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Flesherton Advance, 7 Jun 1933, p. 1

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Moving Pictures in Maxwell, Saturday, June 10th at 8.30 p.m., under auspices of Maxwell Public Library ®()je /ksl)^ttjan .|H'U'4 \'ol. 52; Xo. 52 W I'DXESDAY. JUNE 7, 1933 W. H. Thurston & Son, Proprietors CEYLON Mrs. Emily Hislop of Eugenia is at â- present visiting witli her brother, Mr. George McKenzie. Mrs. Cecil Archibald paid a busi- ness trip to Walkerton on Thursday last. Mr. and Mrs. Will. Crosken of To- ronto spent the week end with Miss M. Cook. Mr. RoiS McMullen of Toronto spent the past wcik with his parents. Mr. and Mi^. Wilson and family, Mr. and Mrs. Hudson and babe of Toronto were first of the week vis- itoi's with the formex-'s sister, Miss L. \Vilson. Mr. Fleck of Shelburne, marble dealer, paid a business trip to town on Monday. On Sabbath next, June- 11th, the pastor, Rev. Mr. Scott, who is at- tending conference will be absent. At the usual -service hour, 2.30 p.m., Miss Willa Patterson of Markdale will have charge of a young peoples meeting There will be special sing- ing and every person is expected to attend. The Sabbath school will be at the regular hour. Mr. John McMillan of Owen Sound was a week end visitor at his home here. Prayer meeting wa-s held at the home of Mr. S. Hemphill on Thurs- day evening. Rev. Mr. Dean of Fev- ersham had charge and was accom- panied by Mrs. Dean. Miss Marion Muir, tea-her at Peter- boro spent the week end at her home here and was accompanied by Mr. H. Hewston. Mr. and Mrs. F. Marshall, Miss Irene Marshall, R.N., of Toronto! Misses Stella, Olive and Alex. Mar-| shall. Miss Frances Collinson, Mjs-s Agnes Macphail, M.P.. and Mrs. Mac- phai', Mr. and Mrs. A. Sinclair, Mr, and Mrs. John Stewart and sons, Ver- non, Jackson and Dick motored from here and attended the graduating ex- ercises of 1933 graduating class ofj nurses from General and Marine Hos- pital, Owen Sound, held in the -City Hall OR Tuesday, May 30th, Miss Reta Marshall being a graduate anjl' was honored by receiving the gold medal for obstetrics given and pre- sented by Mrs. George McQuay, presi- dent of the Ladies' Auxiliary. Con- gratulations are being extended to Miss Reta upon her success. Mr. and Mri. Roy Neilson and fam- ily of Toronto were week end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. W. McMuUen. Mrs. A. Sinclair and Mrs. Wm. Gib- son left on Tuesday morning foi Niagara to attend the Grand Chapter of the Eastern Star. Dr. Thos. McRae and Mi-ss Mildred Colehouse of Dundas were visitors the first of the week at G. Arrow- smith's. The Ladies' Aid met at the home of Mrs. F. D. Cairns on May 31st, with 43 ladies present. Mrs. H. Piper in-vited the June meeting to her home. Mr. and Mrs. H. Erskine of River- dale. Vandeleur Young People's society visited the N'ew England Y. P. S. on Wednesday evening of last week and spent a few pleasant houra. Tht program was put on by the local society and the following took pari: Addresses by Harold Thompson and Howard Graham; duert by Mrs. L Johnston and Mr?. W. Johnston; quar- tette by Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Buchanan Miss Lillian Buchanan and Mr. How- ard Graham; reading, by Mrs. S. Fitzsimmons; Reg. Hutton read the Scripture lesson and Mr. Lundy John- ston presided. A splendid supper wa.-^ provided by the New England Society. PRiCEVILLE VANDELEUR Visitors at the Graham home on the first of the week were. Miss Minnie Graham and Miss Edna Lee of Listowel, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Gra- ham and family of Markdale, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Graham and daughter of Rock^Ti and Mr. and Mrs. Russell Freeman and family. Arrangements are being made for the Artemesia township Sunday school convention, which is to be held here on June 20th. Mrs. Jos. Bu -hanan and daughter, Lillian, spent a couple of days with St.Mary'8 Anglican Church MAXWELL Rector, Rev. Maurice F. Oldham. Sunday school at 10 a.m. and divine ser\'ice at 11 a.m. on Sunday, June 18. TRINITY CHURCH, PROTON STA, SUNDAY, JUNE 11. 