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Flesherton Advance, 10 May 1933, p. 1

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•^hje /ksljjettatt ^t^mnu. Vol. 52; No. 48 FLEvSHERTON, MAY 10, 1933 W, H. Thurston & Son, Proprietors FEVERSHAM DEAN â€" DYCE A qiet but vi-etty wedding was sol- emnized at eleven o'clock on Wednes- day, May 3rd, at the parsonage of the Goipel Worlters' church, Clarks- burg, when Miss Myrtle C. Dyce of Meaford was united in marriage to Rev. F. W. Dean of this village. Rev. P. D. Goff of Clarksburg and Rev. A. E. .Armstrong of Meaford officiated. The happy couple have taken pp their residence in the parsonage here and are welcomed by the villagers, their hosts of friends wishing them a long happy and prosperous journey togeth- er through life. Rev. Dean has been pastor of the Gospel Workers' church here for some time and now has taken a life partner. Congratulations. VANDELEUR MRS. WM. MULLIN A good number of friends and neighbors gathered on Saturday after- noon to pay their last respects to another old resident, Mrs. William MuUin, who passed away on Thursday of last week, at her home here at the age of 82 years. Rev. Shannon of- ficiated at the church service and grave, and based his remarks on the words "Them that are asleep," 1st Thessalonian-3 4: 13. He was assisted by Rev. F. Dean of the Gospel Work- ers' church. The remains were laid tb rest in the family plot in the Presbyterian cemetery. Her hus- band and son,, Lee, predeceased her some years ago. One -son, Edward, is left to mourn the loss of a kind and loving mother and has patiently at- tended hfi- through her long illness. At the church service Rev. and Mrs. E. Dean sang a beautiful duet. "It won't be long; it may be soon." The pallbearere were six of her pupils when she taught school near here some years ago, namely: Messrs. E. Robinson, J. Poole, J. Barber, C. Thomson, John Speer and Jas. Thom- son. A shower was held at the home ol Mr. and Mrs. Fred Boland on Friday evening of last week in honor of, Mr and Mrs. Geo. Shaw, who were rec- ently married. The bride received many useful and valuable gifts and an enjoyable evening was spent by all present. The many friends oi the young- couple wish them a happy and prosperous journey through life At the last Young People's meeting Miss May Graham gave a good papei on the subject of "song." Wilma Cargoe gave out the hymns and Violet Fitzsimmonb read the lesson. Mrs. Will. Hutchinson and Miss Lillian Buchanan had charge of the reci-ea- tional program. The Ladies' Aid held their May meeting at the home of Mrs. Lundy Johnson on Wednesday afternoon of last week, when a good pjjogram was provided. Some arrangements wjrt made for the Sunday school conven- tion which ifi to be held in Vandeleui church early in June. Miss Winnie Graham and Miss Lee of Listowel spent the week end at the former's home here. iMiss Dorothy Hare of Markdalc spent the week end with friends here. Mr. H. L Graham delivered a good Shorthorn calf to a breeder near Hol- stein recently. The Sunday school opened on Sun- day aftei-noon for the summer months with a fairly good attendance. The Go-to-Sunday-School - Day program will be used next Sunday^ afternoon. Mrs. C. Davidson has returned after spending some time in Owen Sound, A meeting was held at the home of Mr. Elmer Warling on .Wednesday evening of last week when a baseball team was organized. The following are the officers: President, H. I. Gra- ham; vice-pres., H. McGee; sec.-treas., H. Thompson; manager, E. Warling; captain, Reg. Hutton. CEYLON It will be necessary for the Trus- tees of OUR school to call a special meeting of the ratepayers of the sec- tion, as we understand that one of the trustees has resigned, as well as two of the teachers. We are glad to report that Mrs. Wilbert Poole, who has been in the Collingwood hospital, has returned home and is somewhat improved in health. Her many friends are hop- ing for her complete recovery soon. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Eby of Colling- wood spent Sunday with the former's parents here. BORNâ€" On Sunday, May 7th, 1933, to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Osborne, a daughter. Mrs. James Brownlee of Colling- wood is visiting with her brother, Mr. H. Alexander, and family here. Mrs. Alexander, iMrs. Jas. Browrn- lee and Mr. H. McKee visited with the former's daughter, Mrs. Will Colquctte, and family in Owen Sound last week. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Alexander and daughter, Jean, were visitors here last week. Mr. Milton NichoU is visiting with his sister and family in Burlington. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Forsythe and children of Owen Sound spent the week end with Mrs. Forsythe's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Eby, here. iMr. and Mrs. Wm. Walters and son, Alex., visited with Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Thomson over the week end. Rev. F. W. Dean preached a very interesting sermon on Sunday morn- ing on "The Beauty of the Lord," Psalm 27: 4. A duet, "The Old Olive Tree," by Rev. and Mrs. Dean, was enjoyed by all- PRICEVILLE JOHN PLESTER DIES There passed away at the Mark- dale hospital, Thursday, May 4th, at 8.30 a.m. John Plcster, who on April 6th was suddenly stricken with ap- pendicitis and rushed to the hospital where he' at onjce was operated on and found in a very serious condition with little hope held for hi.? recovery, although he put up a gallant fight for life, but the end came quietly on Thursday morning. He was a son ot Mrs. Plester and the late John Plestei and was born in Egremont township near Hopeville and was in his 42nd year, receiving his public school edu- L'ation in Egremont ochool section No. 11. He was married to Martha Wat- son^of Proton on Dec. 18th, 1912. About four years ago they moved tc Ceylon to the farm they now (jccupy. He was also agent for implem/.-nts oi the International Harvester Co. of Hamilton. The funeral took place on Saturday afternoon to the Flesh- erton cemetery. Rev. 'Mir. Scott had charge of the service, which was held at the home, giving comforting mess- ages to the bereaved. The caskei was covered with beautiful floral off- erings of sympathy, one being from the Flesherton L. 0. L. He leaves to mourn his loss his sorrowing wife and seven children: Robert, Carlotta, Emerson, Earl, Del- bert, Dorothy and Carman, besides his aged mother, four brothers and three sisters: Charles of Falcon, Alta.. James of Trail, B.C., George of Hope- ville, Mrs. Mathews (Amelia), Berk- ley; Mrs. Sageman (Maggie) Proton Centre and Mrs. Ellis (Sarah) of Dundalk. His mother lives at Hope- ville. The pallbearers were Messrs. Roy Piper, Thos Stewart, Bert Burrel, Ed. Dingwall, Joe White and Thos. White. The funeral was largely attended. The community extends its deepest sympathy to the bereaved family and sorrowing relatives. KIMBERLiiY EUGENIA A meeting of the Library Board was held at the home of .Mrs. Proctor. Mr. and' Mrs. M. Cook and family of iWalters Falls and Mr, and Mrs. Otto Baker and children of Vandeleur visited with Mrs, Ferguson and :;jn3 on Sunday. Mrs. A. Andrew, Mrs. A. E. Myles and Mr. Carl Carruthers spent a few days with friends in Toronto. The W. I. met on Thursday after- noon at the home of Mi-s. Soule and plans were discussed for the 3rd of June. A committee was appointed to see about a play from outside. OffictTi elected for the Pouliry As- sociation are: F. J. Weber, president; Sau! Fav.'cett, Secretary; M. Hutchin- son, Trea.jurer; Norman Burritt, show manager. A number of .special prizes have already been offered. Mr. and Mrs. E. Proctor tzxC family spent a day with Mrs. G. Proctoi-. Jlrs. W. T Ellis visited for a few days with Mr. and Mrs. V, Ellis and Stuart in Collingwood. Messrs. S*-uart and Ellis put out a fine herd of cattle on their pasture hei'H this week. Nearly everyone in the Valley has new rhubarb these days. If we had not the high sugar tax more of it Don't forget that next Sunday is â-  i.Mlothei's Day" in the church here. The church and Sunday school will unite in the service which will be given in the morning. The service will be appropriate for the occasion, Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Smith and child- ren of Rock Mills visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Court. Smith. Mrs, Edgar Betts visited over the week end with friends in Toronto, A foot ball match between the mar- ried and single men of this commun- ity on Saturday evening resulted in a score of 2-0 in favor of the married men, Mr, and Mrs, Edwin Purvis and family of Toronto visited at the for- mei'i parental home over the week end. We congratulate Mr. Russel Cam- eron, M.A., B..