n dear husband and father, Robt. E Watson, who departed this life Sept. 14, 1932. He bade no one a last farewell, He said good-bye to none, The Heavenly gates were opened wide, A loving Voice said, "Come." Often our thoughts do wander To a grave not far away, Where they laid our dear one. Just one year ago to-day. â€" Sad',y missed by Wife, Ada and Earl. The Proton Station churches are making preparation for their anni- vejsaries ,' The United church on Sept. 24th and the Anglican church on Oct. 1st. Each church will have a morning and evening service. Mrs. A. Delacore and little son, Ralph, have arrived from Los Angel- es, California, to vi-sit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wyville. Mrs. Story of Toronto is the guest of her aunt. Mrs. Vause. Mrs. J. M;Culloug'n and grandson of Toronto spent the week end at tbe Sherson homes here. Mis. R. G. Acheson and daughters were guests at the trousseau tea giv- en by Mrs. A. Armstrong of Dundalk, I in honor of her daughter, Miss Eileen Armstrong, bride-to-be. ( Mr. Arthur McCannell spent a week at Toronto. Mr. A. Hergott and sons spent Sun- day with friends at Chatsworth. Recent visitors at the home of Dever Bros, are Mr. and Mrs. Sin- clair and children and Ali'jS Mildred Sharp of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. C. Wilson and two daughters of Sin.g- hampton and Mr. and Mr-s. Bradley of Berkeley. Mr. and Mrs. Kirkwood of Toronto are holidaying at M'r. Chas. Lyon's. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Corbett have returned to their home in Toronto, Mrs. Corbett, Sr., went with them foi a visit. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Reddick and babe of Swinton Pavk spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Hodgin. The gold production of Canada has done much to save the situation in the Dominion. So far this year ten Chicago police- ment have been shot and killed by bandits. Across the border the lot of the guardians of the law is mort difficult and dangerous than in any other land- A robber entered a Toronto home and told a woman in bod to keep quiet. But she screamed for help and did so with such effect that the r^^hber departed. A woman who screams like that is more effective than a husband armed with a gun. The Anniversary services on Sun- day. September 3x'd and the Re-union on Monday were largely attended and made one of the most enjoyable week- ends in the history of the commun- ity- Rev. M. M. Bennett of Flesherton occupied the pulpit at both the aftor- -oen and evening services in the church on Sunday and preached splendid sermons. The choir was as- sisted in the music by Mrs. Black- burn, Messrs. Robertson and Cairns, and Dr. ^Murray of Flesherton. Th'> church, whirh was beautifolly d'coratcd with flowers, was filled to capacity on both occasions. The Re-unlon which was held on the Community Park on Monday af- ternoon and evening was a delightful affair and a large numher of former residents were in attendance. T'-e first on the program was a basdball game between a team of for- mer and senior players and a team of younger players, which resulted in a score of 4-0 in favor of the seniors. The players were: Seniors â€" Ab. Buchanan, P.; E. Warlinff, C; H .Graham, 1st b.; R. Freeman, 2r.d b.; H. McGee, S. S.; P. Beard, 3rd ib.; D. McGee, R. F.; B. Buchana-;, C. F.; 0. Baker, L. F Juniors â€" R. Hutton, P:; E .Gra- ham, C; K. Hill, 1st b.; G. Swanton, 2nd b.; Roy Freeman, S. S.; H. Rol- and, 3rd b.; H. Thompson, C. F.; G. Wyville, L. F.; J. Boland, R. F. Following this school was called and Mrs. Geo. Wright (nee Miss Gil- ray) a former teacher, had charge and put the ex-pupils through theii classes in a very efficient manner. A very excellent program of sports then followed and resulted as fol- lows : Boys r<ice, 15 to 20 years â€" Geo. S wanton; Boys race, 12 to 14 years â€" Ferd Ready; Boys race, 9 toll years â€"Melville Buchanan; Boys race, 6 to 8 year3 â€" Frank Warling; Boys race under 5 years â€" Keith ir'reemaH; Mens race, 100 yards â€" G. Swanton; Ladie.s raceâ€" Mrs. W. Ratclifie; Mens slow race â€" Sam Fitzsimmons; Ladies slow race â€" Shirley Murray; Girls race. 12 to 1-1 â€" Margaret Ready; Girls race 9 to 11â€" Alice Freeman: Girls race G to 8 â€" Cathei-ine Ready; Clothes pin race â€" John Bola:id; Mens spike driving contest â€" E. Williamson: Lad- ies spike driving contest â€" Mrs. Newt. Hutchinson; Kicking the slipper- Shirley Murray; Putting the shot- Louis Teeter; Walking race â€" Russ Fawcett; Oldest person â€" Ml-s. Sum- mers of Markdale; Person coming furthest distance â€" Mr. Lewis of Sask. Following the snorts a splendid supper was provided by the ladies, which in turn was followed by a high class program of speeches, music, readings, etc., in the school house. S."