(WEDNESDAY, JULY 12, 1038 THE I'I.ESHERTON ADVANCE Cop Had Real Chase On Saturday last a Nt'w York car stai-ted to burn up the highway north of Durham and was covcrinB the miles so quickly that Traffic Officer Hood, who took after him at the north end of town, had to run to Chatsworth before he was able to overhaul him. The machine, a Packard 12, is said to have Konc throuRh Dornoch at 80 miles an hour and pulled through Chatsworth at a mere (55 miles an hour. Despite the dust in its wake Officer Hood made the 20 mile.s from Durham to the northern villaprc in something les^ than 14 minutes, fin- allly overhauling his man and ases.s- ing him $25 for his escapade. For some time the officer was doubtful if he could catch him. The ownei of the car, a Buffalo doctor, paid the assessment. A day or so later the s-ame car came back through Durham and was trailed south by the traffic officer, but when stopped said he was cured of .• peeding and was doing ex- actly .'iS miles an hour to the bordei â€" and home. â€" Mt. Forest Confeder- ate. Falmerston ratepayers voted in favor of a by-law to take over the Palmerston rink. The by-law carried by a majority of 114. Midsummer Sale Of Seasonable Utensils WASH BOILER TEA KETTLE Galvanized wash boiler Aluininuui tea ,kettlt^, sale price 98c ea. exceptional barj^jain $L19 BOILER SET SAUCE PANS Tin boiler with copper Useful set of 3 alum- Dottom $1.39 ea. fntini sauce pans, per PUDDING PAN SET ^^* ®^'=- Green and ivo^f^ iiud- Preserving Kettles ding pan set .... 596 Set. Aluniinuin, 5 imperial TEA KETTLE ^^^ ^^^' Solid copper nickel- Gray Granite, 7^ imp. plated tea kettle cheap ^^ ; *?,*; at $1.98 eh. • ^"'^r-^', '''"^ «"'''-'^"' 7j4 imperial qts , 98c. GALVANIZED PAIL RRCAn pan qft Stron^^ sturdy hot gal- ^T^f"^ .^^N SET vanizcd pail, S'.its. c.nlv. .^'"'-'^^ tin bread pan Each 23c '''^' P'"" '"^ "^ *'''° '• 25c- BREAD BOXES t. , ^"^^^^ Colored Bread Boxes, Real vauc m a general green, blue ^nd ivorv 98c J""'''"'^'' "'^''''''^ ^Sc. WASH BOWLS C^PS AND SAUCERS vServicoable white cups \\'hitc enamel wash and .saucers. Sjjecial 7c b(jwls always needed 29c cup and saucer. ., Many other real bargains; also Plymouth Rope and Twine, Paris Green, Arsenic of Lead King Bug Killer. Frank W. Duncan Phone 54 - - - FLESHERTON Large Crowd At Rock Mills Garden Party A splendid crowd attended the Roek Mills garden party on l''riday evening and enjoyed a fine supper, sjiorts and evening proKrani presented under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid of Rock Mills Baptist church. A same ol football was |)layed in Geo. Johnston's field hotvvcen Kiesherton and KuRenia teams and re.sulted in a win for Flesh- erton by the sjorc 2-0. The evening concert in the church shed was feat- ured by a play "'All in the Family" by tho Dundalk Anglican younfr people and much favorable comment was heai'd. Prof. Kyle's orchestra from Maple Valley provided excellent music between act.^ and Mr. Geo. Akitt ren- dered an excellent solo. Rev. W. J. Scott of Flesherton presided in the absence of Rev. J. R. Wolsteneroft, the pastor, who is ill. The proceeds of the garden party amounted to $69.89. The next ^Wting of the Ladies' Aid will be held at the home of Mrs. Richard Allen on Wednesday, July 19th. It is not recorded who first said "A little nonsense now and then is relished by the best of men." But whoever it was, he might with equal accuracy have observed that a great deal of nonsense is relished at any time by most men. In business or pleasure, a laugh is as hungrily sought as anyth'ing else that may be on the program. The business of living is involved in so many hard- ships and worries that the most trivial nonsense helps to make life brighter and better. It has been said that a sense of humor is a saving grace; but no two people seem to have the same sense of humor. Perhaps the best is that which enables one to sec enough of the funny side of the ex periences of life; tragic as some of them are, to laugh his way through difficulties and to perceive the laugh- able side of the thing when fate drives h^m through the briar patches. â€" Moncton Transcript. Mr. an Mrs. Robt. Bellamy of Cold- water are visiting the former's par- ents at present. The matter of the wheat acreage limitation for the next year is being discussed by those countries which raise large quantities of this com- modity. There is doubt whether a smaller acreage would have the re- sult of better prices. ' niB STORX â- BKTICB F. T. HILL&CO.,Ltd. CHAIN 8T0RB8 Markdale, Ontario OUB BUYING POWER â- ATES TOU â-² LOT OF MONBT Unusual Savings â€" OFâ€" Hot Weather NECESSITIES STUDY THESE PRICES AND YOU WILL REALIZE THEIR EXCEP- TIONAL VALUES EXTRA SPECIAL Elastic pull-on Girdles Light weight wiih gatcrs attached. Small, mcdiuni, large $1.19 Special Selling of Millinery Complete clearance of spring and sum- mer hats. Value's up to $3.50 for .. 