1933 2 p.m. â€" Sunday school and Bible class. S p.m. â€" Evening prayer. Holy com' niunion and sermon. ST. PAIL'S CHURCH. Melancthon MONDAV, JUNE 12, 1933 3 p.m. â€" Service of Holy Confir- mation by Right Rev. Chartes A. Seager, D.D., Bi-.^hop of Huron Dio- ce.«e. This is the only confirmation service this year in this district. All interested are cordially in-vited to be present. ".And Barnabus and Saul returned from Jerusalem, when they had ful- filled their ministry, and took with them John, whose aumamc wa.» Mark." Acts of Apostles 12: 25. Mi-ss Victoria Jelly and friend of Toronto spent the week end at Mr. Ray McLean's. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Richardson and son. Donald, of Toronto spent the week end with her mother, Mrs. D. G. McLean, and other relatives and friends. Miss Doris Wright of Collingwood â- spent a couple of days with Miss Sarah McLean. Mr. Ale.x. McLean and sister, Mrs. John McFarlane, spent the week end at their parental home. Mrs. Ale.x. McDonald and daugh- ter, Betty, (nee Lizzie McQuaig) ot Stvathroar, Sask., is visiting her sis- ters and brothers and many friend-s here. Miss Mabel Nichol is v'.siting friends in Toronto. Mrs. Thos. Nicho! and daughter, Mrs. Emerson Bennett, spent the past lew days visiting friends in London. iJiiss Kathleen McLean, teacher at -â- Vbardeen, spent the wtek end at hei uncle's, Mr. David Nichol. Mr. and Mrs. Jack McMeekin and son. Jack, Mr. Earl McLean and -sis- ter, Alma, spent a couple of days in Toronto last week. Mrs. Wilfred X^'atson visited friends in Toronto last week. Mr. George McLellan motored over from Niagai-a Falls and spent the week end at Mr. D. Campbell's. His wife, who spent the past week here, returned home with him. Her moth- er, Mrs. Kate McArthur, accompan- ied them ba-jk for a month's vacation. Mr. Ed. Hogg, a former station agent here and now residing in Ham- ilton, visited last week at the Mc- Meekin home. The shareholders of the McKinnon hall will meet on Monday night, June 5th. All interested are expected to be present. A number from here attended the banquet in Markdale on Thursday evening. Miss Beth Hincks, Hampden, spent the week end at her home. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Hincks and fam- ily of Toronto visited Sunday at the home of Mr. Dave Hinck's. The brick work of the new church is being commenced this week. Messrs. Archif McArthur and Hector McLean being the builders. The committee in charge of the garden party of the St. Columba Unit- ed chui-ch on the 6th of July, meet this Wednesday evening. Sacrament of the Lord'-s supper was sacredly observed on Sunday last in the United church, when a larg-e con- gregation WHS present and listened to a fine discourse by the Rev. J. A. Moir, M.A. The choir rendered two fine voluntaries, appropriate to the occasion. Rev. J. A. Moir is this week in at- tendance at conference in Toronto. Interest in the Memorial services is being revived. A general meeting will be held shortly to discuss plans, dates and prospects. Additional items did not arrive un- til Wednesday morning, too late for insertion. MAXWELL Mrs. Jas. Johnson of Dundalk was the guest of her daughter, Mrs. E. Buckingham and family over the week end. (MV. Wm. Emerson and sister of Whitby are visiting with their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Binning- ton, at present. The United church Sunday school are holding their annual picnic at Mr. Scutt's grove on Saturday, June- 17th. Mr. and Mrs. John Acheson and Mr. and Mrs. .\rchie McTagirart and Jimmie of Bethel -spent Sunday with the former's grandson, Renfred, and Mrs. .