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Flesherton Advance, 19 Jul 1933, p. 1

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Vol. 53; No. 7 WEDNESDAY. JULY 19. 1933 VV. H. Thurston & Son, Proprietors EUGENIA ^ ♦ â-  PRICEVILLE It's "Grandmother's Day" for the iWomen's Association of the United church this Thursday afternoon, July • 20. All grandmothers in the vicin- ^ ity are cordially invited to attend and * will be entertained in quilting, etc. " Visitors welcome. Come and bring , along your thimble. Members are retiuested to provide lunch and come early. Mrs. John Parson and son, Ronald, • 8th line, accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McKenzie, 12th line, to Dundalk on Sunday afternoon and visited with the former's daughter, Mae, (Mrs. 4- H. Seeley) at the home of M'-s. Seeley's mother-in-law. SEELEY â€" Born in Dundalk to Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Seeley of Holland Centre, the gift of a daughter. The Hammond family of Toronto wi're v.eek end visitors in the village. Miss Mae Duckett of Sarnia holi- dayed tht past couple of weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will. Duck- ett. Mr. and Mrs. Mento and daughter, Mrs. Hoppman and four ehiUiren of Hanover visited at the honia of Mr. and Mrs. Will. Kaitting on Wednes- day cf last week and had a very enjoyable picnic in tlia Beaver Valley. Mr. and Mrs. Woods ami othei members of the Fishermen's Club, Toronto, spent the week end at theii Clu'j House. Mr. Sam MacDonald, teacher at To- ronto returned home Friday. P.Irs. Geo. Proctor and granddaugh- ter. Miss Marjorie of Kimberley are holidayins with the former's 'Son, Mr. Ernie Proctor, wife and family. O.". Saturday evening Fovei-sham and Eugenia football teams played a friendly gama, which resulted in a score of 3-1 for Feversham. After the game a danje was held in tht ^avillion in the park and a pleasant time fnjoyed until midnight. Congratulations to Master Doug- las Morgan ar.d Misses Hazel Turnei and Marjorie Proctor on passing theii Entrance examinations. Mr. Fred Hemphill of Toronto is holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. Robt Corley. y We must congratulate Miss /Irene ! Martin and Miss Christenjr' 'Magee un being successful in th^i- final ex- aminations at ^Toronto.ivormal school. Irene was recomjnended to teach on the Occasional City Staff. She has accepted Orp.nge Valley school and Christcna, .'Stone's Settlement school f.Ve wish the girls every success in the teaching pc' Session. In last wf^^ijk's items an error oc- curred whii.;'n stated that Argyle Mar- tin ^fif';5e(i into second form, which â€" ""^ould have- read, into third form. Miss ..Millie McMullen, ' teacher in Toronto is holidaying with her moth- er here. Mrs. J. Kernahan and nephew, Mr. Brown of Toronto are visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jamieson and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Elhvood Osbcme and two children of Manitoba were vis- itors this week with Mr. and Mrs Roy MacMillan. Mrs. Osborne is a sister of 'Mr. McMillan. Mrs. Jackso.T and son-in-lav/, Mr. Eckermann of West Toronto were vis- itors with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Park over the week end. Mrs. Jackson also called on some old acquaintances. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Purvis and children of Toronto wei-e week end visitors f.t the former's parental The Sunday school attendance on Sunday was 41 and collection $1.05. There was a fair attendance at church on Sunday. Rev. Mr. McNeil preach- ed a fine sermon, taking as his text 1st Chap. John, 48th verse. Mr. and Mrs. John" Newham and the former's mother and the latter's brother, Mr. Randle, of Humber Bay â- were Suaday vistors with Mr. and (Mrs. Court. Smith. TORONTO LINE NORTH A number in thia vicmity saw a fleet of a dozen airplanes pass north- ward on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Nuhn of Will- iamsford were callers at R. Richard- son's Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Lever, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Brackenbury and daugh- ter, iMarjorie, and Mrs. Gordon Long and son, Bobby, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. G. Morgan and family, near Palraerston. Di-. and Mrs. Roszell and family of Caledonia are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Stewart this weeTc. , Little Miss Inez Morgan of near Palmerston is spending a holiday with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Lever. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Richardson and son, Billie, ^per.t Sunday witV Mr. and Mrs. W. Wil3«>n, Barrhead. Miss Jean McLean, Toronto, is holidaying at her home here. Mrs. P. A. Alexander and daugh- ter. Miss Dundoon, of Hamilton spent a few days last week visiting at Mr. David Nicholl's. Miss Sadie Carson, Toronto, is home for the summer holidays. Mi\ David Hir.cks returned home on Thursday, after spending a month't vacation vi.^iting friends at Invermay. Sask., and Carman, Man. On Tuesday night a mi.seelianeous shower was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. David Nichol in honor ot Mr. and Mrs. John Cook, who were recently married. The bride and groom were the rt'cipients of many beautiful and useful gifts. All en- joyed themselves, dancing on the plat- form outside. Professor Kyle and others furnished splendid music. A dainty lunch was served at midnight. Rtv. Mr. Stephenson of Toronto oc- cupied the pulpit Sunday morning in the Presbyterian church. Rev. Mr. .Atkinson of Guelph will occupy the pulpit for the next two Sundays. Mrs. Angus McCannell returned home Sunday, afler spending a week at the homo' of A. L. Hincks. VICTORIA CORNERS FEVERSHAM PROTON STATION Doris Bannon attended the summei school at Pres<iue Isle last week, as the representative of Inistioge Leag- ue. Those who did not feel like celebrat- ing the stver.uou-s 12tli of July celc- b-.ation at Marfcdale, atteniijsd the picnic at the home of Mr. and Mrs. V('^!!fred Gallag-her and had a most enjoyable time in playing horse shoe base lal), croquet, races for big and little, social chats, and last but not least the pi:nic Miss Maud Ache.son, Proton, Mrs. R. H. Moore and Betty of Newbury called at Chas. Moore's on the 12th Mr. and Mrs. Lomas of Newbui-y called for Mrs. Moore and Betty. Witl" Mr. Lomas was his father. iThey had tuken a drive to Markdale, Mr. Lomas Sr., having been bom near there, when it was called Coinibus. He left there when nine year-o old and had never been back since. Mrs. Cade of Toronto visited at Chas. Moore's, also a few days at Proton. Gas tank recently installed by Russell Linton at Proton corners. helps to make No. 10 Highway look more service like. MAXWELL Mr. and Mrs. Harold Duncan and family. Miss iMary Duncan and Mrs. Hunter of Toronto visited last week with their cousins, Robt. and Ella Alister. Mrs. Jno. Buckingham of Vancouv- er vvho movtd from Osprey Township about eighteen years ago, visited last week with Miss Ella Alister. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs George Priestley on the birth of a son, July 10th. .Miss Sarah Huff, who has been vis- iting with her sister, Mrs. Norman Cairns, has returned w her home at Southampton. Mrs. Yearly of Toronto i.s visiting friends at Maxwell. . Mrs. Jas. Johnson of Dundalk is visiting with her daughter, Mrs. E. Buckirghnm. Mr. Wm. 0.-bornc of Feversham and Geo. Ross visited on Sunday with the former's brother and sister, of the 6th line, Nottawasaga township. St. Mary's church at Maxwell has been re-decorated and on Sunday, July 23rd, will be re-opened. Ser- vices in the United church. Maxwell, wi'll be withdrawn for that day. Mrs. John Buckingham of Vancou- ver ha.5 been a visitor in this village for a few days. Mrs. Buckingham had lived here for about 30 year: before she moved We^st and residea on a farm just at the edge of the village for a numbijr of years.. .After Mr. Buckingham died she sold her farm and moved into the village, where the family lived until they moved west about 18 years ago. Her many friends were delighted to see her again. . Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Moore, theii daughter and lady friend, of Meaford were visitors at the Robinson home .-.I Wednesday last. The Misses Hemphill of Flesherton visited with their cousins, the Misscj Speer, last week. Osprey District L.O.L. celebrated the Glorious Twelfth in Markdale. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Fadden of To- ronto are visiting with their son, Wm. and family, on the Eighth Line. i3Ir. and Mrs. Elwood Osborne of Eden, Man., are visiting with friends in this locality, having motored from their home to Ontario. While here they were the guests of Jlr. and Mrs H. .Alexander. Jlr. and Mrs. Wiley, Mr.?. Stoll and little daughter, Marie, of Nottawa v,rerH visitors in oar village on Friday last. Mr. and Mrs. Wiley resided in the village for seven or eight years whe;i ho was miller in the farmers mill here. Co.ngratul-ations to Mis.s Margaret Iiav^ton, one of our Feversham young ladies, who graduated at the G. and ?iL ho.