®hje ^kf^httton %i^mnu. Vol. 53; No. 3 WKUXKSDAY, JUNE 21, 1933 W. H. Thurston & Son, Proprietors % \\ TORONTO LINE NORTH CEYLON EUGENIA Rev. and Mrs. G. S. Smith of Mea- ford were visitors receiitly at the home of Mr. E. Wicken's. j Mr. and Mr.-<. Jas. McFadyen of ' GiJiraltar and Mr. and Mrs. B. S. ! Field of Rocii Millj were visitors on : Sunday with Mrs. S. Osborne. ] Mr. McKenzie of Rose Isle, Man- J itcja, spent the past week with hi;: niece, Mrs. Robt. Richardson. Mr. and iMVs. W. J. Jackson ot Berkeley and daughter, Mrs. W. Alani of Vancouver; also Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Pedlar and Mis-s May Pedlar of Sins- hampton visited with Mr. and Mrs. E. Wicken's. Mr. and Mrs. Radford and two children, also Mr. and Mrs. Kenned>» and childrt'n of Toronto were callers at R. Richardson's on Sunday. (Mr. Ray Perrgoe of Toronto and Ivan Alexander of Owen Sound were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ab. Stewart. Mrs. Mitchell and two daughters of Toronto spent a few days with the Jormer's sister, Mrs. G. W. Little- johns. Mr. and Mrs. E. Smart and child- ren of Barrhead spent a day with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Richardfson last 'week. PROTON STATION REPORT 5th â€" Lorenzo Sims*, Helen Wliyte*. Sr. 4th â€" Eileen Baker*, Helen Badgerow*. Jr. 4th â€" Ken Sims*, Ernie Batch- elor*, Verna Baker*, Annie Lockhart*. 3rd â€" Annabelle Jackson*, Bob Batchelor, Haroild Sims*, VVinnifred Patisson*, Mae Corbett*, Arlene Whyte, Kathken Barker, Hilda Sims. Ernie Barker, Joe Stainsby*, Theo- dore Cole*, Marjorie Bates. 2nd â€" Eileen Patisson*. Clarence Whsrte*, Marjorie ShrubW, Dorothy Cole*, Vem Corbett*, Laurie Sims, Bill Halliday. Sr. it. - - -Lloyd Jackson, Irene Whyte*, Jack Barker, Fred Batch- dor, Zella Lyons, Jacqueline Sims*. Jr. Pr. â€" Audrey Cole*, Marvelle White*, Kenneth Bates, Mae Jack- eon, Margaret Mills*. Beginners â€" Cecil Barker*, AUist- er Patisson*, Bert Badgerow*, Marion Lyons. * present every day. â€" G. B. LITTLEJOHNS, Teaciier. ROCK MILLS SCHOOL REPORT Sr. 4th â€" Laurence Phillips, Iva English and Jack Monaghan (equal), Lloyd Partridge, Bob Clark, Mary Clark, Irene Russell. Sr. 3rd â€" Russell Phillips, Ruby Monaghan, Doris Pedlar, Roy Fisher. Jr. 3rd â€" Fred Partridge, Fred Betts. Sr. 2nd â€" Hazel Wilkinson, Ted Croft, Laura Pedlar, Orval Russell, L'.'.cer. English, Glen Crot", Edna Partridge, Bessie Ru.ssel>„ Arthut Betts. Jr. 2nd â€" Phyllis Partridge, Chest- er Shier, Gordon Shier, Harry FisHer, Cecil Shier. Sr. 1st â€" Harold Clark, Laura Porteous and Eleanor Russell equal, Irene Woods, Mansell Atkinson, Amanda Fisher. Hilda Betts. Jr. 1st â€" Russell Shier, Lillian Fisher. Sr. Pr. â€" Jean Phillips, Vernon Atkinson, Jack Porteous. Jr. Pr. â€" Edna Shier, Hari!)ld Betts, Helen Betts, Edgar Betts. Mr. Lloyd Archibald of Prot'i.T | spent the week end with his mother. • Miss Agne.s Macphail, M. P., was' a speaker at Barrie and Lucknow the j first of the week. | Visitors with -Vlrs. Knox for a faw, days were Mr. John Gillespie of Big : Valley, Alberta, and friends from| Lucknow. I Mr. and Mvs. Dick Wiley of Toron- ' to and Mr. H Houston of Peterboro were week end visitors at Mr. Peter' Muir's. Mrs. Houston and family, who have been on a couple of weeks visit with her parents returned to her home, accompanied by Mrs. Haxton, who will spend a few weeks with them. Miss Reta Marshall, R. N., of Owen Sound hospital spent the first of the week at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. John Montgomery and Mr. Sam Crawford of Toronto were week end visitors at Mr. Geo. .