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Flesherton Advance, 7 Jun 1933, p. 8

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WEDNESDAY. JUNE 7, 1933 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE OSPREUOUNCIL The 0:sprey Court of Revision met pt Maxwell on Saturday, May 27, to consider the appeals which were made against the assessment roll for the year 1933. The court, after careful consideration of each appellant de- cided that the valuation of the assess- or was fair and his assessment was sustained in each case. After the court arose, general busi- ness of the township was taken up. The minutes of preceding meeting were road and confirmed and com- munications were few and of minor importance. IMotions were passed instructing County Treas. to change number of lots returned in error and lists of lands liable to he sold. E. P. Lot ai, (â- â- on. 7 to W. P. Lot 21, Con. 7; Lot. 4, Con. 4 to W. P. 7 and 8, Con. 4. County Treas. was instructed to erase all taxes returned again Lots 2() and 27, Con. 7. The collector was instructed tc col- lect all taxes on outstanding rolls ex- cept in those cases where ii would cause hardship. General accounts ordered paid were* C. M. Heron, stamps. ?6.00; Hank of Toronto stamps, ?.'j.()0; E. Udjinson, stamps, $0.00; Municipal World sup- plies, $.'i.3'J; Dr. Carr-Harris, dtk-tjute fees as M.O.H. §25.00: 1. B. T.ucas Spring Hardware at Attractive Prices MANURE FORKS A-1 quality; well balanced; D Ifandle Strapped. 4 Pronjr. Each .... $1.20 5<;-. Each .... $1.35 SHOVELS Eight Grade. I'.acl-. 75c Heavy (irade $1.15 (i.ung- Handle- Round L'oint) GARDEN RAKES 14-Tooth, sturdy \oiv^ handle', strong wcldless head. Each 60c. FLOOR WAX 29c LB. (lives a good poii.^h with little effort. Chan Wax 50c IK DAIRY PAILS 59c A well seamed tin pail, size 14. Each 59c DESSERT KNIVES English stainless steel, niiiicir finish: French liladc. Special value Per Box of Six $2.19. POCKE T KNIVES 98c A good size sturdy jack knife; fihest grade. 98c. * SCREEN WINDOWS 35c 14 inches high extends from 22 to 36j/' inches. WIRE CLOTHES LINES 17c 50 feet: als<j 100 feet coils at 39c and 49c LAWN MOWER $6.50 Here is a i)()i)idar machine well made, attractive, ea--y running, exceptional value. , 14 inch. Each $6.50 Frank W. Duncan & Co., costs Division Court action $100 Dr. F. Martin, prof, services lo Mis. U. Priddle, $17.50; Enterprise-Hullc- tin, tax advertising, 111.50; E. had- ley, sheep ctaini, ?14.50; ,Wni. Tho'v.p- son, sheep claim, $8.00; Leslie .Smith, sheep claim, 132.00; K. Fenwick, slipep •valuer, $2.00; C. W. Long, fenco- viewer, $1.50; Jas. Winters, Knee- viewer, $1.50; Jas. Menzie."? fence- viewer, $1.50; members of court of revision, $3.00 each. Road accounts passed were: H. Mclntyre $11 20; J., $8.20; P. Loughep-l JflO.OO; JL Ileitman 40c; J. Hamilton 25c; H. I'edlar, wire fence bnnu.'i 8*5.72; E. Connor $11.00; H. M'l.i'i'. Sitr-it., S22.23. ('ouncil adiourr,(>d to meet at Fevtr- sham on Wednesday, June 28th, at 2 p.m. â€"C. N. LONG, Clerk, New Masoaic Officers Flesherton Wins Opener The' Presbyterian CuiJd softball team played their first kapue game with PrieeviUe on Thursday nigrht ol last week on the latter's diamond and won by the .score of 25-20. The high score was due to tlie final inn- ings being played in darkness, when both teams counted 13 runs -each. On Wednesday night, (tonight) Mark- dale are SL-heduled to play here at the high school; game called for 0.3(1. It is hard to say what kind of a team Markdale will put on the field, but it is reported that they have been practieinfT for some time and should put up a real scrap. Don't miss it! The following is the schedule of games for the summer: Flesherton at Pricevillcâ€" June 1 Markdale at Fleshertonâ€" June 7 Pricevillc at Markdaleâ€" June 15 Markdale at Pricevillcâ€" June 22 Pricevillc at Fleshertonâ€" June 29 Flesherton at Markdaleâ€" July G I-'lesherton at P-ricevilleâ€" July 1.3 Markdale at Fleshcrton^Iuly 20 Pricevillc at Markdaleâ€" July 27 .Markdale at Pricevillcâ€" Aug. 3 Priteville at Fleshertonâ€" .A^ug. 10 Flesherton at Markdaleâ€" Aug. 17 CORN ATKINSON â€" At Miss Doner's Private Hospital, Stayner, on Sunday, May 28, 1933, to Mr. and Mi-s. Lome .