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Flesherton Advance, 5 Jul 1933, p. 1

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*?!1^- H ;< |1 u • â- { t * » * r »â-  lye fk^ljtxion %hmMe* \t>[. 53; Xo. 5 W'HDXl-.SDAY. JIL\ 5. l'A>3 W. H. Thurston & Son. Proprietors VICTORIA CCRWERS FEVERSKAM '^/â- -â- -Tublc <j( Sudbury i* Uhevt Stevens, i&n .' r<-'!'-. iixpect t' ' Billie li. ; c jummer flj. ,. iii.s gitiadpar- >larguerit.e Sun.-.oii and Wni. Coon I'ofoato st.fcnt i.'v . I'l . •- . Albert Sti»xi.oa's. Mr. and Xfss. I'tn! AcVieson chiidren 'vitltid^'t]ftie. l^tW's'^JMirents, Mr. Wni. Ashc-ion. !•:: . ^- • • !i:tie daughters chUUicn oi Di "',-„. Bucl-j. and two i Mr. Walter ia-iover »p«nt â- iter's father; PRICEVILLE KIME- I ity. rrr. and at called Lotena f.nd Geojge Bannon, Dun- (Jalk, and Jack Brooks, Toronto, vl.s- it£dat Milton Bannon's. ^r. 11. r.:.y. On Sunday, July Shannon will preach to the Brcihorn of L.O.L". No. l'*S.=7-m the Presbyter- ian church at ^ Mrs. Chark 10 ad/ visited pi'if't, VTk'." Be cjiivfi ilvs. Harry Peu'la: .sters, Mistos Eva and badie Carson, of To- ronto spent the week end-at the; home and attended the dt'dication â- ..; Sunday of the new- kirk. . )-'"• " -".'â-  - ^â-  (Mrs. Walker acd Mr. and Mrs. H.!th:Bn.-;t.n of Duaeaciior. Richardson • and son, Toronto, wo; " ' • " V. ec'k end viiitors with Mr^. D. «': ' McLf-an. Mr. Gordon McLean^ who ha isister, Mrs. (the past month visking with \v--ek."" ' j er, •Returned to the West on the pQr.d, yiung j Mi«s Dorothy Hlncks of Lone- We a: Rev. air. of Colling- j pi^oplei- A A lircwTiing accident was 1 Biiinch, Torouco, spent the past weeiv' .narrowly averted last week whtn the I visiting her couisins here, ' - . j timely aid of a good swimmer saved' -^fr. and Tvlrj. George McLellan ot a young pepson fru.r. drowning:, who ' Niagara is hoHdayins wiih fritnds-: could not swim. here. Mr?. Kate Mr. and LVIrs.. Fred Brown and I sp^r-t the pa.- . â- :.:'â- â€¢ daughter of Forest were holiday vis- tuir.ed homv MeArthur, who ^ â- â- r.-b then), re- Mi -. Robin.-oYi has bsen visiting her ,itir3 with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bar- sister-in-law at Meaford We arc glad to welcome Mr. and Mrs. Skippen. who wore recently mar- ried and are settled on the T. J. Stin son farm, which they purchased. School is clo.-ed for the term. The c-ntran:e class pupiii are writing this ird, 4th and 5th. Miss Sylvia Ache- son has resigned. PORTL<\W Mr. and Mrs. Jordor. of Toronto arc visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Waltet Xuhn. Congratulations to Mr. Lewis Fish- er and Miss Mildred Boyce, who were united in marriage on Saturday. We join their many friends in wishing the popular young couple unbounded j happiness throughout a long prosper-! ous Wijddod life. We cannot give particulars as none are at hand at time of writing. We are glad to know that Mr. Thos ber. .\Ir. Tholas Perigee of Toronto visit- ed with his sister, Mrs. H. Alexander, last week. The Perigo family have erected a monument on their plot in the Pres- byterian cemetery here in memory of their father, mother, brother and sister. Our school board have engaged the •three teachers for our continuation and public schools at a net saving of about eight hundred dollars. ' Mr. Fred Brackenbury of Owen Sound and Mr. Jim Pedlar of Rock Mills were callers here on Friday last Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Davidson oi Collingwood were visitors with Mrs Davidson's mother, Mrs. A. J. Conron, last week. Mrs. H. Eby of Hanover was a vis- itor here over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Davidson and Miss McCutcheon of