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Flesherton Advance, 24 May 1933, p. 8

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WEDNESDAY, MAY 24, 19S8 THE FLESIIERTON ADVANCE The Ottawa Letter forot' hustlL'il the man out of the Kallery niul he left reluctantly wav- ing tho Bible at the members of the A few years ago the members of H""**" «« ^^ "':'•"• An item in poliio the Hou:<c of CommonB repeatedly urged that Parliament l>e called in the Fall and continued after the Christmas holidays until the early sprinK, but this sad experiment with that sort of session will prevent, I hhouid think, any member ur»;inK it attain. We sat durinf; October and Noviiuber; we were back ntrain b»- fore January was out and an still here. Rcviistribution i-.i the snag this time. The Government is anxious that the fijiht should not be carried on to the floor, of the House, where it would be sure to be long and bitter. To prevent this, a committee of five elder statesmen, as the Prime Minister calls them, headed by Sir GeorKe Per- ley and having on it also the llo.n. Ernest Lapointe and Mr. Robert Gard- iner, leader of the U.I-'.A. grou|>, have been endeavoring for the last three days to reconcile the opposing fac- tions. On Friday night in the House Sir George reported "We are making some progress," a comment which Mr King remarked would be "good news for the members of the House." court news told how the same nmn had repeatedly interrupted church services by preaching in the street just outside. i()i:.-<ly been able (o haul wliL-at to Uulfalo and from iiuffalo to Montreal; they can no longer ilo so. House of Commons, Ottawa, 20th May, 11133. AGNES MACPHAIL Since population in Canada is mov- ing from the country to the cities and from eastern to western Canada, the task of redistribution seats will become more and more difficult. Eith- er it must be taken out of the hands of the party in power and handled by the Chief Electoral Officer and his staff or, better still, wo must abandon the single member constitu- ency in thickly settled communitie.^ like southern Ontario and make use of proportional representation, in many member eonstituencit.j. There can be no doubt that such a system would more accurately reflect the opinion of the people as expressed at the polls. , At the moment it seems certain that the new constituency of Grey- Bruce will consist of Southeast G»ey ui it was less Holland and Osprey, with the Bruce townships of Eldorsjie, Biani and Carrick added. Howev-3i no one can be sure of anytliing until the bill has been finally passed by the and it has not been intro- duced yet. For the first time in the history of the House of Commons a deep voice from the public gallery warned all and .sundry to flee from the wrath to cime and ^eek forgiveness because of the imi>iinL'n:e of the day of judg- ment. Two members of the police The following statement was made by the Prime Minister in the ll(juse of Commons on Wednesday, May 17th: "The promotion of the Rt. Hon. Sir George llalsey Pcrley, K.C.M.G., to be an ordinary member of the first class or Knights Cirand Cross of the Most Distinguished Order of St. .St. Miehael and St. George, was made in conformity with established con- stitutional practice, it being the con- sidered view of His Majesty's govern- ment in Canada that the motion, with respect to honors, adopted on the 22nd (lay of May, liUlt, by a majority vote of the meml>ers of the Commons House only of the thirteenth parlia- ment (which was dissolved on the 4th day of October, 1921) is not binding upon His Majesty or His '.Majesty's government in Canada or the seven- tee.ith parliament of Canada." Great significance is being attached to this statement, parrticularly that part of it which says that the resolu- tion passed by the Commons in 1011) is not binding upon His Majesty or upon His Majesty's government in Canada or the seventeenth