•\tkir.';on of Flesherton, Ontario, a (laughter. LOUGHEED â€" At Singhampton on Tuesday, May 23rd, to Mr. and Mi's. Herman Lougheed, a daughter McRAE â€" In the Markdale hos- pital on Saturday, June 3, 1933, to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McRae, a son Dr. F. W. Murray of Toronto was in town on Thursday of last week. Mr. Secord llnrdwick of Niagcra- on-the-Lake was in town on Saturday. During the i)ast week the tulip beds in town hitve t)een a riot of color and are a delight to the eye. IMi.^s Annie Nelson of Proton spent last week with her sister, Mrs. John McDonald. Mr. Wesley White of Severn Park spent the past week with his pu-.cnts, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. White, Springhill. Mrs. E. Simmons of Midland is visiting with her parents, Mr. and i.Virs. Robt. Best, Springhill. Mrs. Howard Milligan and litile sen of Drayton arc- visiting Mr, and Mrs. John Nuhn. Inspector Kobt. Wright of Hanover is on his official visits to the schools in this district. Mr. Will. Bentham of Morden, Man., is visiting with his niece and nephews, Mrs. W'ik'ock and Messrs. Thos. and Richard Bentham. Dr. Glenn and Mrs. Davis of To- ronto were week end visitors ;n town, their many friends were glad to see thi'ir. The County Road Committee has nioved cor.'r-iderable machinery to their lot on the west side of the vil- lage, purchased some time ago. Peel County had a 200 per cent, in crease in poultry population from 1920 to 1930 and a 50 per cent, in- crease in dairy cattle. Dr. and Mrs. .Stanley Ball of Ntvv- market called on friends in to>vn on Thur.sday. Mrs. Ball was foroieily Miss Ida Oldham, a high school teach- er here a fevv- years ago. The Markdale Creamery was robb- ed early Thursday morning of last week and about $500 stolen from the safe, which wa-s wi'ecked. No trace of the thieves has been found. The installation of officers of Prince Arlhur Lodge No. .333, A.F.&A.M.. was held in the Lodge room on Fri- day evening. Wor. Bro. Thos. Henry was the Installing Officer and was assisted in the ceremony by a num- ber of Past Masters of the Lod^e. A number of visiting brethren were present, including Rt. Wor. Bro. A. E. Colgan, P.D.D.G.M. of Markdale and a number from Thornbury. Fol- lowing are- the officers installed: I. P. M. â€" Wor. Bro. Geo. Long W. M. â€" Wor. Bro. F. J. Thurston S. W. â€" Bro. Roy Piper J. W. â€" Bro. Alex. Cameron Chaplain â€" ,Wor. Bro. P. Muir Secretary â€" Wor. Bro. H. A. Me- Cauley Treasure- â€" Woj-. Bro. F. H. W Hiekling D. of C. â€" Bro. A. E. Bellamy S. D. â€"-'Bro. A. Down J. D. â€" Bro. H. Corbett L G. â€" Bro. J. E. Milne M. D. .S. S. â€" Bro. R. Clark J. .S. â€" Bro. Jas. Long Tyler â€" Bro. A. Blackburn. of her sister, Mrs. Wes. Dever. Mrs. South of Toronto is a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cons- ley. Mrs. South is a daughter ol Mr. F. Freeman, one of the early merchants of this small village. Mr. and Mrs. Turner of Tororvto were week end guests at the home of Mr. Lome Hodgins. Mr. and Mrs. Lome Hodgins visit- ed recently in Markdale. Mrs. Geo. McVicar visited her moth- er, Mrs. McAuley. Miss Roberta Acheson was a" week end guest at her home here. A large gathering of friend-s and sympathizers attended the funeral ol the late' Thos. AVauchope at Flosher- ton cemetery on Wednesday, May 31. The service at the grave was con- ducted by Rev. M. F. Oldham, rector of Trinity church. Proton Station, of which Mr. Wauehope was a member. L.O.L. No. 244 also paid their last tribute of respect at the grave of a departed brother. Mr. Wauehope who has been a life-long resident of this locality was always of a genial dis- position and will be missed by many friends. PROTON STATION NOTICE TO CREDITORS Mr. F. Young has organized a mid- week discussion group, which will meet every Wednesday evening in the United church. The following of- ficers were elected: Hon. Pres., Mr. Young; pres., Mr. .A.lex. Shorson; sec, .Miss Bertha Hemphill; treas.. Miss Ruby Lyons; organist, Miss Ruth Sherson. The meeting is for every- one old and young. Visitors are cordially invited. Ml'. Bannister is a guest at the home of Mr. N. McCannell. Mr. Arnold Hergott, who is still