-pital at CoUingiwood, a's a Ro.gistered Nurse. •\Ir. Taylor ,a former teller in the local branch of the Bank of Toronto, was a week end visitor. Mr. Ivan Alexander of Owen Sound is away with two of his cousins from Toronto on a motor trip to Ottawa, Montreal and Quebec. Mr. V»'m. Osborne and Mr. Geo. Ros.5 spent Sunday with the former's bi-other in Nottawasaga township. Mr. H. Eby and Mr. .W. J. Osborn yyiir.l Sunday at .Mr. Eby'j homo in Haiovcr. The fall wheat in this locality is a wonderfL'i crop. It will be cut this week. The spring grain is -short ir t»: straw on ac*,:)unt of the dry weather, but a nice rain last Friday and the one Sunday will help th;.:i wonderfully. Root crops will alr.r beiiofit from the moisture. Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Plantt and Mrs. Walter Simmons of Portlaw were visitors with the Speer family ovei Sundny. Mr. John Speer of Kimberley visit- ed his sisters here over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Eastor and Miss McFaddcn of Toronto are visit- ing with Mr. and Mrs. Wnu Fadden -in the Eighth Line. I thi Mrs. Jas. Johnston of Dundalk is ! visiting v>-ith her daughter. Mrs. E. Buckingham, a.-d family this week. ' Mr. and Mrs. Frank Thibaudeau and daughter, Frances, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Colquette. Rev. Shannon has left for the boys' camp at Holstein and has taken Billy Burl: and Muirny Hav/ton with him for a week, leaving on Monday. We congratulate Miss Ruth Sher- son on he* success in her recent music examinations. She received first class honors', in primary theory and passed in junior history. Miss Ruth is a pupil of Miss Uiuley of Dundalk. Recent guests at the home of Mr. and Mis. R. G. .\cheson were Mr. and Mr.''. Christie Johnson of Shelburne Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hutchinson anc i son and daughter of Kimberley and \ Mrs. Frank Smith and two little sons j of Thamesville. I The Kimberley people. were thrilled â-  to rave seen the Italian Air Armada, ! vchich passed over Kimberley villa.gc' last Saturday. i Mrs. Wilson and daughter, Mi-:s; Muriel, Mrs. Pringle and little son, Gordon, of Toronto, are visiting their ' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Consley. I Mr.^. Cade of Toronto is renewing acquainta?'.ces in Proton Station. I L.O.L. 244, with many follov.'er:^ ' spent the 12th in Markdale. A few- others attended the picnic at Mr. Wilfred Gallagher's at Inistioge and we noticed a merry picnic grOT^ at Mr. I. B. Whyte's, Proton Station.' iMrs. Turner of Laurel is visiting her sister. M; s. Vau.-c. I I I t baseball! .\ r KIMBERLEY ON Friday, July 21, 1933 M*««***'« •> •>*I'**> ; DUNDALK KIMBERLEY .^ G.AME C-\LI.ED .AT V.30 P.M. I ADMISSION 25c. Children 10c. ROCK MILLS LIABILITY OF OWNER OF STRAY HORSES Rev. H. B. and Mr.^. Jackson, Mrs. .V. Baker and Miss Ger ::e Stewart of Proton were calk-rs during the pait ' week at the hom.e of Mr. and Mr Thus. Betts. Miss Ada Atkinson visited recently with friend.s in Toronto. lUr. and Mrs. Chas. Hopps cf Coll- ingwood visited one day week vcith -Mrs. Wm. Hawkins. It is 32 years since Mr. and Mrs. Hopps mov- ed from Eugenia, where they lived at one time. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Pedlar, Ita, Doris and Laura, motored to Colling- wood on Sunday. Misses Edith and Mabel Betts mot- ored to Clllingwood, Mealjord and Owen Sound over the weelc end. Recent visitors at the Pedlal- hom-j were: Mrs. Walter Lensby of Thorn Hill, Mrs. John Corley of iWoodbridge, Mr. Wm. Lush and Mrs. Cooke and laniily of Rocklyn. Six pupils from this school wrote their Entrance examinations and all passed two taking honors. Congrat- ulations. Misses Florence and Marjorie New- ell are holidayng at the home of their uncle, M;'. Chas. .fVewcll. Mr. and ..Mrs. J. McCowell, accom- panied by Mr. and Mrs. Baird of Toronto spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Johnson. It v.'as established at the sitting of division court here Tuesday that the owner of animals pasturing on the road in townships that forbid animal.