CoUiugwood wer^ j visitors here on Friday last. i Mr. and Mrs. Koss Long of Toronto j Mr. and Mr-. T. Jlinc, Jlr. and Mrs. A. B. McDonald of Owen Sound visited friends here and took in the opening services oti Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Mclnnis and family of Coldwater, former station agent here, were visitors here on Sun- day. Mrs. Jennings and Mr. and Mrs. Jno. McFarlane, Toronto, were vis- itors over the holiday at Mr. Colin McLean's. Wr. C. E. Hincks left the first of the week to attend summer school in London. Congratulations to Mr. John Cook oi-.d Misj Mabel N'ichol, married on Saturday. On Thursday night. Mr riacifliond, iorwcto, wua Mrs. .>!;. Mr. and Mrs. Beifti o* Ha.niilton .Mrs. Plev.-os; Stuait KHiS and trier.' : Ken Prentice, of CoUingwooil with 1 Mr. and .Mrs. R. Chard-; Mr. Str.nj lawr.r..-'?. H.E.P.C, and Jfr. Les.' .; wi:h friendj. G. .^cbeioii. •â-  â-  -^o..^..«=. ,-..=.... ontbie, John an MissE. AAeso,; pr*s;a«cliu: %.«SKi.*J^^- ^' ^- ^"^"" *=^^ ^^ ^'^V- ,. at the middle 'school examinations at l^^°"i-'-<'n attended tKe 'Knotf re-fp iMeaford. This week -she^^rei-ided at ""'"^^ ^^ Thombury, when about 12*^ .,;:ia-. til TORONTO LINE NORTI 'vr. Eari S- Si:-. < ^r a.i<i -â- â- 'â- â- '- â- :. ap<J M-- â- .vay. r-r Toroni his fath-'i'-ahd ^.-«r G. Prtssei^;*: Torontol J^;"---'^- '^â- ^â- 'r-^-: MoTiday:^*«re â- ^^x^, at -.. ..„^,.. ^,-. . ^Lawren^ot Barne ^ f ^'o/k^i^:" •' Mr;s. .P.QS. Abercn >nin of T the Encranie examinations m Chat-> gathered to have a picnic in the pari; worth ^^'^^^ •"^'^~e~<-"''^'n^'^'e v-on the prize £04. , i being the oMest lady present, also [ she was a^ far r.s was known the ! EUGENIA •" tKjl ha.! gone to his home a Eugenia Jor t'ne holidays. '^ Visitors over the holiday with Mr and Mrs. .Albert Stewart were: M . and Mrs. Jas. Peer, son Jimmie at.! M:-. and Mi's. W. J. Proctor of Ed- o«r 85 years ago. | daughter. Jur.t. Mr. and Mrs. Fra^: monton returned last week after a ^"'' '",''°'^* .^^^^^f , ^-'--' .'Vrv' â- '' ""^^^"^ ^*' Miss- A. Bell and Mr. ft. , , . .. -^1. u 1 ..» r are speadmg their holidays v.ith their a,.-,-*^^,.., ..-.i ruither aII of Toro"- three weeks visit with the latter s , • , Armstron:? anti raoiner, au oi j-utu.. , ,r ., ,-. iuj • J paients here. »» brother. Mr. .Alex. Carruthers, and ^, u - -i •,. '^" fa,,il„ ^ There are a number of pupib writ- jjr. T. B. Perigee w^s tiie ffues' Miss Joan Carruthers and Miss '"^^ '^^â- '^!'"=^", ''''''f '" ^!}7: o^ h" ^^^^ M^^- A' ^te**''' ^ ^^'^ Marion Holmau of West Monk-ton , ^"^'""""^ P!^>-<^J ^0°^ ball wah Kim- <„y3 the past week. vi3itod the Carruthers family last ^^'^^ .^'''"f /^t-T ', ''°' ^^^'"^ «='* ^^'^' P»='^ ^^ '^- ^-eeij suhed in 1-0 for kimberley. ^^..jy. ^f -j,^ j^v. Major Srivelv and wife and Miss ^^^ Z"""'^'' "'",* ^^^^^^^^h' «;«ni jir. and Mr.. Emerson Wickens an 1 Wright of Toronto, Bert Kerton and "'"f „°f ^^'^ J'^^- •' * '" 1"^ «nade daughter. Marion, and Mrs. E. Doup.j Mis-3 Steele of Creemore were vis-,^°° ^^^ ."^ '°f ""f ' | at:c-ndc-d the funeral of the late John itors over the holiday with Mr. and! /^^ ^^Joy^ble afternoon ^va.. spent, a. Hogarth cf Jarvis, Ont., held on .Mrs. Wm. Kaitting at the club P" ''*^. 'r'" *" â-  â-  i^'' ^'. r "'^^^' ^'^ '^' ^^^^^ jjq(...„ It"* "â- â€¢ I- meeUng, also a number 01 Urs. John Beecroft of Owen Sound who were! Rev! Mr. MeCarten of Kemble „,. | "'•* •^^''^^ attended the district annua! Up^nt a day with her parents. M. 1 cupi^d the puipit in the United churchj '^'^f""^^.^ ^""'"- | and Mr.. John Pedlar. ,,, l'^., .'' ,. .1 Mrs. v\. Lawson and Murrav are: _^_ and .vlrs. 1 en Sunday and preached a verv in- ^. ,. „ ., „ . ^ • | G. A. Black of Swinton Park nd Mr. | teresting sermon. • Our pastor. Rev. i ^;^^^''^ ot Mrs .. ..Burnt, and -Mrs j _ . _. .