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Flesherton Advance, 19 Jul 1933, p. 8

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WEDNESDAY, JULY 19, 1933 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE CAR SALES JUMP - ... ^Jif^ (Jowl news for automobile workerg and industries all over Canada manu- facturinK steol, tirt-s', lumber, Klas?, textile^, paints and varnishes and innumvrabltf parts comes with lh« announcement by C. E. McTavish general .xales manager of General Motors, that the production fcheduU for this month will be further in- creajifii by 500 car?. Since the first of June the schedule has been in- crcastj from time to time to the extent of 5,436 units or an increase pf 30 i)er cent, over the original schedule. Spcakinit at a meeting of man Read the Small Advertieements Midsummer Sale Of Seasonable Utensils WASH BOILER TEA KETTLE r.alvanized wash boiler Akmiimim tea kettlr, sale i)ricc 98c ea. cxccijliniial l)arf,^aiii $1.19 BOILER SET SAUCE PANS Tin Ixiilcr with opper L'sriiil >et nt 3 aluin- Dottoin $1.39 ea. ' sauce pans, per PUDDING PAN SET ''' ^^*^- Cirucn and ivury j)u<l- Preserving Kettles pan set .... 59c Set. Aluniininii. 3 inijicrial TEA KETTLE '^*^ y: :; -V:/ .^^*=- . ,• 1 -11 tirav ( iianile, Z).! imp. >><iu\ c>>]ip',r nickel- j. ' . fiO iilated tea kettle cheap *^ t' ; -5^; a, S1.98 ea. • ^^''^'.>', ""f -'''^^"' ^"^ mipenal qts 98c. GALVANIZED PAIL ^^^^^ ^^^ SET Stronjj sturciv hot ffal- r> • i . .• i i ,'^ ., . , ' ", I)nj4lu lin bread pan vanized pail- N (its. uiih-. , . e , ie i^ , ' ' »-, >(t. per set of two .. 25c. j'.a'rii ZJc ' -' BREAD BOXES p , SHOVEL ,, , , ,, , n Keal value in a ji'cneral Colored J 'read Boxes', , i ,r 1 , , . no lUll-DO.vC Sll()\-cl 75c. green, blue and ivorv 98c ' WASHBOWLS CUPS AND SAUCERS Serviceable white cups White enamel wash and saucers. Special 7c Ix.v.U always needed 29c cup and saucer. Many other real bargains; also Plymouth Rope and Twine, Paris Green, Arsenic of Lead King Bug Killer. Own Life In Dundalk T J"Vw; "it'^ '::r 'iMelanclhon Man Took /.one, Mr. McTavi.'^h pointed out that from July 1 to July 12 production had been more than doubled by 129 .ars over last year. The dealerv yesterday drove away over 100 tarK, while there were not enough cars to fill the demand. That there miKht be a shortage of car.- wa.'i preiiictcd by H. A. Brown, vice-president and general manager, "tjirlier in the year we .thouj;ht pro- duction sfheilule.-* high and feared .there would be cai^s left over," he said. Herbert St. John, a young Melaii- ctlion township fanner, residing with his mother about three mile* cast ol Dundalk, took hi.s own life on Thurs- day afternoon by taking a strong dose of carbolic acid. Hid death, wliich was n terrible one, occurred in a box stall in the stable.s of the (irand Central hotel, his screams at- tracting the attention of employees of the hotel. It was as.'crtained that the younj^ inun had obtained the deadly poison uoni a local drug store on the plea that be wanted it to treat the foot :)f one of his horses. In spite of the fact that the half holiday was observed on Thur.'^day he had been seen around the village all day. N(/ reason has been a-.^signed for his rash ;ict, and it came as a great surprise to those who knew him. It was about o'clock in the even- ing when his scream.s were heard, and while he was given some as.;i.stancc at once, it too lat<- to do anything for him and he died in terrible agony in a few minute.*!. Dr. Frank Martin, coroner, waf (ailed and after investigating cii-cum- 3tar.ce.«, decided that an inquest was unnecc---sary, it being a plain ca.^e of the man taking his own life. Deceased',' who was 34 years of age resided on the farm with his mother, and leaves, in addition to hor, two brothers and three sisters. â€" Sun- Timc-.s. liaseball in Ffeshcrton Thursday. Mrs. Dyre of Detroit is visiting hei si.-.ter, Mrs. Jos. Blackburn. Mr. and Mrs. F. H. W. Hickling were in Weston over the week end. CEYLON hoiH- .=^4 Frank W. Duncan FLESHERTON iKs.^ Marguerite Croft is holiday i.'.g in Toronto. ?>Iaster Allar. Chappie is holidaying •.'.: Mcaford. MvA. A. Carter of Toronto jpont tho past v.-iak with Mr. and Mrs. William Moore. Ma.ior A. E. Bellamy and Capt. Vi'. E. Turney were in Owen Sound Ti;i.'.-iday evening discussing last min- ute arrangements for the 22nd In- ,fani}y Brigade camp to be held in Ovvr-n Sound, commencing August lii. It is expected that "D" Com- 1 any will be composed of 2.'? officers and men. NOTICK ms^zssEiSjfsimfssBsns^iBDaiissBs^ea zasEtssmsa^izLjsss Shareholders of the Barrio Co-op crative Packing Co., who wish to ship lio.f.'.--, v-hould communicate with Frank T;«.y!or, Flesherton. CAUXET MACEE, See. >7? ^ JU £J:^ ia^mM:<ii^ ! SBiiSS Ii liJiSi£ ! fXXmamUBa I «ll«* STORB WITH 8BBT1CB F. T. H!LL&CO.,Ltd. CHAIN 6TORBS Markdaie, Ontario OUR BUTINO POWER 8ATE3 YOU A LOT OF MONBT Unu Savings â€" OF- Hot Weather NECESSITIES STUDY THESE PRICES AND YOU WlLL REALIZE TIONAL VALUES THEIR EXCEP- EXTRA SPECIAL Elastic pull-on Girdles Li^dil weight Small, medimn. with j^aters attached, larjre i^\.\9 Special Selling of Millinery Complete clearance of sprinp and sini;- mcr hats. Values up to ^i.50 fur .. 'JSc Boy's Canvas Oxfords Brown onlv, stronj? sturdv soles. Sizes 1-5 : ' 7ic. "^ Men's Canvas Boots All sizes 6-10. able Strong and conifort- 89c. EXTRA SPECIAL Heavy rib Elastic Girdle Stronfjly stayed with stout >,^'lrter straps. Small, niccliuni, larg'e $1.95. Fashionable White Purses The season's .smartest snappy white purses, washable. Values up to $1.7o each for 95c. Supersilk Chiffon Hose .Ml pure silk Grenadine yarns and full fashiitned. Every shade, all sizes $1.00. WEEK END GROCERY SPECIAL 15c. X ?. Sport Oxford Sun tan canvas with brown trim rub- li( r s<ile aiul solid heel SI. 19. 1 lb. Maple Leaf Baking Powder .. .^ lb. Dates for 4 Jersey Corn I'lakcs 1 lb. Halton'st l',nj,dish Iheakfast Coffee 29c 4 tins I'ork and I5eans Plain 25c 1 Hut tie Catsup and 1 Chili Sauce 25c. 25 c. ?v Mr. Alf. Down i.s holidaying at Sauble Falls this week with hi.s wife, who has been there for the past week. Mr. John Crane and daughter. Reta, of Owen Sound are visiting will) .Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Trimble. Mi-3S Helen Crawford of Toronto spent the week end with Mrs. Jos. Blackburn. Mrs. Parker i-s leaving this week to spend the summer in Markdaie Por.t Perry and Sunderland. Miss Agne-3 Lexer and Master Alv- ery Betcroft of Toronto are visiting the former's sister, Mrs. J. Adams. Mr. A. L. Ander.eon of Toronto i.- visiting with hi.s sister, Mrs. A. E. Bellamy. Mrs. W. J. Scott and three sons spent last week with her parents at Goderich. Mrs. Ceorgv- Will'ams, Thclrna and Bill!, of Lon^ Bran:h, spent la.-t week with the Stauffer family. Mis.? Ida Fisher and f rie-nd. Miss Ethel Rusk, of Toronto spent tht v.-eok end in tov.'n. Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Stauffer and I'.vo children of North Toronto are holidaying in their summer cottage here. Miss Maiie McEachnie and Miss Kathleen Kelke of Toronto spent thi <.vv.jk end in town with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. McEachn'o Mrs. D. M.'Tavish has retrunod I'rom holidaying with her son and family at Oshawa and their summer cottage on Lake Scugog. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Wright, George and Betty of Hamilton visited last week with Mrs. Wright's sister, Mrs W. Boyd. Mr. and Mrs. Ellwood Genoe and family of Toronto are holidaying with t!u' former's brother on the Colling- v.ood Gravel. Mr. ar.d Mr?. V.'. G. Kennedy and two children are visiting at Marmora. Tluy were r.cjoir.panitd by tho fo;-- ir,o:';; parents, v;ho spent a week here. Mr. and Mr.>. R. Patterson ano lauphter of Lind.'^ay viiitod on Sat- urday with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Rich- ,irds. Mr. and Mrs. Ted McDonald and little son of Pickering returned heme on Thursday after visiting the for- mer'-.; mother hero. Master Chas. Wagstaff of Toronto spent the past week at the home ot Fred Stuart. Master iWni. Hadden i.s visiting with them this week. Misses Dorothy and Helen Dui-rant uf Mitchell are visiting their grand- parent.s, Mr. and Mrs. ,W. H. Thurs- ton. Mr. and Mrs. John McDonald, Mr. and Mrs. Joo Watson and Roy Best visited on Sunday with the former's cousins, Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Mclnnis, ir. Glama. The ladies of Fle.shorton and vic- inity are invited to attend the fort- ieth anniversary of the W'.M.S. ir the United chur.h on Friday of this wi'ck at 3 p.m. MOTHS â€" Kill those moths with SOPHO, the great moth killer. Don't wait another day and endanger you: valuables. Lot SAPHO protect them for you. â€" E. J. Bennett, Flesherton. Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Osborne and two children of Eden, Man., Mrs. (Dr.) Roszell, Murray and Eleanor and Miss Haztd Thomas of Caledonia are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Stewart this week. . Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Crossley on Sunday were Mr. and Mr-. Harry Quigg, Harriston; Miss Nembruff of Brampton; Mr. V'ill. Webbe of Guel.nh and Janet Crossley of Toronto. Master Jim Thurston was taken to the Ilo-spilal for Sick Children in To- ronto on Friday where a specialist examined his arm which was broken last week. He cam* home on Satur- day with his arm in a plaster cast, whi.'h will be kept on for a few weeks. Mrs. H. iM. Hyland and three child- ren and Mrs. W. A. Armstrong ot Toionto are vi iting with Mr. and Mrs. F. H. W. Hickling. They is- land to camp at Eugenia where Mr. Hyland i« in charge of "ytrn.=ive ini- Our popular tea .her, Miss D. Fish- er, v.ho has on roll 13 pupils, had 12 Er.trance pupils. U passed who were recommended, 2 tried and failed who were not recommended. One took mumps a few days beore the exams. We believe this is as large a class 2.'; any we have heard of. .Mr. Boyer, a returned missionary from Chins, gave a very interesting talk on work there on Sabbath after- noon. Miss Margaret Sinclair favor- ed the congregation v-fith a solo, which was appreciated . Mrs. RoLt. Campbell ;ie»»;ived a message the past week that her broth- er, William. Muir, had died suddenly at his home. Flint, O.