parliament of Canada. Rumors are abroad that the Prime Minister is to be given a title. In 1918 Mr. ,W. F. Nickle, M.P., for Kingston, introduced a resolution ask- ing that title.! be abolished. In the debate' on the resolution Hon. Colonels and 'Honorablcs' and 'Right Honor- ables' waxed eloquent against titles and Sir Wilfred Laurier declared that he was quite prepared if it could be done without disrespect to the Cuown, to bring 'our' titles to the market r'a:e and make a bonfire of them. On this occasion, however, the Nickle resolution was amended by the gov- ernment and the amendment was car- ried by a vote of 104 to 71. The f ol- 1 lowing year Mr. Nickle again intro-! (iuccd his resolution which was re- ferred to a committee which, after some weeks' work, returned its ver- dict against titles to the House, and after a protracted debate it wa.i car- ried by a vote of 90 to 93. The shipi)ing bill has been the chief concern of Parliament this week. The I farmers are against the bill it confor.s a monoply on the Canadian shipping interests by making it ini- pnssibJe for Ameritans to compete in Canadian waters. They had prov- Fkahertoii High School FORM 1 ENGLISH LITKRATURE â€" Hon. â€" Mack Duncan S2. Pass â€" Florence Chuk (iO, Douglas (ir;, Winnis Giaham 5!», Margaret Collinson 59, Harvey Aichibald 53, Billy Cairns 52, Flortn.e Kinsman 52, Nellie Thistle- thwaite .12, Sherman Piper 60, Goorg- ena Blackburn 50, Hd^n Love 50, Donald MacMillan 50, Olive Maixdia:. .';0. Fail â€" Russell Johnson ;.), Kui'.i Wolstenc-roft -15, Marjorie Ostrander 42, Nellie Genoe 40, Georgena Mac- Donald 29. Percy Smith 27, Fred Patton 10, Eveictt Croft C. MIDDLE SCHOOL FRENCH AUTHORS â€" Pass â€" Isobel MacMillan 72, Laverne Piper 72, Evelyn Brown 71, Frances Collin- son 68, Dorothy Jamieson 68, Cath- erine Stewart 0>, Mary Wilson 60, Rena Clark 65, Emory Fisher 64, Delia Vau.^e 63, Marion Stafford 62, Bill Parker 01. Bob BeRamy 60, Wil- fred Froo^-c 57, Verdun McMaster 50, .leanette M.'Leod 51, Joan Wolsten- croft 53. UPPER SCHOOL LATIN COMPOSITION - Hon. â€" Earl Johnson 84, Audrey Brown 72. Pass â€" Monica Lambert G7, Ellen Parker 6C, Elda Frook 6.5, Annie Akins C3, Jean Hincka 03, Bill Somers 62, Almcda Hincks GO, D.^isy Mc- Fadden 56, Marion Shaw 5,5, Mervyn Little 54. Fail â€" Jim McFadden 34. FORM 2 ZOOLOGY â€" Hon. â€" S. MacKinn- on 88. â-  Pass â€" V. Fisher 72, M. Allen 71, E. Graham 70, B. Murray 6!), T. Dixon 07, L. Seeley 67, D. Smith 61, M. Sheardown 55, A. Martin 53, R. Akitt 52, D. Stuart 51, L. Magrec 50. Fail â€" M. Chard 46, D. McRai 46. CANADIAN FRUIT ONLY The City of Hamilton announces as a result of a circular letter from the Ontario Marketing Board to all pro vincial welfare agencies, that in future all grocery orders for food for lelief will specify Canadian fruit only, to be purchased. There are shov.-ei-.s for the bride but the groom catches thunder. WITH â- EBVICB F. T. HILL&CO.,Ltd. CHAIN STORES Markdale, Ontario OUR BUYING POWER gATES TOU A LOT OF MONBT This Week we are Under- selling our Shoe Market BUY YOUR MEN'S LADIES', BOYS', GIRLS' AND CHILDREN'S SHOES IN LEATHER AND TENNIS AT HILLS' AND SAVE SKE OUR STOKI", WIXDOWS I'X)R PRICEvS .\ND STYUKS .;..;..;..;..;~;..;~;..;~;.,;».;..;~;mj^^.;..;~:».;».;. Mothers! A special in Children's Shoes Men's Knitted Silk Underwear, 39c gmt. Siiiarl new Patent Strap.s in the new- Shirts and shorts in the newest Grad est designs. Sizes 8 to 10 at IJi^ Dis- styles. All out lor (luick clearance at counts. ySc a ])air. p'-'c a f^arnient. Misses' Strap Slippers ' F"'"*' Clearance of Ladies' Coats $10.95 ,, , , , , , ,- ew(i r^,,* All this seasons Coat.s. Regularly \_alue regtdarly S..1C tor .S1.09. Out ^^^,^, ^^.^^^^^ ^^,^. ^^^ ^^^.^^ q^,^ f^,,. for .-) li.g Days at ^MjO a pr. ^^^^.^^ clearance at $10.95. Ladies' Tennis Shoes at Big Savings Ladies' Delustred Mesh Dresses $1.95 ea. 