\rrowsmith's. Miss D. Fisher spent the week end with friends at Yoeville and Paisley. Mr. John McNally of Durham was a caller the first of the week on Miss M. Cook. , The Ladies' Aid will be held at the home of 'Mre. Piper on June 28th. Roll call to be answered by name of a missionary and where stationed. Lunch â€" cake, Mrs. Marshall and Mrs. Macphail; sandwich, Mrs. Will. Giib- son and Mrs. Percy Hunt. Mrs. Dr. Holmes of Owen Sound and Mr. and Mrs. Halliday from Waukeshi, Min., were guests the first of the week with Mrs. Anna Mc- .Millan. Mrs. Wilson McMuIlen and Mr. and Mrs. Goldwyn McMullen of Toronto are visitors with Mr. Jas. W. Mc- Mullen. Recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. 'McWhinney were: Mrs. Will. Maycock and daughter, Marg- aret, Mr. Richard Burrell, Mr. ana Mrs. S. Fish and daughter, Margaret, and son, Elmer, of Hanover; Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Little, Walkerton; Mr. W. Burnett, Markdale; Mr. J. Mc- Whinney and son, VVillard and Miss Ruby. Mrs. Turner of Eugenia visited her daughter, Mrs. Thos. Genoe, recently. Mr. W. T. Genoe and family mot- ored to Owen Sound the first of the week, accompanied by Miss Taylor and Miss Edwards of Toronto. Mrs. A. C. Muir spent a few days with her mother at Berkeley, who has been ill. Mr. Cecil Cushnie and Mr. John Cu^^hnio of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. V>'. Cook, Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Cook, Mr and Mrs. Tho-s. Cook of Bbrodale vis- ited M. Cook the past week. Mr. J. Drnsniore of Grafld Valley, who purchased the general store and business of Miss M. Cook on Friday moved his household effects in on Monday, accompanied by Mrs. Dins- more and son, Lloyd. We wish them every success in business. Mr. and Mrs. Carlow spent the week end at Peter Muir's. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Phillips of God- erich and Mr. and Mrs. Will. Cranston of Lucknow visited with Mrs. Knox. The Ladi'L's' Aid have decided to have a bee on Thursday of this week for levelling the grounds of the church. -All men come and lend a willing hand. The ladies will provide a good dinner. This week we come again to chron- icle more sad news; this time the sudden passing of Mr. James Gorley, at the House of Refuge. Markdale Mr. Gorley was born on February l.i 1878, 55 years ago, in Pickering and moved when quite a small lad with his parent.s to the old Webster place, near Eugenia, where_ they resided a- bout 40 years. He was one of :he family of ten ehiidren of the late Robert and Euphemia Gorley. The late Mrs. Gorley with her two sons. Will, and Jim. moved from the farm into the village where they resided for a few years, when death came and look her to her eternal hoir.e. The boys lived on in the home for a while and were looked after by their sistar Mrs. Sloan. They have spent tht past couple of years in the Home in Markdale, where death on Wednesday night came suddenly to Jim, who hac been suffering with heart trouble at times. The funeral was held on Fri- day afternoon from Markdale, the service being held at Salem cemetery where interment took place in the family plot Rev. Mr. McNeil of- ficiated and took his text from the book of Psalms, speaking on iht frailty of human life and delivered an impressive and consoling