95c Boy's Canvas Oxfords Brown only, strong sturdy soles. Sizes 1-5 " 73c. EXTRA SPECIAL Heavy rib Elastic ,Girdle vStrongiy stayed with stout garter strap.s. â- Small, medium, large ^1.95. Fashionable White Purses The sea.son'.s smarte.st snappy while purses, washable. \'alues up to $1.7b each for 95c. Supersilk Chiffon Hose All pure silk Grenadine yarns and full fashioned. Every shade, all sizes $1.00. ;' Men s Canvas Boots WEEK END GROCERY SPECIAL All sizes 0-10. Strong and comfort- j „, ^1^^^,^, j ^.^^f Baking Powder .... 15c. able "-'c- 3 n,. Dates for 25c. 4 Jersey Corn I'Makcs ..s 25c. ' Sport Oxford 1 H'- Halton'st English Breakfast Coffee 29c. Sun tan canvas with brown trim rub- 4 tins Pork and P.eans Plnin 25c. IK^ sole amfsolfd heel $1.19. 1 I'u.ttle Catsui. and 1 ChiU Sauce .. 22c. Mr. Howard Ferris of Toronto visited in town last week. Mr. and Mr.s. W. G. Ross of George- town are visiting in town. Miss Lortnc Cargoe of Toronto is visiting her mother this week. Mr. I.Murray Inkster spent the week end at his parents home. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Sharp of O.sh- awa and Betty are visiting Mrs. Sam McMullen. Mr. and Mrs. A. Kennedy of Mar- mora are visiting their sons, W. G. and Jack Kennedy. Mr. J. P. Arnott and Mrs. John Jone.s of Toronto spent several days with the latter's parents last week. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Ferris of Toronto are visiting the former's brothers in town. Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Genoe, Toron to, spent the week end with their brother, Harry. Dr. E. C. Murray and family art holidaying at their cottage at Wasaga Beach. Mrs. Jos. Armstrong and family of Toronto are spending the hoHdtys at their dummer cottage in town. Rev. iW. J. Scott is attending the Grey Presbytery summer school being held at Presque'Ie this week. Mrs. Harman Radley attended the funeral of her young niece. Miss Eu- lalia Murphy, in Guelph, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Fawcett and •jon of Collingwood spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Ferris. Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Chappie and Allan were in Mcaford on Sunday. Mr.s. J. Lillicrap of Toronto returned •.vith them for a visit. Mi-3s Maud Montgomery of Chicago and Miss Rose Arnott of .Warehani are spending a week with Mr. and Mrs. Inkster. Mr. and Mrs. H. Griffen of Toronto have returned to Toronto after spend- ing a week with her mother, Mrs. Wilcock, and other relatives. Miss Marion Shaw returned to her home at Lions Head last week, after completing the term at the Flesherton high school. MOTHS â€" Kill those moths with SOPHO, the great moth killer. Don't wait another day and endanger your valuables. Let S.APIIO protect them for you. â€" E. J. Bennett, Flesherton. Master Jim Thurston had the un- pleasant experience on Monday even- ing of sustaining a fracture of his right arm at the wrist, while at play with some of his chums. Mr. and Mrs. R. Anderson and son. Bobfeio, of Toronto spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Thurs- ton. M;iss Margaret Anderson re- turned with them after holidaying for a week. Next Sunday morning Mr. Boyer of West China will occupy the pulpit in St. John's United church and tell the interesting story of the Press, one of the big factors in the evangelization of western China. Hear him. Dr. R. L. Gauld, wife and family of Toronto is taking the practice oi Dr. J. E. Milne while he and his fam- ily are holidaying at Sauble Falls. Dr. Gauld formerly practised at Max- well and his many friends were pleas- ed to see him again. The annual picnic of St. John's United Sunday school was held in Memorial Park on Thursday after- noon. Ceylon Sunday school also joined in with the picnic and a splen- did time waa enjoyed by the large crowd present. The W. M. S. of the United church, Flesherton, will celebrate the fortieth anniversary on Friday, July 21st. In- vitations are being sent to all former members whose addresses can be sec- ured. It is hoped that all adherent.? and members of the church will be present at 3 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Leeson and little son, Mr. Jas. White and Miss Dorothy Pcneo of Sparta, near St. Thomas, spent a few. days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Ben White, west backline, Artemesia, and calle<l on Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Thurston on Sat- urday. The thirteenth annuel Arnott re- union was held at the home of Samuel .Arnott, Wareham, on July 8th. It was attended by fifty-eight members of the family, a smaller number than in previous years, nevertheless tht prevailing spirits of those attending made up for any deficiency in num- bers. Next year's celebration is to be held at the home of Mr. Arnott McClurc, Brampton. '.