\cheson here on Sunday. Mrs. Herb Clark of Collingwood is visiting with her mother, Mrs. Cam- eron and other friends here. FEVERSHAM Court Feversham No. 534, C.O.F. are holding a dance in the Agricult- 'aral hall here on the evening of June Dth. Come and have a good time as it is the opening dance. Miss Edith Dean of Thornbury was a visitoi- l-ast week with her brother, Rev. F. W. Dean, and wife at the parsonage here. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Graham of Banks, and Mr. Norman Hindle ot Gibraltar were visitors with Mr. Mrs. Will. Tyler here recently. iMr. Melville Hindk of Gibraltar and Mrs. Wm. Hindle of Collingwood visited with the former's cousin, Mrs. Wm. Tyler last week. Mr. and Mrs. Eby spent Sunday with their daughter, Mrs. Thomas ForSythe in Owen Sound. Mrs. Blasked and three children and j a lady friend of Preston were recent visitors with the former's parents Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Moffat on the Sth line. Mr. and Mrs. Wes. James of Banks were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Will. Tyler here. Mr. J. Camplin and niece. Miss V. Camplin, of Thornbury were callers in this village on Wednesday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. McKenny, Mv. and Mrs. John Dyre and Mrs. Lounil- ry of Collingwood were visitors with Mrs. E. MjKenzie.-, Mr. Dyrcs sistsr here last week. The two Miss Spoffords, Millie anc Edna of Toronto visited with Mr. Mrs. Fred Spofford and Lola on tn? Sth line rece-ntly. Mr. .William Moffat of the Sch line .of Osproy handed a stalk of fall VNheat to your correspondent, "Whicii grew on his farm, measuring two fee:, eleven inches and a half. .\ wondc-.-- ful growth for the first day of Jure isn't it? Mrs. G. Eby visited with her daugh- ter, Mrs. Thomas Foi-^ythe, on Thurs- day last in Owen Sound. The Ladies' Xid of the Presbyter- ian church here- propose holding a bazaar and baking sale in Crawford's halLne.Kt the Bank on Saturday. June 10th. Mr. Alex. Foster went to Toronto on Friday last for treatment for eye trouble. We had a very pleasant surprise on Sunday afternoon, M.-iy 2tst, when a quartette from West Side United church, Owen Sound composed of Miss Viola Doan, Mrs. W. R. Col- quette, Mr. W. Garbutt and Mr. C. L. Vanwyck called at the home of Mrs. Colquette's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. .\lexander here as they went to Stay- ner by request to sing at the evening service in the United church in that town, while by their kindness and that of our telephone operator who left the switch open we plainly heard them sing two of their selections at our telephone some distance away. Thank you all very much and come again please. Mr. and Mrs. William .Walter and daughter, LiUian, of Toronto were week e.'.d visitors with Mrs. Walter's â- sister, Mrs. Chris. Thompson. Mrs. Rev. Shannon of London is here with her husband, the Rtv. Mr. Shannon, Presbyterian minister on tnis charge. Mrs. Shannon's broth- er, Mr. W. B. Wyatt, wife and daugh- ter, of London motored over and brought Mrs. Shannon with them. They returned to London on Saturday, but Mrs. Shannon remained for a longer visit. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Forsythe and two children of Owen Sound spent the week end here with Mr. and Mrs. Eby. Thomas is an enthusiastic fol- lower of Ike Walton and enjoys a few hours tempting the speckled beauties in the Beaver River. Rev. Dean had a good congrrega- tion out to hear him on Sunday morning. He preached an interest- ing sermon from the 19-th Psalm and the 7th verse and Rev. Dean and his wife sang a duet. Miss Dorothy Robinson of Toron- to was a week end visitor at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Dyce of Meaford vis- ittd with their daughter. Rev. and Mrs. Dean at the parsonage last week. Mrs. Hazard and son. Harvey, of Priceville, Mr. Jim Sewell, Miss .Alice