ser- mon. The floral tokens were very beautiful. The pallbearers were Messrs. Wall- ace Graham, Stanley Campbell, Dun- can Williams, John Williams. Richard Park and Len Latimer. Those left to mourn his loss are three brothers, viz.: Geo. and Will, of Markdale and Robt. Eugenia and three sisters, Mrs. Stoba (Agnes) of Toronto, Mis. Collins (Mary) of New- market and Mrs. Sioan (Margaret) of Eugenia. We extend our sym- pathy to the relatives in their time oi sorrow. "How slender is life's silver cord. How soon 'tis broken here. Each moment brings a parting word And many a falling tear." iMiss Josie Falconer of Fle-shertor high school spent the week end with her brother and family here. PRICEViLLE Congratulations to Miss Janet .Mc- Donald and -Mr. Alex. McLean, wh-, were married on VVedne:;tiay. A miscellaneous shower was tend- ered Mr. and -Mrs. Robt. Parslow o.t Friday night in the Agricultural liail when a large crowd wus present. Thi bi-id;> and groom werj the re;.'ipienti Ji many beautiful and u.ieiul gifts. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Richardson and sen, Donald, of Toronto spent the week end with her mother, Mrs. D. G. Mc Lean. Mr. Gilvray McLean, banker a* Tiverton, is spending two weeks £.>. his home here. Miss Catherine MacMillan, R. N.. of Dunnville is spending a couple of days at heT home. She spent a few days last week visiting friends in Sarnia. M'r. and Mrs. Mino of Owen Sound were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Dave McDonald and attended church ser- vice here in the morning. Mr. and Mrs. Charles McKinnon, brother of Mrs. Joe McKee, and Mrs. W^m. .\ldcorn from Bassano, .\lta., are visiting here. Mrs. John Gray and son, Donald, ot Portage La Prairie and Mr. Donald MdMillan from the west are visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Donald McMillan, South Line. -A public meeliiig is lu 'uc held in the basement of the new church to discuss and arrange for the annua] memorial service to be held probably in August. Mr. Robt. .\ldcorn of Governeur, Sask., is spending a month with his father. Mr. Wm. Aldcorn. This week will finish the bricking of the' new church. Carpenters art busy inside in order to have it ready for the opening on Sunday, July 2nd. Mrs. .Ales. Mk;Donald and daugh- ter, Betty, leave this Friday for theii home in Sask., after spending a month visiting her many friends here. FEVERSHAM Major and Mrs. Steel and Adyt. Whitehead of Orillia will conduct ser- vice in tile Salvation Army hall here, en Sunday, June 25th. Morning at 10 o'clock and 7.30 in the evening. We understand a quartette from Owen Sound Westside United church composed 01 Mis.s Doan, Mrs. W. R Colquette and Messr.'!. (Jorbet and Vanwyck will sing at the evenin; sei-vice in the Presbyterian church here on Sunday evening, June 25th at 7.30 o'clock. Mrs Ben Barben- of Rocklyn anc cousi* spMit Sundr.y with Ben's broth- er, Mr. Jose'ph Barber. Mr. H. Eby and Mr. W. J. Osoornc- spent Sunday at Mr. Eby's home in Hanover. Miss Lillian Thomson has returned from Toronto where she visited with friends for a time. Messrs. Christie and Barrie of Owen Sound were here on Friday last try- ing the'ir luck v/ith the speckled beau- ties. Mr. John Speer of Kiinberley was a week end visitor with his sisters the Misses Mary and Margaret Speer. Mr. Alex. Foster has returned from the General hospital, Toronto, where he went for an operation on one of his eyes a short time ago. MAXWELL