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Flesherton Advance, 12 Jul 1933, p. 1

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» » » " 1^ fi . *-> â-  » I ' 'â- Ml^ ' : ; • * > • n\ ®hje fkBl^ttion %t^mnu. Vol. 53; No. 6 WEDNESDAY, JULY 12, 1933 W. H. Thurston & Son, Proprietor* PRICEVILLE FEVERSHAM The W.M.S. and AViiling Helpers will hold their monthly meeting on Tue-iday, July 18, in the new church, when the teachers will put on tne program. Lunvh committee: Mrs. Kate McDonald, Mrs. Colin McLean, Mrs. Dave, McDonald and Mrs. John Nt:hol. Roll call to be answered by the month you were born in and pay a cent for each letter of the month. Married on Wednesday, July 5th, at the home of the bride's father, at 6 o'clock, by Rev. B. D. Armstrong of Durham, Violet May Lillian, daugh- ter of Mr. Thomas McDougall and the late Mrs. McDougall, (iienelg, to Mr. Frederick Cecil Cole, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Cole of Simcoe county. The same evening a weduiug recep- tion was tendered the young couple, when a most enjoyable time wat spent in music and dancing. Tht bride and groom were the recipients of many beautiful and costly gifts. SUTHERLAND â€" Bom to Rev. fcnd Mrs. Angus Sutherland, twin daughters, one was stillborn. (Priscilla Violet.. Miss Rita Patterson of Santiago, Calif., is spending three weeks with relatives here. Miss Marjorie McLean, Toronto, is' l^olidaying at her home here. Miss Tena Milligan of Hanover is a guest at Mr. Thos. Nichol's. Rev. McGregor of Toronto occupied the pulpit Sunday, in the Presbyter- ian church and delivered a fine mes- sage. His subject was "Be thoi, faithful to the church. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Fettis of Owen Sound were recent visitors at Mr. Wm. Hinck's. IMr. and Mrs. Herb Mclnnis and family of Coldwater, former station agent here, were guests last week with Mr. and Mrs, CoJin McLean and took in the dedication of St. Andrew's church. Rev. and Mi-s. Mclvor left last Tuesday for their jtew home in Mon- treal. Mr. Angus MacphaU Vf Montreal is spending two weeks at his grand- mother's, Mrs. -Biiikerton, and other friends. ./ ' Miss Haftel Beaton is engaged foi the coining terra to teach at Bune-ssan scl^oot. Mr. Lou Froois .had a barn rais- ing last week. -Mr. Jack McDonald; Fleshert'on, was foreman. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Parslow oi Xew York i-s sjiending a couple ol weeks' holidays here. A miscellaneous shower is being held this Tuesday evening at Mr. David Ni'jhols in honor of Mr. and Mrs. John Cook, who were recently married. A re-union of the Patterson famil- ies took place the first of the week when 40 members gathered .at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Patter- son. A joyous time was spent. Mr. and Mi's. Wright of Toronto visited with Mr. and Mrs. E. Bucking- ham 01 "'Fairvicw Farm" on the County road. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Long and Mr. and Mr:i. Galley of Toronto attended the wedding of Mrs. Long's niece, Miss McKean, at Kolopore on Wed- nesday, July 5th. Mrs. William Ross of Georgetown is visiting with her neice, Mrs. Henry Alexander and other friends here. Mr. W. D. Clinton of Toronto was renewing old acciuaintances here last week. Mrs. Joseph Hendei-son of OoUing- wood was a visitor in the village last week. Mr. John Johnston of Collingwood was a caller here on Friday last. Miss Merle Davidson has returned home from a holiday visit to Mon- treal and Quebec. Mr. W. J. W .Armstrong of Flesh- erton was a caller in this village on Saturday last. Rev. F. W. and Mrs. Dean is at- tending the young people's cami- meeting at Clarksburg this week. Mr. and Mrs. G. Eby and familj spent Sunday wth friends in Owen Sound. A good congregation assembled at the Pi'esbyterian church on Sunday evening when Rev. Mr. Shannon preached a sermon to the Brethern of L.O.L. 1086. Mr. and Mrs. John Stewart and son, Dick, of Flesherton spent Sun- day evening with Mr. and Mrs. Col- quette. (Mr. Ivan Alexander and Mr. Gor- don Wilkinson of Owen Sound wert week end visitors at Ivan's home here. EUGENIA MAXWELL The Orange service held in the United chtirch was well attended. Mi-ss Florence BatcheJor of Inis- tioge spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. BftB, Acheson, Master Billy Allen of Detroit is visiting with Mr. George Ross. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs D. A. Winters on the birth of a son. Tiuu-sday, July Oth. Mr. Harry Field of Fort .William is holidaying in the village. VICTORIA CORNERS CEYLON MARK DALE TORONTO LINE NORTH Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Mckenzie and family of Treesbank, Man., are vis- iting at the home of R. Richardson. Miss Evelyn Borown is spending a holiday with friends in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Lome Stephenson and two children of Belmont spent the week end at J. A. lsy»t's. Mrs.