a patient in Brampton hospital was able to motor to his home here for a short visit last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sinclair and family and friend, Mr. Clark, visited at Dever Bros. Miss Mildred Sharp is the guest In the Matter of the Estate of IDA JANE McDowell, late of the Town- ship of Artemesia, County of Grey, Widow, deceased. TAKE NOTICE that all persons having claims or accounts against the said deceased, are required to send on or before the Tenth day of June, full particulars thereof to the under- signed, Solioitor for the Executors, 1933, at which time the Estate of the said deceased will be distributed' amongst those entitled thereto, hav- ing regard only to the claims of which notice at that time shall have been received. DATED this Twentieth day of May, 1933. C. C. MIDDLEBRO', Owen Sound, Ont. Solicitor to the Executors. tllE STORB WITH â- BRTICH F. T. HILL&CO.,Ltd. CHAIN STORSa Markdale, Ontario OUB BUTENQ POWER BATES TOU A LOT OP HONBT Bang! Hills Again Undersell the Market ONLY AN ENORMOUS PURCHASE MAKES THIS SAVING POSSIBLE â- â€¢'•••••;*«>»I««>*>«><x»«>»>*>«2m5» Smart New Voiles $L95 smartly made and ol latest st \ le iiil.95 ca. -Misses and matrons sizes 16 to 44. All Matron's Voiles $2.45 Sizes 38 to 45 ih smart new voile' dress- es. -Ml beautifully desig'ned and made. J';acli ^2.45 The New Summer Hose 44c a pair A hose thai wears and looks like silk, all shades in stock. A product of the Can- adian Celanese Co 44c pr. Jacket Voile Dresses $2.95 The newest in design and styliii}?- Evtyy dress individually styled $2.95 ea. Congoleum Rugs 6x9 $5.15 7/,x9 ^)A9 9x9 $7.69 9x10/2 $9.15 9x12 $10.25 9x133^ $11.25 9x15 $12.95 Linoleum Rugs 6x9 $5.48 7^x9 $().93 9x9 $S.45 9xl0'<; $9.H5 9x12' $10/>5 0x13)4 ^l-^^S 0x15 $13.95 Men's Suits at Big Savings Aleh's fancy worsted suits in all the newest desij^ns and styles $12.75 ea. Special 3-Day selling Men's Work Boots In a heavy boot with patico soles $1.69 FARMERS! ATTENTION! Duriii}; the next week we will pay for wool 9c in exchange for merchandise at our low opportunity sale prices. HILL'S DEPENDABLE GROCERY SALE Tomatoes 23/2 size 3 for 25c Choice Corn 3 for 25c Snowflake shortening „ 10c lb. I'eed I'Monr $1.25 cwr. Harley Chop $1.10 cwt. vSplit I'eas $1.25 cwt. .\ylmer Pork and Retins 4 for 25c IIITj;S MOOTS AND SHOES S.W'I', BIG MONEY Ladie's Tennis Shoes at V>\^ Savinfjs. Cuban heeled and fancy trimmed styles pair 98c Mothers! Here's a Special Children's patent strap in tiew lasts, sizes S lo 10 95c pr. % Mrs. F. J. Fisher and son. Nelson of Agincourt spent the week end with the former's sister, Mrs. John Mc- Donald. Midi Neilson returned tn Agincourt with them for the summer. Rev. Dr. G. Sidney Smith of Mea- tord called on friends in to->vn on Thursday. We were sorry to bo out when he called at. The AdvancT of- fice. Rev. W. J. Scott, M.A., left on Tuesday to attend the annual con- ference being held in Toronto which opens to<iay. Mr. Scott is a mem- ber of a committee which met yester- day. The service in the JJnitcd church win be taken next Sunday by the WkM.S. at 10.30 a.m. In the even- ing the service will open at 7.30 in- stead of 7.00 and slides will be shown of our work in Japan as this is the sixtieth anniversary of the opening of that mission field. AVork was commenced last week by the County Road Committee to widen the road at two curves on the station road at the head of the pond. The •sides will also be banked and make the road safer for traffic. Mr. Thos. Nichol of, Pricevillc is superintending ♦ he work. Priceville football team defeated the Flesherton eleven 4-1 in a game in Fle-sherton on Friday evening. Clarence Alexander, full back for the Flesherton squad, took considerable punishment and suffered a broken rib. Mrs. A. Sinclair, Mi-s. W. G. Ken- nedy, Mrs. W. Gibson, Mrs. J, Dar- gavel and Mrs. Oscar Phillips and son. Bob, are attending the Grand Chapter of the Eastern Star this week,- which convenes at Niagara Falls. After the electric storm last week Mr. Herb Corbett of Proton Station found sevcrfrt cattle lyinjf dead under a tree. It was presumed that they had been struck by lightning while standing under some trees. A veter- inarian, who