-. __.,^L ' -"^bercrombte for a tew days. I We are son-y to x-eport Mrs. Plewesi and Mrs. .A. L. Hincks had their babies ; Mr. McXei!. exchanged pulpits with b..-.ptized, ai: the latter's home, by Rev. MeCarten and preached anniver- CARD OF THANKS Hay Rev. W. J. Mclvor. Mis. Tiramins and Viola of wu-^i Falls visited Monday a .Alej\ Carson's. Mrs. Malt fay (nee Jean Binkham) G'^lchrist is consid^i-ably improved and all hope iiiat he may ^oon be ^''S'ted with his parents over the week ^ and Mrs. McXeiU nee Katie McTagg- reitorcd to ejijoy his former good' end. j art,) Toronto, took in the opening ser- health a"-ain.'' ^^'â- '- '^"'^ ^^^'-- ^- ^^i' visited with , vices on Sunday and. visited friends. Visitors at the home of Mr. and fi-'^nd-s in Detroit last week. Mr. and Mrs. George Johnston and Mrs. D. Jar.ieson I'ecentlv were Mr.t Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Col- { daughters and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. and Mrs. a! Horn and familv. Mr. and' <1"ette on the holiday were: Mr. and. BlvI, of Faisky were recent visitors Mr- J. Blard and familv, Mrs. New-! ^I^s- Harry Uorton. Miss Grace Hor-jat Mr. Alex. Stewart's. The latter love, dau/hur, Ullian, and son. Jack I t*^"' Haro'^ a.iU Murray Horton and remair.od for a longer visit, all of T^cronto. i ^^'^^ Maud Chidley of Long Branch, Miss Andiey Osborne of Dundalk' O"'-' and Mr. and Mrs. Will. Col- spsnt tlJ week end at the parental /l^^^tte ar.d^cluldreTi^of 0^ven Sound, home, ceMS'.; line. Mr. ^tm ilrs. J. T. Invin and two ch^l^en of Toronto and Mrs. Mary Fa-.vcett and daughter, Mabel, of Dun- can \isited with Mrs. Margaret Little. .Mr. T. W. Walker and sister, Mrs. Eakin. of Toronto speiit the week end at the home of their brother here. Mr. John Jamieson of Toronto vis- ited with relatives and friends of this part last v.-'jok. Rev. Mr. Scott of Flesh ;rtcn mads a number of pastoral calls on parish- oners of this part last week. He was a<:companied by Mr. Joseph Blak- ley who enjoyed visiting scenes of his earlier life. Kcv. Mr. McCarton of Kemble had charge of this service last Sunday, while Rev. i.McNeil took Rev. McCar- ten's work and conducteil annivoi'sary Et'rvicco r.t K;=mb!?. sary services at Kemble. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hines of To Mr. ! ropto were guests over the week end ' with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Park. Mrs. A. Hammond and family 01 Toronto were week end visitors in sinaL'o to be out of bed for a few- days. I Mr. --Burritt is the guest of I Fiewes and Graha;. -'. ]'. . •' .' :"2w days. Mr. Jack Reid has moved in and the â- r a Ti'rs. Dougald Clark and family wi- : to express to their many friends a;- ; to eXBjress their thanks to their mar:.- friends and neighbors for floral tri";- utes and kindness shown them i -. their recent sad bereavement. the nllage. They have taken apart- ] â€"â€"â€"â€"^â€" â€" -~ ments in .Mr. John Magee's lio^se { ^vj<^5^»j^^^^.^,<,^^^v,t_;„._j^.^..^.,...^s,,v^s.;4^ and will come up often from the city. Messrs. Delbert.'Ray. Heiisert and! Kenneth Perigee of Toronto visitors with- their aunt. Mrs. Henry .A.!exander, over the week end. Mrs. William Bladschke and child- ren of Preston are visitors with the Cormors"parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will- iam Moffat on the eighth line two miles west of here. Mr. and Mrs. Pier and two children of Toronto wore week end visitors witli their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. 11. .