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Flesherton Advance, 14 Jun 1933, p. 8

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:WEDKESDAY, JUNE 14, 1933 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE PORTLAW I'lBI.IC SCHOOL Sr. 4th â€" Florence Boyce. Jr. 4th â€" Elmer Jamieson, Grace Jamieson. Sr. ;ir(l â€" Sadie MiKee, Myrtle Croft, Harry Ba<igerow, Mabel Blak- ey, Leslie Jamieson, Marjory Pedlar, Bemice Plantt. Jr. .'!rd â€" Alice Shier, Louisa Boyce, Elda Pedlar 'abs.) 2nd â€" Mary Fisher, Bob Nickolls, Harold I'hillips, MaUl Blackburn . George Boyce. 1st â€" Stanley Taylor, Bob Blakey. Sr. Pr. â€" Jimmie Nickolls, Fred Shier. Jr. Pr. â€" Kathleen Croft, Chester Plantt and Gladys Jamieson (equal), MurJDrio Jamieson. A â€" Donald Meldrum. B â€" Gordon Nickolls, Kvelyn Shier, Uonald Sheaidown, Victor While. â€" H. K. HEARD, Teacher. S. S. NO. 3. 4BTEMESIA •1th â€" Patricia Beard, Ruby Vause Sr. 'ivd â€" Eileen Johnson, Everett Parker, Irene Doupe, Ednfur Uoupc. Jr. ;?rd â€" Roy Sr. 2nd â€" Lloyd Allen, Loreen John.son, Keith I'arker. Jr. 2nd â€" Bruce Beard, Douglas Evans. 1st â€" Leone Johnson, Lloyd Waller ElKin Waller. Sr. Pr. â€" Grace Parker, Edna Doupe. Jr. Pr, â€" Ruth Blackburn, Gordon Waller. â€" LSLAY W. McKECHNIE, Teacher. Spring Hardware at Attractive Prices MANURE FORKS A-1 quality; well balanced; D Handle Strapped. 4 Pron^^ Each .... $1.20 5 Prohg. Each .... $1.35 SHOVELS Light Grade. Each 75c Heavy Grade $1.15 (Long Handle Round Point) GARDEN RAKES 14-Tooth, sturdy long handle, .strong weldless head. Each 60c. FLOOR WAX 29c LB. Gives a good polish with little effort. Chan Wax 50c lb. ^ .. DAIRY PAILS 59c I A well seamed tin pail, size 14. Each 59c DESSERT KNIVES stainless steel, mirror finish; Fre'nch Hlade, Special value Per Box of Six $2.19. POCKE T KNIVES 98c A good size sturdy jack knife; fihest grade. 98c. SCREEN WINDOWS 35c 14 inches high extends from 22 to 36>^ inches. WIRE CLOTHES LINES 17c per 50 feet; also 100 feet coils at 39c and 49c LAWN MOWER $6.50 Here is a popular machine well made, attractive, easy running, exceptionsil value. 14 inch. Each $6.50 Frank W. Duncan Dundalk Won Opener The Centre Grey Leugrue wa.s open- ed in Flesherlun .011 Thursday with a barruRC of hits that nave Dundalk the game with an 18-7 score. The first «ix innintrs were with Flc'^hcrtun kadinK hy one run at Iht connneiu'ement of the 7th, but with hard hitting and a number of errors fourteen runs crossed the plate for Dundalk in the last three innings. Jack I'uik of Eugenia, pitching foi Flesherton, struck out twelre batter.^ and did good work, but his support was very erratic. The local club is practically rebuilt with a young batt- ery. Beard receiving, three young out- fielders and a young third baseman. With more exi>erience these lads should put up a real battle. Uundalk AB H K E O A Mclntyre ss 3 10 111 Moutnain 2b p 3 2 18 2 Patton rf 2 10 M. Thompson c .. 5 3 4 1 1 Murcar 3b 4 2 3 C. Thompson cf .... 5 1 2 2 15 Taylor If 4 10 Lockhart p 2b 4 3 2 1 Claridge lb 5 1 1 & 1 Stevens ss 3 10 McEachnie rf 4 12 48 15 18 6 27 7 Flcsherton AB H R E O A Beard c 5 1 1 12 1 Betts 3b 4 2 2 2 2 McFadden If 5 10 McTavish 2b 4 12 14 E. Johnson rf 10 Thurston lb 3 112 4 2 Dow as 4 2 12 3 Parks p 4 2 2 1 M. Johnson rf .... 3 110 Best cf 4 11110 39 7 7 11 24 11 R. H. E. Dundalk .. 