\., on his success. He is now performing the duties of house doctor in a Toronto hospital as well as taking up his studies in thtf Uni- versity. Miss Marjorie Benson of the 12th line spent the week end with her par- ents, 'Mr. and Mrs. Will. Benson. a couple ui days at Fairview Villa, returning home Sunday accompanied by his wife, who has been with her mother, Mrs. Williams, who is yet quite ill. We extend our sympathy to Mr. and Mrs. Les. Chard of Rock Mills in the loss of their infant daughter. Mrs. Chard and her sister, Mrs. Thompson of Singhamplon spent the week end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lawlor. iMl-. and Mrs. Gordon Wilson and Mr. and Mrs, J. Wilson and family of Kimberley spent Sunday with Mrs. Wilson and Mr. and Mrs. R. McMillan. Mrs. Jaspar Stuart and children of Meaford spent Sunday with her sis- ter, Mrs. Bert Graham. Miss Georgina .Smith had the mis- fortune to accidentally cut her foot recently, but we are glad to know that her foot is almost better again. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Pedlar of iWare- ham visited one day recently with •Mir. Robt. Plantt. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Lcppard and Mr. R. Park spent a day with the former's brother, Mr. Jos. Leppurd, Beaverdale, and the former's daughter, Mrs. Rody Gordon and children. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Plantt, Bernice and Chester, of Wareham visited re«- Dr. Milne administered the diph- theria antitoxin to some of the child-' ently with the formei-'s father, Mr, might be eaten. It is a real harship jgy j^st. for a great many fiamilies, A number of the boys have caught record fish already this season. Laurie Lawrence won second prize in the Owen Sound contest, and also caught another one the same weight â€" SlVi ounces â€" a few days later. The Entrance class of eight from our shcool is putting in long hours and hard work these days, preparing for examinations. Mrs. Frank Chard is visiting with her daughter at Rock Mills at present. ren in the school section here on Fri- MAXWELL Russell McArthur, 4 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Archie McArthur North Line, died on Saturday after noon. He has never been strong and the past week his condition be came grave and he grew weaker. The funeral was held on Monday after- noon, service being held at the home, with Rev. Dr. Mclvor preaching a comforting sermon. The little white casket was carried by four pallbear- The United church will observe Mother's Day with special services at 7.30 p.m. next Sunday. A choir of ladies will be in attendance. The annual meeting of the Guild of St. Mary'.s .'Anglican church will be held at the home of Mrs. Geo. Lawloi on Thursday, MUy 18th at 2 p.m. All members are especially requested tc Robt. Plantt. ers, Stewart Carson, Murray Mc- Millan, Chas. Kennedy and Chas. Aid- comfortably settled on the MoPhear- corn. Interment was made in Price- son farm, which he has rented. Mrs. White received a telephone message this Tuesday morning that her son, Earl, had passed away from heart trouble. He was 22 years of age. It is expected the body will arrive this Tuesday evening. The funeral is to be held this Thursday] be present. afternoon at 2 p.m. with interment' Miss Margaret Tozer of Toronto is taking place in Flesherton cemetery.': the guest of Mr. Robt. Priestly Sr. Miss Bella Kennedy is visiting he, I Mrs. Geo. Long and children of nephew, Mr. Robert Rutledge. and | Hopeville visit.; J relati'ffes here last family at Holland Centre. j week, Mr. Schramm and family are now , A Toronto man claims to be the first person to be stung by a wasp this year. He can have the same distinction in 1934 as far as Flesher- ton is c-oncemed. StMary's Anglican Church MAXWELL Rector, Rev. Maurice F. Oldham. MOTHER'S SUNDAY, MAY 14th Sunday school at 10 a.m, and divine service at 11 a,m. on Sunday, May 21st. Meeting of Sunday school ex- ecutive of Ospiey township at S p,m. on Friday, May 19th. TRINITY CHURCH, PROTON STA. 2 p.m. â€" Sunday school and Bible class. 