< ft WEDNESDAY, JUNE 28, 1933 THK FLESHERTON ADVANCE nc?" Rain Urgently Needed Thi.< u.=iiiv.'t has piactii'ally lictn vrtthout rain for ihtw wt-eks ami the effects of it is seen in Kutilen Krowth ami roots, and the Krdin eiops also need moisture. Kayini; is just com- mencinK' ami reports are that it is nn escellent erop, f nd the dry weath- er will aid in eiirinK it pi-vperly. The local .-tiawherry croj) has just come on th( market, but will not likely be very iicavy unless rain comes toon. of tbippins livestock by train and j^Bck. Experienced shippers ro-oni- nuiid tliul all ,cattle be di-hoinod, that each class of niuck be separated by panitionH, that loading-chutes be r.-^od, and that all ttpikcs, and slivers et.-., be renn:>yt:'J fi'Oii ull curs and trucks. "^ '^' CARF WILL SAVE MONEY Karnu-rs sustain enormous losses, . h year, thiouph careless methods Engagement Mr. and Mrs. David Nichol of Priccville announce the enuagenient of their cider daughter, Mary Chri.s- tine, to John W. Cook, only .^oii of iMr. and Mrs. T. J. Cook, Newburgh, Onl., the marriage to take place early in July. KM â- MB Spring Hardware at Attractive Prices MANURE FORKS A-1 quality; well halanccd; D Handle vStrapped. 4 Prong. Each .... $1.20 5 Prohg. Each .... $1.35 SHOVELS Light Grade. Each 75c Heavy Grade $1.15 (Long Handle- Round Point) GARDEN RAKES 14-Tooth. sturdy long handle, strong weldloss head. Ivich 60c. FLOOR WAX 29c LB. Gives a good i)t)lish with little ctforl. Chan Wax 50c lb. DAIRY PAILS 59c .\ well seamed tin i)ail, size 14. Ivieh 59c DESSERT KlVflVES English stainless steel, mirror finish; French I'.lade. Special value Per Box of Six $2.19. POCKE T KNIVES 98c A good size sturdy jack knife: fihest grade. 98c. SCREEN WINDOWS 35c 14 inches high extends from 22 to 36J/2 inches. WIRE CLOTHES LINES 17c i)er 50 feet; also 100 feel coils at 39c and 49c .,^ - .._ LAWN MOWER $6.50 Here is a popular machine well made, attractive, easy running, exceptional value. 14 inch. Each $6.50 Frank W. Duncan The Late Mrs. D. McMillan Only one wed; ill Iroii; hcait iroub- le, .Mrs. iJinald McMillan pu.ssed a- way at lur heme on 2nd con., N.D.K., Cilcntlg, uri Thursday la.st, at the age of 08 years, 11 moa. Deceased wa« Miss Sarah McPherson, daughter of the late John and Annie McPher.son, and was burn on Con. 1, .N.U.It., Cilcnclg. After her marriage to Donald -Mc- Millan, forty-four year.s ago last Jan- uary, they took up homemaking on the present homestead on the 2.-.d con. where hvr husband j)redeccased her two years ago. Here they spent all Ihiir wc-ddtid life and brought up a family of .si.\ daughters and one son: .Mis. Jno. O'Neil, (Maiy) and Mrs. Alf. O'Neil (Annie), Glenelg; Miss Flora, at home; Mrs. Ja<. Doyle (Eliz- alK'th), of Conn; Mrs. John McMillan (Effie) of I'riccville; Patrick at home and Miss Kathleen, teacher at Kear- iK-y, Ont. Two other children died in infancy. There are 13 grandthildren. Of deceased's famijy circle, only one sister, Mrs. Jos. Ryan, Orar.gevilk now survives. The late Mrs. McMillan was devot ed to and beloved by her family, anti was a valued neighbor and friend to a wide circle. The funeral took place .Saturday morning from her late residence to .St. John'.s church, where Rev. Fathei Grace officiated. Many mass cards were given, also a spray from Bunessan Young Peo- ple's Club. The pall-bearers were the four sons-in-law, Mr. John .Scho- field, Toronto, and Frank McCarthy Orangeville, Friends from a distance at funeral v.