â- k Men or Women Agents Wanted in Every Locality to Sell en Com mission from our catalogue: DIAMONDS, WATCHES CLOCKS AND SILVERWARE ON CREDIT. State age, address, phone No. and give as references some bttsiness men or bank. PEOPLE'S CREDIT JEWELLERS I imited MAIL ORDER DEPT. 181 Yonge St„ Toronto News Tit-Bit^ A Young Toronto Pioneer Aberdeen â€" Angus? Belmont, Ont. â€" Belmont Is noted as a Scots section â€" even the cows have leanings in that direction. When the SL Thomas Highlanders' Band led the local Oddfellows in their annaal par- ade a herd of cattle, grazing at the op- ^site side of a 40-acre field, attracted by the pipes and drums, raced to the Main Street fence, where they lined np in ocderly rank and watched the 'Varade go by. Petting Banned Chattanooga, Tenn. â€" Petting, cos- metics, :azz and hitch-biking have been banned by the Young People's Congress of the Seventh Day Adven- tlst Church in session at Callegedaie, near here. The Congress voted petting was to be shunned except by those betrothed and young people in their "teens" Were characterized as unlit for en- pigement or marriage. Hitch-hiking was declared un-Christiau and jazz music to have demoralizing influence. Inconspicuous dress and avoidance of the use of cosmetics also were re- commended by the Congress, which \aet in advance of the Georgia Cum- berland Conference of the Adventist church opening day. Trapped in Tub 4 Days Denver, Col.â€" Trapped in a bathtub four days, Mrs. Mary Benson, 67 years old and rather stout, was rescued by police and firemen. Mrs. Benson, who lives alone, said she became weak while bathing and was unable to lift herself from the Inb. In her efforts to free herself, she became wedged under Ihe faucets. ! Throwing a blanket over the unfor- tunate woman, the rescuers gave her nourishment before prying her out of the tub. A police surgeon said she was suffering from high blood pressure and lack of food. Fishes Prove Lure Silverton, Ore. â€" It's pleitsure before business here. Next Monday the busi- ness men will close shop and go fish- ing. Lured by extraordinary fish stories, the merchants circulated peti- tions and nearly the entire towii sign- ed them. Swallows Tooth Brush Ida, Kas. â€" Miss Grace Osborn, 19, saw a surgeon after brushing her "teeth. While wielding the brush, she choked slightly, threw back her head, and through some involuntary action of her throat muscles, swallowed the 6%-inch brush. A surgeon recovered the brush af- ter a brief operation. Miss Osborn said she felt no discomfort during the 20 hours the brush was in her stom- ach. Offers Baby For Sale Batavia, 111. â€" Money or no money. Fairy Leino is not for sale. Mother love took care of that. Mrs. Eva Leino advertised that Fairy, her three-year-old daughter, was for sale. The price was 1500. The money was to be used to buy needed things for the Leino family, whose head has been out of work. Two women called at the Leino home prepared to lay down the cash and take Fairy away, but Mrs. Leino changed her mind. "I can't let her go," she said. "I would rather lose my heart." Meanwhile Leino has been offered a lob. 50 Pelts â€" Church Plate The Pay, Man.â€" The lay reader who serves the Anglican congregation at Moose Ijake, 85 miles south of here, had a surprise here when the contri- bution plate came to him piled with 50 muskrat skins. The pelts were put on the plate by Indians who came to church for the first time after return- The .Mount Pleasant Business .Men's parade in Toronto had many Interesting displays of this and that but young Harvey Nenear turned hia wagon into a covered wagon of pioneer days, borrowed his dad's hat and ranked one of the major attractions. ing from the Spring hunt. The skins are valued at from 30 to 40 cents each. Good-Sized Family Hadji-Bey, a Turk, has 43 children 38 boys and five girls. This is be- lieved to be a world record. The Sul- tans used to give Hadji a yearly bounty, but this has been stopped. Hadji has now applied to Jtustapha Kemal Pasha for a pension. California Fresh Fruits Now Shipped to Europe Berkeley. Calif. â€" Development of a new method of packing California fresh fruits for shipment to Europe has produced a new market for the state's huge annual fruit crops. The fruit products laboratory uf the University of California, in conjunc- tion with the State Bureau of Com- merce, has successfully concluded two years of experiments in shipping fresh fruits to European markets. The fruits were packed in sulphurous acid for commercial use. E. M. Mark, research assistant of the laboratory, said that prunes, figs, apricots and peaches were shipped to Germany in 1931 and to Britain and Norway in 1932. All fruits reached their destinations in good condition. The canning factories receiving the shipments sent back to Berkeley samples of the