WEDNESDAY, MAY 31, 1933 THE FLESIIERTON ADVANCE Large Funeral For Mrs. Jacob Williams A very sad kIooiii was cast over this community on Friday eveninjf. May l'.\ at 7.30 o'clock, whon the news flashed about that another life, that of Mi-s. Jacob Williams, had passed away to be with her Saviour. Her maiden name was Mis.s Elizabeth Stewart, daughter of the- late Mi. and Mrs. CJeo. Stewart. She wa.* born 60 years aRo last April on the Toronto Line, near Flesherton, where she spent her ((irlhood days. She was a lovinc and dutiful daugrhtcr to her parents and was prominent in social circles. She was married on September 10, 18'.»5 to her now (trief stricken hus- band and came to Eugenia tu reside, where Mr. Williams conducted a blacksmith and repair shop. Here she has spent most of her married life and endeared herself to a wide circle of friends, by her many acts of and her chtrerful ways Mrs. Williams will be greatly missed in this community as she was an en thusiastic church worker. Before the days of the Uniteti ch\ireh .she â- was a member of the Pre.ibytfrian church and acted as organist and also took an interest in the church, filling thic same position; this showed the un.selfi.ih spirit. When union came, she became a member of the United church and worked on as (before, trying to keep up the good â- work of our Master. She was a member of the Ladies' Aid and tftjk a keen intere-st in the choir; her chief aim was to build up a strong choir this year, but we trust the work that fhe has laid the foundation for will forge ahead. We will miss her pleas ant face in social gatherings where vre wvre all inspired by her hearty laughs and cheerful voice. Mrs. Will- iams poses.sed a fine lovable and un- selfish disposition and was held in high esteem. Her cheerful presence- will be sadly missed in the Old Boys and Girl.i' Association of Flesherton in which she took much interest and regretted that she was unable to at- ] tend their "At Home" in Toronto this spring. Some few years ago, she was a faithful correspondent for The Advance. We did not think her illness was so serious. For some month.* past .-he had l)ecn ill with nervous exhaustion, together with other ailments, which in the end proved fatal. Everything that doctor, friend and nurse could do was done, but death conquered all. When lier spirit took its flight she was surrounded by ail those who were so dear to her. Oft times dur- ing her illness she repeated those beautiful words, "God moves in a mysterious way His wonders to per- form." Here again is shown her Christian faith. She is survived by her husband, three daughters, Allie (Mrs. Ross Lehman); .N'eah, (Mm. W, G. Davies) and Hilda, all of Toronto; also one grandson, Master Hedley, and a step- granddaughter, Miss Dorothy Davis. She also leaves in sad bereavement three- sisters, Jane (Mre. D. McTav- ish); Annie (Mrs. Ez. White); Ella (Mrs. H. Smith) and four brothers. AViU., Chas., Albert and Harry. The funeral (directed by the under- taker, Mr. E. J. Bennett) took place Monday afternoon â€" a beautiful day just when eurth looked most wonder- ful with its new mantle of green foli- age and blossoming trees; everything seemed glorious. Was it because she now had joined the IKavenly choir and all Heaven was rejoicing? The remains were taken to the United church. There she lay in the lovely grty casket in front of the ilraped pulpit, amid the numerous floral trib- utes which tihowed love for the de- ceased and sympathy for the bereav- ed. THe floral offerings were as follows: Pillow, the family; basket ol roses, brothers and sisters; spray, nephews and nices; wreath, neigh- bors and friends; spray, United church choir; wreath, Old Boys' and Girb .Association; wreath, Mr. and Mrs. G. Williams; wreath, Mr. and Mrs. T. Lever and 'Mr. and Mrs. C. Martin; sprays_ Mr. and Mrs. W. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Lehman, Mr. and Mrs .â- \nnc4te, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Park .Mr. and Mrs. Moffalt Campbell, Mr. and Mra. Walter Hopkins, Mrs. Bus kin and Mrs. Regan, Mr. and Mrs. Widdil'ield and Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Pooley, Mr. and Mrs. Lawson, Mr and Mi-s. John Williams, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Fenwick, Dr. and Mrs. A. Leon Hat^en, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Stewart .Mr. an<l Mrs. Harry Stewart, Mr Geo. Henderson and Eri?. Her pastor, Rev. Mr. McNeill, as- sisted by Rov. W. J. Scott of Fle.ih- erton. officiated at the church and grave. The service commenced with the hymn, "Forever, with the Lord," then Rev. Scott read scripture pass- agt'.s fix)n> Revelations, Chap. 21 and passages from Thcssalonians. The hymn, "Lead Kindly Light" was sung. Rev. Mr. McNeil took as his le.xt vcroe 10, Psalm 25, preaching a very comforting sermon, concluding with suitable references to the Christ- ian character of the deceased and her worth to the church and the com- munity. The Flesherton quartette, Mrs. McCallum, Mrs. Blackburn, Dr. K. C. Murray and Mr. Frank Duncan sang a beautiful sele^lioti, "In the Homeland far away," Mrs. Blackburn acting a-o organist at the service. Rev. Scott closed with prayer. The pallbearers were: Messrs. Geo. .Stewart of Stratford, Chas. and Geo, .McTavish, Will, and John Campbell and Albert Williams. Interment took place to the family plot in Flesherton cemetery. A very large crowd gathered at the church to show thfir last re.^pects for the deceased and a large cortege followed the remains to its last resting place. Friends from a distance were: Mrs. Pooley, Mrs. Wm. Widdifield, Mr. and Mrs. Will. Campbell, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Brown, iMr. and Mrs. J. A. Leh- man, Mr. George Henderson and son Eric, Miss Ramsey, Mr. Chas. Annette Mr. Joe Legard, Mr. Albert Legaird, Mr. Burton Field, Mrs. Wallie .Will- iams, Mrs. Ken Thomas, Mr. and Cule, 'Mrs. Bill Giig:,ley, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McTavish, Oshawa; Dr. and Mrs. A. Leon Hainan, Niag- aja Falls; Miss Gladys Ard, Mm. T. Wright an:l son, Lloyd, Mrs. Ernie Rohnier, Hamilton; Mr. and Mi-s. Harry Stewart and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Stev.-art, Stratford; brothers of thj deceased and their wives and the ji.-;- ters and their husbands and children were all piesent. We extend our sympathy to those left to mourn her loss and pray that our Heavenly Father may as-suage the anguish of their bereavemcait and leave only the cherished memory of the loved and departed. Peacefully sleeping, resting: at last, Life's weary trials and troubles are past. Gone is the friend we loved so dear Silent is the voice wc loved to hc-ai'. Forgive us, Lord, for asking why, But oh, why Lord, did she have to die ? Why was it. Lord, she had to go? For we loved hei- â€" loved her so. The Late Mrs. Ellis The funeral of the late Mrs. Ellis was held from the residence of her brother, George McNally, 39 Snowdon Ave., Toronto. Rev. Robert Dingwall, nephew, conducting the sen'ice at the house and grave. Inte'i'ment was made in Monroe Cemetery, Toronto. The late Mrs. Elli'3, widow of the late G. T. Ellis, who's maiden name v,-a.s Julia Isobel McNally, was the youngest, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. James McNally, was born in Artemesia, going to Toronto when quite young, v/here she has -.iinee re- sided. She served for a number of Local smd Personal Will Campbell and Mr. and .Mrs. Wm. Mis. Clifford Williams, Miss Hattic V I I i :..:..:~>.x^x«:.