-it., on Monday morsing, July 10th, of heart trouble. The Fort Willia;.i Times has the foll- pwing to say:- William Muir, aged 62 years, victiin of a h^art attajk, died suddenly on Monday morninj! about ;>.30 at the lamily home. Mr. Muir, foreman for the highway con- struction was at work early this morning, but came home about i' o'clock feeling ill. He went to b and died shortly after. The late Mr. -Muir wan one of the pioneer residents of Flint, having operated a farm in that locality since coming here from Grey County, where he was born. For the past 33 years he has been a resident here. Besides his widow he is -survived by three ;;ons, -Mian of Port .-Arthur, Gordon and Clarence living at home. Two brothers, Daniel and John and one sister, Sirs. Robt. Campbell of Ceylon, avo also left to mourn his lo-ss. The funeral was held on Wednes- day afternoon at 2.30 o'clock from the homo to the United church at 3 o'clock, interment taking place in the O'Connor cemetery. The rela- tives have the sympathy of this coin- munity. Mr. Kirg and friend of Berkeley visited Mrs. A. C. Muir, the past week. Mr. .-Me'x. and Murray Mai-shall left on Saturday to visit tneir broth- ers at Roderick. Mrs. Marshall spent the week end at Bolton. Misses iWilla Patterson, Margaret .Sinclair, Mab^el Haw and Laura White, motored to the summer camp zl Prcsque Isle and spent a couple of days there the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Ciardiner and Misses (j-ira ar.d Netty Martin of \Owen Sound visited the first of the week with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Patterson. Miss Lawson of near Toronto has been a guest of Mrs. Ma.phail and daughter, Miss Agne:; Macphai!, M.P. Mr. ar.d Mra. H. Bailey and family cl ,ShrigIey and 5h-. and Mrs. Uaney anC (laughter, Jean, of Port Elgin were also guests at Mrj. Macphail's. -Miss 11. McRae .ipent the week cna in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Audrey Foster ano Donna and Jimmie Pattei-son of .Markdaie, Mr. and Mrs. J. Long ol Toronto, Mrs. Long and two daugh- ters of Walkerton vi.-'ited Mr. an<l Mrs. W. H. Patterson. Miss Jeauette McLeod is visiting her sister in Toronto. Mrs. Coleman of Owen Sound vis- ited her daughter, Mrs. F. J. Collin- son, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Genoe and fam- ily of Eugenia, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Risk and daughter, Ruth, Mrs. Emily Neil of Heathcote were visitors the past week with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Genoe. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Densrnore, Mrs. Densmore Sr., of Grand Valley Mr. Thos. Densmore, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Densmore of Merriton visited the first of the week at Mr. John Dc.ismore's. , iMr. W. T. Genoe and family at. tended the Turner re-union at Sunset Point, Collingwood, on Saturday last. . Miss Reta Patterson, who has been visiting her father, Mr. Geo. Patter- son and other friends for the past two weeks left on Monday on her return trip to San Diego, California, and was accompanied to Orangeville by Jjer father and Mr. W. H. Patterson. >Iiss Willa Patterson acconifliarped her to Toronto. Mrs. Coleman, Owen Sound, has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. F. J. Collinson. Master Orton Leslie, and Roy Lee ,ire spending thsir holidays with Mrs. A. McMuIlen. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Smith of To- ronto visited at Mr. John Gibson's last week. Mrs. W. C. White spent a day with Saugeen friends last week. , Mr. and Mrs A. E. Haw and fam- ily and Miss Wiison motored to ,Wasaga Beach, Sunday. Mr. S. Hemphill, Misses Maud and .Reta, Mr. Percy Hemphill and Mrs. Hunt attended the special services fit Clarksburg on Sunday. , Mr. and Mrs. Ja.