002 101 482â€"18 15 6 FIe.sherton 010 130 011â€"7 7 11 Kiniberley defeated Vandeleur on the latter's ground Friday evening 15 to 7 and showed real class in their work. Many believe that Kimberley will be the team to beat, as it i-s composed of cxperieiiced players who have not lost their grip on the game. Flesherton plays in Kimberley this Thursday afternoon at 3.30 p.m. for their second Leagrue fixture. Ontario grows about .30,000 acres of sugar beets. Fall wheat, allfalfa and clover are looking very well in most districts of Ontario. fllB STORK inncfl F. T. HILL&CO.,Ltd. CHAIN STDRBfl Markdale, Ontario OUR BUT1NG POWER â- ATSa TOU A LOT OF MONBT Special Showing Ladies' Voile Dresses AND VOILES BY THE YARD AT PRICES THAT ARE UNDERSELLING THE MARKET I Blossom Voiles 49c a yard Snuul new patterns in genuine fast color cloths 49c yd. Springtime Voiles 39c a yard New patterns in all the newest" color flesi^ns. ( iiiaranlcecl fast colors 3% yd. Special Sale Ladies' Hosiery 44c a pair Looks and wears better than silk in all new shades. A product of Canadian Ceiain-se 44c Ladies' Smart Voile Dresses $2.45 Smart patterns in the newest stvles. Each $2.45 Celanese Silk Dresses $2.19 each vSniart t.tvles in a lonu' wearing- cloth. Each ; $2.19 Ladies' Millinery at Special Prices New Hats in straws, knits, etc. Out to clear 95c tticR. Here ladies is a buy. New styles rep. $2.95 value $1.45 ea. A^-ain we offer you bij? values in ladies' hats. Our regular 3.50 to 3.75 straws, etc. Each $1.95 MEN'vS AND BOY'S WORK fiOOTS OXFORDS, ETC. AT SAVING PRICES Oxfords $1.63 a pair A timely sale people. Just when you need it. A pood weight o.xford for little Ladies' Tennis Shoes 88c a pr. Again we offer you big value in this smart .shoe 88c pr Men's and Boy's Tennis Shoes at Bargain Prices vSizes to II Boys' sizes 1 to 5 Oxfords .. 87c pr. Oxfords .. 83c pr. 1 ligii Shoes 94c pr. Higli Shoes 87c Children's and Misses' Tennis Shoies Si/.es 11 to 2 67c a pr. Sizes 4 to 10 57c a pr. Special Selling Men's Shirts 67c each Men's collar attached shirts in all new colours 67c ea. Groceries at Hill's Saves Tomatoes 2K' «i''c' 3 for 25c Corn, choice quality 3 for 25c Pork and Beans 4 for 25c Dates, fresh stock 3 lbs. i9c Heinz Tomatoe Catsup 2 for 35c Hill's Hardware Dept offers you Gen- uine Value Special Selling Naylon's Guaranteed English Paints All colors, pints 32c; ([uarts 57c; half l)ints 20c. (The above prices arc half price & less) Economy Offer Duro square tub value $1.50 Duro Cake Pan I5c Duro Tie Plate 15c money $1.63 pr, Total Value SI. SO Economy offer all for $1.29 Miss Shirley Murray of Toronto i« .spending a month with her par- er.l.i. Dr. E. C. aad Mrs. Murray. The â- semi-annual District L.O.L. meeting will be held in .Markdule on Thursday, June 15th, at 8 p.m. Mr.s. J. J. Little, who ha.s been on an extended vi.sit with friends in To- ronto has returned home'. Mis. McKte a.'-.d two daughters of Uiidyurd, Mieh., also Mrs. McLean of Detroit were week end visitors nt Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Trimble's. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Halbcrt and children and Mrs. Lilly M. Tansioy of Toronto visited on Sunday with their uncle, Mr. Robt. Waller. I.Mr. IL V. Gaudin and Stanley vis- ited the first of the week at Mr. J. Little's, on the fourth line, and called on his sister, Mrs. W. H. Thurston, in town. Mr. and Mrs. Fi^d Stuart attended the Toronto University graduation exercises at Convocation Hall on Fri- day, where their daughter. Miss Mar- ion, received her B. A. degree. Mrs. W. A. Armstrong of Toronto is visiting in town and attended the Eastern Star birthday party on Mon- day evening. Mrs. Armstrong was the first Matron of Grey Chapter. IMr. A. B. Ferris of the Park House left on Saturday to visit his sister at Melita, Man., and friends in Sask- atchewan. Hi-3 ticket is good for a month. Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Thurston and family spent the week end at Aylmei and Mitchell. Miss Jean White re- turned to her home'at Aylmer with them after spending the past six months here. W« had a short call on Tuesday from Mr. C. J. Sproule of Toronto, an old Flesherton boy. He was ac- companied by iMiss Kate Campbell and Miss P. Davey of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. Russell Warner ol Mimico. Mrs. G. Goldsborough motored to Toronto last week, hei- sister, Mrs. O. Clipperton and Mary returned with her for a few days visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mitchell. Mr. Clipperton came up and Mrs. Clipperton returned with him. Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. Dargavel left] on Tuesday for Dornoch where they wil'. attend a birthday celebration ot the former's mother, who has reached her 80th birthday. The entire fam- ily was expected to be present for the event. Mrs. Ewing, Mr-s. Raynor, and Miss Freeman, all of South Porcupine; also Mrs. W. Knott, Chas. Jamieson, wife and family and Mrs. Elwyn Jamieson and four children of Owen Sound visited with Mrs. M. E. Jamieson over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Horton and Miss Anne Bell and iMr. Harry Arm- strong of Toronto spent tlija week end with Mr. and Mrs. Ab. Stewart. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart accompanied them on a fishing trip to Meaford on Saturday. The W. A. of Eugenia United church will meet Thursday afternoon. June 15th, at 2.30 p.m. Program and lunch provided by Mrs. J. Par- son and Mrs. F. Jamieson. Roll call answered by Bible verse containing the word "Love." Visitors welcome. At a social evening on Friday even- ing, June 2nd, Mr. and Mrs. Lome Sharp were the recipients of a show er at the parental home of Mrs. Sharp. Many useful and beautiful gifts as well as a substantial purse of money were presented to the young couple. Mr. Wm. Bentham and Dr. W. Bentham of Toronto spent the week end wth relatives in town. Mr. Wm. Bentham of Morden, Man., who has been spending the past week with l^is cousins, Mrs. iVVilcox and ^essrs, T. and R. Bentham, returned with them. * The Advance was pleased to have a call on Saturday from Mr. George Chard of Grand Prairie, Peace Rivei District, who has been visiting rela- tives and friends here. jMr. Chard went West 23 years ago and is sup- erintendent of the Poole Elevator Co for Peace River District. The Artcmesia, Flesherton and Markdale Sunday School Association will hold their annual convention at Vandeleur church on T.iesday, June 20th, with afternoon and evening ses- pions. Rev. R. R. Elliott of Tara, Rev. J. A. Moir of Priceville and Rev. Jos. Wolstencroft of Flesherton and others will deliver addresses. Mr."!. iW. Caswell received the .<?ad news of the death of Mrs. Eliza Lockhart at Ogoma, Sask., on May 31^t. Mrs. Lockhart's maiden name was Hales. .She was a sister of Mrs. Ca.