<~x.<~:..:.<.<.<~x..:..:~x.<..x.<..:.<~x.<~:.0'><'<" ^THERN NURSED | ^ OWENSOUND, ONT. '^^ | CUT FLOWERS GIFT BOUQUETS WEDDING FLOWERS FUNERAL DESIGNS I I I LANDSCAPE (GARDENING PERENNIALS and SHRUBS Place your order with our Flesherton representative \V. A. HAWKEN Courts of Revision TOWNSHIP OF ARTEMESIA fUE STOBS WITH ' SBBTICn F. T. HILL&CO.,Ltd. ^ CHAIN STOBBS -i Markdale, Ontario OUB BUTINO ^ POWHl gATE8 TOU A LOT OF MONET WE ARE UNDERSELLING THE Linoleum and Gongoleum Rug Markets this week PRICES NO ONE CAN AFFORD TO MISS Congoleum Rugs 0x9 7'/2k9 . 9.v9 9.k10K> 9.xl2 .., 9.x 13/2 9x15 .. EVERYTHING GOES FLOOR OILCLOTHS at Saving Prices New bri^lu patterns vi No. 1 quaUty Linoleum Rugs , $5.15 . $6.49 . $7.09 . $9.15 $10.25 $11.25 $12.95 per stjuare yard 4!^c. . $5.48 . $6.95 . $8.45 . $9.85 $10.95 $12.45 $13.95 0x9 7^x9 9x9 9xl0i^4 9x12 9\\iy2 • 9X15 ; New, Bright and Cheery Patterns LINOLEUM 4 Yards Wi^e Extra hcavv quahty in smart clean patterns, sq. yd. 69c; runn.nR yd. $2,76. FELTOL FLOOR COVERING The economy covcrintr lor floors; Pood patterns in a lonp-wearinf? covcr- imr 2 yards wide at 79c a nnmmjr yard. Gigantic Sale Ladies' House Dresses 1.^0 Dresses in smart designs and pat- terns, out for clearance, each $1.19. Attention, Farmers! For a limited time only wc will pay 9c trade for. wool at our Big Opportunily Sale Prices. , , . .... Ladies' Rewly-lo-Wear at Low Prices ' Now arrjvals daily, smart printed Dresses in the newest styles, each $3.95. Silk Crepte Jacket Dresses $7.95 • 'l*he newest in style and cloth, out for (piick clearance, each $7.95. Grocery prices at Big Savings Tomatoes 2>^ .size 3 for 25c Choice Corn ; 3 for 25c Snowfiake Shortening ..". lb. 10c Ayhuer Pork & Beans or Chili Sauce .... „... 2 for 25c Feed Floiir cwt. $1.25 Barlcv Chop cwt. $1.10 Specialâ€" Split Peas cwt. $l.2.-> Mr. Fred Gorrell of Owea Sound is visiting in town. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Smith of Owen Sound were in town on Sunday. Mrs. Alex. McEachnie had the mis- foitune to break her right arm near the wrist on Monday. Miss Marion Stuart returned home last week after completing her year at Toi-onto University. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Thurston spent the week end with their daughter, Mrs. N. H. Durrant, at Mitchell. Mr. J. G. Ru.vsell, R. 0., of Hamil ton spent the first thred days at the .\rmstrong jewellery store. Dr. .\ngus Ego of Owen Sound, for merly of Markdale, died on Saturday after suffering a stroke- Mr. Arthur Brooks of Owen Sound visitexl over the week end with his daughter, Mrs. Robt. Alexander-. Mr. Well. Colgan of Strathroy was a visitor on the 2-lth with his moth- er. The public school pupils enjoyed a picnic in Lever's Grove on Victoria Day. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Gilchrist mot- ored to Mono Mills on Saturday and spent the week end. Mr. and Mrs. H. Down visited this Wednesday with their son at Tara. .Mr. and Mre. T. Bentham accompan- ied them as far as Kilsyth. Machines are not immune to wear, Tl^s week we had a break on our linotype that has made us late in pub- lirhing The Advance. IMr. and Mrs. O. W. Phillips and son. Bob, and Mrs. McDonald visited Mr. and Mrs. W. Thompson at New- market. Miss Kate Maemillan and her friend Miss Cork, of Toronto spent the week end at the former'^ parental home in town. Mrs. T. M. Little of Garden Hill, near Port Hope, returned home on Monday after spending the past week with Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Fisher. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Field, Mr. iWm. Poultfc'r and son and the 'Mar- tin of Toronto motored up and spent the week end with Mr. and Mrw. Jos Field and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Fawcett and son, Bobby, Mr. Allan Fawcett and friend, Miss Florence Bellamy, of Collingrwood spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Ferris and family. The results of the eraminations in medicine were published today (Wed- nesday). Mr. Kendall Boyd of Flesherton was successful in passing his third year with one suplementary, while W. R. Cameron was successful in his fourth year with two suple- mentarys. These may be written in Toronto in September. Misa Audrey Russell, eldest daugh- ter of Mr. and Mcft> P. J. Russell (nee May Henderson) of Weybum, Sask., was successful in winning an under- graduate scholarship at the Univers- ity of Saskatchewan in Saskatoon. This is the second time this talented student has won this award. Miss Russell ha-3 visited in Flesherton oc- casionally with her parents. Notice is hereby yiven that the first sitting of the Court of Revi.sion of the Assessment Roll of 1933 of the Township of Artemesia will bo held at the Coun:il Chambers, Flesh- erton, on Monday, the 5th day of June, 1933, at the hour of ten o'clock a.m. to hear and determine any ap- peals properly filed with the Clerk on or before the 15th day of May, 1933. Dated May 24, 1933. â€" W. J. BELLAMY, Clerk years in thii picture department of the T. Eaton Co. Taking a short vacation from busi- ness about two months ago she vis- ited her sister, Mrs. Towel, in De- troit, where after a brief illness she passed away. She is survived by three sisters and three brothers, B<, Mrs. D. Levins, Armstrong, B. C; .Matilda, Mrs. John Pedlar of Fle.-herton and Mary, Mrs. Towel of Detroit; W. H. McNally, Portlaw; and George and Samuel of Toronto. The casket was surrounded by a bcautifu^ bower of flowers from a wide circle of friends and relatives showing the high esteem in which the decea.icd was held. Among them the gates a jar from the family; wreath, Mr. and Mrs. John Pedlar; basket from employees of her depart- niorit. Those from a distance who attend- ed the funeral were W. H. McNally and family, Portlaw; Mrs. J. Beecroft of Owen Sound; Mr. R. Walnem, Tott- enham; Mrs. W. J. Chard, Flesherton; Mrs. E. Seeley, Ma-\well; Mrs. E. Wickend, Flesherton;; Rev. and Mrs, Dingwall, Baysville, Ont. NOTICE TO CREDITORS VILLAGE OF FLESltERTON Notice is hereby given that the first sitting of the Court of Revision of the A-3SC-3sment Roll of 1933 of the Village of Flesherton will be In the Matter of the Estate of IDA JANE McDOiWELL, late of the Town- ship of .Artemesia, County of Grey, Widow, deceased. TAKE NOTICE that all persons having claims or accounts against the said deceased, are required to send on or before the Tenth day of June, full particulars thereof to the under- signed, Solicitor for the Executors, 1933, at which time the Estate of the said deceased will be distributed amongst those entitled thereto, hav- hold at the Council Chambers, Flesh- erton, on Tuesday, the sixth day of j ing regard only to the claims of which June, 1933, at the hour of eight o'clock notice at that time shall have been p.m. to hear and determine any ap- received. peals properly filed with the Clerk DATED this Twentieth day of May, on or before the 15th day of May, 1933. 