'i'he Smart Xew Ciil)an Heeled Sandals 'I'hv Smart Dress for lud weather. and White Sport O.xfords in the famous Something new at a Special 1a)W Trice. Oiitta I'erclia Make- 88c a pair. $1.95 each. Misses' Strap Shoes and Sandals ^ Boys' V-Neck Sweaters .. .. y , n â-  vSniarl an<l new [latterns ni a vSwealer Sizes 11 to ^ ()/c a pan- ^,^.^j ^^^.^^^^ .^^^ j^,^..^, summer garment. Sizes 4 to 10 57c a pair y^^^, ^.,^^.,^ Ladies' Straps and Tics at $1.45 U piair Special Selling of Men's Suits At $12.75 Ste[) live!} l,adie>! When ^.old out A Special 5 Day Sale of .Men's Suit.v this line cannot be repeated. All sizes All out for quick clearance at .f 12-75 each, in the lot- $1.4.^ a pair. HILLS' GROCERY PRICES SAVE Men's Work Boots $1.69 YOU MONEY Men! .\ Keal I'xm.i for your Choice Toniatoes 2jj size tin- stuniner requirement . A heavy sold . ^ tins for l>c hoot for hard wear. Special at -i?1.69 ))r. Choice Corn. .^ tins for !'?•(: - â-  , , „ ... I rk c J ei £» Lard and Sliorlening. per 11> 10c Here's A Bargain Men! Oxfords $1.69 pr ,^,^^, ^^^^ ^,^,„,„„ .^ ,i„^ f^^^ V,^, Smart and in the lateM >t,y e.- All j.^^^,. ^^. i.^..,,,, 4 ij,,^ j,,, j.s,. out for quick clearance at .>1.W a pair. Avlmer Conihinalion Offer- Come on Boys. Here's Your Oxfords 1 tin Pork and lUans- 1 Chili Sauce ,ind A good weight Oxford with extra 1 Cat-^up. all for 29c. y ,, -.1.. .^1 f>.^ a pair. Jer.sCy Corn Flakes, per pkg (h- ;'ee "lius i" Wilson for permanent hni. waves. Low prices. Mrs. Robt. Down a.-.d two daughters of Tara spent the week end in town. Miss .Mary Paton, R.N., of Owen Sound was in town on Monday. Ope of the heaviest clectri:- storm.s of the year struck this disrict Wed- nteday nionii-i;. .""Ir. V/m. Southgatc of Seaforth was a week end visitor with Mr. and Mrs. tko. Mitchell. Dr. and Mrs. ,W. D. Bryee, son Bobby, and Mr;;. E. C. Murray motor- c'l to 5>ainia over the week end. .\Ie~srs. Jos. and Albert LeGard of Toronto spent the week end with the former's father here. Mr. Burt. Field of Toronto was tht Kuest of hia brother, Mr. Jos. Field, over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Howard and children of Toronto were week end visitors in town. Miss Quennie Kaitting, teaching near Owen Sound, spent the week end with her cousin, Miss Aleda .Mitchell. Miss Rose McGirr and Mrs. Burk ivi.sited at the home of Mr. Gsorge Mitchell one' day last week. (Ml*, and Mrs. J. W. Brown of To- ronto spent the 24th with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Fisher and other relatives. .lusticc and Mrs. W. II. Wright of Toronto -^vere visitor-3 on Tuesday with his brother, John, and Mrs. Wright. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Frcwing and Mr. Jack Duncan spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Best, Spring- hill. Mr. R. J. Wilson of DuHdalk and Mr. and (Mrs. Russell Harrison and sen of Toronto were visitors with the fornier'3 brother, Mr. R. J. Wilson. Mrs. (Rev.) W. J. Scott returned homo today after visiting her par- ents, Rev. Jas. and Mrs. Ford in Gode- rieh. Mr. and Mrs. .Jos. Armstrong of Toronto and Mrs. T. Howard of Owen Sound spent the past week with the- latter'^ daujrhter, Mrs. Harry Paton. Mr. anti Mrs, R. J. Blackburn of Toronto visited with Mr. and Mrs J. Fisher. Mrs. Bla.i'kburn is remaining for a week's visit. Mr. Maurice Wright and Miss Hazel .S'h't;.-.k of Toronto visited on Sunday with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Wright. Mr. C. AV. Chapman of Durham has taken over the South End Garage Horn Mr. L. A. Fisher and will do gt-ncial repairing. Sec his adver- tisement in this issue. Mrs. Harry Bellamy of Toronto spent the past week with Mrs. H. A. McCauley. Mr. Bellamy came up on Tuesday for the holiday and Mrs. Bel- lamy returned with him. The new cement court in the park for use of members of the Flesher- ton Tennis club was completed last Friday. They now have two fine courts on which to play, the other one