je /ksijiettjjftt i^irttttttc^ Vol. 52; No. 49 FLKSHERTON, MAY 17, 1933 W. H. Thurston & Son, Proprietor^ FRICEVILLE Beautiful flowers, music and ser- mon comnicin&vatcd Mother's Day. i Sunday v/ith the latter's father, Mr. w'hiih was fittingly observed on Sun- day last. High commendation was given Christian mothers ar.d reference wa-j made to mothers great opportun- ities and responsibilities, and the wondenn! resuita arising from theii love and sacrifice. To many hearts came tender thoughts of loved ones loved long since, but lost awhile. Mr. and Mrs. John McFarlane and Mr. Alex. McLean of Toronto -spent the week end at Mr. Colin McLean's. Mr. and iMrs. Colin McMillan of Holstein visited on Sunday at Mr. Hector McLean's. Messrs. Alfred Hincks of Toronto O iffoi<d and Miss Beth spent the week end at their home. Mr. David Hincks and daughter, Jean, motored on Friday and visited friends at -Arthur and Guelph and re- turned home Saturday night. It is our sad duty to chronicle the death of Miss Kate Macphail, who died Wednesday last at her home. Deceased had not been well for some time and only two weeks ago her con- dition became serious. She was a sufferer of anemia and Bright's dis- ease. She was born on the South line and would be 75 years of age in June. She leaves to mourn two sisters, Effie (Mrs. Neil McLean) at the Soo; Annie -(Mrs. Archie McDermid) South line. Christie (Mrs. Chas. McDon- ald); Flora (Mrs. Joe Campbetl) and Jane predeceased her some years ago. One brother Hugh on South line and two brothers, Neil and John, died some years ago. The fuperal was held Thursday in tlie basement of the Presbjrterian church. Rev. Dr. 'Mlelvor had charge of the- service and v;as assisted by Rev. Mr. Moir. The pallbearers were: Hector McEachern, Norman Mdntyre, Neil McKinnon, Hugh McCormack, John McNally and Malcolm McLean. Interment was made in McNeil's cem- etery. Price viile. The Mission Band will meet Satur- day afternoon at the home of Miss Mary McEachern. Friends here are sorry to hear that Mis-s Flora Campbel is not enjoying the best of health ar-d hope she will soon be up and around again. Oronday night the shareholders of the McKinnon haU met in the base- ment. Mr. Thos. Nichol acted as chairman and Mr. Archie McCuaig as secretary. It was decided to sell the building and have it removed from its pre-sent site. Mr. Joh.i Cook, teaching near To- ronto, spent the week end at Mr. D. Nichd's. rtoa: WILLS 'iur. a.-.d Mrs. Cecil Belts spent Robt. JIcMuilon of East Mountain who is quite ill. Mrs. Buchan of Clifton Springs Ne-.v York, is spending a few days with ht'r sister, Mrs. Dougald Clark and assisting in nursing Mr. Clark, who is very low. Mrs. C. Newell spent Monday with h-er aunt, Mrs. Jno. Hargrave. CEYLON FEVERSHAM There passed avay on Tuesday ^'^s ZeJla Long of Toronto spent .May yth, at the Toronto Hospital, ' ^^^" '"^'^^^ '^'"i ^'-"''^ ^^^ parents, Mr. Earl D. White, yoangest son of Mrs. ! ^-''-^ ^'•»- -^as. Long. White and the late W. C. White. He I -I"- a.iJ Mrs. Layman, Mennonite was bo.-n in this village on June 7tb, j minister of Dun.dalk, v.-era callers in laiO, and ;i so received his public ' °"'" last week. school education here. He was of a | very quiet ar.d kind disposition, and loved by all who knew him. He was always a regular attendant of the' Sabbath school. Rev. W. J. Scott' Mr. and Mrs. Sara Osborne "and' ^•'^'^ charge of the services at the family, of Markdale were recent vis- ' ^'O'lse and grave, giving comforting itors with the former's -sister Mrs. niessages to bereaved. He leaves to Walter Russell, and family. ' j mourn his loss hi-s mother, three sis- Rev. S. McAuslan of Union visited ^'^'^ *"^ *"° brothers, Anna (Mrs. recently with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil ! ^°''*- Brown), Delia of Toronto, and Betts Some of the farmers around here have finished seeding, while others will fisish this week. Miss Lulu Russell spent a week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Allie Mc- ' ^ spr^y from the staff of Forest Hill Lean, Priceville Mr. W. J. Newell and daughter, Florence and Marjorie, and Mr. Herb Betts visited recently with Durham friends. Mr. Wm.. Pedlar, Mr. -and Mrs. Lewis Pedlar and two daughters and ' ^'- ^^'^ *^^^- Harvey Griffin, Mr Mrs. H. ,Wilson visited with !Mr. Mid '. ^^^ '^^-^- ^- -'^r<=*»e'", Mrs. Adams, Mr Mrs. Jas. Stewart, Plesherton. ' "^- Shiers, ail of Toronto; Mrs. Med- There will be no services in the ^augh, Dundalk; Mr. J. Carson, Pro- Baptist church here next Sabbath, May 21st, owing to Anniversary ser- vices being held in the Flesherton Ba.otist church. Mr. ar.d Mrs. Jas. Eby if Coiiing- wood were visitors with the former's parents here last week. Miss Verna Hudson of Toronto visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. .John Hudson, over the week end ^Miss Lillian Wailters and Miss Lil- lian Price of Toronto were week euc! visitors with the former's aunt, Mrs Chris. Thomson. Mr. and Mrs. McGrath of Burling- ton and 2«Lr. and Mrs. Ross Oldfielc of Dundalk were visitors over tht week end with Mr. and Mrs. Miltor. NichoU. Mr. NichoU has returned iiome after a visit with his sister. Mrs. McGrath, at Burlington. Mr. and Mrs. Will Colquatte anc children, .A.llan and Betty, and Mr ivan Alexander of Cv.'en Sound wen .'isitors with their parents here ove; ;he v.-eck end. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Franci. over Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. R Beynon, Miss Beynon and friend oi Collin gwood. The special meeting of the rate- payers of School Section No. 7, Os- _ , -, , ,. _, ,-â- ,,•.. I prey, was held in the school room on Sound; Mr. and Mrs. Thos. G.lchnst, ^ ^^,^^ jj^. ^^^^^^ p^^. Laura at home; Jack and Stanley, The casket was covered with beauti- ful florafi' offerings of sympathy, among them being a spray from the Drug Trading Company, Toronto, also viilagt school and a wreath from the Ceylon community friends. Tliose who attended from a distance were Mr. J. B. Cummins, of Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Griffin and son. Wallace, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Griffin, ton; Mr. and Mrs. Dave White, Owen spent Sunday with the former's par- fcnt-3, il>r. and Mrs. T. Fenwick. Ths Reasor of Toronto vis- ited recently at the home of Mr. Bert Magee. Miss Kathlaen Pedlar, who is em- ployed at the House of Refuge, Mark- dale spent the week end with hei ;;arant3, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pedfar. Mis.s Patricia Morgan was horns from her school in Osprey over the week end. The football game Saturday night last resulted in a score 2-0 in favor of the single men. Mrs. Buttler, Mr. Smith, Miss Con- nors and Mr. Boltcn of Toronto were quests of the Park families on Sun- day. The Ladies' Aid of the United Jw^lt upon the wonder of Mother Love and the way it may be inter- preted to comprehend the infinite- nesa of Divine Love. His address wa.s illustrated wonderfully by pic- tures by his owTi pen and from pap- ers. The choir which was compo.'sed of mothers r-j.