-cre Mrs. Jos. Ryan and Mr. and Mrs. F. McCarthy, Orangeville; Mr. and Mrs. John Schofeld, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hcndrick, Mr. and Mrs. Juo. Bowie, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Black, Mrs. Jno. Ciaham, Miss Kffin McDonald and Mr. J. Black, all of Toronto: Mrs? ,fas. iK-nahan and Mrs- Carter. Owen Sound. Local afld Personal Little M>Hs CoII«en ThibauJcuu visiting in Toronto this week. Mrs. John Wright is .spending week in Toronto. John A. Hogarth Dies Suddenly At Jarvis THE OLD HOME PAPER raxKassK^ Your weekly visitor, the Flesherton Advance, is still serving the people of Flesherton and Vicinity and we are sure it is a welcome guest in your home. Of course it takes money to keep going and we would ask you to drop in and pay your subscription if it is not paid in advance. The lal5«l on your paper will tell you the time your subscription is paid up to. Thanking you in anticipation. â€" The Flesherton Advance. Mr. and Mr.s. Howard Merriam and little son visited the first of tne week with Mr. and Mrs. Cfr;:il McTavish. Misses Doris and Adelle Anderson of Toronto are visiting their aur^, Mrv. A. K. Bellamy. Mr. and Mrs. John Spanner and daUKhlcr, Marguerite, of Toronto vis- ited liisl week with Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Richards. Dr. and Mrs. R. Bevan and Mr. and Mrs, M. Preston of Gall wt-re visitors last week wth Mr. and iMrs. Mark Wilson. Mr. Thos. Brady of Lions Head spent the first of the week with his wife at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Wright. Dr. and Mrs. R. Sevan and Mr. and Mrs. M. I'reston, all of Gait, visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. Mark Wilson. Dr. and Mrs. Wm. Telford and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Trimble and little son of Toronto visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Trimble. Mrs. R. M. Ellison, daughters, Maud, Lila and Bert and son, Rufus, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. R, G. Holland. Mrs. Ellison remained for a visit this week. Mrs. Neil Graham, daughter, Euph- amic, and son, Jimmie, and Mr. Stan- ley Brown of Owen Sound visited on Sunday with Mi", and Mrs. Robt. Alex- ander and family. Miss Smith of Emerson, Man., call- ed on Mrs. McGeoch on Sunday. She is a daughter of the late Mrs. Mc- Gillivray, who lived in town forty- five years ago. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Kellar and Messrs. Joseph and Harry LeGard ol Toronto and Percy of St. Catharines spent the week end with their father, Mr. Harry LeGard. Word has just been received in town thi.s morning of the sudden death of Mr. John Hogarth at his home in Jarvis, Ont., after an illness suffered foi the past three years. He took worse on Mo.-.day and' hi:; son, Mel- ville, of the O. D. R. was called to his bedside, but as his father appeared. brighter Tut.sday aftcrnoo.T return'jd. He received word this Wtdnssday iiiorning that his Tatiier had pas.?cd away about five a.m. from heart trouble. The late Mr. Hogarth was for a number of years piominent in Arte- mesia town.';hip affair i.ai; J v.-as ir. th« Council for a con 'derabic time, "also! Villages- serving a;; Deputy-Reeve and Reeve Shallow lor a number of yo.irs. He was a member of the Loyal Orange Assoe- ation and was a i'a^t Master of Flesherton L.O.L. No. 2»r>r,. i Townships- Population of New Riding. The i>0'pu!ativii of tht new ridings based on* the 11)31 census, will be a-? f dlows : North Grey Townships â€" , CoUingwood 5,2-15 Derby 1,.5!J0 . Euphrasia Z,:i<il Holland 2,028 Keppel ?i.l31 Osprey '. 2,0'Jl St. Vincent 2,136 " Sarawak COS Sydenham 2,.358 Cities â€" I Owen Sound 12.S3'J I Towns â€" I Meaford 2,624 Thornbury 764 Lake 32-3 34,407 Grey-Bruce Two years ago Mr. Hogarth sold his farm on the west backline, Arte- iiesia, near Saugeen Jet., owing to 11 health, and moved to New Toron- u, later going to Jarvis. He was highly regarded by all who knew htm and his passing is a distinct shock to all his friends in this township. Nc details of funeral arran.c:cments have been received at the time we go to press. Pavement Dance Friday Grand oi>ening Paveniest Dance is being held in Flesherton Park this Friday evening, June 30th, with round and .si.iuare dancing. Musi-j will be supplied by Dorothy Foster and a 7- piece orchestra. Admission: 4 tick- ets for 25c. I <liK STORB WITH BBBYICl F. T. HILL&CO.,Ltd. CHAIN STORB8 Markdale, Ontario OUR BUYING PC WEB SATES YOU A LOT or