\lex- aiuier. Mr. Hugh Davidson, prin-luai of Connaught school. Collingwood. was in the village Monday and Tuesday marking papers for the entrance ex- :iminaticns. during the holidays. | Mr. and Mrs. Will. Martin of Owtn j Sound and son. Orvilie. and lady friend j Miss .Alma O'Rourke of Detroit were Mrs. Rus'.icl Baird returned to | callers on Monday on Mr. and Mrs. Pontiac. Mich., after spending two j JIartin and family, weeks v.ith friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Grassio inee Miss Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hay. Mr. and 1 Mario Madil!) of Sask. visited with wei-e Mrs. Stanley Harrison. .Mr. and Mrs. ; Chas. Tucker, }.lr. Joe- Black and son Jim, Hiss Mary McCannell and Mr. Fred Dowe of Toronto were visitors last week at the home of .A. L. Hinck's. ROCK MILLS GARDENERS' INSECT FRIENDS All garden i.nsects are not injurious. !:. fact many of them are beneficial, conthuially doinj: good by destroying those species which are harmful. Fore- most anv.-rs; the insects that help the gardener are the different kinds of ladybird beetles. Both, in their larvajj and adult stages, they feed almost exclusively upon plant lice and scale iascct-.i. .\nothe.r kind of beetle, the liery .ground beet!:, is a particiilarly useful insact. This beetle and its voraciou-o grub, which is called the cut worm lion, destroy enormous num- bers of cutworm-3. The beetle is brownish-blaek, with the wingcasos spotted with coppery red â€" hence its name. Th^ large havpalus beetle, •â-  hich is very couunon, destroys cut- i.;;><i. The different kindj of lace- ,,. ,7 „ r c T,, ,„i '~:i>^i!Is and Portlaw public schools Miis Zella Long of Toronto and friend of Dundalk spent Sunday with the former's parents here. Mr. and Mrs. James Long. Mr. and Mis. Ed. Croft and fam- ily spent Sunday with 'Mr. and Mrs. Harold Osborne. Miss Dorothy Robinson of Toronto was at her home here over the week end. A Orange service will be hold at Maxwell United church at T.^IO p.m. oa Sunday next^ Rev. McNeill will preach the sermon. All Orangci:von in the district arc cordially invited to attend. MAXWELL The strawberry festival which was held last week by the W. .A. was a decided success. Mrs. .\ngus Mon-ison and George motored to Guclph last week and Miss Mildred McPh'erson returned â- ng. and other two and four winged i home with them. ; .uasitic flic.- (lardener. arc also friends of the St.Mary's Anglican Church MAXWELL Rector. Kcv. iflaurice F. Oldham. SUNDAY. JULY 9, 1033 10 a.m. â€" ijunday school at : ; imphrey's home. for r<vlecoraiion. TR!NITV iHlRCH. Church J. closed PROTON STV. ' '.nd bible Mr. and Mrs. Huff and Mr. Mrs. Eagles and childivn of South ampton visited on Saturday witli Mr and Mrs .N. Cairns. Mrs. Carefoot of Moose Jaw, Sask., and Mrs. .\. McKean and son. Hart- ley, of Thombury visited la-st week with Mr. Robt. and Ella .Allister. We congratulate Miss Ingles, oni s:hool teacher, on the success of hev pupils. We are sorry to lose her from this community. A Orange service will be held at Max\vell United church at IM p.m. on Sunday next. Rev. McNeill will preach the sermon. All Oraacemen in the. di.<trict are cordially invited to! The rain w-hich fell last week s'as much needed through this district and the weather has become cooler. Mr. Wm. Pedlar vsited the past week with his daughter. Mrs. Jno. W.ickens and family. The annual picnic of the Rock to be held in Mr. Walter .Akitt's bush this T!iL:rsday aftornoou, July Cth. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Russell and daughter, Luiu, visited recently with the .