products made from the fruit shipments. "In every case the manufactured quality was found to be of high quality," Mark reported. Consequently, the laboratory sub- mitted the process to California fruit shippers to be used commercially. He Never Lost Courage Of the youngest of Lord North- cliffe's brothers, St. John Harms- worth, who died a few days ago at the age of 57, the London Observer speaks in words that no one can read without thought of anotlier heroic life. In his early years he was "handsome, athletic, full of tal- ent and joyous vitality." T%en came a terrible accident which left him hopelessly paralyzed from the waist downward. But he resolved that his' spirit should not fail. He "swam powerfully and worked sere- nely." He built up a great business "He never lost his courage or his chirm." He made his life an "epic of fortitude and achievement."â€" New York Times. COULD NOT BUTTON HIS COLLAR Weak after Rheumatism There is only one way to deal with rheumatism. It is not sufficient merely to clear it out of the system â€" it must be kept out. For 10 years this man has been free from the trouble: â€" "A bad attack of rheumatic fever 10 years ago laid me up for four months. When I started work I could not raise my right arm sufficiently to button my collar at the back. Having to get my own living, I became very anxious, because of my arm being so weak, qo I started taking Kruschen Salts in small doses straight away, and have been taking it ever since. I am pleased to say I have not been troubled with rheumatism during this time. Although I am 61 years of age, I feel quite fit for my work."J. E. M. Kruschen dissolves away those needle-pointed crystals of uric acid which are the cause of all rheumatic troubles. It will also flush these dis- solved crystals clean out of your sys- tem. Then If you keep up "the little daily dose," uric acid will never form again. Woman's Hoard Saved from Fire Londlon. â€" A tin trunk containing $500 in gold and silver and a number of notes was -among the property recovered after a fire at a row of thatched cottages at Springfield Green, near Chelmsford. It belonged to an elderly woman, one of the tenants, who kept it in her room. She sent a message to the firemen asking them to search for the trunk. The firemen dug Into the smoking ruins until they found the treasure. The fire destroyed the whole of the t-ntages, and six families, compris- ing 20 people, were rendered home- less. They were accommodated in houses on the Chelmsford Town Council's estate. Austria Bars Germans Berlin.â€" All Germans proceeding to .4ustria after June 1 will be subject to a 1,000,-mark payment before they will be given a visa. Minister of Interior â- Wilhelrii F. Frick decreed recently. The decree follows .\ustria's ban on Nazi uniforms and flags, and in effect means the practical barring of Ger- mans from crossing the border. No wise man ever questions a child in public unless he is sure of the ans- wer. â€" Ottawa Journal. A CLINICAL TEST Proves That Dr. Williams' Pink Pills Quickly End Chronic Fatigue Razor Blades FREE with POKER HANDSI You can get these five keen, well-honed safety raaor blades (fit any Gillcttc-type razor). Given free for just one complete set of Turret Poker Hands . . . any man would appreciate such a gift! Mild, yet sweet and full of flavour â€" Turret Fine Cut is a particulju' favourite with men who "roll their own." A 20 cent package of this mellow Virginia Tobacco will make at least 50 cigarettes ... in it are combined satisfaction and genuine economy. li pays to ^^RoU Your O^^n'' ifvkh TURRET FINE CUT CIGARETTE TOBACCO SAVE THE POKER HANDS Prince Lends Ranch To Honeymooners First Time the Prince of Wales Has Lent Ranch For Romantic Purpose London Eng. â€" It is understood that the Prince of Wales has lent his Cana- dian ranch for part of the honeymoon of Miss Joan Halsey and Mr. George Wood, who were married recently at Hemel Hempstead. It will be the first time that the ranch has been devoted to such a ro- mantic purpose. The former Miss Halsey is the elder daughter of Rear-Admiral Sir Lionel Halsey, Comptroller to the Prince of Wales. Heir to Great Estates Mr. Wood, destined to be one of the richest young men in the country, is the grandson and direct heir of Mr. George F. McCorquodale, who posses- ses a vast fortune and owns some of the largest sporting estates In Scot- land. Mr. McCorquodale is giving his grandson a trip round the world as a wedding present. Mr. Wood and his bride will go first to Badenloch, in Helmsdaleâ€" one of the family properties â€" for a month. They will leave for Canada on July 12. visiting Quebec and Montreal, and taking ship across the Great Lakes eu route to the Prince of Wales' rancn. They will ne.xt go to New Zealand and Australia, and are expected back in England in