MONEY FEATURING A Big June Sale of Hosiery FOR MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN. BUY WEEK AND SAVE YOUR HOSIERY THIS •^•♦?':~M«*«:";~MK«'M">^^C">':~:":*<' Extra Special liitys black gulf hose with fancy cult". .Made from fine combed yarn, . ribbed style. Size 6 to 10. Regular 29c value. This week per pair 7c Extra Special ('•nW and boy's ribbed cotton hose at Jialf i)r^e and less. Colors black and white only. Sizes 4>j to 6^^. thev last. This week's sale While 8c pr. Here you are Iadie» just the event you have been waiting for Kollins nni slop chil'lon hose in .ail pon- ular sinmner sha<les. -X beautiful ptu'e silk grenadine chifffih. Regularly sold at Sl.OO afid upwards. Special for this sale 79c Ladies' Silk Hose ^fanlIfacturers .seconds, all the lot, while ihcy last colors \\\ V)c Extra Special All pure silk hose in black only. \'alues u[) to $1.00. Si)ccial sale feature 3 pair for ..; $1.00 Extra Special Men's high grade' fancy socks. Newest l)at terns made from finest balbriggan yarns. While they last 29c pair or •! ])airs for $1.00. SHORT SOX, ANKLETS AND GOL'r HOSE FOR THE KIDDIES. PRICES FAR BELOW THE MARKET Kiddies' Short Sox Kayon and cotton I'^c pr. GIRL'S ANKLETS I'aiuy and i)lain styles 2Sc Child's Golf Sox Mcrcc'ri/ed yarn. I'Atra ([u.-tlity J.'c Super Silks Newest-Sheer Chiffons .\n <iiit standing bargain for big hos- iery sale $1.00 MOTHS â€" Kill those moths with SOPHO, the great moth killer. Don't wait another day and endanger your valuables. Let S.APHO protect them for you. â€" E. J. Bennett, Flesherton. Mr. and Mi-s. J. H .Clarke and daughter, Dorothy, and Miss Lamed of Boston, Mass., and Miss Ruby ,\ik- enhoad of Toronto are the guests of Mr. and .Mrs. F. H. W. Hickling. UMrs. D. McTavish, Mr. and Mrs Geo. iVI-.Tavish and Mr. W. J. Stew- art attended the funeral service of the former's cousin, Charles Stewart in Toronto on Monday evening. The remains were taken to Gait on Tues- day morning for interment. The annual district meeting of Centre Grey Women's Institute will 1)0 held in the United chrurch, .Mill Creek, Thursday, June 29, 1933. Ses- .uons 10.30 and 2 p.m. Mrs. D. J McGowan, Pres.; Mrs. W. A. Hawken Sec.-Treas. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Hay with their daughter, Norma, and son, Donald, of Mimii.'o, Mr. and 'Mrs. Errick Kays and daughter, Hetty, of New Toron to and Mrs. G. W. Kays of IslinKlon were .Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John McDonald. Lieut. Frank Wilkinson of the Brit- ish Navy was a caller on Friday with his cousin, Mr. C N. Richardson. For the past three years Lieut. Wilkinson has been stationed in Bermuda and is a torcdo instructor in the navy with which he has served for the past twenty years, entering it at the age of 15 years. His home is at Colgathe, Cumberland County, Ent'l"nd. Mrs. Alf. Thistlethwaite, who has spent the past two years in Vancouver and Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Thistlethwaite and daughter. Myrtle, of Toronto six-nt the past week in town. Mrs. Thistlethwaite is returning to Van- couver where she will make her home with her daughter, Mrs. T. Hughes. Mrs. Thistlethwaite made tho long trip from Vancouver alone and her many friends were pleased to see her again. Dr. and Mrs. Chas. Ottewell and son. Jack, arrived htre by motor froni I.-os Angele.? on W'eihie-5day last for a month's visit with their parents. Artemesia 2,200 Bentinck 2,264 Brant 2,627 Carrick 2,733 Elderslie l,95d Egremont 2.311 Glenelg 7.5')7 Normanby 2, "SI Proton 2,233 SuBivan 2.303 Towns â€" Durham 1,750 Hanover i-,0?7 â- Walkerton 2,431 Chesley I,'')j9 Villages â€" Chatsworth 2'Mi Dundalk 673 Flesherton 482 , (Markdale 892 Mildmay 685 Neustadt 455 Paisley 724 3e,T52 CHIROPRjVCTOR It is well to top dress the lawn at this time with bone meal. Keep lawn properly cut and edge^ trimmed. Dr. C. G. McGillivray of Durham will visit Flesherton every Wednes- day until further notice. Otfice at