-Vrnott families near Wareham. Mr. and 'Mrs. Dick Carter of Manilla called on the Pedlar family the past weeST. Mr. and Mrs. Thos, Whitmore, Mr^. Geo. Xewell Sr. and Mr. and Mrs. Jno. .McCoskery of Durham visited relatives here the first of the week.! Mr. and Mrs. Tom Gamoy of To- ronto spent tlie week end with Mr. and Mrs. Dick Clark. Six pupils from our sc'nool are v>Titing the Entrance examinations in Flcsherton this week. Our sincere sympathy is extended to Mrs. Dougald Clark and family in their sad bereavement by the dea*h of their dear husband and father. Mis. Biichan and two daughters •)( Ulifton Springs, N. Y. are visiting her sister here, >lrs. Dougald Clark Mr. and Mrs. Ru.«sell Lumby of Pi-eston spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Chard. Mrs. Chard ' |i returneil 'nom? with the"; f.n- a week's bolidny. the Carruthers and M.'Kee families. Messrs. Jim and Eddie Hargrave of Toronto v-sited over the week and v.ith Mr. R. -A. Park and family. Mr. and Jlr-. Ross Lehma-n and r>fr. and Jfrs. y- irkh'older and dat;s."li- ters of Toronto were visitors over the holiday with Mr. Jake Williams. Mrs. R. X. Park has returned hoir.e after a visit with friend? in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Will. Campbell and son, Bill, of Toro.ito are holidayinir at their residence in the village. Mr. Campbell has had a concrete founda- tion put under the. hoaie and is nia'yc- ing other improvements. Little Miss Elnv.a Fenwick si>ent the past v>-eek with her sister. Mrs. C. Biggar in CKvea Sound. Miss Muriel Fenwick of iise Owen Sound Collegisvto Institute is holiday- ing at her home- 'nere. Mr. ami Mrs. H. Foerstcr visited friend^ ir Ow-n Si upd ov.v the weak ocd. Mrs. Howden (nee Miss Jennie Lee) •jf Manitoba visited ov;r the' week end at the Euarenia House. It is several yeai-s since Mrs. Howden was here, boirg employed at the hotel at that time. She was pkased to renew many old acquaintances an,I also attended the church or Sunday morning. . I B.4TES BURIAL CO'Y t 124 Avenue Road Toronto I DISTINCTIVE FUNERAL SERnCE .AT REASONABLE PRICES * PHONES: NIGHT OR DAY- Klngsdale 4314â€"3158 % . Modern Private Chapel 5 J. W". Bates Fred Maddocks Richard Maddocks, Manager ♦ Formerly of Fleshertcn " 1 he House ci Que lily ?> Twenty-five G<i-sv.?,etown mc'tni:'.;.- "aro co-oporatiaj-:.^ f-nd have formed ,1 ^'Booster Club" tJ tO" and improve business. .FECIALS C'^O.W, â-  X. : !.l- i-OLDEX v^PR.\Y CHEESE Vz LB. PKG. FFGS, 4 r.l^ FiXEAPPLK^- : TOILET SOAP. 4 bars 19c iOc 25c 25c .. 9c Fresh I .c':u:e- Celery and Carre is JA c •;.^et some Growena tor your •o\v that they are five weeks A. STEWART FLESH ERTON PROTON STATION brought thirty yeai"s a* The camp meetings were to a close last Sunday night. The United chui-ch young people? group enjoyed a social evening ci: Wednesday last. A Softball ganu between Proton Station and Ini-tioge was follovi-o<l by Mr. Stewart Cooper's picture, "From the- cradle to the cro.'ss." Ice cream was served at the close. Little Mise Mariorio Bates, whc is a piano pupil of Mi-^s Ruth Sner- i son, pas.'od wth honor* her in^roduc- a traifttniTj tory examination, wivc'i s'le •.'•IH last graduated V. "â- '-. "»--.-â- â€¢â- '-• .1. . â- . •• K Seven pf 1 ' CHOICE ni'l.K â- ^ $ COCOA ICc LB- Fancy Cakes 15c LB. 2 LBS. 25-: i..\rxnRV SOAP 8 BARS 25c GExrixr^ 0RAXG1-: pr TEA Why Pay More FOR GROCERIES A ND .MEATS? Buy &1 Kennedy's ?.nH Save-^- Lin\'!y C'k~ -0 l<o iii. CK-.tho,'^ Pir^. .- .â-  - I'V Pork and P.oan<, â-  ^ . , _-\' Special Tea I'.owlv Or :< 1/1 xk'i: i«\RGE^ ^ Seedless Rais;n^ 2 LES. 25c 5STK1XG irvTLv\ nc'XT.TT Broom: 19c Rose Baking Pwt! . 17c TIN Ken Kennet^y j ;^|eatS i I > ^ C'"'«»d t }.»^>>AVO-»<>r- \ f - \- â- M-' V.'

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