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Flesherton Advance, 17 May 1933, p. 8

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WEDNESDAF, MAY 17, 1933 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE MAXWELL The annual mectini? of the Maxwell .Women's Institute was helil at the home of Mrs. Ceo. Ross, Thui'sday, May 11th. The following officers were elected: I're.s., Mrs. Wm. Seeley; vico-pres., Mrs. Geo. Ross; treas., Mrs. Chas. Long; sec, Mi-ss Mabel Ross; directors, Mrs. Frank Seeley, Mrs. Jas. iMTig, Mrs. S. Grummet; district director, Mrs. Jolin Stephen. The r.cxt meeting will be held at the home of 'M'rs. J. A. Kcmahan on June 8th. Miss Laura Huff of Southampton visited with her sister, Mrs. Norman Cairns, this past week. Rev. McNeil gave an illustrated talk Sunday evening on "Mother", which was mu^h enjoyed by a large congregation. The women's choir rendered "My Mother's Prayer" in a very iileasing manner. Miss Ingles spent the week end at her homo in Walkcrton. VICTORIA CORNERS Mr. Young, our new minister, preached a very impressive Mother's Day sermon. He was assisted by a choir of mothers. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Bannon, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Moore, spent Mother's Day and Flower Sunday in the Niag- ara Peninsula. .Vo. S3 telephone line went out of business. Part of the subscribers are on 41 and part on 5.). Mr. and Mr.s. Les. Brooks and fam- ily of Toronto spent .Mother's Day in this vicinity. Fie^jherton High School FORM 1 FRENCH â€" Pass â€" Harvey Archi- bald 71, Sherman Piper 73, Margaret Collinson C5, Nellie Genoe 59, Flor cnce Clark 58, Mabel Haw 58, Olive Marshall 58, Elsie White 57, Ruby Akitt 55, Florence Kin-sman 54, Mack Duncan 52, Georgena Blackburn 51 Ted Dixon 50. Fail â€" Ruth Wol- stcncroft 38, Marjorie Ostrander 30, Hugh Bibby 25, Helen Love 24, Doug- las Scott 24, Percy Smith 12. Like as not a growling man leads a dog's life. i The Car You Buy Must Live in the Same Town With You \Ji7 HEN a man buys an automobile he '* mu.?t consitler the town he lives in as well as the car he buys. The measure of strictly !oca! responsibility back oi the car, the local facilities for service, the interest of the local dealer in tho welfare of tiie owner â€" these are soma reasons why we are selling satisfaction with every new or used car we deliver. A few of ojr Goad Used Cars Ford 1932 V-8 Tudor Sedan $500.09 Ford 193i Tudor Sedan $350,00 Ford 1931 Spec. Sport Roadster $350.00 Ford 1928 Sport Coupe $175.00 Chevrolet 1932 Ccach $575.00 Pcitiac 1928 Landau Sedan $250.00 Baseball Chatter UPPER .SCHOOL LATIN AUTHORS â€" Hon. â€" F^arl Johnson 91, Jean Hincks 89, Ellen Parker 82, Monica Lambert 78. Pass â€" Marion Shaw 71, Almeda Hincks 07, Daisy McFadden 59, Annie Akins 56, Mcrvyn Little 55, Elda Frook 50 Fail â€" Willie Somers 35, Janiey Mc- Fadden 21. Miss Marguerite Kennedy of Tees- water wa'S in town over the we«k end. Mr. Jas. Wilson and family have taken up residence in the late Mrs, Hanley's residence. Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Holland are visiting friends near Alliston and Edgeley this week. Mrs. D. McTavish and Mrs. G. A. McTavish spent a couple of days last week in Oshawa. i. Mr. Emerson Henderson of Toron- to ^3pent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Bellamy. Mr. and Mi-j. S. E. McTavish and little son of Oshawa spent the week end with the former's parents here. It looks very much as if there will be a Centre Grey League this year, as already Clarksburg, Kimberley and Vandeleur have signified their inten- tion of joining and an attempt is being made to have Dundalk and Markdale put in entries. A meet- ing has been called for Thursday evening in Kimberley for the purpose of discussing the organization of the League. If it goes through there should be plenty of baseba'll here this summer. MIDDLE SCHOOL GEOMETRY â€" Hon. â€" Dorothy Janiii.son 90, Bill Parker 78. Pas,^ â€" Mary Wilson 72, Rena Clark 71, Chard 70, Emery Fisher 08, Rower.a Magee Co, Laverne Piper 60, Stanley Hunt 5G, Milford Piper 52, James McCormack 51, Marion Staf- 'yr. and Mrs. Lon Hill and ford 50. Fail â€" Neiibcrt Mackenzie ,:en spent the week end v.-ith 40, Hazel McKillop 44, Frances Coll- Hill's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R, inson 41, Delia Vause 31, Fob Bellamy! tham. 31, Wilfred Frook ;!0, Johnie McVicar 2J, George McMaster 2;), Evelyn Drown 23, Verdun McMaster 13. Dr. J. E. Milne is in Toronto at- lending a convention of thf Ontario .Mcdicai! Association. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Phillipson and Mrs. W. E. White of Toronto spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. D. Mc- Tr.vish. littk Mrs. Be.i- Pta-tico is brir"' hold lev the F!?sh- eiton team on Monday, Wednesday ar.d Friday nights. On Monday night a large squad was oul. and foi an hour and a half were given a rea' work-out. A. C. Muir ci Ceylon was out and put e.xtra pep in the infield at short while Cecil McTavi.-h was perform ing as of old at second base. There are plenty of good fielder available and it will be quite a job selecting the best from the many trying for the various positions. Softball Team Won Softball is in full sv/ing again and it looks a.s if Flesherton is goini? to have a snappy team. On Thursday evening the mixed team of the Pres- byterian Guild played an exhibition game of softball with Prieeville on the latter's field and gave them a real trimming to the tune- of 25-5. Priceville's team lacked practice and that is the main cause of their big defeat, but since then they have been out to practice every night and on the return game next Thursday even- ing to be played at the high school at 6.30 p.m. they hope to win back theit laurels with a reverse score. G. Mc- Master pitched a real game of ball and was the main cog of the Flesher- ton team, while H. Best was the batt- ing ace, making four home runs.. Don't miss the game on Thursday right. Flesherton â€" Catcher, H. Best; pitcher, G. McMaster; 1st., Mary Wil- son; 2nd., Ella McRae; 3rd., Marion Stafford; s. -s., D. Smith; c. f., M. Stuart; 1. f., G. Boyd; r. f., D. McRae. Umpire â€" F. Shackleton. D. McTavish & Son FLESHERTON, Ont. FORM 2 .A.RITHMETIC â€" Hon. â€" Mary Khcardown 98, V. Fisher S3, B. Mur- ray 81, S. MeKinnon 78, D. Smith 78, A. 'Martin 77, L. Seoloy 77. Passâ€" B. Schranim 72, E. Talbot 65, M. Ch.T.d 58, C. Stewart 53, L. Magoo 52, A. 51. Fail -- D. Stuart 49, D. McKae 41, G. Boyd 31, G. Akitt 31, M. Allen 33. ..-,*' Z:^ NOTICE TO FARMERS Mrs, Wilcock has returned to her home in town after having sper.t the winter v/ith her daughter, Mrs. Geo. Cairns on the West Back Line. One can notice cor.iiderable OLD TIME PRICES The- report of an auction sale of .Ml interested will please take not- ice that stock shipping from Flesher- ton station has ceased until the fall. â€" F. TAYLOR, Shipi)er. TENDERS WANTED Tond3rs will bo received by the Trustees of McKinnon Hall until Mon- day May 22nd, 1933, for the purch e of the McKinnon Hall building, the same to be removed before Sept. 1. 1933. Terms of Sale: 10':'^ of tendei to be paid in cash, balance in 30 days. â€"ARCHIE McCUAIG, Trustees' Secretary. WITH 8ERV1CB F. T. H!LL&CO.,Ltd. CBAIN STORES Markdale, Ontario OUR BUYING POWER SAVES YOU A LOT or MONEY Th^s Will Be a Big Week at Hill's ar^lains Half Frice Saic of Llngeria Materials Knilled Rayons siiitablo I'or X'csts, i ;lot:i!K'r;., Slip.s, clc, at I'A: a \ arc!. Cotton Sheet Lengths A iicavy culDni lo ni.'ike a .sheet 72x90 ill (.•-xlia lu-avy wcij^-ht. 850 each. Oilcloth Table Squares to Ladbs' Coats $3.95 aisd $1,95 each One oi the nutny adtled features we are presentiiif^- this week. Regular .f5.95 and $6.95 value.s. Cleariiujf at SJ.95 and 5i;l.95 each. Boys' Jer.?eys 2Sc each cr 2 for 47c are \.';ii Ih cominj? f( vSniurl ill dcMi;u and ;iU llic suiai i pai- I'riced for ijitic!: lerns. rize 5 Ixn I. -ale at (t9c each. Aga'n we offc:* B5[,',jar Value than ever i.adies Nlv\ Coats, all the :-.niarl I'rench .sl\lc,. Uej,^ S!7.'95 and $18,9i â- .alne at $14.7.^. "" Men's Cifords $1.95 a p.\ly A .sniarf, long- wearing Oxford t.> give special wear. i^l.95 a pai; Men's Fcits $L29 a pa?r real \\c. â- ,. All si;:e;i. Linen Table Cloths ['.â- â- â- !i l,iii<.u '1 a!;le C. All linen .\ Nc iMa^ie $1.29 btiaps cud i' J Beginning next Sabbath the service in the United church w'.ll commence at 10.30 a.m. a:ul the SaVoath school will convene immediately afterwards. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Thibaudeau and daughter of Detroit are visiting wit! her parent.^, X'v. and Mrs. Mark Wil- son, a-d other relatives in Markdale. Mr. and Mrs. Les. Brooks and babe of Toronto were the svuest.s of Mr. and Ivlrs. J. 11. Field over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Smith and three children of London were week :nd visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Smith. The Presbyterial • met in Knox :hurch, Owen Sound, on Tuesday from the Woman's Mission- ary Society of this town attended. T. J. Stinson, Toronto Line, will hold an auction sale on Tuesday, May 23. See bills and list in another column. Wm. Kailting and ;Ueo. Duncan, auctioneers. The Woman's Missicmary Soaety â- .viU meet in tho United church to- morrow, Thursday, at 3 p.m. It is hoped there will be a good attend- ance. W. A. Blackwell, Opt. D., the noted Eye specialist of Toronto will be at the Park Hotel on Wednesday, May ITth. Specia'Lct in examination, (fiasses fitted. Make youi- appoinl- ments with Mr. Ferris. Saturday morning last, May 13, citizens came to v.akefulnes-^ by "How do! Kow do, folks! Hero we are again." This from the silvery throat of Sir Baltimore Oriole, who had just a:iivc.l from hio winter's sojourn in I ha South. Quito a number of our citizens mot- ored through the Niagara peninsida on Sunday and enjoyed the bloom of tho cherry and peacli blossoms, which were at their height of color. It is an imprcs.sive -iight to view the largo oichards with the tree 3 loaded with blo.?soms. We notice by St. Ttjomas papers that Ruth Cro.^sley, the 10-year-old dau'ihter of Mr. and Mrs. Will. Crc-js- Icy of that city, had won the gold medal for elocutio.n in a contest com- pri.'>ij;s all of Elgin county. 'Mr. and Jlra. Will. Crossley of town are justly proud of thsir granddaughter's ac- -â€" .-•â- r-i.-" -ii provement in the squad after only a | farm stock and implements in Wel- lington County states that a huge crowd was in attendance and prices reached old-time levels. Eleven grade cows, two of them heifers freshening for the first time, were sold at an average price of $73.25, while the highest price for an e.xceptiona,lly nice animal was $114.00. The farm of 137 acres had been previously sold for ?4,506. few practices and they should come | lapidly into shape. Bob Phi'i'.ips suffered a painful accident at practice Monday evening when ho was struck on the mouth by a ball and sustained a broken front t'-ith and a cut lin. Strange as it may seem, no young fellov/ wants to meet a girl jhst be- cause ihe was the winner of an ora- torial contest. Try a ''Small Advt." inall Advts Lost or Strayed LOST â€" Glasses in ca-sc in Flesh- erton, Saturday. May 13th. Finder plea:-e leave at The .'Vdvanco office. FOR SALE For Sale SHEEP CLIPPING â€" Sheep clipp- ed with power clippers at 3 for 25c. â€" L. Wright, R. R. 1, Proton Station. FOR SALE â€" C. C. M. bicycle, A ] ;ondition. â€" Gordon Patterson, R. R 2, Flesherton. Reg. Jersey Cov/ due to freshen' â- soon. Clydesdftle mare cheap. Double set heavy harness. Seed grain â€" lOff bubhel Buckwheat: Double sett heavy work harness in good repair, cheap. JOS. RADLEY. Flesherton. phone 45 r 4. FARM FOR SALE WANTED â€" About 16 head of attle for pasture. â€" Sam Fitzsimmons, :i. n. No. 2, Flesherton. East half lot 3-4, Con. 4, Artemesia containing 150 acres, new barn; well watered with two good wells. Will' sell farm stock and implements with or without farm. Cheap for quick sale. â€" N. CA.MERON. Prop. rOR SALE â€" Jersey Black Giant eggs for hat:hi.'".g, 25c per setting. â€" Lome Sharp, R. R. 3, Flesherton. FOR SALE â€" Leghorn eggs for hatching 3oc. â€" Kendal R. W. JIawkin.? Eugenia, phone Fevcrsham 9 r 42. FOR SERVICE FOIl SALE sale or t'.ad.j.- trton. â€" Dahlia bulbs for -Thos. Taylor, Fle^h- i'lll!- a v<! Here, Ladic-! A S.^Ie When You NtcJ h Hc::3c Dresses 59c each C.ood full .si?:f.4 in sivn ftaticrns .i: ! ilcsigns. All i'.'.w ftr it'?;-' â- - â-  'â- â-  59o each. .Snecid S:!ling L?diC5* Slri:;^ bl'^ FOR S.\LE â€" Youns' pigs, some roady to go, another lot ready two v.-ol.; later. â€" Ro')t. W. Vauso, R. R. 3, Prieeville. FDR SALE â€" PotatoC'S either for iccd or cooking. The best of quality. -R. J. Vause, R. R. 3, Proton Sta- icn, i^hone 32 r 13, Fle.^hsrton. FOPw SALE â€" Brown spaniel fe- I'.r.b, splayed, housebrokcn, A fine â- et for children. .Apiilv F'-an-; "Sta:- ir.lyro, Dundalk. FOR SALE OR REN'^T â€" Grey County Egg Gradinp" Station, also lots adjoining the same. For terms apply to Thos. Owler, 40 Docl Ave., Toronto. FOR SALE OR RENT â€" Bia:k- l-einsf the latter's thh'd birthday, Aj _.„.;.,, ^i,^.. „^ C'tvlon. Apply to John very plct':£nt evening was spant %, ^^:;.Fadyen, Ceylcu or Tho3. Gilchrist, the r.i::ty gu2at3 present. Mva. O.'icar | ..^,,.^.^.^'1 ' Phillip's name \7«is on the lucky ticket Reg. Berkshire Boar wjrth 3,iar, §1.00 Cash. §1.00 cash. â€"JOS. RADLEY, Fle.^herton Reg. Tams- Jersey Bull. HOUSE FOR SALE Bungalow residence, in Tlesherton^ live rooms, automatic waterworlcs. Good garage. Apply to G. F. Brack- enbury, Flesherton. "BARRED ROCK CHICKS'' w^C Vila! r,.biu ...r.' i.i T .'">.' ! A. 54.-> a Itjrdcd Unity L.O.E. .\. ^; Owen fj o'.jr •.d on Thur sday t h est week it Try our bred-to-lay chicks. Breed- ing pens headed by cockerels from R.O.P. Government .Approved high producing hens. Kindly place your order before hatches are set. "Terms cash." Chicks are $8.00 per lOO* Hatching eggs for sale $2.00 per 100. "Fairview Poultry Farm." Phone ''2 r •1-1. â€" MR.>. FDG.VR PATTERSON, i;. !!. >.i. 2, Prieeville, Ont. BOAR FOR SERVICE Yorkshire Boar for service. $1.00. â€" John Oliver, O.D.R., mesia. Tfnnf fha rciured a ;-r;s23 hiarhly. .6«:!kes \ ahi',' \". ' avings. a n;iir Mcii'e i «i. Kr-nr\ W Tth hvely quilt, whi:h dcjirc â-  homes 0'. ri .â-  foilowine '! ftsre healthy ' â-  .\ter 5 â-  4 Goorgc ' â- ' weekj . on* BOAR FOR SERVICE FOR SALE â€" A fjuantity of good r.ccd barley; a quantity oat>; two pood cawa, one freshened and tho other will freshen soon. â€" Phorc Feversham 5 r 13, Court Smith, Eugenia, Ont. COAT EXCHANGED --. Will th- to: son who changed ru!>ber'rain coaLs ;it ths i'^ancakc Supper i.i Fleslierton in March please communicate with Jloht. Pi.shcr, Flesherton, and rejeive their own. Reiristertd Voikshirt Boar for ser- of gocd "seed I ^''^*' ^y Flesherton Bacon Hog Club. the jropevty of the Ont.irio Depart- merit of .Agriculture. -C. STEWART, Caretaker. BUSINESS CARDS GEO. E. DUNCAN U UNI! A LK LtCKXSEl) AUCTIONEER For the County cf Grey. Terms Dates r.-.;i 'â- -hie r= â-  ftir ra!

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