-v. H. S. .Warren occupiea the chair an<l Mr. J. I. Graham gave th? address of welcome. Other numbers on th-2 progran were addresses by Rev. M. M. Ben- nett of Flesherton and W. B. Buch- anan of Toronto; Readings by Mrs. (Dr.) Murray, Mrs. \V. Swanton and Mr. li. McGee; music by Ferd and Pe,ggy Ready and seveial selections by the Flesherton male quartette, Messrs. Robertson, Cairn-s, Scott and Murray. The prizes were then presen'.ed tc the winners of the events of the af ternoon. The Ladies' Aid, under whose aus- pices the events of the week-end were conducted, are to be congratulated on the success of the proceedings. The following visitors were here over the v<eek end: Mr. and Mrs. Will. Buchanan and family of St. Marys with Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Buchanan and Lillian; Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Ready and family of St. Marys, Mr. and M:s. J. Coehrane and family and Miss Florence Davis of Colbome with the Buchanan, Davis and Johnston families; Mr. and Mrs. H. Garnci and daughter, Irene, of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. Amos Smith and son of Meaford at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. Gilbert. Other old i esidents who attended the re-union were; Mr. and Mrs. John Gilbert, Mr. and Mrs. R. Smith and daughter, Ina, of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Will. Holley, Holland Centre; Mr. and Mrs. S. Dazzell and Mr. and Mrs. Watkins, Owen Sound; Mr. and Mrs. Bon Buchanan, Toronto and Miss T. Buchanan of Oshawa; Mr. and -Mrs. B. Martin of Swinton Park, Mrs. Croft, Portlaw; Mrs. W. Burrell of Rocklyn; Mr. and Mrs. Portei Beard and Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Baker, Springhill; Mr.= . J. J. McGee, Toronto; and many other old residents. PRICEVILLE Mr. Dave Lewis of Sask., is spend- ing some time with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Summ'^'s. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Buchanan vis- ited friends at London, Caledonia, and other points recently. Mr. Al'bert Buchanan of Toronto ;pent a few days at his parental home here. Mr. and Mrs. Jenkins of Listowel were the guests of Miss Minnie Gra- iiam a few days last v.-eek. .Accom- panied by Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Gra- ham they made a motor trip to Ov/en Sound, Meaford, Thornbury and other points. The Women's Institute held theit August meeting at the home of Mrs. Will. Hutchinson on Thursday after- noon of last week. A large number of members from the Kimberley In- stitute were pre-sent and provided the program. Mrs. S. Gilbert has gone to To- ronto for a fmv weeks visit with friends. Mr. and Mrs. C. Baxter (nee Lill- ian Broughton) of New Brunswick were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Shannon and Mr. Geo. Shannon. The Young People are having a corn roast at the home of Miss Lill- ian Buchanan on Friday evening September 15th. All welcome. GUN LICENSE NOW REQUIRED BY ONTARIO RESIDENTS On Friday nijjht a miscellaneous shower was held in honor of Mr. and Mrs. .Alfre-d Hincks at his old home, when a large crowd was present. The evening was spent in music and danc- ing and all enjoyed themselves until a late hour. Misses .A.lice Muir and Aimie iMcLeod carried in a basket of .gifts and Mr. and Mrs. Hincks un- wrapped the parcels and Mrs. Henry Tuvker read the ver,ses and who they were from. The bride and groom each spoke a few words and thanked all for the lovely presents, aftei which lunch was served. Misse:T Sadie Carson and Almeda Hincks left for Toronto to train foi a nurse in Grace hospital. Tile W.M.S. and trilling Helpers will hold their monthly meeting on Tuesday, Sept. 19th. Mrs. W. J. Mc- Millan will have the topic. The grandmothers will also give a part of the program. Lunch com. â€" Cake, Mrs. Hector McLean; Sandwich, Mrs. Kate McArthur. .•V numba;; from here attended the graduation exercises i.i Durham Fri- day night. M'lss Kathleen McLean ietit for Toronto to attend Normal for tne second term. -Mi'S. Chas. McKinnon, Toronto, .:pent last week visiting friends here. Miss Be«;sie Cairns, Flesherton. spent a few days visiting her friend, Mis'S Margret Nichol. ROCK MILLS Last Sunday afternoon thieves broke into the M. Wilson slaughtei house near Durham and got away with about 20 hides in storage there. The theft occurred about 3 o'clock in the afternoon, and they were seen around the building by nearby resi- dents, who mistook them for Mr. Wilsori. The heavy frost on Monday night was hard on the gardens, the leaves on the trees are changing color and beginning to fall. Mrs. Chas. Newell visited the past week with relatives in Durham and attended the graduation exercises of tile training school for nurses on Fri- day evening, when her cousin. Miss Annie Robertson, was one of the graduating rurses. Field Day will be held at the school on Friday afternoon at 1 o'clock. Everybody welcome. Visitors at the PedUir home dur- ing the past week were: Mrs. Watt and daughter. Vera, and two sons, Jim and Bert of Berkeley; Miss Ita Pedlar of Markdale and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Meldrum and family of Port- !"