1933. C. C. MIDDLEBRC, Dated May 2-1, 1933. Owen Sound, Ont. â€" W. J. BELLAMY, Clerk Solicitor to the Executors, Small Advts. * t Lost or Strayed CAME "astray â€" Came to my premises on Tuesday, May 23rd, two celts. Owner please prove property and pay expenses. â€" W. T. Genoe, Ceylon. LOST â€" Small wire gate, which was taken last Hallowe'en. Anyone knowing the whereabouts of this gate please notify Geo. Johnson,. Flesher- ton. NOTICE TO FARMERS All interested will please take not- ice that Co-operative shipping from Flesherton station has ceased until the fall. â€" F. TAYLOR, Shipper. TENDERS WANTED CAME ASTRAY â€" To my premis- e.s about the middle of April, sheep and lamb; any person can prove prop- erty and pay expenses can take same away. â€" Mark Murphy, Eugenia. For Sale FOR SALE â€" Seed Buckwheat at the McKinnon farm, Priceville.^os. McKee, Priceville. Tenders will be received up to and including June 10th, 1933, for the purpose of repapcring the auditorium of St. Mary's Anglican church, Max- well. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. For full in- formation apply to Mr. R. M. Londry, Maxwell, Ont. FAR.M FOR SALE NOTICE â€" /Will the person who borrowed a pipe wrench please return it at once. â€" G. F. Brackenbury, FOR SALE â€" Jersey Black Giant eggs for hatching, 25c per setting.â€" Lome Sharp, R. R. 3, Flesherton, FOR SALE â€" Leghorn eggs for hatching 35c. â€" Kendal R. W. ,Hawkins Eugenia, phone Feversham 9 r 42. POSITION WANTED â€" Elderly widow would like a housej^eper's position. Apply at The Advance of- fice. FOR RENT â€" Nice large room for rent in private home, next door to bakeshop. â€" Mrs. P. Sherwood, Flesh erton. East half lot 3-4, Con. 4, Artemesia, containing 150 acres, new barn; well watered with two good wells. Will sell farm stock and implements with or without farm. Cheap for quick sale. â€" N. CAMERON. Prop. FOR SERVICE Reg. Tarns- Jersey Bull. Reg. Berkshire Boar worth Boar, $1.00 Cash. $1.00 cash. ^JOS. RADLEY, Flesherton HOUSE FOR SALE Bungalow residence, in riesherton, five rooms, automatic waterworks. Good garage. Apply to G. F. Brack- enbury, Flesherton. BOAR FOR SERVICE i A larger planting than jsual of early potatoes has been made in Dufferin County. Owing to the con- venience of five-minute acidulated corrosive sublimate treatment, many more seed tubers arc bein^ treated there this year. Fall wheat, alfalfa and clovers have matTe excellent FOR SALE OR RENT â€" Grey County Egg Grading Station, also lots adjoining the same. For terms apply to Thos. Owler, 40 Doel Ave., Toronto. EOR SALE â€" Wright & Ditson tennis racket, nearly new, also set of lawn bowles. Apply to Harold Best at The Advance office. Yorkshire Boar for service. Termi 11.00. â€" John Oliver. O.D.R., Axt* mesia. WANTED â€" Reliable person to go on shares in racoon far raising. 1 will supply about 20 coons. Must have suitable location with water and trees for pens. See me this week and get proposition. â€" W. J. W. Arm- strong Flesherton. HOUSE FOR SALE OR RENT Bungalow residence in Fle-iherton, five rooms, automatic waterworks, growth and are in good condition in good garage, po.<!sc.«sion can be taken most di.<>trict9. See<ling of sprinit at once. â€" G. F.- Brackenbury, Flesher- grain has been practically finished, ton. BOAR FOR SERVICE R«i,'l8tered Yorkshirt Boar for â-¼ke by Flesherton Bacon Eog Clatit tbe property of the Ontario Depart* m«nt of AflTicnltore. , â€" C. STEWART, Caretaker. i in BUSINESS CARDS GEO. E. DUNCAN OUNDALK LICENSED AUCTIONEER """ For the County of Grey. Term* 1 pei' cent. Satisfaction guaranteed Dates made at the Advance offics. ' Prince Arthur Lodge No. 333, A.P. &A.M., meets in the Fraternal Hall, Flesherton, every Friday on or before the full moon. W.M., Geo. Long Sr., Secretary, H. A. McCauley. j»J_v.. s ' II a