3 p.m. â€" Evening prayer, Holy Communion and sermon. "F^ivor is deceitful, and beauty is vain; but a woman that feareth tht Lord, she shall be praised." Proverbs 31: 30. , ville cemetery. Besides his parent"! he leaves to mourn two brothers, Lome and John, and one sister, Kath- leen. A little brother predeceased him last fall at a tender age. Much sympathy is extended to the family. Born on Thursday, May 3rd, to Mr. and Mrs. Angus McLachlan a son. Died on Friday afternoon the infant soil of _Mr. and Mrs. .\ngus McLach- lan. A short service was held on Saturday morning at the house. Rev. Dr. Mclvor preached a comforting message to the sorrowing ones. He was a flower too fair for earth Sent here but for a while, God marked it when he gave it birth And took it with a smile. iMr. Neil McLean is busy drawing the brick for the new church from near Caledon. Next Sunday is Mothers Day and a special message will be given by the pastor. Rev. Dr. Maclvor on the sub- ject, "The Sensible Mother." The Sunday school will join in the service instead of having their service at 10 a.m. and a special program will be observed. In the evening the sub' ject will be "The World Leaders." Misses Almeda and Jean Hincks spent the week end with their sisters Mrs. Chas. Tucker and Mrs. Stanley Harrison. There are a number of people sioV.; Miss McPhail is sick and Miss Edna McCallum, R. N., Flesherton, and Dr. Milne are in attendance and her sis- ter, Mrs. iMlcDermid, South Line, is also ill. Burritt is in attend- ance. We wish all a speedy recov- ery. Read the Small Advertisements EYE SPECIALIST COMING J. G. Russell, R. 0., will be at Armstrong's Jewellery store. May 29, 30. 31. Anyone wish- ing to have their eyes examined, lenses changed, or new frames fitted be sure to come in and see Dr. Russell, Mr, and Mrs, Alex. McDonald and daughter, Miss Isobel and Mr. F. D. Cairns of Weston were week end vis- itors with the latter's sons and their families. Mrs. Hutchinson of Toronto has taken a position as house keeper with Mr. T. Fletcher. Mr. Clarence iMarshall of near Rod- erick spent the week end with his parents. Mr. S. Hemphill and family attend- ed the funeral of a relative at Fever- sham on Saturday, another relative was also buried at Stayner on Satur- dp.v- Miss Agnes Macphail, M. P., ar- rived home Friday from duties at Ottawa. Mr. ami Mrs. T. R. Cook of Ebro- dale were callers on M. Cook the first of the week. Mr. Ross McMuUen, who has been visitin.g his parents returned to To- ronto on Saturday. The Ladies' Aid met at the home of Mrs. Macphail, April 26th, with 28 1 ladies present. The meeting was opened by singing of hymn "All the way iM'y Saviour Jcads Me," followed by Lords Prayer in unison. The presi- dent read a selection from Pilgrims Progress. Roll call was answered by my favorite flower, minutes of March meeting were read and adopt- ed. Mrs. Earl McLeod gave a very intei-esting and instructive talk on "a beautiful and inexpensive flower garden"; Mrs. Snell gave a humorous reading "How to beat the depression." Mrs. F. D. Cairns invited the May meeting to her home. The meeting was closed with hymn "All Hail the Power of Jesus Name," followed by Mizpah benediction. Lunch was then served and a social hour spent in ch?t. On May 14th the Sabbath school will celebrate Mothers Day at 2.3C p.m.. when a splendid program will K' given by the schola'^. There will be a mothers' choir and it is hop- ed everybody will attend this service. Mrs. Wilbert Poole has returned from Colling^vood, where she has been taking treatment at the G. and M. hospital there. We are pleased to report her condition somewhat im- proved. Miss Marion Hawton was the week end guest of her sister, Mrs. Joseph Wright. Dr. A. Leon Hatzan, author, of Niagara Falls, Ontario, visited on Sunday at the home of Mr. Jake Williams. Mr. Hatzan was a for- mer Methodist minister and preached at one time in our village. He is :^ow a doctor and an author. His latest and greatest book is entitled ' Mam'.selle L'ange Vox," (the Lady •.vith the Angel Voice.) Messrs. John and