January. We are in a position to Pay you the Highest Possible Price for Your WOOL The Canadian Wool Company Limited 2 CHURCH ST., TORONTO "THE LARGEST HANDLERS OF WOOL IN CANADA" Forest Protection Urged By Elmpire Association One Bride in Four Hundred is Sixteen in Great Britain One bride in every 400 married in England and Wales is a girl of 16. In the British Registrar-Gei-eral's statistics for 1931, Just published, it is revealed that there were 311,847 marriages, which is fewer by 3,262 than in 1930. There were only three marriages in which both bride and bridegroom were 16, but altogether 779 girls of that age were married in the year, to men of from 16 to 60 years old. Twenty-two boys of 16 married wives whose ages varied from 16 to I 24. Marriage figures as a whole show that the third quarter in the year is the popular time for weddings. Up to about 30 years ago the fourth A ijirl student, palt aud rundown in health, was given a blood test on No- vember 15, 1!>.'!2. The haemoglobin content of her Mood was only 7.5 per cent., her red corpuscle count was but 1,096,000. She was anaemic. The physician who examined her. Pink I'ills and their usefulness in su^h who knew the formula of Dr. Williams' cases, told her to take two of the pills ifter each meal. This she did and one month later had increased her haemo- globin to 88 per cent, and her blood count to 4,288,000. She said she had mote strength and felt better. Two months later both hatraoglobin and corpuscle count were norma! and she was well. When the haemoR.lobin content of your blood goes down your ciiersy, vigor and strength so down. To re- store them you must build up your blood. That Dr. Williams' Pink Pills do this has been proved by many clinical tests like the one above. Get a box at your druggist's today and start on the road to health. The price is 50 cents and each box contain' t'lU directions for the treatment. London. â€" A resolution viewing with concern "the curtailment of expendi- tures and the reduction of an al- ready inadequate staff for the fores- j quarter was the favorite, try services of the Enipii'e" was adop- j The birth rate for 1931 was 15.8 ted at the annual meeting of the Em- per 1,000 of population, the lowest on pire Forestry .Association here last ; record, and the lowest for any couu- week. i try except Sweden. Agricultural prosperity over wide i Baby boys were in the proportion areas was gravely threatened by des- of 1,049 to every 1.000 baby girls, the truction of forest growth through in- iijgbest ratio (or eight years, sufficient maintenance, the resolution j rj-j^g total number of births was declared. It urged Governments j 632.OSI, a decrease of 16,730, throughout the Empire to take steps gy t},e excess of births over deaths to maintain and, where necessary, i f^^^^j^ ^-at. a natural increase in the increase the personnel of forestry papulation of 140.541. The death rate was 12.3 per 1.000. Decrees nisi made absolute in res- pect of dissolution or annulment of marriage number 3.754. an increase of 204 over the preceding year. Onlv in one year. 192S. has this figure of 3.764 been exceeded. Transplanting Retina Called Blindness Cure M0.SCOW. â€" Successful restoration of sight to the blind, by a method of transplanting eye tissues, is claimed by Soviet medicine. At a gathering of eye specialists here. Dr. V. P. Filatov, of Odessa, summarized his efforts in this field, showing results which the medical profession here regard as re- markable in themselves and as the beginning of even more important work. Of nintM.y-six blind eyes on which Dr. Filatov operated in the last two years, tweniy-four regained complete sight, he says. He brought with him to the lecture platform four patients, whom he said he had saved from total blndness. Dr. Filatov indicated that the meth- ods used are not entirely his own, ex- periments along the same line having been made in various European cities, especially in Prague. Physicians here assert, however, that nowhere has the technique of the operation been so successfully developed. Dr. Filatov replaces a portion of the blind retina with a functioning retina taken from a human eye â€" usually an eye freshly removed in an operation, and in some instances from dead bodies. He described the process thereafter as a struggle between the blind and the seeing tissues for as- cendancy. In cases where a portion of the retina is still transparent, even though sight does not exist, his opera- tions proved more successful. Classified Advertising BABGAIVS Ilf CHZCXS. R.O.P. SIRED GOVERNME.VT Approved Chicks from bluod-tested breeders. Leghorns, .OSJc; Barred Rocks, White Rocks, .0"Jc. Mixed chicks, not sold a' approved, .06ic. Started chicks ten days old, .02i, more. Baden Electric Chick Hatchery, Baden, Ontario. AQENTS WASTES. AGENTS EVERYWHERE