-.dered a special selec- tion, "Mother's Story." Miss Don- a.Ida Sloan acted as organist for the occasion. Flowers were in profusion at the front of the church. Chui-ch- goers wore flowers,: a colored bloooi in tribute to living mothers and a white flower in e/erlasting memory of those departid. The Sunday school occupied the centre pews of the church and each class was prea> ent with its teacher. Rev. Mr. McNeill will exchange pulpits next Sunday with Rev. Mr. hurch will meet in the basement ofjgii^^ McA'aslan of the Kimberley cir- •ne church at 2.30 o'clock on Thurs-; ^uit. V/e will be pleased to hear :ay aiternoon. May 18. Visitors! r^,. McAuslan and hope there wiU yelcomc. ^ AH members expected to ^^ ^ g^od attendance. Church will •e present. | ^^ ^^ j^„ usual hour, 11 "o'clock a.m. Arbor Day was held at the school' ^nd Sunday school will be held in the n iLcnday. The yards were clean- ; forenoon from now on during the .1 up and flowers were planted; then' 3um^er months. It wiU be held the teacher and children went to the; t^e hour before church service. park where lunch was partaken of. j Some of the village ladies also at- MaxwelL He was laid to rest PROTON STATION I lar, the present Sec.-Treas., was elect- ed a trustee in the place of Mr. Black who resigned. The new School the family plot in the Flesherton cemetery. The pallbearers were: Messrs.^ Stanley and Jack _ White, g^^^^ ^^ j^ ^.^j,^,. ^^^ jg Messrs Hov.'ard Short, Err.. Hawton and Harvey Pedlar. They find themselves Robt. Brown, Percy Hemphill. Jas Sinc'.air, Geo. Jaynes Mr. Elmer Muir had the misfortune At an early hour on Mother's Day j Mrs. Matilda Park, passed qm'etly ! recently, v.-hile coming down stairs to and peacefully away to the spirit ' trip on his shoe lace, causing him ~tc woiild, leaving to mourn her loss a ' fall heavily to bottom of stairs. ^ At family of three: Ida (jMrs. Peter! -^^ t'me it was not thought serious, Pickett) of Bolton, Joseph on the ^^^ his shoulder became more pain- homestead near Proton Station and ful and he was taken to Dr. Carefoot Miss Lena at home, who has faith-' of Markdale and on Sunday an x-ray ^^^ hTd'been soTtrongH- assured b;, fully and lovmgly ministered to the at the Owen Sound hospital revealed L^g f^^mer Sec.-Treas. that the sur- needs of her invalid mother for many the shoulder dislocated and it was plus grants would pav the debenture Her husband, the late Wm neees'sary to operate on it before it in lather an embarrassing position re ihc financing of the schooL They have practically no money on hand, the surplus of a year and a half ago having melted away and money will have to be borrowed at the end ol this term. Then the ratepayers Just think, we breathe the very air through which some of these radio programs come. EYE SPiXIAH'^T COMING J. G. Rusjcll, R. O., will be at Armsti'ong's Jewellery store, May 29, 30. 31. Anyone wish- ing to have their eyes examined, lenses changed, or new frames fitted be sure to come in and see Mr. Rue --11. UNITED CHURCH MAXWELL CIRCUIT years. Park, predeceased her- thirteen years j coUId be placed back in the socket ago and. several years before that! Mr. A. C. Muir visited his brother her eldest daughter died. Mrs. Park at Owen Sound on Monday. was a daughter of the late Mr. and On Sunday, iJfay 14th, "Mother's Mrs. Charlie White of Saageen Jet. Day"' Sabbath school and church ser- Sur.d::y, '•. y 2l3t, Rev. McAuslan cf th2 Kimberley charge will preach at ail appointments in an exchange of pu!pit3 with Rev. A. McNeill Scrviies as follows: Eugenia â€" 11 a.m. I '^':. Zion â€" 2 p.m. Warcham â€" 3.S0 p.m. M8X\vell â€" 7.30 p.m. StMiry's Anglican Church MAXWELL RLCtor. Rc-v. Slaurice F. Oldham. -^^ ST'Nf'A'^'' M.\y 21 ir3.'l <h. ayer sorvice Village i.uiH'i r.!:lG. PPOTON ST.V. â- 1 Bible She is the last of a family of six and was in her eightieth year. She married the 'late Mr. Park of the -ame neighborhood and lived there until her son married and took over the farm, when they retired to Pro- ton Station. For many years Mrs. Park suffered rheumatic pains, until her limbs and hands were twisted out jf shape. For the past twenty-two years she has not walked. Her mine. ' •vas clear and alert until ths last, and was interested in everything and everybody. She enjoyed the visits -f her numerous frie.