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Flesherton Advance, 5 Jul 1933, p. 8

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^: c WEUNKSDAY, Jl'LV 5, 1U33 VAIA'E OF OKC HAKUS Till-: I'J.lvSIIKRTON ADX'ANCE '\ Thut jfood fruit farms an- woitli .iwninjt, is tlu- advii-e of a woll-kiiown atrricullural authority. Owners .should jiiako evory t-ftDit to keep them, for money will be made from them in the futuri- as in the Kurihtr. he points out that K^owers who .sell nearest home get the prices. Culls sold in the home markets often net more than fancy fruit shipped to dLstant cities. But sellintr culls anywhere is a M»ry poor policy as it li ir.ffs the pipPe down badly, and ssens the desire of the buyer foi ihe fruit. ' !SKM> 11 IN If you have a bit of news, Send it in; Or a joke that will aniuae, Send it in; A story that h true, iVn incident that's new, \\\' want to hear from you, .Send it in. Don't wail a month to do it, Send it in; I'on't let 'em beat you to it, Send it in; Something- serious or a jest, Just whichever you like test, Anl we will do the rest, .â- ^ind it in. Spring Hardware at Attractive Prices . .\-l {|uality IW)n}4. F„-icIi .. MANURE FORKS : well lialancc-d ; D Handle Stnipi)cd. $1.20 .^ Prohg. Each SHOVELS l<iglil Grade. Kacli 75c (Lonjr Handle- l\uun( 14-T()oth, head. Each .. eavy Grade 'uint) GARDEN RAKES sturdy Ioult handle, stron.i,^ $1.35 $1.15 weldles.-; 60c. Chan Wax 59c T*!n,i^lish FLOOR WAX 29c LB. Gives a goud polish with little et'fort. 50c lb. DAIRY PAILS 59c A well seamed tin jiail, size 14. Ivich DESSERT KNIVES stainless steel, nn'rror finish: I'rench r>la(le. Special value Per Box of Six $2.19. POCKE T KNIVES 98c A good size sturdy i;ick knife: fihest grade. 98c. SCREEN WINDOWS 35c 14 inches high extends from 22 to SOjA inches. WIRE CLOTHES LINES 17c 50 feet: also 100 feel coils at 39c and 49c LAWN MOWER $6.50 Here is a i)opular machine well made, attractive, easy i-iuining, exceptional value. 14 inch. Each $6.50 Frank W. Duncan Ontario To Spetid Million Ofl Roads Hon. J.,e&po]d Macuulay, minJstev of highways, has announced the lett- ing of -seven contracts for work tatterc<| throughout the i)ruvir.e cntailinp the expen'!-'-- -- -; â-  :-oxi- mately $1,000,000. The woik on projcci..-;, Mr Maiaulay stated, will be commenced at Once and as much local reliel' as possible will be provided. The work-.-; and successful tenderers are as follow.s: Grading of the highways from Alex- andria to Lancaster, Domimo/i Con- struction Co. of Toronto." Asphajtic pavement, Jljckisou, ; U' Tavistock, Uufferin ConstrucUon, Cp.., Toronto. . ,; â-  Te;i miles concrete paving, Stayner easterly. King Paving Co., • Oakv^Ue BLaverton sotrth.-cdncryte pavement five iniJos in length, A. IC. Jupp Con- Hlructio.'. Co., Toronto. Waverley toward Barrie, ten mile.>= concrete pavement, â-  Sterling Con- .-truction Co. of Windsor. Durham north tov/ard Chatsworth, five miles of asphalt pavement. Stan- dard I'aviiig Co., Durham, Ontario. t'jni|iletion of surfacing of high- way, Thornbury to Meafoi-d, seven miles, Non-Skid Paving Co., Leaside. Mr. ard Mis. Jos. Uun.-an p- â- '. lihtr a wet'l-. in Toronto. are DON'T BK A SLACKER! There were slackers during the war and there are slackers in times of peace. How about the church mem- ber who expects others to keep up the expenses of the church; the lodge man who never accepts office and .â- â- uldom attends; the citizen, who i;. never at a nomination or party cau- ^vâ- ^ and often fails to vote in a gen- eral election? These slackers com- plain of high taxation and inefficiency in government but you couldn't run â- :' enough to get one of them Ic .:ilow his name on a ticket. They are- too selfish, too busy, with theii own aifair.s, too timid to got out and became a target for the public to shoot at. They are slackers in the matter of good citizenship just as much as there were- the shi'.'kers dur- ing the war. They complain, criticize, condemn, yet decline to take hold and help. They e.xpect othei's to make all the sacrifice. It takes courage and determination to take hold and try to help out. So don't expect the other fellow to do it. r£^B»E2£!^£3fE£a^£lS Read the Small Advertisements SSS3Si38SE2aSS85S8» BHB KTOKH WITH BEBVICB F. T. HILL&CO.,Ltd. CHAIN STORES Markdale, Ontario OUR BUYING POWER HAVES YOU A LOT OF MONEY A FEATURING FOR MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN. BUY WEEK AND SAVE YOUR HOSIERY THIS Extra Special iloy-, hiack golf hose uitli fanc}" cuff. .Made from fine conilicd )arn, rihhed style. .Size 6 to 10. Regular 29c value. This week per i)air /c Extra Special (lirl's and hov's rihhed coilon ho>e at Extra Special .\11 piux- silk hose in !)lack onl\'. \ alues m. to Sl.OO. lor Sl)ecial sale leatine 3 i)air - Sl.OO jialf i)rice and less. Colors white only. Sizes 4>j to 6' thev last. Tin's week's sale . hlack and '. \\4iile 8c pr. Here you are ladies just the event you have been waiting for Kollins nui stop chiffon hose in ail pop- idar sunnner shades. .\ heauliful pure silk grenadine chiffoh. Ivegidarly sol.l at si. (JO and ii])w;irds. Special Un this sale 79c Ladies' Silk Hose Manufacturers seconds, all c^^lors in Extra Special ?\len'.s high grade fancy sock.s. Newest patterns made from finest halhriggan yarns. \\ hile they last 29c pair or 4 pairs for Sl.OO. SHORT SOX, ANKLETS AND GOLF HOSE FOR THE KIDDIES. PRICES FAR BELOW THE MARKET Kiddies' Short Sox Kayon and cotton 19c i)r. GIRL'S ANKLETS l''ancy ;iud jjlain style.s 2.^.- Child's Golf S. )OX Merceri;Ad Super .*^i!ks varn. N. ^â-  lixlra quulit} -."c I tile lot, !iev Ja:^ Airs. Mary Jamieson left last week to .spend the summer at Tin^mir.i. iUiss JVTargaret Anderson of Toron- â- o is spending a week with the Thurs- tons.'^ r-Ir. and Mis. John King and two children recently visited her sister, .Mr^ .C. Chappie. v. H.jward of Toronto has IC'Uiriitjd to tSe village for an ex- tended visrt.' '!" '.Mivaiid Mrs. E. 3. Fitzgerald are visiting this week with Mr." and Mrs; J, . K. Pvichards. â-  Mr. and .Mrs. Roy Neilaon and family of Toronto spent the holiday with l\Ir. and Mrs. John Wright. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Duckhorn of Chesley were guests of Miss D. Thurs- ton over the holiday. Mr. and uMrs. Len Hill and little son of Toronto are holidaying with Mrs. Hill's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Bentham. Miss Marie McEachnio and friend, Mi'ss Kathleen Kelke, of Toronto holi- dayed with the former's parents in town. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Down and fam- ily of Tara are spending holidays with the former's paients, Mr. and Mrs. H. Down. Misses Kate McMillan, Laiira Boyd and Dell Thurston, Toronto, and Jean- etlo Cargoc of Waldemar are holi- daying at their homes here. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Reynolds of Beeton called on Mr. and Mrs. R. Bentham on Monday, while on their way to their summer cottage at Oliphant. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stoddart and son, IvOs-3, of Port Elgin and Mrs. Wm. Stoddai-t of Markdale visited with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Stoddart on Saturday. TKl' high school teachers left last week for their respective home? â€" .Mr. Eubank to Cayuga, Miss Mc- Dc.-ald to Douglas, Ont. and Miss Dcwar to Millbank, N. B. MOTHS â€" Kill those moths with SOPHO, the great moth killer. Don't wait another day and endanger your valuables. Let SAPHO protect them for you. â€" E. J. Bennett, Flesherton The \V. I. basket picnic, which was to Iiave been held today (Wednesday) is postponed and will likely l)e held at some future date. Miss Aleda Mitchell of town receiv cd a lovely wrist watch, which she won in the recent Toronto Mail am Empire contest, coming fourth in her grcup. Mrs. E. Daigave! and Mr. and Mrs iiryce Daigavel and two cliildren of Dornoch and Dr. and Mrs. R. J. Vance of Waterdown were week end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Dargavel. -Mr. and Mrs. F. Pinder .spent the holiday at Inglewood. Mr. and Mrs. Tho.^. Ankers and Mr. ami Mrs. Geo. .Ankers of Ingle\\ ood returned with them for the week end. Capt. Elmore Philpott will attend the 7th annual picnic okf the S. E. Grey Unittd Farmers to be held on Tlunsday, .\ugust 3, in Lawrence's Cirove on No. .1 lughway, 2 miles wciU of Durham. Mrs. K. J. Blackburn, Violet anl Donald of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Roy -McGeoch, iMr. and Mrs. Talbot and Mr. and Mrs. Sarry, all of London were holiday visitor.^ with Mr. and Mr.^!. T. J. Fisher. A coal (if oil has bt^'n applied on Highway No. lu between Dundalk and Mark<lale. The dust rose in cloutis with the traffic last week and the ai)plication was not given any too soon. Rev. and Mrs. Gordon C. Raymer and two daughters of St. Thomas spent the holiday with Dr. and Mi^s. 10. C. Murray. They were on the way 10 spend the summer months at their cottagf^ at Wasaga Beach. .*V welcome rain on Friday morning last bathed Ih;' land with plenty of Mioi-stuie which was needed to aid grjwth. Haying operations are at their height now and the farmers are having some fim-ly cured hay stored ^n the harns. Forty-four pupils are writing the Fn^rance c:?aminations this week at i'hshcrton centre. Principal i'lvV.;nideau ol the high school and ;"â- â-  din- Sbftckleton, principal of 'uKil, are presiding 1 r'lK' coo\ woalh- -Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Richards spent j Jos. Cornfield ot Toronto i.!iv holiday at Lucknow. residents of this place. .'•I;.^. J. Cargce is in Toronto p:e.~:er,t. former Master Jiuunie McGeoch of London .spent the week with his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Fisher. iHaster Howard V'ork of Markdale is visiting his aunt, Mrs. J. R. Rich- ards, Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Richardson en- joyed a holiday boat trip from (Mid- land to Parry Sound. Mr. and Mrs. li. G. Holland left on Friday to spend a month at a summei cottage near Barrie. â- "' '" is visiting with Mr.- and Mrs;'-'Hobt. Alexander and family. The toTjuia -clubf ti.nd Mrs. G. Goldsborough and two children are vi-siting her sister, Mr.-;. O. Clipperton, at Sunnyside Beach, near Meaford. Mii.sea Frances and Ella Shore and Mr. John Whitnel of Parry Sound visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. (Mitchell. Miss Elsie Caswell and Mr?. Molitor and two children are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Caswell. Mrs. Molitor is taking a summer course at London. Mr. J*nd Mrs. C. Crc;jiey and childien of Toronto holidayc-.l in town. Miss Janet is remaining for a couple [vliss Dollie Barrett of Owen Soimdi °^ weeks. ^fJt'rof. J. Kyle had five pupiSs- p-i;-i • timr musical examinationci at • Or- 4 ttrt^'illc on June -^Sth. â-  ' Miss Jean 'jccessfuW.^^jflstg.croft tried her exanf afOwen dance on their row paved court iiif<*^.d on the 27th. Ail 'receiTcd ihe park on Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brown and son,j George, of Forest spent the holiu!'.y| with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brackenbury. j '.Mr. and Mrs. Herb Jackson ol | Winnipeg called on the tatter's uncle and aunt, W. H. and Mrs, Thurston, the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Ken McKee of To- ronto are spendng a couple of weeks at their parental homes on the 4th lir.e, Artemesia. Mr. Robt. Swanton of Donald, Wash., is on a three months' vaca- tion visiting friends and relatives in this district. Mr. and Mrs. Percy "i. Howe and daughter, Miss Dorothy, of New York visited the former's aunt, Mrs. W. H. Thurston, last week. Mr. and Mi-s. W. G. Kennedy and family, Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Henry, Miss Beatrice Bewell and Mr. Wilfret! Pentland enjoyed a re-union of tht Pentiand family at Goderich on Sat- urda.v. Rev. W'm. Howoy, well known here, has assumed the pastorate of First United church in Owen Sound. Mrs. K^v.-cy was formerly Miss Gladys Cornfield, daughter of Mr. and Mr^. first class honors. Messrs. Jas. Stewart of toww and Ed. Seeley of Maxwell have opened up a riding school at Sauble Beach on Lake Huron and have a number of horses and ponies in the stable. Mr. Chas. Stewart is at present in charge of the school. Principal D. Wright and Miss Marg- aret Campbell of the Dundalk high school were presiding at the high school examinations at this centre, while Mr. S. Thibaudeau, principal of Flesherton high school presided at Markdale. Miss Laura Boyd was presiding here this week while th€ Entrance exams are in progress. Mr. D. W. Clinton of Toronto was a nicasant caller at The Advance of- fice on Monday. He is on a vaca- tion and is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Robt, JMe'drum of the 4th line. Mr. John Rretherton and Miss Irene Clinton aceomnanied him up returning Sunday accompanied by )Mr. and Mrs. Dean Clinton, who had been visiting friends. CHIROPRACTOR Dr. C. G. McGillivray of Durham will visit Flesherton every Wednes- day until further notice. Office at Mrs. M. McDonald's, Sydenham St. Hours from 1 to 6 o'clock p.m. ma Adv X X. XO.ICE â€" Having o < > i > Lost or Strayed LOST â€" A gold pin with 3 pearls ia the vicinity of the park on Friday right. Reward. Apply to Mrs. J. Robertson, Flesherton. STR.A.YED â€" One ewe and seven lambs strayed from my farm. Some lambs and ewe have cross on back and all probably scarred when attacked by dogs. Finder please communicate with Jos. Eadley, Flesherton. .1 of my business I have for sale^tessers. v.ash stands and tables, couch^|kairs sideboard, pictures and many other artcles; all owing accounts kindly call at once and settle same. â€" Miss M. Cook, Ceylon. For Sale NOTICE â€" Seven acres of grass for sale. â€" Adam Smith, Eugenia. COUPE FOR SALE â€" Ford coupe lluil model, good as new, small mile age.â€" R. G. Holland, Flesherton, Ont. HOUSE FOR SALE Six-roomed bungalow for sale in Flesherton, or would exchange for farm if prices can be agreed upon. â€" Mrs. H. Patton. Flesherton. FARM FOR SALE FOR SALE â€" Mixed feed oats, 34c bu.; Wheat 75c bu.; Barley $1.00 cwt Phone 3S r 3.â€" A. C. Muir, Ceylon. FOR SALE â€" Cherries on the tiee after July 1(1. â€" E. A. Graham, Clarksburg. HAY FOR SALEâ€" Standing ov cut raked, by acre, load or field timothy, alfalfa or timothy and clovers. â€" Walter Neun, Portlaw Comers. East half lot 3-4, Con. 4, Artemesia, containing 150 acres, new barn; well watered with two good wells. Will sell farm stock and implements with or without farm. Cheap for quick sale.- â€" N. CA.^IERON. Prop. FOR SERVICE Reg. Berkshire Boar: Reg. Tains- worth Boar, $1.00 Cash. Jersey Bull .$1.00 cash. â€"JOS. RADLEY, Flesherton HOUSE FOR SALE OR RENT NOTICE â€" General r'n\-,ing, eigh- Icon month's training. Terms very moderate. â€" Mrs. Chapman, Flesher- ton. F(.)R SALE â€" Young broilers now ready for table use. Phone your order to Mrs. Edgar Patterson, Price- ville, 32r4L Bungalow residence in Flesherton, five rooms, automatic waterworks good garage, possession can be taken at once.â€" G. F. Brackenbury, Flesher- ton. BOAR FOR SERVICE FOR SALE â€" A six roomed cot- tage with stable, a corner lot. A bargain as it must be sold. â€" Mrs. .\. Thistlethwaite, Flesherton, phone 51 r 2. ROOSTER FOR S.ALE â€" Jersey Black Giant, weight about eleven pounds. Winner of silver cup. Twt dollars buys him. Too fine a bird to kilL Apply this office. Yorkshire Boar for service, Termi ?1.00. â€" John Oliver, O.D.R., Art* mesia. BOAR FOR SERVICE Reiristered Yorkshirt Boar for ser- vice by Flesherton Bacon Hog Club, the property of the Ontario Depart-' ment of Agriculture. -C. STEWART, Caretaker, «lltm&SMi^lS>>^ili- HOUSE FOR RENT â€" Wanted to rent, furnished house or cottage for July and August, in or near Flesher- ton; responsible tenants; reasonable rent. Notify The Advance office. WANTED â€" Furnished house oi luir,r.:L,w I! to 5 roonis. July 1.U to r nefkv Flesherton. State o . â€" Mrs. A. Stilwell, 384 M .\v«., Vevonflj "N. J, BUSINESS CARDS i GEO. E. DUNCAN '=^^' DUNDALK ""71 LICENSED AUCTIONEER For the County of Grey. Term* I pel." cent. Satisfaction guarantee* Dates made at the Advance office Prince Arthur Lodge No. 333, A. P. &A.M., meets in the Fraternal Hall, Flesherton. every Friday on or before the full moon. W.M., Ceo. Ljn^ St., Secretary, IT. A. JlcOaulj-.-. * , \ â- i

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