- H. Alexander of Feversham visited her sister, Mj;s. A. Stewart, a I day last week. Mr. and Mrs. HanUd PuUerton of .Thessalon were visiloWs last (week with Mr. W. Burnett and family. VANDELEUR miss Butler of Toronto u ISw^uest of iVi^s Lillian Buchanan. Mr;. Oke and son, Jack, of Tvr<>ato are visiting with Mr. and Mr«, L«ady 3ohna\tm- Mrs. (Dr.) TurnbuU and daaglii«i of Otta»'a are spending a few days with Mr. i»nd Mrs. Geo. Buchanan. IMr. and Kr^. Mason of Barrie were week end rfeitors with Mr. and Mrs. iWill. Johnsttift. tt.Mary'6 Ai|lican Church MAXWELL Awtor, Rev. Mauric* F. Oldham. SUNDAY, JULY 10. 1933 10 ft.m. â€" Sunday school at J. Humphrey's. The 70th anniversary services and re-opening of chui-ch will be held on Sunday, July 23. at 8.30 a.m., 11 a.m. and 7.30 pni. TRINITY CHI RCH, PROTON STA. 2 p.m. â€" Sunday school and bible class. 3 p.m. â€" Evening prayer service »nd sermoD. JiIiE-3 Jslay Richardson of Toronto is visiting at -the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Richardson. .A mistake was made in last week's items: It was Mr. Cantrel of Toronto, not Mr. Gamble of Sudbury, visiting at Mr. Stevens. Mrs. Gamble and Billy returned to Sudbui-y the last ot the week. At an ice cream social the losing side of the contest of the Y'.P.S. en- tertained the winning side, also tht Proton friends, some of whom playec a soft ball game with Inisttoge. Tht visitors won as they did also last week when Inistioge visited them at the'r ice cream social. Congratulations >tB Mias Sylvia A--heson, who won the vocal exam- ination with honors. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cole (recent bride and groom), Toronto, are vis- iting at .Wilfred Gallagher's. Mrs. Milton Bannon spent a couple of (Kays in Toronto laat week and at- tended the funeral of the late Mrs. Lawrence Wraggett. Milton Bannon, with hi-5 parents, Mr. andlttrs.irhos. Banjivn, and Kath- leen Jack, and Fred are spending the wfok end in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. S. Stewart are vis- iting at her honte near Maxwell. Mr. J. H. Rf.;hardson is erecting a new woodshed or his premises. PAY SOMETHmU ON IT Club members for the week end at the club house wtre Mr. H. T. Cliff and his father from Toronto. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mri. W. Kaitting were: Mr. Guy Kaitting, Mr. E. Davidson, Mr. Fred Hale and son, Jim, of Feversham; .Mr. J. Hopp- man and two small brother of De- troit; also Miss Mildred Schmidt of Detroit, who is remaining for a visit. Callers at the Club house on Sun- day were Mi-. James Scott of Strat- ford. Miss Agnetj Irwin and Miss Dorothy Ottewell. T^e Sunday school picnic was held on Wednesday afternoon, July 5, in the park here. There was a very enjoyable time spent in games, races, etc. There was about 100 children and grown-ups present, and all did ample justice to an excellent lunch. Mr. Ralph Birkiioider of Toronto visited his wife and daughters, who are spending the summer at "Fair View Villa." Mr. and Mrs. Gardiner of Mimiro are holidaying at the home of Mr and Mrs. Court Smith. Master .\rgyle Martin has returned to Fle-sherton after spending a week at his parental home. (Mr. and Mrs. Will. Davies and Mrs R. Lehman of Toronto visited ovei the week end with their father, Mr. Jacob W'illiams. Mr. and Mrs. S. Croft and sons of Flesherton and Mr. Fred HoUey ot Toronto visited at .Mr. C. Martin's on Monday. Mrs. Wm. Walker spent a few days with her brother, Mr. Jas. .\rmstrong, Kimberley. Master Vernon Clark and the Misses Evelyn and Betty Matthews of To- ronto are -spending a fortnight at "Fair View Villa." Mr. and Mrs. .Albert Long of To- ronto visited recently w-ith the lat- ter's brother, lilr. Court. Smith ano wife. Miss .-Vlma Essland from near Fev- ersham is a visitor with her sister. .Mrs. Ben Shortt. The Hammond fanvily was up from Toronto over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Will. William.s of To- ronto visited over the w-eek end with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs Jos. Williams. Mr. and Mrs. J. Warrilow and Mrs. R. Kerr of Toronto visited over the week end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Fawcett. Miss Vernicc Fawcett and little Joan AVarrilow, who has spent the past month here, re- turned home with them. Mr. and Mn. Albert Sloan and fam- ily of Chatham visited a fow days with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walker Sloan, who returned to Chatham with them to spend a few holidays. Little Miss lolene Sloan remained here with her aunt, Miss Donalda Sloan. Mi-3. Mitchell and son, Douglas, and Mr. Small of Toronto spent the week end at the home of Mrs. Will. Magee. Master Wesley Jamieson, who had been taking first form work in thy 8th line public school received word that he passed in three subjects, .