-.ds, never ut- ering a complaint about herself, and was always solicitous of the welfare 3f others. She will be greatly miss- ed by everyone. There is never a way so narrow or short But the Master's work is tlwre; 'ihers is something to do for Hi::- dear sake, Or^sonKthi'-ig to calmly bear. Mrs. Park bore her affliction v.'ith Christian fortitude. The funeral wl;! tr.!:e place on Tuesday, May 16, it 2 p.m. from her late home to Flesherton cemetery. The local min- isters, Mr. Yoxmj; and Rev. F, M, Oldham, rector of the Anglican .hu-ch v-ill officiste. The sudden death occurred at Pro- ton station last Friday iiiorniug May 12th. of Mr. William McNalty of Sv.'inton Park, wJio cams Thursday to visit his brother, Mr. John McNalty. who has bean ill for several months. Soon after his he was seizeil with acute pain. A doctor was sum- moned and everything was done for his relief, but death came in a few hours. Much .sympathy is felt for his bereaved family, also for -Mr. and Mr?. John McNa'.ty of th;s place^- .MoH-i'v's Day services were held in ; â- :â- '.;! tho -.'.v. -fhcs. on Sunday. ?.i;s3 CerU Lyons and tho Mi-ss ?.«! Acheicn were home for Mother"? Dav. Mr. r.r.i Mrs. Lcrnc Hodgin yi-sited at Lauxci last Sunday. • iWe arc glad to see *Ir. â- Alc>:anus! Stewart suffi'.'lently vscove-ed fron- of the new part of the school, erected five years ago, will be called on to pay the remaining ten yearly deben- tures, which will amount to about §5.50 per thousand dollars of every ratepayer's assessment yearly, and for less assessment in a less propor- tion. Did it pay to have the new schocC? This is the question asked. and the answer from a great man; ratepayers is >:0. The School Boarc will have to e -.iploy two new teach crs for the next term also, as tht ;vi.-.:::pal, ^^iiss Dempsey, and the ublie school teacher, Miss Bradley, ...v.c resigned. tended. The teacher, Miss SHoan, treated all to candy, after v/hich all enjoyed themselves in games. The L.O.L. will hold a dance in t'neir hall on Friday evening, May 19 Good music will be supphcd. Ad mission 25-:.; ladies with lunch free. The annual Mother's Day annivers- ary was observed in the church here on Sunday. There was a good at- tendance. Parents and friends join- ed the children in the special Moth- er's Day program. Rev. Mr. Mc- ^s'eiil read Psalm 33 as Scripture Reading and then in his sermon he IMrs. Hammond and daughter. Miss Blanche and sons, Messrs. Russell and MerviTi, of Toronto visited on Sunday with the former's sister, Mrs. Bert Graham, husband and family. Mr. (Jerald Smart of Collingwood and lady friend. Miss Millie Wagner of Nottawa spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Will. Kaitting and family. Canada is to have a representative at the Wheat Conference in Geneva. It would appear to us that any wheat conference without a Canadian dele- gate would be an einpty affair and to no real purpose. y ♦»o»o»»»»»»»»»^i9 » »»fr»^^^^4;»^^^»»»»»»»»«»i»» t »»o < » » » BATES BURIAL CO'Y I 124 Avenue Road Toronto DISTINCTIVE FUNERAL SERVICE AT REASONABLE PRICES PHONES: NIGHT OR DAYâ€" Klngsdale 4344â€"3456 Modern Private Chapel J. Vf. Bates Fred Maddocks Richard Maddocks, Manager ', Formerly of Flesherton ♦ •»>»»>»♦♦•♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦♦»» » »♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»♦»♦♦♦♦♦»♦»»»♦»♦ H i»i (< EUGENIA There were five members at the Fishermen's Club House over the week end, viz.: Dr. Boyd and brother, Mr. Boyd, Mr. McLaren, Mr. Lash and Mr. Smith of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Will. Davios and Mrs Ross Leh.iian and son, lisdley, sr:ont Mflihev"'i Day with their parents. Ifr. and Mrs. Jacob Williams. Mrs. Williams is still quite i'd and ws_ aire ^ f.usting