VICTORIA CORWERS Mr. and Mrs. Richardson are spend- ing the week end at Lucknow. Mrs. Will. Acheson attended the Memorial service at Markdale on Sun- day. The baseball season has opened. Inistioge r'ayd with Mount Zion last Friday evening at Inistioge. A re- turn game will be played at Mount Zion Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Brownridge and family visited over the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Lance Brownridge. Mrs. Yearley and daughter. Belle, were visitors with Mrs. Thos. Guy last week. The Sunday school picnic heid on Saturday afternoon was a decideel success. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Fenwick and fam- ily and Miss Ingles visited on Sunday with friends at Walkerton. Mr. and Mrs. John Priestley of Dun- dalk visited on Sunday with friends here. Mr. John Benelle of Creemore has been awarded the contract of repair- ing, papering and painting the inter- ior of St. Mary's .\nglican Church at Maxwell. The church will, therefore, be closed for four Sundays. The 70tb anniversary 'will be obsei^ed on Sun- day, July 23rd with services at 8.30 a m., U a.m. and 7.30 p.m. In the meanwhile the Sunday Sehc«l will meet at Mr. John Humphrey's at 10 a.m. ROCK MILLS Mrs. Jas. Park of Owen Sound was- a 'Visitor with her daughter. Mrs. Dick Clark, during the past week. Miss E. M. Oliver has been re-en- gaged as teacher for another terra. Mr. and Mrs. George Newell, Jr.^ and Mr. and Mrs. Louie' Newell and three children of Durham visited the first of the 'week with their brothers,. Chas. and W. J. Newell. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Clark of Owen- Sound and Mr. and Mrs. Christie of Toronto were callers at the Pedlar home one day recently. Miss Kathleen Kennedy of Toronto is holidaying at the home of her uncle. Mr. Jno. Robertson. PROTON STATION Read the Small Advertisements SPECIAL TIRE PRICES FIRESTONE GUARANTEED TIRES PLACED ON RIMS FREE OF CHARGE 475x19â€" $6.98 475x20â€" $7.23 500x19â€" $7.60 500x20â€" $7.71 SOxSVr- $4.39 440x21â€" $5.54 450x20â€" $6.15 450x21â€" $6.21 525x18â€" $8.52 (Ta.\ included) Special Rubber Repair kit 20c each or 2 for 35c Down & Richards Phone: 36 J. C^^ Flesherton We are pleased to see the pleasant face of Mr. Jack Large back in the village again, after an extended visit with his parents at Niagara Falls. Mrs. Hammond and family of To- ronto visited relatives here over the week end. Miss Blanche and Mr. Russell Ham- mond, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Graham and family attended the Butchart â€" Stuart wedding in Meaford on Saurday. We e.xe.-.d our heartiest congratulations to Fern, who is an acquaintance in the village and wish her many happy years of wedded life. There is lu.xuriant growth in oui vicinity. We notice Miss Donalda Sloan has dahlias two feet high oi more with many buds. A stalk ol fall wheat was handed to your cor- this week that measured 5 feet, 10 inches. This stalk was one of many in the crop of Mr. Court Smith's, 8th line. Miss Georgina Smith entertaine<? her Sunday school class of junioi girls to a party on Saturday after- noon. A very enjoyable time was spent in games, etc. Lunch was pro- vided by .Vliss Smith and the girls.. after which Miss Smith treated the girls to ice cream. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gardiner and two children and Mr. Harry Sutton oJ Mimico visited with Mr. and Mrs Court. Smith over the week end. The W. A. met in the basement o! the United church on Thursday, June 15. with the pres.. Mrs. Jack Camp- bell in the chair. The autograph and daisy quilt was discussed and the time . extended to work the blocks. Mrs. C. Martin, Mrs. Graham and Mrs. R. MacMillan were appointed to write the names on the blocks. An invitation to the Presbyerian Ladies .A.id picnic in Flesherton on June 24 was read and it was left over for a few days to decide if the W. A. here would attend. It was decided to have a Grandmother's Day" on the next meeting in July, which "will take the form of a quilting. - We will be pleased to see a good turn cut of grandmothers. A letter of thanks was read from Mr. J. A. Willianjs and daughters, acknowledging the flowers sent by the W. A. to Mrs. Williams. After several contests and readings a dainty lunch was served by Mrs Parson and Mrs. Fred Jamieson. Member.* at the Club House ove! the week end were: Dr Boyd and Mr and Mrs. John Boyd and Mr. Arthui Boyd. Mr. and Mrs. Will. Conn and fam- ily of Fever«tham, also Mr. Ward of Reginp. and Miss May M.Innis of Singhampton visited recently with Mrs. Conn's sister. Mrs. Kaitting. Mr. and Mrs. Lee of Orangeville vis- ited at Mr. Sam Batchelor's. -Mr. and Mrs. Trout of Owen Sound were guests at Mr. ii'eil McCannel's. Mr. and Mrs. Horsley and twc children and Miss Bernice Riley ol Shelburne visited Miss Maude .\cheson at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Neilson and Miss Lizzie Neilson of Weston visited friends in Proton. Mr. Hergott a- 1 sons, accompanied by Mr. John Carson, were at Bramp- ton. Miss Lena Park is visiting friends in Bolton and Toronto. I Mr. and Mrs. Herb Shaw and family of Powassan are visiting in this village. Rev. H. B. Jackson and Mrs. Jack- son Emmett and daughter Naomi, have retur.'-.ed from a month's motoi trip to the southe/.n ijtates. 1 BATES BURIAL CO'Y | 124 Avenue Road Toronto ]\ DISTINCTIVE FUNER.AL SERVICE AT REASONABLE PRICES ; ; PHONES: NIGHT OR D.\Yâ€" Klngsdale 4344â€"3456 - j Modern Private Chapel • > J. W. Bates Fred Maddocks Richard Maddocks. Manager ', [ Formerly of Flesherton ' ' Â¥**â- St.Mary's Anglican Church MAXWELL Rector, Rev. Maurice F. Oldham. 10 a.m. â€" Sunday Schol at Mr. John Humphrey's; church closed for tp- pairs and redecoration for 4 Sundays Trinity Church, PROTON STATION 2 p.m.â€" S. S. and Bible Class. 7.30 p.m. â€" Evening prayer service and sermon. .â- Vnnual Victoria L.O.L. 244 service. All brethren and sisters invited, .\nd the Lord said unto Gideon: "By the three hundred m?n fhat lapped will I save you, and de- liver the Midianitcs into thine hand: :;nd let all the other people go every man unto his place." â€" Judges 7:7. " The House oi Quplity ^^ SPE CIALS COCOA, BL'I.K. 2 l.H 19c GOLDEN SPR.\Y CHEESE 14 LB. PKG. 10c FiGS. 4 LB 25c FIXE.VPPLES. 2 for 25c TOILET SO--\P, 4 bars ". 9c Fresh Lettuce- Celery and Carroti Don't forget some Grovvena for your chicks now that they arc five weeks old just six pound to lOU chicks per . day. JAS . A. STEWART FLESHERTON ' ~^ I: ;c GRAXTLATED Why Pay More FOR GROCERIES AND MEATS? Buy at Kennedy's and Save Soap Chips 3 LBS. 19c I Clothes Pins 4 DOZ. 19c LLWDY Ammonia P.XLMOLIVK SOAP 5 FOR 25c OVERALL PANTS 99c up WORK SHIRTS 69c up WC^RK SOCKS, 3 PAIR 49c STRAW HATS 19c up Ken Kennedy I'hone 27 Tomatoe Juice I 5c TIN t . 5 Meats I Fresh and Cured $ •» V.I IV. \.N (^ I-,. Y i. LL,L.' Sugar 10 LBS. 69c 5. DELUXE X: Jelly Powifers 6 FOR 25c S •»• >?