bfing of dirt construction. The Woman's Missionary society will meet in the United church on Thursday at .1 p.m. All members are requeated to attend as arrange- ments are to be made for celebrating the fortieth anniversary. Mrs. E. C. '.Murray was again elect- ed president of the Grey Presbyte-rial of the VVoman's Miosionary Society, the annual meeting being held in Owen Sound last week. This is the s>-jond year for Mrs. Murray in this office. Farm Prices Improve SiiKstantial improvement in iW agiicultural situation is indicated by rt.'tiit price advances in a large range Courts of Revision TOW ,\.SHIi' OK ARTEMESIA Notice is hereby given that the first aitti.'-.g of the Court of Revision of the A-siitssnient Roll of 1933 of the Township of Artemesia will be held at the Council Chambers, Flesh- trton, on Monday, the 5th day of June, 1933, at the hour of ten o'clock a.m. to hear and determine any ap- peals properly filed with the Clerk on or before th-j 15th day of May, 1933. Dated May 21, li.US. â€" W. J. BELL.IMY, Clerk. VILLAGE OF FLESHERTON of farm products. In some case» the i.'-.orease was slight, but in others it was noteworthy. Hogs advanced 52 per cent., tattle were up 40 per cent, and wheat C2 per ,',i the end of April. Other product) with good gains included butter, poultry, cats, flax, honey, corn, potatoes and beans. P"or Ontario's output, the increase in price.s amounted to a total of $34,183,000, or 15 per cent, of the total agricultural revenue in 1U32. Thio Department has been giving much attention to the development ot export markets and large increases in exports to Great Britain have occurr- ed in the paat twelve months, thus having a favorable effect upon prices, aa a re:ult of the upward turn, the diverge.! :c between prices of farm goods and manufactured articles is lc;sened and farmers will be relieved of the burden under which they have been laboring, and urban residents tqp will benefit from increasing em- I.«'oyment. Notice is hereby given that the first sitting of the Court of Revision nf the Assessment Roll of 1933 of the Village of Flesherton will be hold at the Council Chambers, Flesh- erton, on Tuesday, the sixth day of! June, 1933, at the hour of eight o'clock p.m. to hear and determine any ap- peals properly filed with the Clerk on or before the 15th day of May, 1933. Dated Mav 24, 1933. â€" W. J. BELLAMY, Clerk, FOR SALE â€" Wright & Ditson tennis ra:ket, nearly new, also set of lawn bowles. Apply to Harold Best at The Advance office-. NOTICE TO CREDITORS TOWNSHIP OF OSPREY Notice is hereby given that the first sittings of the Court of Revision of the AMessment of the Township of C^pvey will be held at Maxwell on Saturday, May 27th, 1932, at the hour of 10 o'clo;k a.m., to hear and decide such appeals as may have been pro- perly made. â€" C. N. LONG, Clerk. Dated this 17th day of May, 1932. In the Matter of the Estate of IDA JANE McDowell, late of the Town- ship of Artemesia, County of Grey, Widow, deceased. TAKE NOTICE that all persons having claims or accounts against the said deceased, are required to send on or before the Tenth day of June, full particulars thereof to the under- signed. Solicitor for the Executors, 1933, at which time the Estate of the said deceased will be distributed amongst tho-se entitled thereto, hav- ing regard only to the claims of which notice at that time shall have been received. DATED this Twentieth day of May. 1933. C. C. MIDDLEBRO', Owen Sound, Ont. Solicitor to the Executors. \'<'<><t^'i^^ i Small Advts. Lost or Strayed notice to farmers LOST â€" Glasses in case in Flesh- erton, Saturday, May 13th. Finder please leave at The Advance office. LOST â€" Small wire gate, which wa.". taken last Hallowe'en. Anyone knowing the whereabouts of this gate please notify Geo. Johnson, Flesher- ton. For Sale FOR SALE â€" C. C. M. bicycle, A 1 condition.