\lgebra, Latin and French, taking honors in Latin. He also wrote on History and Geography, but will heai later of his success in these. Con- gratulations to Wes on his success and also to Mi-ss Margaret Sinclair who was his teacher. We also extend congratulations to Miss Muriel Fenwick, who received word that she had been successful in her examinations from 2nd form inte .3rd form in Owen Sound collegiate and Master .Xrgyle Martin, who also met with success in his examination-.^ to form 2, passing in 6 out of 7 sub- .:/-cts written at Flesherton High school. .We must congratulate Mis? Lillian ' Magee and Percy Smith on passing some of their examination."- in Flesherton high s-hool. Mr. and Mrs. Densmore, Mi'^. Mar- shall and Barbara and Miss M. Coi)k motored to Owen Sound the first of the week. Mr. J. B. Cummins motored from Oshawa on Friday. Mrs. Cummins who has been visiting here, accompan- ied him home. Mr. Fred Hemphill of Toronto vis- ited the past week with Mr. S. Hemp- hill and franily. M.-. Mitchell, the new manager ot the F. T. Hill & Co. store, is moving here and will occupy the residence belonging to the estate of the late Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Sewell. Mr. and Mrs. M. Cassells will move to Mea lord where the former is of the Hill store. Mr. W. J. M^;Fadden of Orange Valley met with a serious acdident on Monday evening when he had one of his legs broken close to the hip. LSEFLL AUBKLVIATION in charge ; >'<>" <io." the sign LMr. Lloyd Densmore spent a couple j He is now in the local hospital where of days last week in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley While and daughter, Edna, who have been visit- ing the former's mother, Mrs. W. C. White rctured Saturday to their home in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. H. Griffin the fracture was reduced. He was engages drawing hay from the bad; of the farm and was driving into the barn when the accident occurred. It was tlie last load and in order to finish, more than u.sual was piled on al-. ) were visitors with Mrs. White, j the wagron. When entering the barn Mrs. A. Sinclair spent the week end'''o'»' ^*'- -MfFadden was swept off the in Toronto and was accompanied by! load ar.d in falling the leg wa-s brok- Miss Muriel Gillespie, w!ir> has been'"-'"- He has the sympathy of many visiting here. Mr. B. Boyer, missionary, who is home on furlough from West China, will have charge of the service on Sabbath afternoon, when he will give an interesting address on the work in that part of the field. It is hoped there will be a good attendance at this service. The Sabbath school held its annual picnic in Flesherton Park, on Thurs- day afternoon, joining with St. John's Sabbath school, when a very enjoyable afternoon was spent by all present. Mrs. Nat. Caswell and daughter ot Owen Sound visited Mr. and Mrs. J J. Patterson the first of the week. iMr. Joe Snell of AVeston is visiting | his brother, George, who is ill. j Mr. and Miv. F. J. Collinson and family motored to Owen Sound on! Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Rulledge and family. Miss Bella Kennedy of Holland Centre, Miss Rutledge of Minnesota visited friends here the first of the! week. I -A. re-union of aunts, uncles andj cousins of the Patterson families w-as, held the first of the week at the homej of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Patterson in honor of Miss Reta Patterson, who arrived home the past week from San Diego, California. Miss .Agnes Ma:phail, M.P., was a speaker at Collingwood on Friday evening. Mrs. Isniond and son, Douglas, ol Xorval were week end visitors with Vlr. and Mrs. .\rrowsniith and family. friends in Standard. his time of suffering. â€" .