Sewell. Mr. Cecil Young and Charlie Hazard of Rock Mills visited last wetk with Mr. and Mrs. Guy Hazard. -Mr. Mjrris and Stanley and Miss Gladys Teeter of Maxwell were week end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Guy Hazard on the 10th line. Feversham Maple 1-eaf football team has been re-organizing with Charlie Kerton manager and Stew^art McMuUin captain. EUGENIA Owing to the absence of our pas- tor. Rev. Mr. McNeill, there will be no church service nextSunuay. There will be Sunday school at 11 o'clock in-otead of 10 o'clock. Everyone is expected to attetui Sunday school next Sunday. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Duncan iWilliams over the week end were their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Williams and little son and 3Ir. and Mrs. Clifford Williams and two child- ren of Toronto. Those up from Toronto over the week end were: Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Wood and brother. Major Wood, Mr. and Mrs. ChishoLm and Mr. and Mrs. Chaine. Visitors over the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Magee were: Mr. and Mrs. Gardiner and children ol Mimico and Mr. Sutton of Humbei Bay. The Hammond family of Torontc visited over the week end with Mrs. lianimonii's mother, Mrs. M. McMuU- en and other friends. Mr. Wm. G. Little of Toronto vis- ited on Sunday with his brother. Dr. •A.. E. Little and wife. I Mrs. R. G. Acheson Will. Acheson of Pro- Mr. Little ;t viile, Mr. an( Mr. and Mrs. ton. Visitors over the week end with Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Weber, Miss Ger aldine of "'Globe staff, Toronto, and friend and Miss Blanche Hammonii and Mr. Fay Marshall. Mr. D. L. Weber, Mi-. Ran. Hutchin- scn and Mr. F. Marshall are busy spreading gravd and crushed stone on the highway near Heath.ote. Ellis Weber is working with hi-s tractor near Hanover. Mr. N. Burritt recently bought a farm from Mr. R. Chard. BORN â€" On Ju.-e 2nd, to Mr. and i Mi's. Ran. Hutchin.son, a daughter. Mr. S. .S. Burrit: and .Miss Edna leave o.n Wednesday for Kenora and Vancouver to visit friends. â-  Mr. .Stuart Eiiis and friends vis- ited with Mr. and Mrs. Chard, Sun- day. Rev. Mc.\nslan and Mr. G. Hutchin- son are attending conference * this week. On June 1st, Miss Isobel Mc.^Vuslan and Mr. Elmer Gilray were united in marriage. Miss McAuslan is the daughter of our much respected pas- KOOC IvilLLS or. ,We extend to the young couple has not visited here since he was a ' our 'oest wishes for their future happi- ness. small boy, so if he has recollections of those by-gone days he will note many chr.ii^res. " Mr. and Mrs. Johnston and little daughter. Agnes, of Toronto ai-e vis- iting with Mrs. Johnston's mother, iMrs. Wilson and other relatives. Mrs. Smith ami Mrs. Butler of To- ronto visited over liie v.-eek end w-ith the Park family. Mrs. M. Fogg, who has spent several weeks here retm-n- ed heme with them. Mrs. Fogg's health has been somewiiat impaired since she had the flu, but we trust she will scon have her good health restored to her. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Davies and daughter, Miss Dorothy, Mrs. Ross Lehman and son, Hedley, also Mr. Eond and son, Aubrey, of Toronto visited with Mr. Jake Williams over the week end. Mr. Sam Macdonald of Toronto and Miss Davis, teacher at Forest Hill, visited over the week end at the for- mer's home, Sth line. i.M'r. Frank Cairns of Flesherton is spending a while with his brother, Mr. Henry Cairns. -Mr. Ken Kaitting was a recent vis- itor v.