â€" Gordon Patterson, R. R 2, Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" Seed Buckwheat ut the McKinnon farm, Priceville.â€" Jos. McKee, Priceville. FOR SALE â€" Jersey Black Giant eggs for hatching, 25c per setting.â€" Lome Sharp, R. R. 3, Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" Leghorn eggs for hatching 35c.â€" Kendal R. W. Hawkins Eugenia, phone Feversham 9 r 42. FOR SALE â€" Dahlia bulbs for sale or trade.â€" Thos. Taylor, Flesh- erton. POSITION WANTED â€" Elderly widow would like a houseC^aeper's position. Apply at The Advance of- fice. AITO CRASHES INTO HAYRAKE Mr. and Mrs. Ricjjard Burrell of Hanover received quite a shock .on Wednesday noon of last week when a car driven by William Munro of niiiham crashed into a hayrake which ihpy were towing behind their buggy. Both parties were coming towards Hanover, and a couple of milcv! cast c f town, Munro is said to have come over a kna.l and espied the Burrell '>iit,'gy ahead of him. He failed, however, to noti.e the wide hayrake ill hind the kuggy, until he was fairly lose to it, and it was then almost imjM.isible to miss hitting it. In the crash, the rake was con-idfrably dam- aficd, and the forc<> ef the impact ! '.lined the horse antl hu»rpy oompleto- â-  V amund in the road, also doing fonic liiw.age to the buggy while the car "hit the ditch." None of the people were much injured. We unde-istand Ml Munro fldmitt<"d liability for the crnr h and has made settlement.â€" Jlan- ovtv Post. FOR SALE â€" Potatoes either for seed or cooking. The best of quality. -R. J. Vause, R. R. 3, Proton Sta- tion, phone 32 r 13, Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" Brown spaniel fe- male, -played, housebroken. A fipe pet for children. Apply Frank Mac- intyre, Dundalk. All interest^ will please take not- ice that Co-operative shipping from Flesherton station has ceased until' the fall. â€" F. TAYLOR, Sh ipper. TENDERS WANTED Tenders will be received up to and including June 10th, 1933, for the- purpose of repaporing the auditorium of St. Mary's Anglican church, Max- well. The lov.-cst or any tender not necessarily accepted. For full in- formation apply to Mr. R. M. Londry Maxwell, Ont. FARM FOR SALE East half lot 3-4, Con. 4, Artemesia, containing 150 acres, new barn; well watered with two good wells. Will sell farm stock and implements with or without farm. Cheap for quick sale. â€" N. CAMERON. Prop. FOR SER\1CE Reg. Berkshire Boar: Reg. Tams- worth Boar, $1.00 Cash. Jersey Bull fl.OO cash. -JOS. RADLEY, Flesherton HOUSE FOR SALE Bungalow residence, in riesherton, five rooms, automatic watei-works. Good garage. Apply to G. F. Brack- enbury, Flesherton. BOAR FOR SERVICE \ Yorkshire Boar for service. Termf 11.00. â€" John Oliver, O.D.R., Art* niesia. CAME ASTRAY â€" Came' to my premises on Tuesday, May 23rd, two colls. Owner please prove property and p.ay expenses. â€" W. X^ G«noe, Ceylon. FOR SALE OR RENT â€" Grey County Egg Grading Station, also lots adjoining the same. For terms apply to Thos. Owler, 40 Doel Ave., Toronto. FOR SALE OR RENT â€" Black- smith shop at Ceylon. Apply to John uMcFadyen, Ceylon or Thos. Gilchrist, Maxwell, WANTED â€" Reliable pei-son to go on shares in racoon fur raising. 1 will- supply about 20 coons. Must have suitable location with water and trec^ for pen.s. See me this week and jret propositior.. â€" W. J. W. \xm- ..! -.IT',-"- FIrhp-ton. BOAR FOR SERVICE Rejristered Yorkshirt Boar for ser- vice by Flesherton Bacon Hog Club, the property of the Ontario Deparfci ment of Agriculture. -C. STEWART, Careteker. BUSINESS CARDS ( GEO. E. DUNCAN DLNDALK LICENSED AlCTIONEER For the County of Grey. Term* I pr- cent. Satisfaction guaranteed Dates made at the Advance office. Pi incc Arthur Lodge No. 331, A.P. &.\.M., meets ill the Fraternal Hall, Flesherton, cVei-y Frid.ny on or before the full meon. W.M., Geo. Long Sr., Secretary, H. A. McCauley. k

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