that sh.e will soon recover Wc c'.ctend our sympathy to t'ni Armstrong famJ.y of KimberleV and their relatives in their recent sad bereavement. < Mrs. T. Lever and daughter. Miss Gertrude and Master .A.rgylo ."'larti:! visited with the latter's pr.:-s;n:-. Tiv and Mrs. C. Martin. Mr. ar.d Mrs. Will, on Sunday with Mr, I Cameron. I Misses Dsl::ia a'.;d and Mr. Harold Coo:. Govdon visitc-,! ar.d JTrs. .A!o"t The House oi Quelity ^^ SPECIALS 32 OZ. JAR P-NUT BUTTER 24c 3 FKGS. LUX 24c TOMATOE JUieE PER TIN 5c MULTIPLIER ONIONS per lb. 4c DUTCH SETT ONIONS psr ib. 10c GRANT WHITE SUGAR MANGEL CR.\NT WHITE SUGAR BEET TUMBO SUGAR BEET DERBY TURNIP SEED JU>.I BO TURNIP SEED Ail Mash Stnrtenti for Baby Chicks JAS . A. STEWART FLESHERTON r.-.,.n-.+ i'Vi-' to return from Ih' ;^r at Bethel. C^RD OF THANKS : S. \» . C Wii.iC Hi. family de- vice were held at 2.30 and a splendid program prepared for the occasion was given. Mr. J. McWilliams, Sup- erintendent took the leading parts Miis Stella Marshal! gave the sict;. .A choir composed of mothers ga-. an .\nthem and Masters Ji:n Kenneu and Jc? Mc;Wil!iams took the offe ing. Rev. W. J. Scott gave the ac dress on "Happy Home", stressin, responsibility of parents in the hon'.. and example beiore chil'.dren. The service v.-sj closed by singing "Lord of the Lauds" and benediction. Mr. Edward Sergant of Primro?c was a caller in towTi the past week. Mr. Ale.'c. Knox of Toronto soon', the week end v/ith his mother. Miss Margaret McMullcn, To.3:ito spent the week end with her v'->-ve-its. Mrs. Rancy and dau.athter, Jca:i Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. H. Baiky avA two daughtei-3 oi i-hrigley wc.-c wof".; end visitors with Mrs. Macphail. Guests the past week with Mr. a'll Mrs. W. H. Patterson v.'eiv Mrs. Ful- ton, Miss Janet Patterson and Mr. McDonald Warden of Beaiinck. Mrs. F. D. Cairns spent several days of the pajt w^ok in Torcnto. Miso Mildred Wliitta!:c:- of Toron- ti ' riveri;ity is home on hciliday--. Mi.s D. Fishe' teii'.h'r, s|>^;it tie week rnd at her home !n I'.ii; i-/ ;!n,l v;i- .••/•companied by >-'i;. Garnpy Magce of Eugenia. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Ciwhr.ic cf To rento, Mr. Ed, Embury. Gre>r.ban';. ^ - - - visited tha first ol the wcas: v.-;;>. 5^ ^^^^ "^^ ^ Miss M. Cook. Miss Muriel Spicc-r, Toronto, v.c- a week end visitor v.'ith her mothc â- Miss Delln While and Mr. P-obt. Brown cf Toronto motored up for I'.U' week end. Mrs. Brown, vdxo ha> been visiting her mother, rcturnt! home v.ith her husband. »rs. Robt. F.-utle-ige a:-.d^ babe o'. Hcilar.d Centre, Miss Rcta Marshall. Ov,-cn Sound, spent Monday with the'::-^^ parents, Mr. cv.d Mrs. F. Ikiar.<!ha!l. ^ Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Smith, Toro:i- to, wero v-^c': ""d .:<;♦->••<; at V.-. .} GilconV. Mrs. Dr. i';,i;tisor! anU se^n, Uc.;uy Sir's. Bti"'' Thibaudoau of Toronto: Me-'isrs. G. R. Ja;kson ar.d .W. Cravell § cf Dun.!a5 w?r? week end visitc.r,'' $ with Mr. ard M:-s. Donald McLeod. , ^ Oi'rs, Kutlwigc i"! h«ving the root â€" . - ^ jj <♦ •> I I s Toilet Paper 7 ROLLS ?.lc ea-^ 3 TINS *> to eSptes-! their appreciation of of her home shingled. Mr. tJeo. Ar- and fc8-| rowsmith and Mr. Ed.gfly Hss.ird are o."cs'ion -f-tn? the work. I NICE TUiCV 29c DOT. REAL GOCy ^ T A 29c LB. 2 LBS. 5Sc 7 r Ken For Kennedys' Grbceries Dcp.r Madam: Do yoa buy V.\LrD in shortening? Or do you merely puixf.ase pounds of FAT • ; a ijrice. Il i* an ir!dist>".'t':<M-e fact that th^!-',-* cannot b.? â- '-.out good n;al.:r- •;a'.;. It 1= Ti=.- ' th:it th* bo-t carr, >.;n'i '. ^v \1' â- j may SALMON '..\K<.'K 'J"[XS GHOICE PINK iCc Tin TuiPKIN LARGE T?N3 !0c ROSI-: B.^k' T Pnvder 17c TIN ^;i Gound while Norn'.- E U watt the. S.r.all Adrerttroments \ ♦^M^•>^^?s^«<^♦*<9SMSKK^•«^â- •â-