- I to run at large is responsible for th.e damage to a car that happens to get into collision with such animals. Ed rjcLean of this town jome months a.;o v:hen coming down from Barrie collided with a horse near Thornton and sustained some damages to his car. After seeking settlement' from the of the horse without su'c- ce;-3 he entered suit for S.57. The case was heard and adjourned a couple of timeis but this week iudg- ment was handed out gi\'ing McLean his claim in full and also imposing the costs of the case on the owner of the horse. â€" Alliston Herald. CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our sincere thanks to the many friends of this district for letters of sympathy and floweis .;ent in our recent sad ber- eavement. â€" Mrs. J. A. Hogarth, Alex, and Mel. (iARDEN PARTY The Mount Zion Ladies' Aid will hold their annual garden party on W^ednesday, July 2Gth. Everybody come. I BATES BURIAL CO'Y I L24 Avenue Road Toronto DISTINCTIVE FUNERAL SERVICE AT REASONABLE PRICES PHONES: NIGHT OR DAYâ€" Klngsdale 4344â€"315(5 Modern Private Chanel J. W. Bates Fred Maddocks Richard Maddocks, Mana^eP Formerly of Flesherton >»x>':"X"M~>.:~s,^.5„>.>,^^^v<.< ^•^VVV^**^'^^ "M LADY BANK TEN^rn LINE, OSPREY Haying is the order of the day. .A number from here attended the camp meeting at Clarksburg. Mr. Victor McKenzie has purchas- ed a new car. The re-union held at Mr. and Mrs. John Weldrick's home was largely at tended and all reported a good time. There were a number of relative^ unable to attend. Mis.i Grace and Gertrude Wright are spending their holidays at theii parental home. Mr. Mort Sayers was on the sick list for a few days, but is able to do some work r>ow. Mrs. Sornberger and daughter. Pearl, spent a day last w.eek with Mr. and Mrs. Mort Sayers and fam- ily- A* the result ef a bet on a prize fight one Mount Forest citizen gave another a free ride on a wheelharrov.- along Main Street, "See hei"e," writes a man from Glasgow, "If you print any more jokes about Scotchmen as you did last mo.^th, I'll stop borrowing your journal.'' Mr. and Mrs. H. A. McCautey and ?«r. and Mrs. G. E. Henry and two children spent the week end at Mrs. Henry'.? parental home at Granton. Vandeleur baseball team plays in Flesherton this Thursday afternoon o.t 3.30 n.m. St.Mary's Anglican Church MAXWELL Rector, Rev. Maurice F. Oldham. The rain which fell on Sunday in district was badiy needed and will do a lot of good. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McKenzie, ac- companied by Mr. and Mrs. John Parsons, of Eugenia spent Sunday with Mr. and Mr.:. W. J. Seeley at Dundalk. Mr. and Mr-s. C. Semple and two .hildren, Reg. and Norma, are holi- Ja.ving with Mr. and i>r,s. Win. Semple and other irlenus here. Mr. and Mrs. John Radley of Mc- i Intyre and family ,?pent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ottewell. Mr. and Mrs. Ellwood Osborne and two sors, Gordon and Herbert, ol Eden, Man., are at present visitin?. with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Semple and other friend.^. It is almost 20 years since Mr. Osborne visited Ontario friends and he sees many changes in that time. Mrs. Ocborne spent two months i.n Ontario (5 years ago. "The House oi Queity'' Read the Small Advertisements RCUNDWORM CAPSULES FOR HOGS iOc EACH WE r.O.AX J.XW SPREADER AND WATER GUN' wVrn WHICH to gi\'E these capsules Round anrl Tape worm capsules for hans r.nd chickens CHLORENA TABLETS FCR DISENFECTING poultry DRINKING WATER, DISEN- FECTING DAIRY UTENSILS, DIS- ENFECTING AROUND THE HOME .:i, JAS . A. STEWART FLESHERTON I SUNDAY'. JULY 23, 19.33 "Oih anniversary ana re-opening after re-decpration servi'ces. 8.30 a.m. â€" Holy communion ser- vice. 10 a.m. â€" Sunday school for all children. 11 a.m. â€" Morning prayer service and sermon. Special preacher â€" Rev. R. J. Mur- phy. B.A., formerly of Tai-a, Ont. .-X.Tnual garden part.v at Orangt Hall, Maxwell, on Tuesday, July 25 See posters for particulars. TRINITY CHIRCH, PROTON StA. 2 p.m. â€" Sunday school and bible cl^ss. 3 p.m. â€" Evening prayer service and sern-jon. Preacher, the Rector. "The Lord is Thy Keeper: The Lord is Thy shade upon Thy right hand." Psahu 121 ;3. tT.\ndy Why Pay More FOR GROCERIES AND MEATS? try Kennedy's and be convinced Ammonia 5c PKG. ENGLISH Carbolic Soap 4 BARS 25c LARGE CANS Cleanser 5c 2 LB. JARS Prepared Mustard 25c I MEN'S WEAR Let your next suit be Tip Top c\ full range of all wool fabrics Tailored to your measure for only $19.50 Ken Kennedy Phone 37 ~v.>.:~»*«}>«:~!~:~!>^~>.5~x«*«.:~ Vanilla 8 OZ. JUG 19c OLR OWN Orange Pekoe Tea SPECIAL 45c LB. WONDERFUL SOAP 8 BARS 25c Meats Fresh and Cured >*^ >>?»*»» 6^ M"?>?^'^"f^'*^?"?-?'?'?«;'S"?'?»?«:«*'^«?%»«:~:*«^'^p*'?'!H5M5~?.jv«?-?':«'j^ '4 t I t ! â- >

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