FDR auto accessory. Every car needs one. Liberal commission. Mared Co., 66 Temperance St., Toronto. Need Drives 283,890 Chinese Home Fronoi South Sea Isles Peiping, China. â€" Economic depres- sion resulting in business failures has caused 2S3,S90 Chinese to return to their homeland from the Dutch East Indies and the Straits Settlements, the Ministry of Industry announces. It is estimated that 30 per cent, of the total number of Chinese residing in the South Sea Islands as traders and settlers have been forced to re- turn le China. services. Rubber Manufacture In Canada One of Leading Industries Canada now ranks among the leading countries of the world a.s a manufacturer of rubber goods. Es- tablishments manufacturing rubber tires, rubber footwear and other rub- -ber. goods numbered forty-eight in 1931. Besides supplying the domestic market, the industry contributes ma- terially to the. export trade of Can-, ada. The products of this industry ->- Black Linen Seeking Laurels for Summer Chicago. â€" That frequeiil feminine urge for something clever and differ- ent in clothes is answered this spring . jby the new black linen outfits. Black linen timidly started invading China Plans Manufacture of Bamboo Newsprint Peiping, China. â€" Newsprint manu- factured from bamboo will be avail- able to Chinese publishers if a pro- gram instituted by the Ministry of the Interior proves to be successful. Mr. Hsu Hsiching, Vice Minister of Indus- try, has announced that a factory for the manufacture of paper on a large scale is to be opened in Shanghai, In the past Chinese publishers have been dependent upon Japan, the United States and Sweden for their newsprint. But for a long period in- vestigations have been conducted which show that bamboo, grown abundantly in the Wenchow district, can be made into paper serving admir- ably as a substitute for the foreign product. The factory is to be capital- ized at $5,000,000, silver. Of this amount 12.000.000 will be provided by the government and $3,000,000 by the Chinese comincrci ' toiuerns. THE MINING ANALYST An unbiased mining Journal givinK coast-to-coast coverage of Canadian mines In analytical form twice month- ly. Edited by experienced mining men. $2.00 per annum 10c copy Wirte for free sample copy 67 YONGE ST., TORONTO, ONT. MOWER & BINDER REPAIR BARGAINS Sections, Guards. Knives, Etc. Write for Mail Order List J. SAMUELS, Belleville, Ont The Soap That! Known and Sold The World Around Cuticura Nothing Belter for DaUy Use find their way to the remotest parts j the mode last summer, but now of Of the three main classes of pro duct. manufactured, and tubes accounted for per cent, of the total; rubber foot wear for ever 30 per cent.. and other ' "^^^ J^^^ rubber ojoods for the balance. thing to wear" feeling Black linen tennis and sport trocKs are appearing with the various 1933 and black treatments. These frocks are generally iiiitrinimed ! taw for buttons. They depend on id tailoring. rubber tires . almost 50 • si'n'mer "e< l^ GOLD GOLD Turn vour discarded jcwilry into dol- lars. We will end by return mall a ro.otal Note for your old cold in the form of chains, watches, brooches, rings, dental gold, or gold In .ny form. Tho condition does not m.-.Uer. Send vour parcels by Insured mail. Th« Old Qold Shopp* (ijondod and lictn.<-d iMiy- eis 1.1 p. .Ml. 15 Tonge Arcade, Toronto . /! Jt CORNS £ WARTS JlX) Kemoxr Jry »km. Dab on ^fT Minard'* ' iiif»c» daily. L«l it dry on. After a while Corn* od Warts tiff righf off OFF COLOUR? HOW IS YOUR LIVER? Wake up yoar Liver Bile â€" Without Calomel Your liver's & wry smnll organ, but it <â- *â- â- > tainly can put your digt^tive nnd eliniinfttiv* OTipins out of kilter, by refusing to pour out ita diuiy two pounds of liquid bilo into your buwela Yo\i won't rnraplrtely correct such a condition by taking salts, oil, minrral water, laxative candy or chrwirig gum. or rouRhagc. When thoyv* tnovt-d your bowels they're throusb â€" and yo» net- J a liver stimulant. Carter's Uftl« Liver Pills will soon brine b«cl| the eun»hin« into vour life. They're purelv vr(te« table. Safe. Pure. .Vak for them by name. Kcfua* substitutes. Hk :\t all dniggul*. 49 SIMPLY WORN OUT? Take Lvdia E. Pinkham^s Vegetable Compound Otn «nyth)nit be more wenring for women than the cf«iirle«» round at hoiMebOld duties'* You have no time to b* ,)ck . . . you are tiretl . . . allinc . . . yet cannot stop. There consee • time when somcthlnit anapa and you find youraeU almply worn out. Lydia E. PInkhara'a Vrgctable Com- pound will help you. Ita tonic action will give you renewed atrenftih, and will msk* your dally taaka aeera eaaler to you. W out of e^cry IM women who report to ua any that they arc benefited hy rhia medicine. Buy a bottle (rom your drug. gitet today • . . >iMl watcb tba rtauJta. ISSUE No. 23â€" '33