«wttll of Flesherton and Mrs. Lockie McArthur of Priceville. Her age was 73, and she had been a great .sufferer for a long lime. The Presbyterian softball team de- feated the Markdale .s(|uad by a high e^cve before a large crowd of fans at the high school on Wednesday even~ iiifj of last week. This team is going strong thi-i year, having not lost a single game. Grey Chapter No. 170 celebrated their birthday party on Monday evenir.g, when visitors were present f:oni thf Owen Sound and Orange- vil'ie Chapters. A- very plca.'ant evening was spent and a banquet served by the ladiea was much en- joyed. The services in the United church were taken by the Woman's Mission- ary Society on SabbatH last. As this year is the sixtieth anniversary of the establishment of our work in Japan and the fiftieth of the W.M. S., it was fitting that the sub^efct chosen for the sei-vice should be Ja- pan. Those taking part on the plat- form were officers; viz., Mi-s. Cargoe, Mrs. W. Armstrong, Mrs. W. J. Scott and Mrs. W. Thurston. The ladies choir rendered very beautifully, "I'll go where you want me to go, dear Lord." At the evening service, very excellent pictures were shown of our work in Japan. ^>^^0^^^^^^^^^^^t^^^^l^t^ "Memories" By A. 6. THLRSTON WILCOCK â€" William Wilcock, came to Artemesia in 1871 from Darling- ton Town-ship, Durham county; mar- ried Catherine Bentham, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bentham, in 1872, and d;ed December 7th, iai6 Their children: liiomas of Regina, Sask.; Magdalen (Mrs. John Pars- low); Richard, killed in action Aug. 1st, rjl7; Ellen (.Mis. Geo. Alton) ot Markdale; Annie (Mrs. Chas. Otte- well) Seattle, Wash.; Robert of Buf- falo, N'.Y.; Allie (Mrs. Geo. Cairns) Ceylon; William and Kate (Mrs. Harvey Crilfen) of Toronto. FLESHEK â€" Wm. K. FIcsher, from whom" the old town received its name and much of its early inspiration Came about 1851, was general store keeper, miller, postmaster and Mem- ber of Parliament. The family: Jane Elizabeth (Mi-s. iMai-cus Ansley) Niagaia-on-the-Lake; .Mary Alice CMrs. (Dr.) T. S. Sproule) bom in Bolton and came to Flesherton as an infant with her parent-s, knowing no other home. She married in 1881 and has one daughter, Mrs. W. E. Turner, 136 Clifton Road, Toronto; Wm. Henry, marrited Martha Sergeant and died in 1898; John Foster, mar- ried Elizabeth Stanley, and died in New Zealand in 1917. Daminion Day Celebrarion The Owen Sound Branch of the Canadian Legion is holding a cele- bration on Dominion Day, July 1st, in the evening, in Victoria Park, Owen Sound. The program will consist of a Band Concert by the Owen Sound City Band, commencing with a parade from the City Hall at 7.45 p.m. Two prominent speakers have been secured for the evening, Miss Agnes Macphail, M.P., and Capt. Elmore PhiUpott of Toronto, and their voices will be carried to all ot the large numbers expected by ampli- fiers. To end up the evening a grand I'ireworks display will be put on in charge of an exi)ert from the manu- facturers. Admission to the grounds will be 25 cents. Grain Straw High Farm crops have enjoyed wonder- ful growth this year, having h€id plenty of rain and sufficient heat. Monday Mr. Donald of Eugenia brought a wheat stalk into The Ad- vance office which measured 4 feet and 7 inches in height, with the head three inches in length. While the specimen is of such length