Mrs. M. McDonald's, Sydenham St. Hours from 1 to 6 o'clock p.m. I Small Advts. I NO.ICE â€" Having disposeti of my IvOst or Strayed .SHEEP ASTRAY â€" Came to my premises, one ram. Owner prove property, pay expenses and take same away. â€" John Hargrave and Son, CoU- ingwood gravel. business I have for sale dre.ssers. wash stands and tables, couche, chairs, sideboard, pictures and many other artcles; all owing accounts kindly call at once and settle same. â€" Miss M. Cook, Ceylon. fTR.4YED â€" One ewe and seven lariibs strayed from my farm. Some lambs and ewe have cross on back and all probably scarred when attacked by dogs. Finder please communicate with Jos. Radley, Flesherton. For Sale WANTED â€" Several s.-\ddles at once. â€" Jas. A. Stewart, Flesherton. COUPE FOR SALE â€" Ford coupe, 1931 model, good as new, small mile- age.â€" R. G. Holland, Flesherton, Ont. FOR SALE â€" Mixed feed oats, 34. bu.; Wheat 75c bu.; Barley §1.00 cwt Phone ;i8 r 3.â€" .-X. C. Muir, Ceylon. TO TRADE â€" Purebred Newfound- land pup, 10 months old, will trade for any small house dog. â€" F. G. Kar- stedt, Priceville. HAY FOR SALEâ€" Standing or cut raked, by acre, load or field timothy, alfalfa or timothy and clovers. â€" Walter Neun, Portlaw Corners. INTEREST IN SMALLER CHEESES REGISTERED IN GREAT BRITAIN British cheescmakcr.s are recogniz- ing the need for small cheeses to meet popular demand according to the Ontario Marketing Board. .'\t the recent annual nu'cting of the Cheshire Dairy Farmers' Asso- ciation it was .suggested that makers should consider the production of choo.-o.s weighing two, three, four or five pounds. This item is of inter- est hocau.<ip it gives direct evidence of a trade not being solicited by Ontario fhce.-^t patrons, despite the fact that Canndn i' orie of the world's lartfost checc exporting countries. NOTICE â€" Genwal nursing, eigh- teen month's training. Terms very moilerate. â€" Mrs. Ouipman, Flesher- ton. FOR SALE â€" Young broilers now ready for table use. Phone your order to Mrs. Edgar Patterson, Pricc- ville, 32r41. HOUSE FOR SALE Six-roomed bungalow for sale in Flesherton. or would exchange for farm if prices can be agreed-upon.â€" Mm. H. Patton, Flesherton. FAR.M FOR SALE East half lot 3-4, Con. 4, Artemesia, containing 150 acres, new barn; welf watered with two good wells. Will sell farm stock and implements with or without farm. Cheap for quick sale. â€" N. CAMERON. Prop. FOR SERVICE Reg. Berkshire Boar worth Boar, $1.00 Cash. §1.00 cash. -JOS. RADLEY, Flesherton Reg. Tarns- Jersey Bull HOUSE FOR SALE OR RENT Bungalow residence in Flesherton, five rooms, automatic waterworks, goo<i garage, possession can be taken at once.â€" G. F. Brackenbury, Flesher- ton. BOAR FOR SERVICE FOR SALE â€" A six roomed cot- tage with stable, a corner lot. A bargain as it must be sold. â€" Mrs. A. Thistlethwaite, Flesherton, phone 51 r 4^. ROOSTER FOR SALE â€" Jersey Blafk Giant, weight about eleven pounds. Winner of silver cup. Twt dollars buys him. Too fine a bir<) to kill. Apply this office. HOUSE FOR RENT â€" Wanted to rent, furnished house or cottage for July and .\ugust, in or near Flesher- ton; responsible tenants; reasonable rent. Notifv The .\dvanco oflfiee. WANTED â€" Furnished house or bungalow, 3 to 5 rooms. July l^t to Sept. In or near Flesherton. State price, etc. â€" Mrs. A. StilwcU, 384 Blocmficld Ave., Veronn, N. J. Yorkshire Boar for ser^'icc. Temu ^1.00. â€" John Oliver, O.D.R., Art* mesia. BOAR FOR SERVICE i Rej.'istered Yorkshirt Boar for ttr- vice by Flesherton Bacon Hoj Club, tho property of the Ontario Depart! ment of Agriculture. -C. STEWART, Caretaker. 4 BUSINESS CARDS GEO. E. DUNCAN "^ DUNDALK ^"^ LICENSED AUCTIONEER " For the County of Grey. Terms 1 pel" cent. Satisfaction guarantead Dates made at the Advance offica. Prince Arthur Lodge No. 33.S, A.F. &.-\.M., meets in the Fraternal Hall, Flesherton, every Friday on or before the full moon. W.M,, Goo. Long St., Secretary, H. A. McCaulcy. '1 1 1 A \ I' :