^. L. McMullen motored to Morefield for the v;eek c-T.d. Capt. Elmore Philpott, F. R. Oliver, M.P.P. and Agnes Macphail, M.P.. will give addresses at the big picr.ic on August 3rd in Lawrence's Grove, ju.^t west tf Duriiam on No. 4 high- way. Tom Hamilton, noted comed- ian, dancers, Durham band and male quartette will entertain the crowd. Programs beginning at 2.30 and 7 p.m., with the Warden of Grey in the chair. In tho evening the Dory orirhostra and a splendid platform will cause Youth "to chase the glow- ing hours with their flying feet." See , Mr. Sinclair spent the week end at j bills. Only mean weather can tvpoil H"r:-ist(T-). such a day. ••><^♦<->>•x•C":•<•<~^^^•>•:•<••:••:">♦♦4"»♦♦<•**<^•>««*<•<":K•♦<-*->«^*<K♦<-^^ Small Advts. <.»>->^^<..>.>^>CM.><~x.<..K••x•'>•>*<•*♦*♦*•^♦♦*<~>•>•>•>-^•^•:~>•^•^•><~>-^♦>^H^♦♦ HOLSE FOR SALE Lost or Strayed LOST â€" A gold pin with 3 pearls iii tho vicinity, of the park on Friday night. Reward. Apply to Mrs. J. Robertson, Flesherton. For Sale NOTICE â€" Seven acres of grass for sale. â€" .A.dam Smith, Eugenia. FOR SALE â€" Cherries on the tree after July 10. â€" E. A. Graham, Clarksburg. FOR S.\LE â€" Young broilers now- ready for table use. Phone your order to Mrs. Edgar Patterson, Price ville, 32r4L FOR SALE -- A six roomed cot- tage with stable, a corner lot. A bargain as it must bo sold. â€" Mrs. A. Thistlethwaite, Flesherton, phone 5t r 2. HOUSE FOR RENT â€" Wanted to rent, furnished house or cottage for July and .August, in or n'"ar Flesher- ton; responsible tenants; reasonable rent. Notify The Advance office. W.ANTED â€" Furnished house or bungalow, 3 to 5 rooms. July l«t to Sept. In or near Flesherton. State price, etc. â€" Mrs. A. Stilwell, 384 Bloomfield Ave., Verona, N. J. NO.TCE â€" Having disposed of my business I have for sale dressers wash stands and tables, couche, chairs sideboard, pictures and many other artcles; all owing accounts kindly call at once and settle same. â€" Miss M. Cook, Ceylon. FARM AND HOUSE FOR SALE ::-:nr':. '.:.jssi3CtsijEamBem; House for sale or rent in Ceylon; w."".'' ! vert fov SiTiiiinpr months. Fnrni f'orilnw. 100 BCTP^. Six-roomed bungalow for sale lit Flesherton, or would exchange for farm if prices can be agreed upon. â€" Mrs. H. Patton, Flesherton. FAR.M FOR SALE East half lot 3-4,jCon. 4, Artcmesia, containing 150 a;.'res, new barn; well watered with two good wells. Will sell farm stock and implemeats with or without farm. Cheap for quick sale. â€" N. CAMERON. Prop. FOR SERVICE Reg. Berkshire Boar: Reg. Tarns- worth Boar, $1.00 Cash. Jersey Bull $1.00 cash. -JOS. RADLEY, Flesherton HOUSE FOR SALE OR RENT Bungalow residence in Flesherton, five rooms, automatic waterworks, good garage, possession can be taken at once.â€" G, F. Brackenbury, Flesher- ton. BOAR FOR SERVICE Yorkshire Boar for ser\nce. Term* fl.OO. â€" John Oliver, O.D.R., Art» mesia. BOAR FOR SERVICE Reipstered Yorkshirt Boar for sei* vice by Flesherton Bacon Hog Club, tho property of the Ontario Depart ment of Agriculttire. â€" C. STEWART, Caretaker. BUSINESS CARDS ) GEO. E. DUNCAN 'H DUNDALK '^ LICENSED AUCTIONEER ' For the County of Grey. Terms 1 pet- cent. Satisfaction guaranteed Dates made at the Advance office. Prince Arthur Lodge No. 333, A.P. 4A.M., meets in the Fraternal Hall, Flesherton, every Friday on tr before tho full moon. W.M., Ge;». T on^ Sr.,

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