wa-s summoned, decided that electric shock was the cause of death. Wo had a pleasant chat on Mon- day with Mr. D. A. Mathewson of Kelwood, Mtan., who is spending a month with his brothers, Fred at Flesherton, Will, at Ceylon and R. J. at Newmarket. D. A. ia in the hard- ware bu.'siness in Kelwood, having worked in the same line with the late M. K. Richardson. He reports busi- ness in the West slowly picking up. hut as yet the raise in wheat prices lins not benefited the average farmer and no great change can be expecte<) until the pro«ont wheat crop is har- vested and marketed at the present crop price or higher. His man> friends will he pleased to .so*- him again, afti-r an absence from "home" for several year's. Small Advts. f Lost or Strayed LOST â€" Team horses, bay horst and brown mare, both branded. Tele- phone C. N. Long, Feversham, and reverse charges. LOST â€" 2 year-old heifer, red, horns, spot of white in face, and some on flank, strayed from the farm of Jos. Badgerow, Saugeen Jet. CAME ASTRAY â€" Came to my premises on Tuesday, May 23rd, two colts. Owner please prove property, and pay expenses. â€" W. T. Genoe, Ceylon. CAME ASTRAY â€" To my premis- es about the middle of April, sheep and Iamb; any person can prove prop- erty and pay expenses can take same away. â€" Mark Murphy, Kugenia. TO TRADE â€" Purebred Xe-^vfound- land pup, 10 months old, will trade for any small house dog. â€" F. G. Kar- stpdt, Priceville. TENDERS WANTED STRAYED â€" One ewe and seven lambs strayed from my farm. Some lambs and ewe have cross on back and all probably scarred when attacked by dogs. Finder jjleaso communicate with Jos. Radley, Flooherton. For Sale NOTICE â€" Will the person who borrowed a pipe wrench please return it at once. â€" G. F. Brackenbury. FOR SALE â€" Young broilers now ready for table use. Phone your order to Mrs. Edgar Patterson, Price- ville, 32rll. EGGS FOR HATCHING â€" From white pekin prize winning duck-s, 40c per setting. â€" Milton Hutchinson, Kim- berley. For quick delivery phone Flesherton 48 r 13. POSITION WANTED â€" Elderly widow would like a houseJ^eper's position. Apply at The Advance of- fic«. FOR RENT â€" Nice large room for rent in private home, next door to bakeshop. â€" Mrs. P. Sherwood, Flesh- erton. FOR SALE OR RENT â€" Grey County Egg Grading Station, ako lots adjoining the same. For terms apply to Thos, Owler, 40 Doel Ave., Toronto. FOR SALE â€" Wright & Ditson tennis racket, nearly new, also set of lawn bowles. Apply to Harold Best at The Advance office. WANTED â€" Reliable person to go on shares in racoon fur raising. 1 will supply about 20 coons. Must have suitable location with water and tree? for pens. Sec me this week and get proposition. â€" W. J. W. Arm- strong Flesherton. Tenders will be received up to and including June 10th, 1933, for the purpose of repapering the auditorium of St. Mary's Anglican church, Max- well. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. For full in- formation apply to Mr. R. M. Londry, Maxwell, Ont. FARM FOR SALE East half lot 3-4, Con. 4, Artemesia, containing 150 acres, new barn; well watered with two good wells. Will sell farm stock and implements with or without farm. Cheap for quick sale. â€" N. CAMERON. Prop. FOR SERVICE Reg, Berkshire Boar: Reg. Tams- worth Boar, $1.00 Cash. Jersey Bull ?1.00 cash. â€"JOS. RADLEY, Flesherton. HOUSE FOR SALE OR RENT Bungalow residence in Flesherton, five rooms, automatic waterworks, good garage, possession can be taken at once.â€" G. F. Brackenbury, Flesher- ton. BOAR FOR SERVICE \ Yorkshire Boar for service. TermI fl.OO. â€" John Oliver O.D.R., Art* mesia. BOAR FOR SERVICE f R«iriatered Yorkshirt Boar for s«r> â-¼ice by Flesherton Bacon Hog Club, the property of the Ontario Depart* ment of Agriculture. â€" C. STEWART, Caretaker. BUSINESS CARDS ^ GEO. E. DUNCAN ^ DUNDALK 'ni LICENSED AUCTIONEER ^ For the County of Grey. Term! 1 pev: cent. Satisfaction guaranteed Dates made at the Advance offieei. Prince Arthur Lodge No. 333. A.P. &A.M., meets in the Fraternal Hall, Fleshtjrton, every Friday on or before the full moon. W.M., Geo. Lonj; Sr., Secretary, H. A. MeCauley.

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