Will. Fenwick of Toronto, the latter's daughter. Miss Sadie, and gentleman f?;end, Mr. Clark, Mr. Arthur Harrel and brother Andrew and Mr. Stanley Carleton, all of Toronto; Mr. Alex. Thauburne of Crillia, also Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Biggar and Miss Muriel Fenwick of Owen Sound were week end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Fenwick and family. The members of the Fen- wick families also called on Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Williams. Mr. Ross Lehman and son. Master Kedley, also Miss Hilda Williams ot Toronto visited the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Williams on Sun- day. Mrs. Lehman returned home with them. The Sunday school attendance was 64 on Sunday. The teachers are Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Camercn. Mrs. L. ROa: MILLS Our sincere sympathy is extended to Mr. and Mis. Les. Chard in their bereavement by the death of their infant daughter. Miss Ruby White of Markdale spent the week end with her mother and brothers here. Mr. George Park of Eugenia called on his old friend, Mr. Wm. Pedlar, one day recently. Mr. Robt. Lee of Owen Sound called on relatives here recently. Miss Ita Pedlar of Markdale was a week end visitor at her home here. Arbor Day was held at our school on Friday, when the children did the usual cleaning of the school and yard. Afterwards their teacher, Miss Oliver, treated all to delicious home-made candy and cocoanuts, which were much enjoyed. Master Bob Meldrum of Portlaw spent the week end with his cousin, Jim Pedlar. CARD OF THANKS We desire to sincerely thank the many friends and neighbors for sym- PORTLAW Latimer, Mi-s. Morgan, Mrs. Martin, pathy extended and kindness shown Miss Georgina Smith and Mrs. Bert Graham. Mr. Cameron has the young boys class at present. Mr. Jack Large had the class before he went away. Mr. Will. Davies of Toronto spent iuring the illness and death of a beloved husband and father, John Plester. Mrs, John Plester and Family, Trv a "Small Advt," The death of Mrs. Wm. Blackburn, which took place on Thui-sday last at her home in Stayner, has cast a gloom over this community. Deceased sus- tained a fracture of her hip bone by falling down stairs and the shock proved more than her nervous system could stand. Sh? was the eldest daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Thompson, pioneers of this neighborhood and spent her girlhood days here on the old Thompson homo- stead. Besides her sorrowing hus- band, who was also a resident of this part before- marriage, she leaves to nioum her loss one married daughter and three brothers and two sisters, all of whom have the sympathy ol 1 their many friends here. The fun- eral took place o;i Saturday last, a number of friends of this part at- tending. Our sympathy goes out to Mr. and Mrs. Le.'Uie Chard in the death ol their little daughter, Evelyn Phyllis, which occurred last week in a To- ronto hospital. iMlothers' Day will be observed next Sunday by Mount Zion Sunday school and congregation. The pastor. Rev. McNeil, will give an illustrateii dis- course. A choir of mothers will have charge of the musical part and al- together a very interesting service is anticipated, Mr. and Mrs. Jordon of Toronto visited with their daughter, Mrs. Walter Nuen. !! BATES BURIAL CO'Y J 124 Avenue Road Toronto DISTINCTIVE FUNERAL SERVICE AT REASONABLE PP.ICES PHONES: NIGHT OR DAYâ€" Klngsdale 4344 â€" 3456 Modern Private Chanel J. W. Bates Fred Maddocks Richard Maddocks, Manasen Formerly of Flesherton **^<"X>**^<'<>^>^^H Read the Small Advertisements CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Chard wish to thank their friends and neighbors and the Rock Mills Ladies* Aid for flowers and sympathy extended to them on their recent bereavement. " The House of Qu^lity ^^ SPECIALS MULTIPLIER ONIOXS per lb. 4c DUTCH SETT ONIONS per lb. 10c TOMATOE JUICE PER TIN 5c SO-\P CHIPS PER LB 7c Flour and Feed RED CLOVER MAM. CLOVER ALSIKE ALFALFA TIMOTHY SWEET CLOVER Purina All Mash Startena for Baby Chicks JA.S A. STEWART FLESHERTON ^-^m-^-^ «i"iwiwiw'»'»< i <f *^ - ''e'^ » ^?'a> w »g*i^i*^ g 'ft»|^g«<'^p^g«r>

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