^ For 80 cents you can telephone about 100 miles by making an "any- one" call (station- to-station) after 8.30 'bja. See list of rates in front of directory. ""The telephone saved my corn" Early in the season, Fred Ben- nett noticed a strange blight on his young cotn. It began to spread very rapidly. He had to do something at once if he want- ed a crop. Fred was enterprising. He call- ed the government Exper im e nt al Farm by Long Distance tele- phone. The farm recognized the blight from Fred's descrip- tion, told him what to do, and in a week the corn was safe. Long Distance is quick, depend- able, easy to use â€" and profit- able. is sm*rpri«i«t^ly i»exjge»»ive The Fergus News-Record points out that the formation of the new riding of North Wellington, as con- stituted by the redistribution bill, re- .store.s the boundary of .Wellington as it was fifty-five years ago before Duffc-rin County was formed. The British Veterinary History ol the Great War is authority for the statement that over 16,000,000 ani- mals played some part in the long conflict. Horses, dogs, mules, oxen, camels, elephants, cats, goats, even ge-sc were employed. A Small Advts. Lost or Strayed LOST â€" A gold pin with 3 pearls in the vicinity of the park on Friday night. Reward. Apply to Mrs. J. Robertson, Flesherton. For Sale NOTICE â€" Seven acres of grasf for sale. â€" Adam Smith, Eugenia. FOR SALE â€" Mixed feed oats, 34c bu.; Wheat 75c bu.; Barley fl.OO cwt Phone 38 r 3.â€" A. C. Muir, Ceylon. FOR SAXE â€" Cherries on the tree after July 10. â€" E. A. Graham, Clarksburg. FOR SALE â€" Young broilers now ready for table use. Phone your order to Mrs. Edgar Patterson, Price- ville, 32r41. FOR SALE â€" A six roomed cot- tage with stable, a corner lot. A bargain as it must be sold. â€" Mrs. A. Thistlethwaite, Flesherton, phone 51 r 2. HOUSE FOR RENT â€" Wanted to rent, furnished house or cottage for July and August, in or near Flesher- ton; responsible tenants; reasonable rent. Notify The Advance office. WANTED â€" Furnished house or bungalow, 3 to 5 rooms. July 1st to Sept. In or near Flesherton. State price, etc. â€" Mrs. A. Stilwell, 384 Bloomfield Ave., Verona. N. J, NO.ICE â€" Having disposed of my business I have for sale dressers wash stands end tables, couche, chairs sideboard, pictures and many other artcles; all owing accounts kindly call at once and settle same. â€" Miss M. Cook, Ceylon. FARM AND HOUSE FOR SALE House for sale or rent in Ceylon; would rent for summer months. Farm for sale at Portlaw, 100 acres. . -THOS. FLETCHER, Ceylon. HOUSE FOR SALE Six-roomed bungalow for sale in Flesherton, or would exchange for farm if prices can be agreed upon.â€" ^ Mrs. H. Patton, Flesherton. FARM FOR SALE East half lot 3-4, Con. 4, Artemesia, containing 150 acres, new barn; well watered with two good wells. Will sell farm stock and implements with or without farm. Cheap for quick sale. â€" N. CAMERON. Prop. FOR SERVICE Reg. Berkshire Boar: Reg. Tams- worth Boar, $1.00 Cash. Jersey Bull. $1.00 cash. â€"JOS. RADLEY, Flesherton HOUSE FOR SALE OR RENT Bungalow residence in Flesherton, five rooms, automatic waterworks, good garage, possession can be taken at once. â€" G. F. Brackenbury, Flesher- ton. BOAR FOR SERVICE I Yorkshire Boar for service. Terml fl.OO. â€" John Oliver, O.D.R., Art* mesia. BOAR FOR SE!ftVICE ( -|| ♦^ ' Retristered Torkshirt Boar for tw vice by Flesherton Bacon Hog Clab. the property of the Ontario â- Depart' ment of Agriculttve. â€" C. STEWART, Caretaker. BUSINESS CARDS «( GEO. E, DUNCAN tTl DUNDALK "^ LICENSED AUCTIONEER ' For the County of Grey. Term* 1 peir cent. Satisfaction guaranteed Dates made at the Advance office. Prince Arthur Lodge No. 333, A.F. &A.M., meets in the Fraternal Hall, Flesherton, every Friday on or before the full moon. W.M., Geo. Long St., Secretary, H. A. McCauley. ^.: