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Flesherton Advance, 7 Jun 1933, p. 4

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WEDNESHAY, JUNE 7, 1933 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Flesherton Old Boys' and Girls' Association Monster Picnic Island Stadium, Hanlan's Point TORONTO SAT., JUNE 17, 1933, at 2.30 p.m. Splendid indf^ram ui vSi)ortin^' Ivvcnts lur whitdi many valuable prizes have been donated A Cordial invitatioh is extende'd to all residents and lurnier residents of Flesherton to invite their friends and be with us on this occasion. TEA. MILK, SUGAR & ICE CREAM PROVIDED Let us make this Picnic Bigger and Better than ever C. E. McTavish. Pres. - Burton E. Field. Sec. L.O.L. Dedication THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Pabliahed on Collingrwood street, Flcsherton, Wednesday of each week. Cixculation over 1000, Price in Canada 12.00 per year, when paid in advance |1.50. In paid in advance $2.00. X3. S. A. ?2.50 per year, when . - Editor Assoc Editor •W. H. THURSTON, r. J. THURSTON, AUGUST PICNIC CANCELLED "Memories" By A. S. THl RSTON In a letter |-eceivc'd from the sec retary of the Flesherton Old Boys' and Girls' Association information is given that the Civic Holiday picnic of the .Association, scheduled for Fle.'^herton, ha.s been dropped. Wc regret the move very much, as many former residents were awaiting the event with plea.sure. AVhile an in- vitation had not been extended by the local committee until the Toronto committee was here two weeks ago, we know that a large majority of the town people arc decidedly in f»voi of the picnic. The local committee tendered an invitation to the Tor'on- to committee to celebrate, which was accepted, and we were surprised to know that arrangements for the event had been cancelled. We are sorry if unconsciously, a "wet blanket" has been put on the affair, but many supposed that this year the event wouid be held at some central place between here and Toronto, easy ol access to residents of both places. Everybody desires to see the Assoc- iation prosper and become a unit through which we can continue to associate with friends, wlio othenvise would not bo seer, for long periods, and we hope that the present decision not to celebrate in Flesherton in Aug- ust will not have any retarding ef- fect in the continued progress of the Association. SI'ROLLEâ€" R. J. Sproulc, came in 1870, kept general store and - post office, later in insurance business and secretary of Fall Fair. His wife ilied July 2nd. 1884, and he December ;ird, 1922. Was a brother of Dr. T. .S. Sproule, M.P., speaker of House of Commons, Senator and Grand Master of Orange Lodge. His fam' ily: Ada Mary (Mrs. Geo. Higginbot- ham) married Nov. 30th, 1891, living at 20G5 l.'jth Ave., W., Vancouver, B. C; Fred, lawyer, married Ethel Scott of Winnipeg in 1912, and died Feb. 17th, 1923. ^hs. HigginJ)otham, interested in W.M.S. and Women's Association of United Church, and regi-ets that she is not near enough to be an active member of Flesherton Old Boys' and Girls' Association. Orangeisin in Flesherton and East Grey is having a sfiecial night in Flesherton on Tuesday of next week when a number of Grand Lodge of- ficcr.s will be present to de<iicate the Lodge room of Flesherton L.O.L. No. 2855, in the new Fraternal Hall erect- ed last fabl. The entire proceeding's are open to the public. The dedication will take place com- mencing at 5 p.m., at which the fol- lowing Grand Lodge officers have pronii.-ed to attend: G. McCombe, l)ci)uty Grand .Master; W. L. L. Lawr- ence, L. H. Saunders and C. M. Carrie, Past Grand Masters, and ,W. J. Miller, Junior Deputy Grand Master, and will he assisted by other Grand Lodge officers. This battery of prominent members of the Orange Association wim address the gathering at a ban- (luel in the auditorium of the hall at ('.30 p.m. There should be a large atttndance at the dedication and ban- quet to hear excellent addresses on the problems of Orangeism, which upholds the interests of the Protest- ant denominations of Ontario, and in fact of the entire Dominion. Brown's Jubilee Orchestra will pro- vide peppy music for old time and modern dancing, to commence at 10 p.m. This wilS bring to a close one of the most momentous occasions in the annals of the Orange Association in thi.s county and a largo crowd will likely attend the dedication and hear the fine array of speakers. Wor. Bro. Herbert Corbett, County (Master, will act as chairman for the evening. <'<'<r^H'^^''><'<'<-^.'^y,r^^-i^'^'<'<'<r><r^f^^^^ »♦<>♦<">«»♦ ♦♦♦^'♦♦♦♦•X^ Special Paint Offer ENDING JUNE 10 Buffalo Paint 59c qt. or $2.20 per gallon NEW LUXOR PAINTS in all Colors Window and Door Screens Lime, Gyproc, Flooring Siding, Doors, etc. ALWAYS IN STOCK \ Flesherton Planing Mill i 'Phone: 24j H. A. McCauley, Prop. Flesherton, Ont I Window Screens made to order at 12 cents i)er square foot. Srrec« Doors also made to order. EDITORIAL ITE.MS Under a law which went into ef- fect on the first of this month, a prospective bridegroom in Saskatche- wan must now produce a health cer- tificate secured from a competent medical man not more than ten day.s prior to application for a marriage license. This is a very proper pre- caution; and by that same token Bhould not the blushing bride fylc with the parson a similar certificate? • • • Even kings have hobbies to keep them interested when not occupied with state affairs. King George V has a fine collection of Briti-sh an<l Colonial stamp? and a phila'elist is re- quired to keep the two hundred books in a proper condition and insert new Htamps when received. A hobby is needed by all to help forget worries and cares and again many of them are very profitable. • • • James Mattern is attempting an- other round-the-world airplane flight; this time alone. These flights show what advances have been made in aviation in the past decade, enabling airplanes to travel longer distances than was thought possible during the world war. Very soon it appears that machines will 1>e constructed to travel half way around the world with >one fueling. The craze for speed and distance travel has brought sci- ence into the field to perfect the jnotles of travel. HIGGINBOTHA.Mâ€" George A., born at Inistiogc, came to Flesherton in 1880 as assistant P. M. and book- keeper. Married daughter of "R. J." Sproule; has lived in WinnijK-g, now in Vancouver. Their family: John L. and Fred M., optometris'ts, Alice (Mrs. P. Brangwyn), and Geor- gina at home, all in Vancouver; <;eorge died August 25th, 1898; and Robert Fdw., killed in action, Sept. 29th, 191S. Motto: "Slay with it and you will win." Play Thursday Night The fine play "Apple Blossom Time" will be given in Flesherton Town Hall, on Thursday, June 8th, at 8 o'clock, under the auspices of the Tennis Club. Come- and bring the family as this is a real good iday. Adults 25c, children loc. On May 10, 188:{. just fifty years ago. Dr. Groves, without any of the appliances or nntisep:i:s now known to .surgery, performed the first op- eration for appendicitis of which there is official record. The operation v/as a success. What a joy it must be to the grand old physician of Fergus in the sunset of declining years to think of the innumerable lives -that have bccrn saved by this only known remedy for a common human affliction which in the dis- pensation of a beneficient Providence it was his lot to discover. Ball Game Thursday The baseball season in Flesherton is to be officially opened on Thurs- day afternoon at 4 p.m., when Dun- dalk will meet for the first time at the agricultural grounds. For the past few weeks the local squad has been practising faithfully for this test and will be out to start the season with a win against their old rivals. It is expected 'that a large crowd will be on hand to see the baseball come back again. The fol- lowing is the schedule of Centre Grey baseball league: June 8 â€" Dundalk at Flesherton June 9 â€" Kimberley at Vandeleur June 15 â€" Flesherton at Kimberley June 10 â€" Vandeleur at Ravenna June 22 â€" Ravenna at Dundalk June 2-3 â€" Vandeleur at Kimberley June 29 â€" Flesherton at Dundalk June .30 â€" Kimberley at Ravenna July 6 â€" Dundalk at Vandeleur July 7 â€" Ravenna at Kimberley July 13 â€" Kimberley at Flesherton July 13â€" Dundalk at Ravenna July 20 â€" Vandeleur at Flesherton July 21 â€" Dundalk at Kimberley July 27â€" Kimberley at Dundalk July 28 â€" Ravenna at Vandeleur Aug*. 3 â€" Fleshc-rton at Vandeleur Aug. 10 â€" Flesherton at Ravenna -•Vug. 10 â€" ^'andeleur at Dundalk Aug. 17 â€" Ravenna at Flesherton Fl&shcrton had two exhibition games with Vandeleur the past week and came ou on lop by high scores, 11-2 and 15-1. The Vans did not have their .strongest teams on either oc- casion. .Jack Park toiled on the mound in the first game, while Thurs- ton assisted him in the second con- test. Have New Principal Mr. C. R. Wright, B. A., of Allis- ton was selected as principal of the Flesherton High school at a meeting of the Board on Saturday night, from about twenty-five applications. The salary was set at $2000 for the year. Mr. Wright has been in the AUiston school for the past three years and comes highly recommended. He was in town Tuesday evening making ar- rangements for a residence. U.F.O. Annual Meeting The U.F.O. annual meelting and the nominating convention for the Provincial Legislature will be held in Flesherton on Saturday, June 17th. at 1 p.m. sharp, the nominating meet- ing commencing at 2 p.m. Among the speakers will be F. R. Oliver, M. P. P., T. K. Slack, M.P.P. for Duff- erin, and D. J. Taylor, M.P.P. for North Grey. â€" -Wilfred Graham, Sec. â€" Robt, Law.s on, PreS. -^•^•♦♦•^•♦♦♦♦•t* Letter to The . Editor . i new school was built and am one of the men who helped to engage Mr. Hale as sec.-treas. at a salary of $50.00 per year. This sum he re- ceived each year for two years and I consider he earned every cent of it and for two years previous to that when the new school was being built, furnished and equipped, I consider he earned a good deal more than he was paid. At the annual meeting of the ratepayers during the year the con- tinuation school was built the rate- payers voted him $10.00 more than the trustees had agreed to pay him. They surely could not have thought he was getting too much money. To try to make out that Mr. Hale was sore when he handed over the books in April, on account of the money paid him for Keeping them, is as far from the truth as it is pos- sible to get. Mr. Kale offered the books to either Mr. Shortt or myself at our first meeting In January and neither of us would take them. Every year for the last four years Mr. Hale has offered the books to either of the trustees and tw^o years ago at our firet trustee meeting he coaxed Jim Hudson, who was then a trustee, to take over the books. I heard him myself telling Hudson, he would help him do anything in connection with the business if he, Hudson, should happen to get stuck; but Hudson re- fused. I believe Mr. Hale was sore and I think he has a ffood reason to be, but it is not over losing the school books. A man who has given this section as long and valuable service as Mr. Hale has, I thought it unfair to let this go without some explana- tion. â€"JOHN BLACK. IWe have also a communication from Mr. Fred Hale, past secretary- treasurer of the school board, in ans- wer to a letter on school problems by the Feversham correspondent in last week's Advance. Unfortunately our space is limited this week and we are forced to hold it over. â€" Ed- itor.] V •♦*%•**•.••• ♦.^~.*. ••• ... • Editor of Advance: Dear Sir:- I noticed an article in your paper of last week which I think was intended for a slam on the old school board of S. S. No. 7, Osprey, and their sec-treas., Mr. F. Hale. This was signed by "Feversham Cor- respondent." I may say I was on that school boai-d for the last five years, resignine: my position as trus- tee a short time ago and I know pretty well the whole situation. I was elected trustee at the annual meeting previous to the summer the South End Garage I have taken over the garage and service station owned by L. A. Fishe'r and it is now open to give night and day service for general repairing ; Canadian gas and oil products. Ten years of experience in repairing all makes of cars, and can assure entire satisfaction in the work- Soft drinks, tobacco, chocolate bars, etc.- available at the refreshment booth. C. W. CHAPMAN FLESHERTON, ONT.â€" MrAlSI.AN A quiet wedding was solemnized on Thurs<lay, Juno 1, at the Hcathcote parnonajfe by Rev. Mr. West, when MiRs Mary I.«obel McAualan became the bride of Mr. Elmer Gilray, son of Mr=. and the Inte Frnser Gilray of Meaford. The bride was attended by her sister. Miss Margaret Mc- Au»lan, and thf- grooniT'n;-: â€" t^ M^ C. Shilbo-';. Read the Small Advertisements Bcrnice Johnson, 5 year-old daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Johnson of Springhill suffered a fractured arm, when she fell while swinging on a limb of an apple tree. Miss Marion Stuart is receiving congratulations on passing her fourth year examinations in Modern Langu- ages â€" English and French â€" at the To- ronto University. ^ Seasonable Merchandise S'iM<A\V HATS WINDOW SCR I'.l'XS RAKliS TURPENTINE WIRE SCREENING SHOVELS FORKS HOES RAW OIL SEPAR^VrOR OIL WIRE Black Galvanized CoU Spring FLOUR! FEED! SPECIAL FOR THE MEN Good Qtiality Work Socks I''anrv Fine Socks Barbed SEEDS! 19c pr. 19c pr. CE}-,?'-jg?^^:'^.s!r^p=^-='^7«\ -r^ P i H l-f'M Osprey & Artemesia Co-operative Co., Ltd. ! FLESHERTON w leadership built! A GALLON of gasoline will take you farther in .t Chevrolet than in any other full-size car. So will a quart of oil. As far as upkeep is con- cerned, no other low-priced car is so completely free from trouble, for such a long life, as a new Chevrolet Six is. Because of this economy, many people are finding it less expensive to buy tiew Chevrolets â€" ^with Fishtr No-Draft Ventilation and other tiltra- modem features â€" than to pay for the upkeep of their old cars. Visit our showrooms and see the new addition f* tlte Chevrolet line â€" the Standard ^l.» â€"offered at the lowest price ever l>\iu. i on a full-size, six-cylinder closed car! Chevrolet Master Six Sedan, $S9^, delivered, fully et/uipped, at fac- tory, Oshaua. freight and liceine extra. . D. McTAVISH & SON f ( i ESHERTON, ONT. Ai! c D..' , Durham Pontiac Sales, Thi« ".Vutoraobilc Bajrcr** Guiilc" tells «boui our rrcrnt survey among Canadian nv>l<irists »nd provider infvirnialion which you will find \a:ual>le in ch^M*- ing your neit cai . Send coupon for frw copy: CustoiiMr RMcarch D*| CtMMral Moten of Canada Umlttd, <tahawa,Oii«. â- rchDapl. Mamt.. I

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