\v. Miss Leila Clark has gone to To. ronto where she has secured a job. Some from here attended the Evan- gelestic meetings of the Gospel Work- ers at Clarksburg on Sunday. One objection to grade crossings is that express trains won't wait. A minister in New York state who has been unable to get a church has registered at an unemployment of- fice, seeking work as a chauffeur. He should be fitted to give expert advice regarding which road to take. Friendship Quilt The W. A. of Eugenia United churi|h have made a "friendship quilt" which will be offered for sale by tender. The quilt may be seen at the home of Mrs. Card Graham, Eugenia, and tenders may be handed to her or to Miss G. V. Smith, Secret- ary. •♦♦♦'•♦♦ ♦ â-  » 00i »» O »» »»»<ii » »»»»»»«»»»»»*»« » « » »« »â- Â» » »»♦♦♦♦•»» All residents of Ontario must have a license to carry firearms, according to the provisions of the game and Fisheries .\et, recently passed. The Act says: Every resident who !ses any firearn' or air gun for the purpose of hun'.ng or shooting any bird or animcl, except under the authority of a license, shall be guilty M an offence against this Act, but this shall not apply to farmers re- siding and hunting on their ovyin land, and in all actions and prosecutions under the Act, possession of any fire- arm or air gun shall be prima facie evidence that the person in possession thereof was hunting or shooting such* b':'d or animal. Said licenses are valid during the .months that firs arms or air guns may l>e carried, namely from Sept. 1st to .April 30th, inclusive, and may now be obtained from any authorized li- cense ifySUO'-. BATES BURIAL CO'Y 124 Avenue Road Toronto DISTINCTIVE FUNERAL SERVICE AT REASONABLE PRICES PHONES: NIGHT OR DAYâ€" KIngsdale 4344 â€" 3456 Modern Private Chanel J. W. Bates Fred Maddocks Richard Maddocks, Manager Formerly of Flesherton I »<"»♦^^♦><>♦^^♦♦»»♦»â- ^»^<»»»♦» ♦< ^â-  ^ â- > » »♦♦»«»<>»fr<>»»♦»♦»>»» » o »< '>< Despite all warnings and exhorta- tions, the intoxicated driver remains one of the terrors of the highway trrivel. Crown Prince Michael of Rumania has the measles and his father, King Carol, has the flu. We hope the prince recovers. They say you musn't judge Russia by her present but by her hopes. By that standard, everyone is a million- aire. " The House ot QuEJty" Specials This Week COOKING ONIONS, 10 LB 25c PORK AND BEANS, 2 TINS 15c P-NLT BUTTER, 1 LB. JARS 14c PEP BR-\N FL-\KES. 2 FOR 23c CHOICE PEACHES, GRAPES AND TOMATOES THIS WEEK I BR.\N WHEAT SHORTS ( ).VT CHOP OATS PURrX.V CIK^W JAS. A. STEWART FLESHERTON .•:»*«><»»><":~*«o~M">^ *•!•»>* •^•â- â€¢"^•^♦^****•t••^*••^♦>•t••:•♦:~:••^•!••:••:••>♦t•<^*•^• **;**!**!^**t****4*«!**^*!**9*^y*t*«r*«SM^2M^^«^^t*«t**t^!* spraying apples will keep them 'â- v ,\t being turned into summer cot- tages for worms. In Canton, 111., there is a jail which holds (two people, but eight must serve equal sentences and so they must go in turns. A good lesson in grammar: I am in jail; I am going to jail; I am going to go to jail. It is estimated that there is a fill- ing station in Montreal for evei'y 70 cars, and there are so man;/ alon« every highway that it looks as if these big oil companies have captur. cd the best profit paying business in Canada. ,A(S automobile produc- tion picks up it looks as if we may eventually have two cars foreach fill- ing station. StMary'sAngiicsnChurcii MAXWELL Rector, Rev. Maurice F. Oldham. SUNDAY. SEPTE.MBER 17, 1933 10 a.m. â€" Sunday school for all children. Divir.o service at 3 p.m. on Sunday September 24. TRINITY CHI RCH, PROTON STA. 2 p.m. â€" Sunday school and bible class. 3 p.m. â€" Evenin,g prayer seiwice and sermon. ''Yea, they shall sing in the ways of the Lord: for great is the glory of the Lord." Psalm 138: 5. Tea TRY SOME OF OUR SPECLVL 39c TE.V Clothes Pins 7 DOZ. 19c Brooms 5 Strings 22c Why Pay More FOR GROCERIES AND MEATS? try Kennedy's and be convinced I Carbolic Soap 5 BARS 25c MEN^S WEAR Let your next suit be TIP TOP. A ful range of sdl wool fabrics. Tailored to your measure Only $19.50 CAP SPECIAL $1.00 thij wk. Ken Kennedy Phone 27 We Deliver in Town PEACHES Peaches are now at their best Vanilla 5c Bottle 2 LB. JARS Prepared Mustard 25c Meats Try us for Threshing Roasts I I •> 5 â-ºMS><B»<'«.?<?*<'«*^«^<?<M>^«'J'<?<^^*^<?*?"?^'^^^5W^*«<?^^V^9*^<»»^M? ♦**<?«>*<!">'!'^*<>**«M-P>!«««

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