\ former Hanover man has been i summoned to court to answer to a charge of false pretences, it being alleged that he issued several cheques without having sufficient money in the bank to cover them. FOOTBALL AND D EUGENIA jl^E AT A football game will be played in the school grounds at Eugenia on Saturday evening between Feversham and Eugenia, commencing at 7 p.m. At !) p.m. a dan-ce will be held in the pavillion of Eugenia Memorial Park, when good music will be supplied for the dancers. Come and enjoy an evening of sport and exercise. A child in an English school gave a definition of the abbreviation "etc.'' that is a good deal nearer the truth than the one given in the dictionary. He said: "Ett-. is a sign used to make people believe you know more thaa Many teachei^ notice that is usedk most freely by the pupils who are least familiar with their work; and those three letters are often made to do duty for halt a dozen names of facts which have either been forgotten or never mast- ered, and sometimes they are used because the pupil is too lazy to write a full answer. He brushed his teeth twice a day with nationally advertised tooth paste The doctors examined him tv\-ice a year. He wore his rubbers when it rained. He slept with the w-indows wide ojwn. He stuck to a diet with plenty of fresh vegetables. He re- linquished his tonsils. He golfed, but never mope than 18 holes at a time. He got at least eight hours sleep every night. He never smoked, drank or lost his temper. He did his daily dozen, daily. He was all set to live to be a hundred â€" The fun- eral will be next Wednesday. He had forgotten about trains at gradt crossings. A man lost two wives within 24 hours. Talk about luck! GARDEN PARTY The Mount Zion Ladies' -Aid will hold their annual garden party on Wednesday, July 26th. Everybody come. BATES BURIAL CO'Y I 124 Avenue Road Toronto I DISTINCTIVE FUNERAL SERVICE AT REASONABLE PRICES I PHONES: NIGHT OR D.\Yâ€" Klngsdale 4344â€"3456 * Modern Private Chapel % J. W. Bates Fred Maddocks Richard Maddocks. Manssci) i- Formerly of Flesherton ROCK MILLS 1 }f If you owe a bill and have not go* the money to pay all of it, why not pay something on account? There isn't a business man in the country who wouldn't be delighted to give you a receipt for your payments. Business men kave "fixed expenses" that they must meet at least once a month and they do appreciate hearing from those who are indebted to them. Protect your credit. Times may not be as they are much longer and wouldn't it be nice when better times come again to be able to say, ''Well, I did my bit to help things alongâ€" I paid what I could â€" my credit was alway."! good â€" and I never held out on anybody." A substantial "nest egg'' has been found in the funds of the Torontc Board of Education. The man re- sponsible is threatened with loss of his position. He should have known that city governing bodies don't be- lieve in saving. , . - PROTON STATION Farmers are very busy at the hay- ing and many will soon finish if the dry weather co.ntinues. Master Garth McDowell of Toii3n- to is holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Foster and family. Mi-oS Ruth Russell accompanied hei friend, Miss Nathalie Fatten to Lon- don, where they spent over a week with fi-iends. Mr. and Mrs. Jo'nn Hargrave vis- ited i-e,ently with the latter's nephew, Mr. Edgar Betts and wife, 8th line, Osprey. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Newell vi-oited the first of the week with Ma.xwell rrriends. .â- ^ large crowd was present at tht Baptist garden party on Thursday niffht. Mrs. E. Russell has retm-ne\l home after a lengthy visit with friends a; Du-nean. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Gamey of To- ronto, have been spending their holi- days with the for:ner,s cousin, Mr Dick Clark and familv. ^* The House ci Quelity PURINA ROUNDWORM CAPSULES FOR HOGS 10c EACH \V"E LO.\N J.\\\" SPRE.\DER .\XD WATER GUN WITH WHICH TO jGIVE THESE C.\PSULES Round and Tape worm capsules for hens and chickens CHLORENA TABLETS FOR DISENFECTING POULTRY DRINKING WATER, DISEN- FECTING DAIRY UTENSILS, DIS- ENFECTING AROUND THE I 7 HOME JAS A. STEWART FLESHERTON 'â- â- si } Lusty cheering resounds from tht ball grounds this Monday e^'ening where Swinton Park and Proton Sta- ton are playing off for first honors. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Whitney, son and daughter of Frances, Sask., are vis- iting Mrs. Whitney's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Wyville. Mrs. Walter .\llen of Toronto was a guest of Mrs. Blakeley. Miss Emily .Acheson has gone to Toronto where she has an appoint- ment to mark middle school papers. iMiss Marjorie Acheson, Mrs. R. H. Moore and daughter. Miss Betty, ac- companied her for a few days visit Someone has said that to be a fault finder you require no capital no talent, no brains, no character, you need exercise no self-denial. There is no calling easier to get a start in, or one more worthless. Sure-- -^ Im well fed I My mother trades at Ken Kennedy's BUY HERE AND SAVE Nice juicy gfrapc fruit 4 for 25c Quick oat meal 20c pkg. Macaroni. 2 Ib.s 15c Toilet Paper, 7 rolls 25c Salmon, larg-e tins 10c Chase and Sanborn.s Coffee Ground while U wait 39c, 49c lb. Meats Fresh and Cured

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