Mr, Mc- Donald tells us that much of the field is nearly the same height. Mr. Mc- Donald should have an extra heavy yield from this field of wheat. Eastern Ontario has had a short- age of hay all season and has drawn supplies from Central and Westenj Ontario. â-ºÂ«Â«*<*<M"e-j-K-»***# I Small Advts. Lost or Strayed LOST â€" Team horses, bay horse a:nd brown mare, both branded. Tele- phone C. N. Long, Feversham, and reverse charges. LOST â€" 2 year-old heifer, red. horns, spot of white in face, and some on flank, strayed from the farm of Jos. Badgerow, Saugeen Jet. CAME ASTRAY â€" To my premis es about the middle of April, sheep and lamb; any person can prove prop- erty and pay expenses can take same away. â€" Mark Murphy, Eugenia. STRAYED â€" One ewe and seven lambs strayed from my farm. Some lambs and ewe have cross on back and all probably scarred when attacked by dogs. Finder please communicate with Jos. Radley, Flesherton. For Sale FOR SERVICE â€" Jersey bull for sei-vice. â€" Fred Stuart, Flesherton. WANTED â€" Several saddles at once. â€" Jas. A. Stewart, Flesherton. NOTICE â€" Will the person who borrowed a pipe wrench please return it at once. â€" G. F. Brackenbury. TO TRADE â€" Purebred Newfound- land pup, 10 months old, will trade for any small house dog. â€" F. G. Kar- stedt, Priceville, FOR SALE â€" Young broilers now ready for table use. Phone your order to Mrs. Edgar Patterson, Price- ville, 32r41, E<3GS FOR HATCHING â€" From white pekin prise winninir duck«, 40c per setting. â€" Milton Hutchinson, Kim- berley. For quick delivery phone Flesherton 48 r 13. FOR RENT â€" Nice large room for rent in private home, next door to bakeshop. â€" Mrs. P. Sherwood, Flesh- erton. WANTED â€" Reliable person to go on shares in racoon fur raising. 1 will supply about 20 coons. Must have suitable location with water and trees for pens. See me this week and get proposition. â€" W. J. W. Arm- strong Flesherton. . . . TENDERS WANTED Tenders will be received up to and including June 10th, 1933, for the purpose of repapering the auditorium of St. Mary's Anglican church, Max- well. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. For full in- formation apply to Mr.. R. M. Londry, Maxwell, Ont. FARM FOR SALE East half lot 3-4, Con. 4, Artemesia, containing 150 acres, new barn; well watered with two good wells. WiU sell farm stock and implements with or without farm. Cheap for quick sale. â€" N. CAMERON. Prop. FOR SERVICE , Reg. Berkshire Boar: Reg. Tarns- worth Boar, $1.00 Cash. Jersey Bull. $1.00 cash. â€"JOS. RADLEY, Flesherton HOUSE FOR SALE OR RENT Bungalow residence in Flesherton, five rooms, automatic waterworks, good garage, possession can be taken at once. â€" G. F. Brackenbury, Flesher* ton. BOAR FOR SERVICE i> Yotkahire Boar for service, Tennl 11.00. â€" John Oliver. O.D.R,, Art* mesia. BOAR FOR SERVICE ^ R«4riater«d Yorkshirt Boar for wf â-¼ice by Flesherton Bacon Ho^ Club, the property of the Ontario Depart> ment of Asriculture. â€" C. STEWART, Caretaker. BUSINESS CARDS GEO. E. DUNCAN DUNDALK LICENSED AUCTIONEER "^ For the County of Grey, TemI 1 per cent. Satisfaction guaranteed Dates made at the Advance office. Prince Arthur Lodge No. 333, A.P. &A.M., meets in the Fraternal Hall, Flesherton, every Friday on or before the full moon. W.M.. Geo. Long Sr., Secretary, H, A. McCauley. r

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