-'th f; ienc - at Duncan. Our boys are .getting quite skilled in the football games. We under- stand some- of them are talking ofj entering the boxing profession. | Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Betts visited over the week end with Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Morrison, near Walkerton. On May 24th a very enjoyable time was -spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Will. Kaitting, when members of the Kaitting, Davidson and Mc- Keown families and other relatives held a picnic in honor of Miss Queenie I K^-.itting's birthday, which fell on that date. .A.s Mr. Guy Kaitting's and Mr. Will. Kaitting's birthdays were al-so close at hand, they held a joint birthday celebration. We wish all three many happy returns of their tirthday. Mr. Wilfred Magee has disposed of his old car and purchased another. Mr. Mervyn and Mr. Russ Ham- mond, Miss Hazel and Miss Estellel v^•ited Kimberley friends over thei wexik end. j Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Ellis, Mr.. and I Mrs. R. Chard and children, Mr. and' Mrs. R Visitors the pa-st week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Betts were: Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Miils of Markdale, Kev. Mr. and Mrs. Dean of Fever- sham. Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Plantt, Mrs. Simmons and granddaughter. Miss Sadie McKee of Portlaw. Mr. and Mrs. Job Small and son. Lloyd, of Alliston and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hargrave of Wareham were vis- itors recently with Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Hargrave. Mrs. Frank Bens accompanied her brother, .Mr. Fred McMullen to Owen .Sound during the past week. Miss Oliver and her entrance pupils took a trip to Niagara on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Newell visi.ed the first of the week v.ith Durham frisr.ds. The Baptist Ladies' Aid will hold a garden party on Friday, July 7. VICTORIA CORNERS The Y.P.S. are holding a contest. Two captains have chosen sides and c-.irh side is tryin.T to put on ihe test r-'C 'am for the month of June. The losers treat the winners to an ice- cream social early in July. The meet- ings are hold every Friday evening at the church. Myrtle Moore of Toronto is visit- ing at home for a week. Mrs. Cantrel and daughter. Sheila, are visiting under the parental roof at Mr. A. Steven's. EIHs and children. Mr. and! Messrs. Brown of Port Rowan and Mrs. L. McMullen and children spent- Jno. Robinson of Hamilton visited at Milton Bannon's. Mr. and Mrs. Kerby TarzweD, Betty a day visiting friends and picnicing at Woodbrid.s-e. Xobleton, Pinesrove and Bolton. They report a very enjoyable trip. and paul of Hillsburg visited at Jas. Batchelor's. I BATES BURIAL CO'Y I 124 Avenue Road Toronto DISTINCTIVE FUNERAL SERVICE AT REASON.A.BLE PRICES PHONES: NIGHT OR DAYâ€" KIngsdale 4344â€"3456 Modern Private Chapel J. W. Bates Fred ^laddocks Richard Maddocks, Manager Formerly of Flesherton I »»»^'<">'»»»'»»»»»»*"**<>**<>^'>*^***ttttttain i» afri»t»>o»»o»I KIMBERL£Y The 2nd -if June celebration passed off splendidly. There was a good crowd, good sports and program: also good finar.ially. A goodly number attended the dance. Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hutchinson, Miss Tena. Masters Calvin and .Ward of Price- ' The House ol Quelity ^^ SPECIALS TOM.\T0E CATSUP 8 OZ lOc DUFF'S PURE LARD, 2 LB I9c KELLOGG'S CORN FLAKES. 3 PKG 23c PLUM J.\M- 40 OZ. JAR 27c SEED CORN Comptons Early Improved Learning Wisconsin No. 7 White Cap Salt Per Cut 75c Don't forget some Growena for your chicks now that they are five weeks old just six pound to 100 chicks per dav. ' JAS. A. STEWART FLESHERTON ~^ ;~:~>i:»*«>><~:-n.s><>->cm: <><i>CM:- <^•^•^<^«^<^<^<^A.MM:~M~^•^>^<^>M•<^A4>.^•^.^•>x•<;•^:~^•^^•-:-•:•c^^ Ken Kennedys' For Groceries Phone 37 OVERALLS from $L0O up WORK SHIRTS SSc up WE KA\-E A LO\^ELY AS- SORTME-XT OF SL'MMER SWEATERS Pure Lard I lOc LB. ^ -•1. Iodized Salt 8c PKa Pearl Soap 8 BARS 25c Pork & Beans 16 OZ. TIX Sc JUST -A REAL GOOD TEA 25c LB. PEAS 3 TINS 23c •> •> Chase and Sanborn's > â- y t Coffee Ground while U wait 39c and 49c LB. MEATS Fresh and Cured

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